1. Worldwide service and parts facilities are !
provided by CompAir BroomWade Distributors.
The service and parts departments at High ● The use of replacement parts or
Wycombe are available should any difficulty be lubricating oils not supplied or approved
experienced. by CompAir BroomWade may lead to
failures in service which would not be
2. It is essential to quote the MODEL and SERIAL covered by warranty.
numbers in all communications.
● Any unauthorised modifications or failure
3. The substitution of parts not manufactured or to maintain this equipment in accordance
approved by CompAir BroomWade can reduce with the maintenance instructions may
performance or service life and create potential make it unsafe. The use of replacement
mechanical or personnel hazards. parts not supplied or approved by
CompAir BroomWade may create
4. The right is reserved to modify the contents of hazardous conditions over which CompAir
this publication without notice and the data BroomWade has no control.
given is in no way binding on the
manufacturers. ● Such hazardous conditions may lead to
accidents that can be life threatening,
5. Where approximate figures are shown, specific cause substantial bodily injury or result in
details are available on request. damage to the equipment. CompAir
BroomWade can bear no responsibility for
equipment in which unapproved
WARRANTY replacement parts are included.
AC20160-1327, Issue 2, June, 1994
Chapter Title
1 Safety
2 SRM Air-ends
Dismantling and Assembly Procedures
3 SRM Air-ends
Tooling Diagrams
4 Cyclon Air-ends
Dismantling and Assembly Procedures
5 Cyclon Air-ends
Tooling Diagrams
2.1 Warnings
2.2 Cautions
2.3 Notes
Chapter 1, Page 1
CompAir BroomWade – Air-end Repair Manual
2.2 Cautions
2.3 Notes
Chapter 1, Page 2
3. GENERAL SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Always use tools that are in good condition and be
sure you understand how to use them properly
When using cleaning solvents, local Health and before starting any service work. Use the correct
Safety regulations must be complied with. Provide tool for each job. Knowledge of the proper use of
good ventilation and use suitable protection such tools and their limitations, coupled with common
as a breathing filter mask, safety glasses, sense, can prevent many accidents.
protective apron and gloves.
Special service tools are available for some
Safety footwear should be compulsory in all specific jobs and should always be used when
workshops. Safety helmets must be worn if there recommended. This will save time and prevent
is any risk of falling objects. damage to components.
A hoist should always be used to lift in a Make sure that all instructions concerning
perpendicular direction. If lifting at an angle cannot operation and maintenance are strictly followed
be avoided take precautions to prevent the load and that the complete unit, with all accessories and
swinging. This can achieved by using two hoists, safety devices, is kept in good running order.
each lifting at not more than 30˚ from the vertical.
Maintenance, overhaul and repair work must only
Note: This will reduce the safe working load be carried out by competent personnel under a
capacity of the hoists. qualified supervisor.
Chapter 1, Page 3
CompAir BroomWade – Air-end Repair Manual
Chapter 1, Page 4
Dismantling & Assembly – SRM Air-end 63·75 x 1·5
1. AIR-END 63·75 x 1·5 (C20453-70)
1.1 Dismantling Procedure
1.2 Assembly Procedure
2. AIR- END 86·7 x 1·54 (C20451-70)
2.1 Dismantling Procedure (Air-Ends to Serial No. L009/8480)
2.2 Assembly Procedure (Air-Ends to Serial No. L009/ 8480)
2.3 Dismantling Procedure (Air-Ends From Serial No. L009/8481)
2.4 Assembly Procedure (Air-Ends From Serial No. L009/8481)
3. AIR-END 102 X 1·65
3.1 Dismantling Procedure (C20434-40 & 87)
3.2 Assembly Procedure (C20434-40 & 87)
3.3 Dismantling Procedure (C20434-117)
3.4 Assembly Procedure (C20434-117)
4. AIR-END 102 X 1·8 (C20452-69)
4.1 Dismantling Procedure
4.2 Assembly Procedure
5. AIR-END 127·5 X 1·65 (C20450-40)
5.1 Dismantling Procedure
5.2 Assembly Procedure
6. AIR-END 178·5 X 1·65
6.1 Dismantling Procedure (C20438-90A)
6.2 Assembly Procedure (C20438-90A)
6.3 Dismantling Procedure (C20438-40)
6.4 Assembly Procedure (C20438-40)
7. GEARBOX C20438-1 (AIR-END 178.5 X 1.65 – C20438-40)
7.1 Dismantling Procedure
7.2 Assembly Procedure
8. AIR END 204 X 1·65 (C20437-201)
8.1 Dismantling Procedure
8.2 Assembly Procedure
9. GEARBOX C20437-4 (AIR-END 204 X 1·65 – C20437-201)
9.1 Dismantling Procedure Continued
9.2 Assembly Procedure
Chapter 2, Page 1
CompAir BroomWade – Air-end Repair Manual
FIG. 2.1 AIR-END 63·75 x 1·5 (C20453-70)
FIG. 2.2 AIR-END 86·7 x 1·54 (C20451-70 to Serial No. L009/8480)
FIG. 2.3 AIR-END 86·7 x 1·54 (C20451-70 From Serial No. L009/8481)
FIG. 2.4 AIR END 102 x 1·65 (C20434-40 & 87)
FIG. 2.5 AIR END 102 x 1·65 (C20434-117)
FIG. 2.6 AIR END Type 102 x 1·8 (C20452-69)
FIG. 2.7 AIR-END 127·5 x 1·65 (C20450-40)
FIG. 2.8 AIR-END 178·5 x 1·65 (C20438-90A)
FIG. 2.9 AIR-END 178·5 x 1·65 (C20438-40)
FIG. 2.10 GEARBOX C20438-1 (Air-end 178.5 x 1.65 – C20438-40)
FIG. 2.11 AIR END 204 x 1·65 (C20437-201)
FIG. 2.12 GEARBOX C20437-4 (Air-end 204 x 1·65 – C20437-201)
Chapter 2, Page 2
Dismantling & Assembly – SRM Air-end 63·75 x 1·5
★ ▲
Gearbox part no. C20438-1 Gearbox part no. C20437-4
Chapter 2, Page 3
CompAir BroomWade – Air-end Repair Manual
● Refer to the safety precautions in Chapter 1 before carrying out any of the following procedures
Note 2: Tooling diagrams are contained in 6. Position the delivery bearing housing/rotors
Chapter 3. assembly to a press. Using a suitable
mandrel, press out the male (7) and
1. Remove screws (20) and washers (21) female (18) rotors from the bearings (11),
securing the oilseal housing (3) to ensuring that each rotor is supported as it is
rotor casing (6). Using a soft drift, separate the released from the bearing. Remove shims (10)
seal housing. Remove and discard joint (4). from the delivery end of the rotor shafts.
Using a press and suitable mandrel, remove
and discard the single piece oil seal (2). 7. Using suitable pulling equipment or splitting as
necessary, remove the bearing inner rings
2. Using a strap wrench or equivalent tool, from the inlet end of both rotor shafts, and
remove the seal sleeve (1) from the drive shaft discard the rings.
and discard the sleeve.
8. Using a press and suitable mandrel, press out
3. Position the rotor locking fixture 288003 to a both matched pairs of bearings (11) from the
vice. Remove screws (23), (24) and delivery bearing housing (17), together with
washers (22) securing the delivery bearing the bearing spacer. The outer rings of the
housing (17) to rotor casing (6). Using a soft innermost pair of bearings will remain in the
drift, separate the bearing housing. Carefully housing. Using a suitable extractor, withdraw
withdraw the bearing housing/rotors assembly both outer rings. Discard the bearings.
from the rotor casing and position to the
locking fixture, ensuring the fixture key
engages with the male rotor shaft (7) keyway.
The two dowels (8) remain in the rotor casing. 1.2 Assembly Procedure
Remove and discard joint (9).
CAUTION: Clean all components thoroughly before
4. Using a press and suitable mandrels, press assembly.
out the male (5) and female (19) inlet end
bearings from the rotor casing and discard the
Chapter 2, Page 4
Dismantling & Assembly – SRM Air-end 63·75 x 1·5
1. Inspect all components retained for re-use for 6. To determine the depth of the female delivery
evidence of wear or damage, renewing as bearing inner race from the face of the
applicable. Responsibility for verifying that delivery bearing housing, first ensure the face
components are suitable for re-use rests with is clean. Position shim gauge (A) 288001 into
the repairer. Sound engineering practices the female bore to locate on the bearing inner
should be observed and advice sought if doubt race. Holding the gauge firmly in position,
exists. accurately measure with feeler gauges the
gap between gauge and housing face.
Remove burrs where necessary and ensure SUBTRACT the gap distance from the
joint faces are clean. Do not remove bearings measurement stamped on the gauge and note
from packaging until required or interchange the new figure. Remove gauge from housing.
bearings or spacers of a matched assembly
with parts of another assembly. 7. With rotors secured in locking fixture, position
shim gauge (B) 288002 to female rotor shaft
Thoroughly de-grease and clean all delivery end. Holding the gauge firmly in
components, ensuring that all oil galleries are position, accurately measure with feeler
clear, refitting plugs with Loctite 542. gauges the gap between gauge and rotor
face. ADD the gap distance to the
2. Separate the inner ring from the new male inlet measurement stamped on the gauge and note
bearing (5) and de-grease. Heat the inner ring the new figure. Remove gauge from shaft.
by induction or in an oven to 100 – 120° C and
then drop over the male rotor shaft (7), 8. SUBTRACT rotor shaft dimension from
ensuring that the ring is hard against the bearing housing dimension to obtain
shoulder. Allow to cool in air DO NOT USE difference. To this figure ADD the required
WATER. Repeat for the female inlet end clearance
bearing (19) and rotor (18). i.e. 0·05 – 0·10 mm (0·002" – 0·004"). This
new figure is the shim pack thickness to
3. De-grease outer race of new male inlet achieve the correct end clearance. Carefully
bearing (5). Apply Loctite 641 to the inlet measure shims (10) to obtain correct total
bearing bores of the rotor casing (6). Position thickness, and position to rotor shaft using a
bearing to press tool 288005 and press small amount of grease to retain.
bearing fully into housing. Repeat for female
inlet bearing (19) using press tool 288006. 9. Repeat procedures 6 to 8 for male bore and
4. Position a matched pair of bearings and
spacer (11) to the delivery bearing press tool 10. Remove both covers (14) from delivery
288007. Press bearings into the male bore of bearing housing (17). Position two delivery
the delivery bearing housing (17), ensuring that bearing supports 288008 to press and place
the bearing is hard against inner shoulder of delivery bearing housing onto bearing
housing. Repeat for the female bore. supports.
5. Fit both end covers (14) to delivery bearing Note: During procedure 11, it is important to use
housing (17) and secure with screws (15) and two sets of feeler gauges to eliminate discrepancy
washers (16) torque loaded to 7 Nm (5 lbf.ft). due to bearing clearance.
Ensure that the inner races of the delivery
bearings revolve freely after securing the end 11. Position female rotor (18) to bearing housing
covers. bore and press into bearings (11) until
shims are hard against inner race. Rotate
rotor to ensure free running. Carefully check
clearance between rotor and housing face
with two sets of feeler gauges positioned
diametrically opposite each other. Clearance
should be within 0·05 – 0·10 mm
(0·002" – 0·004") tolerance.
Chapter 2, Page 5
CompAir BroomWade – Air-end Repair Manual
Chapter 2, Page 6
Dismantling & Assembly – SRM Air-end 63·75 x 1·5
If clearance is not within limits, remove rotor 18. Fit the oil seal housing (3) to the rotor casing (6) with
and carry out necessary adjustments by a new joint (4), using mounting sleeve C11402/359/
adding or subtracting shims. 11. Secure housing to rotor casing with screws (20)
and washers (21) torque loaded to 11·7 Nm (8·6
Note: 'First time' accuracy is important when lbf.ft).
carrying out the procedures in item 11.
Note: Shaft seal mounting sleeves are obtainable from
12. Repeat procedure 11 for male rotor (7). CompAir BroomWade Parts Department, High Wycombe.
13. Position bearing housing/rotors assembly to 19. Pre-lubricate the rotors and bearings using the
rotor locking fixture in vice. Fit new recommended compressor oil, and turn the rotors by
locknuts (13) to delivery end of both rotors hand to ensure distribution.
and, using tube spanner 288004, torque load
to 34 Nm If the air-end is to be stored for more than fourteen
(25 lbf.ft). days, or in hostile conditions, spray approximately
10 cc of Astrolan DA362 Motorstor (or equivalent)
14. Fit delivery end covers (14) with new into the inlet port while turning the rotors slowly by
‘O’ rings (12), and secure with screws (15) hand, ensuring that all internal parts are covered.
and washers (16) torque loaded to 7 Nm Blank off inlet and discharge ports until ready for
(5 lbf.ft). use. All external machined surfaces should be
similarly protected against corrosion.
15. Position delivery bearing housing/rotors
assembly to rotor casing delivery end with a Note: Inhibitor provides a protected shelf life of 12
new joint (9), ensuring that weight is months.
supported as rotors enter casing. Locate
rotors into inlet end bearings and secure
bearing housing with screws (23), (24) and
washers (22), torque loaded to 28 Nm (21
Chapter 2, Page 7
Dismantling & Assembly – SRM Air-end 86·7 x 1·54
● Refer to the safety precautions in Chapter 1 before carrying out any of the following procedures.
2.1 Dismantling Procedure assembly from the rotor casing and position to
(Air-Ends to Serial No. L009/8480) the locking fixture, ensuring the fixture key
engages with the male rotor shaft keyway.
Note 1: It is assumed that all drive components, The two dowels (10) remain in the rotor
including shaft key, have been previously removed. casing. Open the tabs on both delivery end
Removal and subsequent refitting of these locking plates (20). Remove screws (19) and
components is described in the compressor Repair locking components (18).
7. Position the delivery bearing housing/rotors
Note 2: Tooling diagrams are contained in assembly to the press. Using a suitable
Chapter 3. mandrel, press out male (9) and female (26)
rotors from bearings (13). Ensure that each
1. Remove bolts (33) and washers (34) securing rotor is supported as it is released from the
the oil seal housing (30) to inlet bearing bearing. Remove the shims (23) from the
housing (5). Using a soft drift, separate the delivery end of rotor shafts.
seal housing. The two dowels (28) remain in
the bearing housing. Remove the sleeve (35) 8. Using suitable pulling equipment or splitting as
and ‘O’ ring (2) from the drive shaft and necessary, remove the bearing inner rings
discard. Using a press and suitable mandrel, from the inlet end of both rotor shafts, and
remove the single piece oil seal (1) and discard rings.
discard. Remove the joint (3) and discard.
9. Using a press and suitable mandrel, press out
2. Remove circlip (29) securing the inner ring of both matched pairs of bearings (13) from the
the female inlet bearing (27) to the rotor shaft. delivery bearing housing, together with the
bearing spacer. The outer rings of the
3. Remove bolts (31) and washers (32) securing innermost pair of bearings will remain in the
the inlet bearing housing (5) to rotor housing. Using a suitable extractor, withdraw
casing (8). Using a soft drift, separate the inlet both outer rings. Discard bearings and rings.
bearing housing. The two dowels (7) remain in
the rotor casing. Remove joint (6) and discard.
Chapter 2, Page 5
CompAir BroomWade – Air-end Repair Manual
Remove burrs where necessary and ensure female bore to locate on the bearing inner
joint faces are clean. Do not remove bearings race. Holding the gauge firmly in position,
from packaging until required or interchange accurately measure with feeler gauges the
bearings or spacers of a matched assembly gap between gauge and housing face.
with parts from another assembly. SUBTRACT the gap distance from the
measurement stamped on the gauge and note
Thoroughly de-grease and clean all the new figure. Remove gauge from housing.
components, ensuring that all oil galleries are
clear, refitting plugs with Loctite 542. Lightly 8. With rotors secured in locking fixture, position
grease 'O' rings before fitting. shim gauge (B) 288017 to female rotor shaft
delivery end. Holding the gauge firmly in
2. Separate the inner ring from the new male inlet position, accurately measure with feeler
bearing (4) and de-grease. Apply Loctite gauges the gap between gauge and rotor
14486 to inlet bearing diameter of the male face. ADD the gap distance to the
rotor shaft (9). Heat the inner ring by induction measurement stamped on the gauge and note
or in an oven to 100 – 120° C and then drop the new figure. Remove gauge from shaft.
over the male rotor shaft, ensuring that the ring
is hard against the shoulder. Allow to cool in air 9. SUBTRACT rotor shaft dimension from
– DO NOT USE WATER. bearing housing dimension to obtain
difference. To this figure ADD the required
3. Separate the inner ring from the new female end clearance i.e. 0·05 – 0·10 (0·002" –
inlet bearing (27) and de-grease. Heat the 0·004"). This new figure is the shim pack
inner ring by induction or in an oven to thickness to achieve the correct end
100 – 120° C and then drop over the female clearance. Carefully measure shims (23) to
rotor shaft (26), ensuring that the ring is hard obtain correct total thickness, and position to
against the shoulder. Allow to cool in air – DO rotor shaft using a small amount of grease to
NOT USE WATER. retain.
4. De-grease outer race of new male inlet 10. Repeat procedures 7 to 9 for male bore and
bearing (4). Apply Loctite 641 to the bearing shaft.
bore of inlet bearing housing (5). Position
bearing to press tool 288019, and press 11. Remove both covers (15) from delivery
bearing fully into housing. Repeat for female bearing housing (12). Position two delivery
inlet bearing (27) using press tool 288020. bearing supports 288022 to press and place
delivery bearing housing onto bearing
5. Position a matched pair of bearings and supports.
spacer (13) to the delivery bearing press tool
288021. Press bearings into the male bore of Note: During procedure 12, it is important to use
the delivery bearing housing (12), ensuring that two sets of feeler gauges to eliminate discrepancy
bearing is hard against inner shoulder of due to bearing clearance.
housing. Repeat for the female bore.
12. Position female rotor (26) to bearing housing
6. Fit both end covers (15) to delivery bearing bore and press into bearings (13) until
housing (12) and secure with screws (16) and shims (23) are hard against inner race. Rotate
washers (17) torque loaded the to 7 Nm (5 rotor to ensure free running. Carefully check
lbf.ft). Ensure that the inner races of delivery clearance between rotor and housing face
bearings revolve freely after securing the end with two sets of feeler gauges positioned
covers. diametrically opposite each other. Clearance
should be within 0·05 – 0·10 mm
7. To determine the depth of the female delivery (0·002" – 0·004") tolerance.
bearing inner race from the face of the delivery
bearing housing, first ensure the face is clean. If clearance is not within limits, remove rotor
Position shim gauge (A) 288016 into the and carry out necessary rectification by adding
or subtracting shims.
Chapter 2, Page 6
Dismantling & Assembly – SRM Air-end 86·7 x 1·54
Chapter 2, Page 7
CompAir BroomWade – Air-end Repair Manual
Note: 'First time' accuracy is important when Note: Shaft seal mounting sleeves are available
carrying out the procedures in item 12. from CompAir BroomWade Parts
Department, High Wycombe.
13. Repeat procedure 12 for male rotor (9).
22. Pre-lubricate the rotors and bearings using
14. Position bearing housing/rotors assembly to the recommended compressor oil, and turn
rotor locking fixture in vice. Fit the retaining the rotors by hand to ensure distribution.
plates (18), new locking plates (20), and
screws (19) to rotors at the delivery end. If the air-end is to be stored for more than
Torque load screws to 23 Nm (17 lbf.ft). Lock fourteen days, or in hostile conditions, spray
tabs against flats. approximately 10 cc of Astrolan DA362
Motorstor (or equivalent) into the inlet port
15. Fit delivery end covers (15) with new while turning the rotors slowly by hand,
‘O’ rings (14), and secure with screws (16) ensuring that all internal parts are covered.
and washers (17) torque loaded to 7 Nm (5 lbf Blank off inlet and discharge ports until ready
ft). for use. All external machined surfaces
should be similarly protected against
16. Position delivery bearing housing/rotors corrosion.
assembly to rotor casing delivery end with a
new joint (11), ensuring that weight is Note: Inhibitor provides a protected shelf life of 12
supported as rotors enter casing. Secure months.
bearing housing with bolts (21), (24) and
washers (22) and (25), torque loaded to 29
Nm (21 lbf.ft).
Chapter 2, Page 8
Dismantling & Assembly – SRM Air-end 86·7 x 1·54
● Refer to the safety precautions in Chapter 1 before carrying out any of the following procedures.
1. Remove bolts (31) and washers (32) securing 7. Position the delivery bearing housing/rotors
the oil seal housing (30) to inlet bearing assembly to the press. Using a suitable
housing (5). Using a soft drift, separate the mandrel, press out male (9) and female (26)
seal housing. The two dowels (28) remain in rotors from bearings (13). Ensure that each
the bearing housing. Using a strap wrench or rotor is supported as it is released from the
equivalent tool, remove the seal sleeve (33) bearing. Remove the shims (23) from the
from the drive shaft and discard. Using a delivery end of rotor shafts.
press and suitable mandrel, remove the single
piece oil seal (1) and discard. Remove and 8. Using suitable pulling equipment or splitting as
discard the joint (2). necessary, remove the bearing inner rings
from the inlet end of both rotor shafts, and
2. Remove circlip (29) securing the inner ring of discard rings.
the female inlet bearing (27) to the rotor shaft.
