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d. Mass Communication- is any of the above human verbal interactions
carried out with the aid of mass media technology. With the advent of the
internet and the worldwide web, Mass Communication now includes Social
WEEK 5 Broad Types Of Oral Communication Activities Media, which allow for the use of technology by everyone.
e. Organizational Communication- refers to the interaction of members
Face-to-face communication- communicating with someone face to face, along the links in an organizational structure.
implies that you are both present in the same place with each other. It does Types of Organizational Communication
not mean only two people but this can range to a classroom setting. a. Formal Organizational Communication- communication uses the
Small- group or team- based oral work- smaller scale settings for proper channels graphically illustrated by an organizational chart. Memos,
discussion, deliberation and problem solving. Appropriate for both large announcements and reports are passed along to the members of the
lectures and smaller classes. organization following the chain of command.
Debates and deliberations- a structured consideration of some issue from b. Informal Organizational Communication- bypasses the links, skips
two or more points of view. Deliberation is collaborative and seeks common forward or backwards or even goes sideways just to achieve the same goal
understanding while debate is oppositional and seeks to prove the other
wrong f. Intercultural Communication- is the exchange of concepts, traditions,
Speeches and presentations- a stand-up podium speech delivered by an values and practices between and among people of different nationalities
individual from an outline or script. It includes group presentation, and ways of life.
impromptu, extemporaneous and monologue.
WEEK 7 Speech Style
WEEK 6 Speech Context
Speech Style- refers to the distinctive way of communication. It
Speech Context refers to the purpose of the speech- why you are consists of particular patter of linguistic, vocal and non-verbal behaviors. This
giving the speech- while Speech Style refers to how you deliver your also refers primarily to the, manner one communicates that the meaning of
intended message. The style refers to how you achieve delivering your communication. This is also the way, in which something is said, done,
message to the audience and is usually based on your personal preference.
expressed or performed,” and it corresponds to specific speech contexts.
Types of Speech Context
Types of Speech Style
Intrapersonal Communication - is a communicator's internal use of
language or thought. It can be useful to envision intrapersonal Intimate- conversations take place between persons of close
communication occurring in the mind of the individual in a model which alliances/relationships.
contains a sender, receiver, and feedback loop. Casual- Also known as informal style, it is usually used between, friends, or
Interpersonal Communication- refers to a communication that involves even insiders who have things to share. In this type, there is a free and easy
more than one person. participation of both speaker and listener.
a. Dyadic Communication- involves only two participants forming the Consultative- It is basically unplanned speech since the speaker uses the
DYAD. One participation and feedback of the listener. The speaker will supply
b. Small Group Communication- requires 3 to 15 people to study an background information; while again, the listener participates continuously.
issue, discuss a problem and come up with a solution or plan. The group has Formal- This type uses formal words and expressions and is mostly seen in
an agenda and an outcome to accomplish with this everyone can be both writing rather than speaking. It also disallows the use of ellipsis,
Speaker and Listener.
contractions, and qualifying modal adverbials.
c. Public Communication- this is different from Dyadic and Small Group
Frozen- Also known as fixed style, it is the highest form of communicative
Communication in Public Communication there is only 1 speaker addressing
style which is often used in respectful situations or formal ceremonies like
many Listeners, collectively known as an audience. There is no interchanging
of the speaker and listener roles. Shakespearean plays, weddings, funerals, and more. It uses the complex

grammatical sentence structure and vocabulary that are only known by 2. Directive- it is an act which commits the speaker to do something in future, it
experts in that field. is not about True or False like Assertive but it is either to be followed or to be
unfollowed and its other examples are when ordering, commanding, requesting,
WEEK 8 Speech Act pleading, begging, praying, insisting and suggesting.
Speech Act is an utterance that serves a function in Peter, please stop playing mobile legends.
communication. We perform speech acts when we offer an apology,
greeting, request, complaint, invitation, compliment, or refusal. A speech act 3. Commissive- this commits a speaker to some future voluntary action, it
might contain just one word, as in "Sorry!" to perform an apology, or several reveals the intention of the speaker and it refers to vows, threats, pledges,
words or sentences: "I’m sorry I forgot your birthday. I just let it slip my guarantees, contracts, promises, covenants and oath. But some commissives are
mind." Speech acts include real-life interactions and require not only not promises to an individual but just a commissive in general such as: I pledge
knowledge of the language but also appropriate use of that language within allegiance to flag
a given culture. Example:
It also refers to the utterances which convey meaning and make Starting next month, I promise to wake up early.
listeners do specific things (Austin, 1962) According to Austin 1962, when
saying a performative utterance a speaker is simultaneously doing 4. Expressive- this reveals the speaker’s attitudes and emotions towards a
something. particular preposition and it includes thanking, apologizing, welcoming, deploring
it means when you have disapproval of something
Types of Speech Act Example:
Thank you dear students for subscribing to my channel.
Locutionary Act- This is the actual act of uttering/speaking or the exact
statement/words that come out from our mouth. 5. Declaration- it is the most interesting type of speech act as it brings a change
Sentence: Your eyes are inflamed. in the external situation and is an utterance that change the world by
I will take you to Disney Land for your birthday. representing it as being so changed
Will you pay for my tuition? Example: The words: “I hereby”
“I hereby declare a total lockdown.” –President Duterte (declaration- a big change)
Ilocutionary Act- It refers to the social function of your statement or what
is the purpose of your statement or what do you actually mean because Perlocutionary Act- A Perlocutionary act is an action or state of mind
there are statements which have different meaning. This also means what brought about by, or as a consequence of saying something. It is also known
speakers mean to convey. as a Perlocutionary effect. The Perlocutionary act is the consequent effect on
Sentence: Your eyes are inflamed. the hearer which the speaker intends should follow from his utterance. It’s
The act of ordering the hearer to visit an eye doctor for check up the effect on the hearer of the utterance, what is also called “uptake.”
An act of suggesting the hearer to treat his/her eyes Sentence: Your eyes are inflamed.
The hearer visits and eye doctor
5 Classifications of Illocutionary Act by Searle: The hearer treats the eye
1. Assertive- A statement, description, classification, explanation and
clarification, it is also a speech act that commits the speaker to the truth
of proposition and a representation of reality.
Rodrigo Duterte is the President of the Philippines.

