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12-06 22:03:01.

021 917 917 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 54112 tx_bad 147
rx_good 58676 tx_retry 721689
12-07 04:52:28.730 21689 21689 E _V_ANRManager: mPackageName = com.vivo.gallery,
Get anr service = com.vivo.app.anr.IANRManager$Stub$Proxy@476dfbd
12-07 04:52:28.795 21689 21768 E _V_SuperResolutionManager: getService: return
12-07 05:45:14.449 21689 21859 E _V_VG_VG_Fatal_: isLowTemperature, getcpu temp
failure| batteryTemp:36
12-07 05:45:15.757 21689 21859 E _V_image_preference: model error:
open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
12-07 05:45:16.862 21689 21859 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to
open /proc/852/cmdline (No such file or directory)
12-07 05:45:18.813 21689 21859 I chatty : uid=10056(com.vivo.gallery)
com.whatsapp.w4b identical 3484 lines
12-07 05:45:18.813 21689 21859 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to
open /proc/852/cmdline (No such file or directory)
12-07 05:45:18.843 21689 32147 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to
open /proc/852/cmdline (No such file or directory)
12-07 05:45:18.934 21689 32147 I chatty : uid=10056(com.vivo.gallery)
com.whatsapp.w4b identical 108 lines
12-07 05:45:18.935 21689 32147 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to
open /proc/852/cmdline (No such file or directory)
12-07 05:45:18.936 21689 21859 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to
open /proc/852/cmdline (No such file or directory)
12-07 05:45:18.936 21689 21859 I chatty : uid=10056(com.vivo.gallery)
com.whatsapp.w4b identical 2 lines
12-07 05:45:18.936 21689 21859 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to
open /proc/852/cmdline (No such file or directory)
12-07 05:45:18.937 21689 32147 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to
open /proc/852/cmdline (No such file or directory)
12-07 05:45:18.937 21689 32147 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to
open /proc/852/cmdline (No such file or directory)
12-07 05:45:18.951 21689 21859 E _V_image_preference: model error:
open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
12-07 05:45:21.240 21689 21859 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to
open /proc/852/cmdline (No such file or directory)
12-07 05:45:22.890 21689 21859 I chatty : uid=10056(com.vivo.gallery)
com.whatsapp.w4b identical 2864 lines
12-07 05:45:22.890 21689 21859 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to
open /proc/852/cmdline (No such file or directory)
12-07 05:45:22.890 21689 21859 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to
open /proc/852/cmdline (No such file or directory)
12-07 05:45:23.286 21689 21859 I chatty : uid=10056(com.vivo.gallery)
com.whatsapp.w4b identical 610 lines
12-07 05:45:23.286 21689 21859 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to
open /proc/852/cmdline (No such file or directory)
12-07 05:45:23.287 21689 21859 E _V_VG_VivoVideoSummaryWrapper: mDecodeVideo ==
12-07 05:45:23.364 21689 21859 E VideoClassify: libtensorflow_inference.so 库加载成功
12-07 05:45:23.832 21689 21859 E VideoClassify: TensoFlow 模型文件加载成功
12-07 05:45:24.399 21689 21859 E _V_VG_VivoVideoSummaryWrapper: mDecodeVideo ==
12-07 05:45:27.285 21689 21859 E _V_VG_VivoVideoSummaryWrapper: mDecodeVideo ==
12-07 05:45:27.646 21689 21859 E _V_VG_VivoVideoSummaryWrapper: mDecodeVideo ==
12-07 05:45:30.391 21689 21859 E _V_VG_VivoVideoSummaryWrapper: mDecodeVideo ==
12-07 05:45:30.743 21689 21859 E _V_VG_VivoVideoSummaryWrapper: mDecodeVideo ==
12-07 05:45:32.648 21689 21859 E _V_VG_QueryHelper: batchQueryData cursor query
12-07 05:45:32.654 21689 21859 E _V_VG_QueryHelper: batchQueryData cursor query
12-07 05:45:32.730 21689 21859 E _V_VG_GalleryUtils: getCountFromDB cursor query
fail!, uri= content://media/external/images/media
12-07 05:59:51.243 21689 21689 E _V_VG_VG_Fatal_: isLowTemperature, getcpu temp
failure| batteryTemp:34
12-07 06:00:10.701 482 2196 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState]
foreground:com.vivo.gallery, pid:21689, uid:10056
12-07 06:00:11.433 21689 21689 E _V_SensorManager: registerListenerImpl type:1
strType=android.sensor.accelerometer delay:200000 maxLatency:0 by: class
android.view.OrientationEventListener$SensorEventListenerImpl num: 0
12-07 06:00:11.822 21689 21689 E _V_AnimHelper_SpringEffectHelper: flinger
exception : java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: No field mViewFlinger in class
Lcom/android/gallery3d/vivo/widget/VivoRecyclerView; (declaration of
'com.android.gallery3d.vivo.widget.VivoRecyclerView' appears in VivoGallery.apk!