9. Using a press and suitable mandrel, press out
3. Remove bolts (34) and washers (35) securing both matched pairs of bearings (13) from the
the inlet bearing housing (5) to rotor delivery bearing housing, together with the
casing (8). Using a soft drift, separate the inlet bearing spacer. The outer rings of the
bearing housing. The two dowels (7) remain in innermost pair of bearings will remain in the
the rotor casing. Remove joint (6) and discard. housing. Using a suitable extractor, withdraw
both outer rings. Discard bearings.
4. Using a press and suitable mandrels, press
out the male (3) and female (27) bearings
from the inlet bearing housing (5), taking care
not to damage the bearing spacer (4 ) behind 2.4 Assembly Procedure
the male bearing. Remove spacer (4) and (Air-Ends From Serial No. L009/8481)
retain. Discard bearings.
CAUTION: Clean all components thoroughly before
5. Remove screws (16) and washers (17) assembly.
securing each of the end covers (15) to the
delivery bearing housing (12). Remove the 1. Inspect all components retained for re-use for
covers and ‘O’ rings (14). Discard ‘O’ rings. evidence of wear or damage, renewing as
applicable. Responsibility for verifying that
components are suitable for re-use rests with
Chapter 2, Page 9
CompAir BroomWade – Air-end Repair Manual
the repairer. Sound engineering practices the new figure. Remove gauge from housing.
should be observed and advice sought if
doubt exists. 8. With rotors secured in locking fixture, position
shim gauge (B) 288017 to female rotor shaft
2. Separate the inner ring from the new male delivery end. Holding the gauge firmly in
inlet bearing (4) and de-grease. Apply Loctite position, accurately measure with feeler
14486 to inlet bearing diameter of the male gauges the gap between gauge and rotor
rotor shaft (9). Heat the inner ring by induction face. ADD the gap distance to the
or in an oven to 100 – 120° C and then drop measurement stamped on the gauge and note
over the male rotor shaft, ensuring that the the new figure. Remove gauge from shaft.
ring is hard against the shoulder. Allow to cool
in air – DO NOT USE WATER. 9. SUBTRACT rotor shaft dimension from
bearing housing dimension to obtain
3. Separate the inner ring from the new female difference. To this figure ADD the required end
inlet bearing (27) and de-grease. Heat the clearance i.e. 0·05 – 0·10 (0·002" – 0·004").
inner ring by induction or in an oven to This new figure is the shim pack thickness to
100 – 120° C and then drop over the female achieve the correct end clearance. Carefully
rotor shaft (26), ensuring that the ring is hard measure shims (23) to obtain correct total
against the shoulder. Allow to cool in air – DO thickness, and position to rotor shaft using a
NOT USE WATER. small amount of grease to retain.
4. Position spacer (4) to male bore of inlet 10. Repeat procedures 7 to 9 for male bore and
bearing housing (5). De-grease outer race of shaft.
new male inlet bearing (3). Apply an even coat
of Loctite 641 to the bearing bore of inlet 11. Remove both covers (15) from delivery
bearing housing (5). Position bearing to press bearing housing (12). Position two delivery
tool 288023, and press bearing fully into bearing supports 288022 to press and place
housing. Repeat for female inlet bearing (27) delivery bearing housing onto bearing
using press tool 288020. supports.
5. Position a matched pair of bearings and Note: During procedure 12, it is important to use
spacer (13) to the delivery bearing press tool two sets of feeler gauges to eliminate discrepancy
288021. Press bearings into the male bore of due to bearing clearance.
the delivery bearing housing (12), ensuring
that bearing is hard against inner shoulder of 12. Position female rotor (26) to bearing housing
housing. Repeat for the female bore. bore and press into bearings (13) until
shims (23) are hard against inner race. Rotate
6. Fit both end covers (15) to delivery bearing rotor to ensure free running. Carefully check
housing (12) and secure with screws (16) and clearance between rotor and housing face
washers (17) torque loaded the to 7 Nm with two sets of feeler gauges positioned
(5 lbf.ft). Ensure that the inner races of diametrically opposite each other. Clearance
delivery bearings revolve freely after securing should be within 0·05 – 0·10 mm
the end covers. (0·002" – 0·004") tolerance.
7. To determine the depth of the female delivery If clearance is not within limits, remove rotor
bearing inner race from the face of the and carry out necessary rectification by adding
delivery bearing housing, first ensure the face or subtracting shims.
is clean. Position shim gauge (A) 288016 into
the female bore to locate on the bearing inner Note: 'First time' accuracy is important when
race. Holding the gauge firmly in position, carrying out the procedures in item 12.
accurately measure with feeler gauges the
gap between gauge and housing face.
SUBTRACT the gap distance from the
measurement stamped on the gauge and note
Chapter 2, Page 10
Dismantling & Assembly – SRM Air-end 86·7 x 1·54
Chapter 2, Page 11
CompAir BroomWade – Air-end Repair Manual
13. Repeat procedure 12 for male rotor (9). 21. Fit the oil seal housing (30) to the inlet
bearing housing (5) using mounting sleeve
14. Position bearing housing/rotors assembly to C11402/359/9. Secure with screws (31) and
rotor locking fixture in vice. Fit the retaining washers (32) torque loaded to 12 Nm (9 lbf.ft).
plates (18), new locking plates (20), and
screws (19) to rotors at the delivery end. Note: Shaft seal mounting sleeves are available
Torque load screws to 23 Nm (17 lbf.ft). Lock from CompAir BroomWade Parts Department, High
tabs against flats. Wycombe.
15. Fit delivery end covers (15) with new 22. Pre-lubricate the rotors and bearings using
‘O’ rings (14), and secure with screws (16) the recommended compressor oil, and turn
and washers (17) torque loaded to 7 Nm the rotors by hand to ensure distribution.
(5 lbf.ft).
If the air-end is to be stored for more than
16. Position delivery bearing housing/rotors fourteen days, or in hostile conditions, spray
assembly to rotor casing delivery end with a approximately 10 cc of Astrolan DA362
new joint (11), ensuring that weight is Motorstor (or equivalent) into the inlet port
supported as rotors enter casing. Secure while turning the rotors slowly by hand,
bearing housing with bolts (21), (24) and ensuring that all internal parts are covered.
washers (22) and (25), torque loaded to Blank off inlet and discharge ports until ready
29 Nm (21 lbf.ft). for use. All external machined surfaces
should be similarly protected against
17. Using a new joint (6), fit the inlet bearing corrosion.
housing (5) to rotor casing (8) and secure with
bolts (34) and washers (35) torque loaded to Note: Inhibitor provides a protected shelf life of 12
29 Nm (21 lbf.ft). months.
Chapter 2, Page 12
Dismantling & Assembly – SRM Air-end 102 x 1·65
● RefertothesafetyprecautionsinChapter1beforecarryingoua
t nyotfhefolowingprocedures.
.1 Inspecatclomponentsretan
i edfore-usefor
Chapter 2, Page 13
CompAir BroomWade – Air-end Repair Manual
Responsb ityilfovrerfyin
i gthactomponents distancefromthemeasuremensttampedon
lfore-userestswth ithereparier. thegaugeandnotethenewfigure.Remove
Soundengn i eern i gpractci esshoud lbe gaugefromhousn i g.
observedandadvci esoughd fitoube
txsi ts.
.7 Wth irotorssecurednio
l ckn
i gxfiturep,osotin
Removeburrswherenecessaryandensure shmi gauge(B2 )88031tofemae lrotosrhaft
jn i ftacesarece
l anD . onortemovebearn i gs deliveryendH . oldingthegaugefirmlyin
frompackagn i gunreltiquriedon
irterchange postoi na,ccurateylmeasurewtihfeee lr
bearingsorspacersoa fmatchedassembly gaugesthegapbetweengaugeandrotor
wtihpartsfromanothea rssembyl. faceA . DDthegapdistancetothe
Thoroughylde-greaseandce l anal thenewfigureR . emovegaugefromshaft.
componentse,nsurn igthaa
ti542. .8 SUBTRACTrotorshafd t imensionfrom
bearn i ghousn i gdm i enso i ntoobtan
.2 Separatetheinneringfromthenewmaleinlet dfierenceT . othsifg
i ureADDtherequried
bearn i g(3a )ndde-greaseH . eathen i nern
ig endce l arance
byinductionorinanovento100–120 ° Cand e
·0mm(00 ·02–0 "0
·04T ").hsi
thendropovetrhemae lrotosrhaft(7), newfg i uresitheshm i packthci knessrequried
ensurn i gthathterni gsihardagan i sthte toache i vethecorece tndce l aranceC . arefuyl
shoulder.Allowtocoolinair–DONOTUSE measureshm i s(23o t)obatnicoreco tta
WATERR . epeaftorthefemaleinlet thciknessa,ndposo tintorotosrhauftsn iga
beanrig(27a)ndroot(r8). smalmounotgfreasetoretan i.
Chapter 2, Page 14
Dismantling & Assembly – SRM Air-end 102 x 1·65
Chapter 2, Page 15
CompAir BroomWade – Air-end Repair Manual
1 Poso tinthebearn ighousn ig/rotorsassembyl
torotoolrckn igxfituren ivcieF.thtieretan in
pa ltes(18n),ewo lckn igpa ltes(19a),nd
screws(20to )therotorsathedevileryend.
Torqueo l adthescrewsto57Nm(42b l f.t).
Loca ktbsaganih tsa
bothbearn i ghousn i gbores.
. Fthtiefemae ln
lbtearn igretan inig
pa l te(29)n,ewo l ckni gwasher(30)a,nd
screw(31to)femae lrotoernd(8P ).oso
rotoo lrckn
igxfituretothemae lrotor(7),
bearn i go
l ckn i gcomponentsT . orqueo
l adthe
screwto57Nm(42b l f.L
1 Fctricp
ils(2a)nd(28to)bothmae land
femae lboresothfen
.91 Pre-u
recommendedcompressoroa ,li ndturnrotors
byhandtoensuredsitrb i uo
f eari-endsitobestoredformorethan
fourteendayso,n irhoste licondtionss,pray
Moo trsotr(oerquviaelni)othe
ensun rigthan a
Ba l nkon ife
latnddsichargeportsunre tli ady
foruseA .elxternam l achn i edsurfacesshoudl
besmi aliyrlproe
tce tdaganisctorosoin.
i tiop
i esaprotectedshefileo1f2
Chapter 2, Page 16
Dismantling & Assembly – SRM Air-end 102 x 1·65
● RefertothesafetyprecautionsinChapter1beforecarryingoua
t nyotfhefolowingprocedures
Chapter 2, Page 17
CompAir BroomWade – Air-end Repair Manual
Chapter 2, Page 18
Dismantling & Assembly – SRM Air-end 102 x 1·65
Chapter 2, Page 19
CompAir BroomWade – Air-end Repair Manual
l arancesinow t th
l tsire
andcarryoun t ecessaryrectifcationbyadding
i s.
.21 Repeaptrocedure11fom
r ae
1 Posoitnbean righousnigr/oo trsassembylo
lrcknigxfituren ivcieF.thtieretan in
palets(21n),ewolcknigpale ts(22a),nd
Torqueo l adthescrewsto57Nm(42b l f.t).
Loca ktbsaganialfsF
bearn ighousn igbores.
. Fthtiefemae lnie
lbtearn igretan in
pa l te(30)n,ewo l ckni gwasher(36)a,nd
screw(32o t)e
fmaelroo ternd(11P ).osoitn
rotoo lrckn
igxfituretothemae lrotor(10),
bearn i gol ckn i gcomponentsT . orqueo
l adthe
screwto57Nm(42b l f.L
1 Fctricp
Chapter 2, Page 20
Dismantling & Assembly – SRM Air-end 102 x 1·8
● Refer to the safety precautions in Chapter 1 before carrying out any of the following procedures
Chapter 2, Page 21
CompAir BroomWade – Air-end Repair Manual
4.2 Assembly Procedure 6. Fit both end covers (17) to delivery bearing
housing and secure with screws (18) and
CAUTION: Clean all components thoroughly before washers (19) torque loaded to 16 Nm
assembly. (21 lbf.ft). Ensure that the inner races of
delivery bearings revolve freely after securing
1. Inspect all components retained for re-use for the end covers.
evidence of wear or damage, renewing as
applicable. 7. To determine the depth of the female delivery
bearing inner race from the face of the
Responsibility for verifying that components delivery bearing housing, first ensure the face
are suitable for re-use rests with the repairer. is clean. Position shim gauge (A) 288038 into
Sound engineering practices should be the female bore to locate on the bearing inner
observed and advice sought if doubt exists. race. Holding the gauge firmly in position,
accurately measure with feeler gauges the
Remove burrs where necessary and ensure gap between gauge and housing face.
joint faces are clean. Do not remove bearings SUBTRACT the gap distance from the
from packaging until required or interchange measurement stamped on the gauge and note
bearings or spacers of a matched assembly the new figure. Remove gauge from housing.
with parts from another assembly.
8. With rotors secured in locking fixture, position
Thoroughly de-grease and clean all shim gauge (B) 288039 to female rotor shaft
components, ensuring that all oil galleries are delivery end. Holding the gauge firmly in
clear, refitting plugs with Loctite 542. position, accurately measure with feeler
gauges the gap between gauge and rotor
2. Separate the inner ring from the new male inlet face. ADD the gap distance to the
bearing (33) and de-grease. Apply Loctite measurement stamped on the gauge and note
14486 to inlet bearing diameter of the male the new figure. Remove gauge from shaft.
rotor shaft (11). Heat the inner ring by
induction or in an oven to 100 – 120° C and 9. SUBTRACT rotor shaft dimension from
then drop over the male rotor shaft, ensuring bearing housing dimension to obtain
that the ring is hard against the shoulder. Allow difference. To this figure ADD the required
to cool in air – DO NOT USE WATER. end clearance i.e. 0·05 – 0·10 mm
(0·002" – 0·004"). This new figure is the shim
3. Separate the inner ring from the new female pack thickness required to achieve the correct
inlet bearing (25) and de-grease. Heat the end clearance. Carefully measure shims (14)
inner ring by induction or in an oven to to obtain correct total thickness, and position
100 – 120° C and then drop over the female to rotor shaft using a small amount of grease
rotor shaft (12), ensuring that the ring is hard to retain.
against the shoulder. Allow to cool in air – DO
NOT USE WATER. 10. Repeat procedures 7 to 9 for male bore and
4. De-grease outer race of new male inlet
bearing (33). Apply Loctite 641 to the bearing 11. Remove both covers (17) from delivery
bore of inlet bearing housing (7). Position bearing housing (23). Position two delivery
bearing to press tool 288041, and press bearing supports 288044 to the press, and
bearing fully into housing. Repeat for female place delivery bearing housing onto bearing
inlet bearing (25) using press tool 288042. supports.
5. Position a matched pair of bearings and Note: During procedure 12, it is important to use
spacer (15) to the delivery bearing press tool two sets of feeler gauges to eliminate discrepancy
288043. Press bearings into the male bore of due to bearing clearance.
the delivery bearing housing (23), ensuring that
bearing is hard against inner shoulder of
housing. Repeat for the female bore.
Chapter 2, Page 22
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Chapter 2, Page 23
CompAir BroomWade – Air-end Repair Manual
12. Position female rotor (12) to bearing housing 19. Fit a new ‘O’ ring (32) to the female inlet end
bore and press into bearings (15) until cover (31) and position to the inlet bearing
shims (14) are hard against inner race. Rotate housing (7). Secure cover with screws (29)
rotor to ensure free running. Carefully check and washers (30) torque loaded to 16 Nm
clearance between rotor and housing face (12 lbf.ft).
with two sets of feeler gauges positioned
diametrically opposite each other. Clearance 20. Fit a new ‘O’ ring (6) to the male rotor
should be within 0·05 – 0·10 mm shaft (11). Fit a new sleeve (1), internal taper
(0·002" – 0·004") tolerance. end first, over the shaft until it is located
against the bearing and ‘O’ ring.
If clearance is not within limits, remove rotor
and carry out necessary rectification by adding CAUTION: When fitting the single piece seal during
or subtracting shims. procedure 21, it is important that the inner
circumference is not damaged or distorted in any
Note: 'First time' accuracy is important when way. The seal as supplied is coated with a sealant;
carrying out the procedures in item 12. after pressing into housing remove all traces of
residual sealant from internal surfaces of seal
13. Repeat procedure 12 for male rotor (11). housing.
14. Position bearing housing/rotors assembly to 21. Using a suitable mandrel, press a new single
rotor locking fixture in vice. Fit retaining piece oil seal (34) into the seal housing (2).
plates (20), new locking plates (21), and
screws (22) to the rotors at the delivery end. 22. Fit a new ‘O’ ring (5) to the oil seal
Torque load screws to 45 Nm (33 lbf.ft). Lock housing (2), position to inlet bearing
tabs against flats. housing (7) and secure with screws (35) and
washers (36) torque loaded to 16 Nm
15. Fit delivery end covers (17) with new (12 lbf.ft).
‘O’ rings (16), and secure with screws (18)
and washers (19) torque loaded to 16 Nm (12 23. Pre-lubricate the rotors and bearings using the
lbf.ft). recommended compressor oil, and turn rotors
by hand to ensure distribution.
16. Position delivery bearing housing/rotors
assembly to rotor casing (10) delivery end with If the air-end is to be stored for more than
a new joint (24), ensuring that weight is fourteen days, or in hostile conditions, spray
supported as rotors enter casing. Secure approximately 10 cc of Astrolan DA362
bearing housing (23) with bolts (37), (39) and Motorstor (or equivalent) into the inlet port
washers (38), (40) torque loaded to 29 Nm while turning the rotors slowly by hand,
(21 lbf.ft). Fit nuts (41) and washers (42) to ensuring that all internal parts are covered.
studs and secure. Blank off inlet and discharge ports until ready
for use. All external machined surfaces should
17. Using a new joint (8), fit the inlet bearing be similarly protected against corrosion.
housing (7) to the rotor casing (10) and secure
with bolts (3) and washers (4) torque loaded to Note: Inhibitor provides a protected shelf life of 12
29 Nm (21 lbf.ft). months.
Chapter 2, Page 24
Dismantling & Assembly – SRM Air-end 127·5 x 1·65
● Refer to the safety precautions in Chapter 1 before carrying out any of the following procedures
5.1 Dismantling Procedure 6. Position the rotor locking fixture to the vice.
Remove bolts (31) and (33), nut (35), and
Note 1: It is assumed that all drive components, washers (32), (34) and (36) securing the
including shaft key, have been previously removed. delivery bearing housing (11) to rotor
Removal and subsequent refitting of these casing (7). Using a soft drift, separate the
components is described in the compressor Repair bearing housing. Carefully withdraw the
Manual. bearing housing/rotors assembly from the
rotor casing and position to the locking fixture,
Note 2: Tooling diagrams are contained in ensuring the fixture key engages with the male
Chapter 3. rotor shaft keyway. The two dowels (9) remain
in the rotor casing. Open the tabs on both
1. Remove circlips (2) and (25) from male and delivery end locking plates (19). Remove
female bores of the inlet bearing housing (4). screws (20) and locking components (18)
and (19).
2. Open the tab on the female inlet end locking
plate (28). Position the rotor locking fixture 7. Position the delivery bearing housing/rotors
288054 to the male rotor (8), ensuring the assembly to the press. Using a suitable
fixture key engages with the rotor keyway, mandrel, press out male (8) and female (23)
allowing access to the female bearing locking rotors from bearings (13). Ensure that each
components. Remove screw (27) and locking rotor is supported as it is released from the
components (26) and (28). Remove the bearing. Remove shims (22) from the delivery
locking fixture. end of rotor shafts.
3. Remove bolts (29) and washers (30) securing 8. Using suitable pulling equipment or splitting as
the inlet bearing housing (4) to rotor necessary, remove the bearing inner rings
casing (7). Using a soft drift, separate the inlet from the inlet end of both rotor shafts, and
bearing housing. The two dowels (5) remain in discard rings.
the rotor casing. Remove joint (6) and discard.
9. Using a press and suitable mandrel, press out
4. Using a press and suitable mandrels, press both matched pairs of bearings (13) from the
out the male (3) and female (24) bearings delivery bearing housing (11), together with
from the inlet bearing housing (4) and discard. the male (12) and female (21) balance
pistons. Ensure balance pistons are not
5. Remove screws (14) and washers (15) damaged during removal of bearings. Discard
securing each of the end covers (17) to the bearings.
delivery bearing housing (11). Remove the
covers and ‘O’ rings (16). Discard ‘O’ rings.
Chapter 2, Page 25
CompAir BroomWade – Air-end Repair Manual
5.2 Assembly Procedure 5. Fit both end covers (17) to delivery bearing
housing (11) and secure with screws (14) and
CAUTION: Clean all components thoroughly before washers (15) torque loaded to 28·5 Nm
assembly. (21 lbf.ft). Ensure that the inner races of the
delivery bearings revolve freely after securing
1. Inspect all components retained for re-use for the end covers.
evidence of wear or damage, renewing as
applicable. 6. To determine the depth of the female delivery
balance piston from the face of the delivery
Responsibility for verifying that components bearing housing, first ensure the face is clean.
are suitable for re-use rests with the repairer. Position shim gauge (A) 288052 into the
Sound engineering practices should be female bore to locate on the balance piston.
observed and advice sought if doubt exists. Holding the gauge firmly in position,
accurately measure with feeler gauges the
Remove burrs where necessary and ensure gap between gauge and housing face.
joint faces are clean. Do not remove bearings SUBTRACT the gap distance from the
from packaging until required or interchange measurement stamped on the gauge and note
bearings or spacers of a matched assembly the new figure. Remove gauge from housing.
with parts from another assembly.
