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Sabre Commands

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Sabre Quick Reference

Sabre Special Characters Use & Location on Keyboard:




SIGN IN & OUT: Password Management:

SI*1001….Sign in to all areas Password is valid for 90 days only. Consider below condition when
SI1002……Sign in area you were last out change the password.
SO*………..Sign out from all areas 1. ALPHA NUMERIC - AJEU1234
SO………….Sign out from current area only 2. Q Z NOT ALLOWED -X
I…………….Ignore the area 3. AAA1234 - X
ER………….END the Book and Retrieve 4. DMM, ALI, JUL - X
5. 7-8 DIGIT

Availability Formats – Basic:

120DECJEDAUH ………………..Basic availability command 1 = AVAILABILITY Command
120DECJEDAUH¥EY …………..Availability by airline 20DEC = Date
120DECJEDAUH0800BAH ….Availability via BAH JED = Origin
120DECJEDAUH-Q ………………..Availability for Q Class AUH = Destination
1¥3………………………Basic availability after 3 days ¤ = Change sign to get direct availability from airline system
1-4……………………….Basic availability before 4 days
124DEC………………..Basic availability for specific date
1R¥7…………….........Basic return availability after 7 days ALPHA/NUMERIC DAY CODES TIME CALCULATOR
1R25JAN………………Basic return availability with date DAY A N T¤FEB = View month of FEB
1¥WY…………………..Change basic availability on WY MON = M - 1 T¤25FEB¥80 = Date after 80 days
Availability Formats – Direct Connect Availability TUE = T - 2 T¤25FEB-28JUN = # of days
(DCA): WED = W - 3 Red APPs:
120DECJEDAUH¤EY…….Direct access availability on EY THU = Q - 4 1. ENCODE/DECODE
1¤¥2…………………………..DCA availability after 2 days FRI = F - 5 2. PNR SERVICES
1¤-3……………………………DCA availability before 3 days SAT = J - 6 3. FORMAT FINDER
1¤24DEC…………………….DCA availability for specific date SUN = S - 7 4. MESSAGE & DOCUMENTS
1¤R25FEB…………………..DCA return availability with date
1¤R¥5………………………..DCA return availability after 5 days
1¤WY…………………………Change DCA availability on WY
1¤EY¥5……………………...DCA availability on WY after 5 days

Creating Booking:

How to SELL seats from availability PD…………………………..To display PSGR type in the PNR
TN…………………………..To display the name Details in the PNR
01Y1……………….…………Sell 1 seat from line number 1 *N…………………………..Display Names in the PNR
02Y1Y2 OR 02Y1*……Sell 2 seats from connecting flights line number 1&2 PDTCNN-2……………….Change PSGR type as CHILD
0GF171Y24FEBJEDBAHNN1…Long SELL entry PDTCNN-2,3,6…………Multiple PSGR type as CHILD
02Y1LL…………………….Sell 2 seats from line number 1 on waitlist PDTC08-3………………..Change PSGR type as CHILD with Age

Entering Name: Delete Name & DOB before ENDING PNR:

-KHAN/ABDULLAH…………………………Adding adult name in booking -3.1¤…………………….……To delete extra name before ending PNR ONLY
-KHAN/AHMED*DOB12AUG2010….Adding child name with DOB -2.1¤*DOB28SEP2008………To change DOB in Name 2.1 (can work after
-I/KHAN/ALI*DOB05FEB2017………..Adding infant name with DOB ER)
3INFT/KHAN/ALI/05FEB17-1………….Adding INFT SSR message -2.1¤*………………………..To delete DOB for name 2.1

Mandatory Fields to create a booking Example to create a booking

P - PHONE Field....................... 9 Step 1: Taking EY avail on DCA…………………………….120DECJEDAUH¥EY

