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CH-11 - Pneumatic Control Circuits

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chapter 11

l'tteuJilatic Control Circuits

a,tJ1ing Objectives .
going through this chapter, you will be able to:
Arer plain the indirect control of double-acting cylinder-
'kexh a ,
ex in the use of qu1c
•, expla ust v~ve in a single-acting pneumatic cylinder;
, explain th~ meth~d of controlling the extension of the double-act
cylinder using lo~c ~at~; _
, sketch an~ expla~ arr p~ot ~on~ol of double-acting cylinder;
, explcµrt with a s~tabl~ crrcwt diagram, application of memory valve
of a
, draw and explain bnefly, the pneumatic circuit for speed control
single-acting cylinder;
of a
, draw and explain briefly, the pneumatic circuit for speed control
double-acting cylinder;
of a
• explain the methods commonly used for controlling the speed
pneumatic cylinder;
• explain supply air throttling and exhaust air throttling with neat sketc
n air
, draw a pneumatic circuit that provides an adjustable deceleratio
cushion at both the ends of stroke for a single-ended piston and explain
working principle;
, explain pressure-dependent control as appli_ed to embossing of
• explain working of two-handed safety control systeJi used in the pneu
system; and
• sketch the circuit for cylinder cycle timing.
• •



A_pn~umatic circuit is formed by various pneumatic components, such as cylinders,
l processing
I directional control valves, flow control valves, pressure regulator, signa
1 ~ents such as shuttle valve two-pressure
valve, etc. Pneumatic circuits have the
' ••
! llowing functions:
• • to control the entry and exit of compressed air in the cylinders;
• to use one valve to control another valve; and
to control actuators or any other pneumatic devices.
354 Hydraulics and Pneumatics

_In the previous chapter, we have studied variou.s types of valve

s. In thi
will study practical applications of these valves.
' 8
l', "-'1!
11.1.1 Direct Control of Single-acting Cylinder
Pneumatic cylinders can be directly controlled by actuation
of the final .

- -
control valve as shown in Figure 11.1.

,• Figure 11.1 Direct Control of a Single-acting Cylinder

Suitability: This circuit can be used for small cylinders
as well as cylind
operate at low speeds where the flow rate requirements are less.
ers that
Forward motion: When the directional control valve is actua
ted by the push b tt
left envelope flow path configuration allows the air to the blan
the piston moves forward against the spring force. k end of the pisto: 0
' an
Return motion: When the push button is released, right
envelope flow path
configuration the reset spring of the valve. The blank end
is now connected to the
exhaust port. The piston retracts due to the spring force.
11.1.2 Indirect Control of Single-Acting Cylinder
Suitability: This type of circuit (Figure 11.2) is suitable for
large single cylinders as
well as cylinders operating at high speeds. The final pilot contr
., ol valve is actuated by
normally closed 3/2 push button operated valve. The final
control valves handle a
large quantity of air.
Forward motion: When the push button is pres5E:d, the 3/2
normally closed v~ve
generates a pilot signal 12 which operates the final valve. Due
to the presence of pilot
signal 12 from the push button, final control valve moves to
the left mode flow path
configuration as shown in Figure 11.2 thereby connecting the
working medium to the
piston side of the cylinder so as to advance the cylinder.
- -
Pneumatic Control Circuits 355

2 Final control valve

,- -
I 1


Figure 11.2 Indirect Control of a Single-acting

, pilot air from the final valve is

Jllotion: When the pus h button is released .
Jef1ll'11 to atmosphere thro~gh 3/2 NC -DCV. 1-1.5 bars. The working pressure passing
~1 ignal pressure required can be around
1"eghs the final control valve depends on the force
requirement that will be aro und
l-6 t,ar.
ng "OR" Valve
Jl.1,3 Control of Single-Acting Cylinder Usi
atic OR valve is shown in Figure 11.3.
Control of single-acting cylinder using pneum

