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published: 06 April 2022

doi: 10.3389/froh.2022.869112

Added Sugar and Oral Health: A

Position Paper of the Brazilian
Academy of Dentistry
Carlos Alberto Feldens 1 , Liana L. Pinheiro 2 , Jaime A. Cury 3 , Flávia Mendonça 2 ,
Mario Groisman 2 , Rafael A. H. Costa 4 , Henrique C. Pereira 5 and Alexandre R. Vieira 6*
Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Universidade Luterana do Brasil, Canoas, Brazil, 2 Private Practice, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,
Piracicaba Dental School, Universidade de Campinas, Piracicaba, Brazil, 4 National School of Public Health, Fundação
Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 5 Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 6 School of Dental
Medicine, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Excessive sugar consumption is the main cause of dental caries. Dental caries is highly
prevalent and negatively impacts the quality of life at all stages. Furthermore, sugar
consumption is associated with other noncommunicable conditions and diseases, such
as obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases. The aim of this paper is to propose
Edited by:
recommendations at the individual and population levels for health professionals, families,
Md Anwarul Azim Majumder, educators, stakeholders, and public officials to reduce the burden of dental caries and
The University of the West other noncommunicable diseases that are caused by the excessive sugar intake. A
Indies, Barbados
systematic search was performed in PubMed and Cochrane databases to investigate
Reviewed by:
H. K. S. De Zoysa, the effectiveness of strategies and policies aiming to reduce sugar consumption as well
Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, as the impact of different patterns of sugar consumption on the occurrence of dental
Sri Lanka
Balgis Gaffar,
caries. Reference list of the identified papers and practice guidelines were manually
Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal reviewed as well. Based on the best evidence available, the Brazilian Academy of
University, Saudi Arabia Dentistry recommends not to offer sugars to children younger than 2 years of age, and to
*Correspondence: limit total sugar consumption to <25 g per day after 2 years of age. Furthermore, families
Alexandre R. Vieira
arv11@pitt.edu should be informed to limit sugar exposure, sugar-free areas should be available, content
of food labels and advertisement should be regulated, taxation of products with sugar
Specialty section: should be introduced, and reformulation of foods and drinks to reduce concentrations of
This article was submitted to
Oral Health Promotion,
sugars should be considered.
a section of the journal
Keywords: dental caries, sugars, diet, policy, oral health
Frontiers in Oral Health

Received: 03 February 2022

Accepted: 07 March 2022 INTRODUCTION
Published: 06 April 2022

Citation: Untreated dental caries in the permanent dentition is the most prevalent condition among all
Feldens CA, Pinheiro LL, Cury JA, human diseases, affecting more than 2.5 billion people [1, 2]. A regional evaluation of dental caries
Mendonça F, Groisman M, showed marked social disparity, with the poor and disenfranchised significantly more affected [3].
Costa RAH, Pereira HC and Vieira AR
These disparities are established very early in life, prior to and at the time children start elementary
(2022) Added Sugar and Oral Health:
A Position Paper of the Brazilian
school [4, 5]. In the primary dentition, untreated dental caries is the single most common chronic
Academy of Dentistry. childhood disease, affecting 621 million people worldwide, which corresponds to more than 50%
Front. Oral. Health 3:869112. of children under 6 years of age in the majority of countries, reaching nearing 100% in some
doi: 10.3389/froh.2022.869112 countries [6].

Frontiers in Oral Health | www.frontiersin.org 1 April 2022 | Volume 3 | Article 869112

Feldens et al. Added Sugar and Oral Health

Studies published in the last two decades showed the negative TABLE 1 | Terms and definitions used for sugars [19–21].
impact of dental caries in all aspects of life related to oral health
Term Definition
in the infancy, school age, adolescence, adulthood, and among
the elderly. Dental caries causes pain, impairs function, and has Sugar A sweet, crystalline substance, C12H22O11, obtained chiefly
an impact in the emotional and social wellbeing [7, 8]. Dental from the juice of the sugarcane and the sugar beet.
caries affects all functions that comprise the current definition of Total The term is used conventionally to describe the
oral health—the ability to speak, smile, smell, taste, swallow, and sugars monosaccharides glucose, galactose, and fructose, as well
express emotions with confidence, without pain, discomfort or as the disaccharides sucrose, lactose, maltose, and
trehalose. Total sugars include all sugars in a food or
disease [9]. Further, dental caries impacts academic performance, beverage from any source, including those naturally occurring
leads to loss of working hours, and direct and indirect costs (such as fructose in fruit and lactose in milk, starch in
for the individual and society, including loss of productivity [2]. vegetables) and those added to foods.
Untreated dental caries can also potentially lead to more dramatic Naturally Include those that are an innate component of foods (e.g.,
outcomes, such as documented instances of blindness [10] and occurring fructose in fruits and vegetables and lactose in milk and other
death [11]. sugars dairy products).

