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Curriculum Instruction Delivery Alignment Map ( CIDAM ) SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT

Grade: 11 Semester: First Semester

Specialized Subject Title: Earth and Life Science No. of Hours/Semester: 80 hours
Prerequisites (If needed):

Core Subject Description : This learning area is designed to provide a general background for the understanding of Earth Science and Biology. It presents the history of the Earth
through geologic time. It discusses the Earth’s structure, composition, and processes. Issues, concerns, and problems pertaining to natural hazards are also
included. It also deals with the basic principles and processes in the study of Biology. It covers life processes and interactions at the cellular organism,
population, and ecosystem levels.

CULMINATING PERFORMANCE STANDARD: The learners should be able to conduct a survey to assess possible geological and hydrometeoroogical hazards that the community may

CULMINATING PERFORMANCE TASK : Since the Philippines is located along the Pacific Ring of Fire, numerous natural hazards such as volcanic activities, earthquake and landslide
hazards are frequently experienced by the people in any part of the country. Also, being at the ITCZ makes it vulnerable to super typhoons, tornadoes, and monsoons.
Finally, being an archipelago, its coastal areas are at risk to coastal erosion, submersion and saltwater intrusion. These are the reasons why natural disasters are inevitable
and unpredictable before up to present. Your community area is somehow prone of either these geological or hydrometeorological hazards. As a researcher, you are
tasked by the Municipal Mayor to assess the preparedness and readiness of your community once you experience a typhoon, flood, landslide, ipo-ipo, coastal erosion,
submersion or saltwater intrusion. You will conduct a survey and later create an emergency preparedness plan for your barangay. Included in this plan are the picture of
the site using Google map and your suggested ways to do before, during and after this hazard occurs. You are going to present your data collected and the plan through
any multimedia presentation. You will be graded using the following criteria: Scientific Accuracy, Organization, Relevance to topic and presentation skills.

What to Teach ? How to Assess ? How to Teach ?

Highest enabling strategies to use in developing the

Higher Thinking Skills to asses Higher Thinking Skills to Assess

Content Content Formation Performance KUD RBT Level Flexible Flexible

standards Standard standard Most essential Classifi assessment Enabling Learning
Competencies (MELCS) -cation activities General Strategy
Performance Check
HIA FFLEX: “Be flexibe. Be responsible.” Veritas in Caritate (Truth in Love)
Curriculum Instruction Delivery Alignment Map ( CIDAM ) SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT

I. ORIGIN The learners The learners The learners 1. Recognize the uniqueness U Creating Infographic Poster Problem Situation
AND demonstrate will become … should be able of Earth, being the only Solving Analysis
STRUCTURE understanding to … planet in the solar system
OF THE of … with properties necessary
EARTH to support life.
environmentali Conduct a 2. Explain that the Earth U
A. Universe 1. the sts who survey to consists of four
and the formation of support assess the subsystems, across whose
Solar the universe actively possible boundaries matter and
System and the advocacy geologic/ energy flow.
solar system programs for hydrometeoro
2. the the care and logical hazards
B. Earth and subsystems protection of that your
Earth (geosphere, the community
Systems hydrosphere environment may
, through a experience.
atmosphere, survey needed
and in creating an
biosphere) emergency
that make preparedness
up the Earth plan.
3. the Earth’s

II. EARTH 1. the three 1. Identify common rock- U Analyzing Brochure/ Flyer Communicati Case Analysis
MATERIALS main forming minerals using on
AND categories their physical and
PROCESSES of rocks chemical properties.
2. the origin 2. Classify rocks into K-U
A. Minerals and igneous, sedimentary,
and Rocks environmen and metamorphic.
B. Exogenic t of 3. Explain how the U
HIA FFLEX: “Be flexibe. Be responsible.” Veritas in Caritate (Truth in Love)
Curriculum Instruction Delivery Alignment Map ( CIDAM ) SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT

Processes formation of products of weathering

C. Endogenic common are carried away by
Processes minerals erosion and deposited
D. Deformatio and rocks elsewhere. U
n of the 3. geologic 4. Describe where the
Crust processes Earth’s internal heat U
E. History of that occur comes from.
the Earth on the 5. Describe how magma is U
surface of formed (magmatism).
the Earth 6. Describe the physical
such as and chemical changes
weathering, in rocks due to changes
erosion, in pressure and U Analyzing Journal log Video clips
mass temperature Communicati
wasting, and (metamorphism). on
sedimentati 7. Explain how the K
on (include movement of plates
the role of leads to the formation K
ocean of folds and faults
basins in the 8. Describe how layers of
formation of rocks (stratified rocks)
sedimentary are formed
rocks) 9. Describe the different U
4. geologic methods (relative and
processes absolute dating) to
that occur determine the age of
within the stratified rocks.
Earth 10. Explain how relative U
5. the folding and absolute dating
and faulting were used to determine
of rocks the subdivisions of
6. plate geologic time.
tectonics 11. Describe how the
7. how the Earth’s history can be

HIA FFLEX: “Be flexibe. Be responsible.” Veritas in Caritate (Truth in Love)

Curriculum Instruction Delivery Alignment Map ( CIDAM ) SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT

planet Earth interpreted from the

evolved in geologic time scale
the last 4.6
billion years
the age of
the Earth,
and marker

III. NATURAL 1. the different 1. Describe the various K

HAZARDS, hazards hazards that may
MITIGATIO caused by happen in the event of
N, AND geological earthquakes, volcanic
ADAPTATIO processes eruptions, and
N (earthquakes, landslides. U Creating Action plan Problem Situation
volcanic 2. Using hazard maps, Solving analysis
eruptions, identify areas prone to
and hazards brought about
landslides) by earthquakes,
2. the different volcanic eruptions, and K
hazards landslides.
caused by 3. Identify human
hydrometeor activities that speed up U
ological or trigger landslides.
phenomena 4. Using hazard maps,
(tropical identify areas prone to
cyclones, hazards brought about
monsoons, by tropical cyclones, U
floods, and monsoons, floods, or
HIA FFLEX: “Be flexibe. Be responsible.” Veritas in Caritate (Truth in Love)
Curriculum Instruction Delivery Alignment Map ( CIDAM ) SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT

tornadoes or ipo-ipo.
ipo-ipo) 5. Describe how coastal
3. the different processes result in K-U Applying Campaign Ad
hazards coastal erosion, Communicati Problem Solving
caused by submersion, and on
coastal saltwater intrusion.
processes 6. Cite ways to prevent or
(waves, tides, mitigate the impact of
sea-level land development,
changes, waste disposal, and
crustal construction of
movement, structures on control
and storm coastal processes.

HIA FFLEX: “Be flexibe. Be responsible.” Veritas in Caritate (Truth in Love)

Curriculum Instruction Delivery Alignment Map ( CIDAM ) SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT


Teaching Strategy

Laboratory activities, case studies, practice problems/


Four corners, picture analysis

Buzz groups, case analysis

Film viewing, concept map

Timeline, web simulations, video clips

HIA FFLEX: “Be flexibe. Be responsible.” Veritas in Caritate (Truth in Love)

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