14 12

operated valve OR valve Roller operated valve
2 2 '

r Using OR Valve
Figure 11.3 Control of a Single-acting Cylinde
356 Hydraulics and Pneumatics

Forward motion: When the manually ope

rated push button is pressed, 3/
closed valve generates a pilot signal 14 wh
ich o~rates the OR valve (shuttle 2v~01ln~
available at the OR valve, in turn, operate y
s a final control valve to move the Ve~· <'
to forward position. \it
When the roller is operated, 3/2 nonnally cyllrlde r
closed valve i$ pressed. It gener t
signal 12 which operates the OR valve (sh
turn, operates a final control valve to move e val~e). Air kvailable at the O~ a Pil?t
the cylinder to forward position alve, II\
Thus, the forward motion of the cylinder
operated 3/2 valve OR roller operated 3/2 can be obtained either pressing. m
valve. anu~y
Return motion: When manually operate
released, pilot air from OR valve is not ava 3/2 valve or roller operated 3/2 .
blank end of cylinder is vented through the le to final control valve and air ~alve IS
final control valve. Ill the
11.1.4 Control of Single-acting Cylinder
Using "AND" Valve
Figure 11.4 shows the circuit diagram of
an AND function circuit.

r-- ~- tli- Vf i Final control valve

I !
operated valve
AND valve
Roller operated valve

Figwe 11.4 Control of a Single-acting Cyl

inder Using AND Valve
Forward motion: When only manually ope
rated push button is pressed, 3/2 normally
closed valve generates a pilot signal 14. But
pilot signal 12 is not available because rolle
operated valve is not operated. Therefore, r
cylinder cannot move to forward motio~
When only roller operated, 3/2 normally clo .
signal 12. But pilot signal 14 is not availab sed valve is pressed. It generates ayilot
le because the manually operated valve 15
operated. Therefore, cylinder cannot move not
to forward motion.
When both manually operated push but
pressed simultaneously both pilot signals ton and roller operated push _butto~
14 and 12 operate AND valve. Air availab
Pneumatic G?ntrol Circuits 357

l control valve to move the cylinder

rt 2 of the AN D valve, in tum , operates a fina
atl'°.....,ard position.
IO fo1"
ma nua lly operat_ed 3/2 v~ ve OR r~ller operated 3/2 valve
efU!l1 010ti~n: :w1 'en
ilable to final control valve and air
ased, pilot air fro m the AN D valve 1s not ava
1 blank end of cyl ind er is vented thr oug h final control valve.
al Control Valve Show
Usi ng Two-Way-Two-Position Direction
11.1,5 Can be Achieved:
How the Following Logic Functions
(I) OR, (11) AND, and (III) NOT
OR circ uit is one in wh ich a con trol signal at any valve will pro duc e
OR Function: An This is
. Thu s, all the con tro l sig nal s mu st be off for the out put not to exist.
output If any one of
thr ee valves are hooked in parallel.
:Om plis hed in Figure 11.5, in wh ich
an out put .
the valves is pressed, it will pro duc e
Sup ply

Out put

Figure 11.5

AND Function mo re
sho ws a circ uit tha t pro vid es AN D function, wh ich requires tha t two
Figure 11.6 sists of 2 two -
to obt ain an out put . The circuit con
control signals mu st exist in ord er valves, valves are connected in series
on, han d ope rat ed, spr ing off set
way, two-positi If any of the
trol sig nal s (if all val ves are pre sse d) exist the n out put exists.
If all con
l dis app ear .
control signal is removed, out put wil

Out put
2 3


358 Hydraulics and Pneumatics

NOT Function
In a NOT function, the output is ON
when the single input control is OF
versa. This is illustrated in Figure 11.7, F
w~ch shows that the output will no
control signal is received. Second wa a~d Vice
y to unplement NOT function is to
valve. u~~st if the

NOT using 2/2 way DC valve

NOT using 3/2 way DC valve


Speed control of single-acting cylinder:

speed control of a single cylinder is sho Two positions of a pneumatic circuit f th

- -
wn in Figure 11.8.
or e
I '

