Eln133 0
Eln133 0
Eln133 0
This course covers combinational and sequential logic circuits. Topics include number systems,
Boolean algebra, logic families, medium scale integration (MSI) and large scale integration
(LSI) circuits, analog to digital (AD) and digital to analog (DA) conversion, and other related
topics. Upon completion, students should be able to construct, analyze, verify, and troubleshoot
digital circuits using appropriate techniques and test equipment. Course Hours Per Week: Class,
3. Lab, 3. Semester Hours Credit, 4.
V. Flip flops
A. The basic flip-flop
B. NOR gate flip-flops
C. NAND gate flip-flops
D. D-type flip-flops
E. Bistable latches
F. J-K master-slave flip-flops
G. Edge-triggered flip-flops
H. Timing charts
I. Direct SETS and direct CLEARS
J. Race conditions
K. Flip-flops parameters
L. Uses of flip-flops
M. Synchronizing flip-flops
N. Glitches
VI. Counters
A. Divide by N-counters
B. Ripple counters
C. Synchronous counters
D. Irregulars and truncated count sequences
E. IC counters
Students who require academic accommodations due to any physical, psychological, or learning
disability are encouraged to request assistance from a disability services counselor within the
first two weeks of class. Likewise, students who potentially require emergency medical
attention due to any chronic health condition are encouraged to disclose this information to a
disability services counselor within the first two weeks of class. Counselors can be contacted by
calling 919-536-7207, ext. 1413 or by visiting the Student Development Office in the Phail
Wynn Jr. Student Services Center, room 1209.