Aakash NBTS-01-pages
Aakash NBTS-01-pages
Aakash NBTS-01-pages
Choose the correct answer: 4. Least count error belongs to the category of
1. If the size of nucleus is in the range of 10–15 m to (1) Random errors only
10–14 m is scaled up to the tip of sharp pin. (2) Systematic errors only
(Assume tip of pin to be in the range of 10–6 m to (3) systematic error and random error both
10–5). Roughly the size of atom is (4) Neither systematic error nor random error
(1) 0.1 m (2) 1 m 5. A student measures the period of oscillation of a
(3) 0.01 m (4) 10 m simple pendulum in successive measurements,
the reading turn out to be 1.98 s, 1.99 s, 2.06 s,
2. Choose the correct option 2.08 s and 1.95 s. A more accurate way to write
(1) A most precise measurement, will necessarily the measurement with error is
be most accurate (1) 2.0 ± 0.1 s (2) 2.03 + 0.06 s
(2) A most precise measurement may be most (3) 2.0 + 0.06 s (4) 2.03 ± 0.1 s
accurate 6. Each side of a cube is measured to be 6.372 m.
(3) A most accurate measurement will The total surface area of cube with appropriate
necessarily will be most precise significant figures is
(1) 243.614304 m2 (2) 243.6 m2
(4) A most precise measurement will be less
(3) 2 × 102 m (4) 2.5 X 102 m2
7. Choose the correct statement
3. In cesium clock 1 second is the time in which
(1) A dimensionally correct equation need not
Cesium – 133 atom vibrate between two hyperfine
to be an actually correct equation
(2) A dimensionally correct equation may be an
(1) 9,292,631,770 times actually correct equation.
(2) 9,193,631,770 times (3) A dimensionally incorrect equation may be
(3) 9, 192, 631, 770 times. correct
(4) 9, 192, 631, 720 times. (4) Both (1) and (2)
[Page 1]
8. A famous relation in physics with many printing (3) Observe the things and act
errors relates the moving mass ‘m’ with rest mass (4) observe the things, think and act.
for an object moving with speed V is written as
14. A person driving a car with a speed of 72 Km/h
η0 2 observe a boy crossing the road at a distance of
100 m from car. Driver apply the brake and retard
1 – c 2 the car with a retardation of 5 m/s2 and just able to
avoid the accident. The reaction time of driver is
Dimensional formula of η0 and b are (1) 2.0 s (2) 2.4 s
respectively. (c is speed of light) (3) 3.0 s (4) 2.8 s
(1) [M], [LT–1] (2) [M], [L2T– 2] 15. In any realistic Condition (v-t) and (a-t) graph can
(3) [M½], [LT–1] (4) [M½], [L2T– 2]. not have sharp kinks at some points this implies
9. The numerical value of gravitational Constant G = that
N × m2 (1) Only acceleration can not change abruptly at
6.67x10-11 . In a new system of units in an instant but velocity can be change abruptly
1 (2) only velocity can not change abruptly at an
which unit of mass is kg, unit of length is 10 instant, but acceleration can change abruptly
m and unit of time is 20 s will be (3) Both velocity and acceleration can change
abruptly at an instant
(1) 6:67 × 10 – 11 (2) 6.67 × 10– 8
(4) Both velocity and acceleration can not change
(3) 6.67 X10– 13 (4) 13.34 × 10– 8 abruptly at an instant changes are always
10. Choose the correct statement continuous
(1) Area under acceleration time graph gives the 16. A ball is thrown vertically upwards with a velocity
velocity of body of 20 m/s from the top of 160m high building. The
(2) Area under acceleration time graph gives time taken by ball to hit the ground is (g=10 m/s2)
speed of body (1) 8 s (2) 10 s
(3) Area under acceleration time graph gives (3) 12s (4) 6 s
change in speed of body 17. The position time graph of two objects A and B are
(4) Area under acceleration time graph gives as shown in graph, from graph we can conclude
change in velocity of body that
11. Choose the correct statement for one dimensional
(1) With constant speed in an interval may have
non zero acceleration in that interval
(2) With negative value of acceleration speed
must decrease
(3) With positive value of acceleration speed must
(4) With negative value of acceleration speed
(1) Both A and B are moving in same direction.
may increase
(2) Object A starts motion earlier than B
12. A drunkard walking in a narrow lane takes 5 step
forward & 4 steps backward and then stay for 2 s (3) Both A and B are moving in opposite direction
and repeat the same process. Each step is 1 m (4) Object B starts motion earlier than A.
long and require 1 s . The time taken by drunkard
to fall in a pit 10 m away from start is 18. In which of the following cases an object can be
considered as point object
(1) 45 s (2) 60 s
(1) Length of train in comparison to plate form
(3) 75 s (4) 65 s
(2) Length of engine of train in comparison to
13. The reaction time is the time interval in which a length of train.
(3) A spinning cricket ball to that turns sharply on
(1) Observe the things
hitting the ground
(2) Think about the observations
(4) Size of nucleus in comparison to size of atom
[Page 2]
19. Two vectors are said to be equal, if on shifting one (3) Due to change in both magnitude and
of the vector parallel to itself direction of velocity
(1) Tail of one vector Coincide with other (4) Neither due to change in magnitude of velocity
(2) Head of one vector coincide with other. nor due to change indirection
26. In circular motion the direction of angular velocity is
(3) Both head and tail of one vector Coincide with
other (1) In the plane of circle
(4) Neither head nor tail of one vector Coincide (2) Perpendicular to plane of circle
with other
(3) In the direction of velocity
20. A null vector has
(4) In the direction of acceleration
(1) Zero magnitude and specified direction 27. The speed-time graph of a particle moving along
(2) Zero magnitude and arbitrary direction a fixed direction is as shown in figure. The average
speed of the particle between 5 s to 15 s is
(3) Zero magnitude and no direction
(4) Non zero magnitude and arbitrary direction
21. To a person moving with a speed of 5 m/s towards
east rain appears to be falling vertically downward
with a speed of 5 3 m/s. The actual velocity of
rain is
(1) 10 m/s at 30° with vertical
(2) 20 m/s at 30° with vertical (1) 11.25 m/s (2) 6 m/s
(3) 10 m/s at 60° with vertical (3) 5 m/s (4) 7.5 m/s
(4) 20 m/s at 60° with vertical 28. The velocity-time graph of a particle in one
dimensional motion is as shown in figure.
