Operating Instructions: Almemo 5690-2M
Operating Instructions: Almemo 5690-2M
Operating Instructions: Almemo 5690-2M
Operating instructions
1. Operating controls
1.1 Front panel
(1) LCD
Status bar (2)Check lamps
Cont. Measuring point scan
ON Device is on.
© , ll Start / stop measuring SLEEP Flashes in sleep mode.
REC Record to memory CHARGE Battery is being charged.
COM Measured value output Goes out as soon as fully
l©, ©l Program start / end of measuring charged.
R01 Status of alarm relays
(3) Keypad
* , * Lighting on, pause
F1 to F4 Function keys (soft keys)
Battery operation / charge status
Cursor block
13 lines for functions
ON Switch on
Function of keys F1, F2, F3, F4
PROG Program
(2)Check lamps Switch OFF (press and
START Measuring operation started hold down)
REC Measuring with results saved ▲ , ▼ , ► Function selection, input
COM Measuring with output ◄ Last menu
AVG Averaging
ALARM Limit value exceeded (4) Slot, multimedia card
Sensor breakage, LoBat MMC Slot for multimedia memo-
LOCKED Keys locked ry card
2 ALMEMO® 5690-2M
1.2 Rear
ALMEMO® 5690-2M 3
1. Operating controls
4 ALMEMO® 5690-2M
1. OPERATING CONTROLS ....................................................................... 2
1.1 Front panel ......................................................................................... 2
1.2 Rear ..................................................................................................... 3
3. GENERAL ................................................................................................. 8
3.1 Warranty .............................................................................................. 8
3.2 Scope of delivery ............................................................................... 9
3.3 How to deal with rechargeable batteries (option) ...........................9
3.4 Special notes on use ......................................................................... 9
4. INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................... 10
4.1 Functions of the ALMEMO 5690-2M ............................................... 10
4.1.1 Sensor programming................................................................. 11
4.1.2 Measuring operations ................................................................ 12
4.1.3 Process control ......................................................................... 13
5. INITIAL COMMISSIONING ..................................................................... 15
6. POWER SUPPLY .................................................................................... 16
6.1 Mains operation ............................................................................... 16
6.2 External DC voltage supply ............................................................ 16
6.3 Operation with rechargeable battery
(only with module ES5690-AP)....................................................... 16
6.4 Sensor supply .................................................................................. 17
6.5 Switching ON / OFF, Reinitialization ............................................. 17
6.6 Data buffering ................................................................................... 17
7. CONNECTING THE TRANSDUCERS .................................................... 18
7.1 Transducers ..................................................................................... 18
7.2 Measuring inputs and additional channels ................................... 18
7.3 Extending the measuring points .................................................... 19
7.4 Potential separation ......................................................................... 20
8. DISPLAY AND KEYPAD ......................................................................... 22
8.1 Display and menu selection ............................................................ 22
8.2 Function keys ................................................................................... 23
8.3 Status symbols in the display and status LEDs (2) ...................... 23
8.4 Function selection ........................................................................... 24
8.5 Data input ......................................................................................... 24
9. MEASURING WITH THE MEASURING MENUS .................................... 25
9.1 Measuring with a measuring point ................................................. 26
9.1.1 Selecting a measuring point ...................................................... 26
9.1.2 Peak value memory with date and time-of-day ........................ 26
9.2 Measured value correction and compensation ............................. 27
9.2.1 Set measured value to zero ...................................................... 27
9.2.2 Zero-point adjustment ............................................................... 28
9.2.3 Sensor adjustment for chemical sensors and probes ............... 28
ALMEMO® 5690-2M 5
2. Contents
6 ALMEMO® 5690-2M
ALMEMO® 5690-2M 7
2. Contents
13.2 Index................................................................................................. 82
13.3 Your contact person....................................................................... 88
Congratulations on your purchase of this new and innovative ALMEMO ® data
acquisition system. Thanks to the patented ALMEMO ® connector the device
configures itself automatically and thanks to the supplied AMR-Control soft-
ware its operation should be fairly straightforward. The device can, however,
be used with such a wide range of sensors and peripherals and offers many
different special functions. You are advised therefore to properly familiarize
yourself with the way the sensors function and with the device's numerous
possibilities and take the time to carefully read these operating instructions
and the appropriate sections in the ALMEMO® Manual. This is absolutely nec-
essary to avoid operating and measuring errors and to prevent damage to the
device. To help you find the answers to your questions quickly and easily
there is a comprehensive index at the end both of these instructions and of
the Manual.
3.1 Warranty
Each and every device, before leaving our factory, undergoes numerous qual-
ity tests. We provide a guarantee, lasting two years from delivery date, that
your device will function trouble-free. Before you send your device to us,
please observe the advisory notes in Chapter 11. Trouble-shooting In the un-
likely event that the device proves defective and you need to return it please
wherever possible use the original packaging material for dispatch and en-
close a clear and informative description of the fault and of the conditions in
which it occurs.
This guarantee will not apply in the following cases :
● The customer attempts any form of unauthorized tampering and alter-
ation inside the device.
● The device is used in environments and conditions for which it is not
● The device is used with unsuitable power supply equipment and pe-
● The device is used for any purpose other than that for which it is in-
● The device is damaged by electrostatic discharge or lightning.
● The user fails to observe and respect the operating instructions.
The manufacturer reserves the right to change the product's characteristics in
the light of technical progress or to benefit from the introduction of new com-
8 ALMEMO® 5690-2M
Scope of delivery
ALMEMO® 5690-2M 9
4. Introduction
The data acquisition system ALMEMO® 5690-2M is a new member in our
family of unique measuring devices - all equipped with Ahlborn's patented
ALMEMO ® connector system. The intelligent ALMEMO® connector offers de-
cisive advantages when connecting sensors and peripherals because all pa-
rameters are stored in an EEPROM located on the connector itself; repeat
programming is thus no longer necessary.
All sensors and output modules can be connected to all ALMEMO ® measuring
instruments in the same way. Programming and functioning are identical for
all units. The following points apply to all devices in the ALMEMO ® measuring
system; these are described in detail in the ALMEMO ® Manual which is in-
cluded in delivery with each device.