7. With rotors secured in locking fixture, position
Thoroughly de-grease and clean all shim gauge (B) 288053 to female rotor shaft
components, ensuring that all oil galleries are delivery end. Holding the gauge firmly in
clear, refitting plugs with Loctite 542. position, accurately measure with feeler
gauges the gap between gauge and rotor
2. Separate the inner ring from the new male inlet face. ADD the gap distance to the
bearing (3) and de-grease. Heat the inner ring measurement stamped on the gauge and note
by induction or in an oven to 100 – 120° C and the new figure. Remove gauge from shaft.
then drop over the male rotor shaft (8),
ensuring that the ring is hard against the 8. SUBTRACT rotor shaft dimension from
shoulder. Allow to cool in air – DO NOT USE bearing housing dimension to obtain
WATER. Repeat for the female inlet difference. To this figure ADD the required
bearing (24) and rotor (23). end clearance i.e. 0·05 – 0·10 mm (0·002" –
0·004"). This new figure is the shim pack
3. De-grease outer race of new male inlet thickness to achieve the correct end
bearing (3). Apply Loctite 641 to the bearing clearance. Carefully measure shims (22) to
bore of the inlet bearing housing (4). Position obtain correct total thickness, and position to
bearing to press tool 288055, and press rotor shaft using a small amount of grease to
bearing fully into housing. Repeat for female retain.
inlet bearing (24) using press tool 288056.
9. Repeat procedures 6 to 8 for male bore and
4. Position the male balance piston (12) into the shaft.
male bore of delivery bearing housing (11),
ensuring correct orientation. Position a 10. Remove both covers (17) from delivery
matched pair of bearings (13) to the delivery bearing housing (11). Position two delivery
bearing press tool 288057. Press bearings into bearing supports 288058 to press and place
the male bore of delivery bearing housing (11), delivery bearing housing onto bearing
ensuring that bearing is hard against inner supports.
shoulder of housing. Repeat for the female
bore. Note: During procedure 11, it is important to use
two sets of feeler gauges to eliminate discrepancy
due to bearing clearance.
Chapter 2, Page 26
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Chapter 2, Page 27
CompAir BroomWade – Air-end Repair Manual
11. Position female rotor (23) to bearing housing 16. Using a new joint (6), fit the inlet bearing
bore and press into bearings (13) until housing (4) to the rotor casing (7) and secure
shims (22) are hard against balance with bolts (29) and washers (30) torque loaded
piston (21). Rotate rotor to ensure free to 56 Nm (42 lbf.ft).
running. Carefully check clearance between
rotor and housing face with two sets of feeler 17. Fit the female inlet bearing retaining
gauges positioned diametrically opposite plate (26), new locking washer (28), and
each other. Clearance should be within 0·05 – screw (27) to female rotor end (23). Position
0·10 mm (0·002" – 0·004") tolerance. rotor locking fixture to the male rotor (8),
ensuring the fixture key engages with the rotor
If clearance is not within limits, remove rotor keyway, allowing access to the female bearing
and carry out necessary rectification by adding locking components. Torque load the screw to
or subtracting shims. 97·5 Nm (72 lbf.ft). Lock tab.
Note: 'First time' accuracy is important when 18. Fit circlips (2) and (25) to both male and
carrying out the procedures in item 11. female bores of the inlet bearing housing (4).
12. Repeat procedure 11 for male rotor (8). 19. Pre-lubricate the rotors and bearings using the
recommended compressor oil, and turn rotors
13. Position bearing housing/rotors assembly to by hand to ensure distribution.
rotor locking fixture in vice. Fit the retaining
plates (18), new locking plates (19), and If the air end is to be stored for more than
screws (20) to the rotors at the delivery end. fourteen days, or in hostile conditions, spray
Torque load the screws to 97·5 Nm (72 lbf.ft). approximately 10 cc of Astrolan DA362
Lock tabs against flats.. Motorstor (or equivalent) into the inlet port
while turning the rotors slowly by hand,
14. Fit delivery end covers (17) with new ensuring that all internal parts are covered.
‘O’ rings (16), and secure with screws (14) Blank off inlet and discharge ports until ready
and washers (15) torque loaded to 28·5 Nm for use. All external machined surfaces should
(21 lbf.ft). be similarly protected against corrosion.
15. Position delivery bearing housing/rotors Note: Inhibitor provides a protected shelf life of 12
assembly to rotor casing delivery end with a months.
new joint (10), ensuring that weight is
supported as rotors enter casing. Secure
bearing housing with bolts (31), (33) and
washers (32), (34), torque loaded to 56 Nm
(42 lbf.ft). Fit nut (35) and washer (36) to stud
and secure.
Chapter 2, Page 28
Dismantling & Assembly – SRM Air-end 178·5 x 1·65
● Refer to the safety precautions in Chapter 1 before carrying out any of the following procedures.
6.1 Dismantling Procedure (C20438-90A) 6. Using a press and suitable mandrels, press
out the male (3) and female (24) bearings
from the inlet bearing housing (4) and discard.
Note 1: It is assumed that the bellhousing and all
drive components, including shaft key, have been 7. Remove screws (13) and washers (14)
previously removed. Removal and subsequent securing each of the end covers (15) to the
refitting of these components is described in the delivery bearing housing (19). Remove the
compressor Repair Manual. covers and ‘O’ rings (12). Discard ‘O’ rings.
Note 2: Tooling diagrams are contained in 8. Position the rotor locking fixture to the vice.
Chapter 3. Remove bolts (40), nuts (42), and
washers (41) and (43) securing the delivery
1. Remove screws (35) and washers (36) bearing housing (19) to rotor casing (7). Using
securing the oil seal housing (33) to inlet a soft drift, separate the bearing housing.
bearing housing (4). Separate the seal Carefully withdraw the bearing housing/rotors
housing from the bearing housing. Remove assembly from the rotor casing and position to
joint (33) and discard. Remove sleeve (37) the locking fixture, ensuring the fixture key
and ‘O’ ring (2) from the drive shaft and engages with the male rotor shaft keyway.
discard. Using a press and suitable mandrel, The two dowels (9) remain in the rotor casing.
remove the single piece oil seal (1) and Open the tabs on both delivery end locking
discard. plates (17). Remove screws (16) and locking
components (17) and (18).
2. Remove screws (31) and washers (32)
securing the female inlet end cover (30) to the 9. Position the delivery bearing housing/rotors
inlet bearing housing (4), and remove the assembly to the press. Using a suitable
cover. Remove joint (29) and discard. mandrel, press out male (8) and female (23)
rotors from bearings (11). Ensure that each
3. Remove the circlip (25) from female bore of rotor is supported as it is released from the
the inlet bearing housing (4). bearing. Remove shims (22) from the delivery
end of the rotor shafts.
4. Open the tab on the female inlet end locking
plate (27). Position the rotor locking fixture 10. Using suitable pulling equipment or splitting as
288068 to male rotor (8), ensuring the fixture necessary, remove the bearing inner rings
key engages with the rotor keyway, allowing from the inlet end of both rotor shafts, and
access to the female bearing locking discard rings.
components. Remove screw (28) and locking
components. Remove the locking fixture. 11. Using a press and suitable mandrel, press out
both matched pairs of bearings (11) from the
5. Remove bolts (38) and washers (39) securing delivery bearing housing (19), together with
the inlet bearing housing (4) to rotor the male (10) and female (20) balance
casing (7). Using a soft drift, separate the inlet pistons. Ensure balance pistons are not
bearing housing. The two dowels (6) remain in damaged during removal of bearings. Discard
the rotor casing. Remove joint (5) and discard. bearings.
Chapter 2, Page 29
CompAir BroomWade – Air-end Repair Manual
6.2 Assembly Procedure (C20438-90A) 6. To determine the depth of the female delivery
balance piston from the face of the delivery
CAUTION: Clean all components thoroughly before bearing housing, first ensure the face is clean.
assembly. Position shim gauge (A) 288066 into the
female bore to locate on the balance piston.
1. Inspect all components retained for re-use for Holding the gauge firmly in position,
evidence of wear or damage, renewing as accurately measure with feeler gauges the
applicable. gap between gauge and housing face.
SUBTRACT the gap distance from the
Responsibility for verifying that components measurement stamped on the gauge and note
are suitable for re-use rests with the repairer. the new figure. Remove gauge from housing.
Sound engineering practices should be
observed and advice sought if doubt exists. 7. With rotors secured in locking fixture, position
shim gauge (B) 288067 to female rotor shaft
Remove burrs where necessary and ensure delivery end. Holding the gauge firmly in
joint faces are clean. Do not remove bearings position, accurately measure with feeler
from packaging until required or interchange gauges the gap between gauge and rotor
bearings or spacers of a matched assembly face. ADD the gap distance to the
with parts from another assembly. measurement stamped on the gauge and note
the new figure. Remove gauge from shaft.
Thoroughly de-grease and clean all
components, ensuring that all oil galleries are 8. SUBTRACT rotor shaft dimension from
clear, refitting plugs with Loctite 542. bearing housing dimension to obtain
difference. To this figure ADD the required
2. Separate the inner ring from the new male inlet end clearance i.e. 0·05 – 0·10 (0·002" –
bearing (3) and de-grease. Heat the inner ring 0·004"). This new figure is the shim pack
by induction or in an oven to 100 – 120° C and thickness to achieve the correct end
then drop over the male rotor shaft (8), clearance. Carefully measure shims (22) to
ensuring that the ring is hard against the obtain correct total thickness, and position to
shoulder. Allow to cool in air – DO NOT USE rotor shaft using a small amount of grease to
WATER. Repeat for the female inlet retain.
bearing (24) and rotor (23).
9. Repeat procedures 6 to 8 for male bore and
3. De-grease outer race of new male inlet shaft.
bearing (3). Apply Loctite 641 to the bearing
bore of the inlet bearing housing (4). Position 10. Remove both covers (15) from delivery
bearing to press tool 288069, and press bearing housing (19). Position two delivery
bearing fully into housing. Repeat for female bearing supports 288072 to press and place
inlet bearing (24) using press tool 288070. delivery bearing housing onto bearing
4. Position the male balance piston (10) into the
male bore of the delivery bearing housing (19), Note: During procedure 11, it is important to use
ensuring correct orientation. Position a two sets of feeler gauges to eliminate discrepancy
matched pair of bearings (11) to the delivery due to bearing clearance.
bearing press tool 288071. Press bearings into
the male bore of the delivery bearing 11. Position female rotor (23) to bearing housing
housing (19), ensuring that bearing is hard bore and press into bearings (11) until
against inner shoulder of housing. Repeat for shims (22) are hard against balance
the female bore. piston (20). Rotate rotor to ensure free
running. Carefully check clearance between
5. Fit both end covers (15) to delivery bearing rotor and housing face with two sets of feeler
housing (19) and secure with screws (13) and gauges positioned diametrically opposite
washers (14) torque loaded to 40·7 Nm each other. Clearance should be within 0·05 –
(30 lbf.ft). Ensure that the inner races of the 0·10 mm (0·002" – 0·004") tolerance.
delivery bearings revolve freely after securing
the end covers.
Chapter 2, Page 30
Dismantling & Assembly – SRM Air-end 178·5 x 1·65
Chapter 2, Page 31
CompAir BroomWade – Air-end Repair Manual
If clearance is not within limits, remove rotor 19. Position female inlet end cover (30) to inlet
and carry out necessary rectification by adding bearing housing (4) with a new joint (29) and
or subtracting shims. secure cover with screws (31) and
washers (32) torque loaded to 16 Nm
Note: 'First time' accuracy is important when (12 lbf.ft).
carrying out the procedures in item 11.
20. Fit a new ‘O’ ring (2) to the male rotor
12. Repeat procedure 11 for male rotor (8). shaft (8). Fit a new sleeve (37), internal taper
end first, over the shaft until it is located
13. Position bearing housing/rotors assembly to against the bearing and ‘O’ ring.
rotor locking fixture in vice. Fit the retaining
plates (18), new locking plates (17), and 21. Using a suitable mandrel, press a new single
screws (16) to the rotors at the delivery end. piece oil seal (1) into the seal housing (34).
Torque load the screws to 135·6 Nm
(100 lbf.ft). Lock tabs against flats. CAUTION: When fitting the single piece seal, it is
important that the inner circumference is not
14. Fit delivery end covers (15) with new damaged or distorted in any way. The seal as
‘O’ rings (12), and secure with screws (13) supplied is coated with a sealant; after pressing into
and washers (14) torque loaded to 40·7 Nm housing remove all traces of residual sealant from
(30 lbf.ft). internal surfaces of seal housing.
15. Position delivery bearing housing/rotors 22. Position seal housing (34) to inlet bearing
assembly to rotor casing delivery end with a housing (4) with a new joint (33), and secure
new joint (21), ensuring that weight is with screws (35) and washers (36) torque
supported as rotors enter casing. Secure loaded to 58 Nm (43 lbf.ft).
bearing housing (19) with bolts (40) and
washers (41), torque loaded to 135·6 Nm 23. Pre-lubricate the rotors and bearings using the
(100 lbf.ft). Fit nuts (42) and washers (43) to recommended compressor oil, and turn rotors
studs and secure. by hand to ensure distribution.
16. Using a new joint (5), fit the inlet bearing If the air end is to be stored for more than
housing (4) to rotor casing (7) and secure with fourteen days, or in hostile conditions, spray
bolts (38) and washers (39) torque loaded to approximately 10 cc of Astrolan DA362
108·5 Nm (80 lbf.ft). Motorstor (or equivalent) into the inlet port
while turning the rotors slowly by hand,
17. Fit the female inlet bearing retaining ensuring that all internal parts are covered.
plate (26), new locking plate (27), and Blank off inlet and discharge ports until ready
screw (28) to female rotor end (23). Position for use. All external machined surfaces should
rotor locking fixture to the male rotor (8), be similarly protected against corrosion.
ensuring the fixture key engages with the rotor
keyway, allowing access to the female bearing Note: Inhibitor provides a protected shelf life of 12
locking components. Torque load the screw to months.
135·6 Nm (100 lbf.ft). Lock tab against flat.
Chapter 2, Page 32
Dismantling & Assembly – SRM Air-end 178·5 x 1·65
● Refer to the safety precautions in Chapter 1 before carrying out any of the following procedures.
6.3 Dismantling Procedure (C20438-40) 7. Position the rotor locking fixture to the vice.
Remove bolts (32), nuts (34), and washers
Note 1: It is assumed that all drive components, (33) and (35) securing the delivery bearing
including shaft key, have been previously removed. housing (19) to rotor casing (7). Using a soft
Removal and subsequent refitting of these drift, separate the bearing housing. Carefully
components is described in the compressor Repair withdraw the bearing housing/rotors assembly
Manual. from the rotor casing and position to the
locking fixture, ensuring the fixture key
Note 2: Tooling diagrams are contained in engages with the male rotor shaft keyway.
Chapter 3. The two dowels (9) remain in the rotor casing.
Open the tabs on both delivery end locking
1. Remove circlips (2) and (25) from male and plates (16). Remove screws (15) and locking
female bores of the inlet bearing housing (4). components (16) and (17).
2. Remove pinion spacer (1) from male rotor 8. Position the delivery bearing housing/rotors
shaft (8). assembly to the press. Using a suitable
mandrel, press out male (8) and female (23)
3. Open the tab on the female inlet end locking rotors from bearings (11). Ensure that each
plate (27). Position the rotor locking fixture rotor is supported as it is released from the
288068 to the male rotor, ensuring the fixture bearing. Remove shims (22) from the delivery
key engages with the rotor keyway, allowing end of rotor shafts.
access to the female bearing locking
components. Remove screw (28) and locking 9. Using suitable pulling equipment or splitting as
components (26) and (27). Remove the necessary, remove the bearing inner rings
locking fixture. from the inlet end of both rotor shafts, and
discard rings.
4. Remove bolts (29), (30) and washers (31)
securing the inlet bearing housing (4) to rotor 10. Using a press and suitable mandrel, press out
casing (7). Using a soft drift, separate the inlet both matched pairs of bearings (11) from the
bearing housing. The two dowels (6) remain in delivery bearing housing (19), together with
the rotor casing. Remove the joint (5) and the male (10) and female (20) balance
discard. pistons. Ensure balance pistons are not
damaged during removal of bearings. Discard
Note: When carrying out item 6.3.5, the outer race bearings.
of the gearbox shaft support bearing (36) remains in
the housing. It is only removed as part of the
gearbox refurbishment – see the appropriate
section in the relevant repair manual. 6.4 Assembly Procedure (C20438-40)
5. Using a press and suitable mandrels, press CAUTION: Clean all components thoroughly before
out the male (3) and female (24) bearings assembly.
from the inlet bearing housing (4) and discard.
1. Inspect all components retained for re-use for
6. Remove screws (12) and washers (13) evidence of wear or damage, renewing as
securing each of the end covers (14) to the applicable.
delivery bearing housing (19). Remove the
covers and ‘O’ rings (18). Discard ‘O’ rings.
Chapter 2, Page 33
CompAir BroomWade – Air-end Repair Manual
Responsibility for verifying that components 6. To determine the depth of the female delivery
are suitable for re-use rests with the repairer. balance piston from the face of the delivery
Sound engineering practices should be bearing housing, first ensure the face is clean.
observed and advice sought if doubt exists. Position shim gauge (A) 288066 into the
female bore to locate on the balance piston.
Remove burrs where necessary and ensure Holding the gauge firmly in position,
joint faces are clean. Do not remove bearings accurately measure with feeler gauges the
from packaging until required or interchange gap between gauge and housing face.
bearings or spacers of a matched assembly SUBTRACT the gap distance from the
with parts from another assembly. measurement stamped on the gauge and note
the new figure. Remove gauge from housing.
Thoroughly de-grease and clean all
components, ensuring that all oil galleries are 7. With rotors secured in locking fixture, position
clear, refitting plugs with Loctite 542. shim gauge (B) 288067 to female rotor shaft
delivery end. Holding the gauge firmly in
2. Separate the inner ring from the new male position, accurately measure with feeler
inlet bearing (3) and de-grease. Heat the inner gauges the gap between gauge and rotor
ring by induction or in an oven to 100 – 120° C face. ADD the gap distance to the
and then drop over the male rotor shaft (8), measurement stamped on the gauge and note
ensuring that the ring is hard against the the new figure. Remove gauge from shaft.
shoulder. Allow to cool in air – DO NOT USE
WATER. Repeat for the female inlet 8. SUBTRACT rotor shaft dimension from
bearing (24) and rotor (23). bearing housing dimension to obtain
difference. To this figure ADD the required
3. De-grease outer race of new male inlet end clearance i.e. 0·05 – 0·10 mm (0·002" –
bearing (3). Apply Loctite 641 to the bearing 0·004"). This new figure is the shim pack
bore of the inlet bearing housing (4). Position thickness to achieve the correct end
bearing to press tool 288069, and press clearance. Carefully measure shims (22) to
bearing fully into housing. Repeat for female obtain correct total thickness, and position to
inlet bearing (24) using press tool 288070. rotor shaft using a small amount of grease to
4. Position the male balance piston (10) into the
male bore of the delivery bearing 9. Repeat procedures 6 to 8 for male bore and
housing (19), ensuring correct orientation. shaft.
Position a matched pair of bearings (11) to the
delivery bearing press tool 288071. Press 10. Remove both covers (14) from delivery
bearings into the male bore of the delivery bearing housing (19). Position two delivery
bearing housing (19), ensuring that bearing is bearing supports 288072 to press and place
hard against inner shoulder of housing. delivery bearing housing onto bearing
Repeat for the female bore. supports.
5. Fit both end covers (14) to delivery bearing Note: During procedure 11, it is important to use
housing (19) and secure with screws (12) and two sets of feeler gauges to eliminate
washers (13) torque loaded to 40·7 Nm discrepancy due to bearing clearance.
(30 lbf.ft). Ensure that the inner races of the
delivery bearings revolve freely after securing 11. Position female rotor (23) to bearing housing
the end covers. bore and press into bearings (11) until
shims (22) are hard against balance
piston (20). Rotate rotor to ensure free running.
Carefully check clearance between rotor and
housing face with two sets of feeler gauges
positioned diametrically opposite each other.
Clearance should be within 0·05 – 0·10 mm
(0·002" – 0·004") tolerance.
Chapter 2, Page 34
Dismantling & Assembly – SRM Air-end 178·5 x 1·65
Chapter 2, Page 35
CompAir BroomWade – Air-end Repair Manual
If clearance is not within limits, remove rotor 19. Pre-lubricate the rotors and bearings using the
and carry out necessary rectification by adding recommended compressor oil, and turn rotors
or subtracting shims. by hand to ensure distribution.
Note: 'First time' accuracy is important when If the air end is to be stored for more than
carrying out the procedures in item 11. fourteen days, or in hostile conditions, spray
approximately 10 cc of Astrolan DA362
12. Repeat procedure 11 for male rotor (8). Motorstor (or equivalent) into the inlet port
while turning the rotors slowly by hand,
13. Position bearing housing/rotors assembly to ensuring that all internal parts are covered.
rotor locking fixture in vice. Fit the retaining Blank off inlet and discharge ports until ready
plates (17), new locking plates (16), and for use. All external machined surfaces should
screws (15) to the rotors at the delivery end. be similarly protected against corrosion.