22. A vector can be resolved
(1) Only in two components
(2) Only in three components
(3) In any number of components
(4) Either two or three components
23. The magnitude of components of vector
(1) Must be less than magnitude of vector Which of the following formulae is correct for
(2) Must be equal to magnitude of vector describing the motion of particle over time interval
t1 to t2 is
(3) May be greater than magnitude of vector
1 2
(4) All the components necessarily less than (1) X t2 = X t1 + v t1 (t2 − t1) + a ( t2 – t1 )
magnitude of vector 2
24. A motorboat is racing towards north at a speed of t2 v t1 + a (t 2 – t1)
(2) v =
10 m/s, wind start to blow with a speed of 10 m/s
at 60° east of north. The resultant velocity of boat 1 2
(3) X t2 = X t1 + v average (t2 − t1) + a average(t2 − t1 )
is 2
[Page 3]
30. Which of the following graphs can represent the (1) Angular frequency
one dimensional motion of particle
(2) Angular velocity
(3) Number of moles
(1) (4) Both (1) & (2)
35. Which of the following option is correct
(1) Each component of a vector is always scalar
(2) Three vectors not lying in a plane can never
add up to give null vector
(3) Two vectors of different magnitude can be add
(2) up to give null vector
(4) Minimum number of vector not lying in a plane
to give null vector is five
36. A particle A is moving with velocity (3iˆ + 4 jˆ) m/s
and particle B is moving with velocity
(3) ( −3iˆ − 4 jˆ) m/s . The magnitude of relative velocity
of B w.r.t. A is
(1) 6 m/s (2) 8 m/s
(3) 10 m/s (4) 5 m/s
37. If two vectors, =A a iˆ + 6 jˆ and B
= biˆ + cjˆ are
(4) equal then correct option for value of a, b and c is
(1) a = b
(2) a = c
31. A man walks on a straight road from his home to
market 2.0 km away with a speed of 4.0 km/h, stay (3) c = 6
in market for 30 min for purchasing and returns to (4) Both (1) & (3)
home with a speed of 6 km/h. The magnitude of
average speed of whole journey is 38. In uniform circular motion
34. Which of the following quantities are vector (3) 10 iˆ − 20 ˆj (4) −10 iˆ − 20 ˆj
[Page 4]
41. The component of (3iˆ + 4 jˆ) in the direction of (2) 1000 m
46. Total energy of electron in the third orbit of He+ ion is 51. If the density of ethanol is 0.78 kg L–1, then volume
(1) –2.18 ×10–18 J (2) –8.72 ×10–18 J of ethanol needed for making 2 L of 0.5 M solution
(3) –9.69 ×10–19 J (4) –4.5 ×10–19 J
(1) 45.2 mL (2) 58.97 mL
47. Angular momentum of the electron orbiting in the
second orbit of hydrogen atom is (3) 71.4 mL (4) 25.5 mL
52. Concentration of nitric acid in moles per litre in a
h h
(1) (2) sample which has density 1.25 g mL–1 and mass
π 2π per cent of nitric acid in it being 63 % is
h 2h (1) 8.75 M (2) 6.25 M
(3) (4)
4π π (3) 4.5 M (4) 12.5 M
48. Incorrect statement among the following is 53. Consider the following statements
(1) Cathode rays start from cathode and move (a) Zeros at the end or right of a number are
towards anode. significant provided they are on the right side
of decimal point
(2) The characteristics of cathode rays do not
depend upon the material of electrodes (b) Zeros preceding to first non-zero digit are not
(3) Canal rays are positively charged gaseous
ions (c) zeros between two non-zero digits are
(4) The charge to mass ratio of anode rays is
independent of the gas from which these The correct statements are
originate (1) (a) & (b) only (2) (b) & (c) only
49. According to Rutherford, the radius of an atom is (3) (a) & (c) only (4) (a), (b) & (c)
(1) 10–10 cm (2) 10–15 cm 54. Moles of CO2 obtained on complete oxidation of
(3) 10–12 m (4) 10–10 m 22 g of propane in presence of excess of oxygen
50. Number of significant figures in 200.0 is
(1) Zero (2) Four (1) 1.5 (2) 2
(3) Three (4) One (3) 2.5 (4) 0.5
[Page 5]
55. If a ball of 50 g moving with a velocity of 100 ms–1 66. If a 60 watt bulb emits monochromatic radiation of
then the wavelength associated with the ball will wavelength 600 nm then number of photons
be emitted per second by the bulb will be
(1) 1.3 × 10–34 m (2) 1.3 × 10–37 m (1) 1.8 × 1020 (2) 3.6 × 1021
(3) 1.3 × 10–35 m (4) 1.3 ×10–36 m (3) 1.8 × 1021 (4) 3.6 × 1020
56. Correct order of energy of 2s orbital of K, Na, Li 67. Consider the following statement about
and H is photoelectric effect
(1) E2s(K) > E2s(H) > E2s(Na) > E2s(Li) (a) The number of electrons ejected is
(2) E2s(H) > E2s(Li) > E2s(Na) > E2s(K) proportional to the intensity of light
(b) Kinetic energy of ejected electrons increase
(3) E2s(K) > E2s(Na) > E2s(Li) > E2s(H)
with the increase of wavelength of the light
(4) E2s(Li) > E2s(H) > E2s(Na) > E2s(K)
(c) Work function of potassium is greater than
57. For hydrogen atom number of degenerate orbitals lithium
in third shell is
Incorrect statements are
(1) 5 (2) 6
(1) (a) & (b) only (2) (b) & (c) only
(3) 9 (4) 3
(3) (a) & (c) only (4) (a), (b) & (c)
58. For multielectron system the decreasing order of
68. Which series of hydrogen spectrum lie in
energy of given orbitals 5d, 4f, 5p, 5s is
ultraviolet region?
(1) 5d > 4f > 5p > 5s (2) 4f > 5d > 5p > 5s
(1) Pfund (2) Brackett
(3) 5s > 5d > 5p > 4f (4) 4f > 5s > 5d > 5p
(3) Paschen (4) Lyman
59. Which among the following is not a semi-metal?
69. If wavelength of a photon is 500 nm then the mass
(1) Si (2) Ge of the photon will be
(3) Ti (4) As (1) 4.4 × 10–32 kg (2) 2.4 × 10–31 kg
60. Ampoteric oxide(s) among the following is/are (3) 3.3 × 10–30 kg (4) 4.4 × 10–36 kg
(1) Al2O3 (2) Na2O 70. a certain particle carries 5.12 × 10–18 C of static
(3) As2O3 (4) Both (1) & (3) charge. The number of electrons present in the
particle is
61. Decreasing order of negative electron gain
enthalpies of given element Li, O, Cl, Br is (1) 10 (2) 20
(1) Li > O > Cl > Br (2) Cl > Br > O > Li (3) 45 (4) 32
(3) Br > Cl > O > Li (4) O > Cl > Br > Li 71. Incorrect statement about Dalton’s atomic theory
62. Element with atomic number 61 belongs to
(1) Matter consists of indivisible atoms
(1) s-block (2) p-block
(2) Atoms of different elements differ in mass
(3) d-block (4) f-block
(3) All atoms of a given element have identical
63. Element having atomic number 104 is called properties
(1) Hassium (2) Seaborgium (4) The theory could not explain the laws of
(3) Mendelevium (4) Rutherfordium chemical combination
64. Correct order of ionisation energy of Li, Be, B and 72. Mass of CaCO3 required to react completely with
C is 320 mL of 0.25 M HCl is
(1) C > Be > B > Li (2) Be > C > B > Li (1) 4 g (2) 8 g
(3) C > B > Be > Li (4) B > Be > C > Li (3) 6.5 g (4) 12.5 g
65. The element having lowest melting point among 73. Number of angular nodes in 3p and 5d orbitals
the following is respectively are
(1) Ga (2) Cs (1) 2 and 2 (2) 1 and 2
(3) Na (4) Zn
(3) 3 and 5 (4) Zero and 1
[Page 6]
74. A photon of wavelength 6 × 10–8 m strikesa metal 83. Maximum number of possible exchange for d5
surface. If work function of metal is 2 ev then the configuration is
kinetic energy of the photoelectron will be
(1) 5 (2) 8
(1) 2.32 × 10–20 J (2) 8.25 × 10–18 J
(3) 1 (4) 10
(3) 2.99 × 10–18 J (4) 1.44 × 10–20 J
84. Total number of d electrons present in a platinum
75. Which transition in the hydrogen spectrum would atom is
have the same wavelength as the transition n2 = 9
to n1 = 6 for Li2+ spectrum? (1) 30 (2) 28
[Page 7]
91. Which of the following is correct statement? (2) Species → Order → Family → Phylum
(1) Increase in mass and increase in number of 99. Match column-I with column-II and select the
individuals are twin characters of growth correct option.