R - RECIEVED Field.................. 6 Step 2: Taking 1 seat from line number 7…………….01Y1
I - ITININERARY........................ 0 Step 3: Adding name in the booking……………………-HUMAYUN/ARSHADMR
N – NAME Field........................ - Step 4: Adding agency phone in the booking………9675767653 ABC TRAVEL-A
T - TICKET TIME LIMIT Field…… 7T- or 7TAW/ Step 5: Adding ticketing field in the booking……….7T- or 7TAW/
Optional Sabre Fields to create a booking Step 6: Adding receive field in the booking…………6P
Step 7: Filing PNR and retrieve PNR on screen……ER
3 – OSI/SSR Field – 3OSI SV CTCM 966552576776 Step 8: Ignore and Retrieve PNR on screen………...IR
4 – AA Facts Field – Only used for AA
5 – Remarks Field – 5PSGR SPEAKS ARABIC

Booking example before completing the PNR

Booking example after completing the PNR

Rearranging Segments: Changing Class:

WCAJ……………………….Change all segments to J class
0A………………..Insert ARNK segment WC1-2J/3-4Y…………… Change segments 1&2 in J and 3&4 in to Y class
/2/0A…………...Insert ARNK after segment 2 WC1Y/2J/3Q/4M……..Change seg 1 in Y, 2 in J, 3 in Q and 4 in M class
/2…………………Insert after segment 2 Changing Date:
/2/1……………..Move segment 1 after segment 2 X1¥0025DEC……….Cancel segment 1 and rebook for 25DEC
/1A………………Insert ARNK after segment 1 X1-2¥0028DEC…… Cancel segment 1&2 and rebook for 28DEC
Increasing/Decreasing seat:
,3…………….Increase seat to PARTY of 3 in the PNR before ending PNR
,3S2…………Increase seats to 3 for segment 2 before ending PNR
To Save PNR after amendments STEPS TO CANCEL PNR
6P………..Received from PSGR XI………...Cancel all flight segments
ER………..END PNR and Retrieve X1-2…….Cancel flight segments 1&2
IR…………Ignore and Retrieve PNR 6P………..Received from PSGR
ER………..END PNR and Retrieve

PNR Items display entries:
*A……….Display complete PNR *H………………………………..Display complete PNR history
*N……….Display Names *HI……………………………….Display Itinerary history
*I………..Display Itinerary *H5………………………………Display saved history remarks
*P3……..Display GENERAL FACTS *3………………………………..Display PNR on line number 3 from the similar name list
*P3D…..Display DOCS DATA *(PNR)-P……………………...Display past dated PNR
*P4…….Display AA FACTS (Messages from Airlines) *TKT0011234567890-P…Display past dated PNR with Ticket No.
*P5…….Display Remarks *N-DOE/JOE MR-P….Display past date PNR by passenger exact last name and first name
*P6…….Display Receive Field *-HUMAYUN-P…………….Display past dated PNR by name
*P7…….Display Ticketing Field *-DO¥-P………………………Display past dated PNR with partial family name
*P9…….Display Agency Phone Field *-DOE/JO¥-P………………Display past dated PNR with partial first name
*FF…….Display Frequent Flyer *T………………………………..Display Ticketing Field
*PNR……………………………Display PNR WETR*2…………………….…Display Ticket Image from line number 2
*-HUMAYUN………….......Display PNR with Family Name WETR*T1234567891102…..Display Ticket Image with Ticket Number
*-XXXX-HUMAYUN………Display Br.PCC PNR by Family Name
*¥-DO¥…………Name search by wildcard in last name
*¥-DOE/JO¥…………Name search by wildcard in 1st name

Adding Request (OSI/SSR): Deleting Requests (OSI/SSR):

