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Lecture 1

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Federal University of Petroleum Resources, Effurun,


Mechanical Engineering Department, College of Engineering and Technology

Lecture 1
Course: Fluid Mechanics I – MEE 215

Course Lecturer:
Joseph OYEKALE (PhD-Doctor Europaeus, MNSE, R.Engr)

2023 - 2024 Academic Session

Course Outline
✓ Basic Concepts
• Definitions and fluid properties; classification of flows
• Fundamentals of fluid statics, kinematics, and dynamics
• Concepts of system and control volume in thermo-fluid problem solving
• Introduction to continuity, momentum, and energy equations and their

✓ Characterisation and Measurement of Flows

• Introduction to incompressible viscous flow of Newtonian fluids in pipes
• Concepts of velocity distribution, pressure drop, and shear stress in pipe flows
• Fundamentals of dimensional analysis; analysis of selected dimensionless parameters
and their significance (Reynolds number, etc)
• Introduction to flow measurement – concepts and measuring devices

Learning Objectives (Part 1)
➢ To define and characterize fluid/flows and their properties, and fluid mechanics.

➢ To differentiate amongst fluid mechanics, fluid kinematics, and fluid dynamics, and
apply classical models on each of them to solve simple engineering problems.

➢ To identify the importance of control system/volume definition in thermo-fluid problem-

solving and define the same for solving specific simple problems.

➢ To state the classical continuity, momentum, and energy equations (models) and apply
the same to solve simple engineering problems.

N.B – Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) are tied to the learning objectives, with students
expected to be able to define and characterize flows and minimum of 5 properties (density,
specific volume, specific weight, viscosity, specific heat capacity, etc) in objective 1 above –
similar CLOs apply for all the other learning objectives.
Course Organization
A 2 credit unit course (2 hours of lectures/recitations per week for 15 weeks).

CA (30 marks) will comprise CPQs/quizzes and problem sets (assignments). Final exam
(70 marks). Letter grades as defined in the college handbook.

Flipped classroom and peer instruction teaching/learning approach would be adopted.

CPQs could be at the beginning of a class, to assess your participation in the out-of-class

Communications to be handled online via piazza.

Some good textbooks consulted while preparing this and subsequent lecture slides
(intellectual credit to authors of these texts):
✓ Fluid Mechanics: Fundamentals and Applications, 4th edition by Yunus A. Çengel and
John M. Cimbala.
✓ A Textbook of Flud Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines by R. K. Rajput

Course Outline
✓ Basic Concepts
• Definitions and fluid properties; classification of flows
• Fundamentals of fluid statics, kinematics, and dynamics
• Concepts of system and control volume in thermo-fluid problem solving
• Introduction to continuity, momentum, and energy equations and their

✓ Characterisation and Measurement of Flows

• Introduction to incompressible viscous flow of Newtonian fluids in pipes
• Concepts of velocity distribution, pressure drop, and shear stress in pipe flows
• Fundamentals of dimensional analysis; analysis of selected dimensionless parameters
and their significance (Reynolds number as an example)
• Introduction to flow measurement – concepts and measuring devices

General Introduction

How does a wind power plant work? What basic components

and thermo-fluid processes are involved?

Introduction - Definitions

➢ What is fluid mechanics?

What is a fluid? – A substance that flows.

What is mechanics? – A branch of science dealing with th study of

objects/processes under the influence of force. Mechanics could be
categorized as static (concerning stationary body) or dynamic (relating to body
in motion).

Then, what is fluid mechanics?

Fluid mechanics is the science that deals with the behavior of fluid at rest (fluid
statics) or in motion (fluid dynamics), and the interaction of fluid with solids or
other fluid at the boundaries.

Introduction - Definitions

➢ What is fluid mechanics?

Distinction between a solid and a fluid is made on the basis of the substance’s
ability to resist an applied shear (or tangential) stress that tends to change its

Stress is defined as force per unit area and is determined by dividing the force
by the area upon which it acts.

The normal component of a force acting on a surface per unit area is

called the normal stress, and the tangential component of a force acting
on a surface per unit area is called shear stress.

In a fluid at rest, the normal stress is called pressure. A fluid at rest is at a

state of zero shear stress.

Properties of Fluid

➢ Density
Mass density (or specific mass) of a liquid is defined as mass per unit volume at
standard temperature and pressure.

Weight density (or specific weight) is defined as weight per unit volume at
standard temperature and pressure, denoted by w, equal to g (9.81 for water).

