Science 10
Science 10
Science 10
OLLS Philosophy
Education is an excellent weapon against poverty, tyranny and ignorance. It is a dynamic process of making every individual to become nation-builder,
transformative leader, truth seeker and model citizen of community of nations
OLLS Vision:
Our Lady of the Lake School envisions itself as a fountain of hope and as a lake of opportunities for the Filipino youth. Thus, it shall continuously strive to become a
nurturing institution of learning that develops young Filipino citizens in the service of God and of the country
OLLS Mission:
Our Lady of the Lake School shall provide quality transformational learning experience by providing pupils and students.
1. Christian values across school curricula and co-curricular activities
2. Learner-centered approaches in instruction, teaching strategies and methodologies that geared towards understanding Science and Technologies,
developmental activities that develop conceptual and critical thinking in Mathematics, Language, Culture, the Arts and life-long learning skills.
3. Different avenues by which all members of the academic community learn to appreciate, develop, contribute in the production ideas, knowledge, skills, and
values in the community, the city and government
4. Opportunities to serve the community through community service
OLLS Core Values:
Our Lady of the Lake School is a dynamic institution that develops Filipino students and graduates who are:
O - Outstanding in their chosen fields of endeavors
L - Leaders and ever
L - Loyal to their Alma Mater
S - Service-oriented and
E - Environment friendly.
A - Academically equipped and with
N - Nurturing
S - Spirit at all times!
Key Stage Standards:
At the end of Grade 10, the learners should have developed scientific, technological and environmental literacy and can make decisions that would lead to rational choices
on issues confronting them. Having been exposed to scientific investigations related to real life, they should recognize that the central feature of an investigation is that if one
variable is changed (while controlling all others), the effect of the change on another variable can be measured. The content of the investigation can be problems at the local or
national level to allow them to communicate with learners in other parts of the Philippines or even from other countries using appropriate technology.
Grade Level Standards:
At the end of the Grade 10, learners would realize that volcanoes and earthquakes occur in the same places in the world and that these are related to plate boundaries. They
can demonstrate ways to ensure safety and reduce damage during earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions. Learners can explain the factors affecting the balance and
stability of an object to help them practice appropriate positions and movement to achieve efficiency and safety such as in sports and dancing. They can analyze situations in
which energy is harnessed for human use whereby heat is released, affecting the physical and biological components of the environment. Learners will have completed the study
of the entire organisms with their deeper study of excretory and reproductive systems. They can explain in greater detail how genetic information is passed on from parents to
offspring and how diversity of species increases the probability of adaptation and survival in changing environments. Learners can explain the importance of controlling the
conditions under which a chemical reaction occurs. They recognize that cells and tissues of the human body are made up of water, a few kinds of ions, and biomolecules. These
biomolecules may also be found in the food they eat.
Points of st
Learning Strategies Learning 21 Century Skills Strategies/ Assessment
Topic Content Integration
(MELC’s Reference) Objectives (4C’s) Differentiated Strategies
Unit 1: Plate The learners 1. (S10ES –Ia-j-36.1) 1. Explain the Core Values Critical Thinking Individualized Pre-assessment:
Tectonics demonstrate an Describe and relate theory of Academically Relate the Journal Anticipation/
understanding of: the distribution of continental equipped distribution Writing Prediction Guide
1. The relationship active volcanoes, movement of active Activities
among the earthquake and plate volcanoes, Cooperative Formative
locations of epicenters, and tectonics earthquake Group Assessment:
volcanoes, major mountain 2. Describe what epicenters, Learning Inquiry Lab
earthquake belts to Plate a plate and major Questioning Short Quiz
epicenters, and Tectonic Theory boundary is mountain Volcano Hands-on
mountain 2. (S10ES –Ia-j-36.2) 3. Enumerate belts to Making Activity
ranges Describe the and explain Plate Inquiry Lab Homework
2. Demonstrate different types of the different Tectonic Summative
ways to ensure plate boundaries types of plate Theory Assessment:
disaster 3. (S10ES –Ia-j-36.3) boundaries Creativity Exit Pass
preparedness Explain the different 4. Locate the Create a
during processes that occur different plate Model of a
earthquakes, along the plate boundaries volcano
tsunamis, and boundaries 5. Evaluate the Communication
volcanic 4. (S10ES –Ia-j-36.5) different Sharing
eruptions. Describe the theories thoughts
possible causes of explaining the about on
plate movement possible how to