3CTCM/96655251122334-1………………………PSGR Mobile contact for name #1 *P3………Display all GENERAL FACTS
3CTCE/email//gamil.com-1………………….PSGR email contact for name #1 36¤.........Delete message # 6
3OSI SV CTCM 9665511223344…………………….…Adding PSGR Mobile 31-5¤......Delete messages 1-5
3OSI SV CTCM 9665511223344/AR-1………………Adding Mobile for PSGR #1 with ARABIC Language 32,4,6¤....Delete message 2,4,6
3OSI SV CTCE arshad.humayun//gmail.com….…Adding Email for SV in OSI *P3D……..Display DOCS messages
Note: For email addresses entered using OSI CTCE element, replace “_” (underscore) with “..” and “@” 32¤………..Delete DOCS # 2
with “//” and “-” With “./”. 33-4¤……..Delete DOCS # 3-4
3OSI YY Free Format………………………………………..Adding any MSG to all Airlines *P4…………Display AA FACTS
3AVML2-1……………………………….Requesting AVML for PSGR 1 on segments 2 41,2,4¤…..Delete AA FACTS
3CHMLA-2…………………………..….Requesting CHML for PSGR 2 on all Segments
3WCHR1,3-1……………………………Requesting wheel chair for PSGR 1 on segment 3 & 4
3NSST1/15A-1…………………………Requesting seat 15A for PSGR 1 on segment 1 from generic seat map
3NSST2/20AB-1,2…………………..Requesting seat 20A for PAX1 and 20B for PAX2 on segment 2
Adding DOCS: Deleting DOCS:
3DOCS/P/SA/278688/SA/12SEP88/M/15JUN20/HUMAYUN/ARSHADMR-1……..with PSPT Details *P3D…….Display all DOCS
3DOCS/I/SA/278688/SA/12SEP88/M/15JUN20/HUMAYUN/ARSHADMR-1….…..with NIC 32¤……….Delete DOCS message 2
3DOCS/A/SA/278688/SA/12SEP88/M/15JUN20/HUMAYUN/ARSHADMR-1……..with Aqama 32,4¤…….Delete DOCS message 2&4
Remarks Filed: Deleting Remarks:
5PSGR ADV FARE SAR 1500………………….Add remarks in PNR without saving in history *P5………Display remarks field
5HPSGR ADV FARE SAR 1550………………Add remarks field in PNR with saving in history 51¤………Delete remark line # 1
5¥HAVE A PLEASANT FLIGHT………………Itinerary remarks to print with ticket 52,4¤……Delete remarks line # 2 & 4
Adding Frequent Flyer (FF): Deleting Frequent Flyer (FF):
FFGF123456-1………………….Adding frequent flyer number for GF for PSGR 1 *FF………Display FF
FFEK12345689/BA-2………..Adding frequent flyer of EK traveling on BA for PSGR 2 FF1¤……Delete FF on line number 1
Adding E-mail: Deleting E-mail:
PE¥arshad.humayun@gmail.com¥-1………..Adding email in PNR for PSGR 1 *PE…………..Display Emails
PE¥arshad-humayun@gmail.com¥-1………..Adding email in PNR for PSGR 1 with dash sign PE1¤…………Delete email on line number 1
PE¥arshad==humayun@gmail.com¥-1………..Adding email in PNR for PSGR 1 with underscore
Split PNR: QUEUE Management:
Step 1: D2……………..Divide PAX 2 from PNR QC/……………….Count all queues
OR D1*3………….Divide PAX 1 & 3 from PNR Q/9………………Access Q number 9
Make itinerary changes if needed I…………………..Leave PNR in the Q and display next
Step 2: 6P……………..Received from PSGR (P) EWR…………….Workout/update and Retrieve PNR
Step 3: F………………..File the new divided PNR QXI……………..Exit from current Queue
Step 4: 6P……………..Received OLD PNR with PSGR (P) QP/100/1……Place PNR on Q 100 with 1 PIC code
Step 5: ER……………..Complete the divide process with END & QI*SYS……….Display PIC Codes to use
RETERIEVE PNR Q/9/LN………Display a list of the PNRs currently on a specific queue
*QH ………….Display Queue History in a PNR
Fare Quote Display: Rules Display from FQ:
FQJEDKHI24JAN-SV……………………………………..Display all ADT fare JED-KHI on 24Jan on SV RD2*M………Display Rules menu for L2
FQJEDKHI24JAN-SV,IC………………………………...Display all Child & Infant RD*16……….Display Rule 16 from menu
