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INTRODUCTION-Notices-where used: schools, organisations, government boards.

-why used-to inform people about various events, issue, & public instructions. Important points to be
*Use the word "NOTICE" followed by the name of the organization/institute.
*Write the date on the left hand side.(eg.18th July2022)
*Give a suitable heading to the notice.
*Content should contain the following-event, date, place, time)
*Conclude the notice with name (signature),& post(designation)
*Write it in a box
*Follow 50 words-limit.

Name of the Institute


Date, Time, Venue, Last Date, Entry fee any, dress code (if any), Theme(if any), Eligibility, No of
participants(if any)

For further queries contact undersigned.



(Dance, Drama, Music, Quiz, Debate, Lecture, Magazine, Science Fair ! Exhibition etc.)

You are Rahul /Richa As President of the Literary Club of your school; you have
organised an inter-school debate competition on the occasion of the Silver Jubilee
celebrations of your school. Write a notice in about 50 words, informing the students of
your school about the competition.



Inter School Debate Competition

The Literary Club is going to organize an inter-school debate competition on the occasion
of the Silver Jubilee celebrations for the stufents from class IX to XII. Details are given
Date : 18 Dec. 20XX
Time : 11 a.m. onwards
Venue : Saraswati Auditorium
Topic : “Nuclear Armament is India’s best defence against cross-border terrorism”
Last date for receipt of names: 10 Dec. upto 4.30 p.m.

Interested students can give their name to their respective class teacher. For further
queries contact undersigned.

The Students’ Council of your school has organised an excursion to Ajanta and Ellora
for the students of classes XI and XII during winter break. As the President of the
Council, write a notice in not more than 50 words telling the students about this
excursion and inviting their names for joining it.



The students’ Council is going to organise an excursion to Ajanta and Ellora for a fortnight.
For the students of class XI and XII. Details of the trip are as follows:
Date of Departure : 22nd Dec at 8 am from school Campus
Date of Return : 5th Jan
Fee : ₹ 5000 per head
Plans : Visiting Mumbai and other sites besides the caves
Mode of Transport: AC Bus
Boarding and Lodging: 3 Star hotel
Only 2 bags per student are allowed. Student is himself responsible for his
valuable items. Parent Consent is compulsory. Interested students may contact the
undersigned and can deposit the cash before 10th December 20XX.

For further detail contact undersigned.

Arun Verma
Students’ Council
You are Rama Rao, Secretary of the Students’ Council of your School (St. Thomas
School, Cochin). Write a notice for the school notice board inviting volunteers for a one-
day Blood Donation Camp organised by The Red Cross Society of India at your school.



Your Blood can save’s one’s life. The Red Cross Society of India is going to organise a
blood donation camp at the School. Details of camp are:
Date : 17th August 20XX
Time : 10 A.M. to 3 P.M.
Venue : School Auditorium

A team of expert Doctors will be there for the camp. All precautions regarding hygiene
and covid-19 will be followed strictly. Students who are above 18, teachers and parents
are urged to participate in large number. For further queries contact undersigned.

Rama Rao
Students’ Council

An invitation is a formal request to someone to attend any specific occasion, celebration, programme
or event.
Points to Remember
Type of Invitation
(A) Formal
(B) Informal
(A) Formal Invitation
To be written in third person.
Details like address dress code or any other instruction are written at the bottom to the left or the
right side as per choice.
Subject matter is generally written in the centre.
No abbreviation to be used.
Simple present tense is used.
Word limit 50.
Each entry to be mentioned in a separate line e.g., The name of the person(s) who is/are inviting
Formal expressions like 'request the pleasure of your company
Time and date of event
Purpose and occasion of invitation.
For RSVP, address and telephone no. is given at which the invitee may contact for any queries.
Name of the Chief Guest of the programme may be given


Main Characteristics:

1. A formal invitation is normally a single sentence presentation in third person.

2. Formal invitations are generally printed invitation cards. We use them to invite
guests on some auspicious occasion like birthdays, weddings, inauguration of
shops, houses, etc.
3. The invitation answers the questions who, whom, when, where, what time and for
what, i.e.,
o the occasion
o name(s) of the invitee
o name(s) of the host
o date, time and venue
4. The other details include name, designation and address of the organiser, sponsor
or host or the name(s) of the chief guest or special invitees, in case of an official
5. Printed formal invitations don’t include the name of the addressee.
6. Invitations to VIP to preside over a function do carry the name of VIP prominently.
7. Length as per CBSE guidelines is limited to 50 words.