Detailed explanation of the ALMEMO® system (Manual Ch 1)
Overview of the device functions and measuring ranges (Manual Ch 2)
Basic principles, operation, and technical data for all sensors (Man. Ch 3)
Options for connecting your own existing sensors (Manual Ch 4)
All analog and digital output modules (Manual 5.1)
Interface modules RS-232, optic fiber (Manual 5.2)
The whole ALMEMO ® networking system (Manual 5.3)
All functions and their operation via the interface (Manual Ch 6)
Complete list of interface commands with all the print layouts (Man. Ch 7)
The operating instructions you are now reading cover only those features and
controls that are specific to this device. Many sections therefore also refer to
the more detailed description in the Manual; (see Manual, Section xxx).
10 ALMEMO® 5690-2M
Functions of the ALMEMO 5690-2M
ALMEMO® 5690-2M 11
4. Introduction
12 ALMEMO® 5690-2M
Functions of the ALMEMO 5690-2M
sors. On infrared sensors the parameters for zero-point correction and gain
correction are used as the background temperature and the emissivity factor.
Maximum and minimum values
Each measuring operation acquires and stores the maximum and minimum
values with date and time-of-day. These values can then be displayed, printed
out, or deleted from memory.
Average value
Measured values can be expressed as a sliding average obtained by continu-
ous automatic smoothing or manually averaged over a certain period or cycle
or over a series of individual measuring operations.
4.1.3 Process control
To record the measured values from all connected sensors in digital form
measuring point scanning is performed continuously with measured value out-
put according to a time-based process control. This may be per output cycle
or, if really rapid results are required, at the measuring rate itself. The mea-
suring operation can be started and stopped by means of the keyboard, the in-
terface, an external trigger signal, the real-time clock, or by a specified limit
value being exceeded.
Date and time-of-day
All measuring operations can be accurately logged using the real-time clock
with date function or in terms of the pure measuring time. For the purposes of
starting / stopping a measuring operation, the start / stop date and time-of-day
can be programmed.
The cycle can be programmed to any value between 00:00:01 (1 second) and
59:59:59 hh:mm:ss. This function permits cyclic output of measured values to
the interfaces or to the memory and provides cyclic calculation of the average
Print cycle factor
The print cycle factor can be used to limit data output from particular chan-
nels; this may be necessary in order to reduce excessive data flow especially
while data is being saved.
Averaging over measuring point scans
The measured values from measuring point scans can be averaged either
over the whole measuring duration or over the specified cycle. Function chan-
nels are available for the cyclic output and storage of these average values.
Measuring rate
On the ALMEMO ® 5690-2M all measuring points are scanned at the measur-
ing rate set (2.5, 10, 50, or 100 measuring operations per second). Recording
can be accelerated if all measured values are stored to memory and / or out-
put to the interface at the measuring rate.
ALMEMO® 5690-2M 13
4. Introduction
14 ALMEMO® 5690-2M
Initial commissioning
Sensor connection : Plug in sensor at socket M0 to M8 (6c); see Section 7.
Power supply : Via mains adapter to socket DC (6g); see 6.3, 6.1.
Switch on : Press ON PROG key (3) on front panel; see 6.5.
Automatic display of last measuring menu see Ch 9. Keys
To activate MEASURING menus press < ESC > or F4
e.g. select standard display menu; see 8.1 / ... ( F )
To activate menu press
Select measuring point (see 9.1.1) by means of keys : / ... ( M )
To select max / min values function(see 8.4) press PROG , ...
Clear max / min values (see 9.1.2 < CLR > or F1
* ALMEMO 5690-2M * C © REC COM l© ©l R01 * ´´´´´´µµµµ¶
MEASURING Menus ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
Standard display
U1 Meas. value correction
U2 Averaging
01: Velocity m/s
æ » H
U3 Volume flow
Data logger º
Multi-channel display
*List of measuring points
Bar chart
Line graph
__________________________ Maximum value: 31.34 mls
Menu1 PROGRAMMING Menus Minimum value: 25.37 mls
Menu2 ASSISTANT Menus Cycle-timer: 00:02:30 Un
Memory free: 512.0 kB
F1 F2 | F3 F4 F1 F2 | F3 F4
Output of measured values or memory via interface :
- Connect peripheral device via data cable to socket A1 (6f); see Manual 5.2
- On peripheral device set 9600 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity.
Once-only output / saving to memory see 9.3.1 < MANU > or F2
Cyclic measuring operation : Select cycle timer : PROG , ...
Enter cycle (hh:mm:ss); see 8.5 Cycle timer: 00:05:00Sn
Output format list ´ ´, Columns ´n´, Table ´t´ < FORM> or F3 ...
Terminate programming < ESC> or F4
Start / stop cyclic measuring operation; see 9.3.2 <START> , <STOP> or F1
Output from memory to the printer or to the computer :
Select Memory capacity free function by means of : PROG , ...
Output memory; see 10.2.6 < PRINT> or F3
Clear the memory; see 10.2.6 < CMEM >
ALMEMO® 5690-2M 15
6. Power supply
Power can be supplied to the instrument in any of the following ways :
Mains adapter 12V, 2A ZB 1212-NA3
Electr. isol. power supply cable, 10 to 30 VDC, 0.25 A (ZB 3090-UK)
Electr. isol. power supply cable, 10 to 30 VDC, 1.25 A (ZB 3090-UK2)
Rechargeable battery module, NiMH 9.6 V / 1600 mAh (ES 5690-AP)
See product overview, Annex 14 and the following chapters.
16 ALMEMO® 5690-2M
Operation with rechargeable battery (only with module ES5690-AP)
ter approx. 3.5 hours the batteries are fully recharged and the LED goes out
again. After a certain period the batteries are recharged again; the charge cir-
cuitry then switches over to trickle charge. The mains adapter can thus be left
permanently connected to the measuring instrument in buffer mode without
risk of overcharging the batteries. If you prefer not to recharge the batteries,
e.g. to prevent the device from warming up during thermocouple measure-
ment, you can connect the mains unit to the DC socket (6g).