(2) In animals, growth by cell division occurs Column-I Column-II
continuously throughout their life-span (A) Herbarium (i) Identification of
(3) In majority of higher plants and animals, plants and animals
growth and reproduction are mutually based on similarities
inclusive events.
and dissimilarities
(4) Growth can be taken as defining property of
(B) Key (ii) Store house of collected
living organisms.
plant specimens that are
92. Which of the given asexual means of reproduction
is seen in Planaria (flat worms)? dried, pressed and
preserved on sheets.
(1) Budding (2) True regeneration
(C) Zoological (iii) Wild animals are kept in
(3) Binary fission (4) Fragmentation
parks protected environments
93. The number and types of organisms present on
the earth is called under human care
(1) Identification (2) Biodiversity (A) (B) ©
(3) Taxonomy (4) Sytematics (1) (i) (ii) (iii)
94. Select the incorrect match w.r.t. taxonomic
categories of wheat. (2) (iii) (ii) (i)
(1) Genus – Triticum (3) (ii) (i) (iii)
(2) Division – Angiospermae (4) (i) (iii) (ii)
(3) Family – Poaceae
100. The system of binomial nomenclature for scientific
(4) Order – Monocotyledonae naming of organisms was given by
95. At which of the given taxonomic categories, the (1) Carolus Linnaeus (2) E. Mayr
problem of classification becomes more complex
in comparison to other given categories? (3) Aristotle (4) E. Haeckel
(1) Species (2) Class 101. How many kingdoms w.r.t. Whittaker’s
classification system have autotrophis?
(3) Family (4) Order
(1) 3 (2) 4
96. Biological name of mango is Mangifera indica
Linn. What does Linn indicate in the name? (3) 2 (4) 5
(1) Generic name 102. Aristotle classified animals into two groups on the
basis of
(2) Specific epithet
(1) Cell type
(3) Author’s citation
(2) Presence or absence of nuclear membrane
(4) Native place
(3) Body organisation
97. Classes comprising animals, like fishes,
amphibians, reptiles, birds along with mammals, (4) Presence or absence of RBCs
constitute the next higher category called 103. Bacteria are sole members of which of the given
(1) Phylum (2) Genus kingdom according to five-kingdom classification?
(3) Kingdom (4) Order (1) Monera (2) Protista
98. Select the correct sequence of taxonomic (3) Fungi (4) Animalia
categories showing hierarchial arrangement in 104. Which of the given groups of bacteria live in
ascending order. extremely salty areas?
(1) Division → Phylum → Order → Species (1) Halophiles (2) Eubacteria
(2) Genus → Family → Order→ Class (3) Cyanobacteria (4) Methanogens
(3) Genus → Species → Division → Order
[Page 8]
105. Select the incorrect statements w.r.t.
Mycoplasma. Laminaria, Dictyota, Sphagnum, Equisetum,
(1) Can survive without oxygen Cycas, Pinus, Ginkgo, Mustard, Mango,
(2) Are pathogenic in animals only Cedrus, Ectocarpus
(3) Are smallest living cells (1) 3 (2) 5
(4) Lacks cell wall (3) 4 (4) 6
106. Cell walls in which of the given organisms forms 115. Select the correct option w.r.t. ploidy level of
two overlapping shells, which fit together as in a capsule, seta and rhizoids respectively in Funaria.
soap box?
(1) 2n, 2n and n (2) n, n and 2n
(1) Euglena (2) Diatoms
(3) 2n, n and 2n (4) n, 2n and n
(3) Dinoflagellates (4) Slime moulds
107. Sea appears red due to the presence of which of 116. Which of the given pteridophytes belongs to
the given organisms? Class-Pteropsida?
(1) Gonyaulax (2) Euglena (1) Psilotum (2) Lycopodium
(3) Entamoeba (4) Desmids (3) Equisetum (4) Adiantum
108. Select the correct statement w.r.t. the organism 117. The three celled egg apparatus in an embryo-sac
which causes ‘sleeping sickness’. of angiosperm, consists of
(1) Have cavity (gullet) that opens to the outside (1) One egg cell and two polar nuclei
the cells surface. (2) Two antipodal cells and one egg cell
(2) Are parasitic and have flagella
(3) One central cell and two polar nuclei
(3) Are malarial parasites
(4) One egg cell and two synergids.
(4) Are ciliated protozoans
118. Syngamy refers to the
109. The major component in cell wall of fungi is
(1) Fusion of male gamete with the egg cell
(1) Cellulose (2) Pectin
(2) Fusion of male gamete with diploid secondary
(3) Chitin (4) D-Galacturonic acid
110. The parasitic fungi on mustard is
(3) Formation of endosperm
(1) Albugo (2) Mucor
(4) Triple fusion
(3) Rhizopus (4) Penicillium
119. The ploidy level of PEN produced as a result of
111. Select the incorrect statement w.r.t. the algal
triple fusion in an angiosperm is
component in lichens.
(1) n (2) 2n
(1) Prepares food for fungi
(2) Is phycobiont (3) 3n (4) 4n
(3) Are always autotrophic in nature 120. Double fertilization is an unique event to which of
the given plant groups?
(4) Absorbs mineral nutrients and water for fungi
(1) Gymnosperms (2) Bryophytes
112. Which of the given algae has stored food which is
very similar to amylopectin and glycogen in (3) Dryoptris (4) Angiosperms
structure? 121. Haplo-diplontic pattern of life-cycle is seen in
(1) Chara (2) Volvox (1) Dryopteris (2) Spirogyra
(3) Fucus (4) Porphyra
(3) Volvox (4) Cycas
113. Vegetative cells of which of the given algae have
122. Which of the given structure is produced as a
a cellulosic wall usually covered on outside by
result of double fertilisation which becomes
gelatinous coating of algin?
specialised to provide nourishment to the
(1) Ulothrix (2) Sargassum developing embryo?
(3) Polysiphonia (4) Chlamydomonas (1) Zygote
114. How many of the given plants have archegonia as (2) Primary endosperm nucleus
well as they produces seeds?
(3) Antipodal cell
(4) Nucellar cell
[Page 9]
123. In which of the given plants, fibrous roots originate
Guava, Cucumber, Plum, Rose,
from base of the stem?