I I IY11+~Jfi~
I ' Air nows through ~- ,
check valve . ,- .!
t Air nows through
throttle valve

l I
(a) Initial position (b) Actuated position
Figuretl.8 Speed Control of a Single
-acting Cylinder
Forward motion: When manually
operated 3/2 DC valve is pressed, as
Figure 11.S(b), port 2 is connected to shown in
port 1 allowing the air to flow throug
The compressed air then flows to the h the valve(
cylinder through a throttle valve. Th~
the forward motion of the cylinder s~
can be controlled by adjusting the sett 0 d;
throttle valve. ing
Pneumatic Control Circuits 359

Wh en a ma nua lly ope rate d 3/2 valve is released, the air is exhausted
orion: ed (Figure
"'gh~e byp ass che ck val ve and the cylinder retracts with the normal spe
~etU ke of the
speed control during the return stro
lfil0°)) It may be not ed tha t to get the may be reversed.
11.B(ad • the connection of the throttle
cylin er,
Control of Do ubl e-a cti ng Cylinder Using Memory Valve/ Air Pilot
11 •1 Control of Double-acting Cylinder

4 2 Memory valve
2 Memory valve ~1 _4 _; -~ -, !~- --- -~
141"T""rTt"--r71-la..c2'-----, I
,-- --
' I

Ret urn '2

Sup ply
(b) Signal from the valve •Forward"
(a) Signal from the valve •Re turn •
ble-acting Cyl inder Using Memory Valve
Figure 11.9 Indirect Control of Dou
: Wh en a 3/2 -w ay val ve me ant for forward motion (Figure 11.9b)
Forward motion pilot
d, the 5/2 me mo ry val ve sw itch es over through the signal app lied to its
is presse uble piloted
ains in the forward end position. Do
port 14. The piston travels out and rem e now even if this pu sh but ton me
kno wn as me mo ry val ve bec aus
valve is also sta tus as the
ard is rele ase d the fina l 5/2 con trol valve remains in the actuated
forw re and the
exposed to the atmosphere pre ssu
~th the pil?t ~orts of 5/2 valves areition.
piston remains m the forward end pos
e 11.9a) is
mo tion : Wh en the 3/2 -w ay valve meant for ret urn motion (Figur
Ret urn
-wa y val ve sw itch es bac k to init ial position thr oug h the signal app lie d
pr~sse~, the 5/2 the rea r
11 ?! por t 12. The pis ton the n ret urn s to its initial position and remains in
to its P is released the sta tus of the cyl ind·er
e~d positihoang n. Now even if the ret urn pus h but ton
w111 not c e.
360 Hydraulics and Pneumatics
Th circuit is called a memory circuit bec
ause it uses a 5/ 2-way double il
valve~ A 5/2-way valve can remembe~
of the spool in the absence of reset spn the last signal a~~lied in terms o1
ngs, thus memonsmg or storing the~! ll\ ~~
signal. Double piloted 4/2-way valve can P<>stti<l!\
also be used as memory valve. Pne
11.2.2 Methods Employed for Contr
olling the Speed of Double-actin
Cylinder / Supply Air Throttling and
Exhaust Air Throttling g
In many pneumatic applications, it is
different speeds. Therefore, speed con uire4 to operate different compo
trol of double-acting cylinder is neces
control of pneumatic cylinders can be nents Wi~
achieved by regulating the flow rats
air or exhaust air. There are two types f thr ttli . . aryef •Spee{
o o ng cir cm ts or spe ed contro 0 SUpPi
double-acting cylinders: l cir . l
{i) Supply air throttling CUits fo\
{ii) Exhaust air throttling
Supply air throttling: This metho
d of speed control of double-actin
also called meter-in the circuit (Figur g cylinders ,
e 11.l0a). For supply air throttling,
control valves are installed so that air ent one
I '
ering the cylinder is throttled. The exh -way~
escape freely through the check valve aust air a
of the throttle valve on the outlet
cylinder. There is no air cushion on side of d
the exhaust side of the cylinder pis
, throttling arrangement. As a result, con ton with~
siderable differences in stroking vel
I be obtairted even with very small var ocity IIlj
direction of operating motion will acceler ons of load on the piston rod. Any load in 1
air throttling can be used for single-acting the piston above the set velocity. Therefore, su~
and small volume cylinders.
Double-acting cylinder Double-acting cylinder

