Takeuchi TB285 - 290 Hydravlic Excavator Operator - Manual
Takeuchi TB285 - 290 Hydravlic Excavator Operator - Manual
Takeuchi TB285 - 290 Hydravlic Excavator Operator - Manual
This symbol represents the safety alert. Improper operation, inspection and
The message that follows the symbol maintenance of this machine can cause
contains important information about injury or death.
safety. Read and understand this manual before
Read and understand the message to performing any operation, inspection or
avoid personal injury or death. maintenance on this machine.
It is the owner or employer’s responsibility Always store this manual near at hand
to fully instruct each operator in the preferably on the machine itself. If it should
proper and safe operation of all be lost or damaged, immediately order a
equipment. All persons using this new one from your Takeuchi dealer.
machine should thoroughly familiarize When transferring ownership of this machine,
themselves with the contents of this be sure to hand this manual to the next
manual. owner.
All operators must be instructed on the Takeuchi supplies machines complying with
proper functions of the excavator before the local regulations and standards of the
running the machine. country of export. If your machine has been
purchased in another country or from a
Learn and practice correct use of the person or company of another country, it
machine controls in a safe, clear area may not have the safety devices or safety
before operating this machine on a job standards required for use in your country.
site. Should you have any question about whether
your machine complies with the regulations
and standards of your country, contact a
Takeuchi dealer.
Signal words IMPORTANT: The word IMPORTANT is
used to alert operators and maintenance
Safety messages appearing in this manual personnel about situations which could
and on machine decals are identified by the result in damage to the machine and its
words “DENGER”, “WARNING” and components.
“CAUTION”. These signal words mean the
following: It is impossible to foresee every possible
circumstance that might involve a potential
hazard. The warnings in this manual or on
Danger the machine can not cover all possible
DANGER indicates a hazard with a high contingencies. You must exercise all due
level of risk which, if not avoided, will care and follow normal safety procedures
result in death or serious injury. when operating the machine so as to ensure
that no damage occurs to the machine, its
operators or other persons.
WARNING indicates a hazard with a
medium level of risk which, if not avoided,
could result in death or serious injury.
CAUTION indicates a hazard with a low
level of risk which, if not avoided, could
result in minor moderate injury.
Foreword Serial numbers
This manual describes operation, inspection IMPORTANT: Do not remove the machine
and maintenance of the machine, as well as name plate with the serial number.
safety instructions to be heeded during these Check the serial numbers of the machine
operations. and engine and write them down in the
If you have any questions about the spaces below.
machine, please contact a Takeuchi sales or
service outlet. Machine number:
Engine number:
Machine description
Front, rear, left and right Features
• Hydromounted cab minimizes vibration
• Automatic travel shift-down system
• Self-adjusting shoe tension system
• Short pitch rubber crawler
• Low engine noise and exhaust emissions
• Electronic control of auxiliary hydraulic
• Automatic and manual operation for engine
• Engine emergency stop system
Break-in period
When the machine is new, operate the
machine for the first 100 hours (as indicated
on the hour meter) by following the
instructions below.
This manual refers the front, rear, left and Using a new machine without a break-in
right of the machine as seen when sitting in period will lead to quicker deterioration of
the operator’s seat with the dozer blade machine performance and may shorten the
visible to the front. machine’s service life.
• Sufficiently warm up the engine and
hydraulic oil.
Designated operations • Avoid heavy loads and rapid operations.
Operate with a load of about 80% the
Use this machine primarily for the following maximum load.
operations: • Do not abruptly start up, accelerate,
• Excavation change directions, or stop unless
• Digging ditches necessary.
• Digging side ditches
• Leveling
• Loading
Notes on reading this
Please note that the descriptions and
diagrams included in this manual may not be
applicable to your machine.
The numbers used in the illustration are with
circles around them. The same numbers
appear between the parentheses in the text.
(Example: (1))
Third auxiliary hydraulic button............ 2-27
Introduction......................................0-2 Auxiliary 2/4 select button................... 2-27
Wiper switch....................................... 2-28
Machine description.........................0-3 Washer switch.................................... 2-28
Automatic deceleration switch............ 2-28
Safety...............................................1-1 ECO mode switch.............................. 2-29
General precautions................................. 1-2 Highland mode switch........................ 2-29
Precautions when preparing..................... 1-8 Auxiliary 1st flow select switch............ 2-29
Precautions when starting...................... 1-10 Detent mode switch (Auxiliary 1st)...... 2-29
Precautions when operating................... 1-12 Light switch........................................ 2-30
Precautions when stopping.................... 1-21 Overload warning switch..................... 2-30
Precautions when transporting............... 1-22 Beacon lamp switch........................... 2-30
Precautions on maintenance.................. 1-24 Levers and Pedals.................................. 2-31
Safety signs (decals)............................... 1-33 Safety lock lever................................. 2-31
Operating levers................................. 2-31
Controls............................................2-1 Blade lever.......................................... 2-32
Names of components............................. 2-2 Travel levers/pedals............................ 2-33
Covers...................................................... 2-4 Boom swing pedal.............................. 2-33
Starter key............................................ 2-4 Accessories............................................ 2-34
Side cover............................................ 2-4 Air conditioner.................................... 2-34
Fuel lid.................................................. 2-5 Cup holder......................................... 2-39
Fuel filler port........................................ 2-5 Cigarette lighter.................................. 2-40
Engine hood......................................... 2-6 Ashtray............................................... 2-40
Fuse box cover..................................... 2-6 Interior light......................................... 2-41
Cab.......................................................... 2-7 Mirrors................................................ 2-41
Cab door.............................................. 2-7 External power sockets ..................... 2-41
Emergency exit..................................... 2-7 Radio (for cab).................................... 2-42
Front window........................................ 2-8 Auxiliary hydraulic lines....................... 2-46
Lower front window.............................. 2-9 Operating the machine with an
Side window......................................... 2-9 accumulator....................................... 2-51
Emergency hammer (optional).............. 2-9 Load safety device.............................. 2-52
Seat and seat belt.................................. 2-10 Overload warning device.................... 2-53
Seat ................................................... 2-10 Fuel Supply Pump.............................. 2-54
Seat belt............................................. 2-11
Air Suspension Seat........................... 2-12 Operation..........................................3-1
Instrument cluster................................... 2-16 Before starting operation.......................... 3-2
Warning lamps.................................... 2-16 Getting on or off the machine................ 3-2
Indicators........................................... 2-17 Walk-around inspection........................ 3-2
Meters................................................ 2-17 Daily inspection..................................... 3-2
Multi-data display............................... 2-18 Starting and stopping the engine.............. 3-3
Switches................................................ 2-24 Before starting the engine..................... 3-3
Starter switch..................................... 2-24 Starting the Engine............................... 3-4
Engine shutdown switch..................... 2-24 Warming up the engine......................... 3-5
Throttle controller................................ 2-24 Stopping the engine............................. 3-5
Horn button........................................ 2-25 Operating the machine............................. 3-6
Deceleration button............................ 2-25 Lever pattern (ISO pattern).................... 3-6
Travel speed button............................ 2-25 Lever pattern (JCB pattern)................... 3-7
Auxiliary 1st switch............................. 2-26 Warming up the machine (hydraulic oil).3-8
Auxiliary 2nd/4th switch...................... 2-26 Inspection after warm-up...................... 3-9
Swing/Second boom select button..... 2-27 Operating the travel levers.................. 3-10
Stopping travel................................... 3-13 Inspecting and replenishing the
Operating the working equipment....... 3-14 coolant............................................... 5-16
Operating procedures............................. 3-16 Inspecting and replenishing the
Prohibited operations.......................... 3-16 engine oil............................................ 5-17
Cautions on operating............................ 3-19 Inspecting the water separator and
Cautions on traveling.......................... 3-19 the fuel filters...................................... 5-18
Cautions on traveling on slopes ......... 3-20 Inspecting the fuel level....................... 5-19
Getting out of mud............................. 3-22 Inspecting the hydraulic oil tank level
Operations possible with this and replenishing................................. 5-20
machine............................................. 3-22 Lubricating the working equipment..... 5-21
Parking the machine............................... 3-24 After the initial 50 hours
Parking............................................... 3-24 (only for new machines).......................... 5-22
Inspection and checks after stopping Replacing the engine oil and the oil
the engine.......................................... 3-24 filter.................................................... 5-22
Handling in cold climates........................ 3-25 Inspecting and adjusting the fan belt... 5-24
Preparing for cold climates................. 3-25 Inspecting and adjusting the
Cautions after operations.................... 3-25 compressor belt (AC).......................... 5-26
After the cold climate.......................... 3-25 Every 50 hours....................................... 5-28
Handling rubber crawlers........................ 3-26 Inspecting the crawler belt tension...... 5-28
Prohibitions......................................... 3-26 Lubricating the slew bearing............... 5-30
Cautions............................................. 3-27 Draining the water from the fuel tank... 5-31
Preventing the rubber crawlers from Inspecting the battery fluid level and
coming off.......................................... 3-27 replenishing........................................ 5-32
After the initial 250 hours
Transport..........................................4-1 (only for new machines).......................... 5-34
Loading and unloading............................. 4-2 Replacing the hydraulic oil return filter.5-34
Hoisting the machine................................ 4-4 Replacing the pilot line filter................. 5-35
Securing the machine............................... 4-6 Replacing the travel motor gear oil...... 5-36
Every 250 hours..................................... 5-37
Maintenance.....................................5-1 Replacing the engine oil and the oil
General..................................................... 5-2 filter.................................................... 5-37
Maintenance overview.......................... 5-2 Inspecting and adjusting the fan belt... 5-37
Cautions on maintenance..................... 5-2 Inspecting and adjusting the
Service data............................................. 5-4 compressor belt (AC) ......................... 5-37
Fuel and lubricant table......................... 5-4 Cleaning the air cleaner...................... 5-38
Regularly replace the hydraulic oil......... 5-6 Cleaning the radiator fins and oil
List of consumables.............................. 5-7 cooler fins........................................... 5-39
List of tools........................................... 5-8 Cleaning the air filters (air conditioner).5-40
List of tightening torques...................... 5-9 Cleaning the condenser (AC).............. 5-41
Safety-critical parts................................. 5-10 Inspecting the refrigerant (gas) level
Maintenance list...................................... 5-12 (AC).................................................... 5-42
Walk-around inspection.......................... 5-14 Every 500 hours..................................... 5-44
Inspecting by opening the engine Replacing the fuel filter........................ 5-44
hood and covers................................ 5-14 Replacing the water separator filter
Inspecting by walking around the <TB285>............................................ 5-46
machine............................................. 5-15 Replacing the feed pump filter
Inspecting while sitting in the <TB290>............................................ 5-47
operator’s seat.................................... 5-15 Every 1000 hours................................... 5-48
Daily inspection (every 10 hours)............. 5-16 Replacing the hydraulic oil return filter.5-48
Replacing the pilot line filter................. 5-48
Replacing the travel motor gear oil...... 5-48 Engine error code list.............................. 6-14
Cleaning the engine cooling system.... 5-48 Other symptoms..................................... 6-18
Replacing the air cleaner element....... 5-50 Lowering the boom to the ground.......... 6-20
Replacing the air breather filter ........... 5-51 Towing.................................................... 6-21
Inspecting and adjusting the engine
valve clearance................................... 5-51 Specifications...................................7-1
Retightening the engine cylinder head Basic Specifications.................................. 7-2
bolt <TB285>..................................... 5-51 Machine dimensions................................. 7-4
Inspecting the engine compression Operating ranges...................................... 7-8
pressure <TB290>.............................. 5-51 Lifting Capacities.................................... 7-13
Inspecting and cleaning the engine
starter and the alternator <TB290>..... 5-51 Options.............................................8-1
Every 1500 hours................................... 5-52 General precautions................................. 8-2
Inspecting and cleaning the engine Safety precautions................................ 8-2
fuel injectors <TB285>........................ 5-52 Cautions when installing attachments... 8-2
Inspecting the crankcase breather Cautions when operating attachments.. 8-3
system <TB285>................................ 5-52 Attachment combination table.................. 8-4
Every 2000 hours................................... 5-53 Selecting a lever pattern........................... 8-5
Lapping the engine valve seats Switching the lever pattern................... 8-5
<TB285>............................................ 5-53 Hydraulic breaker..................................... 8-6
Every 4000 hours................................... 5-54 Cautions on operating.......................... 8-6
Replacing the hydraulic oil and Replacing the hydraulic oil regularly...... 8-7
cleaning the suction strainer............... 5-54 Travel alarm.............................................. 8-8
When required........................................ 5-58 Optional equipment mass ........................ 8-9
Replacing the bucket teeth and the Biodegradable oil.................................... 8-10
side cutters......................................... 5-58 Replacing the hydraulic oil with
Replacing the bucket.......................... 5-60 biodegradable oil................................ 8-10
Adjusting the gap between the Cab options............................................ 8-11
bucket and arm (If equipped).............. 5-62 Angle dozer blade................................... 8-12
Inspecting and replenishing the Operating lever switch kit 1..................... 8-13
windshield washer fluid....................... 5-63 Horn button........................................ 8-13
Draining the water from the water Deceleration button............................ 8-13
separator............................................ 5-63 Travel speed button............................ 8-13
Lubricating the levers and pedals........ 5-64 Auxiliary 1st switch............................. 8-14
Inspecting the rubber crawlers............ 5-65 Auxiliary 2nd/4th switch...................... 8-14
Replacing the rubber crawlers............ 5-66 Auxiliary 2/4 select button................... 8-15
Maintenance during extended storage Swing/Second boom select button..... 8-15
period..................................................... 5-68
Symptoms that are not malfunctions........ 6-2
If the engine overheats.............................. 6-3
If the battery goes dead............................ 6-4
If a fuse blows.......................................... 6-6
Inspecting and replacing the fuse.......... 6-6
Inspecting the fusible link...................... 6-7
Restarting after adding fuel....................... 6-8
Bleeding air from the fuel system.......... 6-8
If a warning lamp flashes........................ 6-10
Vehicle error code list.............................. 6-12
General precautions
General precautions
Wear appropriate clothing and protective Install a fire extinguisher and first aid kit
General precautions
Use a signal person and a flag person Cautions when standing up from or
leaving the operator’s seat
General precautions
Avoid fire and explosion hazards • When handling the fuel, washing oil or
paint, open the door and windows to
ventilate thoroughly.