12-07 06:00:12.158 21689 3611 E ion : ioctl c0044901 failed with code -1:
Invalid argument
12-07 06:00:13.052 21689 21689 E _V_VG_VivoVideoSummaryWrapper: mDecodeVideo ==
12-07 06:00:13.678 21689 3675 E Surface : freeAllBuffers: 4 buffers were freed
while being dequeued!
12-07 06:00:13.679 21689 3674 E Surface : freeAllBuffers: 3 buffers were freed
while being dequeued!
12-07 06:00:13.757 21689 3676 E Surface : freeAllBuffers: 4 buffers were freed
while being dequeued!
12-07 06:00:13.787 21689 21689 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl
r=NULL num: 1
12-07 06:00:13.918 21689 3709 E Surface : freeAllBuffers: 4 buffers were freed
while being dequeued!
12-07 06:00:14.071 21689 21689 E _V_SensorManager: registerListenerImpl type:1
strType=android.sensor.accelerometer delay:200000 maxLatency:0 by: class
android.view.OrientationEventListener$SensorEventListenerImpl num: 0
12-07 06:00:14.258 21689 21689 E BbkTitltView: setIconViewVisible failed id[7]
12-07 06:00:14.266 21689 21689 E BbkTitltView: setIconViewVisible failed id[7]
12-07 06:00:15.804 21689 21689 E BbkTitltView: setIconViewVisible failed id[7]
12-07 06:00:15.842 21689 21689 E BbkTitltView: setIconViewVisible failed id[7]
12-07 06:00:31.740 21689 29369 E _V_VG_RecycleUtils:
moveTrashByMediaProvider:java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Changing ownership
from /storage/emulated/0/Android/media/com.whatsapp/WhatsApp/Media/WhatsApp
Images/IMG-20231206-WA0108.jpg to
WA0108.jpg not allowed
12-07 06:00:31.759 21689 29369 E _V_VG_RecycleUtils:
moveTrashByMediaProvider:java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Changing ownership
from /storage/emulated/0/Android/media/com.whatsapp/WhatsApp/Media/WhatsApp
Images/IMG-20231206-WA0107.jpg to
WA0107.jpg not allowed
12-07 06:00:31.913 21689 29369 E _V_VG_RecycleUtils:
moveTrashByMediaProvider:java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Changing ownership
from /storage/emulated/0/Android/media/com.whatsapp/WhatsApp/Media/WhatsApp
Images/IMG-20231206-WA0103.jpg to
WA0103.jpg not allowed
12-07 06:00:31.930 21689 29369 E _V_VG_RecycleUtils:
moveTrashByMediaProvider:java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Changing ownership
from /storage/emulated/0/Android/media/com.whatsapp/WhatsApp/Media/WhatsApp
Images/IMG-20231206-WA0104.jpg to
WA0104.jpg not allowed
12-07 06:00:31.963 21689 29369 E _V_VG_RecycleUtils:
moveTrashByMediaProvider:java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Changing ownership
from /storage/emulated/0/Android/media/com.whatsapp/WhatsApp/Media/WhatsApp
Images/IMG-20231206-WA0105.jpg to
WA0105.jpg not allowed
12-07 06:00:31.979 21689 29369 E _V_VG_RecycleUtils:
moveTrashByMediaProvider:java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Changing ownership
from /storage/emulated/0/Android/media/com.whatsapp/WhatsApp/Media/WhatsApp
Images/IMG-20231206-WA0106.jpg to
WA0106.jpg not allowed
12-07 06:00:31.992 21689 29369 E _V_VG_RecycleUtils:
moveTrashByMediaProvider:java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Changing ownership