5. (S9ES –Ia-j-36.6) cause of plate survive
Enumerate the lines tectonics when an
of evidence that 6. Understand earthquake
support plate the strikes
movement importance of
plate tectonics
to the survival
of Earth and
its inhabitants
Learning Strategies Learning Points of Integration 21 Century Strategies/ Assessment
Topic Content
(MELC’s Reference) Objectives (PVMGO) Skills (4C’s) Differentiated Strategies
UNIT II: The learners 1. (S10FE-IIa-b-47) 1. Describe the Mission Critical Thinking Seatwork Pre-assessment:
Electromagneti demonstrate an Compare the forms of Learner- Differentiat Picture KUD
c understanding of: relative electromagnetic centered e the waves Analysis
Spectrum 1. The different wavelengths of waves and their approaches in in the EM Jumbled Formative
regions of the different forms of properties instruction, spectrum Letters Assessment:
electromagneti electromagnetic 2. Describe how teaching Describing Baggage Unit Test
c spectrum waves electromagnetic strategies and the effects Counter Technology
2. Protect oneself 2. (S10FE-IIc-d-48) spectrum is methodologie of radiation Y-Chart Integration
from the Cite examples of arranged s to living Picturesque Documentar
dangers bought practical 3. List and Core Values things Timeline y
about by applications of the compare the Academically Think-Pair-
different different regions of different forms equipped Summative
regions/forms EM waves, such as of EM waves Environment- DI Activity Assessment:
or the use of radio 4. Cite sources Friendly Exit Pass
electromagnetic waves in and uses of EM
radiation telecommunication waves
s 5. Identify practical Pre-assessment:
3. (S10FE-IIe-f-49) applications of Socialized
Recitation Think-Pair-
Explain the effects EM waves Share
of EM radiation on 6. Identify the Inquiry Lab
living things and dangers of high- Formative
the environment level exposure Assessment:
to radiation DI Activity
7. List sources of
radiation and
discuss their Readiness
effects to living Grouping
things and the Summative
environment Assessment:
Quick Quiz
Q and A
UNIT III: Mirrors The learners 1. (S10FE-IIg-50) 1. Differentiate the Mission Critical Thinking Socialized Pre-assessment:
and Lenses demonstrate an Predict the type of images Learner- Differentiat Recitation Q and A
understanding of: qualitative formed by centered e the types Creative
1. The images characteristics plane and approaches in of images Works Formative
formed by the (orientation, type, curved mirrors instruction, formed by Laboratory Assessment:
different types and magnification) and lenses; teaching plane and Activity Two-column
of mirrors and of images formed 2. Use Snell’s strategies and curved Two-minute Note
lenses by plane and Law and ray methodologie mirrors Paper Board Works
2. Make informed curved mirrors and diagramming s Use the
choices on lenses techniques in Core Values SALT
selecting the 2. (S10FE-IIh-52) describing the Academically organizer Summative
right type of Identify ways in characteristics equipped (Size, Assessment:
mirrors or which the and positions of Attitude, Quick Quiz
lenses for properties of images formed Location, Exit Pass
specific mirrors and lenses by lenses. Type) to
purposes determine their use describe
in optical each image
instruments (e.g., created by
cameras and all types of
binoculars) mirrors and
UNIT IV: The learners 1. (S10FE-IIj-54) 1. Differentiate Mission Critical Thinking Demonstratio Pre-assessment:
Electricity and demonstrate an Explain the simple electric Learner- Explain the n Reflection
Magnetism understanding of: operation of a motor and centered operation Improvisation Graphic
1. What difference simple electric generator approaches in of a simple Picture organizer
do motors and motor and 2. Calculate instruction, electric analysis Venn Diagram
generators generator generated teaching motor and Science KWL Chart
present to the electromagneti strategies and generator Olympics Pen-and-paper
society today c force in an methodologie Creativity Experiential 3-2-1 Exit Card
armature s Build a Learning Journal Writing
winding and the Core Values simple DC Size up
voltage Academically motor and
produced by a equipped generator
3. Construct a
simple DC
motor and
Unit V: The learners 1. (S10LT-IIIb-34) 1. Describe the Mission Critical Thinking Survey Questions Pre-assessment:
Coordinated demonstrate an Explain the role parts of the Learner- Explain the Think-Pair-Share Diagnostic Test
Functions of the understanding of: of hormones reproductive centered overall role Investigate KWL Chart
Reproductive, 1. Organisms as involved in the system and approaches in of the Research
Endocrine, and having female and male their instruction, reproductive, Work/Brainstorming Formative
Nervous feedback reproductive functions teaching endocrine Activity Assessment:
System mechanisms, systems 2. Explain the strategies and and nervous Flashcard Survey
which are 2. (S10LT-IIIc-35) overall role of methodologies system and Online Activity Questions
coordinated by Describe the the endocrine how they Label the Parts One-Minute
the nervous feedback system and Core Values function Story Telling Paper
and endocrine mechanisms the nervous Academically together
Quick Quiz Think-Pair-
systems and involved in system equipped Share
2. The feedback regulating 3. Enumerate Journal Writing
Portfolio Activity Investigate
