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Ethiopian Institute of Technology-Mekelle (EIT-M)

Department of Industrial and Mechanical Engineering
Project title: - Minimizing Scrap Rates using Quality Control Tools

Hosting Company:- Bruh Tesfsa Irrigation and Water Technology plc.




First of all i would like to thank for Mekelle University for give me the opportunity to join this intern ship
program. Secondly, I would like to thank for my advisor Ins. Sloani yosef whose in valuable advice and
guidance has helped shape this intern ship research paper and how to complete the intern ship duration.

Then, I would like to thank my supervisor sir.desaleign meles for his continued support throughout
internship duration. Lastly, I would like to express my genuine appreciation for the workers and the
management of bruh tesfa irrigation and water technology factory who coordinated and helped me
directly and indirectly during the intern ship duration to conduct this research.


High-class quality and its management have become the key aspects and have a big impact on
the production lines of the company especially product area continuous quality improvement
helps to attain customer satisfaction and overall system improvement.
It is important to choose the right one for the right organization. This conducted research can
help to recognize what quality, productivity problem occur in the production lines of bruh
tesfa,and what step should be taken for eradicating of these problems. The aim of this is to
execute these quality improvements in case study of the production lines of bruh tesfa irrigation
and water technology factor.
Bruh tesfa irrigation and water technology factory is one of the leading companies in
Ethiopia ,which is found in Tigray in the town of Mekelle, in the sub city of aider at the place of
The company is known by producing different types of pipes, like drip pipe, plain pipe
HDPE pipe etc. has observed different problems in the company; the main problems are in the
production lines their actual output and their target are not varied by some amount due to this
problem the company is not profitable.
Hence, the objective of this project is to investigate and examine the defects rates of the
pipes .data has been collected through direct observation ,interview and record office. Data has
been analysis use quantitative and qualitative data analysis and tools of the data analysis use
pareto chart and cause and effect diagram. The research work of this project is to minimize and

examine the defect rate the specific objective to give a solution by investigate and observe the
root cause of the defects to recommend a solution.


HDPE-high density poly ethylene

LDPE-low density poly ethylene

PE-poly ethylene

TC-total cost



1.1 History of the company

Bruh tesfa Irrigation and Water Technology as industrial company was established in the year
2004G.C.it is first in tension point was used by government as industrial zone which is used by
storage room for commodity products. When it was constructed no more analysis given out to
conducted throughout work to give out things that were storage and brought from places. Some
plastic industries raw material was that were imported from Eritrea but now days the company
uses the port of Djibouti.

Bruh tesfa plastic products plc. Becomes operation in January 2005G.C with the main objective
of producing the following:

 Different pipes
 Drippers for application of drip irrigation
 Technology transform
 Hi-tech technology to transform agriculture

Fig1.1: view of the company

1.1.1 Vision
The company vision to be competent and the leading technologies pioneer company in the
modern irrigation and water supply technological development.by offering best quality products
and services (i.e. Study, design and installation) at competitive price in East Africa.

1.1.2 Mission
To generate profit and maximize wealth of the owner by satisfying the customer and introducing
new modern irrigation and water supply technology contributing its share in agricultural transformation,
creating massive job opportunity and professional man power in the field and in reducing poverty in the

1.1.3 Objective of the company

 To promote the optimal uses of agriculture and other natural resources in the region.
 To increase the share of the manufacturing sector through value adding and more
income generates schemes.
 To create job opportunities.
 To encourage the establishment of medium and large industries, which call for the most
and create the conditions for the settings up of other industries or the emergence of
other sectors.
 Build and development entrepreneurial, technological and managerial capabilities in the
 Ensure environmental and ecological protection.

1.1.4 Company strategy

The factory has the following plans:

 Develop one step shop marketing

 Give priority to understand customer’s needs and their specific requirements
 Develop team spirit and sense of ownership
 Focus on both local and export market
 Develop a strong customer relationship
 Engage in continuous product development endeavors

1.2 Company product and services

1.2.1 Products
The company production facility and organization is designed to be flexible to meet customer
demands and delivery customer-oriented products. Currently the company is producing both
HDPE and LDPE pipes. The factory has the necessary equipment and skills to produce, among
others, the following of Bruh tesfa.

 Classical plastics of polyethylene materials

 Classical drip irrigation
 Home irrigation of both HDPE and LDPE pipes according to customer required.
 Causal pipes of 100% virgin raw materials.

1.2.2 Services
Installation and maintenance
Pre and post sales services

1.2.3 Customers of the company

Bruh tesfa irrigation and water technology have many customers throughout the world.

The major customers are the following:

Seret general contractor

Addis Ababa housing construction
Afar water works construction
Messobo cement factory
MTG water works contractor
Ezana mining development

1.2.4 Technology found in bruh tesfa

Very flexible and brand new state of the technology, consisting of the following equipment’s:

Raw material: are imported from internationally renowned sources as SABIC and
BORAUGE .it contains carbon black 2.5 or 0.03.the raw materials are PE100, PE80 and
PE 40.
Sacker: sacks the raw material to the hopper.
Hopper: it receives the raw material and sends to the next part.
Drier: a machine which used to dry the plastic tube. We don’t use drier if the product is
in humid condition.
Extruder: this part is they include three zones those zones are; feed zone, transition zone
and melting zone. Therefore the extruder is transforming the raw material from the
hopper to the heating zone.
 Feed zone: in this zone, the resin is inserted from hopper in to the barrel, and
the channel depth is constant.
 Melting zone: The plastics material is melted and the channel depth gets
progressively smaller.it is also called the transition or compression zone.
 Metering zone: The molten plastic is mixed at uniform temperature and
pressure and forward through the die. The resin is inserted from hopper in to
the barrel, and the channel depth is constant.

Die head: is used to adjust the external size of the pipes. The extrusion head is heated in
malty heating zone with PID electronic temperature regulation for precise temperature
profile over the extrusion die.
Calibration: is used to adjust the diameter of the size of the HDPE.it performs for sizing
of the outer diameter of the pipe with initial cooling on the extrude pipe coming out
from the extrusion die head.
Vacuum tank: it is soft and non-air. Is used to protect the product quality and the pipe. If
it is more or less air and temperature in the vacuum it has the following defects: -

By air

 Ovality : if it is shortage of water in the vacuum and if thickness variation is


 Line: if it is more distance between die head and calibration.

 No appearance .

By temperature

 Dot: when the circulation pump closed with such defects chips and salts.

 Oblique: when the operator has not familiar with that machine.