Peach, Brinjal, China rose
(1) Wheat (2) Banyan tree
(3) Monstera (4) Mustard (1) 2 (2) 4
124. Which of the given regions of root-tip protect the (3) 3 (4) 5
tender apex of the root as it makes its way through 130. When a flower can be divided into two equal radial
the soil? halves in any radial plane passing through the
(1) Root cap centre, then the flower is said to be
(2) Region of meristematic activity (1) Zygomorphic (2) Actinomorphic
(3) Region of elongation (3) Asymmetric (4) Irregular
(4) Region of maturation 131. Roots are modified for storage in all the given,
125. In which of the given plants, the root grows
vertically upwards and helps to get oxygen for (1) Turnip (2) carrot
respiration? (3) Sweet potato (4) Maize
(1) Maize (2) Sugarcane 132. Cells are found to be very small among which of
(3) Rhizophora (4) Carrot the given region of root-tip?
126. Alternate type of phyllotaxy is seen in (1) Region of maturation
(1) Alstonia (2) Calotropis (2) Region of elongation
(3) Guava (4) Sunflower (3) Region of meristematic activity
127. Select the incorrect statement(s) w.r.t. ‘racemose (4) Region of root hair
inflorescence’ and mark the correct option
133. Tendrils are modified part of
(A) Main axis continues to grow
(A) Root (B) Stem
(B) Main axis has limited growth
(c) Leaf
(C) Flowers are borne laterally in an acropetal
succession The correct one(s) is/are
(D) Flower are borne in basipetal order. (1) Only (A) (2) Both (B) and (C)
(1) Both A and C (2) Both B and D (2) Only (B) (4) Both (A) and (C)
(3) Only D (4) Only C 134. After fertilization, ovule in an angiosperm
128. Ovary is said to be inferior in which of the given develops into
plants? (1) Seed (2) Fruit
(1) Brinjal (3) Embryo (4) Perisperm
(2) Ray floret of sunflower 135. In gymnosperms, pollen grains are carried to the
(3) Rose ovules with the help of
(4) Mustard (1) Air Currents (2) Water currents
129. How many of the given plants in the given box (3) Insects (4) Animals
have perigynous flower?
136. In which of the following organisms, all functions (3) Epidermis of skin (4) Stomach
of the life are performed by a single cell?
138. The tissue which is present as lining for body
(1) Paramecium cavities, ducts and tubes is
(2) Hydra (1) Simple epithelium
(3) Sycon (2) Compound epithelium
(4) Pleurobrachia
(3) Muscular tissue
137. All the four basic types of tissues are found in
(4) Connective tissue
(1) Blood (2) Cornea
[Page 10]
139. Select the mismatch w.r.t. various cells and their (b) Osteocytes (ii) Skin
finding in animal body
(c) Ciliated (iii) Bones
(1) Chondrocytes – Cartilage in limbs and hands Epithelium
(2) Neurons – Brain and spinal cord
(d) Fibroblasts (iv) Fallopian tube
(3) Ciliated cells – Alveoli of lungs (1) a (i), b(ii), c(iii), d(iv)
(4) Mast cells – Connective tissue beneath
(2) a(iv), b(iii), c(ii), d(i)
the skin (3) a(ii), b(iii), c(iv), d(i)
140. Long slender cells with basal nuclei are found in
(4) a (iv), b(ii), c(iii),d(i)
(1) Cuboidal epithelium 146. On the basis of comparison of elements present in
(2) Columnar epithelium living organisms and earth’s crust, which of the
following element is more abundant in living
(3) Squamous epithelium
organisms than in earth’s crust.
(4) Ciliated cuboidal epithelium
(1) Carbon
141. Choose the odd one w.r.t. secretion of exocrine
(2) Sodium
(3) Calcium
(1) Hormones (2) Mucus
(4) Magnesium
(3) Saliva (4) Milk
147. Elemental analysis gives an idea about presence
142. Select the incorrect statement w.r.t. connective
(1) Connective tissues are widely distributed (1) Chlorine
avascular tissue in the body of complex (2) Aldehydes
(3) Ketones
(2) They are responsible for linking and
(4) Benzene
supporting various organs of the body.
148. In a solution, the structure of amino acids changes
(3) The fibres provide strength, elasticity and at different pHs which of the following structures
flexibility to tissue represents zwitterionic form
(4) Modified polysaccharides accumulate
between cells and fibres
143. All of the following are properties of cardiac
muscle fibres except
(1) Present only in the heart
(2) Fibres are branched and fusiform (1) A and B
(3) Communication junctions at some fusion (2) B and C
(3) Only A
(4) Fibres contract as a unit
(4) Only B
144. Fluid connective tissue does not contain
149. Choose the option which fills the blank correctly
(1) Plasma to complete the analogy
(2) White blood cells Adenine:Purine::Uracil: __________
(3) Platelets (1) Guanine (2) Thymine
(4) Collagen fibres (3) Pyrimidine (4) Uridine
145. Match the items in Column-I with those in 150. Select the mismatch
Column-II and choose the option with all correct
match. (1) Alkaloids – Codeine
[Page 11]
151. All the molecules present in retentate are (2) Equilibrium steady–state
polymeric substances except
(3) Non-Equilibrium steady-state unable to perform
(1) Lipids work
(2) Proteins (4) Non-equilibrium steady-state to be able to
(3) Nucleic acids perform work
[Page 14]
Botany : Morphology of Flowering Plant : Parts of Flower, The Fruit, The Seed - Structure of Dicot seed,
Structure of Monocot seed, Semi- Technical Description of a Typical Flowering Plant, Description
of Some Important Families - Fabaceae, Solanaceae, Liliaceae, Anatomy of Flowering Plant, Cell:
The Unit of Life
Zoology : Body Fluids and Circulation, Excretory Products and their Elimination, Locomotion and Movement
Choose the correct answer Statement (B): If the net external force on the
1. To keep a body in uniform motion body is zero then body must
(1) An external force must act move with constant velocity
(2) An external force may act (1) Only statement (A) is correct
(3) External force should not act (2) Only statement (B) is correct
(4) Both (1) and (3)
(3) Both statement (A) and (B) are correct
2. According to Galileo motion of an object moving
(4) Neither statement (A) is correct nor statement
on frictionless horizontal plane
(B) is correct
(1) Must have acceleration
5. An astronaut accidentally gets separated out of his
(2) Must have retardation
small spaceship accelerating in inter stellar space
(3) It should move with constant velocity
of constant rate 50 m/s2. The acceleration of the
(4) All of these
astronaut at the instant after he is outside the
3. Statement (A): The law of inertia was inferred by
spaceship will be
Galileo from observation of motion of ball on a
double inclined plane (1) 50 m/s2 (2) 100 m/s2
Statement (B): The law of inertia was inferred by (3) zero (4) Insufficient date
kepler from observation of motion of ball on a 6. In which of the following cases the net forces
double inclined plane acting on a body is not zero
(1) Only statement (A) is correct (1) A drop of rain falling down with constant speed
(2) Only statement (B) is correct (2) A crock of mass 10g floating on the surface of
(3) Both statement (A) and (B) are correct water
(4) Neither statement (A) nor statement (B) are (3) A car moving with constant speed of 20 km/h
correct on rough road
4. Statement (A): If the net external force on the
(4) A pebble of mass 0.05 kg is thrown vertically
body is zero, its acceleration is
[Page 1]
7. Suppose we are standing in a stationery bus and 12. For translational equilibrium of a particle in
the driver starts the bus suddenly. We get thrown mechanics refers to the situation
backward with a jerk is example of
(1) Net external force on the particle must be zero
(1) Inertia of rest
(2) Inertia of motion (2) Net external force on the particle must be non
(3) Inertia of direction
(4) Both 1 and 2 (3) Net external force on the particle may be zero
8. A large force acting for short time to produce a (4) Net external force on the particle may be non-
finite change in momentum is called zero
(1) Impulse (2) Work
13. A mass 10 kg is suspended by a rope of length 2m
(3) Acceleration (4) Power from the ceiling. A force 100 N in horizontal
9. A batsman hits back a ball straight in the direction direction is applied at the mid point of rope as
of the bowler without changing its initial speed of shown in figure. The angle subtended by rope with
10 m / s. If the mass of the ball is 0.10 kg then the the vertical in equilibrium will be (g = 10 m/s2 and
impulse imparted on the ball will be (assume linear neglect the mass of rope)
motion of the ball)
