Chemistry Project
Chemistry Project
Chemistry Project
Material Required
Skillet or pan
aluminum foil
l. Pour about 3 parts potassium nitrate to 2 parts sugar into the
skillet (5:3 ratio is also good). Measurements need not be exact,
but you want more KNO3 than sugar. For example, you can use 1
1/2 cups KNO3 and 1 cup sugar. If you use equal amounts of
KNO3 and sugar, your smoke bomb will be harder to light and will
burn more slowly. As you approach the 5:3 KNO3: sugar ratio,
you get a smoke bomb that burns more quickly.
2. Apply low heat to the pan. Stir the mixture with a spoon using
long strokes. If you see the grains of sugar starting to melt along
the edges where you are stirring, remove the pan from the heat
and reduce the temperature before continuing.
3. Basically you are caramellzing sugar. The mixture will melt and
become a caramel or chocolate color. Continue heating/stirring
until the ingredients are liquefied. Remove from heat.
4. Pour the liquid onto a piece of fol or into the cardboard roll. You
can pour a smaller amount onto a separate piece, to test the
batch. You can pour the smoke bomb Into any shape, onto an
object, or into a mold. The shape and size will affect the burning
6. While the mix is still hot, push a pen lightly down the mold and
don't remove it. Alow the smoke bomb to cool. (about an hour)
Now, remove the pen and insert the fuse.
Chemieal Equations
48 KNO3 + 5 CizHa2O11 ’ 24KaCO; +
24Na + 36CO, + 55H,0
With the failure of the bomb, doesn't
mean it is a failure of the entire
experiment or study. The hypothesis that
the bomb will not work, is not supported
by the data. With the analysis as well, the
amount in each bomb may have been to
much for the snappers to make a
successful explosion.
This brings up many new designs and
material measurements that can bring this
bomb toa success. Not working for this
one experiment is not a road block, but if
anything is a stepping stone to a newer
better design for the smoke bomb. There
is never real failure in science, just a
round about back to the drawing board.
Chemistry practical file