FQJEDKHI24JAN-SV¥OW……………………………..Display OW ADT fare RD1*16……..Display Rule 16 from L1
FQJEDKHI24JAN-SV¥RT……………………………….Display RT ADT fare FQ*…….Re-display the last fare display
FQJEDKHI24JAN-SV,C¥RT¥BM…………………….Display Child RT fare for M class only TXNHELP……Tax Help
FQJEDKHI24JAN-SV,C¥RT¥BM¥FT……………….Display Child RT fare for M class with TAX TXN**YQ……Tax with tax code
FT3……………………………………………………………..Display tax details from line 3 TXN*BOM…..Display taxes for BOM
FQ20JUN16JEDLON25JUN16-SV¥RT¥BM……Past dated RT fares for M with TKT Date/Travel Date TXN*…………Re-display tax screen
Pricing PNR: Save Price in the PNR:
WP……………………………………………….Display guaranteed price for the booked itinerary Step 1: WP
WPNC…………………………………………..Display best price only Step 2: PQ
WPNC¥MPC-ANY¥MPR-ANY…………Display best price with no penalty for exchange & refund Step 3: ER
WPNCB…………………………..Display and book the best price for the itinerary Display Saved Price in the PNR:
WPNCS…………………………...Display the best price for the booked itinerary without availability *PQ…….Display all price quotations
WPS1………………………………Display guaranteed price for segment 1 *PQ2…..Display
WPS1¥N2………………………..Display guaranteed price segment 1 for Name number 2 only price quotation
WPS1/4…………………………..Display guaranteed price for segment 1 and 4 *PQS………….Dis
WPPADT/CNN/INF………….Display ADT/CNN/INF price for the booked itinerary play price
WPPVFR/VNN/INF…………..Display Price with PSGR TYPE VFR, VFN or VFF quotation
WPPVFR¥TE-GB¥N2…………Display Price with PSGR TYPE VFR with GB Tax exempt for N2 summary
WPMP-I………………………….Display guaranteed price MAX penalty info for booked itinerary *PQSB………..Display summary with breakup
WPAC*account code………Display price with Account code PQD-ALL…….Delete all price quotation
WPPV................................Display PRIVATE FARE for the booked itinerary
WPNC…………………………….Display the best price for the itinerary How to Check you PCC TA:
WPA……………………………..To check alternate price on flight booked PE*PCC
WPA¥XM………………………To check alternate price in mix classes on booked itinerary PE*PCC/STAGE
WPZZFAREBASIS…………..To price same class with branded fare basis DIN Commands:
WPS1-2*ZZFAREBASIS¥S3-4*ZZFAREBASIS¥PADT¥N1.1…………To price Branded with 2 fare basis DIN
WPBRECOSMART…………To Price with brand code for all segments DX STATUS
WPS1-2*BRECOLITE¥S3-4*BRECOSMART…………..To price with segment selection and brand code
Rules Display from booked itinerary: Force Price Quote (NON-GUARANTEED):
Step 1: First display the price by WP, WPNCB WPQKOWSA8………………….Price with fare basis
Step 2: Make WPRD Entries as mentioned below WPQKOWSA8//DA………….Price with fare basis with discount AMT
WP………………………………….Price the booked itinerary WPQKOWSA8-KOW1MSA17………………..…Price with override FB
WPRD*PADT¥PE……………..To view PENALTY with PSGR type ADT WPQKOWSA8-KOW1MSA17//DA100……..Price with discount AMT
WPRD*PADT¥PE¥S1-2………View PEN with PSGR type and segments WPQKOWSA8-KOW1MSA17//DP15………..Price with discount %
WPRD*PADT¥M……………..To view Rules menu with PSGR type ADT WPS1*QKOWSA8…………………………………….Price with seg 1 and FB
WPRD*C16……………………..To view rule # 16 from menu WPS1-2*QKOWSA8//DA100…………………...Price with seg 1-2 and FB with
WPRD*PE……………………….To view PEN for ADT discount AMT
DC¥USD30/SAR………………Currency Conversion from USD to SAR WPQJOWSA-YOWSA//DA412¥TX500.00YQ/6.00ZR/87.00IO
WPS1-2*QKRTUK¥S3-4*QMRTUK……………Force Quote with different fare
basis on seg ½ and seg ¾ separately