ALMEMO® 5690-2M 17
7. Connecting the transducers
7.1 Transducers
The ALMEMO® Manual includes detailed descriptions of the comprehensive
ALMEMO ® range of sensors (see Manual Ch 3) and instructions for connect-
ing your own existing sensors to ALMEMO ® instruments (see Manual Ch 4).
All standard sensors with an ALMEMO ® connector usually have the measur-
ing range and units already programmed and can thus be connected to any in-
put socket without further adjustment. A mechanical coding system ensures
that sensor and output modules can only be connected to the correct sockets.
All ALMEMO ® connectors incorporate two snap-lock levers; these snap into
position as soon as the connector is inserted into the socket, thus preventing
unintended disconnection if the cable is accidentally pulled. To withdraw the
connector, both these levers must be pressed in at the sides.
18 ALMEMO® 5690-2M
Measuring inputs and additional channels
can be exchanged without losing the function channels. However, if the whole
application operates with just one sensor, then programming on the sensor it-
self makes more sense.
On the measuring circuit board this gives the following channel assignment:
Sensor channels
4. Channel 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
3. Channel 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
2. Channel 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
1. Channel 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 Difference M01-M00
M0 M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8
ALMEMO® 5690-2M 19
7. Connecting the transducers
via a 10-fold connector (ZA 5690-MU) each with four screw terminals A, B,
C, D, in the same way as any standard ALMEMO ® connector; (see Manual
4.1). Sensors requiring a power supply or an ALMEMO ® connector with
special interface circuitry (e.g. humidity sensors, rotating vanes, etc.) can-
not be connected in this way. The new connector ZA 5690-MU with a larger
EEPROM now permits 4 channels per sensor, i.e. 40 channels altogether;
on the old connector ZA 5590-MU there are only 10 channels available.
Measuring point numbering is as described above, namely by means of a
code switch internally on the board. For this purpose the module must be
withdrawn and the number on the switch multiplied by 10 (4 = measuring
point 40). All sensors can be programmed individually but their program-
ming data is all saved together in a common EEPROM located in the con-
nector. A cold junction sensor is also provided for thermocouples. Two limit
value relays, operating separately for maximum and minimum, can be
contacted in the connector; these can only be used with an appropriate se-
lector switch board option.
3. Selector switch board U-TH (9) has 10 inputs for thermocouples with a
thermal connector. The sensor data is saved to an EEPROM on the board;
automatic sensor recognition is therefore not possible. Measuring point
numbering is by means of the code switch internally on the board (see
above). This module occupies only 1 plug-in slot but if arranged in series
one dummy panel must be inserted between in order to operate the con-
4. Selector switch board U-KS (10) also has 10 inputs; these are led direct-
ly onto two 20-contact plug connectors with terminals. Sensors can be con-
nected via terminals A, B, C, D, with the usual wiring arrangement. In or-
der to feed in the wires the outside connectors must be opened by inserting
a narrow screw-driver in the inside holes. Or alternatively the cards are
available with shunts for 20-mA signals (terminals A and B, ´mA ´ or ´% ´)
or with dividers for 10-V signals (terminals A and C, ´mV 2´). This module is
only suitable for thermocouples if these are connected with copper wires
via an isothermal block with integrated cold junction sensors; (see Manual
6.7.3). The sensor data is saved to an EEPROM on the board; automatic
sensor recognition is therefore not possible. Measuring point numbering is
by means of the code switch internally on the board (see above). This
module, similarly, occupies 1 plug-in slot only.
20 ALMEMO® 5690-2M
Potential separation
Sensors Data cable
electr. isol. S
Power supply
U- 230V≈
DC 10..30V=
voltaic relays. A new feature on this device is the additional separation of the
measuring inputs from CPU and power supply. Between all inputs and outputs
(even the analog output cables which are not electrically isolated) the maxi-
mum potential difference permitted is 50 V. The voltage at the measuring in-
puts themselves must not exceed 12 V (between B, C, D, and A).
However, some components are not electrically isolated, namely all sen-
sors connected to the same internal power supply ±U or combined sensors
within one connector. For these sensors the electrical isolation may have to
be disabled by means of relay S (see above) or by wire jumper; some inputs
would otherwise be left without reference potential. The relay is set automati-
cally by element flag 5 ´ISO OFF´ the first time it is connected; (see Manual
6.10.3). However, with certain connectors (especially divider connectors with-
out power supply) element flag 5 should be checked and if necessary correct-
ed. These sensors must themselves be isolated or the device must be operat-
ed with an electrically isolated power supply (mains adapter or connecting ca-
ble ZA3690-UK with DC/DC converter).
Data and trigger cables are also isolated by means of optocouplers.
ALMEMO® 5690-2M 21
8. Display and keypad
You can program the device designation in the header line (see
10.5.1) and the titles of the user menus (see 9.7).
22 ALMEMO® 5690-2M
Function keys
ALMEMO® 5690-2M 23
8. Display and keypad
24 ALMEMO® 5690-2M
Measuring with the measuring menus
ALMEMO® 5690-2M 25
9. Measuring with the measuring menus
9.1.2 Peak value memory with date C © REC COM l© ©l R01 * ´´´´´´µµµµ¶
and time-of-day ±±±±±±±±±±±±± ±± ±± ±± ±± ±± ±± ±± ±± ±± ±±
26 ALMEMO® 5690-2M
Measuring with a measuring point
As soon as you clear the memory, the current measured value will appear
(because measuring is continuous). Each time a measuring operation starts, if
the device has been so configured, the peak values will be cleared ; (for de-
fault setting see 10.5.8). Cyclic clearing can be activated by programming the
averaging mode CYCL (see 9.4.7).
Whenever the display indicates a deviation from the base value (in-
stead of the actual measured value) the symbol º will appear.
To obtain the actual measured value again the base value must be
cleared; (see 10.3.6).
ALMEMO® 5690-2M 27
9. Measuring with the measuring menus
If a base value has been programmed, the measured value indicat-
ed after adjustment is not zero but the negative base value.