Identity Formation – can be a product of power relations between the
powerful and powerless.
Norms and Values – any culture or society has norms and values. Norms
SOCIETY AND POLITICS (UCSP) are explicit and implicit rules and conventions, which followed by individuals
in their social relations with others.
WEEK 5 Becoming a Member of the Society

Becoming Kapwa in Philippine Society

Kapwa begins in the self. For Virgilio Enriquez (PePua, 1989) who is reputed
as the founder of Sikolohiyang Filipino, kapwa is both self and the other. Our
life course begins inside the womb when we are part of our mother’s body
connected her umbilical cord. This is how kapwa begins because as mother
and baby they are both “you” and “I”.
Values are beliefs or intangible qualities accepted and endorsed by a given
Socialization and Enculturation society (Culture: values, 2015)
John Locke, a British Enlightenment philosopher, said that the human mind
at birth is nothing but a blank slate, or tabula rasa. As a child grows, various
experiences imprint knowledge on his or her mind.

Socialization is a lifelong process of social interaction through

which people acquire their identities. Political socialization is a process
which enables the development of the citizen’s function in a particular
political system. Internalization refers to the process of accepting social
norms, attitudes, roles, and values that are transmitted from one to another.
The synthesized view identifies three significant aspects of socialization: Statuses and roles – status refers to our social position in society at a
Social context refers to a particular condition of the society, its culture, given time. Status changes throughout the life course (remember Erikson’s
language, and social structures. Content which refers to the ideas, beliefs, life stages) of an individual. Roles are the duties and responsibilities
behaviour, and information; the process that refers to the methods of expected of us to fulfil because of our statues. Status and roles can become
interaction. This gives the result or the outcome of socialization. stereotypes.

Conformity, Deviance, and Social Control Human Dignity, Rights and the Common Good

Conformity refers to the process of altering one’s thoughts and actions to “Self-worth as the sense of one’s own value of worth as a person.”
adapt to the accepted behavior within his or her group or society. Adjusting Human dignity presupposes respect and acknowledgement if an individual as
one’s behavior or thinking to correspond with a group criterion. The a person, a human being.
“chameleon effect” – is a social psychology phenomenon when people tend All human beings have the inalienable right to life. No one has the right to
to make themselves blend into the environment. end life of another person.
 Compliance –refers to the outward conformity to social pressure
disagreeing with it.
 Identification –on the other hand, refers to the individual adopting a
certain behavior because it enables him or her to have a satisfying
relationship with the members of his or her group.
 Internalization or acceptance –involves both public compliance and
internal acceptance of the norms and standards imposed by the group.

Deviance is defined as a behavior that elicits a string negative reaction from

group members and involves actions that violate commonly held social
norms. The opposite of conformity is a behavior, trait, belief, or other
attributes that defines or violates a norm and triggers an undesirable
outcome. Concepts Concerning Human Dignity
Forms of Deviance:  Individual’s possessions of basic rights.
a) Conformity –follows the process of pursuing a person’s goal through  Basic respect of persons.
traditional means like education and hard work.  Human being had a personal worth.
b) Ritualism – is the type of deviance where the person rejects a certain Dignity and Human Rights
cultural goal like acquisition of money, but still continues to act  Human rights may be explained ass those essential rights of man
conventionally. necessary for the
c) Retreatism –where individual is similar to being apathetic, as shown by exercise of human dignity.
alcoholics and drug addicts. Two Kinds of Rights:
d) Innovation –is the use of non-traditional way or approach.  Natural Rights: rights that human nature bestow to the person.
e) Rebellion – is the type of deviance where an individual rejects both the  Legal Rights: rights spelled out by positive national and international laws.
cultural goal and the traditional way. Common Good
 Refers to the social condition that stimulates and upholds the dignity of
Social Control is necessary to for maintaining order in the society. people, permitting
 Primary means: self-control them to attain maximum potential and obtain the rights and privileges
 Other agents: Police, Family, Religious Figure, Peer group, and Public essential for a favourable living.
 Purpose of sanctions: to encourage people to follow social norm.
Why do people Conform?
 The need for acceptance and approval of others.
 Fear of embarrassment, ridicule, or rejection by group.

