Sa 350
Sa 350
Sa 350
1. Scope NOTE 1 — Refer to Test Methods and Definitions A 370 for notes
on significance of notched-bar impact testing.
1.1 This specification covers several grades of carbon
and low-alloy steel forged or ring-rolled flanges, forged
fittings and valves intended primarily for low-tempera-
ture service and requiring notch toughness testing. They 2. Referenced Documents
are made to specified dimensions, or to dimensional
2.1 ASTM Standards:
standards, such as the ASME and API Specifications
A 275 /A 275M Test Method for Magnetic Particle Exam-
referenced in Section 2. Although this specification
ination of Steel Forgings
covers some piping components machined from rolled
A 370 Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Test-
bar and seamless tubular materials (see 4.3.3), it does
ing of Steel Products
not cover raw material produced in these product forms.
A 751 Test Methods, Practices, and Terminology for
1.2 No limitation on size is intended beyond the Chemical Analysis of Steel Products
ability of the manufacturer to obtain the specified A 788 Specification for Steel Forgings, General Require-
requirements. However, Class 3 of Grade LF787 is ments
only available in the quenched-and-precipitation, heat- E 165 Test Method for Liquid Penetrant Examination
treated condition. E 381 Method of Macroetch Testing Steel Bars, Billets,
Blooms, and Forgings
1.3 Supplementary requirements are provided for use
when additional testing or inspection is desired. These 2.2 MSS Standard:
shall apply only when specified by the purchaser in MSS-SP 25 Standard Marking System for Valves, Fit-
the order. tings, Flanges and Unions
1600 to 1725°F [870 to 940°C], hold at the temperature The test specimen shall be obtained from
for a time sufficient to attain uniform temperature a rough or finished forging, or prolongation thereof.
throughout, soak at the temperature for not less than For forgings under 10 000 lbs, at time of heat treatment,
⁄2 h, and remove from the furnace and cool in air. it may be obtained from separately forged test blanks
Subsequently, heat to a temperature in the range from from the same heat of steel as the production forgings.
1000 to 1200°F [540 to 650°C], soak at the temperature The test blank shall be reduced by forging in a manner
for not less than 1⁄2 h, and cool at any convenient rate. similar to that for the products represented, and shall
receive approximately the same hot working and reduc- Quenched-and-Precipitation Heat tion and the same heat treatment as the finished products
Treated — Heat to a temperature in the range from represented. The test material shall be treated in the
1600 to 1725°F [879 to 940°C], hold at the temperature same furnace at the same time as the forging it repre-
for a time sufficient to attain uniform temperature sents, subject to the requirements of
throughout, soak at the temperature for not less than
⁄2 h and quench in a suitable liquid medium by The test specimen shall represent all
immersion; reheat to a temperature in the range from forgings from the same heat and heat-treatment load
1000 to 1225°F [540 to 665°C], hold at the temperature whose maximum thicknesses do not exceed the thickness
for not less than 1⁄2 h, and cool at any convenient rate. of the test forging or blank by more than 1⁄4 in. [6 mm].
576 Metal Buffers — The required distances The test specimens shall be machined
from heat treated surfaces may be obtained with metal from material obtained as in 6.1.
buffers instead of integral expansions. Buffer material
may be carbon or low alloy steel, and shall be joined 6.2.2 Number of Tests — Three specimens shall
to the forging with a partial penetration weld that seals constitute one test set. There shall be the same number
the buffered surface. Specimens shall be located at 1⁄2 of test sets as tension tests in 6.1.2.
in. [13 mm] minimum from the buffered surface of
the forging. Buffers shall be removed and the welded 6.2.3 Test Locations and Orientations — The test
areas subjected to magnetic particle test to assure specimen shall be located and oriented as described in
freedom from cracks unless the welded areas are com- 6.1.3. The area under the notch of the impact test
pletely removed by subsequent machining. specimen shall be used to locate the specimen with
respect to the second heat-treated surface. The base of The test specimen shall have its longitudi- the notch shall be perpendicular to the nearest heat-
nal axis located parallel to the direction of major treated surface.
working of the forging or test blank.
