AISC - 2022 - Qualidade e Inspeção
AISC - 2022 - Qualidade e Inspeção
AISC - 2022 - Qualidade e Inspeção
This chapter addresses minimum requirements for quality control, quality assurance, and
nondestructive testing for structural steel systems and steel elements of composite members
for buildings and other structures.
User Note: This chapter does not address quality control or quality assurance for the
following items:
(a) Steel (open web) joists and girders
(b) Tanks or pressure vessels
(c) Cables, cold-formed steel products, or gage material
(d) Concrete reinforcing bars, concrete materials, or placement of concrete for compo-
site members
User Note: The QA/QC requirements in Chapter N are considered adequate and
effective for most steel structures and are strongly encouraged without modifica-
tion. When the applicable building code and AHJ requires the use of a QA plan,
this chapter outlines the minimum requirements deemed effective to provide
satisfactory results in steel building construction. There may be cases where
supplemental inspections are advisable. Additionally, where the contractor’s QC
program has demonstrated the capability to perform some tasks this plan has
assigned to QA, modification of the plan could be considered.
User Note: The producers of materials manufactured in accordance with the stan-
dard specifications referenced in Section A3 and steel deck manufacturers are not
considered to be fabricators or erectors.
1. Material Identification
Material identification procedures shall comply with the requirements of Section 6.1
of the AISC Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges, hereafter
referred to as the Code of Standard Practice, and shall be monitored by the fabrica-
tor’s quality control inspector (QCI).
1. Quality Control
QC inspection tasks shall be performed by the fabricator’s or erector’s QCI, as appli-
cable, in accordance with Sections N5.4, N5.6, and N5.7.
Tasks in Tables N5.4-1 through N5.4-3 and Tables N5.6-1 through N5.6-3 listed for
QC are those inspections performed by the QCI to ensure that the work is performed
in accordance with the construction documents.
For QC inspection, the applicable construction documents are the fabrication docu-
ments and the erection documents, and the applicable referenced specifications,
codes, and standards.
User Note: The QCI need not refer to the design documents and project specifi-
cations. The Code of Standard Practice Section 4.2.1(a) requires the transfer of
information from the contract documents (design documents and project specifi-
cation) into accurate and complete fabrication and erection documents, allowing
QC inspection to be based upon fabrication and erection documents alone.
2. Quality Assurance
The QAI shall review the material test reports and certifications as listed in Section
N3.2 for compliance with the construction documents.
QA inspection tasks shall be performed by the QAI in accordance with Sections
N5.4, N5.6, and N5.7.
Tasks in Tables N5.4-1 through N5.4-3 and N5.6-1 through N5.6-3 listed for QA
are those inspections performed by the QAI to ensure that the work is performed in
accordance with the construction documents.
Concurrent with the submittal of such reports to the AHJ, EOR, or owner, the QA
agency shall submit to the fabricator and erector the following:
(a) Inspection reports
(b) NDT reports
Table N5.4-1
Inspection Tasks Prior to Welding
Inspection Tasks Prior to Welding QC QA
Welder qualification records and continuity records P O
WPS available P P
Manufacturer certifications for welding consumables available P P
Material identification (type/grade) O O
Welder identification system
• Fabricator or erector, as applicable, shall maintain a system
by which a welder who has welded a joint or member can be
• Die stamping of members subjected to fatigue shall be
prohibited unless approved by the engineer of record.
Fit-up of groove welds (including joint geometry)
• Joint preparations
• Dimensions (alignment, root opening, root face, bevel)
• Cleanliness (condition of steel surfaces)
• Tacking (tack weld quality and location)
• Backing type and fit (if applicable)
Fit-up of CJP groove welds of HSS T-, Y-, and K-connections with-
out backing (including joint geometry)
• Joint preparations
• Dimensions (alignment, root opening, root face, bevel)
• Cleanliness (condition of steel surfaces)
• Tacking (tack weld quality and location)
Configuration and finish of access holes O O
Fit-up of fillet welds
• Dimensions (alignment, gaps at root)
• Cleanliness (condition of steel surfaces)
• Tacking (tack weld quality and location)
3. Coordinated Inspection
When a task is noted to be performed by both QC and QA, it is permitted to coor-
dinate the inspection function between the QCI and QAI so that the inspection
functions are performed by only one party. When QA relies upon inspection func-
tions performed by QC, the approval of the EOR and the AHJ is required.
4. Inspection of Welding
Observation of welding operations and visual inspection of in-process and completed
welds shall be the primary method to confirm that the materials, procedures, and
workmanship are in conformance with the construction documents.