Question 1:
M/s Shyam Lai & Sons are opening a new general store ‘Galaxy Novelties’ in Geetanjali
Enclave, Dwarika, Delhi. The inauguration ceremony is fixed for Sunday, the 19th of
October 20XX at 11 a.m. Prepare a draft of formal invitation letter for the purpose.

Question 2:
Draft an invitation on behalf of Mr & Mrs Raj Karan of 38, Kamal Kunj, Varanasi, which
they may use to invite their friends and relatives on the 5th birth anniversary of their son
Nikhil at their residence on 28 December 20XX.
Question 3:
Your sister Nivedita is going to marry Akhilesh (S/o Mr & Mrs SM. Joshi, Nainital) Your
father Mr K.S. Bhardwaj has planned to hold the wedding at Hotel Kunal, New Delhi on
25 May 20XX at 8 p.m. Write a formal invitation on behalf of Mr & Mrs K.S. Bhardwaj
inviting guests to the auspicious occasion. Give other details. Do not exceed 50 words.
Question: You are the Principal of Zodiac Senior Secondary School, Ooty. The school has
completed 25 years of its meritorious services to the society. The Silver Jubilee Celebrations
are to be held on Sunday, the 26th October, 20XX. Mrs M. Kamath, the founder Principal will
preside. Draft a suitable invitation to be sent to important dignitaries of the city and the parents
of students.

Note: Only two persons per card are allowed.

No eatables are allowed in the Auditorium
Take your seat before 9: 30am.
Question 10:
You are Sachin Bansal, the Head Boy of Springdales Public School, Gurgaon. Your school is
holding an inter-school T-20 cricket championship from 2 Oct. to 8 Oct., 20XX. Write a formal
invitation to Sh. B.S. Bedi, the legendary cricketer, to inaugurate the championship on 2 Oct.
20XX at 10 a.m. at your school grounds.
Springdales Public School
25 Sept. 20XX
Sh. B.S. Bedi
2/27 Jorbagh
New Delhi
Respected Sir
Sub: Inauguration of Cricket Championship
Our school is holding an inter-school T-20 cricket championship from 2 Oct. to 8 Oct. 20XX. All
the schools of the area are likely to participate. Your presence in our midst will act as a catalyst
and inspire us. You are requested to inaugurate the championship on 2 Oct. 20XX at 10 a.m. in
our school grounds.
Kindly confirm your availability by 30 Sept.
Yours faithfully,
Sachin Bansal
Head Boy


A formal reply is usually very short. It is brief and to the point. The quality of a good
reply is that it must always be pleasant. Even while declining the invitation or expressing
inability to attend one must be polite and courteous. Formal replies demand a formal
tone and treatment. There is no room for unnecessary details or superfluous matter in
An informal reply or private letter may, however, express personal feelings or desires in
an intimate style and informal tone.

Main characteristics:
(a) Formal Replies

• Acknowledge the invitation.

• Express thanks in third person.
• Mention acceptance/regret.
• Specify the reason for refusal.
• Be brief and specific.
• Be formal in tone and treatment.
• Do not exceed the word limit (usually 50 words).

(b) Informal Replies

• Acknowledge the invitation in first person.

• Use second person for the sender of invitation.
• Mention acceptance/regret.
• Specify the reason in case of refusal.
• Use warm and simple language.
• Do not exceed the word limit (usually 50 words).


