Syllabus MSC
Syllabus MSC
Syllabus MSC
Table of Contents
I About the Department 1
II Introduction to CBCS (Choice Based Credit System) 3
II.1 Scope 3
II.2 Definitions 3
III M. Sc. Programme Details 3
III.1 Programme Objectives (POs) 3
III.2 Programme Specific Outcomes (PSOs) 4
III.3 Programme Structure 4
III.4 Eligibility for Admissions 5
III.5 Assessment of Students’ Performance and Scheme of Examination 5
III.6 Pass Percentage & Promotion Criteria 6
III.7 Semester to Semester Progression 6
III.8 Conversion of Marks into Grades 6
III.9 Grade Points 6
III.10 CGPA Calculation 6
III.11 Division of Degree into Classes 6
III.12 Attendance Requirement 6
III.13 Span Period 6
III.14 Guidelines for the Award of Internal Assessment Marks 6
III.15 M. Sc. Programme (Semester Wise) 7
IV Course Wise Content Details for M. Sc. Physics Programme 14
I About the Department
The Department of Physics & Astrophysics is possibly the largest science department in any
Indian university. The “Old Block” of the Department is located in the picturesque Viceroy's
complex, and shares space in an elegant pillared building with the Department of Chemistry.
Established in 1922, the Department, in its early years was influenced by M. N. Saha and
subsequently, by his illustrious student, Padma Bhushan (1964) and Padma Vibhushan (1973)
Daulat Singh Kothari, who joined the Department in 1934.
The Masters’ programme in the Department was started in 1942. Faculty members in the early
days of the Department included eminent theorists A.N. Mitra, R. C. Majumdar, F. C. Auluck,
N. K. Saha and P. K. Kichlu. Subsequently experimental groups in Optics, Nuclear Physics,
Condensed Matter, and High Energy Physics were gradually added. When the UGC started the
scheme of Centres of Advanced Study in 1963, the Physics Department was one of the first to
be accorded the status, for its work in Theoretical Physics as well as experimental work in
Low-Temperature Physics. For working at extremely low temperatures, the Department
acquired a Helium Plant, which was unusual in Universities then. A telescope tower for a solar
observatory, housed in the Department, continues to be an iconic landmark in the
The faculty members of the Department have won many honours and awards over the years.
The national role of D.S. Kothari, both as Chairman UGC and through the Education
Commission, is too well-known to require elaboration. The department boasts of several
illustrious alumni and faculty, with the list reading like a virtual who's who of Indian physics.
It includes Padma Vibhushan J.C. Pati, the prestigious S. S. Bhatnagar awardees A N Mitra,
Kasturi Lal Chopra, Ajoy Kumar Ghatak, Shasanka Mohan Roy, R. Rajaraman, Deepak
Kumar, Karmeshu, and Amitava Raychaudhuri. Many alumni have gone on to head national
institutions. These include R. Ramachandran, H. S. Mani, Amitava Raychaudhari, Sabyasachi
Bhattacharya, Amit Roy, and Praveen Chaddah. The Department hosted the National Physical
Laboratory in its initial years and P.K. Kichlu and A.R.Verma went on to become its directors.
Several members of the faculty during the 1970s and 1980s were Fellows of the National
Science Academies, a tradition that has continued. Of the current faculty members, three are
Fellows of the Indian Academy of Sciences, two of Indian National Science Academy and two
of the National Academy of Sciences. Alumni have also made their mark in various other fields
both within the country and abroad, branching out into other fields such as economics,
molecular biology and education as well as many holding key administrative positions in the
The Department offers a two-year (4-semester) Master’s program, with an annual intake of
approximately 300 students. It continuously reinvents its teaching orientation and syllabi
contents, taking into account contemporary requirements to introduce courses, particularly in
applied and interdisciplinary areas. Advanced papers have been designed to acquaint students
and provide them with a broader perspective. The Department, under a vibrant Ph.D. program,
offers a plethora of cutting-edge research topics. Some of these include Astronomy,
Astrophysics, Atomic Physics, Condensed Matter Physics, Cosmology, High Energy Physics,
Molecular Physics, Nanoscience & Material Science, Nuclear Physics, Plasma Physics, and
Theoretical Physics.
Aware of the wide-ranging needs of the diverse student groups, the Department offers intensive
tutorials and interactions therein that are meant for the spectrum of learners to identify their
academic level. The advanced learners are encouraged to take up informal
projects/dissertations to enhance their learning. Emphasis is also placed on curriculum
enrichment through informal means.
The quest for excellence in teaching and research is naturally the overriding motto. As a result,
the department has, in successive years, found a place in the QS rankings, consistently featuring
within the top 10 among the national institutes. It takes pride in being the highest ranked
university physics department in the country. This focus is also reflected in both the number
and the quality of publications. The department is an active participant in several national and
international collaborations. Notable among these is the contribution of the groups of High
Energy Physics, Nuclear Physics, Plasma Physics, and Astrophysics. The research atmosphere
thrives through many successful sponsored projects and grants funded by various national and
international agencies.
The Department undertakes several outreach activities and initiatives including organizing
summer schools, student projects, visits of school students, and many such activities to address
the career aspirations of young students.
II Introduction to CBCS (Choice Based Credit System)
II.1 Scope
The CBCS provides an opportunity for the students to choose courses from the prescribed
courses comprising core, elective/minor or skill-based courses. The courses can be evaluated
following the grading system, which is considered to be better than the conventional marks
system. Grading system provides uniformity in the evaluation and computation of the
Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) based on student’s performance in examinations
which enables the student to move across institutions of higher learning. The uniformity in
evaluation system also enable the potential employers in assessing the performance of the
II.2 Definitions
(i) ‘Academic Programme’ means an entire course of study comprising its programme
structure, course details, evaluation schemes etc. designed to be taught and evaluated in a
teaching Department/Centre or jointly under more than one such Department/ Centre
(ii) ‘Course’ means a segment of a subject that is part of an Academic Programme
(iii) ‘Programme Structure’ means a list of courses (Core, Elective, Open Elective) that makes
up an Academic Programme, specifying the syllabus, Credits, hours of teaching, evaluation
and examination schemes, minimum number of credits required for successful completion of
the programme etc. prepared in conformity to University Rules, eligibility criteria for
(iv) ‘Core Course’ means a course that a student admitted to a particular programme must
successfully complete to receive the degree and which cannot be substituted by any other
(v) ‘Elective Course’ means an optional course to be selected by a student out of such courses
offered in the same or any other Department/Centre
(vi) ‘Open Elective’ means an elective course which is available for students of all
programmes, including students of same department. Students of other Department will opt
these courses subject to fulfilling of eligibility of criteria as laid down by the Department
offering the course.
(vii) ‘Credit’ means the value assigned to a course which indicates the level of instruction;
One-hour lecture per week equals 1 Credit, 2 hours practical class per week equals 1 credit.
Credit for a practical could be proposed as part of a course or as a separate practical course
(viii) ‘SGPA’ means Semester Grade Point Average calculated for individual semester.
(ix) ‘CGPA’ is Cumulative Grade Points Average calculated for all courses completed by the
students at any point of time. CGPA is calculated each year for both the semesters clubbed
(x) ‘Grand CGPA’ is calculated in the last year of the course by clubbing together of CGPA of two
years, i.e., four semesters. Grand CGPA is being given in Transcript form. To benefit the student a
formula for conversation of Grand CGPA into %age marks is given in the Transcript.
Statistical Physics, Electromagnetic Theory, Solid State Physics, Electronics, Nuclear and
Particle Physics along with Atomic and Molecular Physics. Creative thinking and problem-
solving capabilities are also aimed to be encouraged through tutorials. The elective and open
elective courses are designed for more specialized and/or interdisciplinary content to equip
students with a broader knowledge base. The core and elective labs are designed to develop an
appreciation for the fundamental concepts and working of devices used in everyday life
employing scientific methods/tools of physics. Computational physics course is aimed to equip
the students to use computers as a tool for scientific investigations/understanding. The
dissertation(s) in both theory and experimental stream are expected to give a flavor of how
research leads to new findings. In addition, the M.Sc. course is to lay a solid foundation for a
doctorate in Physics/allied subjects later.
Semester Semester
Course Credit Scheme
L= Lecture, T = Tutorial, P = Practical
Semester Core Courses Elective Course Open Elective Course Total
No. Credits Total No. Credits Total No. Credits Total
of (L+T+ Credits of (L+T+ Credits of (L+T+ Credits
papers P) papers P) papers P)
I 05 12+4+4 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 20
II 05 12+4+4 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 20
III 02 3+1+4 08 3/2 3+1+0 12/8 0/1 3+1+0 0/4 20
IV 01 3+1+0 04 4/3 3+1+0 12/8 0/1 3+1+0 0/4 20
Total 52 28/20 0/8 80
for the
For each Core and Elective Course there will be 4 lecture hours of teaching per week.
Open Electives to the maximum total of 8 credits.
Each paper will be of 100 marks out of which 70 marks shall be allocated for the end-
semester examination and 30 marks for internal assessment.
Duration of the end-semester examination of each paper shall be for 3 hours.
III.6 Pass Percentage & Promotion Criteria
The passing percentage in any course shall be 40%. A student passing in at least 50% of
courses in Semesters I and II combined shall be promoted to the second year of the
Programme. A student who has at least 40% marks in the aggregate of all the required
courses in the four semesters and has passed individually in courses accounting for at
least 72 credits shall qualify for the award of the M.Sc. degree
III.15 M. Sc. Programme (Semester Wise)
Semester I
PH-CT403: Electronics 3 0 1 4
Semester II
Semester III
Number of core courses: 2 Credits in each core course
Experimental Modules:
Module A-I:
Module B-I:
Module C-I:
Module D-I:
Module E-I:
Theory courses:
PH-ET532: Astrophysics I 3 0 1 4
PH-ED540: Dissertation I - - - 4
Semester IV
Experimental Modules:
Module A-II:
Module B-II:
Module C-II:
Module D-II:
PH-EL558: Lasers and Spectroscopy - II (Lab) 0 4 0 4
Module E-II:
Module F:
Module G:
Theory courses:
PH-ET572: Astrophysics II 3 0 1 4
PH-ED580: Dissertation II - - - 4
PH-ET581: Nonlinear Dynamics 3 0 1 4
Certain Elective Courses may have pre-requisites. Students should keep this in
mind while opting for Elective courses.
Elective courses offered by the Department fall under the following categories:
Experimental Modules, Theory courses, Dissertation, Special Theory courses and
Open electives.
The list of Elective Courses offered, including open electives, may change from year
to year depending upon the availability of faculty.
A maximum of one course each from the Open Electives is allowed in each of
Semesters III and IV. Total number of credits in Open Electives cannot be more than 8.
A maximum of 8 extra credits can be taken during the entire MSc duration.
Further restrictions may be imposed for a particular term on a case-by-case basis
depending on different constraints.
Introductory Astronomy in Open Elective is not open to students who have opted for
Astrophysics and Astronomy – I.
IV Course Wise Content Details for M. Sc. Physics Programme
Course Objectives
The primary objective is to teach the students Classical Mechanics at a level more advanced
than what they have learnt in B.Sc. This is a course which forms the basis of Physics of many
areas of Physics.
Unit I (15 lectures)
Newton's laws and symmetries. Generalized coordinates and constraints on dynamical
systems. Variational calculus. Action and Euler-Lagrange equations. Cyclic coordinates and
conserved quantities, Louville’s theorem, Scaling laws, potential reconstruction. Examples.
Hamiltonians and Hamiltonian equations. Phase space trajectories. Canonical variables and
Poisson bracket. Examples.
Unit IV (6 lectures)
Rigid Body, Euler angles, the symmetrical top.
Unit V (6 lectures)
System with infinite degrees of freedom Classical fields : Lagrangian and Hamiltonian
formulations Equations of motion. Symmetries and invariance principles, Noether's
Suggested Readings
1. Mechanics, L. D. Landau and E. M. Lifshitz (3rd Ed., Pergamon, 1976).
2. Classical Mechanics, H. Goldstein (Pearson Education, 2014).
3. Classical Mechanics, N. C. Rana and P. S. Jaog (McGraw-Hill, 1991).
Semester I
Course Code: PH-CT402
Course Name: Quantum Mechanics - I
Marks: 100 Duration: 60 Hrs (45L+ 15T)
Course Objectives
The primary objective is to teach the students the physical and mathematical basis of
quantum mechanics for non-relativistic systems
Unit I (17 lectures)
Abstract formulation of Quantum Mechanics: Mathematical properties of linear vector
spaces. Dirac’s bra and ket notation. Hermitian operators, eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
Orthonormality, completeness, closure. Postulates of quantum mechanics. Matrix
representation of operators. Position and momentum representations – connection with
wave mechanics. Commuting operators. Generalised uncertainty principle. Change
of basis and unitary transformation. Expectation values. Ehrenfest theorem.
Suggested Readings
1. Quantum Mechanics, B. H. Bransden & C. J. Joachain (Pearson Education, 2000)
2. Principles of Quantum Mechanics,R. Shankar (3rd Ed., Springer, 2008)
3. Quantum Mechanics (Vol. I),Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, Bernard and Frank Laloe
(Wiley, 1977)
4. Modern Quantum Mechanics, J. J. Sakurai (Addison-Wesley, 1993)
5. Advanced Quantum Mechanics, F. Schwabl (Springer, 2000)
6. Quantum Mechanics, A. S. Davydov ( 2nd Ed., Pergamon, 1991)
7. Quantum Mechanics, Eugen Merzbacher (3rd Ed., Wiley, 1997)
8. Quantum Mechanics: Concepts and Applications, Nouredine Zettili (Wiley 2nd edition
Semester I
Course Code: PH-CT403
Course Name: Electronics
Marks: 100 Duration: 60 Hrs (45L+ 15T)
Course Objectives
To buildup on the basic knowledge of electronics with the introduction of advanced topics
like circuit analysis and applications of semiconductor devices in analog and digital circuits.
Unit I (10 lectures)
Circuit Analysis: Admittance, impedance, scattering and hybrid matrices for two and three-
port networks and their cascade and parallel combinations. Review of Laplace Transforms.
Response functions, location of poles and zeros of response functions of active and passive
systems (Nodal and Modified Nodal Analysis).
Unit IV (8lectures)
Digital Circuits: Introduction to digital IC parameters (switching time, propagation delay,
fan out, fan in etc.). TTL, MOS and CMOS gates, Emitter-coupled logic, MOSFET as
transmission gate. A/D and D/A converters. Basics of micro-processor and micro-controller.
Suggested Readings
1. Network Analysis and Synthesis, F.F. Kuo (2nd Ed., Wiley, 2010)
2. Network Analysis with Applications, W.D. Stanley (4th Ed., Pearson, 2003)
3. Electronic Devices and Circuits, J. Millman and C. C. Halkias and S. Jit (4th Ed.,
McGraw-Hill, 2015)
4. Integrated Electronics, J. Millman, C. C. Halkias and C. D. Parikh (2nd Ed., McGraw-
Hill, 2011)
5. Communication Systems, Simon Haykins (5th Ed., Wiley, 2009)
6. Digital Signal Processing, J. G. Proakis and D. G. Manolakis (4th Ed., Pearson, 2007)
7. Solid State Electronic Devices, B.G. Streetman (7th Ed., Pearson, 2015)
8. Introduction to Semiconductor Materials and Devices, M. S. Tyagi (1st Ed., Wiley,
9. Digital Design, M. Mano (5th Ed., Pearson, 2013)
10. Digital principles and Applications, A.P. Malvino and D.P.Leach (8th Ed., McGraw-
Hill, 2014)
Semester I
Course Code: PH-CT404
Course Name: Mathematical Physics
Marks: 100 Duration: 60 Hrs (45L+ 15T)
Course Objectives
The primary objective is to teach the students basic mathematical methods that will be used
in many of the other courses in the M.Sc. Syllabus.
Unit I (12 lectures)
Linear Vector Space: A brief review of linear vector spaces, Inner product, norm, Schwarz
inequality, linear operators, eigenvalue and eigenvector, adjoint of a linear operator,
Hermitian or self-adjoint operators and their properties, unitary operators, ortho-normal basis
–discrete and continuous.
Unit II (9 lectures)
Theory of Probability and Statistics: Random Variables, Binomial, Poisson and Normal
Distributions. Central Limit Theorem, Hypothesis Testing and Data Analysis in Statistics.