Specific volume (v) is defined as volume per unit mass at standard temperature
and pressure.

What’s the relationship between density and specific volume?

Properties of Fluid

➢ Specific gravity
Specific gravity of a fluid is defined as the ratio of its specific weigth to that of a
standard reference fluid. For liquid, the standard reference fluid is water at 4
degrees C.

➢ Viscosity

It may be defined as the property of a fluid which determines its resistance to

shearing stresses (resistance to flows). It’s responsible for the no-slip condition.

What is no-slip condition?

➢ Example
Calculate the specific weight, density, specific volume, and specific gravity
of a liquid having a volume of 8 m3 and weight of 48 kN.
Classification of fluid flows

➢ Classification based on the mode of initiation of fluid motion

Natural (free) flow, when fluid motion is Forced flow, when fluid motion is
due to natural means such as the compelled to flow over a surface or in a
buoyancy effect; which manifests itself as pipe by external means such as a pump or
the rise and fall of warmer (lighter) and a fan.
colder (denser) fluids.

➢ Classification based on variability of flow properties with time

Steady flow, where fluid property at a Unsteady flow, where fluid property at a
given location does not change with time. location changes with time.
It’s different from uniform flow, where a
Turbines, heat exchangers, condensers
given flow property is the same at all
and pumps work for a long time under the
locations at a given time.
same conditions, and are steady-flow 11
Classification of fluid flows

➢ Classification based on the nature of boundary of flow

Internal flow, when fluid flows in a pipe or External flow, when unbounded fluid flows
duct completely bounded by solid over a surface such as a plate, a wire or a
surfaces. E.g. Flow of crude oil in a pipe. pipe. E.g. Airflow over an exposed pipe
Flow of a liquid in duct that is partly-filled during a windy day.
is called open-channel flow; such as flow
of water in a river.

N.B. Internal flows are dominated by the influence of viscosity throughout the flow field.
In external flows, viscous effects are limited to boundary layers near solid surfaces and
to wake regions downstreams of bodies.

Classification of fluid flows

➢ Classification based on the level of variation of density during flow

Compressible flow, the case that density Incompressible flow, the case that
of fluid changes during flow. For the same density of fluid remains almost constant
quantity of fluid, the volume changes throughout the flow. The volume of every
considerably at different sections of flow. portion of fluid remains nearly the same
It applies mostly to gases, although not over the course of its motion. Flows of
all flows of all gases can be considered almost all liquids can be considered
compressible. incompressible to a very high degree.
Flows of some gases can also be
idealized as incompressible to a
reasonable level of accuracy, if mach
𝒗𝒆𝒍𝒐𝒄𝒊𝒕𝒚 𝒐𝒇 𝒇𝒍𝒐𝒘
number, Ma 𝒔𝒑𝒆𝒆𝒅 𝒐𝒇 𝒔𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒅 < 𝟎. 𝟑.

How would you classify the flow of air at 95 m/s on the basis of density variability,
considering that the speed of sound in air at room temperature is 346 m/s? Why? 13
Classification of fluid flows

➢ Classification based on orderliness of fluid molecules during flow

Laminar flow, where the fluid motion is Turbulent flow, where the fluid motion is
highly ordered, characterized by smooth highly disordered/chaotic, characterized
layers of fluid. It is common with flow of by high velocities and velocity
high-viscosity fluids such as oils at low fluctuations. Example is low-viscosity fluids
velocities. such as air at high velocities.

A flow that alternates between being laminar and turbulent is called transitional flow.

Classification of fluid flows

➢ Classification based on the degree of internal resistance to flow

Viscous flow region, where effects of Inviscid flow region, where viscous forces
‘internal stickiness’ of fluid are significant. are infinitesimally small compared to the
N.B. All fluid flows exhibit viscous effects to inertia of pressure forces and can be
some degree. neglected for ease of analysis. It holds
true in many flows of practical interest,
typically in regions very far from the solid

The flow of an originally uniform fluid stream over a flat plate, and regions of viscous and
inviscid flows 15
Classification of fluid flows

➢ Classification based on the number of axis (dimension) of velocity variation

One-dimensional, Two-dimensional, Three-dimensional,

when flow velocity when flow velocity when flow velocity
varies along one varies along two varies along the three
primary axis. primary axes. primary axes. V(x,y,z)
Velocity gradient Velocity gradient in rectangular
along two along one dimension coordinate and
dimensions are is negligibly small. V(r,θ,z) in cylindrical
negligibly small. coordinate.


Any other questions?

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