Issuing Tickets: Printer Designation:

*PQS…………………………………….Display price quotation summary W*SA……………Link to BSP system
W¥PQ1¥AEY¥FCA¥KP0…………Issuing ticket for PQ1 PTR/________Designate ticket Printer with host
W¥PQ1-3¥AEY¥FCA¥KP0……..Issuing ticket from PQ1 to PQ3, means all PQ Ticketing View Profiles:
W¥PQ1/3¥AEY¥FCA¥KP0……..Issue tickets only for PQ1 and PQ3 only N*/CRS………….Display Sabre Participant Carriers
W¥PQ1N4¥AEY¥FCA¥KP0……Issue ticket from PQ1 for name number 4 only WETP*EY……...Display Airline profile
W¥PQ1¥AEY¥FCA¥KP0¥UN*EY123456………Issue ticket with TOUR CODE WAEP*EY………Display Air Extras profile
W¥PQ1¥AGF¥FCA¥NET/1500.00/V*GF123456¥KPN0……Issue net ticket with tour code W/BSPSA*…….Display BSP profile for SA
W¥PQ1¥AGF¥F*AX9999999999999/MMYY*Z1122………Issue TKT with CC W/AR¥*………..Display Auto Exch ON or OFF
W¥PQ1¥AGF¥FMSCADEPOSIT……………Issue TKT with cash deposit W/ARF¥*………Display Auto Rend ON or OFF
W¥PQ1¥AGF¥FMP*AX999999999999/MMYY*CASH………Multiple FOP CC/Cash W/TA*PCC……Display agency profile
Display Tickets Images: MD/ETR……….To
Void Tickets: check CIPs in agency profile
*T…………………..Display ticketing field *T………………. Display ticketing field
WETR*2…………Display ticket image on line number 2 WV2…………….Void ticket/EMD on line number 2
WETR*3/E……..Display extended ticket image with baggage WV2…………….Again to confirm void ticket/EMD
WETR*T68687877977……………Display ticket image with ticket number without PNR ER………………..Manual END & Re-display PNR

Revalidation: Sales Report:

Step 1: Check if airline profile if revalidation is allowed DQB*…………………………….…Display today’s sales report
Step 2: Change the booking for the new date DQB*17JAN……………………..Display sales report with date
Step 3: Save the PNR and make sure to get Airline PNR DQB*/D17JAN20……………………..Display sales report with date
Step 4: Open the ticket Image *T and WETR*2 DQB*/D15JUN-20JUN…………Display sales report with date range
Step 5: Make the Revalidation command WETRL/S1/C1 DQB*RF…………………………..Display Refund report
Note: For multiple coupons, make revalidation separately DQB*EMD……………………….Display EMD report

WV*………………………………..Display Void report

How to find best available options:

Below are the 2 ways to find the best price itineraries.

1. JR – Journey Record through mask and liner format commands without taking availability and seats

Journey Record (JR Mask): JR Liner Formats:

JR……………Open Mask JR.JED/S-OYBOM15MAY………Display options JEDBOM on 15MAY in Economy Cabin
JR01……….Book option 1 from displayed options JR.JED/S-OYBOM15MAYEY…..Display EY options JEDBOM on 15MAY in Economy Cabin
JR*…………Re-display last filled mask JR.JED/S-OYBOM15MAY/S-OYJED25MAY/P-2ADT1CNN….RT Options with 2ADT/1CNN
2. WPNI – Bargain Finder Plus – First take seats from availability and then search other airlines options
Bargain Finder Plus (Finding Best Price for the booked itinerary): To book an option from the WPNI Display:
WPNI………………….…To find BEST PRICE available on other AIRLINES for the booked itinerary WC¥1…………….To book option 1
WPNI¥P1ADT/2CNN/1INF………………….Find BEST Price on A/L for 1 ADT,2CNN and 1 INF WC¥1X…………..To book option1 and XL old
WPNIM………………………………………………Find BEST PRICE from/to multiple cities
WPNI¥XR…………………………………………..Find BEST PRICE without restrictions Qualifiers:
WPNI¥XP………………………………………….. Find BEST PRICE without penalty ¥P…………...PSGR Type qualifier
WPNI/P2¥XA…………………………………… Find BEST PRICE without advance purchase /P………….…Plus days from the booked date
WPNI/P2¥XS…………………………………….Find BEST PRICE without seasonality /M………..….Minus days from booked date
WPNI/P2……………………………………………Find BEST PRICE after 2 days (up to 7 Days) D………........Direct flights
WPNI/M3………………………………………….Find BEST PRICE before 3 days (up to 7 Days) M…………..…Multiple cities
WPNI/D…………………………………………….Find DIRECT flights K…………..….Number of connections
WPNI/D/P3……………………………………….Find DIRECT flights after 3 days XKUWY…….Exclude Airlines KE WY
WPNI/D/M4……………………………………..Find Direct flights before 4 days ¥Z12…………for 12 options
WPNI/K1………………………………………….Minimum connection 1 (up to 3 only) VC*GF12….Vendor Code
WPNI/P2/KUEY………………………………………Find BEST PRICE on preferred airlines KU and EY
WPNI/XKUWY…………………………………..Find BEST PRICE without KU and EY
WPNI¥VC*GF1234……………………………Find BEST PRICE with vender code GF1234
WPNI/M3/WYGF¥Z12…………………………………….….Find BEST PRICE with 12 option (up to 19)

