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GRADES 1 to 12 School: STA.



Teaching Dates and Time: December 4-8, 2023 (WEEK 5) Quarter: 2ND QUARTER


A. Content The learner demonstrates The learner listens critically to news reports and other radio broadcasts and expresses ideas
Standards understanding of text accurately in oral and in written forms; demonstrates confidence in the use of the language to
elements to comprehend meet every day’s needs; and reads independently and gets relevant information from various
various texts. text types.
B. Performance The learner uses knowledge Identify point-of-view ASYNCHRONOUS HOLIDAY
Standards of text types to correctly CLASS
identify main idea, key
sentence, and supporting
C. Learning Compose clear and coherent Identify point-of-view Conduct Weekly Test
Competencies/Obj sentences using appropriate Appreciate the importance of
ectives grammatical structures: Weekly Test
aspects of verbs, modals and Answer the weekly test with eagerness
and honesty.
conjunction. EN5G-Ia-3.3

II.CONTENT Types of Conjunctions Point of View Types of Third-Person WEEKLY TEST

A. References
1.Teacher’s Guide K TO 12 MELCS K TO 12 MELCS K TO 12 MELCS
2.Learners’s PIVOT 4A, LEARNER’S Pivot Module page 20-23 Pivot Module page 20-23
Materials pages MATERIAL, QUARTER 2, ADM Module ADM Module
3.Textbook pages
4.Additional https://study.com/learn/
materials from lesson/third-person-point-
learning resource of-view-types-
(LR) portal examples.html
B. Other Learning PPT, videos, pictures
A. Reviewing What is a Coordinating Read the statements 1. Distribution of test papers.
previous lesson or Conjunctions? carefully and supply the Activity sheets will be 2. Explanation of the directions in
presenting the new correct conjunction that best given to the pupils the test by the teacher.
lesson suits each sentence. Do this 3. Asking questions for clarification
on your notebook. if there's any.
1. I cooked fast ________ 4. Answering of the test silently
you can eat right away. 5. Passing of the answer sheets.
2. I will buy a mansion 6. Checking of Test Papers
________ I get rich. 7. Recording the test scores
3. The landowner divided his
land among the people
________ they had been
4. He got the grand
prize______ he is not happy.
5. He did a philanthropic act
________ he has a big
B. Establishing a Read and understand the
purpose for the story below.

It was about six in the

morning when a rumbling
sound awakened me. I got
up and looked through my
window. Across the hill in
which our house stands
appeared huge waves
approaching fast. I saw
small houses, cars, and
many other things already
being carried away. Then I
heard my mother calling me,
“Facundo! Let’s get to higher
ground! It’s a tsunami!”

C. Presenting 2. Subordinating Answer the questions based

Examples/ Conjunctions join two clauses on your understanding of the
instances of the making one clause story. Choose the letter of
new lesson dependent or subordinate of the correct answer.
the other clause.
1. What is meant by a
See English Module, Quarter “talker-doer”?
2, page 17-18 A. person who acts in the
B. person who listens to a
C. person who knows about
the story
D. person who reads the
2. Who is telling or narrating
the story above?
A. a teacher
B. a reader
C. a person who is part of
the story D. a person who is
not part of the story
3. What words give you an
idea about the person telling
the story?
A. houses and cars
B. hill and house
C. mother and Facundo
D. I, me, my, and our

D. Discussing new
concepts and A point of view (POV) is the
practicing new angle by which a story is told.
skills #1 It basically shows what the
narrator who is telling the
story can see (his or her
point of view). Since the story
is told by a narrator, the point
of view of a narrator
becomes the point of view of
the story. There are three
main types of point of view:
First-Person Point of View,
Second-Person Point of
View, and Third-Person Point
of View.

Discuss the 3 main types of

Point of View.
E. Discussing new Tell whether each statement
concepts and is in first-, second-, or third-
practicing new person point of view. Write F
skills #2 for first, S for second and T
for third.

1. My home has an
awesome game room. I
relax there everyday.

2. Sheila and her brother

Max visit Grand Bahama
Island every summer.

3. Your parents know what is

best for you. They have lived
much longer than you have.
4. I love pizza. We have it
every Friday at my house.

5. Jimmy’s mother sent him

to the store to purchase milk.

F. Developing Read the passage below.

Mastery Then, answer the questions
that follow.

1. Which point of view is

used here?

2. Explain how you were

able to tell the point of view.
G. Finding Rewrite the passage using a
Practical different point of view.
application of
concepts and skills
in daily living

H. Making What is a subordinating What is point of view?

generalization and conjunctions?
abstraction about What are the 3 main
the lesson types of point of view?
I. Evaluating DIRECTIONS: Read each
learning sentence. Write on the line
whether it is in first person,
second person or third

1. That man reading the

book looks alarmingly like a
2. Elaine applied for a job
and she got it.
3. I would have preferred a
window seat.
4. John likes to play
computer games.
5. You should be more
careful where you put your
personal belongings.

J. additional
activities for
application or

Prepared by: MONALSIA R. IBASCO Checked by: NOVA S. PELAYO

Teacher III Master Teacher I

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