' I
I I :-· ·-·-i
I '

I I :-·-· ·-i
• I •
! \ FCV2 ! iFCV4
t_, ... ..; I •

\ ~---· I

\ 5/2DCvalve
4 5/2 DC valve
4 2

(a) Supply air throtting
(b) Exhaust air thr
Figure 11.10 Throttling Circuits
Pneumatic Control Circuits 361

thr ottling : Thi s met hod of thro ttlin g provides an adjustable deceleration air
h ust air
p•~on at both ends of the stroke for a single rod

cJr'J1rlS method of speed co~trolthroofttlin ~ouble-acting cylinders is also called
0b). In exh aust air g, thro ttle relief valves are installed between the
...,,re 11.1
aust air leaving the cylinder is throttled
and the main valve in such a way that the exh ply air can pass freely through the
~,·:th directions of the motion of the cylinder. this case, the piston is loaded between two
The sup
e. In
,n rresponding check valves in each cas
ions of air whi le the cylinde r is in mot ion and hence a smooth motion of the cylinder can
cosh oug h
to supply air entering the cylinder thr
: obtained. The first cushion effect is due to the exhaust air leaving the cylind
and sec ond cus hio n effe ct is due
check val ve, practically
gh the thro ttle val ve at a slo we r rate. Therefore, exhaust air throttling is
con trol of dou ble- acting cyli nde rs. Arr anging throttle valves in this wa y
ll' sed for the speed of feed behaviour.
~ntributes substantially to the improv
and Exh aust Air Throttling
Table 11.1 Comparison between Sup ply
air lhrotllin
is the In exhaust air throttling, exhaust air
1. In supply air throttling, air entering leaving the cylinder is throttled in bot
h the
n of
cylinder is throttled in each directio
motion of cylinder.
directions of motion of the cylinder.
The supply air can pass freely.
2 Exhaust air can pas s freely.
F h two In this case, piston is loaded wit h two
3. In this case, piston is not load ed wit r is in motion.
ay ion. cushions of air whe n cylinde
cushions of air whe n cylinder is in mot
e Smooth motion of piston is possible.
y 4. Smooth motion of piston is not possibl
Practically used.
5. used for small cylinders.

ers Using OR Valve

11.2.3 Control of Double-acting Cylind
extend and
init ion of the pro ble m: A larg e bore double-acting cylinder is to
Def pressed.
h button valve or foot-pedal valve is
punch a work-piece wh en either a pus atic
r is to retr act wh en a sec ond pus h button is pressed. Develop a pneum
1!'e ':}'lin?e
Cll'Cu1t to unplement this task using OR h
itio ns of the circ uit for the con trol task, with signal inp ut from the pus
Two pos sho wn in
ut from a foot-pedal valve alone, are
b~tton valve is alone and signal inp
Figure 11.11.
s to the
is pressed, air from the source goe
~en sio n stroke: When a pus h but ton a pilot signal 14 to 5/2 DC valve. Th
out put of the OR val ve giv es
.1 ;~v e. The
0 1 11 shifts the valve to the left envelope flow pat h configuration and the air
:~ : S::t 4
the cylinder extends. Similarly, we can
th= ~~ de blank end of the piston and act
e~l by ope rati ng the foo t ped al val ve. Note that the cylinder will not retr
omati valve.
ca Ybecause 5/2 valve is a memory

362 Hydraulics and Pneumatics


4 :2

14 1
--11'-L <------ --,
I ------1 14 1

* -~ ~
{a) Signal from push button

Figure 11.11

(b) Signal from foot peda}

Retraction stroke: When a push button meant for return stroke is pressed, the output
of the OR valve gives a pilot signal 12 to 5/2 DC valve. The pilot signal 12 shifts the
valve to the right envelope flow path configuration and air from the blank end of the
piston is exhausted to the atmosphere through the 5/2 valve.
I I Flow control valve, provided at the outlet of the cylinder, controls the forward speed
l' I
of the cylinder by controlling the amount of air flow from the rod side.