Sabre Refund Formats

Refund - Guaranteed: Refund – Non Guaranteed:
Below formats are for Used / Unused Ticket Refunds Below formats are for Used/Unused Ticket Refunds
WFRATR2………………………………………To check refund amount WFRTR2¥AGF¥PADT¥N1.1
WFRATR2/REF…………………………..….To refund the ticket WFRTTR2¥N1.1………….Tax Only Refund for Unused Ticket
WFRNTR2¥N1.1………….Tax Only Refund for Used Ticket
Not Guaranteed WFRT1234567891234¥RC/WV36531KGG¥N1.1……..Tax Only
WFRATR2‡RC/AUTH12345.....................Refund with override AUTH Refund with a wavier code
WFRATR2‡CP150.00‡UREFAUTH12345.......Refund with CP & AUTH WFR*………….To redisplay refund mask
Explanation: Explanation:
WFRA………...Command TR2…………...Ticket line number
TR2…………...Ticket line number AGF…………...Airline
REF…………...To proceed refund PADT………….PSGR Type
N1.1…………...PSGR Number
Note: Eliminate NON-REFUNDABLE TAXES by using tax comparison
Sabre Exchange Formats
Exchange - Guaranteed: Exchange – Non Guaranteed:
Below formats are for Used / Unused Ticket Exchange Below formats are for Used / Unused Ticket Exchange
WFRF0721234567899¥AGF¥PADT¥N1.1 WFR0721234567899¥AGF¥PADT¥N1.1
W¥PQR2…………..To issue exchange from retained PQR W¥PQR2…………..To issue exchange from retained PQR

WFR*………………..To redisplay refund mask WFR*…………….….To redisplay refund mask
*PQS……………..….Display price quotation summary *PQS……………..….Display price quotation summary
Explanation: Explanation:
TR2………….............Ticket line number TR2……………..Ticket line number
AEY…………………....Airline AGF……………..Airline
PADT…………………..PSGR Type PADT…………...PSGR Type
N1.1………………......PSGR Number N1.1…………...PSGR Number

Sabre EMD S Sabre EMD A

AE¥EMD¥T2……………..…EMD Mask WP …………………………………………...To take price
AE¥EMD2¥T2……………...EMD for SV NOSHOW WP*AE…………………………………..…..To view Air Extras
*AE or *AES…................To Display EMD Items AE‡1A2,3………………..………………....To Sell EMD-A Item
W¥EMD*AE1¥FCA.………To Issue EMD *AE…………………………………..........…To Display EMD Item
WEMD*4………………………To Display EMD AE‡X1…………...............................…To cancel EMD Item
WEMDV………………………Twice After Display EMD W¥EMD*AE1¥FCA.………….………….To issue EMD
WV5…………………………………………….To VOID EMD on line 5
WEMDV………………………….…………..Twice After Display EMD
WFRRTR3/EMD………………………......Refund EMD
WFRR6007989849898/EMD…….….Refund EMD

SV EMD – S for NOSHOW Screen: Open PNR First or Create a New PNR, than make
below entry to open the mask

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