• Store all flammable fluids and materials in a
safe and well-ventilated place.
• The short circuit of the electric system may
cause the fire. Check for any loosened
connections or damage to the wires every
day. Retighten the loosened connector and
wire clamp. Fix or change the damaged
• Fire from the pipes:
Make sure that the clamps, guards and
Keep flames away from fuel, oil, grease and cushions of the hoses and tubes are
antifreeze. Fuel is particularly flammable and securely fixed. If not, hoses or tubes may
dangerous. be damaged due to vibration or contact
• When handling these combustible with other parts during operation. This can
materials, keep lit cigarettes, matches, cause the high-pressure oil to spurt out,
lighters and other flames or sources of resulting in the fire or injury.
flames away.
• Do not smoke or permit open flames while
handling fuel or working on the fuel system.
• Do not leave the location while refilling with
fuel or oil.
• Never remove the fuel cap or add fuel
when the engine is running or still hot. Also,
do not spill the fuel on the hot surface of
the machine or the component of the
electric system.
• Clean up spilled fuel or oil immediately.
• Check for fuel, oil leak. Stop all leaks and
clean the machine before operating.
• When operating with grinder or welding,
move inflammables to a safe place.
• Do not cut or weld on pipes or tubes that
contain flammable fluids. Clean thoroughly
with nonflammable solvent before cutting
or welding.
• Remove all trash or debris from the
machine. Make sure that oily rags or other
flammable material are not stored on the
• Handle all solvents and dry chemicals
(foam type fire extinguisher) according to
procedures identified on manufacturer’s
containers. Work in a well-ventilated area.
• Never use fuel for cleaning purposes.
Always use a nonflammable solvent.
General precautions
Exhaust fumes from the engine is Be careful not to get crushed or cut
General precautions
Precautions when preparing
Precautions when preparing
Precautions when
Support your weight in a three point
secure stance when getting on/off the
Before starting the machine, ask any • Fasten the seat belt.
unauthorized personnel to leave the area • Check if the parking brake is on and all
control levers and pedals are in the neutral
Do not start the engine until you are sure it is position.
safe to start the machine by checking the • Check if the safety lock lever is in the lock
following items. position.
• Walk around the machine and warn the • Make sure that no one is near the machine.
person who is servicing the machine or is • Start and operate the machine only from
walking near the machine. Do not start the the operator’s seat.
machine until you are certain that no one is • Never attempt to start the engine by
around the machine. shorting across the starter terminals.
Precautions when starting
Use jumper cables only in the recommended • Be careful of slippery conditions on freezing
manner. Improper use of jumper cables can ground, steps and hand holds.
result in battery explosion or unexpected • In severe cold climates, do not touch any
machine motion. metal parts of the machine with bare
Refer to “If the battery goes dead” for further hands. The skin will freeze to the metal,
instructions. resulting in severe injury.
• Do not use ether or starting fluid on this
engine. The starting fluids can cause
After starting the engine explosion and serious injury or death.
• Warm up the engine and hydraulic oil. If the
After starting the engine, perform the levers are operated without warming, the
operations and checks described below in a machine will not react or move promptly or
safe place with no persons or obstacles in properly, resulting in accident.
the area. If any malfunction is found, follow
the shutdown procedure and report the
• Warm up the engine and hydraulic oil.
• Check if all gauges and warning devices
are properly working.
• Check for any noises.
• Test the engine speed control.
• Operate each control to ensure they are
properly working.
Precautions when operating
Precautions when operating
Check the position of the undercarriage that the travel speed changes depending
(tracks) before traveling on the load condition (for machines with
the automatic travel shift-down system).
• When traveling on the uneven road or
sharp slope, turn off the deceleration
switch and the auto-deceleration switch. If
the machine is operated on such roads
with these switches turned on, the engine
speed may increase, causing the machine
to travel unexpectedly rapidly (for machines
with the deceleration and auto-deceleration
Travel safely
• Avoid crossing over obstacles whenever
possible. If you must do so, keep the hoe
attachment close to the ground level and
travel slowly. Never cross obstacles which
will tilt the machine to an angle of 10° or
• On uneven ground, maintain the low speed
and avoid starting, stopping or changing
directions abruptly. Otherwise, the working
equipment may come in contact with the
ground, causing the machine to lose its
balance and get damaged or to damage
• Travel with the dozer blade raised, the hoe the structures in the surrounding area.
attachment folded as shown on the figure
above, and the bucket raised 30 to 40 cm
(12 to 16 in.) above the ground.
• Do not slew while traveling. If you must
operate the hoe attachment while traveling,
operate at speeds slow enough so you
have complete control at all times.
• When a load greater than a set value is
applied during traveling in 2nd (high)
speed, the speed will automatically slow
down to 1st (low) speed. When the load
becomes lighter, the speed will increase
and return to 2nd (high) speed. Remember
Precautions when operating
Precautions when operating
Operate the machine on snow or ice with Ensure driver’s safety when loading
extra care
Precautions when operating
Precautions when operating
Precautions when operating
Precautions when operating
Precautions when operating
Precautions when stopping
Precautions when transporting
• Know and use correct crane signals. • Know and follow the applicable safety
• Check the hoisting equipment for damaged rules, vehicle code and traffic laws when
or missing parts on a daily basis and transporting the machine.
replace as necessary. • Select the best transport route by
• When hoisting, use a wire rope capable of considering the length, width, height and
lifting the machine mass. weight of the truck with the machine
• Hoist the machine in such a manner loaded on it.
described in the procedure below. Do not • Never abruptly start or stop or run at a high
do it in any other manner, as it may result in speed at the sharp curves during transport.
the machine losing its balance. Doing so will move or lose the balance of
Refer to “Hoisting the machine” for further the loaded machine.
• Do not hoist the machine with an operator
on it.
• When hoisting, hoist slowly so that the
machine does not tip.
• Keep everyone out of the area when
hoisting. Do not move the machine over
the heads of the persons.
Precautions on maintenance
Precautions on maintenance
Do not allow unauthorized personnel in the • Clean the machine before performing
work area while working. Be careful when maintenance.
grinding, welding or using a hammer. You • Stop the engine before washing the
could be injured by flying debris from the machine. Cover the electrical parts so that
machine. water cannot enter. Water on electrical
parts could cause short-circuits or
malfunctions. Do not use water or steam to
Prepare work area wash the battery, electronic control
components, sensors, connectors or the
• Select a firm, level work area. Make sure operator’s compartment.
there is adequate light and, if indoors,
• Clear obstacles and dangerous objects. Stop the engine before performing
Eliminate slippery areas. maintenance
Precautions on maintenance
Handling of hoses
Precautions on maintenance
Be careful with hot cooling systems Release pressure before working on the
hydraulic system
There is a very strong spring contained in the Be sure to handle the high-pressure nitrogen
track adjuster. If the track adjuster is gas enclosed in the accumulator with care. If
accidentally disassembled, the spring can handled incorrectly, it could explode and
pop out, resulting in serious injury Never cause serious injury. Strictly observe the
disassemble the track adjuster. following precautions:
• Do not disassemble.
• Do not allow flame near or throw it into a
Cautions when servicing the air fire.
conditioner • Do not drill, weld or fuse.
• Do not subject it to physical shock such as
If the refrigerant comes in contact with eyes, hitting, rolling or dropping.
it damages your eyesight. If the refrigerant • Before disposing of the unit, the sealed gas
comes in contact with skin, it may cause must be drained. Contact a Takeuchi
frostbite. Never touch the refrigerant. service agent for help.
Precautions on maintenance
Precautions on maintenance
Safety signs (decals)
Safety signs (decals)
Safety signs (decals)
Safety signs (decals)
Safety signs (decals)
Names of components
Names of components
Names of components
Covers Opening
Starter key
Side cover
• Stop the engine and allow the machine
to cool down before performing
• Be sure to secure the side cover with 3. Raise the stopper (2) to secure the cover.
the stopper before working inside. Do 4. Store the tools.
not keep the side cover open on a
windy day or if the machine is parked Closing
on a slope. 1. Close the side cover (1) and press it down
• When opening and closing the side until a click is heard.
cover, be careful not to get your hands
or other parts of your body caught by
the cover.
