Lab 33 - Interchange Project
Lab 33 - Interchange Project
Lab 33 - Interchange Project
As part of the Federal Blvd. and 6th Ave. interchange reconstruction project, access from Federal Blvd. to 6th
Ave. and Bryant Street is being added. The ramp from Federal Blvd. to 6th Ave (called the SE Ramp) splits to
provide access to Bryant Street. This lab illustrates the InRoads design process for creating this interchange.
This lab is concerned with the mergers of the SE Ramp with the 6th Ave. edge of pavement and the mergers of
the Bryant Street ramp with the SE Ramp. Therefore, the intersections of the ramps at Bryant Street and
Federal Blvd. will not be modeled.
Chapter Objectives:
Give a project overview
Create a corridor for the SE Ramp.
Define Point Controls to tie to the existing 6th Ave. edge of pavement.
Create a corridor for Bryant Ramp.
Create initial design surfaces for SE Ramp and Bryant Ramp.
Determine key stations for ramp mergers.
Define Point Controls for street returns in both corridors
Modify Bryant Ramp template for the area in the intersection.
Create a combined surface of SE Ramp and Bryant Ramp.
Project Overview
Project Description
This project creates accesses to 6th Ave. and Bryant Street from Federal Blvd. The Ramp from
Federal Blvd. merges into the existing edge of pavement of 6th Ave. The ramp from Bryant
Street merges into the SE Ramp (from Federal to 6th).
Project Data
Existing_Ground.dtm – This contains the survey data for the existing terrain.
Interchange.alg – This contains all of the horizontal and vertical alignments used for
this project.
Interchange.itl – The initial templates are stored in this file.
Getting Started
1. Open the Interchange.alg.
Initial Modeling
There are two areas of special importance on this project, where the SE Ramps merges with the existing 6th
Ave. edge of pavement and where the Bryant Ramp merges with the SE Ramp. In these areas, the templates
change to accommodate the narrowing pavement width. To determine the stations where template changes
occur, initial design surfaces are created for the SE Ramp and the Bryant Ramp.
2. In the Roadway Designer dialog box, select Corridor > Corridor Management or
<D> the button. This displays the Manage Corridors dialog box.
3. In the Manage Corridors dialog box, key in SE Ramp for the Name.
1. In the Roadway Designer dialog box, select Corridor > Template Drops or <D> the
button. This displays the Template Drops dialog box.
2. In the Template Drops dialog box, Key in 0+00.00 for the Station.
6. <D> Add.
7. <D> Close.
1. In the Roadway Designer dialog box, select Corridor > Create Surface or <D> the
button. This displays the Create Surface dialog box.
4. The remaining settings should be correct. If not, set them to match the illustration below.
5. <D> Apply.
6. <D> Close.
2. In the Manage Corridors dialog box, key in Bryant Ramp for the Name.
1. In the Roadway Designer dialog box, select Corridor > Template Drops or <D> the
2. In the Template Drops dialog box, Key in 0+00.00 for the Station.
6. <D> Add.
7. <D> Close.
1. In the Roadway Designer dialog box, select Corridor > Create Surface or <D> the
4. The remaining settings should be correct. If not, set them to match the illustration below.
5. <D> Apply.
6. <D> Close.
7. <D> File > Save from the Roadway Designer menu bar.
Section Objectives:
♦ Display the horizontal alignments
Display Horizontal Alignment Data
1. <D> the Geometry tab in the InRoads Explorer.
Section Objectives:
♦ Display the required surface features from the initial design surfaces
♦ Use Tracking to identify the key stations
1. On the InRoads Locks toolbar, set the Feature Filter to XS_Excluded from
3. On the InRoads menu bar, select Surface > Update 3d/Plan Surface Display.
4. In the Update 3d/Plan Surface Display select the SE Ramp surface.
5. In the Features list, select the features with EOP or POSS in the name. Hold the Ctrl key
to highlight each of the features. Highlighted features are automatically displayed.
6. <D> Close.
After the features are displayed, tracking is used to determine the key stations for the SE Ramp
along the 6th Ave. edge of pavement.
7. Using the MicroStation view controls, zoom in on the left end of the 6th Ave alignment.
9. From the InRoads menu bar, select Tools > Tracking > Tracking.
10. <T> where the feature RT_Conc_EOP-Top crosses the US6_EOP1 alignment and note
the station.
11. <T> where the feature RT_POSS crosses the US6_EOP1 alignment and note the station.
1. On the InRoads menu bar, select Surface > Update 3d/Plan Surface Display.
2. In the Update 3d/Plan Surface Display select the Bryant Ramp surface.
4. In the Features list, select the features with EOP or POSS in the name.
6. Using the MicroStation view controls, zoom in to the area where SE Ramp and Bryant
Ramp intersect.
8. From the InRoads menu bar, select Tools > Tracking > Tracking.
9. <T> where the feature RT_POSS from the Bryant Ramp crosses the LT_POSS from the SE
Ramp and note the station.
10. <T> where the feature LT_POSS from the Bryant Ramp crosses the LT_POSS from the SE
Ramp and note the station.
