APM-2024 Flyer
APM-2024 Flyer
APM-2024 Flyer
Central Ins tute of Petrochemicals Engineering & Technology INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE
(CIPET) (formerly known as Central Ins tute of Plas cs Ini ated in 2010, the APM series was established as a pivotal pla orm for
Engineering & Technology) is a premier academic ins tu on
for higher & technical educa on under the Department of
Chemicals and Petrochemicals, Ministry of Chemicals &
Fer lizers, Govt. of India having its head office at Chennai &
fostering technological networking among pioneers in Petrochemicals
Science and its allied applica ons. Over the years, APM has facilitated
robust idea exchanges, interac ve industrial sessions, and discussions on
socio-economic solu ons. It has also delved into future research trends,
various centres across the country. CIPET is fully devoted in inven ve design concepts, and simula on techniques. The series has played
Academics, Research, Technology Support, and Skill Training. a pivotal role in fostering interna onal collabora ons, industrial partnerships,
and academic networking. The mul disciplinary approach embraced by
APM has significantly broadened CIPET's research horizons.
Organised by:
Func onal Materials - A benchmark in the field of new materials
Blends, Alloys and Composites - Renaissance for Applica ons in
upcoming Sector
High Performance Polymers - Tailoring high end applica ons
Ar ficial intelligence & Machine Learning : Innova ve polymer design
and discovery
WHO SHOULD ATTEND THIS? Smart Materials - A replacement for exis ng non-renewables CIPET
Sustainable & Green Chemistry – to promote Sustainability, Prosperity
The conference provides an opportunity for academics, scholars, and Equity CIPET : IPT - AHMEDABAD
researchers, industry persons, and policy makers with different Nanotechnology Integra on- Design, Development and Simula on of Plot No. ,
backgrounds to discuss their experience, new ideas and Nanoechnology World Phase-IV, GIDC, Vatva,
research outcomes in the forum of experts and speakers. Thin films & Coa ngs - Newer a ributes for poten al applica ons Ahmedabad -
Recycling Technology and Circular Economy - Renew, Revive & Restart Gujarat
The conference commi ee highly encourages par cipa on of Emerging Technologies for Waste Management - Innova ve &
PhD and PG students to presents their research work, or economical Recycling Strategies
literature review, or findings, case studies etc. in the broad Industrial Safety - Hazard Iden fica on and Risk Assessment &
Chemical Handling and Storage Safety
spectrum of themes.
APM-2024 welcomes high-quality, cu ng-edge research
ORGANIZING COMMITTEE on materials and technology for sustainable energy and
environment par cularly encourages original, novel TECHNICAL COMMITTEE :
PATRON fundamental, and engineering research covering the Dr. K P Bhuvana + -
Prof.(Dr.) Shishir Sinha men oned thrust area of this Interna onal Conference. Dr. Rajesh Panda + -
Director General, CIPET The document should be prepared considering following Dr. Gohil Jaydevsinh M + -
forma ng: Dr. Srikant Tiwari + -
Title should be in Arial font size 16.
Author names should be in Arial font size 14 and affilia on REGISTRATION FEES :
CHAIRMAN in Arial font size 12. : Rs. 2000/-
Students (M.Tech/ M.Phil/ M.Sc./ B.Tech / Dip.)
Dr. P.S.G. Krishnan The presen ng author should be underlined. : Rs. 3000/-
Research Scholars
Principal Director (TSS & BD), : Rs.
Abstract should not be more than 250 words. Facul es and Delegates from Academic Ins tu ons /-
CIPET, Head Office : Rs.
Abstract should be prepared considering A4 paper size document file. Delegates from Industries/ R&D Organiza on /-
The line spacing should be . . Font size for Abstract should be Arial Foreign Delegates : USD 250/-
CO-CHAIRMAN font size 12. All payments are to be made through Cheque/Demand Dra /NEFT
Dr. Vishal Verma The abstract should include 3-5 keywords that define the subject ma er. or RTGS in favour of “CIPET Ahmedabad”
TSS & BD, CIPET, Head Office The general guideline/ template for abstract can be downloaded
Account No. : 0282201001442
from www.APM2024.com
Bank Name : Canara Bank
Abstract should be submi ed at conference website www.APM2024.com
Bank Address : Maninagar, Ahmedabad, Gujarat-380008
Acceptance of abstracts shall be in mated through email a er :
scru nizing by subject experts & selected papers will be published in :
Mr. Paritosh Diwasali CIPET GST No. 24AAAAC0606R1ZV
conference proceedings.
Head, CIPET : IPT-Ahmedabad
ADVISORY COMMITTEE PUBLICATION & AWARDS Please make sure in which category you can apply for registra on.
Fee should be paid in advance prior to registra on.
Selected Papers will be published in the special issue of DD / NEFT / UTR No. should be filled into the registra on
Prof. Ashok Mishra Dr. N.R. Shiju form. In case of any query, feel free to contact us.
Ex-Director, IIT, Bombay Faculty of Science, University of “Elsevier”, Netherlands
Prof K.K. Pant Amsterdam, Netherlands Selected five Posters will be awarded USD 100 each
Director, IIT, Roorkee Dr. Guru Ghosh sponsored by “Elsevier”, Netherlands
Prof. (Dr.) Anupam Shukla Vice President for Outreach and
Director, SVNIT, Surat Interna onal Affairs, Virginia Tech (USA)
Dr. Atul Narayan Vaidya Dr. Ashutosh Tiwari
Director, CSIR-NEERI, Nagpur Assistant Professor, Department
of Materials Science and The poster should be printed before a ending the conference.
Prof. Naveen Kumar Navani
Professor, Chemical Biology Group, Engineering, University of Utah (USA) E-poster will also be accepted.
IIT Roorkee Prof Ajay Dalai The poster should be in English and portrait orienta on
Prof Anup K. Ghosh Department of Chemical Engineering size of A1 (23.4 x 33.1 inches).
and Biological Engineering,
Emeritus Professor, IIT-Delhi The tle of the poster and name of authors should be
Prof. Ashutosh Sharma Saskatchewan University, Canada.
Prof. K. Kanny placed at the top of the poster.
Ins tue Chair Professor, The author's names, emails and address should be
Professor, Durban University of
IIT - Kanpur
Technology, South Africa. highlighted & the name of the presen ng author should
Dr. S.K. Goyal
Shri Dhawal Saxena be underlined.
Chief Scien st & Head, CSIR-NEERI,
CEO & CTO, All diagrams and paragraphs should be neatly prepared
Delhi Zone Center
Bhumistha Infra Services, Mumbai h ps://forms.gle/CTqSNJoiKeSV4aVW6
Prof D S Arya Shri Rajeev Dwivedi
and readable.
Professor, Department of Hydrology, Director, TTRC, Different colors and textures/symbols should be used for
IIT Roorkee M/s. Lohia Corp Ltd., Kanpur each line or bar contained in the graph or chart.
Dr. O.P. Pandey VENUE
Dr. Anirbid Sircar Authors have complete freedom in displaying their CIPET : Ins tute of Petrochemicals Technology (IPT)
Senior Professor & Head Director, SOET, PDEU, informa on in fig es, tables, text and photographs. Plot No. 630,Phase 4,GIDC,Vatva,Ahmedabad-382 445
Thapar Ins tute of Engineering Gandhinagar
& Technology, Pa ala The finalized poster should also be submi ed in Portable E-mail : apm2024@cipet.gov.in
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