In the case of dynamic pressure probes the zero-point error is al-
ways written to the calibration offset temporarily (i.e. until you switch
off) even if the channel is locked.
28 ALMEMO® 5690-2M
Measured value correction and compensation
Adjustment value is retained
In the case of pH probes you can by pressing <CLEAR> restore the
default values, base value 7.00 and gain -0.1689.
2. Setting up a means of calibration for the slope:
Function Select setpoint 2 Setpoint 2 10.00 pH
Gain adjustment by pressing <ADJ>
Adjustment value is retained 00: 10.00 pH º
Gain shows approx. Gain : -0.1689
The gain error shows the deviation from the
rated value and thus the status of the probe. Gain error 9%
If sensors are locked they can be temporarily unlocked by pressing
<FREE> .
If the sensor is locked at level 4 the correction factor is pro-
grammed as ´Factor´; if the sensor is locked at level <= 3 or tem-
porarily unlocked by pressing <FREE> , the correction factor is pro-
grammed as gain correction (see 10.3.7).
ALMEMO® 5690-2M 29
9. Measuring with the measuring menus
Automatic temperature compensation can be switched off by pro-
gramming the reference channel for the measuring point to itself.
30 ALMEMO® 5690-2M
Measured value correction and compensation
The atmospheric pressure is set to 1013 mbar with each reset. It can be set to
the current value at any time using the usual data input process; (see 8.5). If
atmospheric pressure is being used for compensation in a measuring menu
the symbol ´CP´ is displayed; if atmospheric pressure is itself being measured
the measured value is displayed and a dot flashes after ´CP´.
Please note that as soon as a reference sensor is disconnected
normal pressure, 1013 mbar, is used.
ALMEMO® 5690-2M 31
9. Measuring with the measuring menus
32 ALMEMO® 5690-2M
Measuring point scan and output
The quickest way to set the required output format is by pressing <FORM> ;
(for print layouts see Manual 6.6.1).
Change format <FORM>
Format, adjacent columns ´n´: Cycle timer 00:02:00 Sn
Change format <FORM>
Format, table ´t´: Cycle timer: 00:02:00St
To start cyclic measuring point scan press <START>
The following symbols will be displayed as verification in the status bar
will be displayed continuously, i.e. so long as the measuring operation is
The start arrow lights up ´©´
Lights up when data is being output via the interface ´COM´
Lights up when measured values are being saved (see 10.1.2) ´REC ´
To stop cyclic measuring point scan press <STOP> ´ll´
ALMEMO® 5690-2M 33
9. Measuring with the measuring menus
During the measuring operation channel switching is blocked.
Each time a measuring operation starts and each time the channel
is switched the line graph will be cleared.
34 ALMEMO® 5690-2M
9.4 Averaging
The average value for a measured value is needed for various applications
e.g. smoothing a widely fluctuating measured value (wind, pressure etc.).
Average flow velocity in a ventilation channel
Hourly or daily average values of weather data (temperature, wind etc.)
Also for consumption values (current, water, gas, etc.)
The average value M for a measured variable is obtained by totalizing a
whole series of measured values (Mi) and dividing by the number of mea-
sured values (N).
Average value M= ∑Mi /N
To calculate volume flow from the average velocity and the cross-section of a
flow conduit you can use either the ´User measuring menu´ U3 Volume flow
(see 9.4.9) or the Volume flow wizard.
ALMEMO® 5690-2M 35
9. Measuring with the measuring menus
M=∑ mi /N
Zeitfenster i
For recording average values you will need a function channel
with range M(t) (see 10.3.9/10) or the corresponding output func-
tion M(t) instead of the measured value (see 10.4.5).
36 ALMEMO® 5690-2M
E1 E2 E3 E4
M=∑ Ei /N
ALMEMO® 5690-2M 37
9. Measuring with the measuring menus
Star Stop
Set averaging mode Averaging mode CONT
Clear average value automatically at start-up (see 10.5.8) Verifi-
or after selecting the averaging value and pressing <CLR>
To start averaging press <START> © »
Read out the meas. time (see 9.4.6) in function Meas.time: 00:01:23.40
To stop averaging press <STOP> ll
For a fixed mean time the following function is used Meas. duration 00:02:00
Read out average value in function Average value: 3,24m¡
To output all function values of the menu press <PRINT>
38 ALMEMO® 5690-2M
When recording to memory use a programmed measuring duration
to ensure that recording does not abort prematurely.
ALMEMO® 5690-2M 39
9. Measuring with the measuring menus
Average value over period from one measuring point scan to the next
Average value12.34 ms
For recording average values you will need an additional function
channel with range M(t) (see 10.3.9, 10.3.10) or the correspond-
ing output function M(t) instead of the measured value (see
10.4.5, Manual 6.10.4).
4. Chan. 30 31 32 33 34 38 39 Example:
3. Chan. 20 21 22 23 24 28 29 n=M3
If the sensors are to remain unaffected, the function channel can be pro-
grammed to the device-internal channels (e.g. M19) (see 10.3.10). The de-
fault reference channels are M0 to M1.
40 ALMEMO® 5690-2M
ALMEMO® 5690-2M 41
9. Measuring with the measuring menus
42 ALMEMO® 5690-2M
Display of several measuring points
Initially the list appears with maximum 20 mea- Measuring points list : 20
sured values. measured values
00: 23 .12°C ...
To select further measuring points press PROG , M ... / M ...
The measured value can be linked to a series of
functions by pressing or ...
This reduces the maximum number of channels
to 10.
To advance to the next function press
Measured value with Comment Measuring points list Com-
00: 23 .12°C temperature
Measured value with Maximum value Measuring points list Max-
imum value
00: 23 .12 °C 32,67 °C
Measured value with Minimum value Measuring points list Mini-
mum value
00: 23 .12 °C 19.34 °C
Measured value with Average value Measuring points list: Av-
erage value
00: 23 .12 °C 25,45 °C
Measured value with Limit value, maximum Measuring points list Limit
value, maximum
00: 23 .12 °C 32,67 °C
Measured value with Limit value, minimum Measuring points list Limit
value, minimum
00: 23 .12 °C 19.34 °C
Measuring range only (also maximum 20 chan- Measuring points list
nels) Range
00: NTC °C
Functions can be selected for programming: PROG , / ...