♦ Intersection of LT_POSS and LT_POSS – 8+39.60
11. Set the SE Ramp alignment active and determine the stations for the locations in 9 and 10
above for this alignment also.
♦ Intersection of RT_POSS and LT_POSS – 3+92.92
♦ Intersection of LT_POSS and LT_POSS – 7+27.40
Template Modifications
As designed, the SE Ramp and Bryant Ramp templates have curb and end conditions on both sides. Templates
must be created for the merger areas that do not have the restrictive components.
2. In the Create Template dialog box, expand the template library to show the contents of the
1‐ Templates folder.
3. <R> on the SE Ramp template and select Copy from the menu.
5. <R> on the SE Ramp1 template and select Rename. Key in SE Ramp at 6th Ave for
the name.
3. <R> in the Template view and select Delete Components from the menu.
Note: The end conditions are also deleted because of the parent/child relationship they
have with RT_Benching.
5. <R> on the RT_ABC_EOP-Top and select Delete Point from the menu.
6. Delete the RT_SubBase_EOP-Top point also. The illustration below shows the template
completed to this point.
1. Select Tools > Dynamic Settings from the Create Template menu bar or <D>
the Dynamic Settings button.
2. Select Tools > Options from the Create Template menu bar.
6. <R> in the Template view and select Add New Component > End Condition.
9. Select US6_EOP1 for the Horizontal Alignment. This automatically sets the vertical
12. In the Dynamic Settings dialog box, toggle on End Condition Is Infinite.
13. Select Toe-of-Fill for the Point Name. This automatically sets the Point Style.
14. Select hs= for the key in type.
2. Modify the SE Ramp at Bryant template as described above deleting the curb and end
condition components and sub base points on the left side of the template. The illustration
below shows the completed template.
6. <D> Change.
The next two template drops define the change from the SE Ramp at 6th Ave to the SE Ramp at
Bryant Ramp template. This change occurs in 0.01 feet so that there is an abrupt change from a
template with a curb to a template without one.
7. Key in 3+88.03 for the Station.
Note: The interval for this template drop could be anything greater than 0.01.
9. In the Library Templates area, highlight the SE Ramp at 6th Ave template.
The next transitions define the end of the Bryant ramp merger. Again, an abrupt change
between templates is needed so the transition occurs in 0.01 feet.
21. In the Library Templates area, highlight the SE Ramp at 6th Ave template.
25. In the Library Templates area, highlight the SE Ramp at 6th Ave template.
30. <D> Add. The completed Template Drops dialog box is shown below.
1. Select Corridor > Point Controls from the InRoads menu bar. This displays the Point
Controls dialog box.
2. In the Control Description field, key in SE Ramp EOP RT at 6th Control.
6. Select US6_EOP1 for the Horizontal Alignment. The vertical alignment is automatically
7. In the Station Limits area, leave the Start at 0+00.00 and key in 8+23.46 for the Stop
8. <D> Add and Close.
2. <D> <D> in the Template View to open the Edit Template at Station 7+72.79 Only dialog
6. <R> on the LT_Top-of-Cut point and select Move Point from the menu.
7. Move the point to the location shown in the illustration below. <D> to place it.
Note: The point will snap to the Existing Ground line when the cursor is moved
next to the line.
2. Select Corridor > Corridor Management from the InRoads menu bar. This displays
the Manage Corridors dialog box.
3. In the Manage Corridors dialog box, highlight the Bryant Ramp entry from the Corridors
5. <D> Add.
9. <D> Add and Close. The completed Template Drops dialog box is shown below.
1. Select Corridor > Point Controls from the InRoads menu bar.
8. In the Station Limits area, key in 5+02.77 for the Start station and key in 8+85.00 for
the Stop station.
3. <D> Add.
5. <D> Add. The dialog box looks like the illustration below.
6. <D> OK.
2. <D> <D> in the Template View to open the Edit Template at Station 8+50.00 Only dialog
4. In the Create Surface(s) From list box, highlight both Bryant Ramp and SE Ramp.
The clipping options are used to modify the combined surface where the end conditions overlap
prior to the merger.
7. <D> OK to accept the change and close the Clipping Options dialog box.
8. Verify that Add Exterior Boundary, Triangulate, and Remove Loops are toggled on.
9. <D> Apply and Close. Also, close the Results window if it is displayed.
10. Select File > Save from the Roadway Designer menu bar.
Cross Sections
Cross sections are one of the standard design surface review tools.
Section Objectives:
♦ Create a set of cross sections
Display Cross Sections with the SE Ramp Alignment
The SE Ramp alignment is the main alignment for this project, so it is used when reviewing the
3. Set the Left Offset to -150 and the Right Offset to 100.
7. Review the cross sections paying particular attention to the merger areas.
View 3D Components
With the advent of template components, a new option has been added to the view surface
commands. Viewing the design surface components in 3d is a new tool for reviewing surfaces.
Section Objectives:
♦ Display surface components into the MicroStation file
1. Select Surface > View Surface > Components from the InRoads Menu.
2. In the View Surface Components dialog box, select SE-Bryant Ramps for the Surface.
3. In the Component list, <R> and choose Select All from the menu.
4. Hold the Ctrl key and <D> on the ABC components to deselect them.