Cooling: is used to increase the strength of the pipe. the cooling water exiting from
chambers are collected in lower collection tanks, where it is mixed with re-cooled water
from re-cooled system to attain constant temperature cooling water (15-20).
Take-off: is provided by three chain-pad caterpillar units driven by AC motors running in
synchronization by programmable electronic AC motors driven controlling the motor.
Extrusion: this design is targeted specially for higher quality production of HDPE pipes.
Cutter: is equipped with protection cage to prevent possible operator injuries.
Roller conveyor: is used to translate the pipe to the end place, if necessary to the winder.
Winder: it is a pneumatic system it driving of the coilers archived by AC gear motors
5.5kw-8rpm driven by digital AC inverter with high performance torque control for
controlling pipe tension.

Fig 1.2 production flow chart of the HDPE

1.2.5 Pipes inspection

The types of inspection in Bruh Tesfa are the following

Pre-production: this is done before production stars; it is done to cross check according to the
production stated PE materials, manufacturing details and work product of the pre-production
sample as per the customer requirement.

1st Inline production inspection: this inspection is done at the start of production
when first production output of particular style of Bruh tesfa inspected to
distinguish possible discrepancies or vacation and to do necessary corrections to
be made pipe production.

2nd Offline production inspection: is done during production to ensure initial

discrepancies have been corrected and rectified. This inspection is a follow up of
the first in line production and is generally carried out after first line inspection
when discrepancies have been detected at that time.

3rd Random inspection: is carried out when the production of the total quantity of an
order or partial delivery is completed. Sample lot will be selected from the order
and percentage of the pipe will be inspected, the percentage usually being
stipulated by the customer.

1.2.6 Pipe defect classification

Defects in pipes are classified with the following categories:

1. Critical defect: serious defect that can cause harm or injury to the user result in
hazardous condition.

2. Major defects: a defect that falls to meet the mandatory regulations directly
affecting the usability, salability, safety and value of the merchandize or as

specified by customer buyer are considered as major defects and generally non

3. Minor defects: defect that does not adversely affect the usability of the product
but does consists of a deviation from the organizational sample and may affect the
sale of the product. Some of the defects are due to electrical power, thickness of
diameter, pressure of the pipe.


Fig1.3: the process of manufacturing plastic pipes

1.2.7 Procedure of the pipes factory

The pipes are composed of the following procedures

1. Raw material type and quality to be used

2. Dimension checkup and feedback to line operator

3. Physical appearance of the pipe(dots, crake, ovality)

4. Sampling method size

5. Product tagging and printing

6. Assuring the type and amount of the product that has been produced

7. Assuring the type and amount of the product that has been

1.Raw material type and quantity to be used:

 Raw material inspecting

 Production start up

 Packaging criteria set according to customer requirement

 Detail specification or requirement specify

 Job order is dissipated to concern department

 Customer name defined

2. Dimensional checkup and feed back to line operator:

 Diameter of the pipe, Thickness, Appearance, Length, Spacing number of holes,

Continuous checkup.

 Measuring tools are employees for dimensional check up

3.Physical appearance of the pipe:

 Presence of defects

 Measuring for suspected product is conducted using measuring tool

 On line decision is given for defected product

 Defected pipe will be segregated by tagging

4.Sampling method (size):

 Actual parameter value is recorded

 Feedback is given for immediate supervisor with the help of formats

 Carry out necessary parameters checking according to the production stated

sampling method

5.Product tagging and printing:

 Product segregation by tagging

10 | P a g e
 Red=rejected product

 Yellow=suspected product

 Green=for approved product and the approved product will be printed

6.Assuring the type and amount of product that has been produced:

 Amount of product is rechecked with production and department

 Product goes to store

 Finally the finished product will be delivered to customer

7.Management principles:

The management should be able to understand the basic problem and aspirations that could
hinder a worker to attain the production targets, the management should always strive to keep the
equilibrium company and employee’s interest. Because the following and other needed
principles are necessary.

 Senior managers need to spend most of their time at the production floor.

 Communication from top-bottom and vice versa need to be fast and effective

 Quality controlling is every body’s responsibility’s

 Everybody starting from the top management up to the operative staff needs to
be time, quality and cost conscious

 Helps to established smooth r/ship with customer

 Proper documentation saves time, cost, energy

 Besides to maintaining quality standards

1.2.8 Values of the company

 Committed to the satisfying of their customers, being customers are the backbone for the
company assistance.
 Trust and empowerment for their employees
 transparency and justice
 promoting innovative economic use of water
 promoting socially responsible business
 participatory ,team sprite, hard work ,commitment ,sense of ownership and change
oriented culture

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1.2.9 Quality Aspect of the company
The company is ISO9001:2000 Quality Management System Certified, the processing

System and the quality of the input and the finished products status are as per the

International standards of ISO and DIN. For this purpose, it has different

Computerized laboratory equipment’s for the quality and grade of the raw material and

Finished products.

Its product is tested for its flexibility, load bearing capacity, shock absorbance, impact

Load resistance and other parameters in addition to the tests done to the raw material.

➔the Company’s principle on the ground is that quality is the concern of every staff member.

➔quality is the company’s strength, symbol& confidence.

➔Assurance of the quality of its products is achieved by its Owen fully equipped

Computerized laboratory with its experienced professionals as per international

Standard requirements. The company’s product are manufactured as per international


Requirement of ISO 4427& DIN 8974 EiT-M Department of Industrial Engineering 4.

Main products and service and its main customer or end user

1.2 Main products and services

Main products and services of BruhTesfa irrigation and water technology include:
1. Modern irrigation technology: this includes
 Complete pressurized irrigation systems (both drip and sprinkler)
 Complete gravitational irrigation systems (family drip kit) and
 Other irrigation related accessories and equipment’s
2. Water supply systems: including

 HDPE (High density polyethylene pipes) made up of polyethylene that can substitute any
type of pipe for water transport and gas distribution networks.
 PE (polyethylene) fittings, water meters, filters and other accessories and
 Welding machine as a special order

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3. Other plastic users: including

 polyethylene tubes/ Tubular films

 Rigid and flexible conduits and Polly bags and sheets
4. Services: provides

 Design installation and maintenance services on both modern irrigation and water supply
 Butt welding and electro fusion welding services.
 Furnish and irrigate gardens and parks as green area

Figure1.4: main product of the company

The integral drip pipe with cylindrical drippers, drippers of for differ discharges available with in
a space of 20 to 150 compare used to drip-water rows of crops fit for

Drip irrigation harvesting;

• Vegetables

• failed crops

• Fruits trees vineyards

Polyethylene pipes

Bruh tesfa HDPE pipes and fittings are verified and registered regarding potable

Water suitability. Bruh tesfa HDPE pipes shall meet the requirement of ISO 4427.the

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Company currently manufacturing wide range of parameters of PE pipes;

Materials PE32, PE40, PE63, PE80, PE100

Diameters from 12 to 16

Dimensions from SDR 11 to SDR 33

Pressure range with

Respective diameter

From PN 4 to PN 16 (4 to 16 bars)

Currently the company manufacturing range of diameter of PE pipes EiT-M Department of

Industrial Engineering 5

●LDPE pipes 16mm-32mm (the standards are 16,20,25,32)

●HDPE pipes 50mm-315mm ,( the standard are

● Pressure ratings (4, 6, 10, 16, standards and 20 bar on demand)


The company manufacture and supply different types of flexible and

Rigged conduits from diameter 13 mm up to 44 mm for electrical insulation

POLYTHENE TUBES/TABULAR FILMS; they manufacture polythene tubes by using

LDPE/LLDPE row material types with different colors white and black from diameter 8

cm up to 75 cm by 100 micron thickness and other requirements.