ALMEMO® 5690-2M 43
9. Measuring with the measuring menus
44 ALMEMO® 5690-2M
User menus
o 34
2 rows 5.0 S220 mls 15.00
Limit value - maximum (s. 10.3.5) Limit max 1234.5 °C OFF ON o 00
Limit value - minimum Limit min -0123.4 °C OFF ON o 01
Base value (see 10.3.6) Base value ------°C OFF ON o 02
Factor Factor 1.12345 OFF ON o 03
Exponent Exponent 0 OFF ON o 48
Zero-point corr.(see 10.3.7) Zero-point ------°C OFF ON o 04
Gain corr. Gain ------ OFF ON o 05
Analog start (see 10.4.4) Analog start 0.0 °C OFF ON o 06
Analog end Analog end 100.0 °C OFF ON o 07
Range (see 10.3.9) Range NiCr CLR o 08
Maximum value (see 9.1.2) Maximum 1122.3 °C CLR CLRA o 09
Minimum value Minimum 19.3 °C CLR CLRA o 10
Average value (see 9.4.5) Average ------ CLR CLRA o 11
Cycle (see 10.1.2) Cycle 00:00:00 Un CLR FORM o 12
Time, date (see 10.1.1) Time:12:34:56 Date:01.02.00 CLR o 14
Averaging mode (see 9.4.2) Averaging mode CONT CLR o 18
Measuring rate (see 10.1.3) Meas. rate 10 M/s Cont: - OFF ON o 19
Cycle timer (see 9.3.2) Cycle timer: 00:00:00 Un CLR FORM o 20
Mean number (see 9.4.3) Number 00000 o 22
ALMEMO® 5690-2M 45
9. Measuring with the measuring menus
For all functions concerning measured values (e.g. maximum, aver-
age value, bar chart) you must in each case enter the measured
value of the measuring point first and then the associated functions.
You are advised to use a meaningful menu title : User menu title
Once completed save the menu in the device as Ux : Save menu, Ux, OK
You can also save all your menus on the PC and reload these as and when
46 ALMEMO® 5690-2M
User menus
ALMEMO® 5690-2M 47
9. Measuring with the measuring menus
48 ALMEMO® 5690-2M
User menus
ALMEMO® 5690-2M 49
10. Programming using the programming menus
50 ALMEMO® 5690-2M
Times and cycles
point scans and for output of the memory. This output format can be pro-
grammed in the function Output form . There is the default format ´List ´ in
which all measured values are listed one below the other; there is also the
´Columns ´ format listing them next to one another; this provides a clear, easy-
to-understand, and space-saving printout. For this latter format the printer is
switched over automatically to compressed character mode. There is also the
´Table ´ format which is suitable for further processing using a spreadsheet
program; (see print layouts, Manual 6.1).
Cycle function (format hh:mm:ss): Cycle : 00:15:00
Clear cycle, end current scan: <CLR>
Memory activation function in the cycle Saving: - Sleep: -
Saving to memory activated (default setting): <ON> Ø
Saving to memory deactivated <OFF> -
Activate the sleep mode function (see 10.2.5): <ON> Sleep: Ø
Output format ´ ´ List meas. val. one below the other : Output form : List
Output format ´n´ Columns next to one another : Output form: Columns
Output format ´t´ Table, semi-colon separated : Output form: Table
0 M 1 M 2 M 3 M 4 M 5 M 0 M 1 M 2 M 3 M
Continuous measuring point scan
If continuous measuring point scanning is set, all active measuring chan-
nels are scanned equally often at the chosen measuring rate and uninterrupt-
ALMEMO® 5690-2M 51
10. Programming using the programming menus
edly one after the other; (see Manual This doubles the total sam-
pling rate.
In both modes all measured values can be saved and output at any time. With
both the following functions continuous saving to memory and continuous
output of measured values can be activated at the measuring rate.
Measuring rate function (see 8.5) Measuring rate: 10 M/s
Semi-continuous measuring point scan (standard) <OFF> Cont: -
Continuous measuring point scan <ON> Cont: Ø
Continuous saving to memory OFF Saving: -
Continuous saving to memory, activate <ON> Ø
Continuous output OFF Output: -
Continuous output, activate <ON> Ø
At measuring rates above 10 measuring operations per second
mains hum suppression is not provided; as a result accuracy may
be adversely affected by interference over the connection lines;
(wherever possible use twisted wires).
Saving to memory at 100 measuring operations per second is only
possible with the multimedia card but not with the internal EEP-
10.1.4 Start time Start date End time End date Measuring duration
A measuring series can be started and stopped automatically at specified
times. The start date and time-of-day and end date and time-of-day can be
freely programmed for this purpose. If no particular date has been pro-
grammed, the measuring operation will be performed every day within the set
period. This is assuming of course the current time-of-day has been pro-
grammed. Or, alternatively, instead of specifying the end time-of-day the
measuring duration itself can be programmed; (see 9.4.6, 10.2.2).
Measuring duration function(format hh:mm:ss): Mea-
suring duration: 00:00:00
Start time function (format hh:mm:ss): Start time : 07:00:00
End time function (format hh:mm:ss): End time : --.--.--
Start date function (format dd:mm:yy): Start date : 01.05.00
End date function (format dd:mm:yy): End date : --.--.--
These values can be cleared after selecting the function by pressing <OFF>
If the start time for a measuring operation has been programmed, the follow-
ing symbol appears in the status bar : ´l© ´
If the end time or the measuring duration for a measuring operation has been
programmed, the following symbol appears in the status bar : ´©l ´
52 ALMEMO® 5690-2M
Measured value memory
name prefix but with a new index.
The ring memory function is not supported with external storage
ALMEMO® 5690-2M 53
10. Programming using the programming menus
54 ALMEMO® 5690-2M
Measured value memory
ALMEMO® 5690-2M 55
10. Programming using the programming menus
The start or stop through start and end time or through limit val-
ues is, on principle, not possible in sleep mode and, therefore,
must be switched off!