6.2.4 Test Method — The notched bar impact test With prior purchaser approval, tests may
shall be made in accordance with the procedure for
be taken at a depth (t) corresponding to the distance
the Charpy V-notch type test as described in Test
from the area of significant loading to the nearest heat-
Methods and Definitions A 370.
treated surface and at least twice this distance (2t)
from any second surface. However, the test depth shall Standard size specimens shown in Fig.
not be nearer to one treated surface than 3⁄4 in. [19 11 of Test Methods and Definitions A 370 shall be
mm] and to the second treated surface than 11⁄2 in. used for the impact test. Where the material is of
[38 mm]. This method of test location would normally insufficient thickness, or the shape of the forging pre-
apply to contour-forged parts, or parts with thick cross- cludes standard size, the largest obtainable subsize
sectional areas where 1⁄4 T × T testing ( is not specimen described in Test Methods and Definitions
practical. Sketches showing the exact test locations A 370 shall be used.
shall be approved by the purchaser when this method
is used. Where subsize specimens are used and
6.1.4 Test Method — Testing shall be performed represent forged material with thicknesses equal to or
in accordance with Test Methods and Definitions A greater than 0.394 in. [10 mm], and where the largest
370. The test specimen shall be as large as is practicable obtainable specimen has a width along the notch of
and shall be machined to the form and dimensions of at least 8 mm, such specimen shall be tested at the
Fig. 5 of Test Methods and Definitions A 370. When temperature in Table 5. Where the largest obtainable
seamless tubular materials are used, testing shall be specimen has a width along the notch less than 8 mm,
performed on longitudinal specimens in accordance with the temperature for testing shall be lower than the
Annex A2, Steel Tubular Products, of Test Methods temperature in Table 5 by the amount shown in Table
and Definitions A 370. 7 for the actual specimen width tested.
6.2 Impact Test: Where subsize specimens are used and
6.2.1 Requirements — The material shall conform represent forged material with thicknesses less than
to the requirements for impact properties in Table 4 0.394 in. [10 mm], and where the largest obtainable
when tested at the applicable standard temperature in specimen has a width along the notch of at least 80%
Table 5 within the limits of and When of the forging thickness, the specimen shall be tested at
subsize specimens are used, the impact energy values the temperature in Table 5. Where the largest obtainable
obtained shall conform to Table 6 at energy values specimen has a width along the notch of less than
proportional to standard size. Exceptions to this require- 80% of the material thickness, the temperature for
ment are permissible when Supplement S4 is specified testing shall be lower than the temperature in Table 5
by the purchaser. Impact tests may be made at tempera- by an amount equal to the difference (referring to Table
tures different from those in Table 5, provided that 7) between the temperature reduction corresponding
the test temperature is at least as low as the intended to the thickness of the material represented, and the
service temperature, and that the forging is suitably temperature reduction corresponding to the specimen
marked to identify the reported test temperature. width actually tested.
with ASME Section IX of the Code. The weld procedure 10.3.6 When the purchaser specifies Supplementary
qualification test shall also include impact tests of the Requirement S5, the same requirements shall apply to
weld metal and heat-affected zone. All impact test the weld procedure qualification tests.
specimens shall have the longitudinal axis transverse
10.3.7 Repair by welding shall not exceed 10%
to the weld and the base of the notch normal to the
of the surface area of the forging or 331⁄3% of the
weld surface. Weld specimens shall have the notch in
wall thickness of the finished forging, or 3⁄8 in. [9.5
weld metal and heat-affected zone specimens shall have
mm], whichever is less, without prior approval of the
the notch in the heat-affected zone. The specimens
shall be as large as permitted by the weldment thickness.
