Unit 3 Reviewer 1
Unit 3 Reviewer 1
Unit 3 Reviewer 1
B. Casual Style – informal and conversational It is unplanned speech.This speech style uses
E.g. She is funny without ever being mean I listener participation and feedback. The two
am so lucky to have he. You don’t get to defining features of this style are:
choose if you get huert in this world.
(a) the speaker supplies background
C. Consulatative Style – in consultative
speaking a person asks another person a
question who responds by giving info or (b) the listener participates
advice. Consultative Selling, a two way continuously
process done by two or more people, a sales
E.g. when a student is talking to his teacher, a
person gives his ideas to improve a product.
student recite in class
Suggest rather than decide
D. Formal Style uses formal and majestic Casual or Informal - Style This style is used in
language, use parallel pattern. “I Have A conversations between friends and insiders who
Dream” by Martin Luther King Jr. have something to share and have shared
Also known as fixed speech background information. There is free and easy
It is most the most formal participation of both speaker and listener. It is
communicative style that is often marked by various degrees of implicitness because
used in respectful situation or of intimacy between speaker and listener
formal ceremony
E.g. Pledge of Allegiance, Shakespeare’s A simple greeting with those you know well
plays, Weddings, Introduction of each other might probably be the causal:
between acquaintance “Hi”
E. Frozen style - It uses formal words and “Hey”
“What’s up?”
“Toyota’s sales bounced back in March as “How is it going?”
substantial discounts helped to win back customers “How do you do?”
who had been shaken by the firm’s mass safety “Nice to meet you, Mr./Mrs./Ms., Dr., Rev.”
recalls.” “ Will you please excuse me for a moment?”
“Excuse me”
Casual or informal style have ellipsis, allows Illocutionary denegation – made
the use of slang, profanity, and b y complex negation of its
unconventional English words E.g. uses of illocutionary force “ I will sleep,
contaction, use of slang, uses of simplified but I will not sleep.
grammar. 3. Defective Illocution – on eor more of
the preparatory conditions of act are not
Intimate Style - This style is used in conversations
met. “ Pease pass the fish sauce” but
between people who are very close and know each
there are no fish sauce in the table
other quite well because having a maximum of
4. Direct Illocution – only the
shared background information. with a high
illocutionary force and proportional
incidence of significant nonverbal communication,
content are expressed “Can you pass the
such as gesture, facial expression, eye contact and so
salt?” is an enquiry about the hearer's
on.There is free and easy participation of both the
ability to pass the salt.
speaker and listener, and is far more elliptical
5. Elementary Illocution – does not have
E.g. Telling ur gf or bf that u love them, telling ur negetaed illocutionart force “ I demand
bff about your secret and darkest problems, asking that I be paid on time”
for family adviceabout serios matter. 6. Exclamation – utterance made with
srong emotion “ What a strong typhoon
The purpose of the different types of speech is to it is!”
help people know the specific approach they should 7. Indirect Illocution – when a speaker
use in every situation,person and place. expresses another illocutionary force.
Knowing these things can help one prevent Anticipatory Illocution –
misunderstandings and arguments from happening question about the
because if they dont watch what they say, theyd look condition o fnecessary
disrespectful infront of others. “Would you like some more
Types of Speech Act
This illocutionary act has the direct force of a
A. Locution – refers to the act of saying question about a condition for the appropriateness
something. Locutionary acts are “ roughly of offering coffee. However, the speaker believes
equivalent to uttering a certain sentence. that if the addressee would like some coffee, then
There could be meaning to what you said an offer of coffee will be accepted. Thus, the
depending on how you say it. question has the indirect force of an offer of
B. Illocution – act performed in saying coffee.
Hedged performative –
something. Illocutionary act is a speech act
illocutionary force is
made in utterance with a particular
expressed by a perfprmance
illocutionary force where a speaker asserts, verb “May I ask if you're
suggest, demandsm promises or vows. married? has the indirect force
10 kinds of Illocutionary Acts of I ask if you're married.”