With external MMC memory cards End time:
End date:
(see 10.2.1) there is only one option ALL NR F TIME ESC
available, namely output in table
mode of all the measured data contained in the file most recently
used. For this purpose use only the PRINT key in the Memory ca-
pacity free function in the Memory output menu or in certain
measuring menus.
The most sensible approach is to remove the memory card and
copy the files via a USB card reader directly onto the PC. These
can then be imported either into MS-Excel or into Win-Control (as
of V.4.9).
56 ALMEMO® 5690-2M
Measured value memory
ALMEMO® 5690-2M 57
10. Programming using the programming menus
58 ALMEMO® 5690-2M
Sensor programming
It is possible, by means of comment ´*J´, to define temperature sen-
sor (Ntc, Pt100) as external cold junction compensator (s. 9.2.7,
man. 6.7.3). It is now also possible (a new feature), by means of
comment " #J ", to define, via the reference channel, a specific cold
junction sensor (e.g. connector ZA9400-FSx with Ntc) to apply to just
one thermocouple (s. 9.2.7).
´!´ at the end automatically indicates a specific linearization or calibration (see
10.3.11). This cannot be overwritten.
ALMEMO® 5690-2M 59
10. Programming using the programming menus
60 ALMEMO® 5690-2M
Sensor programming
If you enter °F as units the temperature value will be converted au-
tomatically from degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit. If you en-
ter !C cold junction compensation will be disabled. If you enter the
appropriate two characters the following units are generated auto-
matically; for m¡ enter ms, for ¦¢ enter mh, for ¤¥ enter Wm ,
and for g£ enter gk.
ALMEMO® 5690-2M 61
10. Programming using the programming menus
In the input window all the abbreviations listed in the following table appear
one after the other : 1 RANGE FECO
Connector ZA 9021FSL
and an appropriate help window for
Thermocouple type L
identifying the sensors -200.0 ... 900.0 °C
62 ALMEMO® 5690-2M
Sensor programming
ALMEMO® 5690-2M 63
10. Programming using the programming menus
64 ALMEMO® 5690-2M
Sensor programming
4. Chan. 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
3. Chan. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
2. Chan. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
1. Chan. 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 Difference M01-M00
M0 M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8
ALMEMO® 5690-2M 65
10. Programming using the programming menus
66 ALMEMO® 5690-2M
Special functions
ALMEMO® 5690-2M 67
10. Programming using the programming menus
68 ALMEMO® 5690-2M
Special functions
Printout of assignment of relay x (see Manual 6.10.8) and action Y (see Man-
ual 6.6.3) as assembled code in sensor programming (see Manual 6.10.1).
ALMEMO® 5690-2M 69
10. Programming using the programming menus
70 ALMEMO® 5690-2M
Device configuration
ALMEMO® 5690-2M 71
10. Programming using the programming menus
should be used; this ensures that device 00 is not addressed un-
necessarily in the event of interruption to the power supply.
10.5.4 Language
The user can choose between German / English / French as the interface lan-
guage in which the functions are labeled in the display; (other languages are
also available as options). The soft-keys are international; these cannot be
changed. If German is not set as the language outputs via the interface will
appear in English. To select the language go to the Language function (see
8.5) : Language: German
72 ALMEMO® 5690-2M
Device configuration
10.5.7 Hysteresis
The hysteresis for an alarm triggered in the event of a limit value being ex-
ceeded can be set generally for all sensors from 0 to 99 digits (default 10 dig-
its) in the Hysteresis function (see 10.3.5 and Manual 6.2.7).
To modify hysteresis (0 to 99) (see 8.5) Hysteresis : 10
ALMEMO® 5690-2M 73
10. Programming using the programming menus
74 ALMEMO® 5690-2M
Output modules
ALMEMO® 5690-2M 75
10. Programming using the programming menus
Analog channel
In the menu Output modules the measuring point to be output via the analog
output at socket A2 is displayed as analog channel. If not otherwise programmed
this is the selected channel Mxx. This setting together with a semi-continuous mea-
suring rate (see 10.1.3) is the most suitable because the analog output will then be
used the most often. However, it is possible to program any measuring point as
analog output (see above).
Analog output of the selected meas. channel Mxx Analog channel: Mxx
Analog output of the selected meas. point yy Analog channel: yy
Programmed analog output (see below) Analog channel: M--
Programmed analog value output
The analog value (output at A1) can also be programmed manually or via the
interface within a range from -12000 to +20000 digits (see Manual 6.10.7).
This gives, depending on the analog output, the following output signals :
Voltage output -1.2 ... +2.0 V 0.1 mV / digit
Voltage output -6.0 ... +10.0 V 0.5 mV / digit
Current output 0.0 ... 20.0 mA 1 µA / digit
Analog channel : M--
Output of 2.5 V with 10 V output = 5000 digits Analog value: +05000
To switch back to measuring channel press <OFF>
To switch back to last programmed value press <ON>
76 ALMEMO® 5690-2M
Locking, calibration menu (option KL)
ALMEMO® 5690-2M 77
11. Trouble-shooting
Data acquisition system ALMEMO 5690-2M can be configured and pro-
grammed in many versatile ways. It is suitable for connecting a wide variety
of very different sensors, additional measuring instruments, alarm signaling
devices, and peripheral equipment. Given these numerous possibilities the
device may in certain circumstances not behave quite as expected. The
cause of such unexpected behavior is only very rarely a device defect; more
usually it is incorrect operation by the user, an invalid setting, or unsuitable
cabling. In such event try to pinpoint and clear the problem with the aid of the
following tests.
Error No display, display malfunction, keys do not react
Remedy Check the power supply, charge the battery, switch off and then on
If necessary, re-initialize; (see 6.5).
Error Measured values are incorrect.
Remedy Check all the channel programming very carefully, especially the
base value and zero-point (sensor programming and special functions).
Error Fluctuating measured values or the system hangs in mid-operation.