(1) 1 Ns (2) 4 Ns
(3) 2 Ns (4) Zero
10. Statement (A): Force always occur in pairs.
Force on a body A by B is equal
and opposite to the force on the
body B by A.
Statement (B): There is no cause effect relation
implied in the third law. The
force on body B by A and force (1) 30° (2) 60°
on body A by B act at the same
instant (3) 53° (4) 45°
(1) Only statement (A) is connect 14. The magnitude and direction of the net force
(2) Only statement (B) is correct acting on a stone of mass 0.2 kg just after it is
(3) Both statement (A) and (B) are correct dropped from the window of the stationary train is
(g = 10m/s2)
(4) Neither statement (A) nor statement (B) are
correct (1) 2 N downward (2) 2N upward
11. Two identical balls strike a rigid wall with the same
speed but at the different angles, and get reflected (3) 4N downward (4) 4N upward
without any change in speed as shown in figure 15. The maximum acceleration of the train in which a
(a) & (b). The ratio of magnitudes of impulse box lying on its floor will remains stationary is
imparted to the balls by wall in situation (a) to the (given that the co-efficient of static friction
situation (b) will be between the box and the train floor is 0.5 and g =
10 m/s2)
(1) 2 m/s2 (2) 5 m/s2
(3) 4 m/s2 (4) 10 m/s2
16. A mass of 10kg rest on a horizontal plane. The
plane is gradually inclined until an angle = 30°
with the horizontal. If the mass is just begins to
slide. The coefficient of static friction between the
block and the surface will be
20. One end of the string of length l is connected to a 25. Dot product of two vectors is a
particle of mass m and other to a small Peg on a
smooth horizontal table. If particle move in a circle (1) vector (2) tensor
with speed v. Then tension in the string will be
(3) scalar (4) none of these
mv 2
(1) Zero (2) 26. Statement (A): scalar product obey a
commutative law
2mv 2 mv 2
(3) (4) Statement (B): scalar product obey distributive
l 2l
21. A bob of mass 0.2 kg hung from the celling of a
room by string 2m long is set into oscillation. The (1) Only statement is (A) correct
speed of the bob at its mean position is 2 m/s. If
(2) Only statement (B) is correct
the string is cut when the bob is at one of its
extreme position. Then path of the bob will be (3) Both statement A and B are correct
(1) Parabolic (2) Circular
(4) Neither statement a statement are correct
(3) Straight line (4) Elliptical
[Page 3]
27. The area under 'force displacement' curve gives that friction and rotational motion are not important
(1) Momentum (2) work then value of 1 will be
(1) t 2 (2) t m m
3 (1) V0 (2) V0
(3) t 2
(4) t2 2K K
(1) mgl (2) mgl
(3) mgl (4) 2mgl
(3) 2
46. Correct lewis representation of HNO3 is (a) Formal charges help in the selection of the
lowest energy structure from a number of
possible Lewis structures.
(1) (2) (b) The formal charge is factor based on a pure
covalent view of bonding in which electron pairs
are shared equally by neighbouring atoms.
(c) Lewis dot structures, represent the actual
(3) (4) shapes of the molecules.
The incorrect statement(s) is/are :
(1) (a) & (b) only (2) (c) only
47. Consider the following statements :
(3) (a), (b) & (c) (4) (b) & (c) only
[Page 5]
48. Decreasing order of bond length of given 55. The unhybridised orbitals of carbon atom in C2H2.
molecules, C = O, N = O, C = C, C = N is are
(1) C = C > N = O > C = O > C = N (1) s and px (2) px and py
(2) C = C > C = O > N = O > C = N (3) s and pz (4) s and py
(3) C = N > C = C > N = O > C = O 56. Hybridisation of Ni in [Ni(CN)4]2– is
(4) C = C > C = N > N = O > C = O (1) sp3 (2) dsp2
49. Intramolecular H-bonding is present in
(3) sp (4) sp3d
(1) Phenol (2) p-nitrophenol
57. The electronic configuration of O2 molecule is
(3) o-nitrophenol (4) m-nitrophenol
(1) (1s)2(*1s)2 (2s)2 (*2s)2 ( 2p2x 2p2y )
50. Which among the following statement is correct
regarding resonance? ( *2p2x * 2p2y )
(1) The canonical forms have real existence. (2) (1s)2(*1s)2(2s)2(*2s)2(2pz)2 ( 2p2x 2p2y )
(2) There is an equilibrium between the canonical
forms. ( * 2p1x * 2p1y )
(3) Resonance averages the bond characteristics (3) (1s)2(*1s)2(2s)2(*2s)2(2pz)2( 2p1x 2p1y )
as a whole.
(4) The energy of canonical structure is less than
( * 2p2x * 2p2y ) .
the energy of resonance hybrid. 2
( 2
(4) (1s)2(*1s)2(2s)2(*2s)2 2p X 2pY )
51. For given molecule, the decreasing order of dipole
moment is ( * 2p2X * 2pY2 )
(1) NH3 > H2O > H2S > NF3
58. Bond order of C2 molecule is
(2) NH3 > NF3 > H2S > H2O
(1) 0 (2) 1
(3) H2O > NF3 > NH3 > H2S
(3) 2 (4) 3
(4) H2O > NH3 > H2S > NF3
59. The hybrid orbitals used by carbon atoms in
52. Shape of SF4 molecule is
CH3–CHO are
(1) Trigonal bipyramidal (2) T-Shape
(1) sp2 and sp2 (2) sp3 and sp3
(3) See-saw (4) Square planar
(3) sp3 and sp2 (4) sp and sp2
53. Which arrangement of electrons is most stable?
60. The change in the hybridisation of B as result of
the following reaction is
BF3 + NH3 → F3B.NH3
(1) (2)
(1) sp2 to sp3 (2) sp2 to sp
(3) sp to sp3 (4) sp3 to sp2
(3) (4) All are equally stable 61. I, II and III are three isotherms respectively at T 1,
T2 and T3 as shown in the graph.
