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Language plays a vital role in everyday life, communicating ideas to others. Language skills are basic
subjects for everyone to draw away from the feelings, desires, opinions, and needs of each person and
each individual. Student English skills should be enhanced when English is already an international
language. The neighborhood also played an important role in improving English quality. This study
aims to know the role of the environment in the increasing abilities of students' English. Next to know
the role of the environment in adding a student's English vocabulary. The study used in this study is
a qualitative method using interview methods with MA Darurrachmad students. Studies suggest that
the environment and schools of students greatly influence the promotion of improved English ability
and the development of learners' vocabulary.
Keywords: English, Environment, Study, Vocabulary.
The surrounding environment is a means for students, where students can do
activities, recreation, and innovation, including developing thoughts to form new behaviors
in their activities. In other words, the environment can be used as a "laboratory" or a place
for students to explore, experiment, and express themselves to obtain new concepts and
information as a form of learning outcomes (Haryati & Dini, 2016). An environment is a
place where students can express all their thoughts and activities in the learning process.
The use of the surrounding environment as a learning resource by elementary school
teachers is still lacking. Learning generally conveys more information on concepts and facts
with the classical lecture method. Not many teachers present learning with relevant
problems to be solved and discussed cooperatively in small groups (Febriani, et.al., 2019).
And also the environment outside the classroom or the natural environment has not been
widely used by teachers.
They are used to and often focused on the classroom environment only. In terms of
potential, the environment outside the school needs to be considered as an alternative to
providing variety in learning. This natural environment can be very effective if the teacher
can use it creatively. In addition, the use of the natural environment can enrich the teacher's
teaching strategies (Holidazia & Rodliyah, 2020).
An environment is a place where everything that is heard and seen by language
acquirers is related to the second language being learned ( Amiruddin & Jannah, 2019).
What is classified as the environment is the situation at home when watching television,
interaction with parents, interaction with relatives, interaction with friends, interaction with
teachers, class situation, teaching and learning process in class, rules at school in acquiring
1007 || Nabila Irsani, et.al. || The Role of the Surrounding Environment in Improving....
Edu Society: Jurnal Pendidikan, Ilmu Sosial, dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Vol 3 No 2 2023, hal 1007-1012
Avaliable online at: https://jurnal.permapendis-sumut.org/index.php/edusociety
English at school. The interaction between students and fellow students and the interaction
between students and teachers that are created in schools is an environment that can help
and support students' skills in communicating in English by greeting and responding to each
other in English.
Today in the industrial revolution 4.0, English was needed in many aspects of daily
life. English is an international language, which has been spoken by many because it is now a
means of communication for most people. English can be learned from a wide range of
pathways, one way through school education. Existing schools have already adopted English
lessons at school because English is vital for individual handbooks, especially for students.
In English, there has to be a vocabulary. Vocabulary was vital for success in the use of
a foreign language, for without a broad vocabulary one would not be able to use the
structures and functions learned to communicate fluently. According to Haryati & Dina
(2016), "vocabulary is a language center and is vital for language learners, without enough
vocabulary a person cannot communicate effectively and cannot express his ideas in either oral or
written form."
Having a limited vocabulary also prevents students from learning a foreign language.
School English is the right step to implement. Teachers in schools can teach to use English
intact easily. Using English as a whole would mean that the child not only understands what
he reads in English but also understands what he hears, speaks, and writes his thoughts in
English. English is best taught in school. Because a child's brain is fresh, which makes
language absorption more smooth. The mastery of the child's vocabulary will increase
rapidly as he learns new words and new meanings.
English plays a crucial role as an international language that has had a profound
impact on global communication, career advancement, and educational opportunities.
Therefore, increased English-language skills and the development of students' vocabulary
are priorities that must not be ignored. However, English education is not limited to a school
or class environment. The surroundings also play an important role in creating
comprehensive and sustained learning experiences. This article will explore the role of the
environment in improving English skills and the development of students' vocabulary.
In learning a new language we can't start if we don't know the right words. Since
communication tools are language, lexicon knowledge or knowing vocabulary is the most
important in language learning. Therefore, the competence and communication acquisition
of other languages is the lexicon. In studying our vocabulary we can not only find it in the
classroom but we must find a vocabulary outside the class, the school environment gives
learners an important role in developing English ability and adding vocabulary.
In learning English there will be many factors that can affect the improved ability of
learners' English, one of which is the environmental in both home and school. The ward can
influence the individual, by giving experience to the individual the ward is the place.
Because of this, the experience will influence individuals in learning. The presence of a first
ward affecting the quality of a child's learning is the family ward, which is the first preschool
education in its growth and development. The family environment may also influence the
developing ability of learners, when no one can support or help learners to improve their
English performance lowering the table will become obvious.
The impact of the environment on the development of individual language is
significant. When it comes to English in particular, the environment may be a crucial factor
1008 || Nabila Irsani, et.al. || The Role of the Surrounding Environment in Improving....