GEO-MEMBRANE; the company import and supply different kinds of geo-membrane

And liners having different standards for reservoirs and irrigation canal ling system

POLYBAGS; these are different sizes and are used for packing.

1.2.1 Main customers and End users

Agriculture bureaus and water resource enterprises,REST.ORDA,and KOBO
girana,investors ,water resource and sewerage supply offices, textiles
industries,loudries.trannery companies ,housing agencies, construction companies and whole
sellers of conduit, private farms, flower industries and green houses. Our customers report with

14 | P a g e
satisfaction that Bruh tesfa’s laterals, conduits and HDPE pipes are best quality products ,their
prices reasonable and .to their convenience, supported with good technical assistance.

1.3 Its overall organizational structure of the company

General Manager

Quality assurance
monitoring and
MIS service

Internal auditor Executive secretary


Study, A.A Supply & Finance dep’t

Reduction Marketing HRD
design & Branch productio
tech dep’t dep’t
Inst dep’t n dep’t
Marketi Senior
Study Procureme Arcive
Maintenance ng & secreta Suppl
design & nt division y
division ry
specificati Secre sectio
on tary Caseie Personal & Cost &
Research division r training budget
development Contract division
& Extension bid & Financ control
division Adm e& division General
division logistic
General account
s division
Production Marketing section
division & division
Design & investment
n division
Installation &
division Sales &

Fig1.5: organizational work flow of the company

15 | P a g e
1.3.1 Overall work of the company
In Bruh tesfa irrigation and water technology factory all the required type and amount of
production is planned by the planning department (planners). The planners are ordered to each
area of production how amount and what are they produce according their capacity and plane.

The production process is starting from the input or raw material is changing to the pipes. From
this product some of the product is marketing directly and other product is goes to the next
processes. The next processes sacker then after the raw material is changed to pipes. From this
output also some of the product is marketing directly and the other is goes to the next process.

 Quality of the production is checked at every process or at each area of the production
 Marketing also takes place at any time and area of production according to the customer
demand. Finally the quality section checks the product is it with in the specifications of
customer requirement or not






Quality checking



Fig 1.6 work flow of the company

16 | P a g e
Generally the process takes place in the pipe is described as the following:

 If the product is qualified green posted on it.

 If the product is not qualified red paper is posted on it.

 If the product is accepted or rejected yellow paper is posted on it still decision is made
to accept or reject it.

Figure1.7: the pipe out view

1.3.2 Maintenance system of the company

There are two types of maintenance system used in the company .Those are corrective and preventive

Corrective maintenance is action such as repair, replacement, or restore will be

carried out after the occurrence of a failure in order to eliminate the source of this
failure or reduce the frequency of its occurrence. It is unscheduled maintenance
 Preventive maintenance is involves performing maintenance activities before the
equipment fails.

The maintenance system of the company is preventive and corrective maintenance. Most of the
time they use corrective maintenance system. Sometimes they use preventive maintenance

1.3.3 Procedure follow up formats and check lists

The pipes are comprised of the following procedures:

 Raw material type and quantity to be used

 Dimensional checkup and feed back to line operator
 Physical appearance of the pipe
 Sampling method size
 Product tagging and printing
 Assuring the type amount of the product that has been produced

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Bruh Tesfa irrigation and water technology factory is a big factory which is consists of all activists of
making complete pipes. In Bruh tesfa water and irrigation technology there are 10 departments. These

1. Production and technical department

2. Study, design, installation, and maintenance department
3. Marketing department
4. Finance department
5. Supply and procurement department
6. HRD
7. Quality assurance service
8. Planning and MIS
9. Internal and audit service
10. Branch offices

2.1The work flow in production and operation look like

The first production & technique section accepts the order with specification of customer
requirement from the planning section then the production head distributes the information about
the product specification to the operators of machines or shift workers, after that directly start the
operation to produce the product.

18 | P a g e
Figure2.1: workflow process of HDPE 02 machine

2.2 Which work piece or work task activity you have been executing
The work task I have been executing is measuring or inspecting the product to control its quality for
example, inspecting the product from dots, cracks,oval shapes of the pipe, measuring the wall thickness of
the pipe using caliper, measuring the total external diameter of the pipe.

And also the work piece or work task that we are executed is finding problem that can affect to
the company based on productivity on the filing section and finding the solution to each problem

• Measuring the total defect in the section and minimizing the defects and finding

2.3 The procedure or methods I have been used when I was perform my task
First I have asked the problem of the product to be scraped to the operations and quality control formals

Then I have got the causes of the problems such as:

Oval shape of the pipe

Dot symbols on the pipe
Cracks due to enough cooling system
Non uniformity of wall thickness of the pipe due to centering problem

Then after I have got that information’s theoretically I have done practically with quality formal
of the company to control quality of the product.

2,4 Procedures and methods have been using while performing my project
 Identify the problem
 Identify in which area the problem is occurred
 Show the title of the project to my advisor and deal with him on the title name
 Collect data to solve the problem using full information
 Show my activities to my supervisor to get basic comments to correct my self
 Take the comment and correct myself to given problem
 Give proposed solution the given problem
 Finally set all the necessary data and comment that we collected in a written

2.5 I observed on the activities and tasks

First I have observed all sections in the company those sections see below:

Quality assurance:

o Maintenance section

19 | P a g e
o Production section
o Supply sections

Then for my practical skill I have been worked in the quality assurance sections of the finally set
all the necessary data and comment that I collected in a written document.

2.6 The formal reports during internship program

Objectives Planned activities Performed activities

1 Understanding and Understanding the I observed almost all

write each process rules and machines with in two to three
of organization regulations of the weeks and start to adapt the
routine works company working system of the
Observing overall
activities of the By asking the company HRD
company I understand the overall
history of the company
Observing all background and all
machines of the departments of the company
company and
Strength and expand trying to
knowledge relevant understand each
to academic machine

Table1 formal reports

2.7 Challenges I have been facing

The major problems that I faced during the practical attachment session are:

 Shortage of office in organization the trainee shall engage to acquire different knowledge
and skill.