Due to its complexity, dental caries requires different Added Include all sugars used as ingredients in processed and
sugars prepared foods and sugars eaten separately or added to
strategies to promote health and reduce the burden of the foods at the table. Sucrose and high-fructose corn syrups are
disease in the population. Dental caries occurrence depends the most commonly added sugars.
on educational interventions, community fluoridation policies, Intrinsic Sugars that are present within the cell walls of plants (e.g.,
and individual factors such as socioeconomic status, behavior, sugars naturally occurring sugars) and are always accompanied by
and biological factors [12]. The literature consistently shows other nutrients.
that diet, with excessive sugar consumption, particularly sucrose Extrinsic Those sugars not located within the cellular structure of a
(the sugar originated from sugar cane or beets), is the main sugars food and are found in fruit juice, honey, and syrups and
added to processed foods.
cause of dental caries in all ages [13]. Hence, sugar continues
Free Include monosaccharides and disaccharides added to foods
to be highly consumed worldwide from the first year of life.
sugars and beverages by the manufacturer, cook or consumer, and
The Foreign Agricultural Service of the US Department of sugars naturally present in honey, syrups, fruit juices and fruit
Agriculture states that Brazil has been, for decades, the world’s juice concentrates.
largest sugar producer and exporter, exerting major influence on
global sugar supply and prices. Between May 2020 and May 2021,
Brazilian sugar production achieved 42 million tons, of which
24.1% was destined to domestic consumption, which means search on results (impact) of programs and implementation
an average sugar consumption of ∼47.6Kg/inhabitant/year or of protocols to reduce sugar consumption was done. Finally,
130.4g/inhabitant/day at the period [14]. another strategy using the PEO question (Population, Exposure,
In Brazil, foods and drinks high in sugar are consumed Outcome) to identify longitudinal studies, randomized clinical
by almost all children at the age of 6 months, with long- trials, and systematic reviews that ascertained in any age, the
term implications for general and oral health [15–17]. In this impact of different patterns of sugar consumption (exposure)
context, individual and collective strategies to reduce sugar on the occurrence of dental caries (outcome) [18]. A manual
consumption and the burden of non-communicable diseases search on the reference list of the identified papers and practice
have been tested in the last decade in different countries. Some guidelines was also done.
promising results point to the need to gather this knowledge in
order to propose policies to be implemented according to the Sugar as a Risk Factor to Dental Caries
context of each country. Sugars as risk factor for dental caries may be described by
Since dental caries is a sugar intake-based disease, the aim of different terminology depending on the context (scientific
this report is to propose recommendations at the individual and literature, protocols and recommendations, labels and
population levels, to promote action with the goal of reducing the regulations). The lack of consistency on how to describe
burden of dental caries and other noncommunicable diseases that sugars, even in the scientific literature, makes the understanding
are caused by the excessive sugar intake. of the issue more difficult. Table 1 lists terms and definitions
found in the literature.
The World Health Organization (WHO) usually uses and
METHODS recommends “free sugars,” since noncommunicable diseases
associate with this contextual meaning of sugars [19]. On
A PICO question (Population, Intervention, Comparator/s, the other hand, the American Heart Association uses the
Outcomes) strategy was carried out in PubMed and Cochrane terminology “added sugars” to refer to the risk factor for
to identify intervention studies and systematic reviews of cardiovascular diseases. Many studies investigated the effect of
intervention studies on the effectiveness of educational strategies drinks with added sugars, since these drinks are an important
to reduce sugar consumption (Intervention), compared to a portion of individual energy intake. Calories from drinks with
control group (Comparator/s) in any age (Population) in the added sugars have low nutritional content and high energy,
occurrence of dental caries (Outcome) [18]. In addition, a giving a similar satiation perception than solid foods. As a result,

Frontiers in Oral Health | www.frontiersin.org 2 April 2022 | Volume 3 | Article 869112