Torque load the screws to 135·6 Nm
(100 lbf.ft). Lock tabs against flats. Note: Inhibitor provides a protected shelf life of 12
14. Fit delivery end covers (14) with new ‘O’
rings (18), and secure with screws (12) and
washers (13) torque loaded to 40·7 Nm
(30 lbf.ft).
Chapter 2, Page 36
Dismantling & Assembly – Gearbox C20438-1
● Refer to the safety precautions in Chapter 1 before carrying out any of the following procedures
7.1 Dismantling Procedure Note: The gear spacer (13) is sized to a particular
gear ratio (some ratios do not have a spacer). If it is
Note: The gearbox must still be secure to the air- intended to change the ratio during assembly,
end assembly or, alternatively the air-end must be reference should be made to the relevant parts list
available when re-assembling the gearbox. It is to ensure the correct spacer is fitted. This is also
assumed that the drive coupling and shaft key have applicable to the air-end pinion spacer (see relevant
previously been removed. Removal and Air-end Section).
subsequent re-fitting of these components is
described in the compressor Repair Manual. 6. Invert shaft (27) in the press and, using
suitable tooling, press the shaft through
Note 2: Tooling diagrams are contained in bearing (3) inner race.
Chapter 3.
7. Using suitable pulling equipment, remove
1. Remove plug (5) and bonded washer (6) from bearing (8) outer race from the air-end inlet
gear casing (4), and fit an M20 eyebolt. bearing housing.
2. Sling the gearbox from a crane to the eyebolt. 8. Remove screws (26) and washers (25)
Remove bolts (12), (21) and washers (11) and securing seal housing (24) to gear case (4).
(22) securing the gearbox to inlet bearing Using two of the screws (26) in the tapped
housing. jacking holes, remove seal housing (24).
Using suitable mandrel, remove and discard
CAUTION: When the gear casing (4) is separated the single piece oil seal (28). Remove and
from the inlet bearing housing within the gearbox, discard ‘O’ ring (1). Carefully remove shims
the shaft (27) and gear (23) assembly is not (2) from the gearbox and retain as a set for re-
positively retained within the gear casing (4). Steps use.
should be taken to ensure that the shaft/gear
assembly does not fall out when the gearbox is Note: It is important that the original shim pack is
craned from the air-end. kept as a complete set.
3. Separate the gearbox from the air-end using a 9. Using a suitable mandrel, remove bearing (3)
soft drift as necessary. Remove and discard outer race from gearcase (4), and discard the
joint (15). bearing.
4. Withdraw the shaft/gear assembly from 10. Remove the gear spray (16), coupling (17),
bearing (3) outer race and seal (28). Remove copper washer (18), oil restrictor (20), and
screw (10), locking plate (14), and retaining copper washer (19) from the gearcase (4).
plate (9) from the shaft (27).
Chapter 2, Page 37
CompAir BroomWade – Air-end Repair Manual
Remove burrs where necessary and ensure 6. Position the shaft/gear assembly to the air-end
joint faces are clean. Do not remove bearings and inlet bearing housing to engage both
from their packaging until required. Do not halves of bearing (8) and both drive gears.
interchange bearings or spaces of a matched
assembly with parts from another assembly. 7. Fit coupling (17) with copper washer (18) to
the gear casing (4) using Loctite 270. Ensure
Thoroughly degrease and clean all that the oil jet of the gear spray (16) is clear by
components, ensuring that all oil galleries are blowing through with compressed air. Position
clear. Re-fit plugs with Loctite 542. the gear spray (16) to coupling (17), ensuring
the blade is correctly located against gear
2. Fit gear spacer (13) (if applicable) and shaft casing (4), and secure. Lightly oil the main
key to shaft. Apply Loctite Super Clean Safety bore of gear casing (4).
Cleaner (or equivalent) to the gear diameter of
shaft (27), and the bore of gear (23). Allow the 8. Position a new joint (15) to the air-end inlet
cleaner to evaporate thoroughly. bearing housing, using two M16 studs to aid
alignment. Secure the gear casing (4) using
Apply Loctite 14486 to the shaft and key, screws (12), (21) and washer (11) and (22)
spreading it evenly with a brush. Position the torque loaded to 109 Nm (80 1bf.ft).
unheated gear to the shaft, gear face
identification ring facing the shaft shoulder, and 9. Position the outer race of bearing (3) to gear
press home to spacer (13) or the shaft casing bore (4) and press to meet the inner
shoulder if a spacer is not required. Remove race, using tool 288078.
any excess Loctite.
10. Position the original shim pack (2) (retained
3. Fit distance piece (7) to shaft (27). Position the as a set during disassembly) to the top face of
inner race of bearing (8), correctly orientated, bearing (3). Fit the seal housing (24), without
to the shaft and press home to the distance seal (28) or ‘O’ ring (1), to the gear casing (4)
piece using press tool 288077. Fit retaining and secure using screws (26) and washers
plate (9), ensuring that pin is correctly located. (25) torque loaded to 58 Nm (43 1bf.ft).
Fit new locking plate (14), and screw (10) to
the shaft end. Torque load the screw to 136 11. Position lifting tool 288080 to shaft (27) to rest
Nm (100 1bf.ft). Lock tab against flat. on the seal housing (24). Lock the tool to shaft
with the locking screw, position in the shaft
4. Invert shaft (27) in the press so that the gear keyway. Position a dial test indicator (DTI),
and bearing (8) are downward. Position mounted on a magnetic base, to the shaft end,
bearing (3) inner race, correctly orientated, to to allow checking of shaft end float.
the shaft and press home using press tool
Chapter 2, Page 38
Dismantling & Assembly – Gearbox C20438-1
Chapter 2, Page 39
CompAir BroomWade – Air-end Repair Manual
13. Fit ‘O’ ring (1) to seal housing (24) and fit the
housing to gearbox, securing with screws (26)
and washers (25) torque loaded to 58 Nm
(43 1bf.ft)
Chapter 2, Page 40
Dismantling & Assembly – SRM Air-end 204 x 1·65
● Refer to the safety precautions in Chapter 1 before proceeding with any of the following procedures.
Note 2: Tooling diagrams are contained in 7. Using suitable tooling, remove delivery
Chapter 3. bearings (18) and balance pistons (9) (19)
from bearing housing (13). Ensure the balance
1. Open the tabs of locking plate (43). Remove pistons are not damaged during removal.
screws (42) and locking plate (43) securing Discard the bearings.
gear spray (29). Remove the gear spray and
joint (41). Discard the joint. Remove pinion 8. Using an M16 eyebolt, carefully remove each
spacer (30). rotor (6) (22) in turn. Remove rotor seal
sleeves (8) and shims (20).
2. Open the tabs of locking plate (28) at the inlet
end of female rotor shaft (22). Remove Note: One face of each sleeve is marked male or
screws (27) and locking components (26) (28). female.
3. Remove the screws (16) and washers (17) 9. Using suitable pulling equipment or splitting as
securing the delivery end cover (32). Remove necessary, remove the bearing inner rings
the cover and joint (31). Discard the joint. from the inlet end of the rotor shafts. Discard
Remove disc springs (15) and bearing the rings.
spacers (14).
10. Remove screws (36) and washers (37)
4. Using two M12 eyebolts in delivery housing securing cover (38) to rotor casing. Remove
end face (13), position air end vertically on to cover and joint (35). Discard joint.
suitable supports (e.g. two 6”x6” blocks) under
the inlet end. 11. Using the two M20 eyebolts in the inlet flange,
position rotor casing/inlet bearing housing to
5. Position the rotor locking plate 288101 to the horizontal. Remove the screws (39) and
rotors and secure using screws (27). Open washers (40) securing the inlet bearing
tabs on both delivery end locking plates (12). housing (3) to the rotor casing (5). Using
Remove the screws (11) and locking jacking screws separate the casings. The two
components (10) (12). Remove rotor locking dowels (23) remain in the rotor casing.
plate. Remove and discard the joint (4).
6. Remove screws (33) and washers (34) 12. Remove the inlet bearing circlips (2) (24).
securing delivery bearing housing (13). Screw Using suitable tooling, remove the male (1)
rotor pads 288103 into the delivery end of and female (25) bearings from the inlet
both rotors. Fit rotor removal plate 288102 to bearing housing (3). Discard the bearings.
the delivery bearing housing (13) and secure
using cover screws (16). Alternating between
Chapter 2, Page 41
CompAir BroomWade – Air-end Repair Manual
Chapter 2, Page 42
Dismantling & Assembly – SRM Air-end 204 x 1·65
Chapter 2, Page 43
CompAir BroomWade – Air-end Repair Manual
14. Using two M12 eyebolts, fit delivery bearing The clearance should be within 0·05-0·10mm
housing (13) to rotor casing (5) with joint (7). (0·002”-0·004”) tolerance. If the clearance is
Secure housing using four equally spaced not within limits, remove the rotor and carry
screws only. out any necessary rectification by adding or
subtracting shims.
15. Ensuring correct orientation, position male
balance piston (9) into the male bore of the Note: ‘First time’ accuracy is important when
delivery bearing housing (13), over the rotor carrying out the procedures in item 17.
shaft. Position one of the male bearing
pair (18), correctly orientated, to the male bore 18. Carefully lower bearing housing/rotors into
of the bearing housing. Using tool 288104, fit rotor casing, ensuring inlet bearings engage
bearing into housing and over rotor shaft until correctly. Secure bearing housing to rotor
tool engages shaft. Remove tooling. casing using screws (33) and washers (34)
torque loaded to 98Nm (72 lbf. ft). Bend up
Position second bearing of male pair to tabs of locking plates (12) against flats.
bearing housing, ensuring ‘face to face’
orientation with installed bearing. Using tool 19. Fit bearing spacers (14), disc springs (15),
288104, fit bearing into housing and over rotor joint (31), and end cover (32). Secure end
shaft until sleeve (8), shims (20), and balance cover screws (16) and washers (17) torque
piston (9) are hard against the inner race of loaded to 98Nm (72 lbf. ft).
bearing (18). Remove tooling.
20. Fit cover (38) to rotor casing (5) with joint (35)
Combining clamp 288105 with plate of tool and secure with screws (36) and washers (37)
288104, and using two screws (16) to secure torque loaded to 57Nm (42 lbf. ft).
clamp, ensure bearing outer races are hard
against shoulder of housing. Repeat 21. Using two M20 eyebolts in the inlet flange,
procedure for female bore and rotor shaft. position the air end to the horizontal. Fit
retaining plate (26) and locking plate (28) to
16. Position the rotor locking plate 288101 to the female rotor shaft (22) and secure using
rotors at inlet end and secure using screws (27) torque loaded to 57Nm (42 lbf. ft).
screws (27). Fit retaining plates (10) and
locking plates (12) to rotor shafts and secure 22. Fit gear spray (29) with joint (41) and secure
using screws (11) torque loaded to 98Nm (72 using screws (42) and locking plate (43)
lbf. ft). DO NOT BEND UP TABS. Remove torque loaded to 98Nm (72 lbf. ft). Lock tabs
tooling. against flats.
Note: During procedure 17 it is important to use two 23. Pre-lubricate the rotors and bearings using the
sets of feeler gauges to eliminate any discrepancy specified compressor oil, and turn the rotors
due to bearing clearance. by hand to ensure distribution. If the air end is
to be stored for more than fourteen days, or in
17. Remove screws and washers securing hostile conditions, spray approximately 10cc
delivery bearing housing (13) to rotor of Astrolan DA362 Motorstor (or equivalent)
casing (5). Using two M12 eyebolts in delivery into the inlet port while turning the rotors
bearing housing end face, carefully withdraw slowly by hand, ensuring that all internal parts
housing/rotors from rotor casing sufficiently to are covered. Blank off inlet and discharge
allow measurement of the delivery end ports until ready for use. All external machined
clearance. Carefully check the clearance surfaces should be similarly protected against
between each rotor and the housing face with corrosion.
two sets of feeler gauges positioned
diametrically opposite each other. Note: Inhibitor provides a protected shelf life of 12
Chapter 2, Page 44
Dismantling & Assembly – Gearbox C20437-4
● Refer to the safety precautions in Chapter 1 before carrying out any of the following procedures.
Note 1: It is assumed that the gearbox has been CAUTION: Clean all components thoroughly before
removed from the air-end assembly and the drive assembly.
coupling and shaft key have been removed from the
gearbox shaft. 1 Inspect all components retained for re-use for
evidence of wear or damage, renewing as
Note 2: Tooling diagrams are contained in Chapter applicable.
Responsibility for verifying that components
1. Remove the plug (3) and bonded seal (4) from are suitable for re-use rests with the repairer.
the gear casing (1) and fit a M20 eyebolt. Sound engineering practices should be
Using suitable lifting gear, move the gearbox observed and advice sought if doubt exists.
assembly to a bench , gear uppermost.
Remove burrs where necessary and ensure
2. Open tabs of locking plate (8). Remove joint faces are clean. Do not remove bearings
screws (9) and locking components (7) from their packaging until required. Do not
and (8). Using suitable pulling equipment interchange bearings or spacers of a matched
remove gear (5) and key (6). assembly with parts from another assembly.
3. Invert gearbox so that the seal housing (17) is Thoroughly degrease and clean all
uppermost. Remove screws (20) and components, except bearings, ensuring that
washers (21) securing the seal housing. all oil galleries are clear, and re-fitting plugs
Remove the seal housing and using a suitable with Loctite 542. Lightly grease ‘O’ rings
mandrel remove and discard the single piece before fitting.
oil seal (19). Remove and discard the ‘O’
ring (16). Note: Check that orientation is correct when fitting
bearings in item 2.
4. Withdraw shaft/bearing assembly from the
gear casing (1). Press the shaft (18) through 2. Position the inner race of bearing (13) on the
the bearings (12) and (13) and spacers (2) shaft (18) and press on to the shoulder using
and (11). Retain the spacers and shims (10). tool 288109. Select shims (10),
Discard the bearings. 0·50mm (0·020”) total thickness, and position
against bearing inner race. Fit the outer race
5. Remove the oil restrictor plug (14) and copper of bearing (13). Position inner (11) and
washer (15). outer (2) spacers to bearing (13).
Chapter 2, Page 45
CompAir BroomWade – Air-end Repair Manual
3. Enter the shaft/bearing assembly into the gear 8. Invert gearbox and place on suitable supports.
casing, resting against the shoulder. Fit the Fit key (6) to shaft (18). Apply Loctite Super
seal housing (17), without the ‘O’ ring or seal, Clean Safety Cleaner (or equivalent) to the
to the gear casing and secure using shaft and bore of the gear. Allow the cleaner
screws (20) and washers (21). Progressively to evaporate then heat the gear by induction
tighten to 30Nm (22 lbf.ft). or in an oven to 100-110°C.
4. Tap down the shaft to take up any end float. Apply Loctite 14486 to the shaft and key,
Position a dial test indicator, mounted on a spreading it evenly with a brush. Position the
magnetic base, to the end of the shaft and gear on the shaft with the gear face
using a M20 eyebolt pull the shaft upwards and identification ring facing the bearing (12) and
measure the maximum end float. The end float fit against the inner race. Remove excess
should be between 0·013mm (0·0005") and Loctite.
0·064mm (0·0025").
9. Fit retaining plate (7) with locking plate (8) and
If the measured end float is outside these secure using screws (9) torque loaded to 54
limits, disassemble the shaft from the bearings, Nm (40 lbf.ft). Lock tabs against flats.
adjust the shims and repeat the procedures in
items 2 and 3. Ensure that the inner race of 10. Remove the eyebolt from the gearbox. Fit
bearing (13) is fully supported when removing plug (3) with bonded seal (4) to gear
the shaft. casting (1).
Chapter 2, Page 46
Dismantling & Assembly – Gearbox C20437-4
Chapter 2, Page 47
Tooling Diagrams – SRM Air-ends
Chapter 3, Page 1
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Chapter 3, Page 2
Tooling Diagrams – SRM Air-ends
Chapter 3, Page 3
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Chapter 3, Page 4
Tooling Diagrams – SRM Air-ends
Chapter 3, Page 5
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Chapter 3, Page 6
Tooling Diagrams – SRM Air-ends
Chapter 3, Page 7
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Chapter 3, Page 8
Tooling Diagrams – SRM Air-ends
Chapter 3, Page 9
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Chapter 3, Page 10
Tooling Diagrams – SRM Air-ends
Chapter 3, Page 11
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Chapter 3, Page 12
Tooling Diagrams – SRM Air-ends
Chapter 3, Page 13
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Chapter 3, Page 14
Tooling Diagrams – SRM Air-ends
Chapter 3, Page 15
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Chapter 3, Page 16
Tooling Diagrams – SRM Air-ends
Chapter 3, Page 17
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Chapter 3, Page 18
Tooling Diagrams – SRM Air-ends
Chapter 3, Page 19
CompAir BroomWade – Air-end Repair Manual
Chapter 3, Page 20
Dismantling & Assembly – Cyclon 1 Air-end
Chapter 4, Page 1
CompAir BroomWade – Air-end Repair Manual
FIG. 4.1 CYCLON 1 AIR-END (55 X 1·8 C20461-40)
FIG. 4.4 CYCLON 2 AIR-END (74 X 1·8 C20463-40)
FIG. 4.7 CYCLON 3 AIR-END (90 X 2·3 C20464-40)
FIG. 4.9 CYCLON 4 AIR-END (105 X 2·3 C20465-40)
FIG. 4.11 GEARBOX C20465-1 (Cyclon 4 Air-end 105 x 2·3 – C20465-40)
FIG. 4.13 CYCLON 5 AIR-END (135 X 2·3 C20466-40)
FIG. 4.15 GEARBOX C20466-1 (Cyclon 5 Air-end 135 x 2·3 – C20466-40)
FIG. 4.17 CYCLON 6 AIR-END (165 X 2·3 C20467-40)
FIG. 4.19 GEARBOX C20467-1 (Cyclon 6 Air-end 165 x 2·3 – C20467-40)
Chapter 4, Page 2
Dismantling & Assembly – Cyclon 1 Air-end
Note: Cyclon air-ends are also supplied to other compressor manufacturers who may utilise other drive
Chapter 4, Page 3
CompAir BroomWade – Air-end Repair Manual
● Refer to the safety precautions in Chapter 1 before carrying out any of the following procedures
Note 2: Annotations in brackets refer to Fig. 4.1. CAUTION: In operations 7, 8, 9 and 10 below it is
essential for safety reasons that bearing nuts are
Note 3: Tooling diagrams are contained in not disengaged from the threads until rotors are
Chapter 5. properly supported. Shaft/bearing tolerances may
make it possible for rotors to pull clear of bearings
1. Mount air-end securely, preferably in suitable under weight alone with consequent risk of injury.
rotating jig, with drive end uppermost.
7. Apply heat locally to bearing nut (6) on male
2. Remove screws and washers from drive end rotor shaft (3) to weaken assembly sealant.
cover plate (16) and remove cover. Remove This can be achieved by heating a suitable
gasket and discard. mild steel tube and placing it over shaft to rest
on bearing nut. Allow nut to absorb heat for
3. Remove circlip (13) from female rotor shaft. 2-3 minutes. Use special socket (Chapter 5,
Rotate jig to bring delivery end uppermost. Fig. 5.2) and pneumatic impact wrench to
slacken bearing nut on male rotor shaft (LH
4. Remove screws/spring washers from delivery thread). Do not remove nut.
end bearing housing cover (7) and remove
cover. 8. Repeat operation 7 on female rotor shaft (10)
using special socket (Chapter 5, Fig. 5.2) to
Remove screws, capscrew and washers from slacken bearing nut (8) on female rotor shaft
delivery end bearing housing (4). Separate (RH thread). Do not remove nut. Remove
bearing housing from rotor casing, using rotor locking fixture.
jacking screws in threaded holes.
9. Support male rotor securely and remove
5. Fit extended eyebolts in jacking holes of bearing nut from male rotor shaft. If
bearing housing. Attach lifting tackle and lift necessary, use suitable mandrel to press out
bearing housing and rotors clear of rotor male rotor shaft from delivery end bearings.
casing (2). Inner races of both drive end
bearings will be withdrawn with rotors. 10 Repeat operation 9 for female rotor shaft. Set
aside both rotors.
Chapter 4, Page 4
Dismantling & Assembly – Cyclon 1 Air-end
11. Lift out inner races of both rotor taper roller 3. Apply Loctite ‘Activator T’ to both roller
bearings (5) and (9). bearing bores in rotor casing, covering whole
circumference. Allow to dry for at least 2
12. Use suitable puller to remove outer bearing minutes.
races from both rotor bearing bores.
4. Select new roller bearings (1) and (11), and
13. Remove circlip (12) from inlet end of rotor use suitable solvent to clean external surface
casing (if fitted). only of both outer races. Re-wrap bearing
cages and inner races for protection and set
Support rotor casing (2) on wood blocks under aside.
inlet end. Use suitable tool to tap out outer
races of both roller bearings (1) and (11) from 5. Apply even coating of Loctite 641 to both
casing. bearing bores in rotor casing and using
suitable mandrels press in both roller bearing
Note: Drive end oil seal (15) and male rotor outer outer races. Clean off excess Loctite. Remove
roller bearing race will be removed together. rotor casing from press. If relevant, fit circlip
(12) in female rotor bearing bore.