AGENTS OF SOCIALIZATION AND ENCULTURATION Social interaction is the basis of the whole social order. Social
group is the group of social interaction. Interaction is the real foundation of
Family- Family is the primary agent of socialization of an individual upon all social processes, structure, social groups, and functions. A fundamental
birth throughout infancy, and up to childhood. feature of social life is social interaction, or the ways in which people act with
Schools- Schools have a critical role in socialization, as their various other people and react to how other people are acting.
academic and social activities mold students’ beliefs, values, and attitudes.
Peers- Peer groups also reinforce acceptable behaviors introduced by the Types of Social Interaction
family and school, allow a certain degree of independence from family and
certain figures of authority, etc. Social Exchange Theory – is a sociological perspective that explains social
Mass Media- Mass media includes forms of communication such as books, change and stability as a process of negotiated exchanges between parties.
magazines newspapers, other print materials, radio, television, etc. Social exchange theory advances the idea that relationships are essentials for
Religion and State- Both religion and state are considered as the ultimate life in society and that it is in one’s interest to form relationships with others.
sources of authority, making the church and government important agents of Cooperation
socialization. Cooperation is the process of two or more or more people working or acting
Major Social and Political Events- can also be significant socializing together.
forces for the entire generation. Cooperation enables social reality by laying the ground work for social
institutions, organizations, and the entire social system. Without cooperation,
WEEK 6 Organizing People and Society no institution beyond the individual would develop.
Social Conflict
As the cliché goes, no man is an island. Humans always move and lie in Social conflict is the struggle for agency or power within a society. It occurs
groups since time immemorial. From ancient progenitors in Africa, nomadic when two or more people oppose one another in social interactions,
and barbaric tribe sin Europe, aborigine settlers in Australia to the exodus of reciprocally exerting social power in an effort to attain scarce or incompatible
Jewish people and up to Syrian refugees of the 21st century, people thrive goals, and prevent the opponent from attaining them.
and multiply.  Conflict Theory – emphasizes interest deployed in conflict, rather than the
Groups Within Society: norms and values.
Primary Group Is a small and close-knit circle of family members or of Competition
friends and like-minded people. Barkada or clique and even the core group in Competition is a conflict between people or groups of people for control over
the company or among military generals are example of primary group. resources.
Secondary Group Is large scale and many have membership in other
countries. This includes transnational companies, corporate organizations,
professional associations and the likes.
Intermediate Group Is a cross between primary and secondary groups. It
is a group that is large scale yet familial relationship with members. This is
what we see in television companies package their TV stations- ABS- CBN as
kapamilya, GMA7 as kapuso and TV5 stations as kapatid.

IMPORTANCE OF GROUPS (Salcedo 2002) Globalization is a process of interaction and integration among the people,
companies, and governments of different nations, a process driven by
The group is a transmitter of culture. international trade and investment and aided by information technology. This
The group is a means of social control. process has effects on the environment, on culture, on political systems, on
The group socializes the individual. economic development and prosperity, and on human physical well-being in
The group is the source of ideas. societies around the world.
The group trains the individual in communication. Cooperatives and Trade Unions also called as “labor unions”. These
organizations of workers have come together to achieve common goals.
Achieving higher pay and benefits such as health care and retirement.
WEEK 7 Institutions Jointly owned enterprise engaging in the production or distribution of goods
or the supplying of services operated by its member for their mutual benefit,
“The achievements of an organization are the results of the combined effort typically organized by consumers or farmers.
of each individual”. – (Vince Lombardi) Transnational Advocacy Groups
Organizations which are dedicated into influencing political, economic, and
Non –State Institutions Or “non –state actors” (NSA) broadly define as social and institutional decisions beyond countries borders.
international actors who are largely or completely autonomous from the
state, emanating from civil society, market economy or political
opportunities. These are the institutions that are not controlled by the
government or by the state.

International NGO’s is a non- governmental organizations that operate

internationally. These include international non –profit organizations and
worldwide companies.
Example: ISO, UNICEF, etc.
Intergovernmental Organizations also known as International
Governmental Organizations. These are organizations that are made up
primarily of sovereign states.
Example: World Health Organization, International Telecommunication
Union, ASEAN, etc.