Suggested Readings
1. Mathematical Physics, V. Balakrishnan (1st Ed., Ane Books, 2018)
2. Mathematical Methods for Physicists, G. Arfken (7th Ed., Elsevier, 2012)
3. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, E. Kreyzig (2nd Ed., Pearson, 2002)
Semester I
Course Code: PH-CL405/ PH-CL410
Course Name: General Lab – I/II
Marks: 100 Duration: 120 Hrs (8P/Week)
Course Objectives
The major objective of this course is to revise the basic concepts of electronics/nuclear
physics through standard set of experiments. In addition, the continuous evaluation process
allows each and every student to not only understand and perform the experiment but also
suitably correlate them with the corresponding theory.
Unit I - Device Characteristics and Application
1. p-n junction diodes-clipping and clamping circuits.
2. FET – characteristics, biasing and its applications as an amplifier.
3. MOSFET – characteristics, biasing and its applications as an amplifier.
4. UJT – characteristics, and its application as a relaxation oscillator.
5. SCR – Characteristics and its application as a switching device.
Nuclear Physics
Unit I - Detectors
1. G.M. Counters – characteristics, deadtime and counting statistics
2. Spark counter-characteristics and range of x-particles in air
3. Scintillation detector-energy calibration, resolution and determination of gamma ray
4. Solid State detector – surface barrier detector, its characteristics and applications.
Unit II - Applications
1. Gamma ray absorption-half thickness in lead for 60Co gamma-rays.
2. Beta ray absorption – end point energy of betaparticles.
3. Lifetime of a short lived radioactive source..
Suggested Readings
1. Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques, W. D. Cooper and A. D.
Helfrick (2nd Ed., Phi Learning, 2008)
2. Electronic Devices and Circuits, J. Millman and C. C. Halkias and S. Jit (4th Ed.,
McGraw-Hill, 2015)
3. Measurement, Instrumentation and Experimental Design in Physics and
Engineering, M. Sayer and A. Mansingh (Prentice Hall India, 2010)
Nuclear Physics:
4. Radiation Detection and Measurement, G. F. Knoll (John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 3rd
5. Physics & Engineering of Radiation Detection, S. N. Ahmed (Academic Press 2007)
6. Techniques for Nuclear and Particle Physics Experiments, W.R. Leo (Springer-
Verlag 1987)
Semester II
Course Code: PH-CT406
Course Name: Quantum Mechanics-II
Marks: 100 Duration: 60 Hrs (45L+ 15T)
Course Objectives
The primary objective is to teach the students various approximation methods in quantum
mechanics. The important topic of quantum scattering is also dealt with. Relativistic quantum
theory like Klein-Gordon equation and Dirac equation is also covered.
Unit I (13 lectures)
Approximation Methods for Stationary Systems: Time-independent perturbation theory
- (a) non- degenerate and (b) degenerate, variational method and its applications.
WKB method and its applications.
Unit IV (7 lectures)
Relativistic Quantum Mechanics: Klein-Gordon and Dirac equations. Properties of
Dirac matrices. Plane wave solutions of Dirac equation. Spin and magnetic moment of the
electron, non-relativistic reduction of the Dirac equation.
Suggested Readings
1. Quantum Mechanics by B.H. Bransden & C.J. Joachain (Pearson Education, 2000)
2. Principles of Quantum Mechanics by R. Shankar (Springer, 3rd Edition, 2008)
3. Modern Quantum Mechanics by J.J. Sakurai (Addison-Wessley, 1993)
4. Advanced Quantum Mechanics by Schwabl F. (Sringer, 2000)
5. Quantum Mechanics by A.S. Davydov ( 2nd Ed., Pergamon, 1991)
6. Quantum Mechanics by Eugen Merzbacher (3rd Ed., Wiley, 1997)
7. Introduction To Quantum Mechanics: Schrodinger equation and Path Integral by H.
J.W. Muller-Kirsten, (World Scientific, 2006)
8. Quantum Mechanics, volumes I and II by Cohen Tanaudji et al,
9. Advanced Quantum Mechanics, J. J. Sakurai (1st Ed. Pearson, 2002)
10. Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, D.J. Griffiths (2st Ed., Pearson, 2005)
11. Quantum Mechanics: Concepts and Applications, Nouredine Zettili (Wiley 2nd
edition 2009)
12. Quantum Field Theory, Lewis H. Ryder (2nd Ed., Cambridge University .Press,
13. Relativistic Quantum Fields, Vol.II, J.D. Bjorken and S.D. Drell (McGraw-Hill,
14. Relativistic Quantum Fields, Vol.I, J.D. Bjorken and S.D. Drell (McGraw-Hill, 1964)
Semester II
Course Code: PH-CT407
Course Name: Statistical Physics
Marks: 100 Duration: 60 Hrs (45L+ 15T)
Course Objectives
This course introduces students to statistical mechanics, which is part of the foundation of
several branches of physics and has many applications beyond physics. The course
demonstrates the profound consequences of an economical set of assumptions about nature
known as the postulates of statistical mechanics. In particular, it shows how the postulates
explain the general laws of thermodynamics as well as properties of classical and quantum
gases, other condensed matter systems in equilibrium, and phase transitions.
Unit I (5 lectures)
Review of thermodynamics and topics in probability theory: Quasistatic and non-
quasistatic processes, laws of thermodynamics, entropy of a probability distribution, random
Understand how a probabilistic description of nature at the microscopic level gives rise to
deterministic laws at the macroscopic level. Relate the concepts of entropy and temperature
as defined in statistical mechanics to their more familiar versions in thermodynamics. Solve
for the thermal properties of classical and quantum gases and other condensed systems from
a knowledge of their microscopic Hamiltonians. Appreciate that interactions between
particles can explain the various phases of matter observed in nature, as well as the
universality of critical exponents characterizing phase transitions.
Suggested Readings
1. Statistical Physics of Particles, Mehran Kardar (Cambridge University Press, 2007).
2. Statistical Mechanics, Kerson Huang (2ndEdition, Wiley-India, 2008).
3. Statistical Mechanics, R.K. Pathria (Butterworth-Heinemann, 1996).
4. Statistical Mechanics:An Advanced course with problems and solutions, Ryogo Kubo
(North- Holland, 1965).
Semester II
Course Code: PH-CT408
Course Name: Electromagnetic Theory & Electrodynamics
Marks: 100 Duration: 60 Hrs (45L+ 15T)
Course Objectives
This course aims to introduce the student to topics in Electromagnetic Theory, Relativity and
the Relativistic formulation of electromagnetism. The course reviews and builds on the
students’ knowledge of Relativity and introduces the formulation of relativity in 4-vector
notation. It also builds up a covariant formulation of electrodynamics and includes a study
of motion of charges in fields as well as radiation from moving charges as well as antennae.
Unit I (18 lectures)
Review of Maxwell’s Equations:Fundamental problem of electromagnetic theory.
Scalar and vector potentials. Gauge transformations. Coulomb and Lorentz gauges. Review
of Special Theory of Relativity (STR) and its application to electromagnetic theory:
Conceptual basis of STR. Thought experiments. Concepts of invariant interval, light cone,
event and world line. Four-vectors, Tensors. Lorentz transformation as 4-vector
transformations. Transformation properties of electric and magnetic fields. E.M. field
tensor. Covariance of Maxwell’s equations (from tensorial arguments).
Unit II (6 lectures)
Relativistic Charged Particle Dynamics in Electromagnetic Fields:Motion in uniform
static magnetic field, uniform static electric field and crossed electric and magnetic fields.
Particle drifts (velocity and curvature) in non-uniform static magnetic fields. Adiabatic
invariance of magnetic moment of a charged particle and torus principle of magnetic mirror.
Unit IV (6 lectures)
Lagrangian Formulation of Electrodynamics: Lagrangian for a free relativistic
particle, for a charged particle in an E.M. field, for free electromagnetic field, for interacting
charged particles and fields. Energy-momentum tensor and related conservation laws.
Course Learning Outcomes
A student having taken this course is expected to have a fair degree of familiarity with tensors
and tensorial formulation of relativity and electrodynamics. In addition, s/he is expected to
be able to solve problems of motion of charged particles in various field formations as well
as find the radiation patterns from different time varying charge and current densities.
Suggested Readings
1. Classical Electrodynamics, John David Jackson (3rd Ed..,Wiley,1998)
2. Introduction to Electrodynamics, David Griffiths (3rd Ed., Benjamin Cummings,
3. Principles of Electrodynamics, Melvin Schwartz (Dover Publications, 1987)
4. Classical Electrodynamics, J. Schwinger, L.L. Deraad Jr, K.A. Milton, W-Y. Tsai
and J. Norton (Westview Press, 1998)
5. Modern Problems in Classical Electrodynamics, Charles A. Brau (Oxford Univ.
Press, 2003)
6. Electrodynamics of Continuous Media, L. D. Landau and E. M. Lifshitz & L. P.
Pitaevskii (Oxford, 2005)
Semester II
Course Code: PH-CT409
Course Name: Solid State Physics
Marks: 100 Duration: 60 Hrs (45L+ 15T)
Course Objectives
This course intends to provide knowledge of conceptual solid-state physics. In addition, this
course aims to provide a general introduction to theoretical and experimental topics in solid
state physics.
Unit I (6 lectures)
Metals: Drude theory, DC conductivity, magneto-resistance, thermal conductivity, thermo-
electric effects, Fermi-Dirac distribution, thermal properties of an electron gas, Wiedemann-
Franz law, critique of free-electron model.
Unit IV (4lectures)
Defects and Diffusion in Solids: Point defects: Frenkel defects, Schottky defects, examples
of colour centres, line defects and dislocations.
Unit V (6lectures)
Lattice Dynamics: Failure of the static lattice model, adiabatic and harmonic approximation,
vibrations of linear monoatomic lattice, one-dimensional lattice with basis, models of three-
dimensional lattices, quantization of lattice vibrations, Einstein and Debye theories of
specific heat, phonon density of states, neutron scattering.
Unit VI (6lectures)
Band theory of Solids: Periodic potential and Bloch's theorem, weak potential
approximation, density of states in different dimensions, energy gaps, Fermi surface and
Brillouin zones. Origin of energy bands and band gaps, effective mass, tight-binding
approximation and calculation of simple band-structures. Motion of electrons in lattices,
Wave packets of Bloch electrons, semi-classical equations of motion, motion in static electric
and magnetic fields, theory of holes, cyclotron resonance.
Suggested Readings
1. Introduction to Solid State Physics, C. Kittel (8th Ed., Wiley, 2012)
2. Solid State Physics,N. W. Ashcroft and N. D. Mermin (Ist Ed., Cengage Learning,
3. Principles of the Theory of Solids, J. M. Ziman (2nd Ed., Cambridge University
Press, 1972)
4. Solid State Physics, A. J. Dekker (1st Ed., Macmillan India, 2000)
5. Solid State Physics, G. Burns (1st Ed., Academic Press, 1985)
6. Condensed Matter Physics, M. P. Marder (Wiley, 2010)
Semester II
Course Code: PH-CL405/ PH-CL410
Course Name: General Lab – I/II
Marks: 100 Duration: 120 Hrs (8P/Week)
Course Objectives
The major objective of this course is to revise the basic concepts of electronics/nuclear
physics through standard set of experiments. In addition, the continuous evaluation process
allows each and every student to not only understand and perform the experiment but also
suitably correlate them with the corresponding theory.
Solid State Physics
Unit I - Experimental Techniques
1. Production and measurement of low pressures.
2. Production and measurement of high pressures.
3. Measurement and control of low temperatures.
4. Production and characterization of plasma.
5. Electron Spin Resonance.
6. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance.
7. Study of elliptically polarized light.
Suggested Readings
Solid State Physics:
Waves and Optics:
1. Lasers: Fundamental and Applications, Graduate Text in Physics, 2nd edition, K.
Thyagarajan, Ajoy ghatak (Springer, 2002)
2. Polarization of light, by Ajoy Ghatak and Arun Kumar (Mc GrawHill Education,
3. Introduction to Fibre Optics, Ajoy Ghatak and K. Thyagarajan, (Cambridge
University Press, 2000)
4. Teaching laser physics by experiments, Am. J. Phys., (2011),
The list of experiments given above should be considered as suggestive of the standard and
available equipment. The teachers are authorized to add or delete from this list
whenever considered necessary.
Semester III
Course Code: PH-CT501
Course Name: Nuclear & Particle Physics
Marks: 100 Duration: 60 Hrs (45L+ 15T)
Course Objectives
The primary objective is to introduce the basic concept of Nuclear & Particle Physics and
impart of knowledge for particle and radiations detectors.
Unit I (5 lectures)
Static properties of Nuclei: Nuclear Mass & size determination, Mott scattering, nuclear
form- factors. Angular momentum, spin, parity, iso-spin and moments of nuclei (Electric and
Unit IV (7lectures)
Nuclear Decays and Reactions: Electromagnetic decays: selection rules, Fermi theory of beta
decay. Kurie plot. Fermi and Gamow-Teller transitions. Logeft value, Parity violation in
beta-decay. Gamma decay, selection rules, Introduction to Nuclear Reactions (Conservation
Laws, kinematics of reactions, Q-value, reaction rate, reaction cross section), Concept of Direct
and compound nuclear reaction
Unit VI (5 lectures)
Nuclear Detectors: Interaction of radiation with matter (qualitative idea), Basics of Solid state
detectors, Scintillation and gas detectors for particle and electromagnetic radiation detection,
Idea of Calorimeter, Hybrid detectors and arrays.
Suggested Readings
1. Introducing Nuclear Physics, K. S. Krane (Wiley India., 2008).
2. Nuclear Physics – Theory & Experiments, R.R. Roy & B.P. Nigam (New Age
International, 2005)
3. Nuclear Physics in A Nutshell, C. A. Bertulani (1st Ed., Princeton University Press,
4. Concept of Nuclear Physics, B. L. Cohen (McGraw – Hill, 2003)
5. Nuclear Physics, S. N. Ghoshal (First edition, S. Chand Publication)
6. Nuclear & Particle Physics : An Introduction, B. Martin (Willey, 2006)
7. Introduction to Elementary Particles, D. Griffiths (Academic Press, 2nd Ed. 2008)
8. Physics and Engineering of Radiation Detection by Syed Naeem Ahmed(Academic
Press 2007)
9. Radiation detection and measurement, G.F. Knoll (John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Semester III
Course Code: PH-CL502
Course Name: Computational Physics (Lab)
Marks: 100 Duration: 60 Hrs (45L+ 15T)
Course Objectives
This course is intended to be an Introduction to a programming Language (C/C++) as well as
application for Numerical Analysis. The course would impart training in the structure of the
programming language as well as train the students in using programs to numerically solve
problems in various areas. In addition, it will also familiarize the students to the Unix
Suggested Readings
1. Numerical Recipes in C++: The Art of Scientific Computing, William H. Press , Saul
A. Teukolsky, William T. Vetterling, Brian P. Flannery (2nd Ed., Cambridge University
Press, 2002)
2. Numerical Recipes in C: The Art of Scientific Computing, William H. Press , Brian P.
Flannery, Saul A. Teukolsky, William T. Vetterling (2nd Ed., Cambridge University
Press, 2002)
3. Mathematical Methods for Physicists, George Arfken, Hans Weber, Frank E. Harris (7th
Ed., Elsevier, 2012)
4. Lab. Manual for Computer Programming & Numerical Methods, Dept. of Physics &
Astrophysics, University of Delhi, 2017.
Semester III
Course Code: PH-ET511
Course Name:Physics at the Nanoscale – I (Theory)
Marks: 100 Duration: 60 Hrs (45L+ 15T)
Course Objectives
To introduce knowledge on basics of nanoscience and the fundamental concepts behind size
reduction in various physical properties. More specifically, the student will be able to
understand the different properties of materials in reduced scales.
Unit I (10 lectures)
Quantum confined systems:Quantum confinement and its consequences, quantum wells,
quantum wires and quantum dots and artificial atoms. Electronic structure from bulk to
quantum dot. Electron states in direct and indirect gap semiconductors nanocrystals.
Confinement in disordered and amorphous systems.
Suggested Readings
1. Nanostructures-Theory & Modelling, C. Delerue and M. Lannoo (Springer, 2004)
2. Nanostructure, V. A. Shchukin, N. N. Ledentsov and D. Bimberg (Springer, 2004)
3. Characterization of Nanophase Materials, Z. L. Wang (Ed.) (Wiley-VCH, 2000)
4. Semiconductor Nanocrystal Quantum Dots, A. L. Rogach (Ed.) (Springer Wien NY,
5. Introduction to Nanotechnology, C. P. Poole Jr. & F. J. Owens (Wiley-Interscience,
Semester III
Course Code: PH-ET512
Course Name: Nanomaterials – I (Lab.)
Marks: 100 Duration: 120 Hrs (8P/Week)
Course Objectives
The main goal of this subject is to synthesis of different class of materials by various methods.