Remedy Check the cabling for any inadmissible electrical connections.
Unplug any suspicious sensors.
Connect hand-held sensors in air or phantoms (for thermocouples short-
circuit AB, for PT100 sensors use 100Ω) and check.
Connect the sensors again one at a time and check successively.
If a fault persists for any one connection, then check all wiring; if neces-
sary, insulate the sensor and eliminate interference by using shielded or
twisted wiring.
Error Data transmission via the interface does not function.
Remedy Check interface module, connections, and settings.
Are both devices set to the same baud rate and transmission mode ? (see
Is the correct COM interface on the computer being addressed ?
Is a printer in the ONLINE status ?
Are the handshake lines DTR and DSR active ?
To check the data flow and the handshake lines a small interface tester
with LEDs comes in very handy; (in ready-to-operate status the data lines
TXD, RXD carry negative potential of approx. -9V and the LEDs light up
green, whereas the handshake lines DSR, DTR, RTS, CTS carry approx.
+9V positive voltage and the LEDs light up red; for the duration of data
transmission the data LEDs must flash red).
Test data transmission by means of a terminal (AMR-Control, WIN-Con-
trol, WINDOWS-Terminal).
Select output channel interface U using command ´A1´,
Address the device using its assigned device number´Gxy´ (see Manual
78 ALMEMO® 5690-2M
Enter <Strg Q> for XON, if the device is in the XOFF status.
Check the programming by means of ´P15´ (see Manual 6.2.3).
Test the transmit line by entering a cycle using command ´Z123456´ and
check in the display.
Test the receive line by pressing <PRINT> and check in the display.
Error Data transmission in the network does not function.
Remedy Check to ensure that all devices are set to different addresses.
Address all devices individually via the terminal with command ´Gxy´.
Addressed device is OK if at least ´y CR LF´ is returned as echo.
If transmission is still not possible, unplug the networked devices.
Check all devices individually on the data cable to the computer; (see
Check the wiring for short-circuit or crossed wires.
Are all network distributors supplied with power ?
Network the devices again one at a time and check successively; (see
If, after performing the above-listed checks and remedial steps, the device
still fails to behave as described in the operating instructions, it must be re-
turned to our factory in Holzkirchen, accompanied by an explanatory note, er-
ror description, and if available test printouts. With the AMR-Control software
you can print out screen-shots with the relevant programming and save and /
or print out a comprehensive ´function test´ in the device list or terminal oper-
ALMEMO® 5690-2M 79
13. Appendix
13.1 Technical data (see Manual 2.3)
Measuring inputs :
Master measuring circuit board MM-A9: 9 ALMEMO® sockets for ALMEMO ® flat connectors
Measuring channels : 9 primary channels, electr. isol., maximum 31 additional chan-
nels for double sensors and function channels
A/D converter : Delta - sigma, 24-bit, 2.5 / 10 / 50 / 100 meas. operations per
second, adjustable 1 to 100
Sensor power supply : Total mains : 12V 400mA, recharg. batt.: 9 to 11.5V 200mA
Selector switch board U-A10: 10 ALMEMO ® sockets, suitable for ALMEMO® flat connectors
10 channels, electrically isolated, 30 additional channels
with sensor power supply, 2 slots
Selector switch board U-MU: 10 inputs, electr. isol., via 10x MU connector
without sensor power supply, 30 additional channels, 1 slot
Selector switch board U-TH: 10 inputs, electr. isol., via miniature thermocouples without
sensor power supply, 30 additional channels, 1 or 2 slots
If arranged in series one dummy panel must be inserted, 4 DU
Selector switch board U-KS: 10 inputs, electrically isolated, via 2 clamp connectors
without sensor power supply, 30 additional channels, 1 slot
Selector switch board U-KSUI: all inputs, 10V, divider 100/1 and all inputs 20mA with shunt
Outputs : 2 ALMEMO® output sockets suitable for all output modules
Alarm signal transmitter, internal
Standard equipment
Display Graphics 128 x 128 pixels, 16 rows of 4 mm
Operation : 9 keys (4 soft-keys and cursor block)
Memory: Multimedia card, drive, and USB card reader
Option S: 512-KB EEPROM (64,000 to 100,000 measured values)
Cannot be used at 100 measuring operations per second.
Date and time-of-day : Real-time clock, buffered with lithium battery
Microprocessor : M16C62P
Power supply : external 10 to 13 VDC
Mains adapter : ZA 1212-NA, 230 VAC to 12 VDC, 2 A
Rechargeable battery in module AP : 8 NiMH AA batteries, 9 to 11 V, 1600 mAh
Current consumption Active mode: approx. 37 mA (without input and
output modules)
Backlighting 1: approx. 46 mA
Backlighting 2: approx. 60 mA
Backlighting 3: approx. 75 mA
Sleep mode approx. 50 uA
Selector switch boards : approx. 5 mA
Housing :
19-inch desktop housing, 32 DU WxHxD 179 x 158 x 232 mm, polystyrene shielded
19-inch desktop housing, 84 DU WxHxD 444 x 158 x 232 mm, polystyrene shielded
19" sub-rack, 84 DU WxHxD 483 x 132 x 273 mm
80 ALMEMO® 5690-2M
Technical data
Suitable conditions
Operating temperature -10 to +50 °C (storage temperature -20 to +60 °C)
Ambient relative humidity : 10 to 90 % rH (non-condensing)
Product overview
Order no.