TABLE N5.4-2
Inspection Tasks During Welding
Inspection Tasks During Welding QC QA
Control and handling of welding consumables
• Packaging O O
• Exposure control
No welding over cracked tack welds O O
Environmental conditions
• Wind speed within limits O O
• Precipitation and temperature
WPS followed
• Settings on welding equipment
• Travel speed
• Selected welding materials
• Shielding gas type/flow rate
• Preheat applied
• Interpass temperature maintained (min./max.)
• Proper position (F, V, H, OH)
Welding techniques
• Interpass and final cleaning
• Each pass within profile limitations
• Each pass meets quality requirements
Placement and installation of steel headed stud anchors P P
5a. Procedures
Ultrasonic testing (UT), magnetic particle testing (MT), penetrant testing (PT), and
radiographic testing (RT), where required, shall be performed by QA in accordance
with AWS D1.1/D1.1M.
TABLE N5.4-3
Inspection Tasks After Welding
Inspection Tasks After Welding QC QA
Welds cleaned O O
Size, length, and location of welds P P
Welds meet visual acceptance criteria
• Crack prohibition
• Weld/base-metal fusion
• Crater cross section
• Weld profiles
• Weld size
• Undercut
• Porosity
Arc strikes P P
k-area[a] P P
Weld access holes in rolled heavy shapes and built-up heavy
Backing removed and weld tabs removed (if required) P P
Repair activities P P
Document acceptance or rejection of welded joint or member[c] P P
No prohibited welds have been added without the approval of the
engineer of record
[a]When welding of doubler plates, continuity plates, or stiffeners has been performed in the k-area, visually
inspect the web k-area for cracks within 3 in. (75 mm) of the weld.
[b]After rolled heavy shapes (see Section A3.1d) and built-up heavy shapes (see Section A3.1e) are welded,
visually inspect the weld access hole for cracks.
[c]Die stamping of members subjected to fatigue shall be prohibited unless approved by the engineer of record.
User Note: For structures in risk category I, NDT of CJP groove welds is not
required. For all structures in all risk categories, NDT of CJP groove welds in
materials less than c in. (8 mm) thick is not required.
5g. Documentation
All NDT performed shall be documented. For shop fabrication, the NDT report shall
identify the tested weld by piece mark and location in the piece. For field work, the
NDT report shall identify the tested weld by location in the structure, piece mark,
and location in the piece.
When a weld is rejected on the basis of NDT, the NDT record shall indicate the loca-
tion of the defect and the basis of rejection.
TABLE N5.6-1
Inspection Tasks Prior to Bolting
Inspection Tasks Prior to Bolting QC QA
Manufacturer’s certifications available for fastener materials O P
TABLE N5.6-2
Inspection Tasks During Bolting
Inspection Tasks During Bolting QC QA
Fastener assemblies placed in all holes, and washers and nuts are
positioned as required
TABLE N5.6-3
Inspection Tasks After Bolting
Inspection Tasks After Bolting QC QA
Document acceptance or rejection of bolted connections P P
User Note: It is normal practice for fabricated steel that requires hot-dip galvaniz-
ing to be delivered to the galvanizer and then shipped to the jobsite. As a result,
inspection on site is common.
User Note: This includes such items as the correct application of shop joint
details at each connection.
The erector’s QCI shall inspect the erected steel frame to verify compliance with the
field installed details shown on the erection documents.
User Note: This includes such items as braces, stiffeners, member locations, and
correct application of field joint details at each connection.
The QAI shall be on the premises for inspection during the placement of anchor rods
and other embedments supporting structural steel for compliance with the construc-
tion documents. As a minimum, the diameter, grade, type, and length of the anchor
rod or embedded item, and the extent or depth of embedment into the concrete, shall
be verified and documented prior to placement of concrete.
The QAI shall inspect the fabricated steel or erected steel frame, as applicable, to
verify compliance with the details shown on the construction documents.
User Note: This includes such items as braces, stiffeners, member locations, and
the correct application of joint details at each connection.
The acceptance or rejection of joint details and the correct application of joint details
shall be documented.
User Note: When there is a conflict between the coating manufacturer’s product
data sheet and the contract documents for the proper application of a coating, it is
recommended to clarify with the engineer of record which will govern.
Unless there is direction to the contrary in the contract documents, observation of the
coating process prior to, during, and after the application of the coating shall be the
primary method to confirm that the coating material, procedures, and workmanship
are in conformance with the construction documents.