mechanisms processes in the the major Research
as helping the female endocrine Interview
organism reproductive glands and Brainstorming
maintain system (e.g., their Activity
homeostasis to menstrual cycle) functions
reproduce and 4. Discuss how
Online activity
survive. 3. (S10LT-IIIc-36 ) the nervous
Describe how the system
nervous system coordinates
coordinates and and regulates Portfolio
regulates these these Activity
feedback feedback
mechanisms to mechanisms
maintain to maintain
homeostasis homeostasis
UNIT VI: The learners 1. (S10LT-IIId-37) 1. Discuss how Core Values Critical Thinking Inquiry Lab Pre-assessment:
Heredity: demonstrate an Explain how changes in a Academically Explain how Likert Scale Inquiry Lab
Inheritance And understanding of: protein is made DNA equipped mutations Ponder and Pass Likert Scale
Variation 1. The using molecule may may cause Throwback Ponder and
information information from cause changes in Experiential Activity Pass
stored in DNA DNA changes in its the structure Discussion Throwback
as being used 2. (S10LT-IIIe-38) product and function Online Activity
Explain how 2. Discuss of a protein
to make Concept Map Formative
mutations may mutations Assessment:
proteins Two Roses and
cause changes that occur in Experiential
2. The changes in a Thorn
in the structure sex cells Activity
and function of a 3. Describe the Discussion
molecule, protein types of
which may Online Activity
cause changes disorders Summative
in its product; 4. Explain the Assessment:
and impact of
Concept Map
3. Mutations that mutation to
Two Roses and a
occur in sex offspring
cells as being
UNIT VII: The learners 1. Explain how 1. Discuss Mission Critical Thinking Inquiry Lab Pre-assessment:
Biodiversity And demonstrate an fossil records, evidence of Learner- Explain how Graphic Organizer Inquiry Lab
Evolution understanding of: comparative the evolution centered fossil KWL Chart KWL Chart
1. The evolution anatomy, and of biodiversity approaches in records, Collaborative Video Clip
that can result genetic 2. Explain how instruction, comparative Learning Formative
in biodiversity information fossil records, teaching anatomy, Experiential Activity Assessment:
through natural provide comparative strategies and and genetic Laboratory Activity Differentiated
selection. evidence for anatomy and methodologies information Differentiated Activity
2. exhibit the evolution genetic Core Values provide Activity Socratic
evolution of 2. Explain the information Academically evidence for Socratic Dialogue Dialogue
organisms occurrence of provide equipped evolution
KWL Chart
which resulted evolution evidence for Environment Creativity
Library Work Summative
in biodiversity 3. Explain how evolution. friendly Conduct a Assessment:
by means of species diversity science fair Chart
natural increases the showing the Library Work
selection probability of evolution of
through a adaptation and different
photo gallery survival of species
organisms in
4. Explain the
growth and
Points of
Learning Strategies Learning 21st Century Skills Strategies/ Assessment
Topic Content Integration
(MELC’s Reference) Objectives (4C’s) Differentiated Strategies
UNIT VIII: Gas The learners 1. (S9MT-IIj-20) 1. Describe Core Values Critical Thinking Demonstration/ Pre-assessment:
Laws demonstrate an Investigate the gases and Academically Perform Brainstorming Demonstration/
understanding of: relationship explain the equipped calculations Think-Pair- Brainstorming
1. How gases between: postulates of involving the Share
behave based volume and the kinetic relationship Investigate Formative
on the motion pressure at theory as among Video Clip Assessment:
and relative constant applied to volume, Viewing Think-Pair-
distances temperature of gases temperature, Online Share
between gas a gas 2. Relate how pressure, and Simulation Investigate
2. Describe the volume and these number of Online Activity Video Clip
behavior of temperature at postulates moles for Experiential Viewing
gases and the constant account for gases Activity Online
relationship of pressure of a the properties
KWL Chart Simulation
gas laws to gas 3 explains 3. Explain the Online Activity
Journal Writing
each other these relationship Experiential
through among the Exit Card
relationships Activity
everyday living using the volume, Summative
activities. kinetic temperature, Assessment:
molecular pressure, and
Journal Writing
theory number of
Exit Pass
moles for
UNIT VIII: The learners 1. (S10MT-IVc-d-22) 1. Discuss the Core Values Critical Thinking Mind Pick Pre-assessment:
Biomolecules demonstrate an Recognize the elements Academically Recognize the Think-Pair- Mind Pick
understanding of: major categories of present in equipped major Share
1. The structure of biomolecules such biomolecules categories of Investigate Formative
biomolecules, as carbohydrates, 2. Explain the biomolecules Inquiry Lab Assessment:
which are made lipids, proteins, importance of such as Hand-On Think-Pair-
up mostly of a and nucleic acids nutrition carbohydrates, Activity Share
limited number information lipids, Library work Investigate
of elements on food labels proteins, and Journal writing Inquiry Lab
such as carbon, nucleic acids Hands-On-
Three W’s
hydrogen, Activity
oxygen, and Library work
nitrogen Summative
Journal Writing
Three W’s