 Understanding the site language and terminologies applied by different work group.

 The discrepancy of theoretical learning and practical one.

 Adapting and having a resistance to working environment.

 Lack of skilled laborer.

 Shortage of some facilities for intern students in site.

 Some conditions that make our project manager busy when we ask them.

20 | P a g e
 Mechanical centering problem this problem is created when meal& female parts of the
die head are not properly centered this is the cause of non-uniform wall thickness of the

 Shortage of enough knowledge to correct the appeared problems since I was not familiar
with the task for a long time etc… They were not willingness to converse smoothly

 Lack of library access to read manual some references about the operation machine.

 Lack of get data to gather

 Don’t found information from the company

2.8 Measures that have taken in order to overcome challenges

 Revise our previous knowledge that would support the specific task I have working in
and I have read more reference
 Searching and referring handouts and books for courses that weren’t given
 Following each day activities
 Copying and using available materials from site office
 Use the available manuals and the time that our supervisor have proberly
 Making good social interaction with workers
 Asking workers and engineers fir difficulties make close relationship with each workers,
operators and super visors in the section which I work in.
 Being patience to get something what I want and asking them reputedly problem.


3 Over all benefits I gained from the internship

3. Benefits of the internship

For something that takes inputs there is something in return, a benefit. In my internship too, there
were some benefits those are gained accordingly. The benefits are:

 Practical skills

 Theoretical knowledge

 Interpersonal communication skills

 Team playing skills

21 | P a g e
 Leadership skills

 Work ethics related issues

 Entrepreneurship skills

These aspects are discussed below.

3.1. Interms of improving Theoretical Knowledge

Since the practice depends first on theory, it was easy to correspond with each other. It is not
very challenging to change the theory into practice. Theoretical knowledge is dependable on
principles, logic and calculations. It is interesting when the theoretical knowledge & the practice
meet exactly as you wanted to. Sometimes this relationship fails to some degree. Theoretical
knowledge doesn’t show you the tasks, which are processed in the site. Generally speaking, my
theoretical knowledge got strengthens more by those practical techniques invested on company.
This is because I had to refer every time when I came across a problem.

The researcher has been understand how the company can apply the courses industrial
engineering for example how they control quality of the product by quality assurance section.

3.2. Interms of improving Practical Skills

When I first started on the company everything was new for me. I had only the theoretical
knowledge of the works. It was really fascinating and inspiring to see and experience the lessons
I have been learning for the past there years. So I tried to experience and learn every work as
much as I can. I tried to learn every aspects of the work both technical and non-technical terms.

Generally, the researcher has been in his practical skill by participating in some tasks such as:

Operating some parts of machine like winder

Inspecting of qualified product
Measuring by caliper to control the quality of finished product

3.3. Interms of improving industrial solving capability

From the intern ship in terms improved our industrial problem solving capability through
observing when problems are present by looking and asking were the problem and what
procedure they consider to identify the problem and how they solve .in addition to this we
develop our reading and understanding of manuals of machines.

Generally industrial intern ship helps us to have some skills about:

 Manufacturing process industry

 How to prepare modified spare part for detailed machines
 How to maintain any equipment
 How to manage and organize human resources as well as other fixed resources

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3.3.1 Interms of improving inter personal communication
Interpersonal communication is a way of communication that a person have with other people
who might have contact with. Meeting with the staffs was a little tough. Then after time has
passed I let myself to them by reasonably talking on issues those are related to the site or not.
Then step-by-step when I got into the work, there comes the opportunity to communicate on
work related talks.

Every day I was connecting with specific working class. This improves understanding the
thinking of the peoples around me. And finally I was the one who communicate with everyone in
the site even with the daily laborers. This was one of the main things that helped me to improve
my practical skills.

3.4In terms of improving Team Playing Skills

It is a skill of a person to work with other people co-operatively. This skill was developed easily
and rapidly. It begins when I was in campus. Some assignments given were done in groups. This
helps me to handle different characters of the persons I worked with.

The reason behind this is my work tasks did not allow communicating with colleagues only, but
also co-operated me with the persons I worked with. Even each work task was done and
completed as a team. The work that I have been engaged was more of as assistance Site
Engineer, I have to communicate and work with both the Site Eng. and the project manager and
more over I communicate with all the site organizational structure directly or indirectly.

3.5. Interms of improving Leadership Skills

Leadership is a skill to guide, control and monitor peoples. I have the experience

The researcher has been improved in my leadership skills to achieve the planned goals and
maintain an effective working r/ship among members of the company.

23 | P a g e
The researcher has been learned the ability to develop a vision for the company & to inspire
employees to pursue its imperative for success.

 How can establishing direction as leader of a team

 Aligning people

 Motivating and inspiring

 Focus on team and overall goals

 Communication with each people under my control

Of managing labors and distributing them to their specific jobs.

3.6. In terms of improving Work Ethics Issues

The company that before we join any organization or company we must know and respect the
Work ethics is the basic tool of any organization or company. That’s why we have learned from
work ethics principles.

 Punctuality: -arriving on time at work was necessary since it was my job to manage,
control, monitor and supervise the portion of the site I have been given. Sometimes I
had to work late because it is my responsibility to bring back the equipment’s to the
store. And also some works like casting of concrete requires starting early and leaving
the work late.

 Responsibility: - I have taken responsibility to the jobs I have done and the

 Characteristics that I gained generally includes being:

o Strong work ethics
o Dependability

3.7.interms of improving Entrepreneurship skills

An entrepreneurship is a process of creating something new value by devoting the necessary time
and effort.

These were technical experiences he had on the field, determination, taking risks, studying the
business and good management skill. So because of this I tried to develop my skill on such terms
during the internship period.

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Reducing scrap rates using quality control tools in bruh tesfa pipe manufacturing

4.1 Short summery of the project

Bruh tesfa industry is one of the sects or which can takes turns under all types of economic
systems such as free market economy collectivist economy. All of the products gendered is
competing to gained demand and satisfactory from customers. Dealing with continuous
competition, company not only needs to produce quality products but excellence production
system and management also plays an important role. The aim of the project is producing defect
rate to improve quality product in working section. The objective is to identify the defect in work
section and create a better solution to improve the production line performance. Various tools are
implementing in this study in order to investigate and solve the problem that occurs in the
production. However the seven quality control tools are the main tools that will be applied to this

Data for the selected section are collected, studied and analyzed. The defect with the highest
frequency will be the main target to improve various causes of defect will be analyzed and
various solving method will be present.