62. A balloon is filled with hydrogen at room (3) Surface energy (4) Surface tension
temperature. It will burst if pressure exceeds 0.5 70. The lowest imaginary temperature at which gases
bar. If at 1 bar pressure the gas occupies 2.24 L
are supposed to occupy zero volume is
volume, then at which volume can balloon be
expanded? (1) Absolute zero (2) 273 K
(1) 4.48 L (2) 0.223 L (3) 273° C (4) 298° C
(3) 2.24 L (4) 1.12 L 71. Which of the following statement is incorrect
regarding assumptions of kinetic molecular
63. A mixture of neon-dioxygen mixture contains 3.2 g theory?
dioxygen and 10 g Neon. If the total pressure of
the mixture of the gases in the container is 50 bar, (1) Collisions of gas molecules are inelastic
the partial pressure of O2 is (2) Particles of a gas are always in constant
(1) 10 bar (2) 8.33 bar random motion
(3) 50 bar (4) 4.15 bar (3) There is no force of attraction between the
particles of a gas at ordinary temperature
64. The ratio among ump, uav, urms is given by
(4) At any particular time, different particles in the
(1) 1 : 1.128 : 1.224 (2) 1.224 : 1.28 : 1
gas have different kinetic energies
(3) 1.224 : 1 : 1.28 (4) 1.28 : 1.224 : 1 72. In van der Waals equation of gas, the constant ‘a’
65. van der Waals equation is is a measure of
78. Heat is absorbed by the system at constant (3) rG° = –RT lnK
pressure is equal to
(4) rG° = rH° + TrS°
(1) U (2) H
85. For the reaction,
(3) w (4) 0
2P + Q → R
79. In bomb calorimeter
H = 300 kJ mol–1 and S = 0.5 kJ K–1 mol–1. The
(1) T = 0 (2) V = 0 temperature at which the reaction become
(3) P = 0 (4) All of these spontaneous is
(1) Below 600 K (2) Above 60 K
80 If vap H° for water at 298 K is 44 kJmol–1 then how
much heat is required to evaporate 9g of water at (3) Above 600 K (4) Above 300 K
298 K?
86. U° of combustion of methane is –300 kJ mol–1.
(1) 11 kJ (2) 22 kJ The value of H° is
(3 99 kJ (4) 396 kJ (1) –300 kJ mol–1
81. For which of the following molecule, standard (2) Greater than –300 kJ mol–1
molar enthalpies of formation at 298 K is zero
(3) 0 kJ mol–1
(1) Cl2 (l) (2) CO2 (g)
(4) Less than –300 kJmol–1
(3) Br2 (l) (4) HCl (g)
87. Intensive property among the following is
82. Correct expression regarding a monoatomic gas
(1) Internal energy (2) Heat capacity
M is/are
(3) Volume (4) Temperature
(1) rH0 (ionisation enthalpy) = Eo(ionisation
5 88. For isothermal irreversible change work done is
energy) + RT
2 Vi
(1) – 2.303 nRT log
(2) r H0 (electron gain enthalpy) = –A(electron affinity) Vf
– RT Vf
2 (2) – 2.303 nRT ln
(3) rH0(ionization enthalpy) = –Eo(ionisation energy) +
5 (3) –Pex ( Vf – Vi )
2 (4) 0
(4) Both (1) and (2) 89 The entropy of any pure crystalline substance
83. Select the correct statement approaches zero as the temperature approaches
(1) S does not discriminate between reversible (1) 0°C
and irreversible process, whereas U does (2)
(2) U does not discriminate between reversible (3) 100°C
and irreversible process, whereas S does
(4) 273°C
(3) U and S both discriminate between
90. For one mole of NaCl(s)
reversible and irreversible process
latticeH° = +788 kJmol–1
(4) U and S both do not discriminate between
reversible and irreversible process hydH° = –784 kJmol–1
84. The correct relation of rG° is The enthalpy of solution is
(1) rG° = +RT lnK (1) –8 kJ mol–1 (2) –4 kJ mol–1
(2) rG° = + 2.303 RT logK (3) –10 kJ mol–1 (4) + 4 kJ mol–1
[Page 8]
91. Select the incorrect statement w.r.t. the 97. In which of the given plants, the placenta develops
outermost whorl of a typical flower. at the base of ovary and a single ovule is attached
to it?
(1) Is composed of petals
(2) Their members protect the flower in the bud stage (1) Marigold (2) Primrose
(3) Argemone (4) Mustard
(3) Is calyx
(4) Their members are green and leaf like 98. Fruit is matured or ripened X , develops after
92. The mode of arrangement of sepals or petals in
Select the option which correctly fills ‘X’.
floral bud w.r.t. other members of same whorl is
known as (1) Ovule (2) Ovary
(1) Aestivation (2) Inflorescence (3) Radicle (4) Nucellus
(3) Placentation (4) Phyllotaxy 99. Refer the given diagram and select the correct
statement w.r.t. labelled parts A, B and C.
93. Match the Column I with Column II and select the
correct option. A
Column I Column II B
A Staminode (i) Petals united
B Syncarpous (ii) Sterile stamen
C Gamopetalous (iii) Sepals free
D Polysepalous (iv) Fused carpels
(1) ‘B’ is radicle
(1) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i) (2) ‘C’ represents plumule
(3) ‘B’ develops into root system on germination
(2) (iii) (ii) (iv) (i) of seed
(3) (ii) (iv) (i) (iii) (4) ‘A’ is often fleshy and full of reserve food
(4) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) 100. Which of the given is medicinal plant of family Liliaceae?
(1) Ashwagandha (2) Belladonna
94. In the flowers of which of the given plants, margins (3) Aloe (4) Muliathi
of petals overlap one another but not in particular 101. Prokaryotic cells differ from eukaryotic cells as the former
direction? (1) Have cell wall
(1) Calotropis (2) Cassia (2) Have cell membrane
(3) Pea (4) China rose (3) Contain ribosomes
(4) Lack nuclear membrane
95. Which of the given is receptive surface for pollen
grains? 102. Which one of the following cell organelles has its own
(1) Anther (2) Stigma (1) Lysosome (2) ER
(3) Style (4) Ovary (3) Chloroplast (4) Lysosome
96. How many of the plants listed in box exhibit axile 103. Which of the given statements is incorrect w.r.t. the
placentation in their ovary? organelles of endomembrane system?
(1) Is the major site of synthesis of lipid
Pea, China rose, Tomato, Lemon, Primrose,
(2) Produces cellular energy in the form of ATP
(3) Is the important site of formation of
(1) 2 (2) 3 glycoproteins and glycolipids
(4) Is membrane bound vesicular structure
(3) 4 (4) 5
formed by the process of packaging in Golgi
[Page 9]
104. Live cells were first observed and described by 114. In monocotyledonous seed, the plumule and
(1) M. Schleiden radicle are enclosed in sheath which are called A
and B respectively.
(2) Robert Hooke
Select the correct option for A and B.