Caution Warning
When opening and closing the fuel lid, be • Do not smoke and keep away from heat
careful not to get your hands caught by or flame while filling the fuel tank.
the lid. • Fill the fuel tank in a well ventilated
place, with the engine turned off.
For adding fuel or checking the level of • Clean up spilled fuel immediately.
hydraulic oil or coolant, open this cover. • Do not fill the fuel tank to capacity.
Allow room for oil expansion.
Opening • Securely tighten the fuel filler cap.
hole with your thumb and open the fuel lid 1. Open the fuel lid.
(1) all the way until it stops. 2. Turn the fuel cap (1) counterclockwise and
remove it.
1. Close the fuel lid (1). Closing
2. Insert the starter key and turn it clockwise 1. Turn the fuel cap (1) it clockwise and close
to lock the fuel lid (1). it.
2. Close the fuel lid and lock it.
1. Close the fuse box cover (2) and secure it
with the wing bolt (1).
1. Close the engine hood (1) and press down
the edge of it until a click is heard.
Emergency exit
Front window (excluding machines with a
front guard)
1. Pull the knob (1) towards you and open
the door.
Seat and seat belt
Seat and seat belt
(F) Adjusting the operating lever stand Fastening the seat belt
1. Adjust the seat to the desired position for
operation, sit up and sit back in the chair.
2. Pull the seat belt to the desired length.
Seat and seat belt
Positions between
1: Soft cushioning
4: Hard cushioning
Seat and seat belt
Seat and seat belt
(H) Adjusting the seat depth (K) Adjusting the operating lever stand
The depth of the seat pan can be individually 1. Pull up the lever (9) and slide the lever
adjusted. stand (seat).
To adjust, lift the right side handle (7). Move 2. Release the lever (9) at the optimum
the seat cushion forward or backward until position to secure the lever stand (seat).
the desired seat depth is obtained. Adjustment range: 9 positions, in 90 mm
(3.5 in.)
(J) Adjusting fore-and-aft
Seat and seat belt
Instrument cluster
Indicators Meters
9. Glow lamp 14. Water temperature gauge
This lamp goes out when the engine Indicates the temperature of the engine
preheating is completed. coolant water.
The LED should be within the green
10. Travel speed lamp range during machine operation.
This lamp turns on when the travel speed The red range indicates overheating.
button is set to the 2nd (high) speed.
15. Fuel Gauge
11. Deceleration lamp Indicates the amount of fuel in the tank.
This lamp turns on when the deceleration Be sure to top off the tank before running
button is pressed. It flashes when the out of fuel.
auto-deceleration switch is pressed and
changes to the “lit” state when the
system enters the deceleration mode.
While in the “lit” state, it indicates that the
engine is in the deceleration mode at low
idling speed (1100 rpm).
Instrument cluster
1. Hour meter
Trip/Data switch
Instrument cluster
5. Atmospheric pressure
2. Battery voltage
Displays when the machine is TB290.
3. Coolant temperature
Instrument cluster
Initial Variable
condition range
Auxiliary 1st-1 100% 100% —
IMPORTANT: If an error code appears, 10 to
Auxiliary 1st-2 75% 75%
immediately stop the operation and 100%
contact your sales or service dealer for 10 to
help. Auxiliary 1st-3 50% 50%
Displays three error codes, with the latest
10 to
code at the top. Auxiliary 2nd 100% 100%
Refer to “Engine error code list” on page
6-14. 10 to
Auxiliary 4th 100% 100%
3. Auxiliary 1st-2 setting information The table shows the electric current values.
e. Press and hold the auxiliary flow rate 8. Engine serial number
select switch for approximately three
seconds to end flow rate changing
7. Engine model
Instrument cluster
Instrument cluster
Slider switch
(Proportional control) Move this switch to control the flow of the oil
Proportional control allows for slow-to-fast/ in the second auxiliary hydraulic lines.
fast-to-slow movement of attachment. (C): �����Hydraulic oil flows to the left auxiliary
Example: If you move the slider switch half line (c).
way, the attachment will move at (D): �����Hydraulic oil flows to the right auxiliary
approximately one-half the speed. line (d).
Move this switch to control the flow of the oil To use the auxiliary 4th hydraulic line, press
in the first auxiliary hydraulic lines. the auxiliary 2/4 select button to change to
(A) �������Hydraulic oil flows to the left auxiliary the operation of the auxiliary 4th.
line (a). Refer to “Auxiliary hydraulic lines” on page
(B) ������Hydraulic oil flows to the right auxiliary 2-46.
line (b).
When the ON side of the switch is pressed, This switch is used to select and set the flow
the ECO mode lamp in the instrument cluster rate of the auxiliary 1st.
lights up. The auxiliary 1st flow rate indicator lamp in
The engine RPM and hydraulic horse power the instrument cluster lights up to indicate
are set to economically optimal values to which flow rate setting is selected. The flow
improve the fuel economy. rate setting changes each time the ON side
of the switch is pressed.
The flow rate setting is done by using this
Highland mode switch switch and the TRIP/DATA switch.
Refer to “3. Auxiliary 1st-2 setting
information” on page 2-20.
Pressing the OFF side changes to the is activated and the horn sounds. (When the
momentary mode. overload warning switch is turned on.)
Light switch
If the emergency shut-off valve is activated,
the overload warning horn stops.
(This is because the pressure sensor can no
longer detect hydraulic pressure.)
If the overload is not removed after the
overload warning horn is sounded, the
machine may tip over or the emergency
shut-off valve may be activated. If the
horn starts sounding, stop operating the
machine and lighten the load.
Levers and Pedals
Use this lever to operate the dozer blade. Button (C) � Float mode
(A)........Blade up Press the float switch to set the
(B).......Blade down dozer blade to the float mode.
Refer to “Operating the dozer blade” on To cancel the float mode, press
page 3-15. the switch again.
Levers and Pedals
Warning Warning
• Before operating the travel levers/ Keep the pedal cover to the locked
pedals, make sure that the dozer blade position when not using the pedal.
is to the front of the operator’s seat. Stepping on a pedal accidentally when it
Remember that when the dozer blade is is not locked may cause accidents.
to the rear of the operator’s seat, the
travel levers/pedals must be operated in
the reverse direction from when it is to
the front.
• Do not rest your foot on the pedal
unless operating it for traveling. If the
pedal is accidentally stepped while
working, the machine may suddenly
move and cause serious injury or death.
Names of components
1. Defroster
2. Condenser
3. Receiver drier
4. Outlets
5. Compressor
6. Air conditioner unit
7. Circulation filter
8. Ventilation filter
Control panel
9. Air conditioner switch
10. Temperature control dial
11. Fan dial
12. Outlet select dial
13. Ventilation/Circulation select switch
Use this dial to select the desired outlet Move the louvers up and down or left and
depending on the purpose of use. right to adjust the air flow direction and
������Air comes from the front and rear amount.
������Air comes from the front, rear and Operation
foot outlets. Dehumidifying and Heating (in cold climates
�������Air comes from the foot outlet. or when the humidity is high)
Arrange the air direction at each outlet.
1. Turn the air outlet dial to the FOOT
2. Set the fan dial to the desired position.
3. Set the temperature control dial to the
desired position.
For the highest temperature, turn the dial
1. Turn the air outlet dial to the FACE or all the way to the right.
FULL position. 4. Turn the fan dial to the OFF position to
2. Set the desired temperature by turning the turn off heating.
temperature control dial to between the
center and the left end.
3. Set the fan dial to the desired position.
Warning Warning
• Do not leave the cigarette lighter knob • Be sure to extinguish cigarettes and
pushed in for a long time. Doing so matches completely before putting
heats up the lighter, and could be them in the ashtray, and close the
dangerous. ashtray after each use.
• If the lighter knob does not pop out 30 • Do not overfill the ashtray with cigarette
seconds after it was pushed in, it may butts or put in paper or other easily
be broken. Pull it out by hand. burnable objects. Doing so could cause
• Do not use any other cigarette lighters fire.
than Takeuchi’s. They could be stuck in
the middle and not pop out.
• Use only those electric products which
comply with the specifications of this
• Do not touch the metallic parts of the
lighter. Doing so could cause burns.
For beacon
Names of components
(12)AUX button
Use this button to choose which to listen
to, the radio or the external audio source
connected to the AUX-IN. If the external
source is chosen, the AUX display
appears on the LCD.
Power source: ��������������� 12/24 VDC
(negative ground)
Power consumption: ����� 2 A
Maximum output power: 16 W + 16 W (4Ω)
(at DC 28.8 V input)
5W+5W (4Ω) (at DC
14.4 V input)
Rated output power: ����� 14 W + 14 W (10%
distortion, 4Ω) (at
DC 28.8V input)
3.8 W + 3.8 W
(10% distortion, 4Ω)
(at DC 14.4V input)
Dimensions: ������������������� 178 (W) x 50 (H) x
92 (D) mm (without
Receiving frequency: ����� MW (AM) 530 to
1602 kHz (EU,
Asia), 1710 kHz
(North, Central and
South America)
FM 87.9 to 108
Practical sensitivity: �������� MW (AM) 32 dB or
less (S/N 20 dB)
FM 12 dB or less
(S/N 30 dB)
S/N ratio: ����������������������� MW (AM) 40 dB or
FM 60 dB or more
AUX IN: ������������������������� Stereo mini jack
(3.5 mm); rated
input, 90 mV
Selector valve when the button (1) and the switch (2) are
pressed at the same time. When they are
pressed, the hydraulic oil flows into the line (f)
to increase the pressure there. As the result,
the pin on the bucket comes out and the
bucket is removed from the machine.
Be sure to handle the high-pressure
nitrogen gas enclosed in the accumulator
with care. If handled incorrectly, it could
explode and cause serious injury. Strictly
observe the following precautions:
• Do not disassemble.
• Do not allow flame near or throw it into 6. Move or press the auxiliary hydraulic
a fire. switches several times to release the
• Do not drill, weld or fuse. residual pressure in the circuitry.
• Do not subject it to physical shock such 7. Move all the control levers and pedals
as hitting, rolling or dropping. several times in all directions to release the
• Before disposing of the unit, the sealed pressure from the working equipment
gas must be drained. Contact a circuitry.
Takeuchi service agent for help. 8. Raise the safety lock lever to engage the
For a machine with an accumulator, the
residual pressure in the auxiliary hydraulic Lowering the boom when the engine has
circuit or the working equipment circuit can stopped
be released even after the engine is stopped. Perform this operation within 10 minutes
after the engine stopping.
Releasing residual pressure 1. Sit at the operator’s seat.
Residual pressure refers to the pressure that 2. Turn the starter switch to the ON position.
remains in the hydraulic circuit after the 3. Lower the safety lock lever to the unlock
operation. Release the residual pressure as position
necessary by using the following steps. 4. Slowly push the operating lever forward to
Perform the residual pressure releasing lower the boom.
within 10 minutes after the engine stopping.
1. Return the throttle controller to idle the
engine at low speed.