Edu Society: Jurnal Pendidikan, Ilmu Sosial, dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Vol 3 No 2 2023, hal 1007-1012
Avaliable online at: https://jurnal.permapendis-sumut.org/index.php/edusociety
This type of research is qualitative research. One of the research approaches is based
on the philosophy that truth is obtained by recording the phenomena of the subject under
study (phenomena), which are interpreted by the researcher. In qualitative research,
researchers must understand the respondents, the validity of the research depends on the
skills of the researcher, requires original data, and prioritizes the process over the results of
the study. Qualitative research is also natural research (state of nature), namely research
conducted under natural conditions of the subject. Researchers do not make generalizations
but analyze the research subject in detail. Qualitative research is descriptive, because the
purpose of data analysis is not to accept or reject the hypothesis (if any), but to describe the
observed symptoms (Assingkily, 2021).
Qualitative research tends to be more developed and widely used in the social
sciences related to social/human behavior. Qualitative research writing frameworks are
inherently related to scientific writing frameworks. However, certain sections will differ
depending on the tendency to clarify what the research is about. Qualitative research
methods are less procedural than quantitative research methods. The problem-solving
process may have evolved in response to the research context. Data collection techniques in
qualitative research are interviews. Interviews were conducted to find ways to complete the
data and obtain accurate data and the right data sources. In this study, the authors
interviewed Darurrachmad MA students.
In this study the authors chose a MA Darurrachmad student as our research
informant, we conducted interviews by providing several questions according to our
research. In addition, we observed the MA Darurrachmad school by paying attention to the
surrounding environment at the school.
1009 || Nabila Irsani, et.al. || The Role of the Surrounding Environment in Improving....
Edu Society: Jurnal Pendidikan, Ilmu Sosial, dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Vol 3 No 2 2023, hal 1007-1012
Avaliable online at: https://jurnal.permapendis-sumut.org/index.php/edusociety
From the perspective of an informer, English has a very important role in our lives. It
was very convincing, saying that learning English was a must because it would have great
benefits in the future. One major advantage is job hunting. In this age of globalization, many
companies require employees who communicate well in English. English expertise can
improve the chances of finding desired employment.
Not only in the career context but also on long trips, the English language has
enormous benefits. When we are in countries where English is spoken as the primary
language or the international language, English ability can be a savior. When we are abroad,
we can easily communicate with the local people, ask for directions, order food, or interact
with new people without difficulty. These English-speaking skills give us great confidence
and enrich our travel experience.
The point of the informant's quote is that we need to learn English because it will be
very useful in the future, especially when looking for work and when traveling a long
distance. English translation will enable us to easily find and understand English words
without resorting to Google Translate. Hence, expertise in the language became a necessity.
The result of the interview is that English is now an international language and is a
language that must be studied in Indonesia, it is also known that English is an important
work, education, and other work. But this would be a huge challenge as Agistiawati &
Asbari (2020) said that English as a foreign language position would have its challenges.
Learning will be difficult for learners when they do not get relevant and good teaching at
school. When learners are taught in the class by simply giving assignments and listening to
the teacher's explanations, then learners will not reap improvement over them alone.
“I had a hard time understanding the material that was taught because the teacher just gave
the task and listened to the explanation, the teacher didn't make it practice speaking in groups,
and I couldn't improve my speaking ability in English much less to increase my vocabulary"
"Yes, brother, since we rarely speak English in school, we only learn English when we are in
class" Man statement.
1010 || Nabila Irsani, et.al. || The Role of the Surrounding Environment in Improving....
Edu Society: Jurnal Pendidikan, Ilmu Sosial, dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Vol 3 No 2 2023, hal 1007-1012
Avaliable online at: https://jurnal.permapendis-sumut.org/index.php/edusociety
So as a result of this study, researchers might conclude that learning English is a
major factor in education, work, and so on. Students felt in class they could not obtain
suitable materials and could not help them improve students English. Studies also provide
1011 || Nabila Irsani, et.al. || The Role of the Surrounding Environment in Improving....
Edu Society: Jurnal Pendidikan, Ilmu Sosial, dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Vol 3 No 2 2023, hal 1007-1012
Avaliable online at: https://jurnal.permapendis-sumut.org/index.php/edusociety
results that the student's environment will profoundly influence the increased student's
ability to develop vocabulary and English. The support of parents and the environment will
greatly affect the student's ability to improve his or her abilities. It's very convincing, saying
that learning English is a must because it will have great benefits in the future. Not only in
the career context but also on a long journey, English has great benefits.
When we are in a country that speaks English as the primary language or the
international language, English ability can be a savior. When we are abroad, it is easy to
communicate with the local people, ask for directions, order food, or interact with new
people without difficulty. The result of the interview was that English is now an
international language and is a language that must be learned in Indonesia, and it is also
known that it is an important job, education, and other work.
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