Design Verification
Design Verification
Design Verification
Supplier Name Acme Suppliers Part Number Latest Version/ Changes Revision 00 Part Description Flat Glass
Specification & Method Test Description Acceptance Criteria Test Stage Target Requirements Sample Type Sample Level Actual Results Additional Notes
Specification Provide a brief Specify test targets and/or ED = Engineering Devel't Testing State required probability Describe the A = Prototype (Handmade) List results in terms Describe or
governing test description
of each test. pass/not pass criteria. DV = Design Verification or durability and confidence sample to be B = Prototype (Tooled) of reliability or elaborate on
& test method used PV = Production Validation of meeting acceptance tested (see C = Production Tool (Not Process) probability as appropriate sub-phases
(if applicable). CCT = Continued Compliance Test criteria sample level) D = Production Tool and Process
ished found
plan satisfactory
Rev. 1 Page 1 of
Doc. No.: GGC/D&D/06 - 00