11.2.4 Control of Double-acting Cylinders Using AND Valve/Two-Hand

Safety Circuit
Definition of the problem: A large bore double-acting cylinder is to extend and
clamp the workpiece when two push button valves are pressed simultaneously. For
safety reasons, these push button valves are installed in such a way that both the valves
cannot be operated with one hand, that is, both hands must be used to operate these
two valves. The cylinder is to retract when any one or both push buttons are release.d•
Develop a pneumatic circuit to implement this task using AND valve.
Extension stroke: When only left-3/2 hand operated valve is pressed,_ air fro~
source goes to AND valve. Then: will be no output of AND valve and arr from.
valve goes to the atmosphere through right- 3/2 hand operated the valve. Sirnil~ 1
when only right-3/2 hand operated valve is pressed, air from the source goes tot the
valve. There will be no output of AND valve and air from AND valve goes O are
atmosphere through the left- 3/2 hand operated the valve. When both the val:t is
pressed as shown in Figure 11.12(b). There will be an output of AND valve.
Pneumatic Control Circuits 363
end of the
, t 14 of the 5/2 DC valve. Air from the 5/2 DC valve goes to blank
~,;ta tinder moves forward.
~~c y -

....._~ I


:2 2
1 1
1 14 ----- --I ,--_..;;.12"-' H .....1_4- .....

(a) Signal from one push butto n (b) Signal from two push- button s


released ( say
~on stroke: When any one of the hand operated 3/2 valve is
output from
t;if .:J/2 valve in Figure (a)), then there will not be any pilot signal 14
configuration as
:~v ~ and spring return 5/2 valve occupies the right envelope
mF1gure 11.12(a) and cylinder returns to its initial position.

IU.S Application of OR and AND Logic for Double-acting Cylinder

is operated. If
tdouble-acting cylinder is to advance if one of the two push buttons
circuit diagram
~h buttons is released, the cylinder retracts. Draw a pneumatic
tion. (VTU Jan 2007)
So shuttle valve (Logic OR) to perform the above opera
lution is shown in Figure 11.13.
will be a pilot
~~o n stroke: When either valve 1 or valve 2 is pressed, there
is applied to
!/2Dc4 from OR valve to 5/2 DC memory valve. When pilot signal 14
guration. In
liisCOnfilllemo~ valve, DC valve shifts to the left en~elop flow p~th confi extended.
Sllratton, air goes to the blank end of the cylinder and cylinder gets

1, l.I

I 364 Hydraulics and Pneumatics

Double-acting cylinder



3/2 DC valve 2

Compressed air
Figure 11.13

Return stroke: When either

valve 1 or valve 2 is release
pilot signal 14 from the OR va d, the
lve. Memory valve shifts to rig re will not be any
configuration, in which air from ht en
the blank end of the cylinder go velope flow path
es to the atmosphere.
2. The piston rod of a cylinde
r is
workpiece retainer, a guard ha to advance only if a workpiece is inserted in the
s been lowered and the opera
button valve, upon the release tor presses the push
of push button or if the guar
lower position, cylinder has to d is no longer in the
retract to the initial position.
logic function pneumatic circu Ex plain with a suitable
it satisfying the above conditi
Solution: on. (VTU Dec 2010)
Solution is shown in Figure 11.14
Extension stroke: When the wo
rk is placed in the work retainer,
and when the guard is in lower valve 2 gets ~ctu;~
is not pressed, then AND co
any pilot air from AND Valve
position, the valve 3 gets actua
ndition at AND valve 1 is not sa ted. If the push ot beui
tisfied so there w n \
If the push button is also operated d. 1 weredl,
then AND condition at AND Va after the work is in its place, ~ d guar~° va 1v e l
is also satisfied and pilot line 14 1 is satisfied and AND condition at DC valve,
from output of AND Valve 2
and the cylinder moves forwa operates 5/ 2