You are Akshya / Aakriti. You have been invited to participate in a seminar on
‘Fundamental Rights of Children’, organised by the Lions Club of your distinct. Respond
to the invitation by writing a letter to the Secretary of the club.
25, Aram Bagh Road
5 May, 20XX
The Secretary
Lions Club, Meerut
Sub: Acceptance of Invitation
Thanks for your invitation for a seminar on ‘Fundamental Rights of Children’, and your
concern for the under-privileged children. I would like to utilise this opportunity to share
my experiences with other like-minded enthusiasts and experts.
1 hereby confirm my participation in the seminar.
Yours sincerely
Akshya I Aakriti


Sub: Inability to accept the invitation
Thank you very much for inviting me to participate in a seminar on ‘Fundamental Rights
of Children’. I feel honoured and obliged. However, I shall not be able to accept your
invitation due to some previous commitments which keep me confined to my place on
that day.
Thanking you once again for your kind invitation.
Yours sincerely
Akshay / Aakrit


You are Manoj /Mini. You have been invited to attend a birthday party of your closest
friend. Respond to this invitation.
217 MIG Flats
Surya Vihar, New Delhi
15 March, 20XX
Dear Shuchi
I have received your invitation for your birthday party on 25 March, 20XX at 5 p.m. at
Hotel Janpath. I am extremely happy to know that all our old friends are likely to be
I would like to confirm my participation.
Looking forward to the momentous occasion.
With love.


217 MIG Flats

Surya Vihar, New Delhi
15 March, 20XX

Dear Shuchi
I acknowledge with thanks your kind invitation to your birthday party on the 25th March.
I regret to inform you that I will not be able to join you in the celebrations due to some
very urgent and unavoidable prior engagements that may keep me tied down here on
that day.
Please accept my heartiest felicitations and love.
Kindly accept a small gift that I am sending through courier.
Wishing you a very happy birthday.
Yours sincerely
Manoj /Mini


Main Characteristics:
Informal invitations follow the pattern of ordinary personal letters. These letters are
written to relatives, friends and acquaintances.

1. These letters are first/second person presentations.

2. Personal feelings and emotions find an expression.
3. The writer’s address is given in the usual place.
4. The salutation is usually “Dear’ plus “Name’.
5. The date of writing is given, but the year is generally omitted.
6. The style and tone are relaxed and informal.
7. Different tenses are used as the sense demands.
8. The complimentary close is: Tours sincerely’.


Rohit has got success in CBSE-PMT. He wants to celebrate his admission to Shivaji
Medical College, Nagpur by throwing a party to his friends. Write an informal invitation
giving details of venue, time and date. Do not exceed 50 words.
33/427 Priya Vihar
New Delhi
15 July 20XX
Dear Varan
You will be glad to learn that I have secured 80th rank in the CBSE-PMT competition. I
have got admission in a prestigious institution – Shivaji College, Nagpur. I want to share
a few happy moments of my life in the company of my old Mends at a dinner in the
Hotel Kanishka at 9.00 p.m. on 23 July, 20XX.
Please join the celebrations and merry-making.
Yours sincerely

You are Leena Sen. The wedding of your elder sister Reena Sen is going to be held on
the 15th May, 20XX at Hotel Lake View, Udaipur. Write out an informal invitation to your
friend Vinnie requesting her to attend the function.
4357, Vasant Kunj
Raj Nagar
1 May, 20XX
Dear Vinnie
You will be pleased to know that the wedding of my elder sister Reena Sen is going to
be held on the 15th May, 20XX at Hotel Lake View, Udaipur. The whole family will move
there in the morning. I invite you to join us at lunch in the hotel on the 15th. The
wedding ceremony will take place at 8 in the evening.
I do hope you will join us on the auspicious occasion.
Yours sincerely
Letter to The Editor
Letters to Editor’ provide a forum to the readers to express their strong feelings and
reactions to local, national and international issues.
Some important points:

1. Format : Same as that of the business letters.

2. The inside address : The Editor, ABC (Newspaper), XYZ (City)
3. Salutation : Sir/Madam
4. Complimentary close : ‘yours faithfully’ or ‘yours truly”