WEEK 8 Education 2. Modifying Behaviour –education helps to modify the past behaviors
through learning and through different agencies of education.
Education is important factor in maintaining the stability of a 3. All-round Development –education aims at the all round developement
society. Note, however, that education can happen on various fronts. There of a child-physical, mental, social, emotional, and spiritual.
is formal education (or schooling) which refers to the complete educational 4. Preparing for the Future –through proper education and after
ladder all children up to adulthood. And then there are the alternative forms completion of education, the child could be productive and thus, is well and
which are not controlled by the government (often called private education, able to earn his livelihood.
indigenous education, informal learning, and self-directed learning). With the 5. Developing Personality –the whole personality of the child is developed
advance of the internet, a new form of education has emerged: open physical, mental, social, emotional, and spiritual.
education through online courses. 6. Helping for Adjustability –man differs from the beast. Man has
reasoning and thinking power. Man tries his best to adjust in his own
Five Functions of Formal Education environment through education.
Education is used to promote the norms and values of a society from one Self-actualization
generation to the next. The key to social well-being is to live a comfortable life. Self-actualization is
Social Integration Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs refers to self –fulfilment and
It promotes desired values and ensures conformity, happiness. It is the state of contentment and self –empowerment. Education
Social Placement brings forth the following:
Formal education helps students to discover approved statuses and roles that
will help the society’s longevity. 1. The freedom to make informed choices.
Cultural Innovation 2. The joy of socializing with friends and classmates and by learning
Educational institutions are the center of cultural innovation because they together.
stimulate intellectual inquiry and promote critical thinking. It enables new 3. The experience to be moved by what you see, feel, touch, and think of
ideas to develop. throughout your within and outside the classroom.
Latent Functions of Formal Education 4. The feeling of excitement and joy in preparing for your career before and
Schools tend to become an institution of childcare. after graduation.
Many of social ties a child forms in the course of their schooling are lasting 5. The discovery of new knowledge and the disseminating it through
social networks and would impact various aspects of their lives. research and publication.
6. The possibility of becoming an intelligent consumer.
Functions of Education in Society 7. The time and the place for your wisdom to others as a mentor, a teacher
Education properly imparted and acquired, is an important social process or even as a good friend.
that helps in alleviating the conditions of the poor, in opening opportunities
for all and in supporting the State in its nation-building efforts. Empowering Primary Education as a Human Right
citizens especially those who are marginalized is what education offers. Education is not anymore, a privilege for the few. Gone are the days when
Knowledge accumulation, skills training and development of one’s potentials only the rich can afford to study college. UNESCO states that education is a
drive an individual to succeed in life. Education is considered a great social fundamental human right an essential for the exercise of all the human
equalizer that is why the state mandates compulsory basic education. rights (the right to education, 2015). Thus, government commits itself to
provide basic education and to ensure that education remains a fundamental
Aside from what has mention above, education according to Sharma human right.
(2012) develops the holistic attributes of individuals:

1. “Development of inborn potentialities” – education helps a child

develop his/her inborn potentialities.

Three Facets of the Right to Education

The right to education goes beyond having the capacity to go to school.

Article 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights underscores three
basic rights in relation to education.
1. Education enables individuals to exercise all their rights – through
basic education individuals are able to know about their rights and are able
to assert them.
2. All children have a right to quality education –it is not enough that
children are able to access education. Instead, they must afford with an
education that meets their needs and prepares them for the future
challenges in their adulthood.
3. All children must be given the same educational opportunities –
socio-economic background, capacities, and location should not be a factor
in child’s education.


- Food is the main source of the body. Age 13 – 19 on daily basis

HEALTH (PEH2) 55 – 70% Carbohydrates
20 – 30% Proteins
WEEK 5 Health Behaviors, Barriers to an Active Lifestyle, and Types of 10 – 15% Fats
Eating - Glycogen stored in the muscle and liver
- Determines - Exercise Duration
Replenish 24-28 hours
Increase glycogen – carbohydrates
60%carbo and only 15% protein
High protein diet – kidney problem

Four Types of Eating

Fueling for Performance- Special Dietary requirement, Physical Fitness amd

Emotional/Storm Eating- Diet is dependent on the mood,
Sad/happy/nervous/stress and Eat less/eat much/not eat.
Social/Fog Eating- Associated and influenced by traditions,
Celebrations/parties and Social suggestionsInfluence from others.
Habitual Eating- Associated with particular circumstances or sports,
Snacks/unnecessary food and Dessert/drinks.

continues to endanger lives, health, ecosystems, economies, societies,
cultures, services, and infrastructures.