4.2Problem statement and justification


Due to large number of scrap rates, which result in rework and scrap pipes, the production lines
at the production area usually did not meet their target and because of this, those problems are
cracked line, Ovality hole and Due to formation of dots, lines, grove.

Since, these three problems are the most critical and need urgent solution and I focused on them
while doing this project. And those problems are solved by the quality control tools.

The project focused in developing quality of manufacturing pipe, there are a lot of defects occur
in (production HDPE-02) section which are happened due to different causes (lack of
experience ,training, power interruption, mechanical problem weak administration and others)by
identifying the critical defects in the section occurs during production by using statically quality
control .mainly the chart and pare to analysis .And it can show how to minimize and solve the
critical defects by using cause and effect diagram.

25 | P a g e
4.3 Objective of the project

The general objective of this is to analyze and minimize the defects rates of pipes
manufacturing using quality control tools. Specifically check sheet, pareto chart and cause
and effect diagram.

 To identify the major root causes of the defects
 To minimize number of scrapes at the end product
 To provides possible solution for the problem
 To prioritize the existing cause of defects on the
 To find out the detail root cause of this defect
 To give appropriate solution for the define root causes to improve quality of the product

 Lack of quality related data
 Lack of internet access
 Lack of full information
 Lack of available resources

4.5 Scope of the project

 The scope of this study is limited to pipe manufacturing lines as more scapes are
observed in this line.

 Mainly focused on seven quality control tools but only selected quality control tools are
applied those are check sheet ,pare to chart and cause and effect diagrams.
 Only defects with highest frequency will be analyzed.

4.6 Literature Review

This problem statement is related to quality control tools one of the most engineering tools
which can be utilized for this purpose would be seven quality control tools as this method would
often be simple but efficient. The reviews on journal, article and book has to be done. Of course
the data collection from the industrial also will be the main sources to study the product quality
and productivity of the selected industrial.

Quite a number of definitions or quality can be found the extant literature it is not an easy task
defining the term as most writers, and academic on this subject have their own definition and
large devising it to suit their own beliefs.

26 | P a g e
Some of the definitions of the term “quality” provided by quality gurus are as follows
Quality is defined ranging “from satisfying customers’ requirements “to fitness for use” to
"conformance to requirements.”
 quality is fitness for use (juran)
 quality is what the customer says it is (feigenbaum)
 quality is conformance to requirement (Crosby)
 quality is the loos that a product to the society after being shipped to the customer
 the efficient production of the quality that the market expects (Deming)
 the totality of futures and characteristics of product or services that bear on its
ability to satisfy stated or implied needs of the customers
 A quality system is the agreed on companywide and plants wide work structure,
documented in effective, integrated technical and managerial procedures for guiding
the coordinated action of people, the machines or the information of the company on
the best and most practical ways to assume customer quality satisfaction and
economical costs of quality.

Characteristics of quality
Characteristics can be categories in deferent grouping. Some of these groups are such:
structural characteristics include the element of the length, the weight, the strength, the viscosity,
and soon. Sensor characteristics include the testes, the small, and the beauties. Time and oriented
characteristics include such measurement of initiative, reliability, and maintainability and the
ethical characteristics are honesty, courtesy, friend line, and soon.
 In general quality characteristics fall into two broad classes. These are the variable
and attributes characteristics. The characteristics that are measurable and are
expressed on a numerical scale are called variable. A quality characteristic that
cannot be measured on numerical scale is expressed as an attribute. This quality
characteristics is used to expressed as product are conforming or non-conforming to
a stipulated specification.

4.6.1 Dimensions of products quality

The quality of product can be used describe and evaluated in several ways .it is often very
important to differentiate these different dimensions quality

As prescribed by grain the eight dimensions of quality are:

 Performance (will product do the intended job?) potential customers usually evaluate
a product to determine if it will perform certain specific function and determine how
well it perform
 Reliability (how often the product fails?) this is the characteristics a product to
require some reliability over their service life
 Durability (how long the product lost?) this is the effective service life of the product.

27 | P a g e
 Serviceability (how easy it to repair the product?) this is related to view the quality of
the product is directly influenced by how quickly and economically a repair or routine
maintenance activity can by accomplish.
 Aesthetics (what does the product do?) this is the visual appeal of the product often
taking into account factor such as style,color,shape,packageing ,alterative,tactile,chics
and other sensor features.
 Perceived quality (what is the reputation of the company or its product?) in many
cases, customers rely on the past reputation of the company concerning quality of its
 Feature (what does the product do ) custemers associated high quality with the
product that has added feature beyond the basic performance of the competition.
 Conformance to standard (is the product made exactly as the designer intended?) this
measures the quality product as one that exactly meets the requirements placed on it.

4.6.2Dimensions of service quality

The quality of product can be used describe and evaluated in several ways. It is often very
important to differentiate these different dimensions of quality.

 Reliability
 Responsiveness
 Competence
 Communication
 Credibility
 Security
 courtesy

4.6.3 Quality control

Quality control as we know it probably had it beginning in the factory systems that developed
following the industrial revaluation products were made from nonstandard material using
nonstandard zed method; the result was products of varying quality. The only real standards used
were measures of dimensions, weight and quality (ross, 1998). The most one from quality
control was inspection made by the purchaser where poor quality products found would be
separated from acceptable quality products and then would be scrapped, reworked or sold as
lower quality. Inspection took place mainly to ensure that the storing of conformance and
nonconformance products can be done and mostly involved visual inspection or testing of the
products following manufacture. Inspection analysis and action applied to apportion of the
product in manufacturing operation to estimate overall quality of the products and determine
what, if any, changes must be made to achieve or maintain the required level of quality, quality
control of a product can be viewed as a system which ensures:

 Corrective action
 Right design

28 | P a g e
 Proper inspection
 Proper planning
 Proper equipment

4.6.4 Quality and productivity improvement techniques

Today highly competitive world, quality plays vital role as it leads to an improvement in
productivity, quality and cost of operation relatively depended to each other the relation of
productivity, quality and cost. To studying the productivity, quality and cost that means studying
the defects of the product.