2. Lower the bucket and dozer blade to the
3. Check that the safety lock lever is in the
released position.
4. Stop the engine.
5. Turn the starter switch to the ON position.
Before starting operation
Starting and stopping the engine
Starting and stopping 5. Insert the key into the starter switch, turn it
to the ON position, then perform the
the engine following inspections:
Starting and stopping the engine
Normal starting
Starting and stopping the engine
1. Return the throttle controller, and then run 1. Return the throttle controller.
at a low idle with no load for 5 minutes. 2. Idle the engine for about 5 minutes to
gradually let it cool.
Operating the machine
• Before starting operation, carefully check which lever pattern you are going to use.
• It is described using the ISO pattern in this manual.
Operating the machine
• Before starting operation, carefully check which lever pattern you are going to use.
• It is described using the ISO pattern in this manual.
Operating the machine
Operating the working equipment without
warming up the machine (hydraulic oil) is
dangerous, as the working equipment
cannot response to controls quickly or
may move in unexpected ways, and the
safety devices may not operate properly.
Be sure to sufficiently warm up the 2. Fully lower the safety lock lever to
machine. disengage the lock and lift the bucket from
the ground.
IMPORTANT: Do not operate the levers
too quickly when the hydraulic oil
temperature is below 20°C (68°F). The
proper hydraulic oil temperature during
operation is 50 to 80°C (122 to 176°F). If
operations must be performed at lower
temperatures, heat up the hydraulic oil to
at least 20°C (68°F).
Normal warm-up
Operating the machine
Operating the machine
Operating the machine
Operating the machine
Operating the machine
Stopping travel
• Park the machine on a flat, rigid and
safe ground. Set the parking brake. If
you must park on a slope, chock the
tracks to block the machine.
• If any control is accidentally touched
when the safety lock lever is not locked,
the machine may suddenly move and
cause serious injury or death.
Never stop running the machine suddenly
except in emergency. Stop in good time,
if possible.
Operating the machine
Boom lower:
Tilt the right operating lever forward.
Boom raise:
Tilt the right operating lever backward.
Operating the machine
Arm in:
Tilt the left operating lever backward.
Arm out:
Tilt the left operating lever forward.
Bucket load:
Tilt the right operating lever to the left.
Bucket dump:
Tilt the right operating lever to the right.
Operating procedures
• Do not operate on bedrock (hard or
• Do not slew while traveling. If you must
operate the hoe attachment while
traveling, operate at speeds slow
enough so you have complete control at
all times.
Do not perform demolition or leveling Do not extend the hydraulic cylinders to the
using slew force stroke ends. Operate them with leeway.
Do not demolish walls or level ground using Do not support the machine body with the
slew force. Also, do not dig the bucket teeth hoe attachment when the body is lowering
into the ground during slewing. Doing so will with the arm cylinder fully extended. Doing
damage the hoe attachment. so concentrates the load on the arm cylinder
and could damage the arm cylinder.
Do not dig while traveling
Operating procedures
Operating procedures
Caution on folding the hoe attachment Pay attention to the dozer blade when
Cautions on operating
Cautions on traveling
Cautions on operating
Cautions on operating
When descending slopes, the brakes are If the engine stops when descending a
applied automatically once the travel levers slope, set the travel levers to the neutral
are returned to the neutral position. position, stop the machine, then start the
If the crawler slips
Do not open the door while traveling on
Cautions on operating
Cautions on operating
Use the boom swing function to dig side 1. Bring the hoe attachment close to the
ditches as shown in the figure. body.
2. Gradually remove the dirt from the side of
Loading the mound.
3. Once the mound is low, remove the dirt
from the top. If the load becomes too
heavy for the machine body, adjust by
raising or lowering the dozer blade.
Parking the machine
Parking the machine 3. Lower the bucket and the dozer blade to
the ground.
Parking 4. Raise the safety lock lever to the locked
5. Stop the engine and remove the key.
Warning Refer to “Stopping the engine” on page
For machines equipped with accumulator:
Refer to “Operating the machine with an
accumulator” on page 2-51.
Be sure to lock the following places:
Handling rubber crawlers
Handling rubber
Rubber crawlers have an inherent weakness,
lack of strength, due to their use of rubber.
Be sure to observe the prohibitions and
cautions below to prevent the crawlers from
being damaged or coming off.
• Do not let fuel, oil, salt or chemical solvents
Do not travel or operate the machine in the get on the crawlers. These substances
following places: may corrode the bonding of the steel cores
on the crawlers, resulting in rust or peeling.
If any of these substances gets on the
crawler, immediately clean it off with water.
Handling rubber crawlers
Observe the following cautions when
operating the machine:
Handling rubber crawlers
• When climbing in reverse, do not change • Do not change directions when the crawler
directions at the point where the slope belts are slack as shown in the figure.
Loading and unloading
Loading and unloading
Hoisting the machine
Hoisting the machine
Securing the machine
Transporting posture
Cautions on refueling
• If the port includes a strainer, do not
remove the strainer when fueling.
• After fueling, be sure to securely tighten the
fuel filler cap.
• Do not add more than the specified
amount of fuel.
Sealing tape
Disposing of wastes
• Always collect oil that is drained from the
machine in containers. Improperly
disposed waste oil can cause
environmental harm.
• Follow appropriate laws and regulations
when disposing of harmful objects such as
oil, fuel, cooling water, coolant, filters and
Service data
Fuel and lubricant table
Select the appropriate fuel, lubricant and grease according to the temperature by referring to
the table below.
• Regardless of the specified time, change the oil if it becomes too dirty or degraded.
• When refilling, never mix oils of different brands. If a brand is to be changed, replace the
whole fuel/oil.
Diesel fuel specifications
Diesel fuel should comply with the following specifications. The table lists several worldwide
specifications for diesel fuels.
Service data
* : If the ratio of traveling time to total operating time is high, replace the gear oil earlier than
the specified time.
** : For water, use tap water (soft). Do not use well or river water. When the ambient
temperature drops below 0°C (32°F), add coolant (antifreeze). Follow the coolant
manufacturer’s instructions to determine the mixture ratio.
*** : The hydraulic oil replacement interval depends on the type of hydraulic oil being used. New
machine are delivered with Takeuchi genuine hydraulic oil 46, and the hydraulic oil
replacement intervals indicated in this manual assume that Takeuchi genuine hydraulic oil
46 is being used. When using conventional antiwear hydraulic oil, the hydraulic oil should
be replaced every 2000 hours.
Service data
List of consumables
Periodically replace consumables such as filters and elements according to the table below.
System Item Part name Part No. When to replace
Hydraulic oil Every 1000 hrs
return filter after the initial 250
Hydraulic system Pilot line filter Element 1551200601 hrs.
System Item Part name Part No. When to replace
Hydraulic oil Every 1000 hrs
return filter after the initial 250
Hydraulic system Pilot line filter Element 1551200601 hrs.
List of tools
1 Spanner Y28110-100120 10 - 12
2 Spanner Y28110-140170 14 - 17
13 Spanner 1690100041 41
20 Case 1691900001
Service data
Tightening torque
Head width (b) Size (a) x pitch
Classification General connection points
mm mm N·m ft-lb.
10 M6 x 1.0 9.8±0.5 7.2±0.4
12, 13 M8 x 1.25 22.6±1.1 16.6±0.8
14, 17 M10 x 1.5 47.1±2.4 34.7±1.7
Coarse 17, 19 M12 x 1.75 83.4±4.1 61.5±3.0
19, 22 M14 x 2.0 134.4±6.7 99.1±4.9
22, 24 M16 x 2.0 207.9±10.4 153.3±7.7
27, 30 M20 x 2.5 410.9±20.5 303.1±15.1
12, 13 M8 x 1.0 24.5±1.2 18.1±0.9
14, 17 M10 x 1.25 50±2.5 36.9±1.8
17, 19 M12 x 1.5 87.3±4.3 64.4±3.2
19, 22 M14 x 1.5 135.3±6.8 99.8±5.0
22, 24 M16 x 1.5 220.6±11 162.7±8.1
27, 30 M20 x 1.5 452.1±22.6 333.4±16.6
Safety-critical parts
Safety-critical parts
To use the machine safely, periodically perform inspection and maintenance. The safety-critical
parts listed below must be periodically replaced for an increased safety.
Serious injury or a fire could result if they are worn or damaged.
Fuel hoses
Fuel system
Packing on fuel filler cap
Heater hoses
Heater & AC systems
Air conditioner hoses
Safety-critical parts
The material of the safety-critical part listed above tends to change over time and cause wear
or deterioration. It is difficult to determine the degree of deterioration at the periodic inspection,
and thus they need to be replaced with new ones after a certain time to maintain their proper
performance even if they appear in good condition. Note that regardless of the replacement
schedule, replacement must be performed immediately if a symptom of wear is found. If a
hose clamp is deformed or cracked, replace it together with the hose immediately. When
replacing the safety-critical parts, ask your sales or service dealer.
In addition to the safety-critical parts, inspect the hydraulic hoses and retighten or replace as
necessary. When replacing the hydraulic hoses, replace the O-rings and seals at the same
Check the fuel and hydraulic hoses according to the periodic schedule described below.
Refer to “Maintenance”.
Daily inspection Leakage from the connecting parts of hydraulic or fuel hoses
Leakage from the connecting parts of hydraulic or fuel hoses
Monthly inspection
Damaged hydraulic or fuel hoses (cracks, wear and tear)
Leakage from the connecting parts of hydraulic or fuel hoses
Annual inspection Deteriorated, twisted, damaged hydraulic or fuel hoses (cracks, wear
and tear) or hoses in contact with other parts of the machine
Maintenance list
Maintenance list
Inspection and maintenance item Page
Walk-around inspection
Inspecting by opening the engine hood and covers 5-14
Inspecting by walking around the machine 5-15
Inspecting while sitting in the operator’s seat 5-15
Daily inspection (every 10 hours)
Inspecting and replenishing the coolant 5-16
Inspecting and replenishing the engine oil 5-17
Inspecting the water separator and the fuel filters 5-18
Inspecting the fuel level 5-19
Inspecting the hydraulic oil tank level and replenishing 5-20
Lubricating the working equipment 5-21
After the initial 50 hours (only for new machines)
Replacing the engine oil and the oil filter 5-22
Inspecting and adjusting the fan belt 5-24
Inspecting and adjusting the compressor belt (AC) 5-26
Every 50 hours
Inspecting the crawler belt tension 5-28
Lubricating the slew bearing 5-30
Draining the water from the fuel tank 5-31
Inspecting the battery fluid level and replenishing 5-32
After the initial 250 hours (only for new machines)
Replacing the hydraulic oil return filter 5-34
Replacing the pilot line filter 5-35
Replacing the travel motor gear oil* 5-36
Every 250 hours
Replacing the engine oil and the oil filter 5-37
Inspecting and adjusting the fan belt 5-37
Inspecting and adjusting the compressor belt (AC) 5-37
Cleaning the air cleaner 5-38
Cleaning the radiator fins and oil cooler fins 5-39
Cleaning the air filters (AC) 5-40
Cleaning the condenser (AC) 5-41
Inspecting the refrigerant (gas) level (AC) 5-42
*: If the percentage of the traveling time within the total operating time is high, replace the gear
oil earlier than the specified time.