As synthesised nano materials will be characterized by different analytical techniques and
analysed with respect to size reduction in the respective physical properties.
1. Growth of nanoparticles by chemical routes.
2. Growth of nanophase by sputtering.
3. Growth of quantum dots by thermal evaporation.
4. Growth of nanoparticles by mechanical milling/attrition.
5. Growth of nanomaterials by nanopores-template method.
6. Growth of semiconductor quantum dots in matrices (glass/polymer etc).
7. Structural characterization of nanomaterials by XRD- determination of average grain
size, lattice parameters, strains etc.
8. Structural characterization of nanomaterials by TEM - determination of grain size
and its distribution.
9. Surface morphological characterization of nanomaterials by AFM.
10. Surface morphological characterization of nanomaterials by SEM.
11. Surface morphological characterization of nanomaterials by TEM.
12. Determination of pores size of nanomaterials.
13. Measurement and analyses of UV/vis Absorption spectrum of nanomaterials.
14. Measurement and analysis of Photoluminescence spectrum of nanomaterials.
15. Measurement and analysis of Raman spectrum of nanomaterials.
16. Measurement and analysis of photoluminescence/Absorption spectrum of
nanomaterials at low temperatures.
17. Determination of optical constants of nanomaterials by ellipsometry.
18. Measurement of sensor property of nanomaterials.
19. Determination of stoichiometry of nanomaterials by XPS/EDAX/ESCA.
20. Measurement and analysis of ferroelectric properties of nanomaterials.
21. Thermal characterization of polymers by DSC technique.
Suggested Readings
1. Nanotechnology,G.Timp (AIP press, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1999)
2. Nanostructured materials and nanotechnology,Hari Singh Nalwa. (Academic Press,
USA, 2002)
3. Hand book of Nanostructured Materials and Technology. Vol.1-5,Hari Singh Nalwa.
(Academic Press, USA, 2000)
4. Handbook of Nanoscience, Engineering and Technology,W.Gaddand, D.Brenner,
S.Lysherski and G.J.Infrate. (Electrical Engineering Handbook) (CRC Press, 2012)
5. Sol-Gel Science,C.J. Brinker and G.W. Scherrer(Academic Press, Boston, 1994)
6. Nanoscale Characterization of Surfaces & Interfaces,N John Dinardo,(Weinheim
Cambridge: Wiley-VCH, 2000)
7. Physical Principles of Electron Microscopy: An Introduction to TEM, SEM, and AEM,
Ray F. Egerton (Springer, 2005)
8. Scanning Probe Microscopy: Analytical Methods (NanoScience and Technology),
Roland Wiesendanger (Springer, 1968)
9. Chemistry of nanomaterials: Synthesis, properties and applications, CNR Rao
(Wiley-VCH, 2004)
Semester III
Course Code: PH-ET513
Course Name: Advanced Electronics – I (Theory)
Marks: 100 Duration: 60 Hrs (45L+ 15T)
Course Objectives
To enhance the understanding of basic design principles and constructional details of
specialized semiconductor devices used for high frequency applications in modern
communication networks and systems. To understand the use of semiconducting devices for
diverse applications acting as signal/light sources, detection of signals and transduction of
analog signals used in day to day electronics.
Unit I (12 lectures)
Microwave Devices: Vacuum tube devices: Reflex klystron and magnetron. Transfer electron
devices: Tunnel and Gunn diode, Avalanche Transit time devices (Read, IMPATT diodes,
parametric devices).
Unit IV (8 lectures)
Other Devices: Piezoelectric sensors and actuators, Transducers (temperature, pressure,
vacuum, magnetic field, vibration, particle detector). OLED, solid state battery and LCD.
Unit V (5 lectures)
IC fabrication technology: MOSFET fabrication process. Substrate, dielectric, conducting
and resistive layers. Lithography. Diffusion of impurities and deposition techniques.
Suggested Readings
1. Physics of Semiconductor Devices, S. M. Sze and K. K. Ng (3rd Ed., Wiley, 2008)
2. Semiconductor devices Physics and Technology, S. M. Sze (2nd Ed., Wiley, 2008)
3. Microwave Devices and Circuits, S. Y. Liao (3rd Ed., Pearson, 2003)
4. Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques, W. D. Cooper and A.
D.Helfrick (2nd Ed., Phi Learning, 2008)
Semester III
Course Code: PH-ET514
Course Name: Advanced Electronic – I (Lab.)
Marks: 100 Duration: 120 Hrs (8P/Week)
Course Objectives
Group A : Three experiments
Design of operational circuits (linear and digital) using discrete and I.C. components.
Phase sensitive detector, filters, multistage amplifiers, oscillators, wave shaping
Suggested Readings
1. Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques, W. D. Cooper and A. D.
Helfrick (2nd Ed., Phi Learning, 2008)
2. Electronic Devices and Circuits, J. Millman and C. C. Halkias and S. Jit (4th Ed.,
McGraw-Hill, 2015)
3. Measurement, Instrumentation and Experimental Design in Physics and Engineering,
M. Sayer and A. Mansingh (Prentice Hall India, 2010)
Semester III
Course Code: PH-ET515
Course Name: Advanced Nuclear Physics-I (Theory)
Marks: 100 Duration: 60 Hrs (45L+ 15T)
Course Objectives
The course has been design to impart knowledge about the theory behind nuclear technologies
to identify particles and radiation required to design and performed an experiment with the
accelerator facilities and the its applications in various fields
Unit I (7 lectures)
Accelerators:Type of accelerators (Tandem, Cyclotron, linear accelerator , synchrotron etc.)
and their basic principle, accelerator facilities in world, Beam optics (brief overview
only), Vacuum Techniques, Target and thin film preparation.
Application of nuclear techniques in other areas (Medical, Archeology, Material research,
Agriculture etc).
Suggested Readings
1. Radiation Detection and Measurement, G. F. Knoll (John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
2. Physics & Engineering of Radiation Detection, S. N. Ahmed (Academic Press
3. Techniques for Nuclear and Particle Physics Experiments, W.R. Leo (Springer-
Verlag 1987)
4. Nuclear Physics: Principles and Applications, J.S. Lilly (John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Semester III
Course Code: PH-ET516
Course Name: Advanced Nuclear Physics-I (Lab.)
Marks: 100 Duration: 120 Hrs (8P/Week)
Course Objectives
It will impart the skill on the experimental technique and will provide a hand on experience
about different nuclear detector, Nuclear electronics and data acquisition system.
1. Study of radioactive isotopes by thermal neutron activation analysis (Neutron
flux, growth of activity and half-life measurements).
2. Determination of the absolute disintegration rate of natural 40K source using UX2
source as a standard. Deduction of the partial beta-decay half life of 40K.
3. Absorption of gamma-rays in material media at different energies.
4. Investigation of energy response and calibration of a Nal (TI) scintillation spectrometer
based on Gamma-rays spectroscopy.
5. Detection of gamma ray in different scintillation based detectors and their Comprising.
(Energy response, energy resolution).
6. Determination of detection efficiency of a Nal (TI) scintillation spectrometer.
7. Gamma-rays spectroscopy using a single crystal HPGe detector : a) energy response,
b) energy resolution and c) detection efficiency determination.
8. Beta-ray spectroscopy using an anthracene scintillation spectrometer (energy
calibration and end-point energy measurement by Kurie-plot).
9. Study of angular distribution of Compton scattered gamma rays using a scintillation
spectrometer and the deduction of total scattering cross-section.
10. Resolving time of a fast and slow coincidence circuit by the method of random
coincidence using scintillation detectors and measurement of absolute source strength.
11. Study of fast-slow delayed coincidence system (resolving time as a function of clipping
length, true-to-chance-ratio and coincidence efficiency).
12. Directional correlation measurements of cascading gamma rays and the
determination of the cascade anisotropy using 60Co source.
13. Proportional counter, its energy response and low energy X-ray measurements.
14. Determination of gas pressure in a vacuum chamber with different pumps and vacuum
pressure gauges.
15. Alpha spectroscopy using a Si surface-barrier detector: Energy response & Energy
resolution measurements.
16. Measurement of stopping power of an alpha particle using Si surface-barrier detector.
17. Energy determination of alpha particles emitted in the thorium decay using
nuclear emulsion plates.
This list is tentative; changes in the list of experiments may be made, depending on the
availability of the equipment and other relevant considerations. Interested students may
be allowed to do project work.
Suggested Readings
1. Radiation Detection and Measurement, G. F. Knoll (John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
2. Physics & Engineering of Radiation Detection, S. N. Ahmed (Academic Press 2007)
3. Techniques for Nuclear and Particle Physics Experiments, W.R. Leo (Springer-Verlag
4. Nuclear Physics, Principles and Applications, J.S. Lilly (John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2002)
Semester III
Course Code: PH-ET517
Course Name: Lasers & Spectroscopy-I (Theory)
Marks: 100 Duration: 60 Hrs (45L+ 15T)
Course Objectives
To teach the students the nature of molecular spectra (rotational, vibrational, electronic and
Raman) of polyatomic molecules (including diatomic) classified on the basis of their
topological symmetry using group theoretical approach. The fundamentals and properties of
laser as a spectroscopic light source will also be taught.
Unit I (13 lectures)
Molecular symmetry and group theory:Symmetry operations and point groups for
molecules, the representation of a point group, matrices and basis sets, reducible and irreducible
representations, application to vibrational spectroscopy.
Unit IV (4 lectures)
Spectroscopy:Fluorescence and Raman spectroscopy with lasers
Semester III
Course Code: PH-ET518
Course Name: Lasers and Spectroscopy– I (Lab.)
Marks: 100 Duration: 120 Hrs (8P/Week)
Course Objectives
Provide an exposure to instrumentation such as light sources, spectrometers, optical detectors,
optical and opto-mechanical components, gain experience in spectroscopic techniques for
measurement, analyses of various kinds of spectra
1. White light reflection holography.
2. Transmission holography.
3. Birefringence and photoelasticity.
4. Kerr effect.
5. Pockels effect.
6. Measurement of radiant flux density and luminous intensity of an emission source.
7. Prism spectrometer.
8. Grating spectrometer.
9. Interferometric method for film thickness measurement.
10. Interferometric method for residual strain measurement in the film.
11. Measurement and analyses of atomic spectra.
12. Measurement and analyses of electronic spectra of molecules and liquids.
13. Measurement and analyses of vibrational spectra of molecules and liquids.
14. Measurement and analyses of rotational spectra of molecules and liquids.
15. Measurement and analyses of absorption/transmission spectra of solids.
16. Measurement and analyses of reflection spectra of solids.
17. Determination of optical constants of thin films by ellipsometry.
18. Measurement and analyses of Raman spectra of liquids/solids.
19. Measurement and analyses of fluorescence spectra of liquids/solids.
20. Measurement of absorption/transmission/reflection spectra at low temperatures.
21. Measurement and analyses of photoluminescence spectra of nanomaterials.
22. Measurement and analyses of XPS of nanomaterials/thin films/bulk samples.
This list is tentative; changes in the list of experiments may be made, depending on the
availability of the equipment and other relevant considerations. Interested students may
be allowed to do project work.
The student would be equipped with an in-depth knowledge of laser-based metrologies;
spectroscopic techniques that can be applied in wide-ranging fields spanning semiconductors,
pharmaceutical, chemical, food-processing industries, to name a few.
Suggested Readings
5. Lasers: Fundamental and Applications, Graduate Text in Physics, 2nd edition, K.
Thyagarajan, Ajoy ghatak (Springer, 2002)
6. Polarization of light, by Ajoy Ghatak and Arun Kumar (Mc GrawHill Education, 2012)
7. Introduction to Fibre Optics, Ajoy Ghatak and K. Thyagarajan, (Cambridge University
Press, 2000)
8. Teaching laser physics by experiments, Am. J. Phys., (2011),
9. Infrared Spectroscopy, Fundamentals and Applications, Barbara Stuart, (Wiley &
Sons, 2004)
10. Modern Raman Spectroscopy-a practical approach, E. Smith and G. Dent (John Wiley
& Sons, 2004)
11. Spectroscopic Ellipsometry: Principles and Applications, H. Fujiwara(Wiley& Sons,
12. Introduction to Holography, Vincent Toal, (CRC Press, 2012)
Semester III
Course Code: PH-ET519
Course Name: Advanced Solid State Physics-I(Theory)
Marks: 100 Duration: 60 Hrs (45L+ 15T)
Course Objectives
This courseintends to provide knowledge of conceptual advanced level solid-state physics. In
addition, this course aims to provide a general introduction to theoretical and experimental
topics in solid state physics by covering electrical transport, dielectric, optical, and magnetic
properties of solids.
Unit I (9 lectures)
Transport Properties of Solids: Boltzmann transport equation, resistivity of metals and
semiconductors, Fermi surfaces – determination, Landau levels, de Hass van Alphen effect,
Quantum Hall effect- Integral quantum Hall effect and. Magnetoresistance.
Unit II (9 lectures)
Dielectric Properties of Solids: Dielectrics and ferroelectrics, macroscopic electric field, local
field at an atom, dielectric constant and polarizability, ferroelectricity, antiferroelectricity,
piezoelectric crystals, ferroelasticity, electrostriction.
Unit V (9 lectures)
Superconductivity: Phenomenological theories of superconductivity, BCS theory, two fluid
and Pippard’s theory, London equations Flux quantization, BCS ground state and energy gap,
Cooper pairs, coherence, vortex states Ginzburg-Landau theory, Josephson effect, SQUID,
introduction to high-temperature superconductors.
Suggested Readings
1. Solid State Physics, N. W. Ashcroft and N.D. Mermin(Ist Ed., Cengage Learning, 2003)
2. Elementary Excitations in Solids, D. Pines (CRC press, 1999)
3. The Wave Mechanics of Electrons in Metals, S. Raimes (North-Holland, 1970)
4. Lecture Notes on Electron Correlation & Magnetism, P. Fazekas (World Scientific,
5. Introduction to Superconductivity,M. Tinkham (Dover Publications Inc., 2004)
6. Condensed Matter Physics,M. Marder(2nd Ed., John Wiley & Sons, 2010)
7. Principles of Condensed Matter Physics,P.M. Chaikin and T.C. Lubensky (Cambridge
University Press, 1995)
Semester III
Course Code: PH-ET520
Course Name: Advanced Solid State Physics– I (Lab.)
Marks: 100 Duration: 120 Hrs (8P/Week)
Course Objectives
To carry out advanced level experiments to determine the optical, dielectric and magnetic
properties of the materials. Also, to expose the students to various materials characterisation
1. Set the c-axis of the given crystal perpendicular to the incident x-ray beam.
2. Obtain the Laue photograph of the given single crystal, draw gnomonic projection, and
index the reflections.
3. Obtain an oscillation photograph of the given single crystal about c-axis, calculate
the c- dimension of the unit cell, and index the reflections.
4. Determine the cell dimensions and establish the face centring of copper by Debye-
Scherrer method (Powder method).
5. Determine the value of the Hall coefficient for the given sample and calculate the value
of the mobility of the carriers and the carrier concentration. (Transverse magneto-
resistance coefficient is given)
6. Determine the transverse magneto-resistance coefficient and the resistivity for the given
sample and calculate the value of the mobility of the carriers and the carrier
concentration. (RHis given).
7. Measure Hall coefficient, dc conductivity and mobility of a semiconductor at
different temperatures (77 K to room temperature).
8. Determine the relaxation time (EPR) for a given sample and find the value of ‘g’.
9. Determine the wavelength of the microwave output of a given reflex klystron oscillator
and also to determine its repeller mode pattern.
10. Calibrate a cooper resistance thermometer and use it to measure temperature from 77 K
to room temperature.
11. Calibrate a silicon resistance thermometer and use it to measure temperature from 77 K
to room temperature.
12. Determine the specific heat of a given sample at room and liquid nitrogen temperature.
13. Determine the Curie temperature of a given ferroelectric material.
14. Programming and interfacing with a given microprocessor.
15. Measurement of the critical temperature of a HTc-sample.
16. Study the Thermoluminescence of F-centres in alkali halide crystals.
This list is tentative; changes in the list of experiments may be made, depending on the
availability of the equipment and other relevant considerations. Interested students may
be allowed to do project work
Suggested Readings
1. Optical Properties of Photonic Crystals, K. Sakoda (Springer, 2001)
2. The Rietveld method, R.A.Young (IUCR-Oxford University Press, 1995)
3. Fundamentals of Crystallography, C.Giacovazzo (IUCR-Oxford University Press,
4. Characterization of nanophase materials, Zhon Ling Wang (Wiley-VCH Verlag
GmbH, 2000)
5. Physical Properties of Semiconductors, C. M. Wolfe, J.R.N.Holonyak and
G.E.Stillman (Prentice Hall International Inc., London, 1989).