Measure, methods or techniques to examine quality and productivity are list below;

1. Value engineering: is the process of improving the value of product and quality at every
stage of the product life cycle. At the development stage, ve improves the value of the
product by reducing cost without reducing quality at the maturity stage, ve reduces the
cost by replacing the cost.
2. Quality circle (QC): quality circle is small group of employees who meet regularly to
identify analyze and solve problem in their department
3. Financial and nonfinancial incentives: the organization must motivation the employees by
providing financial and nonfinancial incentives. The financial incentive include better
wages and salaries, bounce etc. the nonfinancial incentives include better working
condition, welfare facilities, workers participation in management.
4. Operation research (OR): uses mathematical and scientific methods to solve management
problem, including problem of productivity OR technique uses a scientific method to
study the course of action and to select the best alternative.
5. Training: training is a process of increasing the knowledge and skills of the employees.
Training increases the efficiency of the employees.
6. Job enlargement: is horizontal expansion of the job. Is done to make job more interesting
and satisfying. It involves increasing the variety of duties.
7. Job enrichment: is a vertical expansion of jobs more meaning full and satisfying. It
involves providing more challenging tasks, and responsibilities
8. Inventory control: there must be a proper level of over stocking and under stocking of
inventory. Over stocking of inventory’s will result in blocking of funds and there are
chances to spoilage or misuse of materials.
9. Material management: it deals with optimum utilization of materials in the manufacturing
process. It involves scientific purchasing, systematic store keeping, and proper inventory
10. Quality control: The main objective of quality control is to produce goods at reasonable
prices, to reduce wastages to locate causes of quality deviation.

29 | P a g e
11. Job evaluation: is a process of fixing the value of each job in the organization it is done
fix the wage rate for each job.
12. Human factor engineering: refers to man machine relationship. It is designed to match the
technology to a human requirement.

4.6.5 The seven quality control tools

When facing with quality problems, it is similar to be lost as you doesn’t know where you are in
productivity improvement or quality improvement process, solvers need to know what the main
problem is the causes of the problem before they propose the solutions. However logical and
systematic method should be applied to make the job easier by locating and examining the root
or real causes of the problem .the seven quality control tools are easier to apply and understand
and yet proven scientific management tools. Seven quality tools can be used in all process
phases, starting from the beginning of a product development up to management of a process, on
day to day basis and in systematic manner. Basically the seven control tools are check sheet,
Pareto chart, cause and effect diagram, histogram, scatter diagram, control chart and run chart
These seven quality control are known as total quality management (TQM).

Those quality tools are worked in the form of this:

 Process flow charting: - what is done?

 Check sheet: - how often it is done?
 Histogram: - what does the variation look like?
 Pareto analysis: - which are the big problem?
 Cause and effect diagram: - what cause the problem?
 Scatter diagram: - what are the r/ship b/n factors?
 Control charts: - which variations to control and how?

I select from these quality controls; Pareto chart, check sheet and cause and effect diagram

4.6.6 Pareto chart

Pareto is a type of chart that contains both bars and a line graph, where individual values are
represented in descending order by bars and the cumulative total represented by the line. The
purpose of Pareto chart is to highlight the most important among set of factors
 When to use Pareto chart
 When analyzing data about the frequency of problems or causes in a process
 When they are many problems or causes and you went to focus on the most significance
 When analyzing broad causes by looking at their specific component
 When communicating with other about your data
 Pareto chart procedures
Steps to construct Pareto diagram

30 | P a g e
Step 1: Determine the categories and the units for comparison of the data, such as
frequency, cost, or time.

Step 2: Total the raw data in each category, then determine the grand total by adding
the totals of each category.

Step 3: Re-order the categories from largest to smallest.

Step 4: Determine the cumulative percent of each category

Step 5: Draw and label the left-hand vertical axis with the unit of comparison, such as
frequency, cost or time.

Step 6: Draw and label the horizontal axis with the categories, list from left to right in
rank order.

Step 7: Draw and label the right-hand vertical axis from 0 to 100 percent.

Step 8: Beginning with the largest category, draw in bars for each category
representing the total for that category.

Step 9: Draw a line graph beginning at the right-hand corner of the first bar to
represent the cumulative precent for each category as measured on the right-hand

Step 10: Write any necessary items on the diagram.

Step 11: Analyse the chart. Usually the top 20% of the categories will comprise
roughly 80% of the cumulative total.

4.6.7 Cause and Effect Diagram

A cause and effect diagram is a tool that helps identify, sort, and display possible causes of a
specific problem or quality characteristics. It graphically illustrates the r/ship between a given
outcome and all the factors that influence the outcome.

When should a team use a cause and effect diagram?

Construct a cause and effect diagram can help your team when you need to:

31 | P a g e
 Identify the possible root cause, the basic reason, for specific effect, problem or
 Sort out and relate some of the interactions among the factors affecting :

▪ A particular process or effect.

 Analyze existing problems so that corrective action can be taken.

Why should we use a cause and effect diagram?

A cause and effect diagram is a tool that is useful for identifying and organizing the known or
possible causes of quality or the lack of it. Some of the benefits of constructing a cause and
effect diagram.

 Helps determine the root cause of a problem or quality characteristic using a structured
 Encourages group participation and utilizes group knowledge of the process.
 Uses an orderly, easy to read format to diagram cause and effect r/ships.
 Indicate possible causes of variation in process.
 Increases knowledge of the process by helping everyone to learn more about the factors
at work and how they relate.
 Identifies areas where data should be collected for further study.
How do we develop a cause and effect diagram?

You are constructing a structured, pictorial display of a list of causes organizing to show the
r/ship to a specific effect and the steps of the cause and effect diagram for analyzing.

1. Identify and clearly define the outcome or effect to be analyzed

 Decide on the effect to be examined
 Use operational definitions
 Remember an effect may be positive (objective) or negative (a problem)
1. Using a chart pack positioned so that everyone can see it, draw the spine and create the
effect box.
 Draw horizontal arrow pointing to the right
 To the right of the arrow, write a brief description of the effect
2. Identify the main causes contributing to the effect being studied
 Establish the main causes or categories
 Write the main categories your team has selected to the left of the effect box,
some above and below
 Draw a box around each categories
4. For each major branch, identify other specific factors which may be the causes of the
 Identify as many causes or factors as possible and attach them as sub branch of
the major branches
32 | P a g e
 Fill in detail for each cause
5. Identify increasingly more detailed levels of causes and continue organizing them under
related causes or categories. You can do this by asking a series of why questions.
6. Analyze the diagram. Analysis helps you identify causes that warrant further
 Look at the “balance” of your diagram, checking for comparable levels of
detail for most of the categories.
 Look for causes that appear repeatedly.
 Look for what you can measure in each cause so you can quantify the effects of
any changes you make.
 Most importantly, identify and circle the causes

4.6.8 Check sheet

Cheek sheet is a simple document that is used for collecting data in real-time and at the
location where the data is generated. The document is typically a blank form that is designed
for the quick, easy, and efficient recording of the desired information, which can be either
quantitative or qualitative. When the information is quantitative, the check sheet is
sometimes called a tally sheet.
A defining characteristic of a check sheet is that data is recorded by making marks on it.
A typical check sheet is divided in to regions, and marks made in different regions have
different significance. Data is read by observing the location and number of marks on the
sheet. And also they are five basic types of check sheets:

 Classification:- A trail such as a defect or failure mode must be classified into a

 Location: - the physical location of a trail is indicated on a picture of a part or item
being evaluated.
 Frequency: - the presence or absence of a trail or combination of trail is indicated.
Also number of occurrences of a trail on a part can be indicated.
 Measurement Scale: - A measurement scale is divided into intervals, and
measurements are indicated by checking an appropriate interval.
 Check list: - the items to be performed for a task are listed so that, as each is
accomplished, it can be indicated as having been completed.