Write a letter to the Editor of a magazine Expressions, New Delhi on the deterioration in
the standard of living in your city. Give suggestions for improvement. Sign yourself as
15A Model Town
April 5, 20XX
The Editor
Kasturba Gandhi Marg
New Delhi-110001
Sub: Deteriorating standard of living in the capital city.
Through the columns of your reputed magazine, I wish to express my views on the
deteriorating standard of living in the capital city of Delhi. What does the standard of living
actually mean? Does it mean possessing expensive goods of comfort and beauty, living in posh
bungalows or, the overall decent and peaceful living conditions including health and hygiene, pollution-
free environment, and above all, a value-based society.
Considering all these, the living conditions in Delhi are really appalling. Dumps of garbage, heavy traffic
congestion on the roads, growing atmospheric pollution, high levels of noise pollution, overcrowding at
public places, etc., throw ample light on the deterioration in the people’s standard of living. Our lungs are
hungry for fresh air and green belts.
The large number of immigrants, from other states to Delhi, put tremendous pressure on the resources of
the city. The housing problem is growing rapidly with lack of civic amenities. The life is so busy that
there is little interaction among neighbours. Hurry and worry is what best describes the life in the capital
city. With growing consumerism and rising prices, the disparity between rich and poor is increasing day
by day. Something judicious needs to be done to remedy this situation. More green belts and ‘silence
zones’ should be created. The unrestricted inflow of people to Delhi should also be checked. Only then
the standard of living can be improved.
Yours truly
Question 2:


Write a letter to the Editor of National Herald, New Delhi about water scarcity in your
locality suggesting ways to improve the position of water supply. You are Ramnath/
Reema of Ghaziabad.
A-24, Kavi Nagar
April 2, 20XX
The Editor
National Herald
New Delhi-110001
Sub: Water crisis in Kavi Nagar
Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I wish to draw the attention of the
concerned authorities towards the problem of water scarcity in our locality.
It is still early summer and the residents are already facing acute water shortage in the
area. The supply is cut off at 8.30 a.m. in the morning and is restored only for half an
hour in the evening between 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. Since the timings are erratic, many
people, especially, the working couples are unable to store water. Frequent complaints
to the Jal Board haven’t yielded any result as the authorities express their helplessness
saying that one of the tanks of the Hyderpur Water Treatment Plant is under repair and
has been shut down for a month or so thereby affecting the water supply in the area.
But it is nearly one and a half months since the problem began, yet there is no respite to
the residents.

We have made a complaint to concern authority twice But still no action has been taken
place so I request you to highlight the problem in your paper so that Hiher authorities
should get attracted to our problem and The Jal Board should, in the meantime, make
provisions for water tankers at different horns of the day. Also, measures must be taken to
expedite the repair work.
Yours truly
Ramnath /Reema

Draft an application for the post of an accountant in Pioneers (Pvt.) Ltd. Co. Hyderabad
in response to their advertisement that appeared in The Times of India dated 1st
August, 20XX. Prepare a Resume to be enclosed. You are Nipun/Aparna.

23 Raman Villa
Race Course Road
August 11, 20XX
The Personnel Manager
Pioneers (Pvt.) Ltd. Co.
Sub: Application for the post of Accountant
In response to your advertisement in The Times of India dated 1 August 20XX, I wish to
be considered for the position mentioned above. I feel my qualifications and experience
are good enough to enable me to discharge my duties.( 2 Qualities more)

I attach herewith attested copies of my certificates and my resume. If given a chance, I

may assure you, sir, that I shall spare no pains in the discharge of my duty honestly and
devotedly. I will certainly win the confidence of my superiors.

Looking forward for your response

Thanking you in anticipation
Yours truly
EnCls : Resume
Self attested copies of testimonials



Date of Birth


Mobile No
E Mail

Marital Status


Profile(personal Qualities)

Educational Qualifications

Degree Year Board\Univ %age

Attributes (Academic Achievements)



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