OF THE HUMAN PERSON The Chain Reaction

A. On Endangered Species
WEEK 5 Climate Change
With the crease of human population and societal revolution, many
Climate Change: The Enduring Challenge animals are now considered endangered and many goes extinct. These
Climate change is considered as the world’s major environmental animals are hunted, and at times their habitats were destroyed due to
challenges by which all aspects like social and economic condition is clearly pollution and species competition. Within the hierarchy of predator’s human
evident. Some manifestations of these are the melting polar icecaps, drastic beings is found to be at the topmost of the food chain.
rainfalls, increasing sea water level and a rapid increase in the temperature According to the study of the scientists, if the low estimate of the
of the world. number of species out there is true - i.e. that there are around 2 million
This situation impacts more significantly the minor sectors of society. different species on our planet - then that means between 200 and 2,000
This is specifically true to the third world countries who are left behind. extinctions occur every year. But if the upper estimate of species numbers is
Based on the statistics presented by Visual Capitalist the top 5 most powerful true - that there are 100 million different species co-existing with us on our
countries and at the same time have largest emission of metric tons of planet - then between 10,000 and 100,000 species are becoming extinct
carbon per year. each year.
B. On Shortage
Ceres, a non-profit organization on sustainability leadership stressed
that the rising global population combined with economic growth in emerging
markets will trigger a growing demand for potable water and food. It was
supported by Mckinsey survey revealing that water demand will grow by
40% by the year 2030. This was due to the global warming and it is evident
in countries with extensive droughts like Russia, Ukraine, China, and United
States; while Austrilia, Pakistan, and
Philippines experience extreme floods. The Carbon Dioxide Project, a
non-government organization based in London, reveals that extreme flooding
According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency,
and longer droughts will affect the economic development of developing
climate change is a threat to the world’s basic needs such as; food and water
countries. For example China, in their 20% population only 7% have access
security posing grave threat to human civilizations.
to fresh water.
The frequent alteration of weather may affect, farmers who provide
essential goods, decrease of livestock productivity. To mention a few:
WEEK 6 The Human Obligation
excessive rain may result to soil erosion, landslide and flooding, drought my
result to poor food production, and increase in sea water level may result to
Peter Wenz, in his article Ecology and Morality stressed the Prima
relocation of coastal and island dwellers. Hence, climate change may
Facie (first glance) obligation to our environment, particularly on the
endanger the water resources and adverse effect to health such as infectious
obligation to avoid destroying them. He states that “we have the prima facie
disease such as water and food contamination.
obligation to protect such ecosystem irrespective of all possible advantage to
In order to address these problems, diverse conference of world
human beings.” This prima facie obligation “would exist in the absence of
leaders had been held like G- 20 Summit, APEC Summit, and the United
other countervailing moral considerations.” Hence, if there are no
Nations Climate Change conference. The United Nations
countervailing conditions that could override this prima facie obligation, there
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change last March 2014 showed how
is a more primal obligation that we are duty-bound to recognize: we have an
the world is already subjected to the impacts of climate change as it
obligation to protect the environment from oneself.

Positive and negative duty. Positive duty is a duty to protect the Panthocentrism-[Nonhumans ( higher forms of animals)] this idea was
environment from any form of threat, or duty to bring aid. Yet, this is less espoused by Peter Singer, an Australian Philosopher, holds that the realm of
appealing and less forceful. While, negative duty claims that the duty to being morally considerable must be extended to higher forms of animals or
protect the environment from oneself, hence, it rests on a principle intelligent animals like dogs and chimpanzees, who are sentient and
concerning the duty not to harm the environment. Surely negative duty is therefore, have the capacity to fee pain, and thus, suffering.
more compelling and forceful. Between the negative duty is more acceptable Biocentrism – (Living organism) is the view that not only humans and
and easily accepted. Let us put this into context. When you mother tells you animals but also plants are morally considerable. They give due consideration
to clean your mess is quite unacceptable and you have the tendency to rebel to the preservation of biodiversity with its plants and animals.
or evade such responsibility (positive duty). But if your mother tells you do Ecocentrism – (Holistic entities or communities) This idea was embodied by
not make a mess, this a lot acceptable and doable in your part. Thus, this is Aldo Leopoldo. In his land ethics it reduces all living beings (man, animals,
the negative duty. and plants) as mere members of the ecosystem or community. Thus, the
Environmental Ethics Today is essential reading for anyone ecocentrism regards ecosystems as holistic entities that should be given
interested in the future of the environment, our species, and species moral consideration.
diversity. This wide-ranging introduction to major issues and questions in
environmental ethics employs an accessible, journalistic style featuring WEEK 7 Aesthetics
current facts, real controversies, individual stories, and a vivid narrative--that
engages readers and gives meaning to abstract philosophical concepts. Aesthetics is a branch of philosophy concerned with the essence
Topics discussed include pollution permits for corporations, medical and perception of beauty and ugliness. Aesthetics also deals with the
experimentation on animals, genetic engineering, economic globalization, question of whether such qualities are objectively present in the things they
biodiversity, and much more. appear to qualify, or whether they exist only in the mind of the individual;
Theories and methods such as utilitarianism, contractarianism, and hence, whether objects are perceived by a particular mode, the aesthetic
hermeneutics are introduced as needed to help readers understand and mode, or whether insteadthe objects have, in themselves, special qualities—
attempt to resolve environmental conflicts. The book considers the views of aesthetic qualities.
many thinkers including Father Thomas Berry, Wendell Berry, J. Baird Philosophy also asks if there is a difference between the beautiful
Callicott, Jane Goodall, Garrett Hardin, David Korten, Aldo Leopold, Arne and the sublime. Criticism and the psychology of art, although independent
Naess, Val Plumwood, Daniel Quinn, Tom Regan, Holmes Rolston III, disciplines, are related to aesthetics. The psychology of art is concerned with
Vandana Shiva, Julian Simon, Peter Singer, and Karen Warren. An such elements of the arts as human responses to color, sound, line, form,
exceptional primary text for courses in environmental ethics and and words and with the ways in which the emotions condition such
environmental values, responses
Environmental Ethics Today is also excellent reading for general
courses in moral problems, business ethics, environmental studies, and Classical Theories of Aesthetics.
women's studies.
The first aesthetic theory of any scope is that of Plato, who
Attribution of Moral Consideration(Presented by Sioco Vinzons) believed that reality consists of archetypes, or forms, beyond human
sensation, which are the models for all things that exist in human
Traditional Anthropocentric views considers human being as the center experience.
of moral consideration. This could be traced from the JudeoChristian tradition
where human beings were given the “dominion over the fish of the sea and The objects of such experience are examples, or imitations, of those
over the birds of the air and every living thing that moves upon the earth” forms. The philosopher tries to reason from the object experienced to the
(Genesis 1:26- 29) reality it imitates; the artist copies the experienced object, or uses it as a
model for the work. Thus, the artist's work is an imitation of an imitation.