14. Use split collar and suitable puller to remove
inner race of roller bearing from female rotor 6. Mount delivery end bearing housing (4) under
shaft. Repeat for male rotor shaft using split press, cover joint face uppermost. Wipe clean
collar to remove bearing race and sleeve (14) bearing bores.
7. Select new taper roller bearings, (5) and (9),
15. Carefully clean dismantled parts, removing all for both rotors and use suitable solvent to
traces of gasket material, inspect and set aside clean external surface only of outer races. Re-
ready for re-assembly. Discard all old bearing, wrap inner races for protection and set aside.
seals and gaskets.
8. Apply even coating of Loctite 641 to both
bearing bores in housing and using suitable
1.2 ASSEMBLY PROCEDURE, BASIC AIR-END mandrels press in both outer races to locate
firmly against abutments. Clean off excess
CAUTION: Clean all components thoroughly before Loctite.
9. Transfer female rotor (10) to press, inlet end
1. Inspect all components retained for re-use for uppermost. Use suitable tube mandrel to
evidence of wear or damage, renewing as press inner race of roller bearing (11) on to
applicable. Responsibility for verifying that shaft to locate firmly against shoulder.
components are suitable for re-use rests with
the repairer. Sound engineering practices 10. Place inner races of both taper roller bearings,
should be observed and advice sought if doubt (5) and (9), on suitable supports (refer to
exists. Chapter 5, Fig. 5.3 for guidance) and invert
bearing housing over them to locate in
Remove burrs where necessary and ensure position on outer races.
joint faces are clean. Do not remove bearings
from packaging until required or interchange 11. Carefully lower female rotor into bearing
bearings or spacers of a matched assembly housing. Press rotor shaft into inner race of
with parts of another assembly. taper roller bearing to leave gap between rotor
end face and bearing housing of 0.25mm
Thoroughly de-grease and clean all (0.010in).
components, ensuring that all oil galleries are
clear. Refit plugs with Loctite 542. 12. Carefully lower male rotor (3) into bearing
housing, meshing with female rotor. Press
2. Mount rotor casing (2) under press, drive end rotor shaft into inner race of taper roller
uppermost. bearing to leave gap between rotor end face
and bearing housing of 0.25mm (0.010in).
Chapter 4, Page 5
CompAir BroomWade – Air-end Repair Manual
12 13 14 15 16
10 3
8 7 6
Chapter 4, Page 6
Dismantling & Assembly – Cyclon 1 Air-end
13. Lift bearing housing/rotor assembly off fixture. Use two feeler gauges simultaneously on
Fit bearing nut (8) to female rotor shaft and opposite sides of rotor and check several
hand tighten (RH thread). Fit bearing nut (6) times that correct clearance is maintained,
to male rotor shaft and hand tighten (LH turning rotors by hand between checks.
Fit rotor locking fixture. Remove bearing nut
Lightly lubricate both bearings on both shafts from male rotor shaft and clean nut and shaft.
with clean compressor oil. Apply a coating of Loctite 641 to shaft thread,
abutment face of nut and face of bearing inner
14. Set final end clearance of female rotor as race. Re-fit nut to male rotor shaft and tighten
follows: to torque of 15Nm (11lb ft). Remove rotor
locking fixture.
CAUTION: Rotor end clearance is critical to air-end
performance. Take great care to set it accurately. 16. Spin rotors by hand to check freedom and
smooth rotation. Invert assembly to bring rotor
Support bearing housing/rotor assembly shafts uppermost. Lightly oil face of bearing
securely on inner face of bearing housing with housing under rotor end faces. Spin rotors by
rotors hanging vertically downwards. Fit rotor hand again to check freedom and smooth
locking fixture to prevent rotation. Use special rotation.
socket to tighten bearing nut on female rotor
shaft (RH thread) to draw shaft up into 17. Take inner race of male rotor drive end roller
bearing until gap between rotor end face and bearing (1) and wipe clean. Place in suitable
bearing housing is between 0.050mm and oven or on pole bar of induction heater and
0.025mm (0.002in and 0.001in). Remove rotor heat to 100oC – 120oC.
locking fixture.
18. Clean bearing diameter of male rotor shaft.
Use two feeler gauges simultaneously on Wear gloves to remove roller bearing inner
opposite sides of rotor and check several race from heat and place it immediately over
times that correct clearance is maintained, male rotor shaft to locate firmly with shoulder.
turning rotors by hand between checks. Allow to cool.
Fit rotor locking fixture. Remove bearing nut 19. Transfer rotor casing (2) to secure fixture,
from female rotor shaft and clean nut and mounting with rotor bores vertical and delivery
shaft. Apply a coating of Loctite 641 to shaft end uppermost. Check dowels in joint face are
thread, abutment face of nut and face of secure and undamaged. Place new gasket on
bearing inner race. Re-fit nut to female rotor joint face.
shaft and tighten to torque of 10Nm (7.5lb ft).
20. Invert bearing housing/rotor assembly and fit
15. Set final end clearance of male rotor as M8 extended eyebolts in threaded holes in
follows: flange of bearing housing. Attach lifting gear
and position rotors over rotor casing. Carefully
CAUTION: Rotor end clearance is critical to air-end lower until rotors are entered into bores.
performance. Take great care to set it accurately.
21. Lift gasket from joint face and position it
Support bearing housing/rotor assembly loosely near top of rotors. Continue carefully
securely on inner face of bearing housing with lowering rotors until almost fully home. When
rotors hanging vertically downwards. Fit rotor there is no further risk of damaging gasket,
locking fixture to prevent rotation. Use special replace gasket on joint face over dowels.
socket to tighten bearing nut on male rotor Lower rotors fully, making sure dowels are
shaft (LH thread) to draw shaft up into entered into bearing housing flange. Tap
bearing until gap between rotor end face and gently with soft mallet to close joint. Remove
bearing housing is between 0.050mm and lifting gear and eyebolts.
0.025mm (0.002in and 0.001in). Remove rotor
locking fixture.
Chapter 4, Page 7
CompAir BroomWade – Air-end Repair Manual
2 6 4
5 5 7
3 7
3 1
22. Fit screws and washers and tighten 25. Fit circlip (13) to female rotor shaft. Lightly oil
progressively in sequence shown in Fig. 4.2 to roller bearings with clean compressor oil and
a torque of 28Nm (21lb ft). spin rotors by hand to distribute oil.
23. Fit new gasket to bearing housing joint face 26. Fit slave mounting sleeve over male rotor
and fit bearing housing cover (7). Fit screws shaft to cover keyway completely. Select new
and washers and tighten progressively in drive end oil seal (15). Carefully locate oil seal
sequence shown in Fig.4.2 to torque of 12Nm over sleeve and press into place to bring outer
(9lb ft). face of seal flush with rotor casing. Wipe off
excess sealant from round outer perimeter of
24. Invert assembly to bring drive end uppermost. seal. Remove slave sleeve.
Clean diameter of male rotor shaft and bore of
sleeve (14). Coat bore of sleeve lightly with Note: DO NOT lubricate either sleeve or seal
Loctite 932. Place sleeve over male rotor shaft during fitting.
with taper towards bearing to locate against
bearing inner race. Wipe off excess Loctite. CAUTION: Seal must not be pressed beyond flush
position as this might cause obstruction of oilway to
Chapter 4, Page 8
Dismantling & Assembly – Cyclon 1 Air-end
5 6
Chapter 4, Page 9
Dismantling & Assembly – Cyclon 2 Air-end
● Refer to the safety precautions in Chapter 1 before carrying out any of the following procedures
Chapter 4, Page 7
CompAir BroomWade – Air-end Repair Manual
13. Remove circlip (12) from inlet end of rotor 4. Select new roller bearings (1) and (11), and
casing (if fitted). use suitable solvent to clean external surface
only of both outer races. Re-wrap bearing
Support rotor casing (2) on wood blocks under cages and inner races for protection and set
inlet end. Use suitable tool to tap out outer aside.
races of both roller bearings (1) and (11) from
casing. 5. Apply even coating of Loctite 641 to both
bearing bores in rotor casing and using
Note: Drive end oil seal (15) and male rotor outer suitable mandrels press in both roller bearing
roller bearing race will be removed together. outer races. Clean off excess Loctite. Remove
rotor casing from press. If relevant, fit circlip
14. Use split collar and suitable puller to remove (12) in female rotor bearing bore.
inner race of roller bearing from female rotor
shaft. Repeat for male rotor shaft using split 6. Mount delivery end bearing housing (4) under
collar to remove bearing race and sleeve (14) press, cover joint face uppermost. Wipe clean
together. bearing bores.
15. Carefully clean dismantled parts, removing all 7. Select new taper roller bearings, (5) and (9),
traces of gasket material, inspect and set for both rotors and use suitable solvent to
aside ready for re-assembly. Discard all old clean external surface only of outer races. Re-
bearing, seals and gaskets. wrap inner races for protection and set aside.
1. Inspect all components retained for re-use for 9. Transfer female rotor (10) to press, inlet end
evidence of wear or damage, renewing as uppermost. Use suitable tube mandrel to
applicable. Responsibility for verifying that press inner race of roller bearing (11) on to
components are suitable for re-use rests with shaft to locate firmly against shoulder.
the repairer. Sound engineering practices
should be observed and advice sought if doubt 10. Place inner races of both taper roller bearings,
exists. (5) and (9), on suitable supports (refer to
Chapter 5, Fig. 5.3 for guidance) and invert
Remove burrs where necessary and ensure bearing housing over them to locate in
joint faces are clean. Do not remove bearings position on outer races.
from packaging until required or interchange
bearings or spacers of a matched assembly 11. Carefully lower female rotor into bearing
with parts of another assembly. housing. Press rotor shaft into inner race of
taper roller bearing to leave gap between rotor
Thoroughly de-grease and clean all end face and bearing housing of 0.25mm
components, ensuring that all oil galleries are (0.010in).
clear. Refit plugs with Loctite 542.
12. Carefully lower male rotor (3) into bearing
2. Mount rotor casing (2) under press, drive end housing, meshing with female rotor. Press
uppermost. rotor shaft into inner race of taper roller
bearing to leave gap between rotor end face
3. Apply Loctite ‘Activator T’ to both roller bearing and bearing housing of 0.25mm (0.010in).
bores in rotor casing, covering whole
circumference. Allow to dry for at least 2
Chapter 4, Page 8
Dismantling & Assembly – Cyclon 2 Air-end
13 14 15 16
8 7 6
Chapter 4, Page 9
CompAir BroomWade – Air-end Repair Manual
13. Lift bearing housing/rotor assembly off fixture. Use two feeler gauges simultaneously on
Fit bearing nut (8) to female rotor shaft and opposite sides of rotor and check several
hand tighten (RH thread). Fit bearing nut (6) times that correct clearance is maintained,
to male rotor shaft and hand tighten (LH turning rotors by hand between checks.
Fit rotor locking fixture. Remove bearing nut
Lightly lubricate both bearings on both shafts from male rotor shaft and clean nut and shaft.
with clean compressor oil. Apply a coating of Loctite 641 to shaft thread,
abutment face of nut and face of bearing inner
14. Set final end clearance of female rotor as race. Re-fit nut to male rotor shaft and tighten
follows: to torque of 15Nm (11lb ft). Remove rotor
locking fixture.
CAUTION: Rotor end clearance is critical to air-end
performance. Take great care to set it accurately. 16. Spin rotors by hand to check freedom and
smooth rotation. Invert assembly to bring rotor
Support bearing housing/rotor assembly shafts uppermost. Lightly oil face of bearing
securely on inner face of bearing housing with housing under rotor end faces. Spin rotors by
rotors hanging vertically downwards. Fit rotor hand again to check freedom and smooth
locking fixture to prevent rotation. Use special rotation.
socket to tighten bearing nut on female rotor
shaft (RH thread) to draw shaft up into 17. Take inner race of male rotor drive end roller
bearing until gap between rotor end face and bearing (1) and wipe clean. Place in suitable
bearing housing is between 0.050mm and oven or on pole bar of induction heater and
0.025mm (0.002in and 0.001in). Remove rotor heat to 100oC – 120oC.
locking fixture.
18. Clean bearing diameter of male rotor shaft.
Use two feeler gauges simultaneously on Wear gloves to remove roller bearing inner
opposite sides of rotor and check several race from heat and place it immediately over
times that correct clearance is maintained, male rotor shaft to locate firmly with shoulder.
turning rotors by hand between checks. Allow to cool.
Fit rotor locking fixture. Remove bearing nut 19. Transfer rotor casing (2) to secure fixture,
from female rotor shaft and clean nut and mounting with rotor bores vertical and delivery
shaft. Apply a coating of Loctite 641 to shaft end uppermost. Check dowels in joint face are
thread, abutment face of nut and face of secure and undamaged. Place new gasket on
bearing inner race. Re-fit nut to female rotor joint face.
shaft and tighten to torque of 10Nm (7.5lb ft).
20. Invert bearing housing/rotor assembly and fit
15. Set final end clearance of male rotor as M8 extended eyebolts in threaded holes in
follows: flange of bearing housing. Attach lifting gear
and position rotors over rotor casing. Carefully
CAUTION: Rotor end clearance is critical to air-end lower until rotors are entered into bores.
performance. Take great care to set it accurately.
21. Lift gasket from joint face and position it
Support bearing housing/rotor assembly loosely near top of rotors. Continue carefully
securely on inner face of bearing housing with lowering rotors until almost fully home. When
rotors hanging vertically downwards. Fit rotor there is no further risk of damaging gasket,
locking fixture to prevent rotation. Use special replace gasket on joint face over dowels.
socket to tighten bearing nut on male rotor Lower rotors fully, making sure dowels are
shaft (LH thread) to draw shaft up into entered into bearing housing flange. Tap
bearing until gap between rotor end face and gently with soft mallet to close joint. Remove
bearing housing is between 0.050mm and lifting gear and eyebolts.
0.025mm (0.002in and 0.001in). Remove rotor
locking fixture.
Chapter 4, Page 10
Dismantling & Assembly – Cyclon 2 Air-end
7 6
4 1 3
5 3 8
6 1
22. Fit screws and washers and tighten 25. Fit circlip (13) to female rotor shaft. Lightly oil
progressively in sequence shown in Fig. 4.5 to roller bearings with clean compressor oil and
a torque of 28Nm (21lb ft). spin rotors by hand to distribute oil.
23. Fit new gasket to bearing housing joint face 26. Fit slave mounting sleeve over male rotor
and fit bearing housing cover (7). Fit screws shaft to cover keyway completely. Select new
and washers and tighten progressively in drive end oil seal (15). Carefully locate oil seal
sequence shown in Fig.4.5 to torque of 12Nm over sleeve and press into place to bring outer
(9lb ft). face of seal flush with rotor casing. Wipe off
excess sealant from round outer perimeter of
24. Invert assembly to bring drive end uppermost. seal. Remove slave sleeve.
Clean diameter of male rotor shaft and bore of
sleeve (14). Coat bore of sleeve lightly with Note: DO NOT lubricate either sleeve or seal
Loctite 932. Place sleeve over male rotor shaft during fitting.
with taper towards bearing to locate against
bearing inner race. Wipe off excess Loctite. CAUTION: Seal must not be pressed beyond flush
position as this might cause obstruction of oilway to
Chapter 4, Page 11
CompAir BroomWade – Air-end Repair Manual
6 5
3 7
Chapter 4, Page 12
Dismantling & Assembly – Cyclon 3 Air-end
● Refer to the safety precautions in Chapter 1 before carrying out any of the following procedures
Note 2: Annotations in brackets refer to Fig. 4.7. 6. Apply heat locally to bearing nut (6) on male
rotor shaft (3) to weaken assembly sealant.
Note 3: Tooling diagrams are contained in This can be achieved by heating a suitable
Chapter 5. mild steel tube and placing it over shaft to rest
on bearing nut. Allow nut to absorb heat for 2-
3 minutes. Use special socket (Chapter 5,
1. Mount air-end securely, preferably in suitable Fig. 5.2) and pneumatic impact wrench to
rotating jig, with drive end uppermost. slacken bearing nut on male rotor shaft (LH
thread). Do not remove nut.
2. Remove circlip (15) from female rotor shaft.
Rotate jig to bring delivery end uppermost. 7. Repeat operation 6 on female rotor shaft (12)
using special socket (Chapter 5, Fig. 5.2) to
3. Remove screws/spring washers from delivery slacken bearing nut (9) on female rotor shaft
end bearing housing cover (7) and remove (RH thread). Do not remove nut. Remove
cover. rotor locking fixture.
Remove screws, capscrew and washers from 8. Support male rotor securely and remove
delivery end bearing housing (4). Separate bearing nut from male rotor shaft. If
bearing housing from rotor casing, using necessary, use suitable mandrel to press out
jacking screws in threaded holes. male rotor shaft from delivery end bearings.
4. Fit extended eyebolts in jacking holes of 9. Repeat operation 8 for female rotor shaft. Set
bearing housing. Attach lifting tackle and lift aside both rotors.
bearing housing and rotors clear of rotor
casing (2). Inner races of both drive end 10. Lift out inner race of male rotor taper roller
bearings will be withdrawn with rotors. bearing (5). Remove circlip (8) and spacer (9)
from female rotor bearing bore.
5. Transfer bearing housing/rotor assembly to
suitable securely mounted fixture and support 11. Use suitable puller to remove outer bearing
on bearing housing joint face with rotors race from male rotor bearing bore. Invert
hanging down. Fit rotor locking fixture bearing housing and use suitable mandrel to
(Chapter 5, Fig. 5.1) to prevent rotors from tap out matched taper roller bearings (11)
turning. from female rotor bearing bore.
Chapter 4, Page 13
CompAir BroomWade – Air-end Repair Manual
12. Remove circlip (14) from inlet end of rotor 5. Apply even coating of Loctite 641 to both
casing (if fitted). bearing bores in rotor casing and using
suitable mandrels press in both roller bearing
Support rotor casing (2) on wood blocks under outer races. Clean off excess Loctite.
inlet end. Use suitable tool to tap out outer Remove rotor casing from press. If relevant,
races of both roller bearings (1) and (13) from fit circlip (14) in female rotor bearing bore.
6. Mount delivery end bearing housing (4) under
13. Use split collar and suitable puller to remove press, cover joint face uppermost. Wipe clean
inner race of roller bearing from female rotor bearing bores.
shaft. Repeat for male rotor shaft using split
collar to remove bearing race and sleeve (16) 7. Select new taper roller bearing (5) for male
together. rotor and use suitable solvent to clean
external surface only of outer race. Re-wrap
14. Carefully clean dismantled parts, removing all bearing cage and inner race for protection
traces of gasket material, inspect and set and set aside.
aside ready for re-assembly. Discard all old
bearing, seals and gaskets. 8. Apply even coating of Loctite 641 to male
rotor bearing bore only in bearing housing.
Use suitable mandrel to press in outer race of
3.2 Assembly Procedure, Basic Air-end male rotor taper roller bearing to locate firmly
against abutment. Clean off excess Loctite.
CAUTION: Clean all components thoroughly before 9. Select new matched pair of taper roller
assembly. bearings (11) and separating spacer for
female rotor. Use suitable solvent to clean
1. Inspect all components retained for re-use for external surfaces only of outer races. Use
evidence of wear or damage, renewing as suitable mandrel to press in both bearings,
applicable. Responsibility for verifying that complete with spacer between, into bearing
components are suitable for re-use rests with housing to locate firmly against abutment.
the repairer. Sound engineering practices
should be observed and advice sought if 10. Set pre-load of matched taper roller bearings
doubt exists. as follows:-
Remove burrs where necessary and ensure Fit circlip (8) into groove in bearing bore,
joint faces are clean. Do not remove bearings taper face outwards. Use slip gauges to
from packaging until required or interchange measure gap between circlip and outer race
bearings or spacers of a matched assembly of bearing. Remove circlip. Select spacer (10)
with parts of another assembly. from set of three which is next greater in
thickness than measured gap. Clean spacer
Thoroughly de-grease and clean all and fit into bearing bore to locate against
components, ensuring that all oil galleries are bearing outer race. Fit circlip into groove with
clear. Refit plugs with Loctite 542. taper face outwards.
2. Mount rotor casing (2) under press, drive end 11. Transfer female rotor (12) to press, inlet end
uppermost. uppermost. Press inner race of roller bearing
(13) on to drive end of rotor shaft to locate
3. Apply Loctite ‘Activator T’ to both roller firmly against shoulder.
bearing bores in rotor casing, covering whole
circumference. Allow to dry for at least 2 12. Place inner race of male rotor taper roller
minutes. bearing on suitable support under press and
position similar support for inner race of
4. Select new roller bearings (1) and (13) and female rotor taper roller bearings (refer to
use suitable solvent to clean external surface Chapter 5, Fig. 5.3 for guidance). Invert
only of both outer races. Re-wrap bearing bearing housing over the supports to locate in
cages and inner races for protection and set correct position.