Maintenance list
Walk-around inspection
Walk-around inspection
Perform the following inspections every day before starting the engine for the first time.
• Before operating, perform the walk-around inspections and make repairs immediately
where necessary.
• Be sure to secure the engine hood or cover before working the inside. Do not keep the
hood or cover open on a windy day or if the machine is parked on a slope.
Before starting the engine, look around the machine and clean any combustibles from the
surroundings of the engine. Also, inspect if oil or water is leaking and any nuts or bolts are
Daily inspection (every 10 hours)
10 hours)
Perform the following inspections every day
before starting the engine for the first time.
• Before operating, perform the daily
inspections and make repairs
immediately where necessary.
• Be sure to secure the engine hood or
cover before working the inside. Do not
keep the hood or cover open on a windy 1. Open the fuel lid.
day or if the machine is parked on a 2. Inspect the cooling water level in the
slope. reserve tank (1).
The level should be between the upper
limit (H) and the lower limit (L).
If it is below the lower limit (L), replenish.
Inspecting and replenishing the
coolant Replenishing
1. Open the side cover.
2. Remove the cap (2) of the reserve tank (1).
Warning 3. Add cooling water up to the upper limit (H)
• Do not remove the radiator cap or the of the reserve tank (1).
drain plug when the cooling water is
hot. Stop the engine and wait until the
engine and the radiator cool before
slowly loosening the radiator cap and
the drain plug to remove them.
• Always wear the protective goggle and
gloves when handling coolant
(antifreeze). If any coolant (antifreeze)
comes in contact with eyes or skin,
wash it off with clean water. Otherwise,
it could result in injures.
Daily inspection (every 10 hours)
• Do not smoke or permit open flames
while handling fuel or working on the
fuel system.
• Stop the engine in a well-ventilated
place and allow it to cool down before
performing maintenance.
• Clean up spilled fuel immediately.
Daily inspection (every 10 hours)
• Do not smoke or permit open flames
while handling fuel or working on the
fuel system.
• Never remove the fuel cap or add fuel
when the engine is running or still hot.
Do not spill fuel on the hot surface of
the machine.
• Fill the fuel tank in a well ventilated
• Clean up spilled fuel immediately.
• Do not fill the fuel tank to capacity.
Allow room for oil expansion.
• Securely tighten the fuel filler cap.
• Use the correct grade of fuel for the
operating season.
Daily inspection (every 10 hours)
Oil may spurt out if caps or filters are
removed or pipes are disconnected
before releasing the pressure in the
hydraulic system.
• Press the air breather button to relieve
the internal pressure from the tank.
1. Keep the machine configuration as shown in the diagram above, lower the working
equipment to the ground, and then stop the engine.
2. Use the grease gun to lubricate the grease fittings.
3. Wipe off the excess grease.
After the initial 50 hours (only for new machines)
Stop the engine and allow the machine to
cool down before performing
maintenance. 1. Open the engine hood and remove the oil
• The engine, muffler, radiator, hydraulic filler cap (2).
lines, sliding parts and many other parts
of the machine are hot immediately after
the engine is stopped. Touching these
parts will cause burns.
• The engine oil is also hot.
Be careful not to touch the hydraulic oil
when loosening the cap or plug.
Working on the machine under these
conditions could result in burns or
After the initial 50 hours (only for new machines)
After the initial 50 hours (only for new machines)
Stop the engine and allow the machine to
cool down before performing
• The engine, muffler, radiator, hydraulic
lines, sliding parts and many other parts
of the machine are hot immediately after
the engine is stopped. Touching these
parts will cause burns.
2. Press the fan belt (1) at the midpoint
IMPORTANT: The loose belts could result between the fan pulley (2) and alternator
in bad battery charge, overheat of engine pulley (3) to check the tension (approx. 98
or early wear of belt. Too tight belts could N or 22 lbf).
damage the water pump or bearing and <TB285>
belt used to drive the alternator. The slack (A) should be 7 to 10 mm (0.28
IMPORTANT: Do not let any oil or grease to 0.4 in).
get on the belt. <TB290>
The slack (A) should be 7 to 8 mm (0.27 to
Inspection 0.31 in).
1. Open the engine hood. 3. Inspect the fan belt (1) and replace if it is
as follows.
<TB285> · There are cuts or cracks.
· The belt is worn and touches the bottom
of the V groove in the pulley.
· The belt stretched too loose to be
After the initial 50 hours (only for new machines)
After the initial 50 hours (only for new machines)
• Stop the engine and allow the machine
to cool down before performing
· The engine, muffler, radiator, hydraulic
lines, sliding parts and many other
parts of the machine are hot
immediately after the engine is
stopped. Touching these parts will
cause burns.
• The high-pressure pipes of the air Inspection
conditioner can be very hot (80 to 120°C <TB285>
or 176 to 248°F). Be careful not to burn
After the initial 50 hours (only for new machines)
If the belt tension is not normal, adjust it with
the adjuster bolt (2).
1. Loosen the locking nut (3).
2. Turn the adjuster bolt (2) as follows.
· Tighten: Clockwise
· Loosen: Counterclockwise
3. Tighten the locking nut (3) after
Tightening torque:
· Locking nut (4) 31.4 to 45.1 N·m (23.2
to 33.3 ft-lb.)
If the belt tension is not normal, tilt the
compressor to adjust the tension.
1. Loosen the fixing bolt (5) and fixing nut (6).
2. Turn the adjuster bolt (7) as follows.
· Tighten: Clockwise
· Loosen: Counterclockwise
3. Tighten the fixing bolt (5) and fixing nut (6)
upon completion of adjustment.
Replace the belt in the following cases:
· There are cuts or cracks.
· The belt is worn and touches the bottom of
the V groove in the pulley.
· The belt stretched too loose to be
Every 50 hours
Every 50 hours
Inspecting the crawler belt
Note: This machine uses a hydraulic cylinder
to adjust the tension of the crawler belts. It is
not necessary to regularly perform
adjustments of the crawler belt tension.
Every 50 hours
Lubricating the slew bearing 4. Lower the bucket to the ground, and then
stop the engine.
5. Repeat the steps 2 to 4 above three
Warning times.
Do not slew while lubricating. Doing so is 6. Wipe off the grease expelled from the slew
dangerous, as you may get caught in the bearing and grease fitting.
Every 50 hours
Draining the water from the fuel Bleeding air from the fuel system
tank Refer to “Bleeding air from the fuel system”
on page 6-8.
Warning Note: Air in the fuel system causes the
• Do not smoke or permit open flames engine to fail to start or to have problems.
while handling fuel or working on the Bleed air when the fuel tank is emptied,
fuel system. using the same procedure above.
• Never remove the fuel cap or add fuel
when the engine is running or still hot.
Do not spill fuel on the hot surface of
the machine.
• Fill the fuel tank in a well ventilated
• Do not fill the fuel tank to capacity.
Allow room for oil expansion.
• Clean up spilled fuel immediately.
• Securely tighten the fuel filler cap.
• Use the correct grade of fuel for the
operating season.
Every 50 hours
When adding distilled water, do so before
starting operations in order to prevent
1. Remove the caps (2), and add distilled
water until the upper level (H).
2. Check that the indicator (1) turns blue.
3. Clean the exhaust hole on the cap, then
tighten the caps (2) securely.
After the initial 250 hours (only for new machines)
• Stop the engine and allow the machine
to cool down before performing
· The engine and the hydraulic system
and many other parts of the machine
are hot immediately after the engine is
stopped. Touching these parts will
cause burns. 1. Open the side cover.
· The hydraulic oil is also hot and under 2. Press the air breather button (2) to relieve
high pressure. the internal pressure from the tank.
Be careful not to touch the hydraulic 3. Loosen the bolts and remove the flange
oil when loosening the cap or plug. (4).
Working on the machine under these 4. Remove the return filter (5).
conditions could result in burns or 5. Install a new return filter.
injuries due to the hot oil spurting out. 6. Install the flange (4) on its original position.
• Oil may spurt out if caps or filters are 7. Inspect the level with the sight gauge (1),
removed or pipes are disconnected and replenish if the level is too low.
before releasing the pressure in the Refer to “Inspect the hydraulic oil tank
hydraulic system. level and replenishing” on page 5-20.
· Press the air breather button to relieve
the internal pressure from the tank.
· When removing plugs or screws, or
when disconnecting hoses, stand to
the side and loosen them slowly to
gradually release the internal pressure
before removing.
After the initial 250 hours (only for new machines)
• Stop the engine and allow each part of
the machine to cool down before
performing maintenance.
· The engine, the hydraulic system and
many other parts of the machine are
hot immediately after the engine is
stopped. Touching these parts will
cause burns. 3. Open the engine hood.
· The hydraulic oil is also hot and under 4. Turn the case (3) counterclockwise and
high pressure immediately after the remove it.
engine is stopped. 5. Remove the element (4) and O-ring (5).
Be careful not to touch the oil when 6. Clean the inside of the case (3).
loosening the cap or plug. Working on 7. Apply a thin layer of oil on the O-ring of the
the machine under these conditions new filter.
could result in burns or injuries due to 8. Install the new element on the filter stand
the hot oil spurting out. (6).
• Oil may spurt out if caps or filters are 9. Apply a thin layer of oil on the new O-ring
removed or pipes are disconnected (5).
before releasing the pressure in the 10. Install the new O-ring (5) and the case (3)
hydraulic system. on the filter stand (6).
· Press the air breather button to relieve 11. Inspect the level with the sight gauge (1)
the internal pressure from the tank. and replenish if the level is too low.
· When removing plugs or screws, or Refer to “Inspecting the hydraulic oil tank
when disconnecting hoses, stand to level and replenishing” on page 5-20.
the side and loosen them slowly to
gradually release the internal pressure
before removing.
After the initial 250 hours (only for new machines)
Replacing the travel motor gear 6. Add oil through the hole of the plug (3)
oil until oil flows out of the hole of the plug
7. Tighten the plugs (2) and (3).
Warning · Tightening torque: 58.8 ± 9.8 N·m (43.4
• Stop the engine and allow the machine ± 7.2 ft-lb.)
to cool down before performing
· The travel motor is hot immediately
after the engine is stopped. Touching
it will cause burns.
· The gear oil is also hot and under high
pressure immediately after the engine
is stopped.
Be careful when loosening the plugs.
Working on the machine under these
conditions could result in burns or
• The pressure in the reduction gear case
of travel motor may cause oil or the plug
to fly out. Loosen the plug slowly to
release the pressure.
Every 250 hours
Every 250 hours
• Stop the engine and allow the machine
to cool down before performing
· The engine, muffler, radiator and many
other parts of the machine are hot
immediately after the engine is
stopped. Touching it will cause burns.
• Wear required appropriate equipment 2. Loosen the clamps (1) and remove the
such as protective goggle and filter dust cup (2).
mask when using compressed air, as 3. Clean the inside of the dust cup (2).
metal fragments or other objects can fly 4. Remove the primary element (3).
and cause serious injury. To prevent dirt from getting inside the
engine, do not remove the secondary
IMPORTANT: Be careful not to scratch the element (5).
element. Do not use an element if it is 5. Clean the inside of the body (4).