(3) Anton von Leeuwenhoek
(4) Robert Brown A B
105. Which of the given plastids contain chlorophyll and (1) Aleurone layer Scutellum
carotenoid pigments which are responsible for
trapping most of the light energy, essential for (2) Endosperm Coleoptile
(3) Coleoptile Coleorrhiza
(1) Chloroplast (2) Leucoplast
(3) Elaioplast (4) Aleuroplast (4) Fruit Wall Seed Coat
106. Which of the given plastids stores carbohydrate 115. In coconut, the fruit is known as drupe in which
(starch) as in potato?
mesocarp is
(1) Elaioplast (2) Amyloplast (1) Fleshy (2) Stony
(3) Aleuroplast (4) Chromoplast
(3) Edible (4) Fibrous
107. Which of the given cell organelles is common to 116. Read the statements (A-C), stating them true (T)
both prokaryotic as well as eukaryotic cells? and false (F).
(1) Golgi apparatus (2) Ribosome
A. In eukaryotes, the ribosoms of chloroplasts
(3) Plastid (4) Mitochondrion are smaller than the cytoplasmic ribosomes.
108. Which of the given chromosomes has a terminal B. Ribosomes are composed of RNA and
centromere? proteins and are not surrounded by any
(1) Metacentric (2) Sub-metacentric membrane.
C. Cisternae are the infoldings in mitochondria.
(3) Acrocentric (4) Telocentric
109. How many centriole usually a centrosome A. B. C.
(1) T T F
(1) 1 (2) 2
(3) 3 (4) 4 (2) T F F
110. Golgi apparatus was first observed by
(3) F T T
(1) Camilo Golgi (2) George Palade
(4) T T T
(3) T. Schwann (4) Rudolf Virchow
111. The scar on the seed coat through which the 117. Select the incorrect match w.r.t. cells and their
developing seeds were attached to the fruit is different shapes
called (1) Red blood cells – Round and biconcave
(1) Hilum (2) Micropyle (2) White blood cells - Elongated
(3) Nerve cells – Branched and long
(3) Testa (4) Tegmen
(4) Mesophyll cells – Round and oval
112. In maize seed, the outer covering of endosperm 118. Which of the given group of bacteria are Comma-
separates the embryo by a proteinaceous layer, shaped?
(1) Bacillus (2) Coccus
(1) Scutellum (2) Aleurone layer (3) Vibrio (4) Spirillum
(3) Plumule (4) Radicle 119. The A of a polysome translate the B into proteins.
113. % ⚥ K(5) C1+2+(2) A(9)+1 G1 is the floral formula of
Select the correct option for A and B.
(1) A – Ribosomes, B – RNA
which of the given plants?
(2) A – RNA, B - Ribosome
(1) Trifolium (2) Mustard (3) A – ER, B - DNA
(3) Petunia (4) Asparagus (4) A – DNA, B - ER
[Page 10]
120. Ribosomes of mitochondria in animal cells are (4) Found in the form of fibres or sclereids
consist of 127. Bast fibres
(1) 60 S and 40 S subunits (1) Are also known as phloem fibres
(2) 50 S and 30 S subunits (2) Are made up of collenchymatous cells
(3) 60 S and 30 S subunits (3) Are absent in primary as well as secondary
(4) 30 S and 40 S subunits phloem
(4) Are multinucleated
121. Which of the given tissues in grass helps to
regenerate their parts removed by grazing 128. Cork cambium is also known as
herbivores? (1) Phelloderm (2) Phellem
(1) Lateral meristem (2) Intercalary meristem (3) Phellogen (4) Pith
(3) Secondary meristem (4) Apical meritstem 129. The tissue involved in secondary growth are
122. Select the incorrect statement w.r.t. Dicot leaf. (1) Vascular cambium (2) Cork cambium
(3) Apical meristem (4) Both (1) and (2)
(1) Is dorsiventral
130. The tissues collectively known as periderm are:
(2) Stomata is usually more in number on lower
epidermis A – Phellogen, B – Phellem, C – Phelloderm
(3) Mesophyll cell is differentiated into two types The correct ones are:
of tissues palisade and spongy parenchyma (1) Only A and C (2) Only A and B
(4) Vascular bundles are nearly similar in size due (3) Only B and C (4) All A, B and C
to presence of parallel venation 131. All tissues on the inner side of endodermis of dicot
123. Which of the following is also referred to as ‘starch root such as pericycle, vascular bundles and pith
sheath’? constitute the
(1) Stele (2) Conjunctive tissue
(1) Pericycle of stem
(3) Casparian strips (4) Periderm
(2) Epiblema of root
132. Statement A: Both apical and intercalary
(3) Endodermis of stem meristem are primary meristem.
(4) Hypodermis of stem Statement B: Secondary meristem occurs in
124. Select the incorrect statement w.r.t. features of mature region of roots and shoots of many plants.
collenchyma. Select the option which is true for the given
(1) Occurs in layer below the epidermis in
dicotyledonous plants. (1) Only statement A is correct
(2) They do not provide any mechanical support (2) Only statement B is correct
to the plant parts (3) Both A and B are correct
(3) Is found either as homogeneous layer or in (4) Both A and B are incorrect
(4) Consist of cells which are much thickened at 133. The arrangement of ovules within the ovary is
the corners due to deposition of cellulose, known as
hemicellulose and pectin. (1) Inflorescence (2) Placentation
125. Conjoint closed vascular bundles are found in (3) Aestivation (4) Parthenogenesis
(1) Dicot root (2) Monocot root 134. In plants, the middle lamella present between the
(3) Dicot stem (4) Monocot stem adjacent cells mainly contains
126. Select the incorrect statement w.r.t. (1) Cellulose (2) Hemicellulose
sclerenchyma. (3) Calcium Carbonate (4) Calcium Pectate
(1) Consists of long, narrow cells with thick and 135. Select the incorrect statement w.r.t. heartwood.
lignified cell walls. (1) Comprises dead elements
(2) Cells are usually living and contain protoplast (2) Has highly lignified cell walls
(3) Is simple tissue (3) Conducts water
(4) Gives mechanical support to stem
[Page 11]
136. Most abundant blood corpuscles are (2) A; anti-A; nil; A, B
(1) Neutrophils (2) Erythrocytes (3) Anti A; anti-B; nil; A, B
(3) Platelets (4) Lymphocytes (4) A; anti B; nil; anti-A, B
137. Which of the following statement is incorrect w.r.t. 142. Fibrins are formed by the conversion of inactive
circulatory fluids? fibrinogens in the plasma by the enzyme
(1) Blood is a specialised connective tissue (1) Prothrombin (2) Thrombokinase
(2) Sponges and coelenterates circulate water (3) Thrombin (4) Thrombocyte
from their surroundings through their body
143. Lymph can be best described as
(1) Plasma without clotting factors
(3) Lymph also helps in transport of certain
substances (2) Blood without RBCs, WBCs and platelets
(4) Blood clotting factors are present in the (3) Blood minus RBCs and proteins
plasma in an active from (4) Lymph is blood without RBCs, larger plasma
138. Select the plasma proteins which are primarily proteins and most of the formed elements.
involved in defense mechanisms. 144. Fats are absorbed in the
(1) Albumins (1) Lacteals present in the intestinal villi
(2) Globulins (2) Blood capillaries present in the intestinal villi
(3) Fibrinogen (3) Arteriole
(4) Haemoglobin (4) Venule
139. Choose the correct match 145. Choose the mismatch w.r.t. circulatory pathways
(1) RBC – 6000–8000/mm3 of blood (1) Molluscs – Open circulatory system
(2) Thrombocytes – 1,500,00-3,500,00/mm3 of (2) Annelids – Closed circulatory system
blood (3) All vertebrates – Possess a muscular
(3) Haemoglobin – 12–16 mg/100 ml of blood Chambered heart
(4) WBC – 120 days life span (4) Amphibians – Ventricle pumps
140. Which of the following statement is incorrect w.r.t. Oxygenated blood only
Rh grouping?