Feldens et al. Added Sugar and Oral Health

energy consumption may increase leading to excessive weight consumption once or twice a day (desserts) is not associated with
gain [19]. an important increase in risk of dental caries [32].
The term “early sugar consumption” refers to the intake of
added sugars by a child very early in life. The hazardous potential Sugar Consumption: Common Risk Factor
to health of diets with added sugars for infants may be bigger, of Noncommunicable Diseases
since these diets are not preconized for this age group. Natural Noncommunicable diseases are the main causes of death, and
carbohydrates, such as the lactose found in milk and starch found in many instances, these occur prior to 70 years of age [33,
in fruits and vegetables, are the best energy source to complement 34]. There is an association between sugar consumption and
the diet of a child. There is some variation in the literature of the diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease,
meaning of early diet, which can mean the first months of life and cancer [13, 21, 33]. Due to these data, the Brazilian Ministry
(usually the first 6 months), the first year of life, or the first 2 years of Health, the American Heart Association (AHA), the European
of life. Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology Hepatology and Nutrition
Added sugars, particularly sucrose, appears to be the best (ESPGHAN) and the International Association of Pediatric
terminology in regards to oral health, since it directly relates Dentistry recommend that children should not eat foods and
to the establishment and progression of dental caries lesions. drinks with added sugars (sucrose, fructose, and glucose) before
Some data, however, are still unclear, such as the reference the age of two [20, 21, 35, 36].
to fructose as the added sugar in several products for human The World Health Organization (WHO) emphasizes the role
consumption in the United States [20]. We, in this paper, are of free sugars (sugars added to food and drinks and naturally
using “sugar” with the meaning of added sucrose to foods and present in foods, such as fruit juices and honey) in the incidence
beverages. In practice, it is impossible to avoid that different of noncommunicable diseases. The WHO recommends limiting
nutrients are represented and distinct individual behaviors are the consumption of free sugars to up to 10% of the total energy
present in different epidemiological studies, due to the limitation intake, suggesting that limiting this consumption to 5% of the
of questionnaires and interviews used, which capture a behavior total food consumption brings an additional benefit to children
that can constantly and quickly change. and adults alike [13, 33]. This corresponds to ∼25 g (six tea
spoons or 100 kilocalories) of sugar per day per individual with a
healthy BMI body mass index) and has the support of the AHA
Dental Caries and the Etiological Role of and ESPGHAN [20, 21]. Although these recommendations are
Sugars From the Diet based on the amount of sugars and dental caries depends on
Two aspects related to sugar consumption make dental caries the frequency of consumption, it is reasonable to assume that
worse and should be the focus of future designed interventions: the reduction of sugar amounts will lead to the reduction of
early life sugar exposure and the high frequency of sugars in all frequency of sugar consumption and vice-versa.
ages. There is evidence of sugar intake during the first year of Since knowing that added sugar consumption is growing, it
life and early childhood caries [22–24]. On the other hand, sugar is already at levels much higher than the ones recommended,
consumption right after the eruption of the first teeth facilitates and is a risk factor for dental caries and other noncommunicable
the establishment of a cariogenic microbiota, which is a predictor diseases, intervention for the reduction of sugar consumption
for future early childhood caries experience [25, 26]. The early is the responsibility of all health professionals, including the
exposure of a child to sucrose influences the child’s preference for dentist, foundations promoting the wellbeing, opinion leaders,
sweets, leading the child to favor foods and drinks with added and public decision makers.
sugars instead of healthier foods [27], which in turn contributes
to the dental caries experience in the future. Individual and Community Interventions
Investigations with different populations over the decades Articles retrieved through the literature search included
have shown that diet rich in sugars have a role in the occurrence randomized clinical trials, mostly focused on behavior change
and severity of dental caries. The readily available sugars strategies, and before and after studies, which investigated
allows for the repetitive production of acids from the bacterial the impact of different policies and programs to reduce sugar
metabolism keeping the pH low and leading to the imbalance consumption in a country or community. Overall, five strategies
between the demineralization and remineralization of the enamel have been proposed to reduce sugar consumption and to
surface. The demineralization will overcome remineralization, promote oral health of the individual and communities.
leading to the formation and progression of dental caries, and this
is further worsened by the continuous exposure to sugars from Educational Strategies for Families
the diet [28, 29]. Data show a dose-response relationship between At the individual level, there is moderate evidence from
sugar consumption and dental caries; the higher the sugar intake, randomized clinical trials showing the benefit of delaying sugar
higher the caries experience and severity of the disease [30, 31]. intake and reducing its consumption in the first years of life
The association between high dietary sugar intake and [15, 37]. These educational strategies reduced the occurrence
dental caries is independent from socioeconomic and of relevant outcomes in Brazil, such as respiratory disease and
other demographic factors. This association is the basis for dental caries, but depend on the frequency and vigor of these
recommending intervals between meals. Although unclear what educational interventions, and the link between the family and
can be considered safe, it is reasonable to assume that sugar health centers of health professionals [37–39]. In Hong Kong,