Chapter 4, Page 14
Dismantling & Assembly – Cyclon 3 Air-end
14 15 16
10 9 8 7 6
Chapter 4, Page 15
CompAir BroomWade – Air-end Repair Manual
13. Carefully lower female rotor into bearing Support bearing housing/rotor assembly
housing and use suitable mandrel to press securely on inner face of bearing housing,
rotor shaft into inner bearing race to leave with rotors hanging vertically downwards. Fit
gap between rotor end face and bearing rotor locking fixture to prevent rotation. Use
housing of 0.25mm (0.010in). Fit bearing nut special socket to tighten bearing nut on male
(9) and hand tighten (RH thread). rotor shaft (LH thread) to draw shaft up into
bearings until gap between rotor end face and
14. Fit M10 eyebolt into drive end of male rotor bearing housing is between 0.050mm and
shaft and attach lifting gear. Carefully lower 0.025mm (0.002in and 0.001in). Remove
male rotor shaft into bearing housing, rotor locking fixture.
meshing with female rotor. Remove eyebolt
and use suitable mandrel to press rotor shaft Use two feeler gauges simultaneously on
into inner bearing race to leave gap between opposite sides of rotor and check several
rotor end face and bearing housing of times that correct clearance is maintained,
0.25mm (0.010in). Fit bearing nut (6) and turning rotors by hand between checks.
hand tighten (LH thread).
Fit rotor locking fixture. Remove bearing nut
Lightly lubricate bearings on both shafts with from male rotor shaft and clean nut and shaft.
clean compressor oil. Apply a coating of Loctite 641 to shaft thread,
abutment face of nut and face of bearing
15. Set final end clearance of female rotor as inner race. Re-fit nut to male rotor shaft and
follows: tighten to torque of 41Nm (30lb ft). Remove
rotor locking fixture.
CAUTION: Rotor end clearance is critical to air-
end performance. Take great care to set it 17. Spin rotors by hand to check freedom and
accurately. smooth rotation. Invert assembly to bring rotor
shafts uppermost. Lightly lubricate face of
Support bearing housing/rotor assembly bearing housing under rotor end faces with
securely, with rotors extending vertically clean compressor oil. Spin rotors by hand
upwards. Fit rotor locking fixture to prevent again to check freedom and smooth rotation.
rotation. Use special socket to tighten bearing
nut on female rotor shaft (RH thread) to draw 18. Take inner race of male rotor drive end roller
shaft down into bearings until gap between bearing (1) and wipe clean. Place in suitable
rotor end face and bearing housing is oven or on pole bar of induction heater and
between 0.050mm and 0.025mm (0.002in heat for 2 minutes at 100oC – 120oC.
and 0.001in). Remove rotor locking fixture.
19. Clean bearing diameter of male rotor shaft.
Use two feeler gauges simultaneously on Wear gloves to remove roller bearing inner
opposite sides of rotor and check several race from heat and place it immediately over
times that correct clearance is maintained, male rotor shaft to locate firmly with shoulder.
turning rotors by hand between checks. Allow to cool.
Fit rotor locking fixture. Remove bearing nut 20. Transfer rotor casing (2) to secure fixture,
from female rotor shaft and clean nut and mounting with rotor bores vertical and delivery
shaft. Apply a coating of Loctite 641 to shaft end uppermost. Check dowels in joint face
thread, abutment face of nut and face of are secure and undamaged. Place new
bearing inner race. Re-fit nut to female rotor gasket on joint face.
shaft and tighten to torque of 27Nm (20lb.ft).
21. Invert bearing housing/rotor assembly and fit
16. Set final end clearance of male rotor as extended eyebolts in threaded holes in flange
follows: of bearing housing. Attach lifting gear and
position rotors over rotor casing. Carefully
CAUTION: Rotor end clearance is critical to air- lower until rotors are entered into bores.
end performance. Take great care to set it
Chapter 4, Page 16
Dismantling & Assembly – Cyclon 3 Air-end
22. Lift gasket from joint face and position it 25. Invert assembly to bring drive end uppermost.
loosely near top of rotors. Continue carefully Clean diameter of male rotor shaft and bore
lowering rotors until almost fully home. When of sleeve (16). Coat bore of sleeve lightly with
there is no further risk of damaging gasket, Loctite 932. Place sleeve over male rotor
replace gasket on joint face over dowels. shaft with taper towards bearing.and press on
Lower rotors fully, making sure dowels are to locate against roller bearing inner race.
entered into bearing housing flange. Tap
gently with soft mallet to close joint. Remove 26. Fit circlip (15) to female rotor shaft. Lightly oil
lifting gear and eyebolts. roller bearings with clean compressor oil and
spin rotors by hand to distribute oil.
23. Fit screws and washers and tighten
progressively in sequence shown in Fig. 4.8 Basic air-end is now ready to receive drive
to torque of 57Nm (42lb.ft). components.
10 4
5 1 9
6 3 8
8 1
3 9 4 6
Chapter 4, Page 17
Dismantling & Assembly – Cyclon 4 Air-end
● Refer to the safety precautions in Chapter 1 before carrying out any of the following procedures
Note 2: Annotations in brackets refer to Fig. 4.9. 6. Apply heat locally to bearing nut (6) on male
rotor shaft (3) to weaken assembly sealant.
Note 3: Tooling diagrams are contained in This can be achieved by heating a suitable
Chapter 5. mild steel tube and placing it over shaft to rest
on bearing nut. Allow nut to absorb heat for 2-
3 minutes. Use special socket (Chapter 5,
1. Mount air-end securely, preferably in suitable Fig. 5.2) and pneumatic impact wrench to
rotating jig, with drive end uppermost. slacken bearing nut on male rotor shaft (LH
thread). Do not remove nut.
2. Remove circlip (15) from female rotor shaft.
Rotate jig to bring delivery end uppermost. 7. Repeat operation 6 on female rotor shaft (12)
using special socket (Chapter 5, Fig. 5.2) to
3. Remove screws/spring washers from delivery slacken bearing nut (9) on female rotor shaft
end bearing housing cover (7) and remove (RH thread). Do not remove nut. Remove
cover. rotor locking fixture.
Remove screws, capscrew and washers from 8. Support male rotor securely and remove
delivery end bearing housing (4). Separate bearing nut from male rotor shaft. If
bearing housing from rotor casing, using necessary, use suitable mandrel to press out
jacking screws in threaded holes. male rotor shaft from delivery end bearings.
4. Fit extended eyebolts in jacking holes of 9. Repeat operation 8 for female rotor shaft. Set
bearing housing. Attach lifting tackle and lift aside both rotors.
bearing housing and rotors clear of rotor
casing (2). Inner races of both drive end 10. Lift out inner race of male rotor taper roller
bearings will be withdrawn with rotors. bearing (5). Remove circlip (8) and spacer (9)
from female rotor bearing bore.
5. Transfer bearing housing/rotor assembly to
suitable securely mounted fixture and support 11. Use suitable puller to remove outer bearing
on bearing housing joint face with rotors race from male rotor bearing bore. Invert
hanging down. Fit rotor locking fixture bearing housing and use suitable mandrel to
(Chapter 5, Fig. 5.1) to prevent rotors from tap out matched taper roller bearings (11)
turning. from female rotor bearing bore.
Chapter 4, Page 19
CompAir BroomWade – Air-end Repair Manual
12. Remove circlip (14) from inlet end of rotor 5. Apply even coating of Loctite 641 to both
casing (if fitted). bearing bores in rotor casing and using
suitable mandrels press in both roller bearing
Support rotor casing (2) on wood blocks under outer races. Clean off excess Loctite.
inlet end. Use suitable tool to tap out outer Remove rotor casing from press. If relevant,
races of both roller bearings (1) and (13) from fit circlip (14) in female rotor bearing bore.
6. Mount delivery end bearing housing (4) under
13. Use split collar and suitable puller to remove press, cover joint face uppermost. Wipe clean
inner race of roller bearing from female rotor bearing bores.
shaft. Repeat for male rotor shaft using split
collar to remove bearing race and sleeve (16) 7. Select new taper roller bearing (5) for male
together. rotor and use suitable solvent to clean
external surface only of outer race. Re-wrap
14. Carefully clean dismantled parts, removing all bearing cage and inner race for protection
traces of gasket material, inspect and set and set aside.
aside ready for re-assembly. Discard all old
bearing, seals and gaskets. 8. Apply even coating of Loctite 641 to male
rotor bearing bore only in bearing housing.
Use suitable mandrel to press in outer race of
4.2 Assembly Procedure, Basic Air-end male rotor taper roller bearing to locate firmly
against abutment. Clean off excess Loctite.
CAUTION: Clean all components thoroughly before 9. Select new matched pair of taper roller
assembly. bearings (11) and separating spacer for
female rotor. Use suitable solvent to clean
1. Inspect all components retained for re-use for external surfaces only of outer races. Use
evidence of wear or damage, renewing as suitable mandrel to press in both bearings,
applicable. Responsibility for verifying that complete with spacer between, into bearing
components are suitable for re-use rests with housing to locate firmly against abutment.
the repairer. Sound engineering practices
should be observed and advice sought if 10. Set pre-load of matched taper roller bearings
doubt exists. as follows:-
Remove burrs where necessary and ensure Fit circlip (8) into groove in bearing bore,
joint faces are clean. Do not remove bearings taper face outwards. Use slip gauges to
from packaging until required or interchange measure gap between circlip and outer race
bearings or spacers of a matched assembly of bearing. Remove circlip. Select spacer (10)
with parts of another assembly. from set of three which is next greater in
thickness than measured gap. Clean spacer
Thoroughly de-grease and clean all and fit into bearing bore to locate against
components, ensuring that all oil galleries are bearing outer race. Fit circlip into groove with
clear. Refit plugs with Loctite 542. taper face outwards.
2. Mount rotor casing (2) under press, drive end 11. Transfer female rotor (12) to press, inlet end
uppermost. uppermost. Press inner race of roller bearing
(13) on to drive end of rotor shaft to locate
3. Apply Loctite ‘Activator T’ to both roller firmly against shoulder.
bearing bores in rotor casing, covering whole
circumference. Allow to dry for at least 2 12. Place inner race of male rotor taper roller
minutes. bearing on suitable support under press and
position similar support for inner race of
4. Select new roller bearings (1) and (13) and female rotor taper roller bearings (refer to
use suitable solvent to clean external surface Chapter 5, Fig. 5.3 for guidance). Invert
only of both outer races. Re-wrap bearing bearing housing over the supports to locate in
cages and inner races for protection and set correct position.
Chapter 4, Page 20
Dismantling & Assembly – Cyclon 4 Air-end
14 15 16
10 9 8 7 6
Chapter 4, Page 21
CompAir BroomWade – Air-end Repair Manual
13. Carefully lower female rotor into bearing Support bearing housing/rotor assembly
housing and use suitable mandrel to press securely on inner face of bearing housing,
rotor shaft into inner bearing race to leave with rotors hanging vertically downwards. Fit
gap between rotor end face and bearing rotor locking fixture to prevent rotation. Use
housing of 0.25mm (0.010in). Fit bearing nut special socket to tighten bearing nut on male
(9) and hand tighten (RH thread). rotor shaft (LH thread) to draw shaft up into
bearings until gap between rotor end face and
14. Fit M10 eyebolt into drive end of male rotor bearing housing is between 0.050mm and
shaft and attach lifting gear. Carefully lower 0.025mm (0.002in and 0.001in). Remove
male rotor shaft into bearing housing, rotor locking fixture.
meshing with female rotor. Remove eyebolt
and use suitable mandrel to press rotor shaft Use two feeler gauges simultaneously on
into inner bearing race to leave gap between opposite sides of rotor and check several
rotor end face and bearing housing of times that correct clearance is maintained,
0.25mm (0.010in). Fit bearing nut (6) and turning rotors by hand between checks.
hand tighten (LH thread).
Fit rotor locking fixture. Remove bearing nut
Lightly lubricate bearings on both shafts with from male rotor shaft and clean nut and shaft.
clean compressor oil. Apply a coating of Loctite 641 to shaft thread,
abutment face of nut and face of bearing
15. Set final end clearance of female rotor as inner race. Re-fit nut to male rotor shaft and
follows: tighten to torque of 41Nm (30lb ft). Remove
rotor locking fixture.
CAUTION: Rotor end clearance is critical to air-
end performance. Take great care to set it 17. Spin rotors by hand to check freedom and
accurately. smooth rotation. Invert assembly to bring rotor
shafts uppermost. Lightly lubricate face of
Support bearing housing/rotor assembly bearing housing under rotor end faces with
securely, with rotors extending vertically clean compressor oil. Spin rotors by hand
upwards. Fit rotor locking fixture to prevent again to check freedom and smooth rotation.
rotation. Use special socket to tighten bearing
nut on female rotor shaft (RH thread) to draw 18. Take inner race of male rotor drive end roller
shaft down into bearings until gap between bearing (1) and wipe clean. Place in suitable
rotor end face and bearing housing is oven or on pole bar of induction heater and
between 0.050mm and 0.025mm (0.002in heat for 2 minutes at 100oC – 120oC.
and 0.001in). Remove rotor locking fixture.
19. Clean bearing diameter of male rotor shaft.
Use two feeler gauges simultaneously on Wear gloves to remove roller bearing inner
opposite sides of rotor and check several race from heat and place it immediately over
times that correct clearance is maintained, male rotor shaft to locate firmly with shoulder.
turning rotors by hand between checks. Allow to cool.
Fit rotor locking fixture. Remove bearing nut 20. Transfer rotor casing (2) to secure fixture,
from female rotor shaft and clean nut and mounting with rotor bores vertical and delivery
shaft. Apply a coating of Loctite 641 to shaft end uppermost. Check dowels in joint face
thread, abutment face of nut and face of are secure and undamaged. Place new
bearing inner race. Re-fit nut to female rotor gasket on joint face.
shaft and tighten to torque of 27Nm (20lb.ft).
21. Invert bearing housing/rotor assembly and fit
16. Set final end clearance of male rotor as extended eyebolts in threaded holes in flange
follows: of bearing housing. Attach lifting gear and
position rotors over rotor casing. Carefully
CAUTION: Rotor end clearance is critical to air- lower until rotors are entered into bores.
end performance. Take great care to set it
Chapter 4, Page 22
Dismantling & Assembly – Cyclon 4 Air-end
22. Lift gasket from joint face and position it 25. Invert assembly to bring drive end uppermost.
loosely near top of rotors. Continue carefully Clean diameter of male rotor shaft and bore
lowering rotors until almost fully home. When of sleeve (16). Coat bore of sleeve lightly with
there is no further risk of damaging gasket, Loctite 932. Place sleeve over male rotor
replace gasket on joint face over dowels. shaft with taper towards bearing.and press on
Lower rotors fully, making sure dowels are to locate against roller bearing inner race.
entered into bearing housing flange. Tap
gently with soft mallet to close joint. Remove 26. Fit circlip (15) to female rotor shaft. Lightly oil
lifting gear and eyebolts. roller bearings with clean compressor oil and
spin rotors by hand to distribute oil.
23. Fit screws and washers and tighten
progressively in sequence shown in Fig. 4.10 Basic air-end is now ready to receive drive
to torque of 57Nm (42lb.ft). components.
9 4
5 9
5 3 8
8 1
3 6
Chapter 4, Page 23
Dismantling & Assembly – Gearbox C20465-1
● Refer to the safety precautions in Chapter 1 before carrying out any of the following procedures
Note: Use appropriate CompAir BroomWade 7. Invert gearbox and support on tall blocks. Use
gearbox overhaul kit. a soft drift to tap out shaft, bearings (31) (33),
inner spacer (32) and outer spacer (23) from
gearbox casing (1), together with inner shims
5.1 Dismantling Procedure, Gearbox from (22). Retain shims and spacers but discard
Gearbox Adaptor/Air-end bearings.
Note: Annotations in brackets refer to Fig. 4.11 Note: It is important that the original shim pack is
kept as a complete set.
1. Support gearbox/air-end assembly on wood
blocks under air-end. Attach lifting gear to 8. Use suitable mandrel to remove oil seal (27)
gearbox eyebolt and take weight without from housing (24). Discard seal.
9. Remove plug and copper washer from
2. Remove bolts (3), (18) and washers (4) and gearbox casing. Remove taper pressure plug
(17) securing gearbox (1) to gearbox adaptor from casing.
(2). DO NOT remove 2 screws (10) securing
adaptor to air-end.
5.2 Dismantling Procedure, Gearbox Adaptor
3. Use soft mallet to separate gearbox from air- from Air-end
end adaptor, supporting gearbox with lifting
gear. Take care to avoid damage to gear 1. Bend down tabs on locking plate (20) and
teeth. Remove and discard joint (16). Transfer remove screws (21) and pinion retaining plate
gearbox to bench and support on blocks with (19). Discard locking plate.
gear uppermost.
2. Use suitable puller to remove pinion (14) from
4. Release tabs on locking plate (8). Remove air-end shaft. Remove key (13) from keyway.
screws (9), locking plate, and retaining plate Remove sleeve (12).
(7) from shaft (28). Discard locking plate.
3. Remove nut (34) on oil spray pipe (35) and
5. Use suitable puller to remove gear (5) from remove pipe. Remove pipe coupling (36) and
shaft. Remove key (6). Invert gearbox to bring copper washer (37).
coupling end uppermost. Remove drive
coupling and key if necessary. 4. Remove 2 screws (10) and washers (11)
securing adaptor to air-end. Use soft mallet to
6. Remove screws (26) and washers from oil separate adaptor from air-end and remove
seal housing (24). Remove housing and ‘O’ adaptor and gasket (15). Clean joint faces of
ring (25). Discard ‘O’ ring. Remove circlip (29) adaptor and air-end to remove all traces of
and spacer (30). gasket.
Chapter 4, Page 25
CompAir BroomWade – Air-end Repair Manual
CAUTION: Clean all components thoroughly before Remove burrs where necessary and ensure
assembly. joint faces are clean. Do not remove bearings
from their packaging until required. Do not
1. Support air-end securely on wood blocks. interchange bearings or spaces of a matched
Check dowels are secure and undamaged. Fit assembly with parts from another assembly.
new gasket (15) over dowels.
Thoroughly degrease and clean all
2. Fit adaptor to air-end. Make sure gasket is not components, ensuring that all oil galleries are
damaged and dowels are fully entered in clear. Re-fit plugs with Loctite 542.
locating holes. Fit screws (10) and washers
(11) and tighten to secure. DO NOT fully 2. Support gearbox casing (1) on bench, resting
tighten at this stage. on tall blocks with oil seal face uppermost.
Check that oilways are clear. Fit plug and
3. Apply coating of Loctite 270 to threads of pipe copper washer to casing. Fit taper pressure
coupling (36) and fit coupling and copper plug to casing.
washer (37) to adaptor. Check holes in oil
spray pipe (35) are clear. Fit oil spray pipe to 3. Carefully wipe clean inner bearing spacer
pipe coupling, locating flattened end of pipe in (32), outer bearing spacer (23) and circlip
casting recess (38). Tighten nut (34) to secure spacer (30). Clean shaft (28) and lightly oil
pipe. DO NOT over-tighten. bearing diameter.
4. Fit sleeve (12) over air-end shaft with chamfer 4. Set end float of bearings as follows.
towards air-end. Make sure sleeve is located
firmly against bearing. Measure thickness of gear (5) through the
bore. Make up sleeve spacer to fit closely but
5. Place pinion (14) on pole bar of induction not tightly over gear diameter of shaft, spacer
heater and heat at 150oC for 6 minutes. Use length being measured thickness of gear plus
gloves to remove pinion from heater and fit to 1mm. Wall thickness of spacer should be at
air-end shaft with datum groove towards air- least 2·5mm and end faces should be flat and
end. Make sure pinion is located firmly against square with axis.
sleeve (12).
Assemble the following components to
6. Fit retaining plate (19) to shaft. Partly bend up gearbox shaft in the correct sequence:
tabs on new locking plate (20) and fit with
screws (21) to end of shaft. Secure pinion to New taper roller bearing (31) with wide face of
prevent rotation and tighten screws to torque inner track towards shaft shoulder. Use
of 57Nm (42lb.ft). Bend up tabs on locking suitable mandrel to press bearing fully home.
plate to secure screws.
Outer spacer (23).
Inner spacer (32).
5.4 Assembly Procedure, Gearbox to Gearbox
Inner shims (22)
New taper roller bearing (33) with narrow face
CAUTION: Clean all components thoroughly before of inner track towards inner shims. Use
assembly. suitable mandrel to press bearing fully home.
1. Inspect all components retained for re-use for Note: Make up shim pack from new shims with
evidence of wear or damage, renewing as total thickness equal to the pack removed during
applicable. dismantling plus at least 0·1mm. It is important to
use sufficient shims to allow measurable end float
Responsibility for verifying that components on first trial with new bearings.
are suitable for re-use rests with the repairer.