6. Handbook on Semiconductors, Vol. 1-4., T.S. Moss, Ed., by S.P.Keller (North-Holland,
Amsterdam, 1980)
Semester III
Course Code: PH-ET531
Course Name: General Theory of Relativity and Cosmology-I
Marks: 100 Duration: 60 Hrs (45L+ 15T)
Course Objectives
The primary objective is to teach the students the physical and mathematical basis of
Einstein’s relativistic theory of gravitation
Unit I (5 lectures)
Equality of gravitational and intertial masses, Equivalence principle, Principle of general
Unit II (9 lectures)
Tensor Analysis: covariant and contravariant tensors. Tensors of arbitrary rank. Metric
tensor. Parallel transport and covariant differentiation. Affine connection and its relation to
metric tensor. Curvature tensor and its symmetries. Bianchi identities. Weyl tensor and
conformal invariance.
Unit IV (8 lectures)
General orbits, constants of motion, deflection of light, precession of perihelion and
radar echo. Standard, isotropic and harmonic coordinates. Parametrized post-Newtonian
formalism and status of observational verification. Mach’s principle.
Unit V (8 lectures)
Energy momentum tensor for a perfect fluid, equation of motion from field equation for
equation for dust. Action principle for field equations. Conservation laws in curved space
and pseudo energy tensor for gravitational field
Course Learning Outcomes
Students will be trained in tensor analysis and tensor calculus. This course will teach the
formalism of general relativity (GR). They will learn how to obtain an exact solution of GR,
namely, the Scwarzschild solution.
Suggested Readings
1. Introducing Einstein's Relativity, Ray D'Inverno (Clarendon Press, 1992)
2. Principles of Gravitation and Cosmology, M. Berry (Cambridge University Press,
3. Introduction to General Relativity & Cosmology, Steven Weinberg (John Wiley &
Sons, 1972)
4. The Classical Theory of Fields, L.D. Landau and E. M. Lifshitz (Pergamon, 1975)
5. Classical Fields: General Relativity and Gauge Theory, Moshe Carmeli ( World
Scientific, 2001)
6. General Theory of Relativity, P.A. M. Dirac (John Wiley, 1975)
7. Gravity, Black Holes and the Very Early universe: An Introduction to General
Relativity and Cosmology, Tai L. Chow (Springer, 2008)
Semester III
Course Code:PH-ET532
Course Name:Astrophysics - I
Marks: 100 Duration: 60 Hrs (45L+ 15T)
Course Objectives
This course covers a survey of modern astronomy basics from an observer’s perspective, how
data from distant sources is obtained through modern telescopes and detectors and is then
Unit I (18 lectures)
Observational Data:Astronomical Coordinates- Celestial Sphere, Horizon, Equatorial,
Ecliptic and Galactic Systems of Coordinates, Conversion from one system of co-ordinates to
another, Magnitude Scale- Apparent and absolute magnitude, distance modulus.
Determination of mass, luminosity, radius, temperature and distance of a star, Colour Index,
Stellar classification – Henry-Draper and modern M-K Classification schemes, H-R
Diagram, H-R Diagram of Clusters, Empirical mass- luminosity relation.
Unit IV (7 lectures)
Variable Stars & Asteroseismology: Photometry of variable stars, differential photometry,
extinction coefficients, Classes of variable stars, Period-Mean density relationship,
Classical Cepheids as distance indicators, pulsation Mechanisms.
Course Learning Outcomes
Students will demonstrate a basic understanding of various aspects of observational astronomy.
How data is acquired and interpreted to obtain physical properties of a variety of astronomical
Suggested Readings
1. Astronomy, The Evolving Universe, M. Zeilik (Cambridge University Press, 2002)
2. Introduction to Astronomy & Cosmology, I. Morrison (Wiley, 2008)
3. Telescopes and Techniques, C. R. Kitchin (Springer, 1995)
4. Astronomical Photometry, A. A. Henden & R. H. Kaitchuk (Willmann-Bell, 1990)
5. An Introduction to Astronomical Photometry, E. Budding (Cambridge University Press,
6. Universe, R. A. Freedman & W. J. Kaufmann (W. H. Freeman & Co., 2008)
7. Fundamental Astronomy, H. Karttunen et al. (Springer, 2003)
8. Solar Astrophysics, P. V. Foukal (Wiley-VCH, 2004)
9. Fundamentals of Solar Astronomy, A. Bhatnagar & W.C. Livingston (World Scientific,
Semester III
Course Code: PH-ET533
Course Name: Condensed Matter Physics-I
Marks: 100 Duration: 60 Hrs (45L+ 15T)
Course Objectives
Utilizing the basic concepts of solid state physics, the quantum theory of lattice dynamics
and thermal neutron scattering would be extensively discussed in this course. The detailed
theory of Mossbauer Effect would also be discussed.
Unit I (13 lectures)
Lattice dynamics in 3-dimensions. Relations among atomic force constants under various
general operations. Acoustic and optical modes. Normal modes. Quantization of
lattice vibrations. Phonons, zero-point energy, quantum crystals. Stefan-Boltzmann law.
Van Hove singularities. Lindemann melting criterion.
Suggested Readings
1. Solid State Physics, Neil W. Aschroft & N. David Mermin (Harcourt Publishers,
2. Solid State Physics, Gerald Burns (AcademicPress, 1985)
3. Solid State Physics, Wlater A. Harrison (Dover Publications, 1980)
4. Solid State Physics: An introductlion to Principles of Materials Science, Harald Ibach
andHans Luth (Springer, 2003)
5. Solid State Physics, Advances in research and applications, Supplement 3, F. Seitz
and D.Turnbull (Eds.) Theory of lattice dynamics in harmonic approximation, A.A.
Maraduddin, E.W. Montroll and G.H. Weiss (Academic Press, 1963)
6. Theory of thermal neutron scattering, W. Marshall & S.W. Lovessey (Oxford Univ.
7. Quantum Theory of Solids Part A & B, Callaway (Academic Press, 1974)
8. Mossbauer Effect : Principles and Applications, G. K. Wertheim (Academic Press,
9. The Mossbauer Effect, Hans Fraunfelder (W.A. Benjamin, 1963)
10. Quasielastic neutron scattering for the investigation of diffusive motions in solids and
liquidsSpringer tracts in modern physics Vol. 64, Tasso Springer (Springer-Verlag,
11. Superconductivity, V.L. Ginzburg and E.A. Andryushin (World Scientific, 1994)
12. Introduction to Superconductivity and high-Tc materials, Michel Cyrot and Davor
Pavuna, (World Scientific, 1992)
Semester III
Course Code: PH-ET534
Course Name: Plasma Physics -I
Marks: 100 Duration: 60 Hrs (45L+ 15T)
Course Objectives
Plasma physics is an important subject for a large number of research areas, including space
plasma physics, solar physics, astrophysics, controlled fusion research, high-power laser
physics, plasma processing, and many areas of experimental physics. The primary learning
outcome for this course is for the students to learn the basic principles and main equations of
plasma physics, at an introductory level, with emphasis on topics of broad applicability.
Unit I (14 lectures)
Definition and properties of plasma, Plasma production in laboratory and diagnostics.
Microscopic description, Motion of a charged particle in electric and magnetic fields-
curvature, gradient and external force drifts. Controlled thermonuclear devices, magnetically
confined open and closed systems (linear pinch, mirror machine and Tokamak). Laser-
plasmas: inertially confined system.
stability of this equilibrium and account for the most important plasma instabilities. Explain
the physical mechanism behind Landau damping and make calculations in this area using
kinetic theory
Suggested Readings
1. Introduction to Plasma Physics, F. F. Chen (Plenum Press, 1984)
2. Principles of Plasma Physics, N. A. Krall and Trivelpiece (San Fransisco Press, 1986)
3. Physics of High temperature Plasmas, G. Schimdt (2ndEd., Academic
Press, 1979)
4. The framework of Plasma Physics, R.D. Hazeltine & F.L. Waelbroeck (Perseus
Books, 1998)
5. Introduction to Plasma Physics, R.J. Goldston and P.H. Rutherford (IOP, 1995)
Semester III
Course Code: PH-ET535
Course Name: Particle Physics -I
Marks: 100 Duration: 60 Hrs (45L+ 15T)
Course Objectives
This course is designed to provide a balanced introduction to the elementary particle physics,
covering the theoretical concepts and with the range of observable phenomena related to
particle physics. Further, the students will be able gain knowledge on important topics in
particle physics including Kinematics of Decays and Cross-section, Space-time Symmetries,
and Processes in QED.
Unit I (5 lectures)
Fundamental Building Blocks and their nature of Interactions, Conservation Laws:
Fundamental Building Blocks and their nature of Interactions, Conservation Laws: Energy,
Angular Momentum, electromagnetic Charge, Lepton flavor and Baryon Numbers.
Natural Units system. Order of Magnitude estimation a) Bohr’s atomic radius, b)Compton
wavelength of electron, c) cross-section in relativistic and non-relativisttic limit → ,
→ → . Estimation of the radius associated with lightest hadron, Estimation of
Decay width of a particle from decay time.
Unit II (8 lectures)
Kinematics of Decays and Cross-section: Relativistic Kinematics: Momentum and Energy
Covariance, Mandelstam variables , , for 2→2
Kinematics for decay/scattering to n (> 2) particles. Dalitz plots, Boost invariant quantities
and their importance , pseudo-rapidity , and azimuthal angle .
Flux of initial particles in scattering and measured integrated Luminosity. Decay width of
particle decaying into 2 and 3 particles. Two and Three body Phase space Integrals,
Multiparticle production as cascading decays, Fermi’s Golden rule and Definition of
scattering cross-section.
Suggested Readings
1. An Introductory Course of Particle Physics, Palash B. Pal (CRC Press, 2015)
2. Introduction to Elementary Particles, D. Griffiths (2nd Ed., Wiley-VCH, 2008)
3. Quarks & Leptons, F. Halzen and A. D. Martin (John Wiley, 1984 )
4. Elementary Particle Physics, S. Gasiorowicz (John Wiley, 1966)
5. Elementary Particles and the Laws of Physics, R. P. Feynman and S. Weinberg
(CambridgeUniversity Press, 1999 )
6. Introduction to Elementary Particle Physics, A. Bettini (Cambridge University Press,
Semester III
Course Code: PH-ET536
Course Name: Quantum Field Theory-I
Marks: 100 Duration: 60 Hrs (45L+ 15T)
Course Objectives
Quantum Field theory is one of the foundational fields in Theoretical High Energy physics.
It bridges together Quantum Mechanics and Special Relativity using new mathematical tools.
The aim of part one of this course is to introduce these mathematical formalisms to the
students and to teach them their applications.
Unit I (4 lectures)
Quantum mechanics of many particle systems The need for QFT (relativity, many-body and
interactions) Review of Lagrangian of continuous systems. Canonical fields as generalized
coordinates. Euler-Lagrange equations, Noether’s theorem: examples in non-relativistic and
relativistic field theories; translation, rotation, Lorentz boost/Galilean transformation and
internal symmetry transformations.
Unit II (8 lectures)
Canonical quantization of the free scalar field Commutation relations, Energy-momentum
tensor, Normal ordering Propagators, Causality n-point Green’s function of elementary and
composite operators.
Unit IV (8 lectures)
Irreducible representations of the Lorentz group, connection to quantum fields
Symmetry of a complex scalar field Lagrangian and Maxwell field Need for gauge-fixing
Quantizing the Maxwell-field in a covariant gauge; physical state condition; spectrum;
The Dirac field as a representation of SO(3,1) (notion of SL(2,C)) Weyl, Majorana and Dirac
fermions Quantization of the Dirac field
Unit V (5 lectures)
Quantum Electrodynamics; Feynman rules, S-matrices and tree-level cross-sections for
simple processes
Gaussian integrals and power series expansion; Path integrals in Quantum Mechanics and
Field Theory; Functional differentiation and integration (free scalar, vector and spinor)
Suggested Readings
1. The Quantum Theory of Fields, Volume 1: Foundations, Steven Weinberg (Oxford
UniversityPress, 2005)
2. Lectures on Quantum Field Theory, Ashok Dass (World Scientific, 2008)
3. Reletivistic Quantum Mechanics, J.D. Bjorken and S. Drell (Mcgraw-Hill, 1964)
4. Reletivistic Quantum Fields, J.D. Bjorken and S. Drell (Mcgraw-Hill, 1964)
5. Quantum Field Theory, C. Itzykson and J-B Zuber (McGraw-Hill, 1980)
6. Introduction to Relativistic Quantum Field Theory, S. Schweber (Row, Peterson,
7. Quantum Field Theory, L. H. Ryder (Cambridge University Press, 1996)
8. Quantum Field Theory, F. Mandl and G. Shaw (Wiley, 1993)
9. Introduction to Quantum Field Theory, P. Roman (John Wiley, 1969)
10. The Quantum Theory of Fields, Vol.2: Modern Applications, S. Weinberg (Oxford
Univ.Press, 2005)
11. Introduction to the Theory of Quantized Fields, N.N. Bogoliubov & D.V. Shirkov
(Nauka, Moscow, 1984)
12. An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory, M. E. Peskin & D.V. Schroeder
(Westview Press,1995)
Semester III
Course Code: PH-ET537
Course Name: Advance Mathematical Physics
Marks: 100 Duration: 60 Hrs (45L+ 15T)
Course Objectives
The course will introduce to the students basic concepts of finite and infinite groups.
Examples from various fields will be considered. Techniques for solving integral equations
will be learnt. Introduction to Green functions and its construction will be studied.
Unit I (15 lectures)
Finite discrete Group: Group Theory: Abstract groups: subgroups, classes, cosets, factor
groups, normal subgroups, direct product of groups; Examples: cyclic, symmetric,
matrix groups, regular n-gon. Mappings: homomorphism, isomorphism,
automorphism. Representations: reducible and irreducible representation, unitary
representations, Schur's lemma and orthogonality theorems, characters of representation,
direct product of representations.
Unit IV (7 lectures)
Green function:Boundary Value Problems: boundary conditions: Dirichlet and
Neumann; self-adjoint operators, Sturm-Liouville theory, Green's function,
eigenfunction expansion.
Suggested Readings
1. Elements of Group Theory for Physicists, A.W. Joshi (John Wiley, 1997).
2. Groups and Symmetry,M. A. Armstrong(Springer, 1988).
3. Advanced Method of Mathematical Physics, R. S. Kaushal & D. Parashar (Narosa,
4. Group Theory and Its Applications to Physical Problems, M. Hamermesh (Dover,
5. Chemical Applications of Group Theory, F. Albert Cotton (John Wiley, 1988).
6. Mathematical Methods for Physicists,G. Arfken, H. Weber, & F. Harris (Elsevier,
7. Linear Integral Equations, W. V. Lovitt (Dover, 2005).
8. Introduction to Integral Equations with Applications, A. J. Jerri (Wiley-Interscience,
Semester III
Course Code: PH-OT541
Course Name: Radiation Safety
Marks: 100 Duration: 60 Hrs (45L+ 15T)
Course Objectives
This course is aimed to introduce the student to practical aspects of nuclear radiation with an
understanding of basic quantities and doses, the role of fundamental processes involved in
the interaction of X- rays, gamma-rays, charged particles and neutrons with matter, the
principles underlying the operation of nuclear detection/dosimetry instruments, areas of
applications, awareness of the need and methods for safety protocols for radioactive material
and environmental safety.
Unit I (8 lectures)
Basics of Radiation: Origin of radiation, binding energy and Q-value, stable and unstable
isotopes, radioactive decay (alpha, beta, neutron and electromagnetic transitions), mean life
and half life, nuclear reactions, concept of cross sections and attenuation co-efficients,
Neutron flus, kinematics of nuclear reactions. Slowing down and moderation. Basic idea of
different units of activity, radiation quantities: exposure, absorbed dose, equivalent dose,
effective dose, collective equivalent dose, quality factor, radiation and tissue weighting
factors, KERMA, Annual Limit of Intake (ALI) and Derived Air Concentration (DAC).
