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Class Project - Material Design

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Material Design Classroom Project Report

Task 1: Description of the teaching environment

Task 2. Discovering the learners’ needs

Natalia Licona Pérez

Sara Daniela Restrepo Rada

María José Torres Martínez

Licenciatura en Bilingüismo con Énfasis en Inglés

Eighth semester


Material Design

Lic. Loraine Galvan Zuñiga

September 14th, 2021


Task 1: Description of the teaching environment

This class project takes place in Sagrado Corazon de Jesus School, located in the
Santa Catalina neighborhood of the municipality of Turbaco, Bolivar. It is a private
institution with a religious approach and a comprehensive teaching pedagogical model.
Students’ socio-economic stratum is between 2 and 3. The student population is around 302
students divided into levels of training levels from preschool, elementary, secondary, and
high school in a single grade. Regarding the physical structure and the resources of the
institution, it is a medium-sized school with one classroom per grade, restrooms, a teacher’s
lounge, and a playground. Each classroom is equipped with air conditioning, whiteboard,
television, and chair with arms and for first grades shared tables with chairs.
This project will be developed with eighth-grade students, this group has about thirty-
one students belonging to stratum three with ages ranging from twelve to thirteen years,
through observation it was possible to perceive that the female gender is predominant, most
of the students are Catholic, however, some students belong to other religious groups,
students with physical or learning disabilities are not present in this classroom. This group is
part of secondary school, therefore their classes begin at 6:40 am, which lasts forty minutes
and is carried out in classrooms equipped with a TV and desks for each student, then the
students have a twenty-minute break, at the end of this, the students continue their classes and
their school day ends at 1:00 pm. The present pandemic has generated problems that impact
the teaching and learning process of students, such as connectivity problems to virtual
classes, failures in the electricity supply, and demotivation on the part of students, to solve
these problems the institution implemented alternation not compulsory for all courses.
The Sagrado Corazon de Jesus school does not handle a concept of bilingualism,
however, the institution works in intensive English, learning it as a foreign language. Due to
the alternation, that is handled, in which the students who wanted to return to the present are
working from school, those who stayed at home had to present a letter indicating the
supporting reasons for which they do not return, in this sense, the classes are developed in a
face-to-face and students who are at home, listen and attend classes through a virtual room.
Currently, 2 hours of the class are taught a week for each course, teaching the skills of the
language not insulated, instead of through specific themes and vocabulary; however,

normally the hours set for English are 5 hours per week for all students. Texts from a specific
publisher are not handled, technological tools, reading materials, worksheets, online and face-
to-face didactic games are used in the order of carrying out the classes.
The teacher has her syllabus at hand, always trying to fulfill what is established there; which
is linked with the curriculum, the Basic Learning Rights, and the PEI school educational
project, raising achievements for each class that must be fully fulfilled.


Task 2. Discovering the learners’ needs

Teaching and learning are ongoing processes that require constant changes and
improvement. Through need analysis, is possible to identify strengthens and weaknesses and
work on them, in the same way, it facilitates the design of the materials. Hiriyadi and Rizma
(2019) state that needs analysis is crucial in ELT and ESL, if we fail to gather the needs of
teachers, students, parents, and administrators, we can never produce the right material,
which has the desired impact on language learners. Recognize all those aspects and create
suitable and meaningful materials are essential for conducting a successful teaching-learning
process. Focusing on the way of gathering information about necessities, lacks, and wants of
the educational community, there is a convenient instrument to identify them which is the
survey questionnaire. As Dornyei and Tatsuya (2010) pose in their book “Asking questions is
one of the most natural ways of gathering information” p.1. A survey questionnaire is a tool
straightforward to design and administrate, specifically if it is going to be applied to a large
population. For instance, a school community. Regarding some advantages of this gathering
information tool, it could be done in a written or in an online way, it is possible to make it up
by various types of questions and let us collect a large amount of information. Creating a
bridge between teachers’ doubts and students’ answers.


Hello dear students, today we need your help answering this short survey in order to know
more about your learning English process, what you like and don’t like about, and what you
prefer during the classes. This with the objective of improving the English teaching-learning

We hope you can help us!

1. How do you usually feel during English classes?

Desmotivated ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Motivated

Bored ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Excited

Uncomfortable ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Comfortable

2. My performance in the English class this year has been

Bad ___ Regular ___ Good ___ Excellent ____

3. Number the activities from 1 to 5, being number 1 what you most like

___ Listening activities

___ Reading activities

___ Grammar activities

___ Speaking activities

___ Writing activities

4. The teacher should use videos during the class to support the explanations

Strongly disagree ___ Disagree ___ Agree ___ Strongly agree ___

5. I consider that doing activities with songs and karaoke helps me to improve my
listening and pronunciation.

Strongly disagree ___

Disagree ___

Agree ___

Strongly agree ___

6. In a scale from 1 to 10, being 1 the lowest level and 10 the highest level, how you rate
your performance in following skills:

Listening 1 __ 2 __ 3__ 4 __ 5 __ 6 __ 7 __ 8 __ 9 __ 10 __

Writing 1 __ 2 __ 3__ 4 __ 5 __ 6 __ 7 __ 8 __ 9 __ 10 __

Reading 1 __ 2 __ 3__ 4 __ 5 __ 6 __ 7 __ 8 __ 9 __ 10 __

speaking 1 __ 2 __ 3__ 4 __ 5 __ 6 __ 7 __ 8 __ 9 __ 10 __

7. Written practice activities of grammar structures and vocabulary make me feel...

Desmotivated ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Motivated

Bored ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Excited

Uncomfortable ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Comfortable

8. It is easy for me to create sentences and have conversations implementing the

vocabulary taught in class.

Strongly disagree ___ Disagree ___ Agree ___ Strongly agree ___

9. I use the English language naturally in the classroom to communicate with my

classmates and teachers.

Always ______

Usually ______

Sometimes _____

Hardly ever _____

Never ______

10. My voluntary participation during English class and in English activities this year has

Bad ___ Regular ___ Good ___ Excellent ___


Dornyei, Z. and Tatsuya, T. (2010) Questionnaires in Second Language Research.

London Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.

Hariyadi, A. and Rizma, D. (2019) THE IMPORTANCE OF NEEDS ANALYSIS IN

MATERIALS DEVELOPMENT. Jurnal Ilmiah Profesi Pendidikan 4 (2): 94 –


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