Where full-size specimens can be obtained and where 10.3.8 When approval of the purchaser is obtained,
there is sufficient weldment thickness, the weld speci- the limitations set forth in 10.3.7 may be exceeded,
men shall be taken with one side of the specimen but all other requirements of 10.3 shall apply.
within 1⁄16 in. [1.6 mm] of the weld surface. Heat-
affected zone impact test specimens shall be taken at
the same depth and locations applicable to the forging 11. Inspection
in and When forgings are thermally
11.1 The manufacturer shall afford the purchaser’s
treated after repair welding, the weld procedure test
inspector all reasonable facilities necessary to satisfy
plate shall be subjected to the same thermal treatment.
him that the material is being furnished in accordance
The mechanical properties of the weld procedure quali-
with the purchase order. Inspection by the purchaser
fication test shall conform to Section 6.
shall not interfere unnecessarily with the manufacturer’s
10.3.2 Defects shall be completely removed by operations. All tests and inspections shall be made at
chipping or grinding to sound metal as verified by the place of manufacture, unless otherwise agreed,
magnetic particle, or liquid penetrant inspection prior except for product analysis (see 5.2).
to welding.
10.3.3 For Grade LF1 forgings, and LF2 forgings
12. Rejection and Rehearing
that are to be only stress-relieved after repair welding,
the weld metal shall be deposited using carbon steel 12.1 Each forging that develops injurious defects
electrodes E7015, E7016, or E7018, complying with during shop working or application shall be rejected
AWS A5.1. For Grade LF2 forgings in all other condi- and the manufacturer notified.
tions of post-weld heat treatment, the weld metal shall
12.2 Samples representing material rejected by the
be deposited using low-alloy steel electrodes E7015-
purchaser shall be preserved until disposition of the
A1, E7016-A1, or E7018-A1, complying with AWS
claim has been agreed to between the manufacturer
5.5; for Grade LF3 forgings the weld metal shall be
and the purchaser.
deposited using low-alloy steel electrodes E8016-C2 or
E8018-C2, complying with AWS A5.5; for Grades LF5,
LF9, and LF787 forgings, the weld metal shall be
13. Certification
deposited using low-alloy steel electrodes E8016-C1 or
E8018-C1, complying with AWS A5.5. For Grade LF6, 13.1 For forgings made to specified dimensions when
the electrodes shall be low-hydrogen, E-XX15, E-XX16, agreed to by the purchaser, and for forgings made to
or E-XX18, complying with AWS A5.1 or A5.5, as dimensional standards, application of identification
applicable. marks as required in Section 14 shall be the certification
that the forgings have been furnished in accordance
10.3.4 After repair welding, the area welded shall
with the requirements of this specification.
be completely free of defects as verified by magnetic
particle or liquid penetrant inspection. 13.2 When test reports are required, they shall include
certification that all requirements of this specification
10.3.5 Forgings repair welded in the normalized,
have been met, and shall be traceable to the forging
normalized and tempered, or the quenched and tempered
represented. The specification designation included on
conditions shall be stress-relieved after repair welding
test reports shall include year of issue and revision
at 1100°F [590°C] minimum, but not higher than the
letter, if any. The manufacturer shall provide the follow-
temperature previously used for tempering the base
ing where applicable:
metal of the same forging, or shall be reheat treated
in accordance with 4.4. 13.2.1 Type heat treatment, Section 4,
13.2.2 Chemical analysis results, Section 5 (Ta- the letters QT shall be stamped on the forgings following
ble 1), the ASTM designation.
13.2.3 Product analysis results, 5.2 (Tables 1 14.1.2 Forgings repaired by welding shall be
and 2), marked with the letter W following the ASTM desig-
13.2.4 Tensile property results, Section 6 (Table
3) report the yield strength and ultimate strength, in 14.2 If identification stamps are objectionable and
ksi [MPa], elongation and reduction in area, in percent, detrimental to the forging, and when so stated on the
purchase order, the marks may be painted or stenciled
13.2.5 Impact test results, 6.2 (Tables 4, 5, 6, on the forging, or stamped on a metal or plastic tag
and 7), which shall be securely attached to the forging.