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Feldens et al. Added Sugar and Oral Health

incorporating diet counseling through motivational interview typically have sugar levels way above the recommended [48].
into dental care for adolescents improved oral health behaviors In the United Kingdom, a call for reformulation of foods that
and prevented new dental caries lesions [40]. contributed the most for sugar consumption by children was
Although educating mothers and families regarding healthy made by the government. Between 2016 and 2019, a significant
eating may reduce disease risks, broader approaches not reduction in sugar consumption could be seen, particularly due
depending on “behavior changes” may be more effective to the reformulation of yogurts by reducing the concentration
in reducing sugar consumption, and ultimately health of sugars [49]. In Brazil, the Ministry of Health and the food
disparities [41]. The experience in several countries include industry signed an agreement in 2018 to reduce the amount
promising interventions for reducing obesity and the burden of of sugar in products to diminish the population-wide sugar
noncommunicable diseases, including dental caries [42]. consumption by 144,000 tons by 2025. However, there are
no legal means in the country to regulate the execution of
Taxation of Sugary Drinks and Foods these agreements and the promised results are not likely to be
Taxing products with added sugars has been tested and tried achieved [17].
in more than 40 countries, with evidence of reduction in
the consumption of these products [43]. This intervention Regulation of Advertisement and Labeling
potentially may contribute to the reduction of sugar consumption of Foods With Sugars
and improving the health of the population by (a) increasing Advertisement and sales of products with sugars, as well as their
retail prices and reducing sales and purchases of taxes drinks labeling, influence the consumer behavior of families and the
and foods; (b) raising public awareness on negative health effects dietary habits of children [42]. The WHO and Pan American
of sugars; (c) encouraging no added costs industry responses, Health Organization made a series of recommendations
such as product reformulation; and (d) generating government regarding advertisement and commercialization of foods and
revenue, which can be directed toward services that improve nonalcoholic drinks for children. In Chile, it was implemented in
population health [42, 44, 45]. 2016 the “Law of Foods,” which regulated packages of foods and
France increased taxes of sugary beverages in 2012, which drinks, disallowing the use of cartoons, and the sales of sugary
resulted in immediate reduction of the consumption of these drinks in schools. Furthermore, language for food and drink label
products. United Kingdom started increasing taxes according to warnings was normalized to improve the ability of the consumer
the excess of concentration of sugar in drinks and foods [42]. to differentiate less healthy from healthier foods and drinks.
With super-taxation of sugary drinks in Ireland, which increased Those measures not only aim to contribute with the reduction of
prices to the consumer by 10% caused a reduction of 11% in sugar, salt, and fat consumption, but also to motivate the industry
the consumption of these products. In Mexico, price increases to reformulate their products. The result was a reduction of 24%
of 10% of sugary drinks in 2014 caused an immediate reduction in the consumption of sugars in Chile [50]. Ecuador and Peru
of 6% in the consumption of these products and a 12% reduction followed by adopting new rules regulating packages of foods.
after 1 year. This reduction was even more pronounced (17%) in The addition of health warnings in the labels of sugary drinks
poor communities [42]. The increase of taxation of sugary drinks in Peru, Uruguay, Mexico, Israel, Chile and some states of the
in Thailand had similar effects, particularly among individuals United States resulted in a reduction of the sales of sugary
with lower socioeconomic status [46]. Another before and after drinks and positive changes in behavior, such as a different
study in South Africa showed a large reduction in taxed beverage perception of risks to diseases causes by high sugar consumption
intake one year after the implementation of a sugar-content- and a reduction in the intent of consuming such products [51].
based tax. Among taxed beverages, sugar intake decreased from Brazil recently decreed a new food labeling legislation to help
8.8 g/capita/day pre-tax to 19.8 post-tax [45]. In Brazil, the federal consumers better understand the nutritional information on
government implemented a tax on soft drinks in 2013, with a labels, including the presence of added sugars, hopefully allowing
rate of 27% for juice drinks, nectars, and other sugar sweetened for more informed food choices [17].
beverages. However, the federal government decreased the tax
rate in 2016 and 2018, contradicting global trends [17]. Promoting Sugar Free Areas
These experiences showed that taxation requires engaging Promoting areas that are sugar free, particularly in and around
stakeholders, such as politicians, the public and private sectors, schools and pre-schools, has been proposed. In Australia, it is
the media, and health professionals. These strategies should public policy that schools are not allowed to sell foods or drinks
include a broader agenda, beyond the health sector, and engage with excessive amounts of sugars or salt. In Brazil, it is law since
partners that can influence public decision making and involve 2009 that food planning in schools should be done by trained
the media [47]. nutritionists, who should emphasize the restriction of sugars and
fat. In addition, regulations included prohibition of sales of sugar
Reformulation of Foods With High Sugar sweetened beverages in schools. However, there are differences in
Content to Reduce Sugar Concentration compliance with these rules across Brazil [17]. Hungary, through
The reformulation of foods by reducing sugar content during the HAPPY (Hungarian Promoting Programme in the Young)
production is an attractive idea since it may reduce sugar program, put emphasis on drinking water rather than soda
consumption without behavior change [42]. This approach associated with increased taxation of sugary beverages. HAPPY
would be ideal for food products marketed to infants, which reduced the consumption of soda among Hungarian children