IMPORTANT: When operating the
machine in very dusty places, perform
inspection and maintenance operations
every day.
IMPORTANT: Be sure to install the
element and dust cap securely. If not,
dust could be drawn into the cylinder,
damaging the engine.
Every 250 hours
Cleaning the radiator fins and oil 2. Remove the screws (1) and open the
cooler fins condenser.
3. Blow compressed air on the fins to
remove mud and dirt stuck on them.
Wear required appropriate equipment
such as protective goggle and filter mask
when using compressed air, as metal
fragments or other objects can fly and
cause serious injury.
Every 250 hours
Wear required appropriate equipment
such as protective goggle and filter mask
when using compressed air, as metal
fragments or other objects can fly and
cause serious injury.
Every 250 hours
IMPORTANT: Continued use of the air conditioner when it is not working properly will
damage its various parts.
IMPORTANT: Using the air conditioner when there is no refrigerant will damage the
IIMPORTANT: Always consult your sales or service dealer for replacing the refrigerant.
Be sure to use R134a refrigerant (740 to 820 g or 1.72 to 1.81 lb.).
Every 500 hours
• Do not smoke or permit open flames
while handling fuel or working on the
fuel system.
• Stop the engine in a well-ventilated
place and allow it to cool down before
performing maintenance.
• Clean up spilled fuel immediately.
1. Open the side cover.
Pre-fuel filter
Every 500 hours
Every 500 hours
• Do not smoke or permit open flames
while handling fuel or working on the
fuel system.
• Stop the engine in a well-ventilated
place and allow it to cool down before
performing maintenance.
• Clean up spilled fuel immediately.
Every 500 hours
• Do not smoke or permit open flames
while handling fuel or working on the
fuel system.
• Stop the engine in a well-ventilated
place and allow it to cool down before
performing maintenance.
• Clean up spilled fuel immediately.
Every 1000 hours
Every 1000 hours she must take care not to touch the
lever or pedal unless necessary.
Replacing the hydraulic oil · The one who performs maintenance
return filter must make sure to keep his/her body
or clothing away from the moving part
Refer to “Replacing the hydraulic oil return of the machine.
filter” on page 5-34. • Standing at the back of the machine
while the engine is running is extremely
dangerous, as the machine could move
Replacing the pilot line filter suddenly. Never stand at the back of the
machine while the engine is running.
Refer to “Replacing the pilot line filter” on • Do not remove the radiator cap or the
page 5-35. drain plug when the cooling water is
hot. Stop the engine and wait until the
engine and the cooling water cool.
Replacing the travel motor gear Then, slowly loosen the radiator cap
oil and the drain plug to remove them.
Refer to “Replacing the travel motor gear oil” When cleaning, if the temperature of the
on page 5-36. coolant is low, the thermostat will be closed
and the coolant will not circulate in the
radiator. Heat the coolant water to at least
Cleaning the engine cooling 90°C (194°F) before cleaning.
system 1. Open the engine hood and the side cover.
• Stop the engine and allow the machine
to cool down before performing
· The engine, muffler, radiator and many
other parts of the machine are hot
immediately after the engine is
stopped. Touching these parts will
cause burns.
· The engine coolant is also hot and
under high pressure immediately after
the engine is stopped. Be careful <TB290>
when loosening the caps or plugs.
Working on the machine under these
conditions could result in burns or
injuries due to the hot coolant spurting
• If maintenance must be performed with
the engine running, always work as a
two person team communicating each
· One person must sit in the operator’s
seat so that he/she can immediately
stop the engine when necessary. He/
Every 1000 hours
2. Gradually loosen the radiator cap (3) to 15. Increase the water temperature to at
release the internal pressure, and then least 90°C (194°F). Then, run the engine
remove the cap. for about 10 minutes with the thermostat
kept open.
16. Stop the engine, wait until the cooling
water temperature becomes lower, and
then check the level of coolant in the
If necessary, add cooling water until the
radiator is full.
17. Close the radiator cap (3).
18. Clean the interior of the reserve tank (1),
and then add coolant to the upper limit
19. When the coolant has been replaced,
3. Place a pan for catching the waste coolant inspect the coolant level once again after
under the drain plug (4), and then loosen operating the machine.
the drain plug (4) to drain the coolant. Once the machine is operated, the
4. Tighten the drain plug (4). coolant is distributed throughout the
5. Add tap water to the radiator through the entire system, resulting in the lower
coolant fill port up to the top of the port. coolant level.
Take time and slowly add water, so that no Replenish the cooling water that has
air enters the radiator. been used.
6. Close the radiator cap (3).
7. Start the engine and run it at a speed
slightly above low idling. Raise the water
temperature to at least 90°C (194°F), and
then run the engine for about 10 minutes
with the thermostat open.
8. Stop the engine, wait until the cooling
water temperature becomes lower, and
then remove the drain plug (4) to drain the
9. After draining, clean the cooling system
using a cleaning agent. When using the
cleaning agent, follow the instructions
included with the agent.
10. Repeat the steps 4 to 8 to rinse the
cooling system.
11. Tighten the drain plug (4).
12. Take time and slowly add the new
coolant (mixture of antifreeze and tap
water) to the radiator through the fill port
until it is full.
13. Close the radiator cap (3).
14. Warm up the engine. Use the meters to
check that there are no irregularities in
the cooling system at this time.
Every 1000 hours
Replacing the air cleaner element 7. Install the new elements. Press them firmly
into the body (4).
8. Install the dust cup (2) with its “
Warning OBEN/TOP” mark facing up, and then
Stop the engine and allow the machine to fasten it with the clamps (1).
cool down before performing
• The engine, muffler, radiator and many
other parts of the machine are hot
immediately after the engine is stopped.
Touching these parts will cause burns.
Every 1500 hours
Every 2000 hours
Every 4000 hours
• Stop the engine and allow the machine
to cool down before performing
· The engine and the hydraulic system
and many other parts of the machine
are hot immediately after the engine is
stopped. Touching these parts will
cause burns.
· The hydraulic oil is also hot and under
high pressure immediately after the
engine is stopped.
Be careful when loosening the caps or
plugs. Working on the machine under
these conditions could result in burns
or injuries due to the hot oil spurting
• Oil may spurt out if caps or filters are
removed or pipes are disconnected
before releasing the pressure in the 3. Press the button (2) to relieve the internal
hydraulic system. pressure from the tank.
· Press the air breather button to relieve 4. Replace the air breather filter (A).
the internal pressure from the tank. Refer to “Replacing the air breather filter”
· When removing plugs or screws, or on page 5-51.
when disconnecting hoses, stand to 5. Remove the plug (3).
the side and loosen them slowly to 6. Loosen the bolts and remove the flange
gradually release the internal pressure (4).
before removing. 7. Remove the return filter (5).
8. Place a pan under the plug (6) to catch the
1. Slew 45° clockwise and set the machine waste oil.
to the hydraulic oil level inspection 9. Remove the cap (B), install connector (C)
posture. and drain the oil. (The oil comes out when
Refer to “Inspecting the hydraulic oil tank the screw is tightened.)
level and replenishing” on page 5-20.
2. Open the side cover.
Every 4000 hours
10. Remove the relay and fuse panel (9). 3. Tighten the drain hose (1) once there are
11. Loosen the bolts and remove the flange no more air bubbles coming from the
(7). elbow (2) joint.
12. Remove the suction strainer (8) and
clean it. • Slew motor
13. Clean the inside of the hydraulic tank.
14. Remove the connector (C) and install the
cap (B).
15. Install the suction strainer (8) on the tank
and then install the flange (7).
16. Install the new return filter (5) and the
flange (4) on the tank.
17. Add hydraulic oil from the hole of plug (3)
up to the level between the upper limit
(H) and the lower limit (L) in the sight
gauge (1).
18. Tighten the plug (3).
19. Install the relay and fuse panel (9). 1. Loosen the air-bleeding plug (1).
20. Bleed air from the hydraulic oil circuit 2. Tighten the plug (1) once the hydraulic oil
following “Bleeding air” below. overflows from the air-bleeding plug hole
21. Set the machine to the hydraulic oil level (1).
inspection posture and inspect the oil
level after the oil cools. • Cylinders
Refer to “Inspect the hydraulic oil tank 1. Start the engine, let it run at a low-idling
level and replenishing” on page 5-20. speed for 10 minutes.
2. Maintain the engine at low idle, and then
Bleeding air slowly extend and retract each cylinder 4
or 5 times, without letting them reach the
IMPORTANT: After replacing the hydraulic stroke end.
oil, bleed air from the hydraulic circuits 3. While running the engine at high speed,
and hydraulic devices. Failure to do so slowly extend and retract each cylinder 4
may damage the hydraulic devices. or 5 times, without letting them reach the
stroke end.
• Hydraulic pump 4. Return the engine speed to low idle, and
then slowly extend and retract each
cylinder 4 or 5 times to the stroke end.
Every 4000 hours
This operation is dangerous and requires 5. Slowly move the boom in the “Boom
experience. Ask your sales or service dealer lower” direction a little until there are no
for help. more air bubbles coming from the hose
If air is not released, the working equipment nut (1) joint.
could become slow in reacting to the 6. Hold the hose fitting (A) in place with a
operation of the operator and show wrench and tighten the hose nut (1).
unexpected behavior.
Second boom
When removing plugs or screws, or when
disconnecting hoses, stand to the side
and loosen them slowly to gradually
release the internal pressure before
When required
When required 3. Remove the key, and then check that the
bucket is stable.
Replacing the bucket teeth and
the side cutters
Replace the bucket teeth if the tooth points
are worn. Do not wait until the bucket is
• Before performing maintenance or
repairs under the machine, lower all
moveable working equipment to the
ground or in the lowermost position.
• To prevent unexpected movement, 4. Knock out the locking pin (1) and remove
firmly secure the working equipment the point (2).
when repairing or replacing the bucket
teeth or side cutter. Note: If the drift is set against rubber pin lock
• When using a hammer, pins may fly out (3) when it is hit, the rubber pin lock may
or metal particles may be scattered. break. Set it against the back of the locking
This may lead to serious injury. pin.
· If hard metal parts such as pins,
bucket teeth, side cutter or bearings 5. Remove the rubber pin lock (3). Check if
are hit with a hammer, wear protective the rubber pin lock is still usable. Replace
gear such as safety goggles and it if it is as follows.
· When hitting pins or bucket teeth,
always check that there is no one in
the surrounding area.
• Do not allow unauthorized personnel in
the work area while working.
1. Clean the bucket and park the machine on
a flat and rigid ground.
When required
When required
• Before performing maintenance or
repairs under the machine, lower all
working equipment to the ground or in
the lowermost position.
• To prevent unexpected movement,
securely block the working equipment
when adjusting the gap. 4. Remove the three bolts (2), the end plate
(3) and flange (4).
Example (for a gap of 2 mm or 0.08 in.):
2 mm - 0.5 mm (standard value)= 1.5 mm
(0.06 in.)
In the above example, three shims (5) should
be removed.
3. Move the O-ring (1) to bring the gap (A) 6. Insert the adjustment shim(s) (5) removed
into view and measure the width of the in step 5 above between the end plate (3)
gap (A). and the flange (4), and then fasten it in
The gap (A) should be 0.5 mm (0.02 in.). place with the three bolts (2).
