Mcanism B Neurodegenerative
Mcanism B Neurodegenerative
Mcanism B Neurodegenerative
Pathology of neurodegenerative
disease for the general neurologist
Patrick W Cullinane,1,2 Sarah Wrigley,1,2 Jacy Bezerra Parmera ,2,3
Fernanda Valerio,4 Thomas O Millner,4 Karen Shaw,1,2
Eduardo De Pablo-Fernandez ,1,2 Thomas T Warner,1,2
Zane Jaunmuktane1,2,4
PSEN2) or amyloid precursor protein (APP) genes or the appearance of neuritic plaques. This hypothesis is
APP duplication.4 The observation of high amounts of based on the finding that mutations in the APP, PSEN1
Aβ in the parenchyma and vasculature of patients who or PSEN2 genes, which result in primary abnormalities
died from iatrogenic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease several of Aβ metabolism, can cause young-onset AD whereas
decades after receiving cadaver-derived human growth mutations in the microtubule-associated protein tau
hormone treatment,5 has led to widespread recogni- (MAPT) gene responsible for primary tauopathies do
tion that iatrogenic transmission of Aβ neuropathology not cause AD.7 Paramount for AD histological diag-
is also possible during surgical procedures involving nosis is phosphorylated tau aggregation in neuronal
contaminated dura mater grafts used in a wide range bodies leading to the appearance of pretangles, which
of medical interventions, or involving contaminated mature into neurofibrillary tangles, and following cell
neurosurgical instruments. death remain as ghost tangles. Although Aβ may be
responsible for the initiation of tau misfolding in AD,
Macroscopic features
the degree of cortical atrophy and clinical features
In typical amnestic cases, cortical atrophy tends to be
correlate with the density of tau pathology rather than
more pronounced in multimodal association cortices
that of Aβ.8 For most cases of AD, the topographical
and medial temporal structures, particularly the amyg-
spread of neuropathology follows the model proposed
dala and hippocampus, with relative sparing of the
by Braak and Braak, beginning in the medial temporal
primary motor and somatosensory cortices.6 Loss of
neuromelanin pigmentation in the locus coeruleus is structures before extending into neocortical struc-
also common. tures9 with the exceptions of rare limbic-predominant
and hippocampal-sparing AD. Currently, the neuro-
Histological features pathological diagnosis of AD is based on the National
AD is a mixed proteinopathy because misfolded Aβ and Institute on Aging-Alzheimer’s Association guidelines
tau pathology are found together in neuritic plaques using semi-quantitative assessments of regional Aβ
(figure 2). Initially, extracellular Aβ plaques are diffuse pathology (Thal phase), regional neurofibrillary tangle
but as they mature, they develop a dense central core. presence (Braak and Braak stage) and cortical neuritic
In line with the widely accepted amyloid- cascade plaque (CERAD score) density10 to indicate the likeli-
hypothesis, dense core plaques initiate tau aggregation hood of dementia being due to AD neuropathological
within surrounding dystrophic neurites culminating in change.
Figure 3 Morphology of α-synuclein inclusions in Parkinson’s disease and multiple system atrophy.
Figure 4 Macroscopic and microscopic findings in a case of minimal change multiple system atrophy. Compared with the of Iasi. Protected by copyright.
significant lateral putaminal atrophy seen in a case of MSA-SND (A2, blue arrowhead), there is no macroscopic atrophy of the basal
ganglia structures (A1). Similarly, there is no atrophy of the pontine base (A3, vertical line) compared with the severe reduction in the
height of this structure in a case of MSA-OPCA (A4, vertical lines). In contrast to atrophy and gliosis of the inferior olivary nucleus
in a case of MSA-OPCA (A6, purple arrow), this structure is of normal bulk and well demarcated in this case (A5, blue arrow). The
cerebellar white matter is also preserved (A8, green arrow) compared with severe cerebellar white matter atrophy seen in MSA-
OPCA (A7, yellow arrow (note good preservation of superior cerebellar peduncle, shown with blue asterisk). Histological examination
reveals an α-synucleinopathy with pathological inclusions seen in both glial and neuronal cells. The morphology of glial cytoplasmic
inclusions is typical of MSA. Glial cytoplasmic inclusions are seen within pencil fibres of Wilson in the putamen (B1), pontine base
white matter (B2), the inferior olivary nucleus (B3) and the cerebellar white matter (B4). While on macroscopic examination, neither
striatonigral nor olivopontocerebellar regions show any apparent atrophy, on histological examination, the lateral part of the
posterior putamen shows mild gliosis and neuronal depletion (not shown). Therefore, the pathology corresponds best to minimal
change MSA with histological evidence of striatal (posterior putaminal) atrophy. Moderately severe hyaline arteriolosclerosis was also
seen in occasional blood vessels in the cerebral white matter and there was focal cerebral amyloid angiopathy in the occipital lobe
involving the occipital cortex and overlying leptomeninges (not shown). Scale bar: B1, 75 µm; B2 and B4, 300 µm; B3, 100 µm. AC,
anterior commissure; Cau, caudate nucleus; CC, corpus callosum; GP, globus pallidus; IC, internal capsule; MC, minimal change;
MSA, multiple system atrophy; OPCA, olivopontocerebellar; Put, putamen; SND, striatonigral.