1. Command - has an imperative form “ Rhetorical question – a
Please pass the rice” question is not generally used
2. Complex Illocution – has a negated with expectation “can birds
illocutionary force. Has 3 types: fly?”
Conjuctive illocutionart act – 8. Non-Defective Illocution – all the
performance of two acts in one presupportions of proporstional content
utterance “ I will sleep, but will conditions, preparatory conditions, and
I wake up?” (combination of sincerity .
assertion and question) 9. Question – interoggative
Illocutionary conditional – Alternative Question – two or
consist of illocutionary act and more possible answers that only
stated condition for the one is true “Are we eating in or
performance of the act “ I will out this evening?” “or”
slepp when I become sleepy”.
Tag question added after Meaning replacement – speaker
statement to request diverts the general meaning of
confirmation. Bias of the topic info something that may not
speaker toward one answer be generally accepted.
“The bus stop's over there, isn't Message reduction – speaker
it?” reduces the original message and
Wh- question – interoggatve reports the same ideas with less
pro form “ why, where, what, precision.
who, when?” C. Topic Control – social equals use a
Yes-no question a question that neutral starting point or opening in a
answers “yes or no” conversation, talking about weather to
10. Statement – declarative form “ It is a establish their relationship. This may lead
sizzling summer day” to self-related comment that fovuses on the
speaker comment that fovuses on the
Perlocution (response) listener.
What one does by saying something. D. Topic Shifting – speaker move from one
Perlocutionary acts mean what we bring or achieve topic to another mark key points in a
by saying something, convincing, persuading. It’s an spoken sicourse. A rhetorical deception
act of saying something while at the same time not where a one person in a discussion subtly
saying something. E.g. “Fire” his listener or mnage to change to topic to another
audience may hastily leave the building is they are related but diff topic.
inside one E. Repair – process of being bale to identify
your mistakes and dinfing simplier or
According to Harnish in Devitt & Hanley, 2003 better words to use so you rlistener an
understand you. “I think British
“The perlocutionary acts are speech acts that are
education….the characteristics of the
carried out by a speaker making an utterance as the
british educational systemis that…Ah…
act of causing a certain effect on the hearer.
the students can, ah…get knowledge
Unlike locutionary act, perlocutionary act are through independent study…..”
external to the performance Speaker’s F. Turn- Taking – organizes the distribution
perlocutionary act is an act of achieving an of flow of speech between two participants
perlocutionary effect on hearer. of interaction. Process where one
participants talks, then stop and give floor
Types of Communicative Strategy to another participant who starts talking,
so we obtain distribution of talk across two
A. Nomination – to write an effective participnats (Raux, 2008)
nomination speech, acandidate needs a Adjacencty pairs – automatic
summary of what kind of person is right sequences of a first and second
for the officeand why he is th eone part
imbuded with such characteristics. “ The John: I won the first prize in the
New Frontier” By Sen. John F. Kennedy poetry contest!
B. Restriction – process of eliminating some Matthew: Oh, congratulations
topics that a speaker finds hard to John: thanks
expressor is not knowledgable about. Turn allocational component –
Some ways to use restrictions: which describes how turns are
Topic Avoidance – allows th allocated among participants
speaker ro prevent occurrence of Martha: Mary, would you like
the topic that may present some pinapple juice?
difficulties. Mary: yes, please
Message abandonment – the Martha: John you want some?
speaker does not further explain th John: no, thanks
etopic G. Termination – strategy is important in
communication because the failure to
communicate the end of relationship can
lead to fear and anxiety on the part of the
other person involved. Succesfully ending
a conversation depends on the situation
and replationship on the other person
Tips to end a conversation:
1. Give a reason why you have to leave the
2. Use body language to show you want to
end the convo
3. Make a statement to summarize
4. Introduce the person to someone else
5. Get back to your phone.