Swing the upperstructure slightly to the left · Tightening torque for bolts (2): 83 N·m
and lightly press the arm point to the left (61.5 ft-lb.)
side of the bucket (the side without an 7. Return the O-ring (1) to the original
adjuster). position.
When required
Warning Warning
Choose ethyl alcohol as washer solution. • Do not smoke or permit open flames
Do not use methyl alcohol as washer while handling fuel or working on the
solution. It could damage the eyes. fuel system.
• Stop the engine in a well-ventilated
Use a windshield washer fluid designed place and allow it to cool down before
specifically for motor vehicles. Follow the performing maintenance.
instructions included with the washer fluid. • Clean up spilled fuel immediately.
1. Open the side cover. <TB290>
2. Inspect the washer tank (1) and add
washer fluid if the level is low.
1. Mix the washer fluid to the prescribed
2. Remove the cap (2) and add washer fluid.
Keep the dust away while replenishing the
washer fluid.
3. Install the cap (2).
Set the machine to the parking posture,
stop the engine, remove the starter key
and store it. Failure to do so may result in
the machine moving abruptly, leading to
serious injury or death.
Operating levers
Dozer blade lever
When required
Rubber crawler
Replace the crawler if the entire crawler is
stretched and cannot be adjusted.
(1) Lug
(4) Rubber
When required
• If you must work beneath the raised
machine or working equipment, always
use wood blocks, jack-stands or other
rigid and stable supports. Never get
under the machine or working
equipment if they are not sufficiently
• If maintenance must be performed with
the engine running, always work as a
two person team communicating each 1. Start the engine and raise the machine
other. body with the hoe attachment and the
· One person must sit in the operator’s dozer blade.
seat so that he/she can immediately 2. Stop the engine.
stop the engine when necessary. He/
she must take care not to touch the
lever or pedal unless necessary.
· The one who performs maintenance
must make sure to keep his/her body
or clothing away from the moving part
of the machine.
When required
9. Slowly lower the dozer blade side of the 6. For rubber crawlers, move the machine so
machine body. (Do not start the engine.) that the “M” or “∞” mark at the joint is at
10. Lower the machine body until the the top center of the crawler frame.
crawlers contact the ground with the
maximum slack.
11. When the crawlers are disengaged from
the idlers, slide the crawlers to the
outside and remove them.
12. Remove the crawlers from the sprockets,
and then remove the crawlers from the
crawler frames.
1. Engage the crawlers around the left and
right sprockets.
2. Set the left and right crawlers on the 7. Inspect the gap (A or B) between the
idlers. bottom surface of the frame at the center
3. Start the engine. of the crawler frame and the top surface of
4. Press the travel speed button once to set the crawler.
it to the 2nd speed side. The left and right The gap (A or B) must be within the
crawler belts are tightened simultaneously. following range:
(A)........Rubber crawler
160 to 180 mm (6.3 to 7.1 in.)
(B).......Steel crawler
260 to 280 mm (10.2 to 11.0 in.)
(B).......Rubber pads
245 to 265 mm (9.6 to 10.5 in.)
Symptoms that are not malfunctions
If the engine overheats
If the battery goes dead
The symptoms below indicate that the IMPORTANT: Set the starter keys of the
battery is dead. booster vehicle and the dead machine to
• The starter motor does not turn or fails to the OFF position.
start the engine.
• The horn is too weak.
Remedy procedure
Start the engine using the booster battery on
the other vehicle (booster vehicle) and the
jumper cables.
• When starting the engine using the
jumper cables, be sure to connect the
cables by following the proper steps.
Improper use of jumper cables can 1. Connect the clip of jumper cable (R) to the
result in battery explosion or positive (+) battery terminal of the dead
unexpected machine motion. machine.
· Do not allow the booster vehicle and 2. Connect the other clip of jumper cable (R)
the machine with a dead battery (dead to the positive (+) battery terminal of the
machine) to touch each other. booster vehicle.
· Do not allow the positive (+) and the 3. Connect the clip of jumper cable (B) to the
negative (–) clips of the jumper cables negative (–) battery terminal of the booster
to touch each other. vehicle.
· When connecting, attach the jumper 4. Connect the other clip of jumper cable (B)
cable to the positive (+) terminals first. to the engine block of the dead machine.
When disconnecting, remove the Connect the clip to a place as far from the
cable from the negative (–) terminal battery as possible.
(ground) first.
· Connect the last clip of the jumper Starting the engine
cable to a point as far away from the 1. Check that the clips are securely
battery as possible. connected to the terminals.
• Always wear the protective goggle when 2. Start the engine of the booster vehicle and
jump starting the engine by using the run it at high speed.
jumper cables. 3. Start the engine of the dead machine.
If the battery goes dead
Ask your sales or service dealer for
recharging the dead battery.
If a fuse blows
If a fuse blows
Restarting after adding fuel
Restarting after adding 2. Loosen the vent plug (5) of the main fuel
filter (2).
Bleeding air from the fuel system
If a warning lamp flashes
If a warning lamp flashes
Third auxiliary Pressure in the third auxiliary hydraulic line is too low
warning lamp Consult your sales or service dealer for help.
Vehicle error code list
3500 Overheat
Vehicle error code list
7206 AUX1 (L) PWM output electric current error (short circuit)
7306 AUX1 (R) PWM output electric current error (short circuit)
7406 AUX2 (L) PWM output electric current error (short circuit)
7506 AUX2 (R) PWM output electric current error (short circuit)
Engine error code list
Error code
Error details
4 Engine Fuel Rack Position Sensor: Shorted to low source
3 Engine Fuel Rack Position Sensor: Shorted to high source
4 Barometric Pressure Sensor: Shorted to low source
108 3 Barometric Pressure Sensor: Shorted to high source
2 Barometric Pressure Sensor: Intermittent fault
4 E-ECU Internal Temperature Sensor: Shorted to low source
3 E-ECU Internal Temperature Sensor: Shorted to high source
2 E-ECU Internal Temperature Sensor: Intermittent fault
0 E-ECU Internal Temperature: Too high
4 Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor: Shorted to low source
3 Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor: Shorted to high source
2 Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor: Intermittent fault
0 Engine Coolant Temperature: Too high
4 Sensor 5V: Shorted to low source
1079 3 Sensor 5V: Shorted to high source
2 Sensor 5V: Intermittent fault
1 System Voltage: Too low
0 System Voltage: Too high
1078 4 Engine Fuel Injection Pump Speed Sensor: Shorted to low source
522402 4 Auxiliary Speed Sensor: Shorted to low source
4 Engine Fuel Rack Actuator Relay: Circuit fault A
3 Engine Fuel Rack Actuator Relay: Circuit fault B
7 (Reserved)
2 Engine Fuel Rack Actuator Relay: Intermittent fault
4 Air Heater Relay: Circuit fault A
522243 3 Air Heater Relay: Circuit fault B
2 Air Heater Relay: Intermittent fault
4 Cold Start Device: Circuit fault A
522242 3 Cold Start Device: Circuit fault B
2 Cold Start Device: Intermittent fault
4 EGR Stepping Motor “A”: Circuit fault A
3 EGR Stepping Motor “A”: Circuit fault B
4 EGR Stepping Motor “B”: Circuit fault A
3 EGR Stepping Motor “B”: Circuit fault B
4 EGR Stepping Motor “C”: Circuit fault A
3 EGR Stepping Motor “C”: Circuit fault B
4 EGR Stepping Motor “D”: Circuit fault A
3 EGR Stepping Motor “D”: Circuit fault B
Engine error code list
Error code
Error details
4 Oil Pressure Switch: Shorted to low source
1 Oil Pressure: Too low
4 Battery Charge Switch: Shorted to low source
1 Charge warning
522314 0 Engine Coolant Temperature: Abnormal temperature
522323 0 Air Cleaner: Mechanical malfunction
522329 0 Oily Water Separator: Mechanical malfunction
190 0 Engine speed: Overspeed condition
4 Engine Fuel Rack Actuator: Shorted to low source
3 Engine Fuel Rack Actuator: Shorted to high source
7 Engine Fuel Rack Actuator: Mechanical malfunction
2 Engine: Malfunction
639 12 High-speed CAN Communication: Communication fault
2 E-ECU internal fault: EEPROM checksum error (Data Set 2)
12 E-ECU internal fault: EEPROM read/write fault
12 E-ECU internal fault: Flash ROM checksum error (Main software)
628 2 E-ECU internal fault: Flash ROM checksum error (Data Set 1)
2 E-ECU internal fault: Flash ROM checksum error (Data Set 2)
1485 4 E-ECU Main Relay: Shorted to low source
12 E-ECU internal fault: Sub-CPU error A
522727 12 E-ECU internal fault: Sub-CPU error B
12 E-ECU internal fault: Sub-CPU error C
522728 12 E-ECU internal fault: Engine Map Data Version Error
12 Immobilizer: CAN communication fault
8 Immobilizer: Pulse communication fault
1202 2 Immobilizer: System fault
Engine error code list
Error code
Error details
3, 4 Coolant temp sensor failure
0 Engine overheat
3, 4 C. Rail press. sensor failure
2 C. Rail press. too hi
0 C. Rail press. hi 1
0 C. Rail press. hi 2
172 3, 4 Intake air temp sensor failure
174 3, 4 Fuel temp sensor failure
190 0 Engine overspeed
628 2 ROM error
633 7 Pressure limiter open
2 Cam sensor failure
7 Cam-Crank phase error
2 CAN BusOff error
3 CAN timeout error
651 3 Injector #1 failure
652 3 Injector #2 failure
653 3 Injector #3 failure
654 3 Injector #4 failure
655 3 Injector #5 failure (for 6cyl. ENG)
656 3 Injector #6 failure (for 6cyl. ENG)
675 3 Glow lamp failure
676 3 Glow relay failure
677 3 Starter cut relay failure
Engine error code list
Error code
Error details
723 2 Crank sensor failure
968 2 Idle up/down switch failure
987 3 Check engine lamp failure
1077 2 CPU error
1079 2 5V power system 1 failure
1080 2 5V power system 2 failure
1239 1 Pump press low (fuel leak)
1347 0 SCV failure
1381 3, 4 Clogged fuel filter failure
1485 2 Main relay failure
10001 3 EGR sensor failure
10002 2 EGR valve failure
10003 2 Injector com 1 failure
10004 2 Injector com 2 failure
10005 1 Charge circuit 1 failure
10006 1 Charge circuit 2 failure
10007 2 Sub CPU error
10008 2 A/D converter failure
10009 2 5V power system 3 failure
10010 2 5V power system 4 failure
10011 2 5V power system 5 failure
10012 2 12V power system failure
10013 2 EEPROM error
Other symptoms
Other symptoms
For symptoms not included in the table below or if the problem persists after the proper
remedies have been taken, consult your sales or service dealer.