Suggested Readings
1. Nuclear and Particle Physics, W. E. Burcham and M. Jobes (Pearson Education,
2. Radiation detection and measurement, G. F. Knoll (4th Ed., Wiley, 2010)
3. Thermoluninescense Dosimetry, Mcknlay, A. F., Bristol, Adam Hilger (Medical
Physics Hand book 5)
4. Fundamental Physics of Radiology, W. J. Meredith and J. B. Massey (John Wright
and Sons, 1989)
5. An Introduction to Radiation Protection, A. Martin and S. A. Harbisor (John Willey
& Sons, 1981)
6. Medical Radiation Physics, W. R. Hendee (Medical Publishers Inc., 1981)
7. Nuclear Physics : Principles and applications, John Lilley (Wiley, 2001)
8. Physics and Engineering of Radiation Detection, Syed Naeem Ahmed (2nd Ed.,
Elsevier, 2014)
9. Techniques for Nuclear and Particle Physics Experiments, W.R. Leo (2nd Ed.,
Springer, 2013)
10. IAEA Publications : (a) General safety requirements Part 1, No. GSR Part 1 (2010),
Part 3 No. GSR Part 3 (Interium) (2010); (b)Safety Standards Series No. RS-G-1.5
(2002), Rs-G-1.9 (2005), Safety Series No. 120 (1996); (c) Safety Guide GS-G-2.1
11. AERB Safety Guide (Guide No. AERB/RF-RS/SG-1), Security of radioactive sources
in radiation facilities.
12. AERB Safety Standard No. AERB/SS/3 (Rev. 1), Testing and Classification of sealed
Radioactivity Sources.
Semester III
Course Code: PH-OT542
Course Name: Introductory Astronomy
Marks: 100 Duration: 60 Hrs (45L+ 15T)
Course Objectives
Since this course is an open elective, with students from diverse background opting for it,
the primary objective is to impart a basic knowledge about the oldest branch of physical
science through a conceptual mode, relying less on mathematics and more on physical
understanding. Since exciting new developments have been taking place in the astronomy
of 20-th and 21-st centuries, with India playing crucial roles, the idea is to enable students
to have a flavour of both historical and modern aspects so that they acquire a perspective of
their place in the universe..
Unit I (3 lectures)
Antiquity of astronomy: Planets and stars in Egyptian and Babylonian civilizations;
Possible reference to stars and planets in Indus Valley Civilization; stars and constellations
in Rig Veda as well as in other vedic literature; reference to Halley's comet in a Babylonian
clay tablet; Far Eastern astronomy - comets and Crab supernova; reference to cosmic objects
in mythologies, classic literature and science fictions.
Unit II (4 lectures)
Early astronomical measurements: Measurement of Earth's radius by Eratosthenes; Lunar
and solar motion studies by Hipparchus - equinoxes and solstices, lunar and solar eclipses;
Aryabhatta I and his seminal contributions to astronomy - relative motion, spinning Earth,
eclipses, etc.; Varahamihira, Brahmagupta and other siddhantic astronomers of India;
symbiotic relation between mathematics and astronomy; evidence of the precession of
equinox from vedic literature; Jai Singh and his Jantar Mantar.
Unit IV (6 lectures)
Laws of gravitation- motion of the Moon around the Earth, falling bodies, Newton's genius;
Halley's comet and laws of gravity; importance of gravity as a force in astronomy; Physics
of the Sun; Thermonuclear reactions; discovery of Neptune and Pluto; asteroid belt, meteors
and comets; Tidal forces and the oceanic tides; precession of equinox and change of seasons;
dating Rig veda using the precession of equinox; Distances - parallax method; standard
candles - Cepheid variables and Henrietta Leavitt, Type Ia Supernovae; Spectroscopy -
atomic spectra, emission and absorption lines, their widths and Doppler shifts.
Unit V (8 lectures)
Stellar population and Hertzsprung-Russell diagram; Meghnad Saha, ionized element, Saha
equation and birth of astrophysics; Wilson-Bappu effect and stellar distances; Stellar
structure and evolution- evolution of low mass stars and high mass stars; white dwarfs -
Fowler, Chandrasekhar and Eddington; Chandrasekhar's mass limit; Baade and Zwicky -
supernova and neutron stars; supernova explosion; pulsars.
Suggested Readings
1. The Physical Universe, Frank Shu (University Science Books, 1982)
2. Cosmology: The Science of the Universe, Edward Harrison (Cambridge University
Press, 2000)
3. From Black Clouds to Black Holes, J. V. Narlikar (World Scientific, 1985)
4. Archeoastronomy- Introduction to the Science of Stars and Stones, Giulio Magli
(Springer, 2016)
Semester III
Course Code: PH-OT543
Course Name: Complex System & Networks
Marks: 100 Duration: 60 Hrs (45L+ 15T)
Course Objectives
This course deals with the interdisciplinary subject of complex systems, that include, among
others, living organisms, ecosystems and human societies. The course emphasizes a unifying
theme – complex networks – that cuts across all these systems. It develops the mathematical
tools of graph theory and dynamical systems to provide insight into the structure, dynamics
and evolution of a variety of complex systems in the physical sciences, life sciences, social
sciences and engineering.
Unit I (7 lectures)
Overview: Examples of complex systems: organisms, brains, ecosystems, societies, the
internet. Components of these systems: molecules, cells, species, agents, computers.
Collective phenomena exhibited by these systems. Contrast with other collective
phenomena in physics such as phase transitions. Adaptive nature of these systems.
Course Learning Outcomes
Being able to appreciate that complex networks of interacting components underlie many
complex systems studied under different disciplines. Learning the similarities and
differences between complex systems from the perspective of network structure.Learning
certain mathematical methods of graph theory and dynamical systems.Being able to apply
these methods to characterize the structure of various complex systems and to model certain
phenomena exhibited by them.
Suggested Readings
1. Networks: An Introduction, M. E. J. Newman (Oxford University Press, 2010).
2. Origins of Order, Stuart Kauffman (Oxford University Press, 1993).
3. Handbook of Graphs and Networks: From the Genome to the Internet, S. Bornholdt
and H.-G.Schuster (Wiley-VCH, 2003).
4. Dynamics of Complex Systems, Yaneer Bar Yam (Perseus Books, 1997)
Prerequisites for the course: Student should have taken Mathematics as a subject in high
school (Class XI and XII).
Semester IV
Course Code: PH-CT503
Course Name: Atomic and Molecular Physics
Marks: 100 Duration: 60 Hrs (45L+ 15T)
Course Objectives
The main objective is to teach the students the basic atomic and molecular (diatomic)
structures with quantum mechanical approach leading to their fundamental spectroscopies.
The fundamentals and properties of a coherent light source as Laser (various types) will also
be taught.
Unit I (13 lectures)
Atomic Physics : Fine structure of hydrogenic atoms, Mass correction, spin-orbit term,
Darwin term. Intensity of fine structure lines. Effect of magnetic and electric fields: Zeeman,
Paschen-Bach and Stark effects. The ground state of two-electron atoms – perturbation
theory and variational methods. Many-electron atoms – Central Field Approximation-LS
and jj coupling schemes, Lande interval rule. The Hartrec-Fock equations. The spectra of
alkalis using quantum defect theory. Selection rules for electric and magnetic multipole
radiation. Auger process.
Course Learning Outcomes
Students will learn the details of atomic and diatomic molecular (diatomic) structures in terms
of quantum mechanical treatment elaborately beyond the basic models. It will give the
descriptions of fine structure of atoms and rotational, vibrational and electronic energies of
molecules manifesting in their respective spectroscopies.
The details of these spectroscopies would serve as the fundamentals for various concerned
experimental results. The basic principles of light coherence as laser with their types and
variants will also be covered exposing the students to the important modern spectroscopic
Suggested Readings
1. Physics of Atoms and Molecules, B. H. Bransden and C. J. Jochain (2nd Ed., Pearson
Education, 2003)
2. Atomic Spectra and Atomic Structure, G. Herzberg (Dover Publications, 2003)
3. Molecular Spectra and Molecular Structure, G. Herzberg (Van Nostrand, 1950)
4. Atoms, Molecules and Photons, W. Demtroder (Springer, 2006)
5. Fundamentals of Molecular Spectroscopy, C. N. Banwell (McGraw Hill, 1983)
6. Basic atomic & Molecular Spectroscopy, J. M. Hollas (Royal Society of Chemistry,
7. Principles of Lasers, O. Svelto ( 5th Ed., Springer, 2010)
8. Laser Spectroscopy, W. Demtroder (3rd Ed., Springer, 2003)
9. Molecular Quantum Mechanics, P Atkins & R. Friedman (Oxford Univ. Press, 2005)
10. Quantum Chemistry, I. N. Levine (7th Ed., Pearson, 2016)
Semester IV
Course Code: PH-ET551
Course Name: Physics at the Nanoscale – II (Theory)
Marks: 100 Duration: 60 Hrs (45L+ 15T)
Course Objectives
Themain goal of this subject is to provide basic understanding of fabrication and
characterization of nano structured materials by different analytical methods. More
importantly, the students will have enriched knowledge on the properties of materials at the
nanoscale and implementing it for various applications.
Unit I (13 lectures)
Growth: Synthesis of metal, semiconductor, carbon and bio nanomaterials. Grains and grain
boundaries, distribution of grain sizes, pores, strains. Thin film preparation methods by
thermal evaporation, sputtering and pulsed laser deposition methods. Gas phase synthesis of
nanopowders, chemical and colloidal methods, mechanical milling, dispersion in solid-doped
glasses and sol gel method; Functionalization of nanoparticles.
Unit II (7 lectures)
Structure and thermodynamics at nanoscale: specific features of the nanoscale growth,
control of size, nucleation, growth and aggregation. Crystalline phase transitions and
geometric evolution of the lattice in nano crystals, thermodynamics of very
small systems. Self-assembling nanostructured molecular materials and devices.
Suggested Readings
1. Nanostructured Materilas and Nano technology, H. S. Nalwa (Ed.) (Academic Press,
2. Nanomaterila and Nanochemistry, C. Brechignac, P. Houdy and M. Lahmani
(Springer, 2006)
3. Characterization of Nanophase Materials, Z. L. Wang (Ed.) (Wiley-VCH, 2000)
4. Semiconductor Nanocrystal Quantum Dots, A. L. Rogach (Ed.) (Springer Wien NY,
5. Introduction to Nanotechnology, C. P. Poole Jr. & F. J. Owens (Wiley-Interscience,
6. Carbon Nanotubes, S. Reich, C. Thomsen & J. Maultzsch, (Wiley-VCH, 2004)
Semester IV
Course Code: PH-ET552
Course Name: Nanomaterials– II (Lab.)
Marks: 100 Duration: 120 Hrs (8P/Week)
Course Objectives
The main goal of this subject is to synthesis of different class of materials by various
methods. As synthesised nano materials will be characterized by different analytical
techniques and analysed with respect to size reduction in the respective physical properties.
1. Growth of nanoparticles by chemical routes.
2. Growth of nanophase by sputtering.
3. Growth of quantum dots by thermal evaporation.
4. Growth of nanoparticles by mechanical milling/attrition.
5. Growth of nanomaterials by nanopores-template method.
6. Growth of semiconductor quantum dots in matrices (glass/polymer etc).
7. Structural characterization of nanomaterials by XRD- determination of average
grain size, lattice parameters, strains etc.
8. Structural characterization of nanomaterials by TEM - determination of grain
size and its distribution.
9. Surface morphological characterization of nanomaterials by AFM.
10. Surface morphological characterization of nanomaterials by SEM.
11. Surface morphological characterization of nanomaterials by TEM.
12. Determination of pores size of nanomaterials.
13. Measurement and analyses of UV/vis Absorption spectrum of nanomaterials.
14. Measurement and analysis of Photoluminescence spectrum of nanomaterials.
15. Measurement and analysis of Raman spectrum of nanomaterials.
16. Measurement and analysis of photoluminescence/Absorption spectrum of
nanomaterials at low temperatures.
17. Determination of optical constants of nanomaterials by ellipsometry.
18. Measurement of sensor property of nanomaterials.
19. Determination of stoichiometry of nanomaterials by XPS/EDAX/ESCA.
20. Measurement and analysis of ferroelectric properties of nanomaterials.
21. Thermal characterization of polymers by DSC technique.
Suggested Readings
1. Nanotechnology,G.Timp (AIP press, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1999)
2. Nanostructured materials and nanotechnology,Hari Singh Nalwa. (Academic Press,
USA, 2002)
3. Hand book of Nanostructured Materials and Technology. Vol.1-5, Hari Singh Nalwa.
(Academic Press, USA, 2000)
4. Handbook of Nanoscience, Engineering and Technology,W.Gaddand, D.Brenner,
S.Lysherski and G.J.Infrate. (Electrical Engineering Handbook) (CRC Press, 2012)
5. Sol-Gel Science,C.J. Brinker and G.W. Scherrer(Academic Press, Boston, 1994)
6. Nanoscale Characterization of Surfaces & Interfaces,N John Dinardo,(Weinheim
Cambridge: Wiley-VCH, 2000)
7. Physical Principles of Electron Microscopy: An Introduction to TEM, SEM, and
AEM, Ray F. Egerton (Springer, 2005)
8. Scanning Probe Microscopy: Analytical Methods (NanoScience and Technology),
Roland Wiesendanger (Springer, 1968)
9. Chemistry of nanomaterials: Synthesis, properties and applications, CNR Rao
(Wiley-VCH, 2004)
Semester IV
Course Code: PH-ET553
Course Name: Advanced Electronics – II (Theory)
Course Objectives
To give anunderstanding about generation, propagation, reception and detection of
electromagnetic waves in free space and optical signals in guided media relating to fiber optic
communication. Analyze the contribution of inherent noise produced by components,
devices and circuits commonly used in instrumentation/communication systems and learn
the effective methods of noise reduction.
Unit I (12 lectures)
Communication: EM wave propagation: transmission lines, coaxial cable, waveguide,
optical fiber and free space. Propagation of ground wave, space wave and Sky wave.
Characteristic impedance, reflection coefficient, Standing wave ratio (microwave
components) and measurement of impedance in various media. Fiber optic and wireless
Unit II (6 lectures)
Antennas : Linear dipole antennas, Antenna array techniques, Systems and characterization
antenna matching and basic antenna types.
Unit V (6 lectures)
Noise: Signal to noise ratio (SNR) and enhancement of SNR in instrumentation and
communication. Noise reduction in electronic circuits. Principles of phase locking and lock-
in amplifier, Sample and hold circuits.
Suggested Readings
1. Digital Signal Processing, J. G. Proakis and D. G. Manolakis (4th Ed., Pearson, 2007)
2. Electronic Communication, D. Roddy and J. Coolen (4th Ed., Pearson, 1995)
3. Measurement, Instrumentation and Experimental Design in Physics and
Engineering, M.Sayer and A. Mansingh (PHI Learning, 2000)
4. Discrete Time Signal Processing, A.V. Oppenheim and R. W. Schafer (2nd Ed.,
Pearson, 2006)
5. Electronic Communication systems, W. Tomasi (5th Ed., Peason, 2008)
Semester IV
Course Code: PH-ET554
Course Name: Advanced Electronic– II (Lab.)
Marks: 100 Duration: 120 Hrs (8P/Week)
Course Objectives
Group A :
Computer aided design using standard software for integrated circuit and device
Group B :
Electronic material and device fabrication and characterization (p-n junction,
diffusion thin film sensors, optical memory etc.).
Suggested Readings
1. Measurement, Instrumentation and Experimental Design in Physics and
Engineering, M. Sayer and A. Mansingh (Prentice Hall India, 2010)
2. Solid State Electronic Devices, B.G. Streetman ( Prentice Hall India, 2000)
3. Introduction to Semiconductor Materials and Devices, M.S. Tyagi ( John Wiley &
Sons, 2008)
Semester IV
Course Code: PH-ET555
Course Name: Advanced Nuclear Physics II(Theory)
Marks: 100 Duration: 60 Hrs (45L+ 15T)
Course Objectives
The course will provide a understanding about behaviour of the nuclei by studying nuclear
reaction and nuclear structure models. A physical understanding of nuclear process has been
introduced with appropriate mathematical basics.
Unit I (19 lectures)
Nuclear Reaction: Types of reaction, Briet-Winger and Resonances, Direct reaction-
elastic and inelastic scattering, Transfer reaction (semi-classical approach), Fusion, Break-
up, coupled channel approach, Compound nuclear reaction and statistical models,
Coulomb excitation and its applications.
Suggested Readings
1. Theory of Nuclear Structure, M.K. Pal (Affiliated East-Wast Press,1982)
2. Nuclear Structure from a Simple Perspective, R. F. Casten (Press, 2nd Ed., Oxford
Univ. 2000)
3. Theoretical Nuclear Physics, Vol. I, Nuclear Structure, DeShalit & Feshbach
(Wiley - Interscience , 1998)
4. Nuclear Reaction and Nuclear Structure, P.E. Hodgson (Clarendon Press, 1971)
5. Heavy ion reactions, Vol. I & II, R. A. Broglia & Aage Winther
(Benjamin/Cummings, 1981)
6. Physics with Radioactive Beams, C. A Bertulani, M.S. Hussein, G. Munzenberg
(Nova Science, 2002)
Semester IV
Course Code: PH-ET556
Course Name: Advanced Nuclear Physics-II (Lab.)