When to use the check sheet: using check sheet is appropriate when the data can be
observed and collected repeatedly by either the same person or the same location. It is
also when collecting data on frequency and identifying patterns of events, problems,
defects, and defect location, and for identifying defect causes.
Why is data being collected: before any improvements or changes can be made to a
system or process, it is essential to establish a baseline by collecting data in an
organized way?

33 | P a g e
How data to be used is: whether the analysis will focus on improvement or on
monitoring processes in an ongoing way, knowing the ways that it will be used will
help to crate check sheets that contribute to the outcome, providing enough data for
analysis to be complete, but not extraneous or irrelevant data.

Advantage of check sheet: the check sheet is simple and effective way to display data.
It is a good first step in understanding the nature of the problem as it provides a
uniform data collection tool. It is useful to help distinguish opinions from facts.

Steps to solve the problem in check sheet are:

1. Decide what event or problem will be observed. Develop operational

2. Decide when data will be collected and for how long.
3. Design the form. Set it up so that data can be recorded simply by making
check marks
4. Label all spaces on the form.
5. Test the check sheet for a short trail period to be sure it collects the
appropriate data and is easy to use.
6. Each time the targeted event or problem occurs, record data on the check sheet

4.7 Methodology
To collect the data concerning the research follows different methodologies of data collection
from the different department of the company.

Data can be collected by two those are:

1. Primary data collection

 Direct observation

 Interview the owner will be to interview with the concern department such as machinery
operator, worker, manager and supervisor/expert

2. Secondary data collection

 Different quality books

 Internet
 Unpublished books
 Manual data record

34 | P a g e
 I was collect the secondary by reading some reference such as modules prepared by
planning section, hard copy prepared procurement & purchasing department, marketing

4.7.1Data collection methodology

4.7.1Design of the project
The study of this project is conducted in 2009 E.c on the title “examine defects rates of pipes” to
improve quality products by using necessary instruments in the working section of pipes factory. Data collected from record office

 For measuring the total production of the section and to identify the highest frequency
defects that influence the quality of products, a five month (i.e from February up to June)
data has been collected and for collecting the five months data have been taken Interview
 To strength the above data collecting method, I have also added the interview method,
some employees that are concerned to my project are involved in responding the
interview. Majority of the respondents to express their view on their attention towards product
quality related problems.
 In order to check and to be sure my project, this third method is very crucial. During this
observation, I have participated in the checking process of the pipes and required from
the attributes of the defects with the quality checkers.

4.7.3 How to collect data?

 In order to achieve the objective of my project, I have been collected a five month of reports of
the defect and then, I have changed the monthly reports in the form of diagram. The data was then
arranged according to the highest to lowest frequency in cumulative table and table Pareto chart
was build based on the cumulative table.

Data analysis tools

 Pareto chart
 Check sheet
 Cause and effect diagrams

4.8 Result and Discussion

This section deals with the analysis of data that obtained from different reports and documented
of the bruh tesfa .

 Daily reports of the defect rates have been collected as shown below

35 | P a g e
4.8.1 Reports of five month
Reports of 5 months

Month of February

s/n Types of Type of Total Scraped of % of scraped

machine diameter produced of pipes by the
pipes machine

1 HDPE-02 Ø125 1000 12 1.2

2 HDPE-02 Ø125 1800 43.2 2.4

3 HDPE-02 Ø125 1230 9.6 0.78

Total 4030 64.8 4.4

Table 2 reports of February

Reasons for discrepancies

HDPE-02-1-due to power interruption

2-due to mechanical

3- due to operational

Month of March

s/n Type of Type of Total Total scraped % of scrap by

machine diameter produced of of pipes the machine

1 HDPE-02 Ø125 600 18 3

2 HDPE-02 Ø125 2800 8.4 0.3

3 HDPE-02 Ø125 1100 17.6 1.6

HDPE-02 Ø125 4500 44 4.9

Total 4500 44 4.9

Table 3 reports of March

Reasons for discrepancies

36 | P a g e
HDPE-O2-1- due to mechanical (centering)

2-due to power centering

3-due to die head change from Ø90 to Ø110 bar and electrical ,mechanical, power


s/n Type of Type of Total Scraped of % of scrap by

machine diameter produced of pipes the machine

1 HDPE-02 Ø125 558 16,2 2.9

2 HDPE-02 Ø125 729 33.5 4.6

3 HDPE-02 Ø125 693 6.93 1

4 HDPE-02 Ø125 63 3.1 4.9

5 HDPE-02 Ø125 117 8.5 7.3

Total 2160 68 20.7

Table 4 reports of month

Reasons discrepancies

HDPE-02- 1-due to mechanical and mechanical

2- due to power interruption

3- due to die head

4- due to mechanical

5- due to die head and power interruption

37 | P a g e

s/n Type of Type of Total Scraped of % of scrap by

machine diameter produced of pipes the machine

1 HDPE-02 Ø125 126 12.9 10.2

2 HDPE-02 Ø125 729 17.5 2.4

3 HDPE-02 Ø125 1089 17.4 1.6

4 HFDPE-02 Ø125 279 0.58 0.2

5 HDPE-02 Ø125 1220 111 9.1

6 HDPE-02 Ø125 925 25.9 2.8

7 HDPE-02 Ø125 310 6.8 2.2

Total 4678 191.4 28.5

Table 5reports of may

Reasons for discrepancies

HDPE-02-1- due to die head change and power interruption

2- due to power interruption

3- due to mechanical

4- due to power interruption

5- due to power interruption

6- due to die head and mechanical

7- due to power interruption and mechanical

38 | P a g e
Month of June

s/n Type of Type of Total Scraped of % of scrap by

machine diameter produced of pipes the machine

1 HDPE-02 Ø125 886 10.6 1.2

2 HDPE-02 Ø125 967 15.5 1.6

Total 1853 26.1 2.8

Table 6 reports of June

Reasons for discrepancies

HDPE-02-1-due to power interruption

2-due to pre heating

Therefore, the above monthly reports were changed in the form of check sheet as

4.8.2 Check sheet for data

Month Type of Type of Total Scraped of % of scraped
machine diameter produced of pipes by the
pipes machine