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Feldens et al. Added Sugar and Oral Health

[44]. The Chilean law of Food Labeling and Advertising, which disease is highly preventable, but requires interventions that can
caused significant reduction of sugar consumption, included lead to reduction of its primary cause: the excessive consumption
banning the sale of foods and beverages containing added sugar of added sugars to the diet. Such interventions have the potential
in schools and nurseries [50]. to reduce dental caries and other noncommunicable diseases
Simply recognizing a risk factor is not enough to change that are linked to sugar consumption, such as diabetes and
risk behaviors associated with disease. For decades, it is known cardiovascular diseases.
that smoking is associated with a four-fold increase in heart
attacks ands stroke, 20-fold increase in lung cancer, and a ten- Future Directions and Recommendations
fold increase in emphysema and chronic obstructive pulmonary Based on what was exposed above, The Brazilian Academy of
disease. However, a marked reduction in smoking, particularly in Dentistry recommends that foods and drinks with added sugars
Brazil, happened after implementation of broader interventions, are not offered to children before they are 2 years of age, and
such as advertisement and labeling restrictions, and increase in no more than 25 g per day should be consumed, preferably with
taxation. Data from 500 million male smokers showed that the or right after meals. To achieve this goal, the following actions
biggest impact in smoking occurred when taxation was of 100% are proposed:
over price value [52]. (a) To implement educational family interventions targeting
On the other hand, policies and programs to reduce sugar the individual and communities, preferably at primary
consumption must be integrated and take into consideration the health centers.
reality in each country and community. This includes not only (b) To promote sugar-free environments, prioritizing schools,
the specification of these measures (e.g., definitions of products to pre-schools and the work environment.
be taxed; type of tax to implement; uses of the tax revenue; which (c) To regulate the content of labels of foods and beverages with
products should be banned in schools), but also the participation added sugars.
of the actors involved [17, 42]. In this sense, dental professionals (d) To restrict advertisement of products with sugars.
and research organizations should disseminate the evidence, (e) To increase taxation of foods and beverages with sugars.
through advocacy and direct actions. The measures should be (f) To reformulate foods and beverages in regards to sugar
supported by civil society engagement, based on the recognition content, to reduce sugar concentrations.
that high sugar consumption is a public issue that has severe
impacts on society. Governments need to develop strategies to Future investigations should measure the long-term
ensure that these interventions are implemented and monitored, impact of different programs and policies, in order to
which includes capturing the impacts of sugar reductions [42]. assess whether the expected results in reducing sugar
The present analysis has limitations. In particular, the consumption are sustained. Furthermore, policy evaluation
recommendations are based on a few randomized clinical should not be restricted to the assessment of reducing
trials, restricted to behavior change strategies to reduce sugar sugar consumption, and also include measures of impact
consumption. Thus, the reported benefits of upstream policies on clinically relevant outcomes such as dental caries and other
are based on observational studies, without a control group. non-communicable diseases.
However, it is not plausible to randomize people or clusters
to some of the measures, such as increasing taxes on sugary AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
products or regulating advertising. Furthermore, the mandatory
implementation of these policies by governments is very new and CF wrote the first draft of the manuscript in Portuguese and
the results are still short-term, and the current available evidence critically revised the final submitted version. LP, JC, FM, MG,
in limited. RC, and HP critically revised the manuscript and approved
the final version that was submitted. AV critically revised
CONCLUSION the original version of the manuscript in Portuguese and
generated the version in english and finalized the manuscript.
Dental caries is prevalent, unevenly distributed, and has an All authors contributed to the article and approved the
impact in quality of life of individuals and societies. However, the submitted version.

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