Chapter 4, Page 26
Dismantling & Assembly – Gearbox C20465-1
2 35
34 35 36 37 2
33 2
30 4
22 10
26 11
23 13
20 14
18 17 16 15
Chapter 4, Page 27
CompAir BroomWade – Air-end Repair Manual
Fit sleeve spacer over shaft. Fit gear retaining 7. Fit slave tapered sleeve to coupling end of
plate (7) and screws (9). Hold shaft securely shaft to cover keyway and butt up to seal
and tighten screws to torque of 57Nm (42lb.ft). diameter. Lightly grease new ‘O’ ring (25) and
fit to oil seal housing. Assemble oil seal
Use suitable mandrel to press shaft and housing to gearbox over slave sleeve.
bearing cluster into gearbox casing. Make Remove slave sleeve. Fit screws (26) and
sure outer spacer enters bore cleanly. Make washers and tighten in diagonal sequence to
sure outer track of bearing (33) locates firmly torque of 29Nm (21lb.ft).
against shoulder. Fit circlip spacer (30) and
circlip (29) with bevelled face towards coupling Note: Take great care when fitting the oil seal to
end of shaft. make sure that the seal lips are not damaged or
Support gearbox casing on bench and use dial
test indicator to check end float of shaft within 8. Invert gearbox to bring gear end of shaft
bearings. Correct end float is between uppermost. Fit key (6) to keyway. Place gear
0·013mm and 0·064mm (0·0005in and (5) on pole bar of induction heater and heat at
0·0025in). 150oC for 6 minutes. Use gloves to remove
gear from heater and fit to shaft with datum
5. If end float is outside these limits dismantle groove towards bearings. Make sure gear is
shaft/bearing cluster from casing and adjust located firmly against bearing. Fit retaining
thickness of shim pack accordingly. Repeat plate (7), new locking plate (8) and screws
operation 4 as necessary until end float is (9). Tighten screws to torque of 57Nm
correct. Spin shaft by hand to check freedom (42lb.ft). Bend up tabs of locking plate to
and smooth rotation. Remove screws (9), secure screws.
retaining plate (7) and sleeve spacer.
9. Attach lifting gear to gearbox eyebolt and
6. Wipe clean oil seal housing (24). Select new transfer to air-end/adaptor assembly. Fit new
oil seal (27) and use a suitable mandrel to gasket (16) over dowels. Align dowels with
press seal into housing to locate firmly against location holes and carefully mate gearbox
shoulder. with adaptor, turning shaft slightly if
necessary to mesh gear and pinion. Take
Note: The seal is supplied with the outside care not to damage gasket.
diameter coated with a sealant. After pressing the
seal into place remove all traces of excess sealant 10. Fit screws (3, 18) and washers (4, 17) and
from the housing bore. tighten all screws in sequence shown in
Fig. 4.12 to a torque of 57Nm (42lb.ft). Turn
gearbox shaft by hand to check freedom and
smooth rotation.
Chapter 4, Page 28
Dismantling & Assembly – Gearbox C20465-1
5 9 6
8 11
3 4
2 1
10 14 7
13 12
Chapter 4, Page 29
Dismantling & Assembly – Cyclon 5 Air-end
● Refer to the safety precautions in Chapter 1 before carrying out any of the following procedures
Note 2: Annotations in brackets refer to Fig. 4.13. 6. Apply heat locally to bearing nut (6) on male
rotor shaft (3) to weaken assembly sealant.
Note 3: Tooling diagrams are contained in This can be achieved by heating a suitable
Chapter 5. mild steel tube and placing it over shaft to rest
on bearing nut. Allow nut to absorb heat for
2-3 minutes. Use special socket (Chapter 5,
1. Mount air-end securely, preferably in suitable Fig. 5.2) and pneumatic impact wrench to
rotating jig, with drive end uppermost. slacken bearing nut on male rotor shaft (LH
thread). Do not remove nut.
2. Remove circlip (15) from female rotor shaft.
Rotate jig to bring delivery end uppermost. 7. Repeat operation 6 on female rotor shaft (12)
using special socket (Chapter 5, Fig. 5.2) to
3. Remove screws/spring washers from delivery slacken bearing nut (9) on female rotor shaft
end bearing housing cover (7) and remove (RH thread). Do not remove nut. Remove
cover. rotor locking fixture.
Remove screws, capscrew and washers from 8. Support male rotor securely and remove
delivery end bearing housing (4). Separate bearing nut from male rotor shaft. If
bearing housing from rotor casing, using necessary, use suitable mandrel to press out
jacking screws in threaded holes. male rotor shaft from delivery end bearings.
4. Fit extended eyebolts in jacking holes of 9. Repeat operation 8 for female rotor shaft. Set
bearing housing. Attach lifting tackle and lift aside both rotors.
bearing housing and rotors clear of rotor
casing (2). Inner races of both drive end 10. Lift out inner race of male rotor taper roller
bearings will be withdrawn with rotors. bearing (5). Remove circlip (8) and spacer (9)
from female rotor bearing bore.
5. Transfer bearing housing/rotor assembly to
suitable securely mounted fixture and support 11. Use suitable puller to remove outer bearing
on bearing housing joint face with rotors race from male rotor bearing bore. Invert
hanging down. Fit rotor locking fixture bearing housing and use suitable mandrel to
(Chapter 5, Fig. 5.1) to prevent rotors from tap out matched taper roller bearings (11)
turning. from female rotor bearing bore.
Chapter 4, Page 31
CompAir BroomWade – Air-end Repair Manual
12. Remove circlip (14) from inlet end of rotor 5. Apply even coating of Loctite 641 to both
casing (if fitted). bearing bores in rotor casing and using
suitable mandrels press in both roller bearing
Support rotor casing (2) on wood blocks under outer races. Clean off excess Loctite. Remove
inlet end. Use suitable tool to tap out outer rotor casing from press. If relevant, fit circlip
races of both roller bearings (1) and (13) from (14) in female rotor bearing bore.
6. Mount delivery end bearing housing (4) under
13. Use split collar and suitable puller to remove press, cover joint face uppermost. Wipe clean
inner race of roller bearing from female rotor bearing bores.
shaft. Repeat for male rotor shaft using split
collar to remove bearing race and sleeve (16) 7. Select new taper roller bearing (5) for male
together. rotor and use suitable solvent to clean
external surface only of outer race. Re-wrap
14. Carefully clean dismantled parts, removing all bearing cage and inner race for protection and
traces of gasket material, inspect and set aside set aside.
ready for re-assembly. Discard all old bearing,
seals and gaskets. Note: In operations 8, 9, 12 and 13 below, fitting
taper roller bearings (5) and (11) and installing rotor
shafts (3) and (12) may be carried out using a
6.2 ASSEMBLY PROCEDURE, BASIC AIR-END hydraulic/pneumatic pulling tool and suitable
attachments. Details are available from Service
CAUTION: Clean all components thoroughly before Dept. at CompAir BroomWade, High Wycombe.
8. Apply even coating of Loctite 641 to male rotor
1. Inspect all components retained for re-use for bearing bore only in bearing housing. Use
evidence of wear or damage, renewing as suitable mandrel to press in outer race of male
applicable. Responsibility for verifying that rotor taper roller bearing to locate firmly
components are suitable for re-use rests with against abutment. Clean off excess Loctite.
the repairer. Sound engineering practices
should be observed and advice sought if doubt 9. Select new matched pair of taper roller
exists. bearings (11) and separating spacer for
female rotor. Use suitable solvent to clean
Remove burrs where necessary and ensure external surfaces only of outer races. Use
joint faces are clean. Do not remove bearings suitable mandrel to press in both bearings,
from packaging until required or interchange complete with spacer between, into bearing
bearings or spacers of a matched assembly housing to locate firmly against abutment.
with parts of another assembly.
10. Set pre-load of matched taper roller bearings
Thoroughly de-grease and clean all as follows.
components, ensuring that all oil galleries are
clear. Refit plugs with Loctite 542. Fit circlip (8) into groove in bearing bore, taper
face outwards. Use slip gauges to measure
2. Mount rotor casing (2) under press, drive end gap between circlip and outer race of bearing.
uppermost. Remove circlip. Select spacer (10) from set of
three which is next greater in thickness than
3. Apply Loctite ‘Activator T’ to both roller bearing measured gap. Clean spacer and fit into
bores in rotor casing, covering whole bearing bore to locate against bearing outer
circumference. Allow to dry for at least 2 race. Fit circlip into groove with taper face
minutes. outwards.
Chapter 4, Page 32
Dismantling & Assembly – Cyclon 5 Air-end
13 14 15 16
9 8 7 6
Chapter 4, Page 33
CompAir BroomWade – Air-end Repair Manual
11. Place inner race of male rotor taper roller 15. Set final end clearance of male rotor as
bearing on suitable support under press and follows:
position similar support for inner race of
female rotor taper roller bearings (refer to CAUTION: Rotor end clearance is critical to air-end
Chapter 5, Fig. 5.3 for guidance). Invert performance. Take great care to set it accurately.
bearing housing over the supports to locate in
correct position. Support bearing housing/rotor assembly
securely on inner face of bearing housing, with
12. Fit M16 eyebolt into inlet end of female rotor rotors hanging vertically downwards. Fit rotor
shaft and attach lifting gear. Carefully lower locking fixture to prevent rotation. Use special
female rotor into bearing housing and use socket to tighten bearing nut on male rotor
suitable mandrel to press rotor shaft into inner shaft (LH thread) to draw shaft up into
bearing race to leave gap between rotor end bearings until gap between rotor end face and
face and bearing housing of 0.25mm (0.010in). bearing housing is between 0.050mm and
Fit bearing nut (9) and hand tighten (RH 0.025mm (0.002in and 0.001in). Remove rotor
thread). locking fixture.
13. Fit M16 eyebolt into inlet end of male rotor shaft Use two feeler gauges simultaneously on
and attach lifting gear. Carefully lower male opposite sides of rotor and check several
rotor into bearing housing, meshing with times that correct clearance is maintained,
female rotor. Remove eyebolt and use suitable turning rotors by hand between checks.
mandrel to press rotor shaft into inner bearing
race to leave gap between rotor end face and Fit rotor locking fixture. Remove bearing nut
bearing housing of 0.25mm (0.010in). Fit from male rotor shaft and clean nut and shaft.
bearing nut (6) and hand tighten (LH thread). Apply a coating of Loctite 641 to shaft thread,
abutment face of nut and face of bearing inner
Lightly lubricate bearings on both shafts with race. Re-fit nut to male rotor shaft and tighten
clean compressor oil. to torque of 41Nm (30lb ft). Remove rotor
locking fixture.
14. Set final end clearance of female rotor as
follows: 16. Spin rotors by hand to check freedom and
smooth rotation. Invert assembly to bring rotor
CAUTION: Rotor end clearance is critical to air-end shafts uppermost. Lightly lubricate face of
performance. Take great care to set it accurately. bearing housing under rotor end faces with
clean compressor oil. Spin rotors by hand
Support bearing housing/rotor assembly again to check freedom and smooth rotation.
securely, with rotors extending vertically
upwards. Fit rotor locking fixture to prevent 17. Take inner race of male rotor drive end roller
rotation. Use special socket to tighten bearing bearing (1) and wipe clean. Place in suitable
nut on female rotor shaft (RH thread) to draw oven or on pole bar of induction heater and
shaft down into bearings until gap between heat for 2 minutes at 100oC – 120oC.
rotor end face and bearing housing is between
0.050mm and 0.025mm (0.002in and 0.001in). 18. Clean bearing diameter of male rotor shaft.
Remove rotor locking fixture. Wear gloves to remove roller bearing inner
race from heat and place it immediately over
Use two feeler gauges simultaneously on male rotor shaft to locate firmly with shoulder.
opposite sides of rotor and check several Allow to cool.
times that correct clearance is maintained,
turning rotors by hand between checks. 19. Take inner race of female rotor drive end roller
bearing (13) and wipe clean. Place in suitable
Fit rotor locking fixture. Remove bearing nut oven or on pole bar of induction heater and
from female rotor shaft and clean nut and heat for 2 minutes at 100oC – 120oC.
shaft. Apply a coating of Loctite 641 to shaft
thread, abutment face of nut and face of
bearing inner race. Re-fit nut to female rotor
shaft and tighten to torque of 41Nm (30lb ft).
Chapter 4, Page 34
Dismantling & Assembly – Cyclon 5 Air-end
20. Clean bearing diameter of female rotor shaft. 24. Fit screws and washers to secure bearing
Wear gloves to remove roller bearing inner housing and tighten progressively in sequence
race from heat and place it immediately over shown in Fig. 4.14 to torque of 98Nm (72lb.ft).
female rotor shaft to locate firmly with
shoulder. Allow to cool. 25. Fit new gasket to joint face of bearing housing
and fit bearing housing cover (7). Fit screws
21. Transfer rotor casing (2) to secure fixture, and washers and tighten progressively in
mounting with rotor bores vertical and delivery sequence shown in Fig. 4.14 to torque of
end uppermost. Check dowels in joint face are 57Nm (42lb.ft).
secure and undamaged. Place new gasket on
joint face. 26. Invert assembly to bring drive end uppermost.
Clean diameter of male rotor shaft and bore of
22. Invert bearing housing/rotor assembly and fit sleeve (16). Coat bore of sleeve lightly with
M12 extended eyebolts in threaded holes in Loctite 932. Place sleeve over male rotor shaft
flange of bearing housing. Attach lifting gear with taper towards bearing and press on to
and position rotors over rotor casing. Carefully locate against roller bearing inner race.
lower until rotors are entered into bores.
27. Fit circlip (15) to female rotor shaft. Lightly oil
23. Lift gasket from joint face and position it roller bearings with clean compressor oil and
loosely near top of rotors. Continue carefully spin rotors by hand to distribute oil.
lowering rotors until almost fully home. When
there is no further risk of damaging gasket, Basic air-end is now ready to receive drive
replace gasket on joint face over dowels. components.
Lower rotors fully, making sure dowels are
entered into bearing housing flange.
Tap gently with soft mallet to close joint.
Remove lifting gear and eyebolts.
9 4
5 9
5 3 8
8 1
3 6
Chapter 4, Page 35
Dismantling & Assembly – Gearbox C20466-1
● Refer to the safety precautions in Chapter 1 before carrying out any of the following procedures
Note: Use appropriate CompAir BroomWade 7. Invert gearbox and support on tall blocks. Use
gearbox overhaul kit. a soft drift to tap out shaft, bearings (31) (33),
inner spacer (32) and outer spacer (23) from
gearbox casing (1), together with inner shims
7.1 Dismantling Procedure, Gearbox from (22). Retain shims and spacers but discard
Gearbox Adaptor/Air-end bearings.
Note: Annotations in brackets refer to Fig. 4.15 Note: It is important that the original shim pack is
kept as a complete set.
1. Support gearbox/air-end assembly on wood
blocks under air-end. Attach lifting gear to 8. Use suitable mandrel to remove oil seal (27)
gearbox eyebolt and take weight without from housing (24). Discard seal.
9. Remove plug and copper washer from
2. Remove bolts (3), (18) and washers (4) and gearbox casing. Remove taper pressure plugs
(17) securing gearbox (1) to gearbox adaptor from casing.
(2). DO NOT remove 3 nuts (10) securing
adaptor to air-end.
7.2 Dismantling Procedure, Gearbox Adaptor
3. Use soft mallet to separate gearbox from air- from Air-end
end adaptor, supporting gearbox with lifting
gear. Take care to avoid damage to gear 1. Bend down tabs on locking plate (20) and
teeth. Remove and discard joint (16). Transfer remove screws (21) and pinion retaining plate
gearbox to bench and support on blocks with (19). Discard locking plate.
gear uppermost.
2. Use suitable puller to remove pinion (14) from
4. Release tabs on locking plate (8). Remove air-end shaft. Remove key (13) from keyway.
screws (9), locking plate, and retaining plate Remove sleeve (12).
(7) from shaft (28). Discard locking plate.
3. Remove nut (34) on oil spray pipe (35) and
5. Use suitable puller to remove gear (5) from remove pipe. Remove pipe coupling (36) and
shaft. Remove key (6). Invert gearbox to bring copper washer (37).
coupling end uppermost. Remove drive
coupling and key if necessary. 4. Remove 2 screws (10) and washers (11)
securing adaptor to air-end. Use soft mallet to
6. Remove screws (26) and washers from oil separate adaptor from air-end and remove
seal housing (24). Remove housing and ‘O’ adaptor and gasket (15). Clean joint faces of
ring (25). Discard ‘O’ ring. Remove circlip (29) adaptor and air-end to remove all traces of
and spacer (30). gasket.
Chapter 4, Page 37
CompAir BroomWade – Air-end Repair Manual
CAUTION: Clean all components thoroughly before Remove burrs where necessary and ensure
assembly. joint faces are clean. Do not remove bearings
from their packaging until required. Do not
1. Support air-end securely on wood blocks. interchange bearings or spaces of a matched
Check dowels are secure and undamaged. Fit assembly with parts from another assembly.
new gasket (15) over dowels.
Thoroughly degrease and clean all
2. Fit adaptor to air-end. Make sure gasket is not components, ensuring that all oil galleries are
damaged and dowels are fully entered in clear. Re-fit plugs with Loctite 542.
locating holes. Fit screws (10) and washers
(11) and tighten to secure. DO NOT fully 2. Support gearbox casing (1) on bench, resting
tighten at this stage. on tall blocks with oil seal face uppermost.
Check that oilways are clear. Fit plug and
3. Apply coating of Loctite 270 to threads of pipe copper washer to casing. Fit taper pressure
coupling (36) and fit coupling and copper plug to casing.
washer (37) to adaptor. Check holes in oil
spray pipe (35) are clear. Fit oil spray pipe to 3. Carefully wipe clean inner bearing spacer
pipe coupling, locating flattened end of pipe in (32), outer bearing spacer (23) and circlip
casting recess (38). Tighten nut (34) to secure spacer (30). Clean shaft (28) and lightly oil
pipe. DO NOT over-tighten. bearing diameter.
4. Fit sleeve (12) over air-end shaft with chamfer 4. Set end float of bearings as follows.
towards air-end. Make sure sleeve is located
firmly against bearing. Measure thickness of gear (5) through the
bore. Make up sleeve spacer to fit closely but
5. Place pinion (14) on pole bar of induction not tightly over gear diameter of shaft, spacer
heater and heat at 150oC for 6 minutes. Use length being measured thickness of gear plus
gloves to remove pinion from heater and fit to 1mm. Wall thickness of spacer should be at
air-end shaft with datum groove towards air- least 2·5mm and end faces should be flat and
end. Make sure pinion is located firmly against square with axis.
sleeve (12).
Assemble the following components to
6. Fit retaining plate (19) to shaft. Partly bend up gearbox shaft in the correct sequence:
tabs on new locking plate (20) and fit with
screws (21) to end of shaft. Secure pinion to New taper roller bearing (31) with wide face of
prevent rotation and tighten screws to torque inner track towards shaft shoulder. Use
of 98Nm (72lb.ft). Bend up tabs on locking suitable mandrel to press bearing fully home.
plate to secure screws.
Outer spacer (23).
Inner spacer (32).
7.4 Assembly Procedure, Gearbox to Gearbox
Inner shims (22)
New taper roller bearing (33) with narrow face
CAUTION: Clean all components thoroughly before of inner track towards inner shims. Use
assembly. suitable mandrel to press bearing fully home.
1. Inspect all components retained for re-use for Note: Make up shim pack from new shims with
evidence of wear or damage, renewing as total thickness equal to the pack removed during
applicable. dismantling plus at least 0·1mm. It is important to
use sufficient shims to allow measurable end float
Responsibility for verifying that components on first trial with new bearings.
are suitable for re-use rests with the repairer.
Chapter 4, Page 38
Dismantling & Assembly – Gearbox C20466-1
36 37 2
2 35
34 34
33 1 2 3
22 9
28 27 10
26 11
25 12
23 13
21 14
18 17 16 15
Chapter 4, Page 39
CompAir BroomWade – Air-end Repair Manual
Fit sleeve spacer over shaft. Fit gear retaining 7. Fit slave tapered sleeve to coupling end of
plate (7) and screws (9). Hold shaft securely shaft to cover keyway and butt up to seal
and tighten screws to torque of 98Nm (72lb.ft). diameter. Lightly grease new ‘O’ ring (25) and
fit to oil seal housing. Assemble oil seal
Use suitable mandrel to press shaft and housing to gearbox over slave sleeve.
bearing cluster into gearbox casing. Make Remove slave sleeve. Fit screws (26) and
sure outer spacer enters bore cleanly. Make washers and tighten in diagonal sequence to
sure outer track of bearing (33) locates firmly torque of 57Nm (42lb.ft).
against shoulder. Fit circlip spacer (30) and
circlip (29) with bevelled face towards coupling Note: Take great care when fitting the oil seal to
end of shaft. make sure that the seal lips are not damaged or
Support gearbox casing on bench and use dial
test indicator to check end float of shaft within 8. Invert gearbox to bring gear end of shaft
bearings. Correct end float is between uppermost. Fit key (6) to keyway. Place gear
0·013mm and 0·064mm (0·0005in and (5) on pole bar of induction heater and heat at
0·0025in). 150oC for 6 minutes. Use gloves to remove
gear from heater and fit to shaft with datum
5. If end float is outside these limits dismantle groove towards bearings. Make sure gear is
shaft/bearing cluster from casing and adjust located firmly against bearing. Fit retaining
thickness of shim pack accordingly. Repeat plate (7), new locking plate (8) and screws
operation 4 as necessary until end float is (9). Tighten screws to torque of 98Nm
correct. Spin shaft by hand to check freedom (72lb.ft). Bend up tabs of locking plate to
and smooth rotation. Remove screws (9), secure screws.
retaining plate (7) and sleeve spacer.
9. Attach lifting gear to gearbox eyebolt and
6. Wipe clean oil seal housing (24). Select new transfer to air-end/adaptor assembly. Fit new
oil seal (27) and use a suitable mandrel to gasket (16) over dowels. Align dowels with
press seal into housing to locate firmly against location holes and carefully mate gearbox
shoulder. with adaptor, turning shaft slightly if
necessary to mesh gear and pinion. Take
Note: The seal is supplied with the outside care not to damage gasket.
diameter coated with a sealant. After pressing the
seal into place remove all traces of excess sealant 10. Fit screws (3, 18) and washers (4, 17) and
from the housing bore. tighten all screws in sequence shown in
Fig. 4.16 to a torque of 98Nm (72lb.ft). Turn
gearbox shaft by hand to check freedom and
smooth rotation.