encephalopathy. Argyrophilic grain disease, primary neocortex, with characteristic emphasis in the frontal
age-related tauopathy and age-related tau astrogliop- lobe. The pattern of regional atrophy is more variable
athy are common pathologies seen in ageing brains in corticobasal degeneration but asymmetric focal
and are described below. Progressive supranuclear cortical atrophy and depigmentation of the substantia
palsy classically presents with Richardson’s syndrome, nigra are the most common findings. ‘Knife edge’
but other clinical phenotypes include parkinsonian atrophy localised to the frontal and temporal lobes
and cortical variants. Corticobasal degeneration can with an anteroposterior gradient is classically associ-
manifest as corticobasal syndrome, primary progres- ated with Pick’s disease. Chronic traumatic encepha-
sive aphasia and even Richardson’s syndrome, while lopathy is not associated with a distinct macroscopic
globular glial tauopathy presents with varying degrees atrophy pattern but there may be medial temporal lobe
of frontotemporal dementia (FTD) and upper motor atrophy and a cavum septum pellucidum is frequently
neurone features with or without parkinsonism. Pick’s present.
disease typically presents as behavioural variant FTD
(bvFTD) but rarely manifests as primary progressive Histological examination
aphasia or corticobasal syndrome.17 Chronic traumatic Despite the clinical overlap between these condi-
encephalopathy occurs in people with a history of tions, they can be distinguished by differences in
repetitive head impacts and is characterised by progres- the morphology (figure 5) and regional distribution
sive episodic memory and/or executive dysfunction, of tau pathology. Pick’s disease is characterised by
with or without neurobehavioral dysregulation.18 19 neuronal cytoplasmic inclusions known as Pick bodies
Mutations in the MAPT gene produce tauopathies that with fewer globular inclusions in glial cells, whereas
often have histological features that allow them to be progressive supranuclear palsy, corticobasal degen-
differentiated from the sporadic diseases mentioned eration and globular glial tauopathy are defined by
above. the morphology of their astrocytic tau inclusions. In
progressive supranuclear palsy, tau accumulates within
Macroscopic examination astrocytic cell bodies resulting in lesions known as
Figure 5 Morphology of cellular inclusions in various tauopathies. AGD, argyrophilic grain disease; ARTAG, age-related tau
astrogliopathy; CBD, corticobasal degeneration; FAs, fuzzy astrocytes; GGT, globular glial tauopathy; PiD, Pick's disease; PSP,
progressive supranuclear palsy; TSAs, thorn-shaped astrocytes; 3R, 3-repeat; 4R, 4-repeat.
pathognomonic feature of chronic traumatic enceph- (MND) including amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and
alopathy is the presence of neuronal and astrocytic primary lateral sclerosis, comprise the other major
tau pathology distributed around small blood vessels group of conditions associated with TDP43 pathology.
at the depths of cortical sulci, where the greatest There is considerable clinical overlap between
mechanical deformation is predicted to occur during FTLD-TDP43 and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis corre-
head impacts.20 Neuronal tau pathology also occurs in sponding to the distribution of TDP43 pathology.25
progressive supranuclear palsy, corticobasal degener- Specifically, about 15% of people with FTLD develop
ation, globular glial tauopathy and chronic traumatic MND, while executive dysfunction may occur in
encephalopathy in the form of neurofibrillary tangles 20–25% of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis cases and
and pretangles. Tauopathies can also be classified by non-executive cognitive impairment in 5–10%.26
the relative abundance of 3-repeat and 4-repeat tau
isoforms; progressive supranuclear palsy, cortico- Macroscopic examination
basal degeneration and globular glial tauopathy have The macroscopic findings in the MND spectrum disor-
a strong predominance of 4-repeat tau whereas Pick’s ders include atrophy of the motor cortex, spinal cord
disease neuronal inclusions mainly comprise 3-repeat and anterior spinal nerve roots, while macroscopic
tau. Mixed tauopathies include chronic traumatic examination of FTLD shows atrophy of the frontal
encephalopathy and AD, which have both 3- repeat and temporal regions, often accompanied by atrophy
and 4-repeat tau pathology.21 A classification scheme and pallor of the substantia nigra.