Other symptoms
Lowering the boom to the ground
Basic Specifications
Basic Specifications
Basic Specifications
Machine dimensions
Machine dimensions
Mono boom
Machine dimensions
Mono boom
Unit: mm (inch)
Standard arm Middle arm Long arm
Rubber crawlers
A Overall length 6530 (257.1) 6575 (258.9) 6660 (262.3)
B Upperstructure overall width 2140 (84.3)
2565 (100.9)
C Overall height
2560 (100.8)*
D Slew radius 1650 (65)
785 (30.9)
E Clearance height under upperstructure
760 (29.9)*
2210 (87)
F Crawler base
2180 (85.8)*
2855 (112.4)
G Crawler overall length
2830 (111.4)*
H Crawler overall width 2200 (86.6)
J Crawler shoe width 450 (17.7)
385 (15.1)
K Ground clearance of undercarriage
360 (14.2)*
Minimum radius of equipment and
L 2240 (88.2) 2360 (92.9) 2495 (98.2)
Minimum radius of equipment at
M 1810 (71.3) 1910 (75.3) 2030 (79.9)
maximum front offset
P Offset distance of bucket (Left) 845 (33.3)
Q Offset distance of bucket (Right) 730 (28.7)
R Dozer blade width 2200 (86.6)
S Dozer blade height 500 (19.7)
T Front distance to axis of rotation 4890 (192.5) 4935 (194.3) 5020 (197.7)
2055 (80.9)
U Dozer blade distance to axis of rotation
2060 (81.1)*
V Boom swing angle (Left) 70°
W Boom swing angle (Right) 60°
X Overall length (dozer blade at rear) 6945 (273.4) 6990 (275.1) 7075 (278.6)
Machine dimensions
2-Piece boom
Machine dimensions
2-Piece boom
Unit: mm (inch)
Item Rubber crawlers
A Overall length 6550 (257.8)
B Upperstructure overall width 2140 (84.3)
2565 (100.9)
C Overall height
2560 (100.8)*
D Slew radius 1650 (65)
785 (30.9)
E Clearance height under upperstructure
760 (29.9)*
2210 (87)
F Crawler base
2180 (85.8)*
2855 (112.4)
G Crawler overall length
2830 (111.4)*
H Crawler overall width 2200 (86.6)
J Crawler shoe width 450 (17.7)
385 (15.1)
K Ground clearance of undercarriage
360 (14.2)*
L Minimum radius of equipment and attachment 2580 (101.6)
M Minimum radius of equipment at maximum front offset 2105 (82.9)
P Offset distance of bucket (Left) 850 (33.4)
Q Offset distance of bucket (Right) 730 (28.7)
R Dozer blade width 2200 (86.6)
S Dozer blade height 500 (19.7)
T Front distance to axis of rotation 4910 (193.2)
2055 (80.9)
U Dozer blade distance to axis of rotation
2060 (81.1)*
V Boom swing angle (Left) 70°
W Boom swing angle (Right) 60°
X Overall length (dozer blade at rear) 6960 (274.1)
Operating ranges
Operating ranges
Mono boom
Operating ranges
Mono boom
Unit: mm (inch)
Standard arm Middle arm Long arm
Rubber crawlers
A Maximum reach 7105 (279.6) 7275 (286.3) 7435 (292.7)
Maximum reach at ground reference
B 6950 (273.6) 7125 (280.5) 7290 (287.0)
C Maximum digging depth 4220 (166.1) 4400 (173.2) 4570 (179.9)
D Maximum vertical digging depth 3455 (136.1) 3635 (143.1) 3805 (149.9)
Reach at maximum vertical digging
E 4685 (184.4) 4720 (185.8) 4755 (187.1)
F Maximum height of cutting edge 7045 (277.3) 7175 (282.5) 7305 (287.5)
G Maximum dumping height 5010 (197.2) 5140 (202.4) 5270 (207.4)
H Minimum dumping height 1960 (77.2) 1795 (70.7) 1650 (65.0)
J Dozer blade maximum lifting 520 (20.4)
K Dozer blade maximum lowering 490 (19.3)
*: With an angle dozer blade
Operating ranges
2-Piece boom
Operating ranges
2-Piece boon
Unit: mm (inch)
Item Rubber crawlers
A Maximum reach 7700 (303.1)
B Maximum reach at ground reference plane 7560 (297.6)
C Maximum digging depth 4445 (175)
D Maximum vertical digging depth 4015 (158.1)
E Reach at maximum vertical digging depth 4045 (159.3)
F Maximum height of cutting edge 7980 (314.2)
G Maximum dumping height 6005 (236.4)
H Minimum dumping height 2310 (90.9)
J Dozer blade maximum lifting 520 (20.4)
K Dozer blade maximum lowering 490 (19.3)
*: With an angle dozer blade
Lifting Capacities
Lifting Capacities
Lifting Capacities
Lifting Capacities
Lifting Capacities
Lifting Capacities
Lifting Capacities
Lifting Capacities
Lifting Capacities
Lifting Capacities
Lifting Capacities
Lifting Capacities
Lifting Capacities
Lifting Capacities
Lifting Capacities
Lifting Capacities
Lifting Capacities
General precautions
General precautions
Attachment combination table
√ :Can be used.
∆ :Can be used only for light operations (digging and loading of dry and loose soil or mud)
— :Cannot be used.
Total bucket mass = Bucket mass + Heaped bucket load (specific gravity: 1.8)
Selecting a lever pattern
Switching the lever pattern 1. Park the machine on a flat and rigid
ground, and stop the engine.
2. Fully open the cab door and fix it in place.
3. Remove the floor mat.
4. Open the cover (1).
5. Loosen the wing bolt (2).
6. Turn the selector valve lever (3) to change
the pattern.
7. Tighten the wing bolt (2) and fasten the
lever (3) in place.
8. Close the cover (1) and return the floor
mat back in place.
9. Confirm the lever pattern.
(A) : ISO pattern
(G) : JCB pattern
Hydraulic breaker
Hydraulic breaker
For handling of the breaker, read the
hydraulic breaker’s manual, provided
Hydraulic breaker
Travel alarm
Optional equipment mass
Units: kg (lb)
*: Mass of optional equipment is added to the standard machine mass.
*: This table only contains the optional equipment of 10kg (20lb) or more in mass.
Biodegradable oil
Biodegradable oil 4. Bleed the air from the hydraulic oil system.
5. Operate the hydraulic devices for 30
Biodegradable oil is a new type of hydraulic minutes.
oil that is decomposed into carbon dioxide 6. Drain the biodegradable oil from the tank
and water by microorganisms in the soil and and cylinders.
water. It is highly safe for living organisms 7. Replace the hydraulic oil return filter with a
and offers advantages in term of new filter.
environmental protection. 8. Repeat steps 3 and 4.
• Recommended biodegradable oil: Mobile 9. Operate the hydraulic devices for 30
EAL Envirosyn 46H (an ester synthetic oil). minutes.
When replacing the hydraulic oil with 10. Drain the biodegradable oil from the tank
biodegradable oil, use the above or an and cylinders.
equivalent oil. 11. Repeat steps 3 and 4.
Note that other oils, even other brands of 12. Operate the hydraulic devices for 1 hour.
ester synthetic oils, may damage O-rings, 13. Drain the biodegradable oil from the tank
packings and seals. Takeuchi products and cylinders.
shipped with the optional biodegradable oil 14. Replace the return filter with a new filter.
are shipped with the above brand of oil. 15. Repeat steps 3 and 4.
• When switching from a mineral oil to a 16. Operate the hydraulic devices, then
biodegradable oil, the parking brake torque check for oil leakage.
decreases by about 30%. There is no need to flush the hydraulic oil
system when switching from biodegradable
to mineral hydraulic oil.
Replacing the hydraulic oil with
biodegradable oil
Mixing mineral oil with biodegradable oil will
result in a decrease of the hydraulic oil’s
performance as well as a decrease in
biodegradability and safety. The hydraulic oil
system must be flushed as described below
before supplying the biodegradable oil. This
operation is dangerous and requires
experience. Have it performed by a Takeuchi
sales or service outlet.
To be performed by a Takeuchi sales or
service outlet
1. Drain the hydraulic oil (mineral oil) from the
hydraulic tank and clean the inside of the
tank and suction strainer.
Refer to “Replacing the hydraulic oil and
cleaning the suction strainer”.
2. Remove the cylinder hoses and drain the
hydraulic oil (mineral oil) from inside the
3. Supply new biodegradable oil to the
hydraulic tank.
Cab options
Cab options
1. Rain guard
2. Front light
3. Roof guard (Level 2: ISO 10262)
4. Front guard (Level 2: ISO 10262)
5. Rear light
6. Sun shade
Angle dozer blade
Angle operation
Operating lever switch kit 1
Slider switch
(Proportional control) Move this switch to control the flow of the oil
Proportional control allows for slow-to-fast/ in the second auxiliary hydraulic lines.
fast-to-slow movement of attachment. (C): �����Hydraulic oil flows to the left auxiliary
Example: If you move the slider switch half line (c).
way, the attachment will move at (D): �����Hydraulic oil flows to the right auxiliary
approximately one-half the speed. line (d).
Move this switch to control the flow of the oil To use the auxiliary 4th hydraulic line, press
in the first auxiliary hydraulic lines. the auxiliary 2/4 select button to change to
(A) �������Hydraulic oil flows to the left auxiliary the operation of the auxiliary 4th.
line (a). Refer to “Auxiliary hydraulic lines” on page
(B) ������Hydraulic oil flows to the right auxiliary 2-46.
line (b).
Operating lever switch kit 1
Pressing (switching ON or OFF) the
selector button while the boom swing
pedal is depressed is dangerous, since
the attachment will move unexpectedly.
Always set the boom swing pedal back to
the neutral position before operating the
selector button.
Operating lever switch kit 1
First Published March 2011 No.33659
Sixth Published March 2012
Operator’s manual
Hydraulic excavator
Proposition 65 Warning
Diesel engine exhaust and some of its constituents are known to the State of California
to cause cancer, birth defects, and other reproductive harm.
Battery posts, terminals and related accessories contain lead and lead compounds,
chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other
reproductive harm. Wash hands after handling battery.
EC-Conformity Certificate
We herewith declare that following named machine, based on its conception and design
and in the form brought into service is in accordance with the relevant, basic safety and
health requirements of the following EC directives. In case of any alteration of the
machine not coordinated with us, this certificate loses its validity.
Designation of the machine Hydraulic Excavator
Manufacturer TAKEUCHI MFG. CO., LTD
205 Uwadaira, Sakaki-machi, Hanishina-gun, Nagano
389-0605, Japan
Model TB285 TB290
Engine type 4TNV98T-ZXWTB AU-4JJ1TYSB-03
Engine power 51.6 kW @ 2000 rpm 54 kW @ 2000 rpm
The machine is in accordance with the requirements of EC regulations:
1) Machine directive 2006/42/EC and appendix
2) Electromagnetic compatibility-regulation 2004/108/EC and appendix
3) Noise directive 2000/14/EC (Evaluation procedure according to appendix VI),
2005/88/EC and appendices.
4) Regulations on engine emissions: 2004/26/EC and appendices.
Harmonized norms: EN474-1:2006+A1:2009, EN474-5:2006+A1:2009.
Complier of the technical files:
Adam Geiss
Oliver Scharschmidt
Wilhelm Schafer Gmbh
68307 Manheim-Sandhofen GERMANY
Issued in Sakaki, Japan
Akio Takeuchi, President