Chapter 4, Page 40
Dismantling & Assembly – Gearbox C20466-1
5 6
13 4 12
10 14 7
Chapter 4, Page 41
Dismantling & Assembly – Cyclon 6 Air-end
● Refer to the safety precautions in Chapter 1 before carrying out any of the following procedures
Note 2: Annotations in brackets refer to Fig. 4.17. 6. Apply heat locally to bearing nut (6) on male
rotor shaft (3) to weaken assembly sealant.
Note 3: Tooling diagrams are contained in This can be achieved by heating a suitable
Chapter 5. mild steel tube and placing it over shaft to rest
on bearing nut. Allow nut to absorb heat for
2-3 minutes. Use special socket (Chapter 5,
1. Mount air-end securely, preferably in suitable Fig. 5.2) and pneumatic impact wrench to
rotating jig, with drive end uppermost. slacken bearing nut on male rotor shaft (LH
thread). Do not remove nut.
2. Remove circlip (15) from female rotor shaft.
Rotate jig to bring delivery end uppermost. 7. Repeat operation 6 on female rotor shaft (12)
using special socket (Chapter 5, Fig. 5.2) to
3. Remove screws/spring washers from delivery slacken bearing nut (9) on female rotor shaft
end bearing housing cover (7) and remove (RH thread). Do not remove nut. Remove
cover. rotor locking fixture.
Remove screws, capscrew and washers from 8. Support male rotor securely and remove
delivery end bearing housing (4). Separate bearing nut from male rotor shaft. If
bearing housing from rotor casing, using necessary, use suitable mandrel to press out
jacking screws in threaded holes. male rotor shaft from delivery end bearings.
4. Fit extended eyebolts in jacking holes of 9. Repeat operation 8 for female rotor shaft. Set
bearing housing. Attach lifting tackle and lift aside both rotors.
bearing housing and rotors clear of rotor
casing (2). Inner races of both drive end 10. Lift out inner race of male rotor taper roller
bearings will be withdrawn with rotors. bearing (5). Remove circlip (8) and spacer (9)
from female rotor bearing bore.
5. Transfer bearing housing/rotor assembly to
suitable securely mounted fixture and support 11. Use suitable puller to remove outer bearing
on bearing housing joint face with rotors race from male rotor bearing bore. Invert
hanging down. Fit rotor locking fixture bearing housing and use suitable mandrel to
(Chapter 5, Fig. 5.1) to prevent rotors from tap out matched taper roller bearings (11)
turning. from female rotor bearing bore.
Chapter 4, Page 43
CompAir BroomWade – Air-end Repair Manual
12. Remove circlip (14) from inlet end of rotor 5. Apply even coating of Loctite 641 to both
casing (if fitted). bearing bores in rotor casing and using
suitable mandrels press in both roller bearing
Support rotor casing (2) on wood blocks under outer races. Clean off excess Loctite. Remove
inlet end. Use suitable tool to tap out outer rotor casing from press. If relevant, fit circlip
races of both roller bearings (1) and (13) from (14) in female rotor bearing bore.
6. Mount delivery end bearing housing (4) under
13. Use split collar and suitable puller to remove press, cover joint face uppermost. Wipe clean
inner race of roller bearing from female rotor bearing bores.
shaft. Repeat for male rotor shaft using split
collar to remove bearing race and sleeve (16) 7. Select new taper roller bearing (5) for male
together. rotor and use suitable solvent to clean
external surface only of outer race. Re-wrap
14. Carefully clean dismantled parts, removing all bearing cage and inner race for protection and
traces of gasket material, inspect and set aside set aside.
ready for re-assembly. Discard all old bearing,
seals and gaskets. Note: In operations 8, 9, 12 and 13 below, fitting
taper roller bearings (5) and (11) and installing rotor
shafts (3) and (12) may be carried out using a
8.2 Assembly Procedure, Basic Air-end hydraulic/pneumatic pulling tool and suitable
attachments. Details are available from Service
Dept. at CompAir BroomWade, High Wycombe.
CAUTION: Clean all components thoroughly before
assembly. 8. Apply even coating of Loctite 641 to male rotor
bearing bore only in bearing housing. Use
1. Inspect all components retained for re-use for suitable mandrel to press in outer race of male
evidence of wear or damage, renewing as rotor taper roller bearing to locate firmly
applicable. Responsibility for verifying that against abutment. Clean off excess Loctite.
components are suitable for re-use rests with
the repairer. Sound engineering practices 9. Select new matched pair of taper roller
should be observed and advice sought if doubt bearings (11) and separating spacer for
exists. female rotor. Use suitable solvent to clean
external surfaces only of outer races. Use
Remove burrs where necessary and ensure suitable mandrel to press in both bearings,
joint faces are clean. Do not remove bearings complete with spacer between, into bearing
from packaging until required or interchange housing to locate firmly against abutment.
bearings or spacers of a matched assembly
with parts of another assembly. 10. Set pre-load of matched taper roller bearings
as follows.
Thoroughly de-grease and clean all
components, ensuring that all oil galleries are Fit circlip (8) into groove in bearing bore, taper
clear. Refit plugs with Loctite 542. face outwards. Use slip gauges to measure
gap between circlip and outer race of bearing.
2. Mount rotor casing (2) under press, drive end Remove circlip. Select spacer (10) from set of
uppermost. three which is next greater in thickness than
measured gap. Clean spacer and fit into
3. Apply Loctite ‘Activator T’ to both roller bearing bearing bore to locate against bearing outer
bores in rotor casing, covering whole race. Fit circlip into groove with taper face
circumference. Allow to dry for at least 2 outwards.
Chapter 4, Page 44
Dismantling & Assembly – Cyclon 6 Air-end
14 15 16
11 4
10 5
9 8 7 6
Chapter 4, Page 45
CompAir BroomWade – Air-end Repair Manual
11. Place inner race of male rotor taper roller 15. Set final end clearance of male rotor as
bearing on suitable support under press and follows:
position similar support for inner race of
female rotor taper roller bearings (refer to CAUTION: Rotor end clearance is critical to air-end
Chapter 5, Fig. 5.3 for guidance). Invert performance. Take great care to set it accurately.
bearing housing over the supports to locate in
correct position. Support bearing housing/rotor assembly
securely on inner face of bearing housing, with
12. Fit M16 eyebolt into inlet end of female rotor rotors hanging vertically downwards. Fit rotor
shaft and attach lifting gear. Carefully lower locking fixture to prevent rotation. Use special
female rotor into bearing housing and use socket to tighten bearing nut on male rotor
suitable mandrel to press rotor shaft into inner shaft (LH thread) to draw shaft up into
bearing race to leave gap between rotor end bearings until gap between rotor end face and
face and bearing housing of 0.25mm (0.010in). bearing housing is between 0.050mm and
Fit bearing nut (9) and hand tighten (RH 0.025mm (0.002in and 0.001in). Remove rotor
thread). locking fixture.
13. Fit M16 eyebolt into inlet end of male rotor shaft Use two feeler gauges simultaneously on
and attach lifting gear. Carefully lower male opposite sides of rotor and check several
rotor into bearing housing, meshing with times that correct clearance is maintained,
female rotor. Remove eyebolt and use suitable turning rotors by hand between checks.
mandrel to press rotor shaft into inner bearing
race to leave gap between rotor end face and Fit rotor locking fixture. Remove bearing nut
bearing housing of 0.25mm (0.010in). Fit from male rotor shaft and clean nut and shaft.
bearing nut (6) and hand tighten (LH thread). Apply a coating of Loctite 641 to shaft thread,
abutment face of nut and face of bearing inner
Lightly lubricate bearings on both shafts with race. Re-fit nut to male rotor shaft and tighten
clean compressor oil. to torque of 41Nm (30lb ft). Remove rotor
locking fixture.
14. Set final end clearance of female rotor as
follows: 16. Spin rotors by hand to check freedom and
smooth rotation. Invert assembly to bring rotor
CAUTION: Rotor end clearance is critical to air-end shafts uppermost. Lightly lubricate face of
performance. Take great care to set it accurately. bearing housing under rotor end faces with
clean compressor oil. Spin rotors by hand
Support bearing housing/rotor assembly again to check freedom and smooth rotation.
securely, with rotors extending vertically
upwards. Fit rotor locking fixture to prevent 17. Take inner race of male rotor drive end roller
rotation. Use special socket to tighten bearing bearing (1) and wipe clean. Place in suitable
nut on female rotor shaft (RH thread) to draw oven or on pole bar of induction heater and
shaft down into bearings until gap between heat for 2 minutes at 100oC – 120oC.
rotor end face and bearing housing is between
0.050mm and 0.025mm (0.002in and 0.001in). 18. Clean bearing diameter of male rotor shaft.
Remove rotor locking fixture. Wear gloves to remove roller bearing inner
race from heat and place it immediately over
Use two feeler gauges simultaneously on male rotor shaft to locate firmly with shoulder.
opposite sides of rotor and check several Allow to cool.
times that correct clearance is maintained,
turning rotors by hand between checks. 19. Take inner race of female rotor drive end roller
bearing (13) and wipe clean. Place in suitable
Fit rotor locking fixture. Remove bearing nut oven or on pole bar of induction heater and
from female rotor shaft and clean nut and heat for 2 minutes at 100oC – 120oC.
shaft. Apply a coating of Loctite 641 to shaft
thread, abutment face of nut and face of
bearing inner race. Re-fit nut to female rotor
shaft and tighten to torque of 41Nm (30lb ft).
Chapter 4, Page 46
Dismantling & Assembly – Cyclon 6 Air-end
20. Clean bearing diameter of female rotor shaft. 24. Fit screws and washers to secure bearing
Wear gloves to remove roller bearing inner housing and tighten progressively in sequence
race from heat and place it immediately over shown in Fig. 4.18 to torque of 245Nm (180lb.ft).
female rotor shaft to locate firmly with
shoulder. Allow to cool. 25. Fit new gasket to joint face of bearing housing
and fit bearing housing cover (7). Fit screws
21. Transfer rotor casing (2) to secure fixture, and washers and tighten progressively in
mounting with rotor bores vertical and delivery sequence shown in Fig. 4.18 to torque of
end uppermost. Check dowels in joint face are 98Nm (72lb.ft).
secure and undamaged. Place new gasket on
joint face. 26. Invert assembly to bring drive end uppermost.
Clean diameter of male rotor shaft and bore of
22. Invert bearing housing/rotor assembly and fit sleeve (16). Coat bore of sleeve lightly with
M12 extended eyebolts in threaded holes in Loctite 932. Place sleeve over male rotor shaft
flange of bearing housing. Attach lifting gear with taper towards bearing and press on to
and position rotors over rotor casing. Carefully locate against roller bearing inner race.
lower until rotors are entered into bores.
27. Fit circlip (15) to female rotor shaft. Lightly oil
23. Lift gasket from joint face and position it roller bearings with clean compressor oil and
loosely near top of rotors. Continue carefully spin rotors by hand to distribute oil.
lowering rotors until almost fully home. When
there is no further risk of damaging gasket, Basic air-end is now ready to receive drive
replace gasket on joint face over dowels. components.
Lower rotors fully, making sure dowels are
entered into bearing housing flange.
Tap gently with soft mallet to close joint.
Remove lifting gear and eyebolts.
9 4
5 9
5 3 8
8 1
3 6
Chapter 4, Page 47
Dismantling & Assembly – Gearbox C20467-1
● Refer to the safety precautions in Chapter 1 before carrying out any of the following procedures
Note: Use appropriate CompAir BroomWade 7. Invert gearbox and support on tall blocks. Use
gearbox overhaul kit. a soft drift to tap out shaft, bearings (31) (33),
inner spacer (32) and outer spacer (23) from
gearbox casing (1), together with inner shims
9.1 Dismantling Procedure, Gearbox from (22). Retain shims and spacers but discard
Gearbox Adaptor/Air-end
Note: It is important that the original shim pack is
Note: Annotations in brackets refer to Fig. 4.19 kept as a complete set.
1. Support gearbox/air-end assembly on wood 8. Use suitable mandrel to remove oil seal (27)
blocks under air-end. Attach lifting gear to from housing (24). Discard seal.
gearbox eyebolt and take weight without
lifting. 9. Remove plug and copper washer from
gearbox casing. Remove taper pressure
2. Remove bolts (3), (18) and washers (4) and plugs from casing.
(17) securing gearbox (1) to gearbox adaptor
(2). DO NOT remove 2 nuits (10) securing 10. Remove nut (34) on oil spray pipe (35) and
adaptor to air-end. remove pipe. Remove pipe coupling (36) and
copper washer (37).
3. Use soft mallet to separate gearbox from air-
end adaptor, supporting gearbox with lifting
gear. Take care to avoid damage to gear 9.2 Dismantling Procedure, Gearbox Adaptor
teeth. Remove and discard joint (16). Transfer
gearbox to bench and support on blocks with from Air-end
gear uppermost.
1. Bend down tabs on locking plate (20) and
4. Release tabs on locking plate (8). Remove remove screws (21) and pinion retaining plate
screws (9), locking plate, and retaining plate (19). Discard locking plate.
(7) from shaft (28). Discard locking plate.
2. Use suitable puller to remove pinion (14) from
5. Use suitable puller to remove gear (5) from air-end shaft. Remove key (13) from keyway.
shaft. Remove key (6). Invert gearbox to bring Remove sleeve (12).
coupling end uppermost. Remove drive
coupling and key if necessary. 3. Remove 2 screws (10) and washers (11)
securing adaptor to air-end. Use soft mallet to
6. Remove screws (26) and washers from oil separate adaptor from air-end and remove
seal housing (24). Remove housing and ‘O’ adaptor and gasket (15). Clean joint faces of
ring (25). Discard ‘O’ ring. Remove circlip (29) adaptor and air-end to remove all traces of
and spacer (30). gasket.
Chapter 4, Page 49
CompAir BroomWade – Air-end Repair Manual
9.3 Assembly Procedure, Gearbox Adaptor to are suitable for re-use rests with the repairer.
Air-end Sound engineering practices should be
observed and advice sought if doubt exists.
CAUTION: Clean all components thoroughly before
assembly. Remove burrs where necessary and ensure
joint faces are clean. Do not remove bearings
1. Support air-end securely on wood blocks. from their packaging until required. Do not
Check dowels are secure and undamaged. Fit interchange bearings or spaces of a matched
new gasket (15) over dowels. assembly with parts from another assembly.
2. Fit adaptor to air-end. Make sure gasket is not Thoroughly degrease and clean all
damaged and dowels are fully entered in components, ensuring that all oil galleries are
locating holes. Fit screws (10) and washers clear. Re-fit plugs with Loctite 542.
(11) and tighten to secure. DO NOT fully
tighten at this stage. 2. Support gearbox casing (1) on bench, resting
on tall blocks with oil seal face uppermost.
3. Apply coating of Loctite 270 to threads of pipe Check that oilways are clear. Fit plug and
coupling (36) and fit coupling and copper copper washer to casing. Fit taper pressure
washer (37). Check holes in oil spray pipe (35) plug to casing.
are clear. Fit oil spray pipe to pipe coupling,
locating flattened end of pipe in casting recess 3. Carefully wipe clean inner bearing spacer
(38). Tighten nut (34) to secure pipe. DO NOT (32), outer bearing spacer (23) and circlip
over-tighten. spacer (30). Clean shaft (28) and lightly oil
bearing diameter.
4. Fit sleeve (12) over air-end shaft with chamfer
towards air-end. Make sure sleeve is located 4. Set end float of bearings as follows.
firmly against bearing.
Measure thickness of gear (5) through the
5. Place pinion (14) on pole bar of induction bore. Make up sleeve spacer to fit closely but
heater and heat at 150°C for 6 minutes. Use not tightly over gear diameter of shaft, spacer
gloves to remove pinion from heater and fit to length being measured thickness of gear plus
air-end shaft with datum groove towards air- 1mm. Wall thickness of spacer should be at
end. Make sure pinion is located firmly against least 2·5mm and end faces should be flat and
sleeve (12). square with axis.
6. Fit retaining plate (19) to shaft. Partly bend up Assemble the following components to
tabs on new locking plate (20) and fit with gearbox shaft in the correct sequence:
screws (21) to end of shaft. Secure pinion to
prevent rotation and tighten screws to torque New taper roller bearing (31) with wide face of
of 245Nm (180lb.ft). Bend up tabs on locking inner track towards shaft shoulder. Use
plate to secure screws. suitable mandrel to press bearing fully home.
Outer spacer (23).
1. Inspect all components retained for re-use for Note: Make up shim pack from new shims with
evidence of wear or damage, renewing as total thickness equal to the pack removed during
applicable. dismantling plus at least 0·1mm. It is important to
use sufficient shims to allow measurable end float
Responsibility for verifying that components on first trial with new bearings.
Chapter 4, Page 50
Dismantling & Assembly – Gearbox C20467-1
34 35
1 2 3
30 7
29 8
28 27
19 14
18 17 16 15
Chapter 4, Page 51
CompAir BroomWade – Air-end Repair Manual
Fit sleeve spacer over shaft. Fit gear retaining 7. Fit slave tapered sleeve to coupling end of
plate (7) and screws (9). Hold shaft securely shaft to cover keyway and butt up to seal
and tighten screws to torque of 245Nm diameter. Lightly grease new ‘O’ ring (25) and
(180lb.ft). fit to oil seal housing. Assemble oil seal
housing to gearbox over slave sleeve.
Use suitable mandrel to press shaft and Remove slave sleeve. Fit screws (26) and
bearing cluster into gearbox casing. Make washers and tighten in diagonal sequence to
sure outer spacer enters bore cleanly. Make torque of 98Nm (72lb.ft).
sure outer track of bearing (33) locates firmly
against shoulder. Fit circlip spacer (30) and Note: Take great care when fitting the oil seal to
circlip (29) with bevelled face towards coupling make sure that the seal lips are not damaged or
end of shaft. deformed.
Support gearbox casing on bench and use dial 8. Invert gearbox to bring gear end of shaft
test indicator to check end float of shaft within uppermost. Fit key (6) to keyway. Place gear
bearings. Correct end float is between (5) on pole bar of induction heater and heat at
0·013mm and 0·064mm (0·0005in and 150oC for 6 minutes. Use gloves to remove
0·0025in). gear from heater and fit to shaft with datum
groove towards bearings. Make sure gear is
5. If end float is outside these limits dismantle located firmly against bearing. Fit retaining
shaft/bearing cluster from casing and adjust plate (7), new locking plate (8) and screws
thickness of shim pack accordingly. Repeat (9). Tighten screws to torque of 245Nm
operation 4 as necessary until end float is (180lb.ft). Bend up tabs of locking plate to
correct. Spin shaft by hand to check freedom secure screws.
and smooth rotation. Remove screws (9),
retaining plate (7) and sleeve spacer. 9. Attach lifting gear to gearbox eyebolt and
transfer to air-end/adaptor assembly. Fit new
6. Wipe clean oil seal housing (24). Select new gasket (16) over dowels. Align dowels with
oil seal (27) and use a suitable mandrel to location holes and carefully mate gearbox
press seal into housing to locate firmly against with adaptor, turning shaft slightly if
shoulder. necessary to mesh gear and pinion. Take
care not to damage gasket.
Note: The seal is supplied with the outside
diameter coated with a sealant. After pressing the 10. Fit screws (3, 18) and washers (4, 17) and
seal into place remove all traces of excess sealant tighten all screws in sequence shown in
from the housing bore. Fig. 4.20 to a torque of 245Nm (180lb.ft). Turn
gearbox shaft by hand to check freedom and
smooth rotation.
Chapter 4, Page 52
Dismantling & Assembly – Gearbox C20467-1
5 6
13 12
8 11
2 1
10 14 7
Chapter 4, Page 53
Tooling Diagrams – Cyclon Air-ends
Chapter 5, Page 1
CompAir BroomWade – Air-end Repair Manual
Cyclon 1 23 36 55 57 55 8
Cyclon 2 31 41 74 68 70 10
Cyclon 3 32 43 90 80 76 11
Cyclon 4 42 43 105 96 83 11
Chapter 5, Page 2
Tooling Diagrams – Cyclon Air-ends
Cyclon 1 35 30 3.8 25 37
Cyclon 2 44 38 4·8 35 50
Cyclon 3 44 39 4·8 42 60
Cyclon 4 45 39 4·8 49 68
Cyclon 5 50 41 5·8 65 85
Cyclon 6 50 41 6·8 75 95
Cyclon 1 36 30 4·8 35 51
Cyclon 2 38 31 4·8 49 64
Cyclon 3 44 35 5·8 62 81
Cyclon 4 48 38 5·8 65 86
Chapter 5, Page 3
CompAir BroomWade – Air-end Repair Manual
(mm) male female male female male female male female male female male female
B 2 2 5 6 3 8 41 21 6 12 6 14
ØD 49 31 65 47 84 42 95 50 86 60 120 70
ØE 30 23 45 32 54 32 60 38 68 50 81 62
F 30 30 35 57 38 32 40 38 25 25 32 32
Chapter 5, Page 4