13.2.6 Hardness results, 6.3.1, 14.3 When test reports are required, additional marks
13.2.7 Any supplementary testing required by the shall be used as necessary to identify the part with
purchase order, and the test report.
13.2.8 If repaired by welding, 14.1.2, letter W is 14.4 If the test temperature is other than the standard
to follow the ASTM designation. temperature specified in Table 5, the mark shall also
include the suffix letter S to the grade and class and
the test temperature. A prefix 0 to the test temperature
shall indicate a less than 0°F [−17.8°C] value. For
14. Product Marking example, LF2S 0175 denotes a test temperature of
−175°F [−115°C] for an LF2 part.
14.1 Identification marks consisting of the ASTM
specification number grade and class, manufacturer’s 14.5 Parts meeting all requirements for more than
name (Note 2) or symbol, the heat number or manufac- one class may be marked with more than one class
turer’s heat identification, size, and service rating, if such as LF2 CL1/CL2; LF5 CL1/CL2, and so forth.
applicable, shall be permanently placed on each forging 14.6 Bar Coding — In addition to the requirements
in a position that will not affect the usefulness of the in 14.1, 14.2, 14.3, 14.4, and 14.5, bar coding is
forging. The specification number marked on the forg- acceptable as a supplemental identification method. The
ings need not include specification year of issue and purchaser may specify in the order a specific bar coding
revision letter. The Standard Marking System of Valves, system to be used. The bar coding system, if applied
Fittings, Flanges, and Unions (SP25) of the Manufactur- at the discretion of the supplier, should be consistent
er’s Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings with one of the published industry standards for bar
Industry may be followed except the word “steel” shall coding. If used on small parts, the bar code may be
not be substituted for the ASTM designation. applied to the box or a substantially applied tag.
NOTE 2 — For purposes of identification marking, the manufacturer
is considered the organization that certifies the piping component
was manufactured, sampled, and tested in accordance with this 15. Keywords
specification and the results have been determined to meet the
requirements of this specification. 15.1 carbon equivalent; pipe fittings, steel; piping
applications; pressure containing parts; steel flanges;
14.1.1 If the forgings have been quenched and steel forgings, alloy; steel forgings, carbon; steel valves;
tempered or quenched-and-precipitation heat treated, temperature service applications, low
Composition, wt. %
Element Grade LF1 Grade LF2 Grade LF3 Grade LF5 Grade LF6 LF9 Grade LF787
Carbon, max 0.30 0.30 0.20 0.30 0.22 0.20 0.07
Manganese 0.60–1.35 0.60–1.35 0.90 max 0.60–1.35 1.15–1.50 0.40–1.06 0.40–0.70
Phosphorus, max 0.035 0.035 0.035 0.035 0.025 0.035 0.025
Sulfur, max 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.025 0.040 0.025
Silicon A 0.15–0.30 0.15–0.30 0.20–0.35 0.20–0.35 0.15–0.30 ... 0.40 max
Nickel 0.40 max B 0.40 max B 3.3–3.7 1.0–2.0 0.40 max B 1.60–2.24 0.70–1.00
Chromium 0.30 max B,C 0.30 max B,C 0.30 max C 0.30 max C 0.30 max B,C 0.30 max C 0.60–0.90
Molybdenum 0.12 max B,C 0.12 max B,C 0.12 max C 0.12 max C 0.12 max B,C 0.12 max C 0.15–0.25
Copper 0.40 max B 0.40 max B 0.40 max C 0.40 max C 0.40 max B 0.75–1.25 1.00–1.30
Columbium 0.02 max 0.02 max 0.02 max 0.02 max 0.02 max 0.02 max 0.02 min
Vanadium 0.05 max 0.05 max 0.03 max 0.03 max 0.04–0.11 0.03 max 0.03 max
Nitrogen ... ... ... ... 0.01–0.030 ... ...
When vacuum carbon-deoxidation is required by Supplementary Requirement S11, the silicon content shall be 0.12% maximum.