Aristotle also spoke of art as imitation, but not in the Platonic consequences should precede judgment and action. • Negotiation is more
sense. One could imitate "things as they ought to be," he wrote, and "art likely to succeed when the parties concerned understand the reasons for the
partly completes what nature cannot bring to a finish." The artist separates differences in viewpoints.
the form from the matter of some objects of experience, such as the human
body or a tree, and imposes that form on another matter, such as canvas or
marble. Thus, imitation is not just copying an original model, nor is it
devising a symbol for the original; rather, it is a particular representation of
an aspect of things, and each work is an imitation of the universal whole.

Aesthetics was inseparable from morality and politics for both

Aristotle and Plato. The former wrote about music in his Politics, maintaining
that art affects human character, and hence the social order. Because
Aristotle held that happiness is the aim of life, he believed that the major
function of art is to provide human satisfaction. • In the Poetics, his great
work on the principles of drama, Aristotle argued that tragedy so stimulates
the emotions of pity and fear, which he considered morbid and unhealthful,
that by the end of the play the spectator is purged of them. • This catharsis
makes the audience psychologically healthier and thus more capable of
happiness, advocating its doctrine of the three unities: time, place, and

The Question the standard of Beauty

Theory of Cultural Determinism is a position that the ideas,
meanings, beliefs and values people learn as members of society determines
human nature. People are what they learn. Optimistic version of cultural
determinism places no limits on the abilities of human beings to do or to be
whatever they want.
On the other hand, apart from cultural determinism there is also a
pervading thought called Cultural Ethnocentrism. It is the belief that
one's own culture is superior to that of other cultures. It is a form of
reductionism that reduces the "other way" of life to a distorted version of
one's own. This is particularly important in case of global dealings when a
company or an individual is imbued with the idea that methods, materials, or
ideas that worked in the home country will also work abroad.
With these conflicting views a certain school of thought tries to
reconcile these that is called Cultural Relativism. This idea postulates that
different cultural groups think, feel, and act differently. Hence, there is no
scientific standard for considering one group as intrinsically superior or
inferior to another.
Studying differences in culture among groups and societies
presupposes a position of cultural relativism. It does not imply normalcy for
oneself, nor for one's society. • It, however, calls for judgment when dealing
with groups or societies different from one's own. Information about the
nature of cultural differences between societies, their roots, and their

Mga Hakbang sa Paggawa ng Bionote:

1. Tiyakin ang layunin.
WEEK 5 Akademikong Sulatin 2. Pagdesisyonan ang haba ng susulating Bionote
3. Gamitin ang ikatlong panauhang perspektib
4. Simulan sa pangalan
 Ito ay maituturing na isang marketing tool. Ginagamit ito upang itanghal
5. Ilahad ang propesyong kinabibilangan
ang mga pagkilala at mga natamo ng indibidwal. 6. Isa-isahin ang mahahalagang tagumpay
 Ito ay impormatibong talata na nagpapaalam sa mga mambabasa kung 7. Idagdag ang ilang diinaasahang detalye
sino ka o anoano na ang mga nagawa mo bilang propesyunal. 8. Isama ang Contact Information
 Inilahad dito ang iba pang impormasyon tungkol sa iyo na may kaugnayan 9. Basahin ang isulat muli ang Bionote
sa paksang tinalakay sa papel, sa trabahong ibig pasukan, o sa nilalaman ng
iyong blog o website. Posisyong Papel
 Ito ay maikli at siksik hindi katulad ng talambuhay na mas detalyado at
mas mahaba. Ito ay sanaysay na naglalahad ng mga opinyon tungkol sa partikular na
 Nagsusulat ng Bionote upang ipaalam sa iba hindi lamang ang ating paksa o usapin.
karakter kundi maging ang ating kredibilidad sa larangang kinabibilangan.
Kailangang pumosisyon sa isang panig.
Mga Katangian ng Mahusay na Bionote.
1. Maikli ang nilalaman. Laman ng akademikong sulatin na ito ang opinyon, saloobin, at pananaw na
 Isulat lamang ang mahahalagang bagay. Iwasan ang pagyayabang. pinagyaman upang maging matibay ang paninindigan.
2. Gumagamit ng pangatlong pangunahing pananaw.
 Kahit na ito ay patungkol sa sarili, ugaliing gumamit ng pangatlong Mahalagang kasangkapan ng posisyong papel ang pagtitimbang-timbang ng
panauhan. Halimbawa: Si Juan Dela Cruz ay nagtapos ng BA at MA iba’t ibang ng perspektiba upang ang pagpapahayag ng paninindigan ay
Economics sa UP Diliman. makaimpluwensya at katigan ng ibang mambabasa o mamamayan.
3. Kinikilala ang mambabasa.
 Kailangang hulmahin ang bionote ayon sa hinahanap ng mambabasa. Ito ay maaaring nasa simpleng anyo ng liham sa editor o kaya naman ay
4. Gumagamit ng baligtad na tatsulok. sanaysay. Maaari din maging mas masalimuot (complex) ang anyo nito.
 Unahin ang pinakamahahalagang impormasyondahil sa ugali ng maraming
taong babasahin lamang ang unang bahagi ng sulatin. Layunin ng Posisyong Papel
5. Nakatuon lamang sa mga angkop na kasanayan o katangian.
 Mamili lamang ng kasanayan o katangian na angkop sa layunin ng Kumbinsihin ang mga mambabasa na may saysay at bisa ang mga
Bionote. argumentong inihain sa kanila. Sa lohika, ang argumento ay pahayag na
6. Binabanggit ang degree kung kailangan. ginagamit upang manghikayat at mang-impluwensya ng iba upang
 Kung may PhD sa antropolohiya, halimbawa, at nagsusulat ng artikulo ipaliwanag ang mga dahilan sa pagkiling sa isang posisyon.
tungkol sa kultura ng Ibanag sa Cagayan, mahalagang isulat sa Bionote ang
kredinsyal nito.
7. Maging matapat sa pagbabahagi ng impormasyon.
 Siguruhing tama o totoo ang impormasyon. Huwag mag-imbento para
lamang bumango ang pangalan. Huwag maging mayabang.