from /storage/emulated/0/Android/media/com.whatsapp/WhatsApp/Media/WhatsApp
Images/IMG-20231206-WA0102.jpg to
WA0102.jpg not allowed
12-07 06:00:32.008 21689 29369 E _V_VG_RecycleUtils:
moveTrashByMediaProvider:java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Changing ownership
from /storage/emulated/0/Android/media/com.whatsapp/WhatsApp/Media/WhatsApp
Images/IMG-20231206-WA0101.jpg to
WA0101.jpg not allowed
12-07 06:00:32.079 21689 29369 E _V_VG_RecycleUtils:
moveTrashByMediaProvider:java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Changing ownership
from /storage/emulated/0/Android/media/com.whatsapp/WhatsApp/Media/WhatsApp
Images/IMG-20231206-WA0100.jpg to
WA0100.jpg not allowed
12-07 06:00:32.368 21689 21689 E BbkTitltView: setIconViewVisible failed id[7]
12-07 06:00:34.313 21689 21689 E BbkTitltView: setIconViewVisible failed id[7]
12-07 06:00:34.313 21689 21689 E BbkTitltView: setIconViewVisible failed id[9]
12-07 06:00:34.314 21689 21689 E BbkTitltView: setIconViewVisible failed id[10]
12-07 06:00:34.329 21689 21689 E _V_VG_ReflectUtils: getFieldAll: object=
com.vivo.vivotitleview.BbkTitleView{5bd8397 V.ED..... ......ID 0,0-720,120
#7f0907fe app:id/vivo_title_view}, filaName= isHoleScreen, e=
java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: No field isHoleScreen in class
Lcom/vivo/vivotitleview/BbkTitleView; (declaration of
'com.vivo.vivotitleview.BbkTitleView' appears in VivoGallery.apk!classes3.dex)
12-07 06:00:34.329 21689 21689 E _V_VG_ReflectUtils: getFieldAll: object=
com.vivo.vivotitleview.BbkTitleView{5bd8397 V.ED..... ......ID 0,0-720,120
#7f0907fe app:id/vivo_title_view}, filaName= isHoleScreen, e=
java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: No field isHoleScreen in class
Lcom/vivo/vivotitleview/TitleView; (declaration of
'com.vivo.vivotitleview.TitleView' appears in VivoGallery.apk!classes3.dex)
12-07 06:00:34.330 21689 21689 E _V_VG_ReflectUtils: getFieldAll: object=
com.vivo.vivotitleview.BbkTitleView{5bd8397 V.ED..... ......ID 0,0-720,120
#7f0907fe app:id/vivo_title_view}, filaName= isHoleScreen, e=
java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: No field isHoleScreen in class
Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout; (declaration of 'android.widget.RelativeLayout'
appears in /system/framework/framework.jar!classes3.dex)
12-07 06:00:34.331 21689 21689 E _V_VG_ReflectUtils: getFieldAll: object=
com.vivo.vivotitleview.BbkTitleView{5bd8397 V.ED..... ......ID 0,0-720,120
#7f0907fe app:id/vivo_title_view}, filaName= isHoleScreen, e=
java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: No field isHoleScreen in class
Landroid/view/ViewGroup; (declaration of 'android.view.ViewGroup' appears in
12-07 06:00:34.331 21689 21689 E _V_VG_ReflectUtils: getFieldAll: object=
com.vivo.vivotitleview.BbkTitleView{5bd8397 V.ED..... ......ID 0,0-720,120
#7f0907fe app:id/vivo_title_view}, filaName= isHoleScreen, e=
java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: No field isHoleScreen in class Landroid/view/View;
(declaration of 'android.view.View' appears in /system/framework/framework.jar!