The sum of copper, nickel, chromium, vanadium, and molybdenum shall not exceed 1.00% on heat analysis.
The sum of chromium and molybdenum shall not exceed 0.32% on heat analysis.
† Revisions to Table 1 approved April 10, 1996.
Permissible Variations Over Maximum Limit or Under Minimum Limit for Size Ranges Shown, %
To 100 in.2 Over 100 to 200 in.2 Over 200 to 400 in.2 Over 400 to 800 in.2
Limit or Maximum of [645 cm2] [645 to 1290 cm2] [1290 to 2580 cm2] [2580 to 5160 cm2]
Element Specified Range incl A incl A incl A incl A
Carbon to 0.30 incl 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04
Manganese to 0.90 incl 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06
over 0.90 to 1.35 incl 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07
over 1.35 to 1.50 incl 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10
Phosphorus over maximum only 0.005 0.010 0.010 0.010
Sulfur over maximum only 0.005 0.010 0.010 0.010
Silicon to 0.35 incl 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.04
Nickel up to and incl 1.00 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03
over 1.00 to 2.00 incl 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05
over 2.00 to 5.20 incl 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07
Copper up to and incl 0.75 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03
over 0.75 to 1.30 incl 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05
Chromium to 0.90 incl 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04
Molybdenum to 0.20 incl 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01
over 0.20 to 0.40 incl 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03
Columbium to 0.10 incl 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01
Vanadium up to and incl 0.10 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01
0.11 to 0.25 incl 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02
Nitrogen up to and incl 0.02 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005
over 0.02 to 0.19 incl 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01
The significant cross section of the forging shall be governed by the main body diameter.
LF6 LF787
LF1 and LF2 LF3 and
LF5 Classes LF5 Classes
Class 1 1 and 2 Class 2 Class 1 2 and 3 LF9 Class 2 Class 3
Tensile strength, ksi [MPa] 60–85 70–95 70–95 66–91 75–100 63–88 65–85 75–95
[415–585] [485–655] [485–655] [455–630] [515–690] [435–605] [450–585] [515–655]
Yield strength, min, ksi [MPa] B,C 30 [205] 36 [250] 37.5 [260] 52 [360] 60 [415] 46 [315] 55 [380] 65 [450]
Standard round specimen, or small 25 22 22 22 20 25 20 20
proportional specimen, min % in
4D gage length
Strip specimen for wall thickness 5⁄16 28 30 30 30 28 28 28 28
in. (7.94 mm) and over and for
all small sizes tested in full sec-
tion; min % in 2 in. (50 mm)
Equation for calculating min elon- 48 t + 13 48 t + 15 48 t + 15 48 t + 15 48 t + 13 48 t + 13 48 t + 13 48 t + 13
gation for strip specimens thinner
than 5⁄16 in. (7.94 mm); min %
in 2 in. (50 mm)
t p actual thickness in inches
Reduction of area, min, % 38 30 35 40 40 38 45 45
See 6.3 for hardness tests.
Determined by either the 0.2% offset method or the 0.5% extension under load method.
For round specimens only.