Mga Katangian ng Posisyong Papel Uri ng Talumpati

Impormatibo, Nang-aaliw, Nanghihikayat at Okasyunal
Naglalarawan ng posisyon sa isang partikular na isyu at ipinaliliwanag ang
basehan sa likod nito. Hakbang sa pagsulat ng talumpati:

Nakabatay sa fact (estadistika, petsa, mga pangyayari) na nagbibigay ng Isaalang -alang ang uri ng wika at mga angkop na salita na magiging kaaya-
matibay na pundasyon sa mga inilatag na argumento. aya at mauunawaan ng mga tagapakinig.

Hindi gumagamit ng personal na atake upang siraan ang kabilang panig. Simulan ang pagsulat ng introduksyon at isulat narin kung ano ang
Gumamit ng mga tayutay, makakatulong ang mga tayutay, kasabihan o
Gumagamit ng mga sangguniang mapagkakatiwalaan at may awtoridad. salawikain na ito sa pagganyak ng mga tagapakinig dahil naipapahayag ang
mga abstraktong ideya sa pamamagitan ng konkretong kaisipan.
Sinusuri ng manunulat ang mga kalakasan at kahinaan ng sariling posisyon
maging ang sa kabilang panig. Laging isaisip ang uri ng tagapakinig.

Pinaglilimian ng manunulat lahat ng maaaring solusyon at nagmumungkahi Bahagi Ng Talumpati

ng mga maaaring gawin upang matamo ang layunin.
Gumagamit ng akademikong lengguwahe. Sinisikap sa bahaging ito na mapukaw ang interes o matawag ang pansin ng
mga tagapakinig.
WEEK 6 Talumpati
TALUMPATI Sa bahaging ito gumagamit ang manunulat ng iba’t ibang paraan para
 Ito ay ang pagpapahayag ng mga kaisipan, pananaw, at saloobin ng mapagtibay ang kanyang mga ideya, kaisipan, at paninindigan.
isang tao sa harap ng madla.
 Layunin nito ang manghikayat, magbahagi ng katotohanan, mangatwiran, Maaari itong isaayos sa pamamaraang:
at magbigay ng kaalaman o impormasyon. Spatial
 Ito ay sining ng pagpapahayag ng kaisipan sa paraang pasalita sa harap Kronolohikal
ng tagapakinig. Papaksa
 Maaring ito ay magdudulot nga sigla o lugod, magbigay papuri o Sanhi at Bunga
magpahayag ng katwiran. Paghahambing at pagtutulad

Sa pagwawakas, nililinaw ng mananalumpati ang kanyang mga
paninindigan, tinitiyak na nag-iiwan ng kakintalan o impresyon sa huli ay
maaaring nanghihikayat tungo sa pakikibaka o pagkilos.

ng mga ideya at ang pagsulat ng panimula, katawan at

WEEK 7 Uri ng Talumpati Ayon sa Kahandaan wakas/kongklusyon ay dapat na magkakaugnay at may kaisahan.