12-07 06:00:34.800 21689 21689 E libc : Access denied finding property
12-07 06:00:40.241 21689 21689 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl
listener=com.android.gallery3d.bbk.SensorRecognizer$1@514d218sensor=NULL num: 0
12-07 06:00:41.916 21689 21689 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl
listener=com.android.gallery3d.bbk.SensorRecognizer$1@514d218sensor=NULL num: 0
12-07 06:00:43.846 21689 21689 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl
listener=com.android.gallery3d.bbk.SensorRecognizer$1@514d218sensor=NULL num: 0
12-07 06:00:44.685 21689 21689 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl
listener=com.android.gallery3d.bbk.SensorRecognizer$1@514d218sensor=NULL num: 0
12-07 06:00:46.346 21689 21689 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl
listener=com.android.gallery3d.bbk.SensorRecognizer$1@514d218sensor=NULL num: 0
12-07 06:00:47.342 21689 3879 E Surface : freeAllBuffers: 4 buffers were freed
while being dequeued!
12-07 06:00:48.780 21689 21689 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl
listener=com.android.gallery3d.bbk.SensorRecognizer$1@514d218sensor=NULL num: 0
12-07 06:00:49.254 21689 21689 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl
listener=com.android.gallery3d.bbk.SensorRecognizer$1@514d218sensor=NULL num: 0
12-07 06:00:50.321 21689 21689 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl
listener=com.android.gallery3d.bbk.SensorRecognizer$1@514d218sensor=NULL num: 0
12-07 06:00:51.478 21689 3975 E Surface : freeAllBuffers: 4 buffers were freed
while being dequeued!
12-07 06:00:52.477 21689 3998 E _V_AudioFeatures: Application cannot support or
Zenmode close
12-07 06:00:52.632 21689 21689 E _V_VG_VivoVideoSummaryWrapper: mDecodeVideo ==
12-07 06:00:52.632 21689 21689 E _V_VG_VivoVideoSummaryWrapper: mDecodeVideo ==
12-07 06:01:05.364 21689 21689 E _V_VG_VivoVideoSummaryWrapper: mDecodeVideo ==
12-07 06:01:07.419 21689 4073 E Surface : freeAllBuffers: 6 buffers were freed
while being dequeued!
12-07 06:01:07.773 21689 4090 E Surface : freeAllBuffers: 5 buffers were freed
while being dequeued!
12-07 06:01:09.136 21689 21689 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl
listener=com.android.gallery3d.bbk.SensorRecognizer$1@514d218sensor=NULL num: 0
12-07 06:01:09.496 21689 4119 E Surface : freeAllBuffers: 4 buffers were freed
while being dequeued!
12-07 06:01:10.598 21689 21689 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl
r=NULL num: 1
12-07 06:01:16.575 21689 21689 E _V_SensorManager: registerListenerImpl type:1
strType=android.sensor.accelerometer delay:200000 maxLatency:0 by: class
android.view.OrientationEventListener$SensorEventListenerImpl num: 0
12-07 06:01:17.162 21689 21689 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl
r=NULL num: 1
12-07 06:01:17.916 21689 21689 E _V_VG_VivoVideoSummaryWrapper: mDecodeVideo ==
12-07 06:01:17.916 21689 21689 E _V_VG_VivoVideoSummaryWrapper: mDecodeVideo ==
12-07 06:01:18.012 21689 21689 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
12-07 06:01:18.016 21689 21689 I chatty : uid=10056(com.vivo.gallery)
com.whatsapp.w4b identical 2 lines
12-07 06:01:18.021 21689 21689 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
12-07 06:01:18.079 21689 21689 E _V_VG_VG_Fatal_: isLowTemperature, getcpu temp
failure| batteryTemp:34
12-07 06:01:48.235 21689 6083 E _V_VCodeI/d: request error: retry max error!
12-07 06:02:34.008 1304 8441 E ActivityManager: 92% 21689/com.vivo.gallery: 85%
user + 7.2% kernel / faults: 14930 minor
12-07 06:04:28.758 21689 12052 E _V_VCodeI/d: doRequest timeout.timeout
12-07 06:04:28.807 21689 12052 E _V_VCodeI/d: request error: Http timeout!!
12-07 06:04:35.095 1304 1322 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: onProcessDied pid:
21689,uid: 10056

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