Marks: 100 Duration: 120 Hrs (8P/Week)
Course Objectives
It will impart the skill on the experimental technique and will provide a hand on experience
about different nuclear detector, Nuclear electronics and data acquisition system.
1. Study of radioactive isotopes by thermal neutron activation analysis (Neutron
flux, growth of activity and half-life measurements).
2. Determination of the absolute disintegration rate of natural 40K source using UX2
source as a standard. Deduction of the partial beta-decay half life of 40K.
3. Absorption of gamma-rays in material media at different energies.
4. Investigation of energy response and calibration of a Nal (TI) scintillation
spectrometer based on Gamma-rays spectroscopy.
5. Detection of gamma ray in different scintillation based detectors and their
Comprising. (Energy response, energy resolution).
6. Determination of detection efficiencyof a Nal (TI) scintillation spectrometer.
7. Gamma-rays spectroscopy using a single crystal HPGe detector : a) energy response,
b) energy resolution and c) detection efficiency determination.
8. Beta-ray spectroscopy using an anthracene scintillation spectrometer (energy
calibration and end-point energy measurement by Kurie-plot).
9. Study of angular distribution of Compton scattered gamma rays using a scintillation
spectrometer and the deduction of total scattering cross-section.
10. Resolving time of a fast and slow coincidence circuit by the method of random
coincidence using scintillation detectors and measurement of absolute source
11. Study of fast-slow delayed coincidence system (resolving time as a function of
clipping length, true-to-chance-ratio and coincidence efficiency).
12. Directional correlation measurements of cascading gamma rays and the
determination of the cascade anisotropy using 60Co source.
13. Proportional counter, its energy response and low energy X-ray measurements.
14. Determination of gas pressure in a vacuum chamber with different pumps and
vacuum pressure gauges.
15. Alpha spectroscopy using a Si surface-barrier detector: Energy response & Energy
resolution measurements.
16. Measurement of stopping power of an alpha particle using Si surface-barrier
17. Energy determination of alpha particles emitted in the thorium decay using
nuclear emulsion plates.
This list is tentative; changes in the list of experiments may be made, depending on the
availability of the equipment and other relevant considerations. Interested students
may be allowed to do project work.
Suggested Readings
1. Radiation Detection and Measurement, G. F. Knoll (John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
2. Physics & Engineering of Radiation Detection, S. N. Ahmed (Academic Press
3. Techniques for Nuclear and Particle Physics Experiments, W.R. Leo (Springer-
Verlag 1987)
4. Nuclear Physics, Principles and Applications, J.S. Lilly (John Wiley & Sons,
Inc. 2002)
Semester IV
Course Code: PH-ET557
Course Name: Lasers & Spectroscopy-II (Theory)
Marks: 100 Duration: 60 Hrs (45L+ 15T)
Course Objectives
To familiarize the student with the fundamentals of the characteristics of lasers, their use for
experiments in the time domain, the role of lasers in cooling, introduction of a few
spectroscopic probes for characterization of condensed matter.
Unit I (9 lectures)
Non-linear spectroscopy: Phase matching, second harmonic generation, sum and frequency
generating, optical parametric oscillator
Unit IV (6 lectures)
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy: General theory of high resolution NMR
spectroscopy, experimental technique, analyses of NMR spectra, spin-spin coupling,
chemical shift
Unit V (6 lectures)
Electron Spin Resonance Spectroscopy: Experimental methods, derivative spectra,
hyperfine structure, anisotropic systems
Unit VI (5 lectures)
X-ray Photo-electron Spectroscopy: Instrumentation, XPS spectra and its interpretations,
chemical shift, oxidation state analysis
Suggested Readings
1. Laser Spectroscopy, W. Demtroder (3rd Ed., Springer, 2003)
2. Modern Spectroscopy, J. M. Hollas( 4th Ed., John Wiley, 2004)
3. Electron Paramagnetic Resonance, J. A. Well & J. R. Bolton ( 2nd Ed.,Wiley, 2007
4. Electronic & Photoelectron Spectroscopy, A. M. Ellis, M. Feher & T. G. Wright
(Cambridge Univ. Press, 2005)
5. Introduction to Spectroscopy, D. L. Pavia, G. M. Lampman & G. S. Kriz ( Thomson
Learning, 2001)
Semester IV
Course Code: PH-ET558
Course Name: Lasers and Spectroscopy – II (Lab.)
Marks: 100 Duration: 120 Hrs (8P/Week)
Course Objectives
Provide an exposure to instrumentation such as light sources, spectrometers, optical
detectors, optical and opto-mechanical components, gain experience in spectroscopic
techniques for measurement, analyses of various kinds of spectra
1. White light reflection holography.
2. Transmission holography.
3. Birefringence and photoelasticity.
4. Kerr effect.
5. Pockels effect.
6. Measurement of radiant flux density and luminous intensity of an emission source.
7. Prism spectrometer.
8. Grating spectrometer.
9. Interferometric method for film thickness measurement.
10. Interferometric method for residual strain measurement in the film.
11. Measurement and analyses of atomic spectra.
12. Measurement and analyses of electronic spectra of molecules and liquids.
13. Measurement and analyses of vibrational spectra of molecules and liquids.
14. Measurement and analyses of rotational spectra of molecules and liquids.
15. Measurement and analyses of absorption/transmission spectra of solids.
16. Measurement and analyses of reflection spectra of solids.
17. Determination of optical constants of thin films by ellipsometry.
18. Measurement and analyses of Raman spectra of liquids/solids.
19. Measurement and analyses of fluorescence spectra of liquids/solids.
20. Measurement of absorption/transmission/reflection spectra at low temperatures.
21. Measurement and analyses of photoluminescence spectra of nanomaterials.
22. Measurement and analyses of XPS of nanomaterials/thin films/bulk samples.
This list is tentative; changes in the list of experiments may be made, depending on the
availability of the equipment and other relevant considerations. Interested students
may be allowed to do project work.
Suggested Readings
1. Lasers: Fundamental and Applications, Graduate Text in Physics, 2nd edition, K.
Thyagarajan, Ajoy ghatak (Springer, 2002)
2. Polarization of light, by Ajoy Ghatak and Arun Kumar (Mc GrawHill Education,
3. Introduction to Fibre Optics, Ajoy Ghatak and K. Thyagarajan, (Cambridge
University Press, 2000)
4. Teaching laser physics by experiments, Am. J. Phys., (2011),
5. Infrared Spectroscopy, Fundamentals and Applications, Barbara Stuart, (Wiley &
Sons, 2004)
6. Modern Raman Spectroscopy-a practical approach, E. Smith and G. Dent (John
Wiley & Sons, 2004)
7. Spectroscopic Ellipsometry: Principles and Applications, H. Fujiwara(Wiley& Sons,
8. Introduction to Holography, Vincent Toal, (CRC Press, 2012)
Semester IV
Course Code: PH-ET559
Course Name: Advanced Solid State Physics-II (Theory)
Marks: 100 Duration: 60 Hrs (45L+ 15T)
Course Objectives
This courseintends to provide knowledge of emerging topics in condensed matter physics. In
addition, this course aims to provide a general introduction to theoretical and experimental
aspects of advanced topics by covering glasses and polymers, liquid crystals, carbon-based
materials, and surface physics. More importantly, the students will be exposed to different
characterization techniques used in experimental condensed matter physics.
Unit I (8 lectures)
Glasses and Polymers: Glass formation, types of glasses and glass transition, radial
distribution function and amorphous semiconductors, electronic structure of amorphous
solids, localized and extended states, mobility edges, Density of states and their
determination, transport in extended and localized states, Optical properties of amorphous
semiconductors. Structure of polymers, polymerization mechanism, characterization
techniques, optical, electrical, thermal and dielectric properties of polymers.
Unit II (7 lectures)
Liquid crystals: Liquid Crystals. Structural peculiarities and applications, Thermotropic
liquid crystals; Classification, Phases and phase transitions; anisotropic materials; symmetry
aspects; optics; electro-optics of liquid crystals; ferro-, and antiferroelectric liquid crystals;
examples of LCs in nanoscience, photonics and microwave electronics, display devices.
Unit IV (6 lectures)
Phase transitions in solids: Landau’s theory, first order and second order transition, order
parameter and critical exponents, examples of phase transition: Solid-liquid, ferroelectric –
paraelectric, ferromagnetic – paramagnetic, superconducting transition, liquid crystals.
Unit V (6 lectures)
Introduction to Surface Physics:Reconstruction and relaxation, surface electronic
structure; Hetrostructures; Self-assembled monolayers, Electrified interfaces, Charge
transfer at the liquid-solid interfaces. Thin film deposition methods: thermal evaporation and
Material characterization: X-ray diffractometer: Determination of lattice parameters,
crystallite size, Texture analysis, thin film diffraction and thickness measurements. Electron
Diffraction: Basics of electron microscopes, electron beam specimen interaction, Scanning
Electron Microscopy and Transmission Electron Microscopy; Transport measurements:
Two probe, four probe - Vander Pauw techniques; Scanning probe techniques: Principles of
STM and AFM.
Suggested Readings
1. Physics of Amorphous Solids, R. Zallen (John Wiley and sons, 1983)
2. Introduction to Polymer Physics, Ulrich Eisele and Stephen D. Pask (Springer-
Verlag, 1990)
3. The physics of liquid crystals, Pierre-Gilles de Gennes (2nd Ed., Oxford Universty
Press, 2003)
4. Introduction to Liquid Crystals, Peter J. Wojtowicz, E. Priestly, Ping Sheng (Plenum
press, 1975)
5. Carbon Nanotubes: Properties and Applications, Michael J. O’Connell (CRC press,
6. The Physics of Phase Transitions - Concepts and Applications, P. Papon,
J. Leblond, andPaul H. E. Meijer(2nd Ed., Springer-Verlag, 2006)
7. Physical Methods for Materials Characterization, P. E. J. Flewitt, R. K. Wild, (2nd
Ed., CRC Press, 2015)
8. Encyclopedia of materials characterization: surfaces, interfaces, thin films, R. C.
Brundle et al. (Butterworth-Heinemann, 1992)
Semester IV
Course Code: PH-ET560
Course Name: Advanced Solid State Physics-II (Lab.)
Marks: 100 Duration: 120 Hrs (8P/Week)
Course Objectives
To carry out advanced level experiments to determine the optical, dielectric and magnetic
properties of the materials. Also, to expose the students to various materials characterisation
1. Set the c-axis of the given crystal perpendicular to the incident x-ray beam.
2. Obtain the Laue photograph of the given single crystal, draw gnomonic projection, and
index the reflections.
3. Obtain an oscillation photograph of the given single crystal about c-axis, calculate
the c- dimension of the unit cell, and index the reflections.
4. Determine the cell dimensions and establish the face centring of copper by
Debye-Scherrer method (Powder method).
5. Determine the value of the Hall coefficient for the given sample and calculate the value
of the mobility of the carriers and the carrier concentration. (Transverse magneto-
resistance coefficient is given)
6. Determine the transverse magneto-resistance coefficient and the resistivity for the given
sample and calculate the value of the mobility of the carriers and the carrier
concentration. (RHis given).
7. Measure Hall coefficient, dc conductivity and mobility of a semiconductor
at different temperatures (77 K to room temperature).
8. Determine the relaxation time (EPR) for a given sample and find the value of ‘g’.
9. Determine the wavelength of the microwave output of a given reflex klystron oscillator
and also to determine its repeller mode pattern.
10. Calibrate a cooper resistance thermometer and use it to measure temperature from 77
K to room temperature.
11. Calibrate a silicon resistance thermometer and use it to measure temperature from 77
K to room temperature.
12. Determine the specific heat of a given sample at room and liquid nitrogen temperature.
13. Determine the Curie temperature of a given ferroelectric material.
14. Programming and interfacing with a given microprocessor.
15. Measurement of the critical temperature of a HTc-sample.
16. Study the Thermoluminescence of F-centres in alkali halide crystals.
This list is tentative; changes in the list of experiments may be made, depending on the
availability of the equipment and other relevant considerations. Interested students
may be allowed to do project work
Suggested Readings
1. Optical Properties of Photonic Crystals, K. Sakoda (Springer, 2001)
2. The Rietveld method, R.A.Young (IUCR-Oxford University Press, 1995)
3. Fundamentals of Crystallography, C.Giacovazzo (IUCR-Oxford University Press,
4. Characterization of nanophase materials, Zhon Ling Wang (Wiley-VCH Verlag
GmbH, 2000)
5. Physical Properties of Semiconductors, C. M. Wolfe, J.R.N.Holonyak and
G.E.Stillman (Prentice Hall International Inc., London, 1989).
6. Handbook on Semiconductors, Vol. 1-4., T.S. Moss, Ed., by S.P.Keller (North-
Holland, Amsterdam, 1980)
Semester IV
Course Code: PH-ET561
Course Name: Advanced Numerical Techniques (Theory)
Marks: 100 Duration: 60 Hrs (45L+ 15T)
Course Objectives
This course is intended to provide an insight into the advanced numerical methods, like
Interpolation, Solution of Linear Equations, Monte Carlo Methods, Curve-Fitting techniques
etc. This will also allow students to develop computing algorithms and programs (in C/C++)
for various numerical techniques.
Unit I (10 lectures)
Error analysis – round-off and truncation errors. Elements of Numerical Integration, Error
estimates of Trapezoidal rule, Simpson midpoint and 3/8 rules, Composite Numerical
Integration. Gaussian Quadrature using interpolating polynomials, special polynomials like
Legendre polynomials etc., Multisimensional integrals - Two and three dimensional
integration. Interpolation – Introduction, Polynomial interpolation; Lagrange Interpolatiion
polynomial; Cubic Spline Interpolation.
Unit IV (12lectures)
Monte Carlo Methods – Introduction; Random Numbers – Uniform and other random
deviates, Generation of Random Numbers, Random walk problem in 1, 2, 3 and n-
dimensions, Simulation – Introduction, Few examples: Coin toss and dice throws,
Radioactive Decay Chain, Two-Level Spin System, Ising Model, Scattering - Toy model;
Law of Large Number and Central Limit Theorem; Random number generation using
arbitrary distributions – inverse transform method and acceptance-rejection method,
generating discrete distributions, Monte Carlo Integration Methods.
Unit V (8 lectures)
Curve fitting methods – Modeling of Data, Maximum Likelihood Estimator; Pearson chi-
square; Least Squares method – both without and with errors in dependent variable;
Parameter estimations and errors; General Linear Least Squares.
Course Learning Outcomes
Students are expected to learn advanced numerical techniques which are useful in various
disciplines of Physics and Mathematics. Students shall be able to develop algorithms based
on these numerical methods, which may be implemented using computer programming
Suggested Readings
1. Numerical Recipes 3rd Edition: The Art of Scientific Computing, William H. Press,
Saul A. Teukolsky, William T. Vetterling , Brian P. Flannery (3 rd Ed., Cambridge
University Press, 2007)
2. Numerical Analysis, Richard L. Burden, J. Douglas Faires, Annette M. Burden (10th
Ed., Cengage Learning, 2016)
3. Data Reduction and Error Analysis for the Physical, Philip Bevington and D. Keith
Robinson (3rd Ed., McGraw Hill Education, 2003)
4. Monte Carlo Simulation in Statistical Physics: An Introduction, Binder, Kurt,
Heermann, Dieter (5th Ed., Springer, 2010)
Semester IV
Course Code: PH-EL562
Course Name: Advanced Numerical Techniques (Lab)
Marks: 100 Duration: 120 Hrs (8P/Week)
Course Objectives
This Lab course is designed to develop computer programming skills (primarily C/C++
based) for implementing advanced numerical methods like Interpolation, Solution of Linear
Equations, Monte Carlo Methods, Curve-Fitting techniques etc.
1. Integration – Quadrature formulas; Matrices – determinant, multiplication, inversion,
eigenvalues, etc.
2. Interpolation – Lagrange interpolating polynomial.
3. Solution of algebraic equation using Gauss elimination with back substitution.
4. Applying pivoting strategies in solving linear algebraic equations.
5. Implementing Tridiagonal systems of equations for linear algebraic equations.
6. Cubic spline interpolation.
7. Random number generation and tests of randomness.
8. Implementing random walk problem in 1-, 2- and 3- dimensions.
9. Implementing Inverse Transform and Acceptance Rejection algorithms.
10. Modeling of data – chi square fitting and least square fit for linear and general
11. A project based on developing algorithm for any generalized numerical method,
which may be related with any of the topics covered in theory classes.