Halos walang paghahanda sa pagsulat at pagbigkas. Ginagamit ito sa mga kumbensiyon, seminar, o programa sa pagsasaliksik,
Ibinibigay rito ang paksa sa oras na mismo ng pagsasalita. Mga kaya pinag-aaralan ito nang mabuti at dapat na nakasulat.
ilang paalala sa biglaang pagtatalumpati:
Hindi ito binabasa kundi sinasaulo at binibigkas ng tagapagsalita.
Maglaan ka ng oras sa paghahanda. Huminga ng malalim.
Dahan-dahang tumayo at lumakad patungong tanghalan. Gamitin ang WEEK 8 Mga Gabay sa Pagsulat ng Talumpati
oras na ito sa pagbuo ng mga ideya na gagamitin mo sa pagbigkas.
Mag-isip din ng magandang panimula.
Magkaroon ng tiwala sa sarili. Tingnan ang buong paligid at
ngumiti sa mga tagapakinig. Tumindig nang maayos. Huwag ilalagay
ang mga kamay sa loob ng bulsa. Magsalita at kumilos nang may
tiwala sa sarili.
Magsalita ng medyo mabagal. Ang pagsasalita sa mabagal na
paraan ay nakatutulong sa iyo na mag-isip kung ano ang susunod
mong sasabihin. Nakakatulong din ito para mabawasn ang iyong
Magpokus. Magpokus sa paksa habang nagsasalita. Iwasang mag-
isip ng negatibo dahil sa kawalan ng kahandaan. Magsalita nang
tuwiran sa mga tagapakinig at ibigay o iangkop ang sarili sa
nakikitang reaksyon ng mga tagapakinig. Iwasang magpaligoy-ligoy
sa pagsasalita.

Pinaghahandaan sa pamamagitan ng pagsulat ng speech plan.
May paghahanda sa ganitong tipo.
Paghahanda sa Talumpati
Isinaulong talumpati. Sa bahaging ito, ang tagapagsalita ay
gumagawa muna ng kanyang talumpati. May paghahanda na sa Mapapagpasyahan ang layunin ng talumpati ayon sa okasyon ng
ganitong tipo ng pagtatalumpati at kailangang memoryado o saulado pagdiriwang o pagtitipon.
ang pyesa bago bigkasin ang talumpati. Ngunit may tendensiya na
makalimutan ng nagsasalita ang kanyang talumpati. PAKSA:
Pagbasa ng papel sa panayam o kumperensya. Maaaring ang Tiyakin na ang paksang tatalakayin ay abot sa saklaw ng
ginawang talumpati ay binabasa upang walang makaligtaang mananalumpati. Iwasan ang pagkuha ng masaklaw na paksa nang maiwasan
mahahalagang impormasyon. Ngunit may tendensiya ritong mabagot din ang pagiging maligoy at walang patutunguhang pagtatalakay.
ang tagapakinig dahil limitado lamang ang eye contact at walang
gaanong kilos o galaw ng nagtatalumpati. Ang pag-organisa

MGA DAPAT TANDAAN SA PAGBIGKAS NG TALUMPATI Nakabukas na palad na magkalayo ang mga daliri at unti-unting
Tikas at Tindig Ang palad ay bukas paharap sa nagsasalita.
Kailangan maayos ang iyong tindig sa pagharap sa madla dahil ito’y Nakaharap sa madla, nakabukas ang palad.
nangangahulugan na handa ka sa iyong talumpati. Marahang pagbaba ng dalawang kamay.

Galaw at Kilos
Gawing natural at maluwag ang kilos. Ang kilos ay mahalaga rin sa
pagsasalita dahil hindi sapat ang salita lamang upang mauunawaan ang
sinasabi kundi pati ang kilos at ekspresyon ng mukha

Wasto at malinaw ang Bigkas ng Salita

Huwag kainin ang iyong sinasabi. Gumamit ng tamang bilis sa pagsasalita

Magkaroon ng varayti sa lakas ng boses Ang malakas na boses minsan
nakakainis at ang masyadong mahina naman ay nakakaantok

Hindi magandang tignan sa isang mananalumpati ang madalas sa
pagkumpas na walang naging ipinahihiwatig.
Hindi dapat sabayan ng buka ng bibig ang kumpas. Ang pagkumpas ay dapat
may kahulugan.

Dapat Tandaan sa Pagkumpas

1. Dapat galing sa kalooban ang natural na pagkumpas.
2. Dapat na ibagay sa mga salitang binibigkas ang pagkumpas.
3. Iwasan na magkaroon ng angulo ang pagtaas ng bisig.
4. Ang pagkumpas ay nagsisimula sa balikat nagtatapos sa dulo ng daliri.
5. Hindi dapat gumamit ng napakaraming kumpas o kaya wala ni isa man.
6. Ang pagsulpot-sulpot ng napakaraming kumpas ay nakakabawas ng diin.
7. Hindi dapat isinasagawa ang pagkumpas na parang nagwawalis.
8. Kapag nauuna ang kanang paa sa pagtayo, ang kanang kamay ang
gagamit ng pagkumpas.

Uri ng Kumpas
1. Palad na itinaas habang nakalahad.
2. Nakataob na palad at biglang ibaba.
3. Palad na bukas at marahang ibinababa.
4. Kumpas na pasuntok o kuyom ng palad.
5. Paturong kumpas.

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