SIZE [10 by 10 mm] SPECIMENS
Minimum Impact
Energy Required for Minimum Impact
Average of Each Set Energy Permitted for
of Three Specimens, One Specimen only of
Grade ft-lbf [J] a Set, ft-lbf [J]
LF1 and LF9 13 [18] 10 [14]
LF2, Class 1 15 [20] 12 [16]
LF3 15 [20] 12 [16]
LF5, Classes 1 and 2 15 [20] 12 [16]
LF787, Classes 2 and 3 15 [20] 12 [16]
LF6, Class 1 15 [20] 12 [16]
LF2, Class 2 20 [27] 15 [20]
LF3, Class 2 20 [27] 15 [20]
LF6, Classes 2 and 3 20 [27] 15 [20]
Grade Test Temperature, °F [°C]
LF1 −20 [−28.9]
LF2, Class 1 −50 [−45.6]
LF2, Class 2 0 [−18]
LF3 −150 [−101.1]
LF5, Classes 1 and 2 −75 [−59.4]
LF6, Classes 1 and 2 −60 [−50]
LF6, Class 3 0 [−18]
LF9 −100 [−73.3]
LF787, Class 2 −75 [−59.4]
LF787, Class 3 −100 [−73]
3 2 1 1 1
Standard ⁄4 Size ⁄3 Size ⁄2 Size ⁄3 Size ⁄4 Size
Size [10 by [10 by [10 by [10 by [10 by [10 by
10 mm] 7.5 mm] 6.6 mm] 5 mm] 3.3 mm] 2.5 mm]
15 [20] 12 [16] 10 [14] 8 [11] 5 [7] 4 [6]
13 [18] 10 [14] 9 [12] 7 [10] 5 [7] 4 [6]
12 [16] 10 [14] 9 [12] 7 [10] 4 [6] 3 [5]
10 [14] 8 [11] 7 [10] 5 [7] 3 [5] 3 [5]
Straight-line interpolation for intermediate values is permitted.
Thickness of the Material
Represented (see,
or Charpy, Impact Temperature
Specimen Width Along the Reduction,
Size of Bar Notch A, in. [mm] °F [°C]
Standard 0.394 [10] 0 [0]
Standard 0.354 [9] 0 [0]
Standard 0.315 [8] 0 [0]
⁄4-size 0.295 [7.5] 5 [3]
⁄4-size 0.276 [7] 8 [5]
⁄3-size 0.262 [6.67] 10 [6]
⁄3-size 0.236 [6] 15 [8]
⁄2-size 0.197 [5] 20 [11]
⁄2-size 0.158 [4] 30 [17]
⁄3-size 0.131 [3.33] 35 [20]
⁄3-size 0.118 [3] 40 [22]
⁄4-size 0.099 [2.5] 50 [28]
Straight-line interpolation for intermediate values is permitted.
The following supplementary requirements shall apply only when specified by the
purchaser in the inquiry, contract, or order.
S1. Macroetch Test S4.1.1 When higher test temperatures are em-
ployed, the actual test temperature may not be higher
S1.1 A sample forging shall be sectioned and etched
than that given in Table 8.
to show flow lines and internal soundness. The tests
shall be conducted according to Method E 381. S4.2 The test temperature shall be specified by
S1.2 Acceptance limits shall be as agreed upon the purchaser. When subsize specimens are used, the
between the manufacturer and the purchaser. manufacturer shall adjust test temperature in accordance
with the size restrictions of and
S7.2 Acceptance limits shall be as agreed upon S12. Special Impact Test Requirements for
between the manufacturer and purchaser. Flanges (Note S1.1)
S12.1 Charpy test specimens shall be cut from an
actual flange representing each size, heat, and heat-
S8. Liquid Penetrant Examination treatment lot. If more than one size flange is represented
S8.1 All surfaces shall be examined by a liquid- by the same heat and heat-treatment lot, the maximum
penetrant method in accordance with Practice E 165. size flange shall be considered representative.
S8.2 Acceptance limits shall be as agreed upon S12.2 The number, location, and orientation of the
between the manufacturer and purchaser. test specimens shall be stated on the order.
S12.3 The test results shall comply with Table 4
for standard size specimens, and with Table 6 for
S9. Hydrostatic Testing subsize specimens.
S9.1 A hydrostatic test at a pressure agreed upon NOTE S1.1 — These special requirements should be considered for
between the manufacturer and purchaser shall be applied services when the applied stresses approach the maximum permissible
limits of the governing code, or the installation is subject to severe
by the manufacturer. cyclic conditions (7000 or more cycles over the expected life of the
installation), or both.
TEMPERATURES Max. Thickness Less Max. Thickness
Grade Maximum Test Temperature, °F (°C) Grade Than or Equal to 2 in. Greater Than 2 in.