Suggested Readings
1. Numerical Recipes 3rd Edition: The Art of Scientific Computing, William H. Press,
Saul A. Teukolsky, William T. Vetterling , Brian P. Flannery (3rd Ed., Cambridge
University Press, 2007)
2. Numerical Analysis, Richard L. Burden, J. Douglas Faires, Annette M. Burden (10th
Ed., Cengage Learning, 2016)
3. Numerical Recipes in C++: The Art of Scientific Computing, William H. Press , Saul
A. Teukolsky, William T. Vetterling , Brian P. Flannery (2nd Ed., Cambridge
University Press, 2002)
4. Numerical Recipes in C: The Art of Scientific Computing, William H. Press , Brian
P. Flannery, Saul A. Teukolsky, William T. Vetterling (2nd Ed., Cambridge
University Press, 2002)
Semester IV
Course Code: PH-EL564
Course Name: Observational Astronomy Lab.
Marks: 100 Duration: 120 Hrs (8P/Week)
Course Objectives
The goal of the course is to provide some hands on training in astronomical data acquisition
and analysis through a variety of instruments (telescopes, photometers, CCD cameras).
(Students will be assigned one or more of the following observational astronomy
Students will be required to make night observations at the Astronomical Observatory
of the department. In addition, telescope time will be made available to them on IUCAA
telescope as well as other national and international facilities. The work done during
the entire semester is to be submitted in the form of a Dissertation. Also the above
list is tentative; changes in the list of experiments may be made, depending on the
availability of the equipment and other relevant considerations.
Suggested Readings
1. Astrophysical Techniques, C.R. Kitchin (CRC press, 1995)
2. Observational Astrophysics, R. C. Smith (Cambridge Univ. Press, 2000)
3. Telescopes and Techniques, C.R.Kitchin (Springer, 1995)
4. Observational Astronomy, D.S. Birney, G Gonzalez & D Oesper (Cambridge Univ.
5. Observational Astrophysics, P. Lena (Springer, 1986)
6. Practical Astronomy with your calculator, P. Duffet-Smith (Cambridge Univ. Press,
7. Astronomical Photometry, A. A. Henden & R.H. Kaitchuk (Willmann-Bell, 1990
8. Photoelectric Photometry, D.S. Hall & R.M. Genet (Willmann-Bell, 1988)
9. Astronomical Spectroscopy, C.R. Kitchin (IOP, 1995)
10. Spectrophysics, A.P. Thorne (Chapman & Hall, 1988)
11. Electronic Imaging in Astronomy-Detectors and Instrumentation, I.S. Mclean
(Springer- Praxis, 2008)
Semester IV
Course Code: PH-ET571
Course Name: General Relativity and Cosmology-II
Marks: 100 Duration: 60 Hrs (45L+ 15T)
Course Objectives
The primary objective is to teach the students application of general relativity to relativistic
stars, cosmology and gravitational waves. Rotating black holes that ensue from Einstein’s
relativistic theory of gravitation is also discussed.
Unit I (17 lectures)
Relativistic Astrophysics: Schwarzschild solution for star, Birkhoff’s theorem,
Oppenheimer – Volkoff and Tolman equation. Metric for uniform density stars. Polytropic
stars, their potential and kinetic energies and stability. Radial oscillations and maximum
rotational frequency. White dwarfs, neutron stars and pulsars. Stability of supermassive
stars. Kerr metric. Reissner-Nordstrom metric
Suggested Readings
1. Introduction to Cosmology, J. V. Narlikar (Cambridge University Press, 2002)
2. Cosmology, Steven Weinberg (Oxford University, 2008)
3. Gravitation, C.W. Misner, K.S. Thorne and J.A. Wheeler (W.H. Freeman and Co,
4. Classical Fields: General Relativity and Gauge Theory, Moshe Carmeli ( World
Scientific, 2001)
5. Gravity, Black Holes and the Very Early universe: An Introduction to General
Relativity andCosmology, Tai L. Chow (Springer, 2008)
6. Spacetime and Geometry, Sean M. Carroll (Pearson, 2016)
7. A first course in general relativity, Bernard Schutz (Cambridge University Press,
Semester IV
Course Code: PH-ET572
Course Name: Astrophysics -II
Marks: 100 Duration: 60 Hrs (45L+ 15T)
Course Objectives
The goal of the course is to understand the formation, structure and evolution of stars and
how stars of different masses end up in a variety of compact objects. In addition, the course
will provide a general introduction to galaxies and an overview of modern astronomy.
Unit I (20 lectures)
Stellar Structure and Evolution: Virial Theorem, Formation of Stars, Hydrostatic
Equilibrium, Integral Theorems on pressure, density and temperature, Homologous
Transformations, Polytropic gas spheres – Lane Emden Equation and its solution, Energy
generation in stars, P-P and C-N cycles, Radiative and Convection transport of energy,
Equations of stellar structure and their solution, Evolution of stars of different masses,
pre- and post main-sequence evolution.
Unit II (8 lectures)
Compact objects: Fate of massive stars, Degenerate electron and neutron gases, White
dwarfs – mass limit, mass-radius relation, Neutron stars and pulsars.
Unit IV (8 lectures)
Overview of Modern Astronomy: 21-cm hydrogen line, cosmic radio sources, quasars,
gravitational lensing, Expansion of the Universe and determination of Hubble’s constant,
gamma ray bursters. Sources of Gravitational Waves
Suggested Readings
1. Stellar Interiors - Physical Principles, Structure, and Evolution, C. J. Hansen, S. D.
Kawaler, V. Trimble (Springer, 2004)
2. Stellar Structure and Evolution, R. Kippenhahn and A. Weigert (Springer, 1996)
3. Basics of Astronomy -- IGNOU course book PHE-15 Astronomy and Astrophysics,
4. Modern Astrophysics, Carrol & Ostlie (Addison Wesley, 1996)
5. The Physical Universe, F. Shu (University Science Books, 1982)
6. Principles of Stellar Structure Vol. I & II, J. P. Cox & R. T. Giuli (Gordon & Breach,
7. An Introduction to the Study of Stellar Structure, S. Chanrdrasekhar (Dover, 1968)
8. Stellar Interiors, D. Menzel, P. L. Bhatnagar & H. K. Sen (Chapman & Hall, 1963)
9. Galactic Astronomy, J. Binney & M. Merrifield (Princeton Univ. Press, 1998)
10. Textbook of Astronomy & Astrophysics, V. B. Bhatia (Narosa, 2001)
Semester IV
Course Code: PH-ET573
Course Name: Condensed Matter Physics-II
Marks: 100 Duration: 60 Hrs (45L+ 15T)
Course Objectives
The main objective of this course is to impart the quantum theory of some of the advanced
topics such as the magnetism, superconductivity and quantum hall effect.
Unit I (22 lectures)
Magnetic properties of solids:Diamagnetism, Paramagnetism of atoms with permanent
magnetic moment, Pauli paramagnetism of conduction electrons, magnetic exchange
interaction, Heisenberg model for ferro and antiferromanetic insulators, magnons in
ferro and antiferro-magnets, magnon contribution to specific heat, Stoner theory of ferro-
magnetism of itinerant electrons (brief), second quantization (brief), local moment formation
in metals, brief discussion of Kondo effect and Heavy fermion systems.
Suggested Readings
1. Solid State Physics, Neil W. Aschroft & N. David Mermin (Ist Ed., Cengage Learning,
2. Solid State Physics, Gerald Burns (Academic Press, 1985)
3. Solid State Physics, Wlater A. Harrison (Dover Publications, 1980)
4. Solid State Physics : An introductlion to Principles of Materials Science, Harald
Ibach and Hans Luth (Springer, 2003)
5. Solid State Physics, Advances in research and applications, Supplement 3, F. Seitz
and D. Turnbull (Eds.) (Academic Press, 1958)
6. Theory of lattice dynamics in harmonic approximation, A.A. Maraduddin, E. W.
Montroll and G.H. Weiss (Academic Press, 1963)
7. Theory of thermal neutron scattering, W. Marshall & S.W. Lovessey (Oxford Univ.
Press, 1971)
8. Quantum Theory of Solids Part A & B, Callaway (Academic Press, 1974)
9. Mossbauer Effect : Principles and Applications, G. K. Wertheim (Academic Press,
10. The Mossbauer Effect, Hans Fraunfelder (W. A. Benjamin, 1963)
11. Quasielastic neutron scattering for the investigation of diffusive motions in solids and
liquids-Springer tracts in modern physics Vol. 64, Tasso Springer (Springer-Verlag,
12. Superconductivity, V. L. Ginzburg and E. A. Andryushin (World Scientific, 1994)
13. Introduction to Superconductivity and high-Tc materials, Michel Cyrot and Davor
Pavuna, (World Scientific, 1992)
Semester IV
Course Code: PH-ET574
Course Name: Plasma Physics -II
Marks: 100 Duration: 60 Hrs (45L+ 15T)
Course Objectives
The primary learning outcome for this course is for the students to learn the plasma stability
and its application to fusion plasmas. The course covers the main aspects of plasma physics
with emphasis on nuclear fusion, plasma confinement and computational plasma physics.
Unit I (13 lectures)
Fluid description of plasmas, Moment equations. MHD equations. Generalized Ohm’s law,
flux conservation, Decay of fields. Pressure balanced and force free fields.
Unit IV (4 lectures)
Plasma applications to medicines, material sciences, waste treatment and Plasma
Applications to RF heating and current drive.
Unit V (4 lectures)
Computational methods in plasma physics, Plasma simulation via particle-in-cell
simulations, mathematics and physics behind the algorithms.
Suggested Readings
1. Introduction to Plasma physics, F. F. Chen (Plenum Press, 1984)
2. Principles of Plasma Physics, N. A. Krall and Trivelpiece (San Fransisco Press, 1986)
3. Physics of High temperature Plasmas, G. Schimdt (2nd Ed., Academic Press, 1979)
4. The framework of Plasma Physics, R.D. Hazeltine & F.L. Waelbroeck (Perseus
Books, 1998)
5. Introduction to Plasma Physics, R.J. Goldston and P.H. Rutherford (IOP, 1995)
6. Plasma Physics via Computer Simulation, C.K. Birdsall, A.B Langdon ( CRC Press
7. Plasma Physics and Engineering, A. Fried and L.A. Kennedy (Taylor and Francis
Semester IV
Course Code: PH-ET575
Course Name: Particle Physics -II
Marks: 100 Duration: 60 Hrs (45L+ 15T)
Course Objectives
The main objective of this course is to provide deep knowledge in emerging topics in particle
physics. More specifically, the students will have excellent opportunity to get acquainted
with our current understanding of the most fundamental constituents of matter and the
primary forces of nature. In addition, the course would cover briefly and discuss quark model
and develop the concept of non-abelian gauge theories based on SU(2) and SU(3). After a
discussion of Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking (SSB) and Higgs Mechanism, the learners
will be able to construct the electroweak model.
Unit I (15 lectures)
Number of colors, R-ratio, pion-decay Why (3) ?
Rutherford and Mott cross sections; electron-muon scattering; Electron-proton scattering :
elastic and inelastic Structure functions
Deep-inelastic scattering and the quark hypothesis
Gluon emission and three-jets
Drell-Yan, neutrino-DIS and the extraction of parton densities Bjorken and Ellis-Jaffe sum
Unit IV (4 lectures)
Running of gauge couplings in the SM Running of Higgs mass and self-coupling
Need for physics beyond SM. Preliminary discussion of some possibilities.
Suggested Readings
1. An Introductory Course of Particle Physics, Palash B. Pal (CRC Press, 2015)
2. Quarks & Leptons: An Introductory Course in Modern Particle Physics, Halzen, F.,
and A. D. Martin (John Wiley & Sons, 1984)
3. Gauge Theory of Elementary Particle Physics: Problems and Solutions, T. P.
Cheng and Ling-Fong Li (Oxford, 2000)
4. Introduction to Elementary Particles, Griffiths D. (Wiley-VCH 2008)
Semester IV
Course Code: PH-ET576
Course Name: Quantum Field Theory -II
Marks: 100 Duration: 60 Hrs (45L+ 15T)
Course Objectives
This course is in continuation to Quantum Field Theory I and advanced topics in the field
will be presented. By introducing more techniques deeper problems in Quantum Field theory
will be addressed. The aim is to broaden the understanding of the students so that they are
able to appreciate and address these problems.
Unit I (12 lectures)
Green’s functions in functional integrals; Non-abelian gauge theories Path integral
quantization of vector fields (Fadeev Popov) ; Dyson-Schwinger and Ward identities.
Unit II (6 lectures)
Spontaneous breaking of symmetry; Goldstone Theorem; Higgs mechanism in U(1)
Higgs mechanism in U(1).
Unit IV (5 lectures)
LSZ Reduction Theorem, Optical Theorem
Suggested Readings
1. The Quantum Theory of Fields, Volume 1: Foundations, Steven Weinberg (Oxford
UniversityPress, 2005)
2. Lectures on Quantum Field Theory, Ashok Dass (World Scientific, 2008)
3. Relativistic Quantum Mechanics, J.D. Bjorken and S. Drell (Mcgraw-Hill, 1964)
4. Relativistic Quantum Fields, J.D. Bjorken and S. Drell (Mcgraw-Hill, 1964)
5. Quantum Field Theory, C. Itzykson and J-B Zuber (McGraw-Hill, 1980)
Semester IV
Course Code: PH-ET581
Course Name: Nonlinear Dynamics
Marks: 100 Duration: 60 Hrs (45L+ 15T)
Course Objectives
The course will introduce the students to the basic concepts of nonlinear systems, dynamical
theory, chaos, and soliton. These concepts will be demonstrated using simple models based
on ordinary & partial differential equations and discrete maps. Properties of coupled systems
also will be explored.
Unit I (9 lectures)
Introduction to ordinary differential equations (ODEs): linear and nonlinear, systems of
ODEs, existence and uniqueness theorems, conservative versus dissipative systems, invariant
curves and quasiperiodicity, review of KAM theorem, integrable and non-integrable syste
Suggested Readings
1. Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems, W. E. Boyce
and R. C.DiPrima (Wiley, 2003).
2. Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos: With Applications to Physics, Biology, Chemistry,
andEngineering, S. H. Strogatz (Westview Press, 2001).
3. CHAOS: An Introduction to Dynamical Systems, K. Alligood, T. Sauer and J.A.
Yorke (Springer, 1996).
4. Solitons: An Introduction, P. G. Drazin & R. S. Johnson (Cambridge University
Press, 1989).
5. Nonlinear Science:Emergence and Dynamics of Coherent Structures, by A. Scott
(Oxford Univ. Press, 2nd edition, 1999).
6. Advanced Methods of Mathematical Physics, R. S. Kaushal and D. Parashar
(Narossa, 2008).
7. Nonlinear dynamics: Integrability, Chaos and Patterns, M. Lakshmanan and S.
Rajasekar, (Springer-Verlag, 2003).
Semester IV
Course Code: PH-ET582
Course Name: String Theory
Marks: 100 Duration: 60 Hrs (45L+ 15T)
Course Objectives
(Super)string theory describes quantum gravity consistently. The course on bosonic string
theory is believed to strengthen an young mind conceptually with various theoretical
innovations. It may provide clues to explore different branches of physics through the
quantum gravity.
Unit I (15 lectures)
Fundamental (F) string and its significance, closed and open bosonic strings, mass-less (free)
scalar field theory in (1+1)-dimension and its generalization to string world-sheet action,
Nambu-Goto action, Polyakov closed and open string actions, dilaton and string coupling,
world-sheet global and local symmetries, canonical analysis, equations of motion, string
mode expansion and commutation relations, Energy-Momentum tensor, Virasoro algebra
and physical states, masses of closed/open string states, tachyon, derivation of linear and
angular momentum.
Unit IV (6 lectures)
Glimpses on superstring theories and D-branes therein.
Suggested Readings
1. Superstring Theory, Volume-I, Michael B. Green, John H. Schwarz and Edward
Witten (Cambridge Monograph on Mathematical Physics, 1988)
2. String Theory, Volume-I,Joseph Polchinski (Cambridge University Press, 1998)
3. A First Course in String Theory,Barton Zwiebach (Cambridge University Press,
4. Introduction to Strings and Branes, Peter West (Cambridge University Press, 2012)
Semester IV
Course Code: PH-ET583
Course Name: Superconductivity, Superfluidity & Critical Phenomena
Marks: 100 Duration: 60 Hrs (45L+ 15T)
Course Objectives
This courseintends to provide knowledge of Superconductivity, Superfluidity & Critical
Phenomena in terms of theoretical aspects.