146. Right atrio-ventricular opening is guarded by
(1) Nearly 80% of humans are Rh positive
(1) Bicuspid value (2) Mitral valve
(2) Rh antibodies from the Rh positive mother can
leak into the blood of the Rh negative foetus (3) Tricuspid valve (4) Semilunar valve
and destroy the foetal RBCs. 147. Read the following statements and choose the
(3) Erythroblastosis foetalis can be avoided by option with incorrect statements only
administering anti-Rh antibodies to the mother (a) Nodal tissue has ability to generate action
immediately after the delivery potentials without any external stimuli
(4) Rh antigen is similar to one present in Rhesus (b) Nodal tissue is a specialised cardiac
monkeys musculature
141. Given below is the table for the ABO grouping. (c) The number of action potentials that could be
Choose the option which correctly fill the blanks generated in a minute is same at different
I, II, III and IV respectively parts of the nodal system
Blood Antigens Antibodies Donor’s (d) The nodal tissue present in the upper right
group on RBCs in plasma group corner of the right atrium is also called
pacemaker of the heart
(1) a,b and d (2) c only
(3) a and c only (4) b, c and d
(1) Anti-A; B; A,B; anti A, B
[Page 12]
148. Volume of blood pumped by each ventricle in a (2) Vertebrates – Kidneys
cardiac cycle is called
(3) Prawn – Antennal glands
(1) Stroke volume (4) Amphioxus – Nephridia
(2) Cardiac output
153. Kidneys are situated between level of _____ and
(3) End systolic volume _____ vertebra, close to the dorsal inner wall of
the ____ cavity. Choose the option which
(4) End diastolic volume
correctly fill the blanks respectively
149. Match Column-I with Column-II and choose the
(1) Third lumbar, last thoracic, pelvic
correct option
(2) Last thoracic, third lumbar, pelvic
Column-I Column-II
(3) Last thoracic, third lumbar, abdominal
(a) Atherosclerosis (i) Heart stops beating
(4) Last lumbar, third thoracic, abdominal
(b) Cardiac arrest (ii) Heart muscle is
154. How many nephrons are present in both the
Suddenly damaged
(c) Heart failure (iii) Ineffective pumping
(1) 1 million (2) 2 million
of blood
(3) 300 million (4) 100 million
(d) Heart attack (iv) Coronary artery
155. Which type of nephron is involved in urine
disease concentration?
(1) a(ii),b(iv),c(i),d(iii) (1) Cortical nephron
(2) a(iv),b(ii),c(iii),d(i) (2) Nephrons in which vasa recta is absent or
(3) a(iii),b(i),c(ii),d(iv) highly reduced
150. Which of the following is not the effect of (4) Nephrons having long loop of henle
sympathetic nervous system on heart? 156. Choose the odd one out w.r.t. amount of blood
(1) Increases heart rate filtered by the kidneys
(2) Decreases speed of conduction of action (1) 1100-1200 ml of blood per minute
potential (2) 1/5th of the blood pumped by each ventricle of
(3) Increases strength of ventricular contraction the heart in a cardiac cycle
151. Read the following statements and choose the (4) 1/5 × (Stroke volume × heart rate)
correct option 157. Read the following statements and choose the
(a) Ammonia diffuses across gill surfaces as correct option
ammonium ions Statement A : All constituents of plasma pass
(b) Kidneys play a significant role in the excretion into the lumen of the Bowman’s
of ammonia capsule.
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159. Which of the following is the part of JGA (juxta 165. Choose the incorrect match w.r.t. elimination of
glomerular apparatus) excretory wastes
(1) All cells of DCT (1) Liver – Bilirubin, biliverdin, cholesterol,
(2) All cells of afferent arteriole
degraded steroid hormones,
(3) Cellular modifications in DCT and afferent
arteriole at the location of their contact vitamins and drugs
(4) Collecting duct (2) Saliva – Small amount of nitrogenous
160. Select the correct statement for the part of renal
tubule which is lined by simple cuboidal brush
border epithelium (3) Sweat – Sterols, hydrocarbons and
(1) Passive reabsorption of glucose and amino waxes
(4) Lungs – Remove large amounts of CO2
(2) Active reabsorption of nitrogenous wastes like
urea 166. Locomotion and movement of food through
(3) Minimum reabsorption cytopharynx in paramecium occurs with the help of
(4) 70–80% of electrolytes and water are (1) Cilia
(2) Flagella
161. Identify the labelled part where maximum
osmolarity of interstitial fluid is present (3) Pseudopodia
(4) Streaming of protoplasm
167. Which type of muscle is involved in the transportation
of gametes through the genital tract?
(1) Striated muscle
(2) Visceral muscle
(3) Voluntary muscle
(4) Muscle having branched muscle fibres
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170. A subunit of which protein masks the active (4) At the dorsal part of skull
binding sites for myosin on the actin filaments?
176. Choose the incorrect statement w.r.t. human
(1) Troponin skeleton
(2) Tropomyosin (1) First vertebra is atlas
(3) ‘F’ actin (2) All mammals have 7 cervical vertebrae
(4) ‘G’ actin (3) Ribs are bicephalic
171. Cross-bridges break when____binds to myosin (4) 11th and 12th pair of ribs are floating ribs
177. Choose the correct match
Choose the option which correctly fills the blank
(1) Clavicle – One curvature
(1) ATP (2) ADP
(2) Scapula – At the level of 3rd to
(3) Ca2 (4) Mg2
7th rib
172. A motor neuron along with the muscle fibres
connected to it constitute a (3) Pectoral girdle – Acetabulum
(1) Neuromuscular junction (4) Collar bone – Articulates with
(2) Motor-end plate acromion process
(3) Motor unit 178. Cartilaginous joint is present in
(4) Synapse (1) Skull bones
173. Matrix of cartilage is slightly pliable due to (2) Between vertebrae
(1) Calcium salts (3) Between carpals
(2) Chondroitin salts (4) Between carpal and metacarpal of thumb
(3) More blood supply 179. Progressive degeneration of skeletal muscle
mostly due to genetic disorder is
(4) Hydroxyapatite
(1) Myasthenia gravis
174. W ha t is th e to t al n u m ber o f c r an i a l an d
fac i a l bo n es i n a n a du l t hu m an ? (2) Muscular dystrophy
(1) 29 (2) 22 (3) Tetany
(3) 80 (4) 126 (4) Arthritis
175. A single U-shaped bone which is also included in 180. Common cause for osteoporosis is
the skull, is present (1) Low Ca+2 in body fluids
(1) At the base of buccal cavity (2) Decreased levels of estrogen
(2) At the base of nasal cavity (3) Accumulation of uric acid crystals
(3) At the posterior part of skull (4) Auto-immunity
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