' I
Pneumatic Control Circuits 365

Double-acting cylinder
' I

4 2
5/2 DC valve


1; 1
r---- i----,
. I

Guar d in place
Work in place 2 Valve 3
Valve 2 I \


Figure 11.14

Retraction stroke: If any one of the AND condition is not

satisfied, like if gua rd is
not lowered or if push butt on is not pres sed then there will not
valve 2 and cylinder retur ns to its original position.
be any outp ut at AND
3 a doub le-a ctin g cyli nder .
•AP~astic component is emb osse d usin g a die pow ered by
it diag ram invo lvin g a
Explam the above oper ation with a neat pneu mati c circu
pressure sequence valve. (VTU Jan 2007/Dec 2010 /Jan 2010 (2002 sche me) )
to s~ow the arra ngem ent.
Th~f~:e dra'rin~ th~ c~cuit. A schematic diag ram is draw n
is sei t ~ati c cu~u1t 1s show n in Figure 11.15. The
pres sure 1n the sequ ence valv e
is tap; d ; working pressure and the signal inpu t
to the pres sure sequ ence valv e
gaug e the
pressure on~ ~e po~ er line from port 4 of valve 1.1 to the cyli nder to
1st ). .
As shoWn. e C, on side of the cylinder (embossing pressure
thro ugh valv es 1.2 and
1.1 and cyUn~ igure 11.15, whe n valve 1.2 is pressed, air goes
the power linee~ moves forward. Whe n the cylinder mov
ing forw ard the pres sure in
emb ossi ng
om port 4 of 1.1 to the cylinder will not buil d up to the set
366 Hydraulics and Pneumatics
pressure? When the cylinder is fully extended, the pres
sure built u
sufficient embossing pressure. When the set pressure is
the sequence v) re~ulting •
the integrated 3/2 DC valve is actuated, generating an 18
used to reset the final control element 1.1 and thus, caus?utput sig nat ~ ~each:
ing the return s s1gt\a} •
cylinder. lll.Otio IS
n of thE

._.t+ --D ie

..__ .,.,_ _Par t

1.0 - 1.3 1.0 1.3

Pooition when v,Ive I.I !
is moving to the final +--- --.
end-position _ 4 : 2 1.1

-----------' L.: ·--- ~4 ...........u.,i.,,.~·1_2_ _ __

3; : 1.5
I I •••••••••••••-••••• 15

1 :I Q6 bar.-.-..... 2 : 1
.+;;;.., I
\~bar 2
: I I • •

I••• ••••••••
1 3: ::
,, L...j.. .1,.-

1 3
--- --- 12 ~- ---, ---- ____, I

T . I
Pressure sequence valve
L--- -~.. ..;;- 1~2 - • - • t· ···-----··
: . Pressure sequence valve

1 ~22 1.3
F O ILJ...U 0--3

1 3
(a) Position when cylinder is extending (b) Position when cylinder is fully extended

Figure 11.15
Pneumatic Control Circuits '367


11 4
' Po"jtions of a pneumatic circuit for the control task, at the instant the roller
11te ~o ressed and when the cylinder begins to retract after the set delay time, are
f3ive i.S, p the Figure 11.16. The required time delay is set using the time delay valve.
shown;'; initiates the forward motion of the cylinder. When the cylinder is fully
vatved the roller valve 1.3 is actuated and an output signal is generated. This signal
t d to pilot port 12 of the time delay valve as shown in Figure ll.16(a). The time
15app ie Ive issues an output signal only after the lapse of time of 5 seconds from the
delalir v~on of signal at the port 12 to cause the return motion of the cylinder as shown
app ca
in Figure 11.16(b).


