Bullying Essay
Bullying Essay
Bullying Essay
In the short story "Are you Okay?" it showed Raquelle, a 15-year-old girl, who sees her friend Noah
being bullied. When acting morally turns Raquelle from a bystander to a victim, she is caught in the
same emotional quagmire as her classmates. Raquelle and Noah discover that no one can get through
life alone at a stage when social approval weighs heavily and the burden of social media follows you
home. Are You Alright? examines the effect that offering assistance might have on a person who is in
In this story, I learned how bullying impact students like me and the importance of reaching out to
others in crisis. It delves into the emotional and psychological effects of bullying, emphasizing the need
for support, empathy, and connection.Living in a modern society and as part of the new generation, as a
student, I have also experienced bullying. Born with a dark skin, short height and not so handsome in the
society I was not an exception to this case.My classmates oftentimes called names like me pandak,
pango ug ilong, and duwende. During that time I feel so little of myself and oftentimes, I compare myself
to other guys. It's impact did not only destroy my self confidence but my mental health as well.My
mistake was that I did not tell my parents about what happened and I kept it to myself. From that
experience, I concluded that iIf bullying will not stopped it will cause long term emotional damage for
example you will become a subject of depression. In schools where bullying occurs children tend to feel
anxious and worried even those who have not been directly victimized . We can all help by sticking up
for the target and tell the bully to stop. If students don’t feel safe in school, it is not surprising that they
find it difficult to focus on school work, it is also more difficult for teachers who spend a great deal of
their day focusing on behaviour problems, rather than teaching the children .
In today’s society bullying is and will ontinue to be a problem if it is not addressed.This story is an eye
opener to stop bullying on the spot therefore it can’t go anywhere or develop anymore.A simple "Are
you Okay" to your classmates or friends and for teachers to say this is a big help. And for the victims of
bullying talking to someone especially with friends and family about the problem is also very important
thing to do.