based on the electron cryo-microscopy structure of tau
filaments from the different tauopathies has also been Histological examination
proposed.22 On microscopic examination there is loss of Betz cells
in the motor cortex and neuronal loss and gliosis in the
Case 2 12th cranial nerve nucleus, anterior horns, and gliosis
An 84- year-
old man presented with confusion and in the corticospinal tracts in the brain and lateral
a 4–5 month history of reduced mobility.23 He had columns of the spinal cord.
Figure 6 Macroscopic and microscopic findings in a case of chronic traumatic encephalopathy. There is mild global cerebral volume
Mutations in the progranulin (GRN) and C9orf72 monoclonal antibody trial. Within 2 years, he devel-
genes can produce both type A and type B pathology, oped behavioural change with prominent aggression.
while p62 and valosin-containing protein (VCP) gene He died at the age of 73 years. Neuropathological
mutations can lead to type D pathology. No genetic examination revealed widespread TDP43 pathology in
substrate for type C and E pathology has been identi- keeping with Type A TDP43 proteinopathy. In addi-
fied to date. tion, there were diffuse TDP43 ‘star-like’ perinuclear
inclusions and widespread perinuclear p62 immuno-
reactive inclusions, which outnumbered TDP43 inclu-
A 64-year-old man presented with episodic memory
sions in the dentate gyrus and cerebellar granule cells
problems, anomia and subtle semantic language defi-
cits. His mother was diagnosed with AD aged 72 but (figure 8). These histological features strongly suggest a
there was no other known family history of neuro- C9orf72 hexanucleotide repeat expansion, which was
logical disease. Neuropsychometric testing identified subsequently confirmed by genetic sequencing. FTLD
poor verbal recognition memory, impaired naming, is highly heritable with approximately 18% of FTD
reduced semantic fluency and impaired executive func- cases in one series having a monogenic cause.30 Genetic
tion. MR scan of his brain showed generalised volume causes of FTLD include mutations in MAPT (tauop-
loss that was more pronounced in both hippocampi. athies), GRN, VCP and C9orf72 repeat expansions
He was diagnosed with AD and enrolled in an Aβ (TDP43 proteinopathies). This case demonstrates how
Figure 8 Macroscopic and microscopic findings in a case of FTLD-TDP Type A due to C9orf72 hexanucleotide repeat expansion.
There is severe atrophy of the hippocampus, reduction in bulk of the thalamus (A1, purple arrow), and less prominent atrophy of
have varying amounts of one or more other misfolded Primary age-related tauopathy
protein pathologies of uncertain clinical relevance.32 Primary age- related tauopathy refers to neurofibril-
The prevalence of co- pathology increases with lary tangle pathology that is histologically and struc-
increasing age and may also be associated with APOE turally indistinguishable from that seen in AD but in
ɛ4 genotype.32 the absence of any significant amyloid-β pathology.35
Primary age- related tauopathy is largely restricted
Incidental Lewy body disease to the medial temporal lobes, basal forebrain, brain-
Community- based population studies indicate that stem, olfactory bulb and cortex.35 Compared with
the prevalence of incidental Lewy body disease ranges AD, primary age-related tauopathy cases tend to have
from 15% in those aged over 60 years to 40% in those considerably less tau pathology outside the medial
aged over 85 years.33 34 In two-thirds of these cases the temporal lobe, lower frequency of APOE ε4 risk allele,
pattern of Lewy pathology follows the typical caudal- higher frequency of the protective APOE ε2 allele and
rostral pattern while another one-third of cases have an less severe cognitive impairment.36
amygdala-predominant pattern, which is influenced by
the APOE ε4 genotype. Incidental Lewy body disease Age-related tau astrogliopathy
is associated with reduction in dopaminergic nigral Age-related tau astrogliopathy is a spectrum of astrog-
neurones and striatal dopamine levels suggesting that lial tau pathology mainly seen in people aged over
it may represent premotor PD.33 60.37 It may coexist with other primary tauopathies