February HDPE-02 Ø125 4030 177.3 4.4

March HDPE-02 Ø125 4500 220.5 4.9

April HDPE-02 Ø125 2160 68.3 20.7

May HDPE-02 Ø125 4678 192.1 28.5

June HDPE-02 Ø125 1853 51.9 2.8

Table 7 check sheet data

39 | P a g e
Total number of produced 17221

Total scraped 710.1

Scrap rate (%) 61.3%

Correct number of pipes 16510.9

Correct pipes rate (%) 38.7%

Table 8: check sheet structure for the defect

In order to know the frequency of the defects ,the data was then, arranged according to form the
highest to lowest frequency in cumulative table and pare to chart was build based on the
cumulative table .the cumulative table based on the above check sheet is shown below,

s/n Machine type Total scraped Cumulative % cumulative

1 HDPE-02 191.4 191.4 48.5

2 HDPE-02 68 259.4 65.8

3 HDPE-02 64.8 324.2 82.2

4 HDPE-02 44 368.2 93.3

5 HDPE-02 26.1 394.3 100

Table 9 cumulative table defects

In the month of May more scraps formed when we compare with the other month due to that
their amount of defect listed in the table below

Types of defects Amount of defect

Cracks of line 38.6
Ovality 40
Centering 23.65
D0t 70.25
Thickness varation 18.9
Table 10 types of defects with their amount

4.8.3 Pareto chart for the data

The pareto chart of the above problem is given below:

40 | P a g e
Pareto diagram for the defects
Amount of Defects

20 40%
10 20%
0 0%
ot ty e g n
D vali f lin erin iatio
O ks o ent ar
ac es
Cr n

Figure 4.1:pareto chart of pipe defects

As indicated from the above check sheet of five month data about 17221 pipes are produced ,from these
total produced pipes which produces in five month about 710.1 pipes are scraped ,the total number of
correct pipes out of the total produced pipes are 16510.9 but as indicated from above cumulative table
and pareto chart majority of the scrap comes because of dot (70.25) ,ovality (40) and cracks of line

Generally, in the working area about 710.1 scrap comes because of those five defects

4.8.4 Cause and effect diagram

Based on the data as I arranged according to the highest to lowest frequency in cumulative
table and pareto chart defects with highest frequency these are dots, ovality and cracks of line
was taken to be analyzed.

HDPE-02 machines are common aggravations on my sawing floor because it interrupts

production, affects quality and reduce the earning and efficient of production operators.

41 | P a g e

This can be happened due to so many problems.

Material Man power

Un skilled man power

wastage carelessness

of material

in correct

maintenance in correct procedure

old machine

Machine Method

Figure 4.2 cause and effect for dot

Corrective Action for dot

Cause of dot Root causes Remedial action

Man power Unskilled manpower Increased man power
Carelessness Motivate the workers by giving rewards or
Material Wastage of raw material Use virgin material
Method Incorrect procedure Use correct procedure

machine Incorrect maintenance Before to start work check the maintenance

Old machine system
Follow the schedule for maintenance of the
Use as much as possible ,latest machine rather
than the old machine
Table11 corrective action for dots

42 | P a g e

Here problems may happened because of the following things, lack of un qualified maintenance,
improper addition material and in effective water chiller , poor motivation of employs and so on.

Material Man power


improper un skilled man power

material addition carelessness

improber circulation lack of schedule cleaning

pump improper operation

in effective un qualified maintenance

3. Machine
Cracked line Method

Figure 4.3 check sheet for ovality

Cause of ovality Root causes Remedial action

Man power Carelessness of operator Motivate to the worker
Unskilled manpower Increase skilled manpower
Material Improper addition Use proper addition
Method Improper operation Use proper operation
Machine Unqualified maintenance Use qualified maintenance
Lack of schedule cleaning Clean by schedule
Ineffective water chiller Use effective water chiller
Table 12corrective action for ovality

3.cracked line

43 | P a g e
Material Man power

Wastage Calibration water in let closed

material Improper assembly filter in effective cooling system

Cracked line

Die head closed with chips

Machine Method
Figure 4.4 check sheet for cracked line

Besides to this, as I asked for the supervisors of the lines ,most of the root cause of those defects
is operators problem ,carelessness .so as I understand by considering the responses of the
respondent and my observation in the working area, these working operators are only care on
their earning of production per hour.

Generally dots, ovality , cracked of line, centering and thickness variation can be caused by
the following listed below when I summarized the above cause and effect diagram those are
shown bellow

 Wastage of material

 Due to Die head change

 Improper addition

 In correct maintenance

 Improper operation

 Lack of scheduling cleaning

 Insertion and perforation of equipment

 Shortage of man power maintenance department

 Width variation diameter

 Due to carelessness

44 | P a g e
 Take off failure

 Negligence

 Power interruption

 Due to in correct procedure

 Due to improper assembly filter

 Calibration water in let closed

To solve this problem we can use the following proposed solution

 Use correct procedure

 Motivate the workers by by giving rewards or salary
 Before to start work check the machine
 Use correct operation
 Use correct addition

 Care full insertion and perforation of material (equipment)

 Use virgin material

 Use correct specification to avoid width variation

 Operator should be careful

 Avoid wear out to avoid the failure of take off

 Hiring of an adequate man power at maintenance department

Chapter 5

5 Conclusion and recommendation

5.1 Conclusion: I hope my project is clarified the problem of the defect from the problem
statement due to scrap rate of the company to minimize the scrap by the quality control
tools .conclusion based on the result discussed, the study found below mentioned critical point in
which the solution is required .Majority of the rejection rate comes from thickness variation, dot,
ovality, crack of line, power interruption and mechanical.

 It has been observed that the root causes of the defects are found

45 | P a g e
 It has been observed that after implementation of causes and effect
diagram the product quality and productivity will improve

5.2 Recommendation
Based on my analysis, I would like to recommend to the company the following points:

o The company should take an action punishment and rewired for the employee
o The company must apply total quality management
o Check the machines before starting its operations
o Spare parts should be change on time
o Continuous follow up and training session should be made by the management to
produce quality product
o The company should check the water tanker daily to prevent swerage

5.3 Reference
 ww.goggle.com
 armand v.teigenbaum tota quality control ,third edition
 douglas c,montageometry,introduction to statstical quality control .second edition
 Thomas p.ryan ,statistical methods for quality improvement ,second edition
 Text book to statistical qulity control
 Text Web system
 book to operation management

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