Unit I (7 lectures)
Hartee Fock approximation (HFA), Exchange energy of electron gas in HFA, Shortcomings
of HFA, Screening in an electron gas, Thomas Fermi approximation.
Unit IV (6 lectures)
Superfluidity of liquid 3He. Phases of superfluid 3He. Singlet and triplet state pairing.
Unit V (8 lectures)
Landau’s theory of phase transitions. Critical exponents. Ginzburg Criterion. Critical
dimensionality, Examples of different types of transition: solids-liquid, liquid-gas, magnetic
transitions, Ferroelectric-paraelectric, superconducting transition, glass transitions.
Unit VI (6 lectures)
Kadonoff’s scaling hypothesis. The renormalization group, renormalization group for the
Ising chain. Fixed points. Calculation of fixed point for the 2D Ising model on the triangular
Suggested Readings
1. Superfluidity and Superconductivity, D. R.Tilley and Tilley Adam Hilger (3rd Ed.,
IOP Publishng Ltd., 1990)
2. Superconductivity and its Applications, H. S. Kowk and D. T. Shaw (Springer, 1989)
3. Introduction to Superconductivity, M. Tinkham (CBS Publishers & Distributors,
4. Superconductivity: A Very Short Introduction, S. Blundell (Oxford University Press,
5. Theory of Superconductivity, J. R. Schrieffer (CRC Press, 2018)
Semester IV
Course Code: PH-ET584
Course Name: Soft Matter Physics
Marks: 100 Duration: 60 Hrs (45L+ 15T)
Course Objectives
This course intends to provide knowledge of Soft Matter Physics in terms of
theoretical aspects.
Unit I (7 lectures)
Introduction:Characteristics of soft condensed matter, States of matter and phase
transition, review of statistical mechanics relevant to the study of soft materials, soft
materials in industry, nature and biology.
Unit II (6 lectures)
Forces and Energy scales: Atomic and molecular forces, van der Waals forces,
casimir forces, hard core repulsion, shapes of molecules, entropy.
Unit IV (6 lectures)
Colloids: Interparticle interactions, particle packing and frustration, phase diagram
of hard spheres, thermodynamics of colloidal system, dynamics of small particles –
diffusion equation, The Langevin equation and viscosity, aggregation, rheology.
Applications in inks, food colloids, sedimentation and flotation. Simple methods of
preparation of colloidal particles.
Unit V (9 lectures)
Polymers: The ideal chain structure, statistical mechanics of chain structure, polymer
solution and melts, fractals in polymers – disorder and scale invariance, random
aggregation, diffusion limited aggregation (DLC) and DLCA, glass transition,
amorphous and crystalline polymers, block polymers. Applications rubbers, plastics,
biopolymers like proteins, DNA, viscoelastic fluids and synthetic materials Simple
experimental methods of preparation of some of the polymers
Unit VI (7 lectures)
Liquid crystals: Classification, Nematic liquid crystals order, singularity, elasticity,
display application, lamellar properties, Cholesterics, Lamellar systems – structures
and properties, chiral systems. Smectics and Columnar systems – structures and
properties, phase transitions, preparation of liquid crystals and application to liquid
crystal displays.
Suggested Readings
1. Soft Condensed Matter, Richard A. L. Jones (Oxford University Press, 2002)
2. Structured Fluids: Polymers, Colloids, Surfactants, Thomas A. Witten
(Oxford University Press, 2004)
3. Scaling concepts in Polymers, P. G. De Gennes (Cornell University Press,
4. Principles of condensed matter, Sections 1,2 and 6, P M Chaikin, T C
Lubensky (Cambridge University Press, 1995)
5. Soft Matter Physics: An Introduction, Maurice Kleman, Oleg D Laverntovich,
J. Firedel, (Springer, 2000)
Semester IV
Course Code: PH-ET585
Course Name: Fluid Dynamics
Marks: 100 Duration: 60 Hrs (45L+ 15T)
Course Objectives
The primary objective is to teach the students the Physics of studying fluid motion.
This is a useful course for those who would like go for higher studies/research
Astrophysics, Plasma Physics as well as those who might like to do M.Tech in
Engineering courses.
Unit I (6 lectures)
Fluid particle and fields:Stream-line, particle-path and streak-line , Lagrange
derivative, Decomposition of velocity field Continuum and transport phenomena ,
diffusion , ideal fluid and Newtonian viscous fluid ,Viscousstress.
Unit II (9 lectures)
Ideal and Viscous Fluids:Equations of ideal fluids: Continuity and Navier’s Stokes
equation, Conservation laws. Energy Flux. Viscous fluids, Equation of motion,
Energy and Entropy, Reynolds slaw , Parallel shear and Rotating flows, Low
Reynolds number flows.
Unit IV (5 lectures)
Water waves: deep water and KdV equation for long waves on shallow water,
Sound waves, Shock waves.
Unit V (4 lectures)
Vorticity: equation governing vorticity, Biot–Savart’s law for velocity, Invariants of
motion, 1. Material line element and vortex-line, Helmholtz’s vortex theorem.
Unit VI (6 lectures)
Complex formulation of 2D flows: Sources and Sinks. Two-dimensional vortex
motions , vorticity equation, Velocity field at distant points Point vortex, Vortex
sheet,N point vortices.
Misc. topics: Geophysical flows, Taylor–Proudman theorem, A model of dry
cyclone (or anticyclone) Rossby waves, Stratified flows Linear stability theory,
Kelvin–Helmholtz instability, Introduction to turbulence.
Suggested Readings
1. Elementary Fluid Mechanics, Tsutomu Kambe (World Scientific, 2007)
2. Principles of Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, Cathie Clarke, Bob Carswell
(Cambridge University Press, 2007)
3. Fluid Mechanics, Landau and Lifshitz (Pergamon Press, 2013)
Semester IV
Course Code: PH-ET586
Course Name: Nuclear Astrophysics
Marks: 100 Duration: 60 Hrs (45L+ 15T)
Course Objectives
It is an emerging filed in physics. The course will address one of the particularly important
problems to determine rates for the nuclear reactions that occur in astrophysical
environments. It will provide the idea of synthesize heavier elements in the universe.
Unit I (14 lectures)
A Introduction to nuclei in Cosmos: A background to nuclear Astrophysics: a physical
introduction to the star, Stellar interior, Abundances and nuclear physics aspect,
Thermonuclear reaction, source of nuclear energy, Stellar reaction rates and it’s
determination, astrophysical S-factors, Forward and reverse reactions, Non-resonant and
resonant reactions, mean lifetime, Maxwll-Boltzmann velocity distribution, Gamow peak
Unit II (5 lectures)
Stallar structure: H-R diagramClassical stars, Degenerate stars. Main sequence,
Contraction of main sequence, Advance stellar evaluation.
Unit IV (6 lectures)
Nuclear burning stages:Stellar (hydrostatic) nucleosynthesis:H burning, He burning,
Advanced nuclear burning, Core collapse, solar neutrinos.
Unit V (6 lectures)
Explosive nucleosynthesis: Abundance of elements,Nucleosynthesis beyond the Fe Peak:
Silicon burning, Supernovae, core collapse, and supernova,Neutron Star, Production of
nuclei, r-, s- and γ-processes.
(5 lectures)
Unit VI
Experimental methods in Nuclear Astrophysics: Coulomb dissociation, Trojan Horse
Method, ANC method, recent applications using Radioactive beams.
relevant nuclear and astrophysical measurements and observations and by using some of the
relevant theoretical models to perform basic calculations of nuclear astrophysical processes.
Suggested Readings
1. Supernovae and Nucleosynthesis, D. Arnett (Princeton University Press,
Princeton 1996)
2. Nuclear Physics of Stars, Christian Iliadis (Wiley-VCH 2007)
3. An Introduction to Nuclear Astrophysics, Richard N. Boyd (The University of
Chicago Press, 1988)
4. Nuclear Reactions for Astrophysics, I. J. Thompson and F. M. Nunes
(Cambridge University Press, 2009)
5. Principles of Stellar Evolution and Nucleosynthesis, D. Clayton (The University
of Chicago Press, 1983)
6. Cauldrons in the Cosmos: Nuclear Astrophysics (Theoretical Astrophysics
Series), C E Rolfs & W S. Rodney (The University of Chicago Press, 1988)
Semester IV
Course Code: PH-ET587
Course Name: Nuclear Safety and Security
Marks: 100 Duration: 60 Hrs (45L+ 15T)
Course Objectives
Introduction to radioactive sources/materials and their classification; technical aspects of
research reactors; awareness of the wide-ranging of scenarios pertaining to nucear safety and
security; appraisal of national and international frameworks, legislations and regulations.
Unit I (6 lectures)
Radioactive Sources: Radioactive sources/materials and their applications, Radiation
Basics and Consequences of Exposure to Radiation, Categorization of Radioactive Sources,
overview of Nuclear and Radiation facilities.
Unit II (7 lectures)
Reactor Fundamentals: Introduction to Reactor physics, neutron induced fission, energy
release in fission, concept of neutron flux and cross-section, neutron cycle in thermal
reactors, criticality, nuclear power output calculation, breeder reactions. fissile and fertile
materials. thermal and fast reactors; plutonium and higher isotopes, Reactor control and
operation, neutron lifetime and delayed neutrons.
Unit IV (8 lectures)
National &International Resources and Legislations: Atomic Energy Regulatory Board
(AERB), International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Codes, standards, guidelines,
manuals, Regulatory Controls; Licensing, inspection and enforcements, Responsibilities of
Employers, Licensee, Radiological Safety officer (RSO) and radiation workers. Import and
export procedures, Importance of International Cooperation, Knowledge sharing, Best
Suggested Readings
1. Introduction to Nuclear Reactor Physics, Robert E. Masterson (CRC Press, 2017)
2. Understanding Radioactive Waste, Taylor Francis, R. L. Murray (4th Ed., Battelle
Press, 1994)
3. Radiation Biophysics, Edward L Alpen (2nd Ed., San Diego Academic Press, 1998)
4. Nuclear Fuel Management, H. W. Graves (John Wiley & Sons, 1979)
5. IAEA Publications : (a) General safety requirements Part 1, No. GSR Part 1 (2010),
Part 3 No. GSR Part 3 (Interium) (2010); (b)Safety Standards Series No. RS-G-1.5
(2002), Rs-G-1.9 (2005), Safety Series No. 120 (1996); (c) Safety Guide GS-G-2.1
6. AERB Safety Guide (Guide No. AERB/RF-RS/SG-1), Security of radioactive sources
in radiation facilities.
7. AERB Safety Standard No. AERB/SS/3 (Rev. 1), Testing and Classification of sealed
Radioactivity Sources.
Semester IV
Course Code: PH-ET588
Course Name: Applied Physics
Marks: 100 Duration: 60 Hrs (45L+ 15T)
Course Objectives
This courseintends to impart knowledge of conceptual physics and its applications relevant
to various streams of engineering and technology. More specifically, the student will be able
to understand the properties of materials being used in various applications including
transduces, sensors and detectors, cryogenics and energy harvesting, energy storage and
conversion devices.
Unit I (10 lectures)
Transducers: Fundamentals of transducer, classifications and general characterises;
displacement transducers, strain gauges, pressure and force transducers, torque transducers,
flow transducers, transducers for biomedical applications. Microelectromechanical systems
(MEMS); microfabrication and micromachining, advanced lithography techniques, diffusion
& ion implantation, and high aspect ratio processes.
Course Learning Outcomes
Learner will be able to comprehend basic physics principles used in emerging technological
devices. The students will have the enriched knowledge on physics of materials and that will
be used by them in different engineering and technological applications.
Suggested Readings
1. Handbook of Transducers, H. N. Norton (Prentice Hall, 1989)
2. An introduction to Microelectromechanical Systems Engineering, N. Maluf(Artech
House Publishers, 2000)
3. Microsensors: Principles and Applications, J. W. Gardner (John Wiley, 1994)
4. Sensor Technology and Devices, L. R. Ristic (Artech House publishers, 1994)
5. Vacuum Technology by Roth (Elsevier, 1990)
6. Experimental Techniques in Low Temperature Physics, G. K. White (4th Ed., Oxford
University Press, 2002)
7. The Physics of Solar Cells, Nelson (Imperial College Press, 2003)
8. Solid State Electronic Device, G. Streetman and S. Banerjee (6th Ed., Prentice Hall,
Semester IV
Course Code: PH-OT591
Course Name: Biological Physics
Marks: 100 Duration: 60 Hrs (45L+ 15T)
Course Objectives
This open elective course will introduce students to selected biological phenomena from the point
of view of physics, emphasizing quantitative regularities. It will enable students from non-
biology backgrounds to gain an overview of living systems, and those from biology backgrounds
to perform mathematical modelling of certain biological processes.
Unit I (10 lectures)
Length and time scales in biology: Types, sizes and roles of biomolecules - metabolites,
proteins, RNA, and DNA. Ranges of cell sizes and interdivision time scales,. Ranges of organism
sizes and lifetimes, Scaling laws in biology, Complexity of living systems, Timeline of life on
Earth,Time scales in biological evolution.
Unit IV (6 lectures)
Ecosystems: Growth of a bacterial colony, Ecological interactions, Lotka-Volterra and other
ecological dynamics, models of ecosystems.
Unit V (8 lectures)
Information in living systems: Probability, entropy and information, Applications of
information theory in genetics, neuroscience, and ecology.
Suggested Readings
1. Physics in Molecular Biology, Kim Sneppen and Giovanni Zocchi (CUP 2005).
2. Biological Physics: Energy, Information, Life, Philip Nelson (W. H. Freeman &Co, NY,
3. Biophysics: Searching for Principles, William Bialek (Princeton University Press,
4. Physical Biology of the Cell (2nd Edition), Rob Phillips et al (Garland Science, Taylor
& Francis Group, 2013).
Prerequisites for the course: Student should have taken Mathematics as a subject in high
school (Class XI and XII).
Semester IV
Course Code: PH-OT592
Course Name: Physics Education
Marks: 100 Duration: 60 Hrs (45L+ 15T)
Course Objectives
This Discipline Specific Elective Course will develop pedagogic knowledge for teaching-
learning of physics informed by global best praxis. It will delineate procedural and content
knowledge for meaningful laboratory work; and design of appropriate technology enhanced
active learning environments.
Unit I (5 lectures)
Foundations of Teaching-Learning of Physics: Goals of physics teaching. Beliefs and
Epistemological Expectations and how they impact teaching-learning of physics. Theoretical
models of student learning. Structure of knowledge. Difference between novice learners and
experts. Theories of cognition. Constructivist and social theories of learning. Guided Enquiry
and Active Learning. Engendering cognitive change.
Unit V (6 lectures)
Technology Enhanced Learning Environments: Appropriate use of technology.
Developing Demonstration experiments and hands-on activities for conceptual learning.
Sensor based Data Acquisition Laboratories. Integrating Simulations, Visualization, Video,
Modeling for conceptual learning. Designing Technology Enhanced Active Learning. Future
of classroom.
Suggested Readings
1. Teaching Introductory Physics, Arnold Arons (John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1997)
2. Teaching Physics with the Physics Suite, Edward F. Redish (John Wiley and Sons
Inc., 2003)
3. Teaching and Learning in the Science Laboratory, Dimitris Psillos and Hans
Niedderer (Editors) (Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002)
4. Understanding Basic Mechanics, Frederick Reif (John Wiley and Sons Inc., 1995)
5. Peer Instruction, Eric Mazur (Prentice Hall. 1997)
6. Physics by Inquiry. Vol. I and II., Lillian C. Mc Dermott (John Wiley and Sons Inc.,
7. Workshop Physics. The Physics Suite. Priscilla, W. Laws (John Wiley and Sons Inc.,
8. Real Time Physics Active Learning Laboratories. The Physics Suite, David R.
Sokoloff, Ronld K. Thornton, Priscilla W. Laws (John Wiley and Sons Inc., 2004)
9. Activity Based Tutorials. The Physics Suite, Michael C. Wittmann, Richard N.
Steinberg, Edward F. Redish and the University of Maryland Physics Education
Research Group (John Wiley and Sons Inc., 2004)
10. Tutorials in Introductory Physics, Lillian C. Mc Dermott, Peter S. Shaffer and the
Physics Education Research Group (John Wiley and Sons Inc., 2003)
11. Modelling in Physics and Physics Education, Proceedings of the GIREP Conference
2006. Ed van den Berg, Ton Ellermeijer and Onne Slooten. GIREP 2006.
12. Five Easy Lessons: Strategies for Successful Physics Teaching, Randall D. Knight.
Prerequisites for the course: Student should have taken Physics as a one of subject in
Graduation (B.Sc.).