- - - I I
1.1 41 12

14'-r'TTT"".,.; 12

I 1 1 5 sec 1.5
: 1.5
't' sec
I - - - - - - - - - - - -I

12 ~lhi'.-i ?3''

I (a) Position at the instant roller valve is pressed (b) Position when cylinder begins to retract after a delay of 't' a

Figure 11.16
.T~ical applications of quick exhaust valves for single-acting and double-acting
cylinders are shown in Figure 11.17.

Use ofquick exhaust valve in single-actuating cylinder

Forward moti
configurationtn: When a 3/2 direction control valve is pressed (left mode flow path
• in the qui air from the compressor goes to port P (1), of the quick exhaust valve.
c exhaust valve pushes flexible ring and covers the exhaust port R (3). Air
368 Hydraulics and Pneumatics

then enters the cylinder through port A (2) of the quick exhaust valve t
The cylinder moves forward. 0 th
. e cylinder
Single-acting cylinder Double-acting cylinder

3/2DCValve 2 Quick exhaust valve 3

Quick exhaust Valve

Figure 11.17 Application of Quick Exhaust Valve for Single- and Double-act
ing Cylinders
Return motion: When 3/2 direction control valve is depressed
(right mode fl
path configuration), exhaust air from the cylinder is directly exhausted
to atmospi-:
through opening R (3). Port 3 is usually provided with a silencer to minim
due to exhaust.
ize the noise


' Use ofquick exhaust valve in double-actuating cylinder (VTU Dec. 2010)
I. Forward motion: When 4/2 direction control valve is pressed Qeft
mode flow pa~
configuration, air from the compressor goes to the blank end of the piston
valve. The cylinder moves forward.
To port P (1), of the quick exhaust valve. Air in the quick exhaust
valve pushes
' ' flexible ring and covers the exhaust port R (3). The air then enters the
cylinder througlj
\ ' port A (2) of the quick exhaust valve to the cylinder. The cylinder move
I s forward.
l,I I

Return motion: When 4/2 direction control valve is depressed


I path configuration), exhaust air from the cylinder is directly exhaust~

(right mode
I through opening R (3). Port 3 is usually provided with a silencer to roiniIY _atmosp ise
r ·1 due to exhaust.
UU lhe no

'I :'.•!1' I
I :• • \'
\ h ·/'I \·' I

Forward motion: When a 3/2 direction control valve is pressed Qeft 6

l . .. l. I
m;: :'!ot1
configuration), prepared air from FRL unit generates pilot signal 14
.l '
Pll ' '
' '
an th:cyliJldel'
valve moves to the left mode flow path configuration. The air then enters
Pneumatic Control Circuits 369

cylinder can
the 5/2 valve. The cylinder moves forward. Forward speed of the
gh .
thfOU lied by adjusting the needle flow control valve.
Double-acting cylinder R

Roller actuate d
2 valve

5/20C valve

14 12

3/2 DC valve
pushb utton 2

FRLun it
j' i
j •
! i
! I

•'·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·' 1
Compressed air

Figure 11.18 Cylinder Cycle Timing Diagram

ion, it oper ates a

Return motion: When the cylinder reaches its forward end posit
mem ory valve. The
roller actuated 3/2 valve that, in tum, send s pilot signal 12 to 5/2
air from the blan k
memory valve now moves the right mode configuration, and the
side is exhausted to the atmosphere throu gh the memory valve. •
Thus, this circuit gives timed cylinder extend and retract cycle.
Review Questions
• Explain indirect control of double-acting cylinder with neat
2 . (VTU Jan 2007/Jan 2010)
mati c cylin der
• ~:am the use of quick exha ust valve in a single-acting pneu(VTU Jan 2007)
neat sketch. .
3 wi_1th two
•: the aid of circuit diagram, based on AND logic funct ion, using
the circuit.
ressure pneumatic valve briefly explain the work ing princ iple of
(VTU July 2014/Jan 2007/Jan 2008)

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