Data acquisition system ALMEMO® 5690-2M
9 inputs, maximum 40 channels, 2 outputs, cascadable interface,
9 keys, LCD graphics display, real-time clock, MMC memory,
USB card reader, mains unit 12 V / 2 A
in 19-inch desktop housing, 32 DU, 6 slots MA 56902M09TG3
in 19-inch desktop housing, 84 DU, 19 slots MA 56902M09TG8
in 19-inch sub-rack, 84 DU, 19 slots MA 56902M09BT8
S: 512-KB EEPROM, integrated OA 5690-S
R: Measuring ranges for temperature display of 8 refrigerants SB 0000-R
KL:Linearization, multi-point calibration, calibration data management OA 5690-KL
Rechargeable battery module (8 NiMH cells, 1600 mAh), 1 slot ES 5690-AP
Selector switch board U-A10 with 10 inputs, electrically isolated,
for ALMEMO® flat connectors, 10 to 40 channels, 2 slots ES 5690-UA10
Selector switch board U-MU with 10 inputs, electrically isolated,
Sensor connector with 10x MU connector, 10 to 40 channels, 1 slot ES 5690-UMU
10x MU connector for 10 sensors, 10 to 40 channels ZA 5690-MU
Selector switch board U-TH with 10 inputs, electrically isolated,
Sensor connector with thermocouple, 10 to 40 channels,`1 or 2 slots ES 5690-UTH
Selector switch board U-KS with 10 inputs, electrically isolated,
Sensor connector with clamp connector, 10 to 40 channels, 1 slot ES 5690-UKS
Option KSU: All inputs for 10 V with 100:1 divider OA 5690-UKSU
Option KSI: All inputs for 20 mA with shunt OA 5690-UKSI
Multimedia card, minimum 32 MB ZB 1904-MMC
DC power cable, 10 to 30 VDC, 12 V / 0.25 A, electrically isolated ZB 3090-UK
DC power cable, 10 to 30 VDC, 12 V / 1.25 A, electrically isolated ZB 3090-UK2
ALMEMO® data cable with V24 interface, electr. isol., maximum 115.2 kbaud ZA 1909-DK5
ALMEMO® network cable, electrically isolated, maximum 115.2 kbaud ZA 1999-NK5
ALMEMO® data cable with Ethernet interface, electr. isol., max. 115.2 kbaud ZA 1945-DK
ALMEMO® input / output cable for triggering and limit value alarms ZA 1000-EGK
ALMEMO® recording cable, not electrically isolated, -1.25 to 2.00 V ZA 1601-RK
ALMEMO® relay trigger analog adapter (4 relays, 2 trigger inputs) ZA 8000-RTA
Option R1, R2, R3: Analog output, electrically isolated, 2 V, 10 V, 20 mA OA 8000-Rx
ALMEMO® 5690-2M 81
13. Appendix
13.2 Index
Action, maximum and Action, minimum 10.4.3 68
additional channels 7.2 18
Alarm cables 10.6.2 74
alarm relay cable 10.4.3 68
AMR-Control 4.1.3 14
Analog channel 10.6.3 76
Analog output 10.6.3 75
Analog start and analog end 10.6.3 75
Analog start and analog end 10.4.4 69
ARRAY 9.4.4 37
Atmospheric pressure 10.5.6 73
Atmospheric pressure compensation 9.2.6 30
Averaging 9.4 35
Averaging mode 10.3.3 36, 59
Averaging over individual manual measuring operations 9.4.3 36
Averaging over measuring points 9.4.8 40
Averaging over the cycle 9.4.7 39
Averaging over the measuring time , 9.4.5 38
backlighting 8.1 22
Backlighting 10.5.5 72
bar charts 9.5.1 42
Base value 10.3.6 60
Baud rate 10.5.3 72
calibration data management 10.3.11 66
Calibration data management 9.7.4 49
Changing the units 10.3.8 61
Check lamps 1.2 2f.
CJTemperature 10.5.8 73
Clearing the memory 10.2.6 57
code switch 7.3 19
Code switch 1.2 4
Code switches 1.2 3
Cold junction compensation 9.2.7 31
cold junction temperature 9.2.7 31
Cold junction temperature 10.5.8 73
compensation 9.2 27
Configuration 10.5.8 73
Connecting the transducers 7 18
Connection socket DC 1.2 3
continuous measuring point scan 10.1.3 51
contrast 10.5.5 72
conversion rate 10.1.3 51
82 ALMEMO® 5690-2M
ALMEMO® 5690-2M 83
13. Appendix
Introduction 4 10
keypad 8 22
Keypad 1.1 2
Language 10.5.4 72
level of smoothing 9.4.1 36
Limit Value Responses 10.4.3 68
Limit Value Responses 10.4.3 68
Limit values 10.3.5 60
line graph 9.3.5 34
Linearization 10.3.11 66
Locking the sensor programming 10.3.4 59
Mains operation 6.1 16
manual measuring point scan 9.3.1 32
Max time 9.1.2 26
Measured data, recording 10.2.2 54
Measured value correction 9.2 27
Measuring 9 25
Measuring channels 10.5.8 73
measuring duration 9.4.6 38
Measuring duration 10.2.2 52, 54
Measuring inputs 7.2 3, 18
Measuring inputs 13.1 4, 80
measuring menus 9 22, 25
Measuring operations 4.1.2 12
Measuring point designation 10.3.2 59
Measuring point scan 9.3 32
Measuring points list 9 25
Measuring points list 9.5.3 43
Measuring rate 10.1.3 51
Measuring time 9.4.6 38
Measuring with a measuring point 9.1 26
Memory 10.2.1 53
memory activation 10.1.2 50
memory output 9.3.3 33
Memory output 10.2.6 56
Memory space 9.3.3 33
Menu configuration 9.7.2 46
Menu Measuring points list 9.5.3 43
Menu Multi-channel display 9.5.1 42
menu selection 8.1 22
Min time 9.1.2 26
Minimum sensor power supply 10.4.2 67
Module AP 1.2 3
Module MM-A9 1.2 3
84 ALMEMO® 5690-2M
ALMEMO® 5690-2M 85
13. Appendix
86 ALMEMO® 5690-2M
Trouble-shooting 11 78
Two-point adjustment 9.2.4 29
user menu 9.7.2 46
User menus 9.7 45
Volume flow measurement 9.4.9 41
Warranty 3.1 8
Wet bulb globe temperature 9.6.2 44
WIN-Control 4.1.3 14
wizard menu 9.4 35
Wizard menu 9.6 44
wizard menus 8.1 22
Zero-point adjustment 9.2.2 28
Zero-point correction 10.3.7 61
9.2.6 17, 31
ALMEMO® 5690-2M 87
13. Appendix
88 ALMEMO® 5690-2M