Presentations Skills
Presentations Skills
Presentations Skills
Well-developed presentation skills enable you to communicate clearly, precisely and effectively
in a variety of modes or registers and settings. It should be pointed out that they are rated as one
of the most important soft skills. The ability of communicating with the audience and giving
presentations should be seen as a mandatory prerequisite for both the effective learning process
and the successful working life.
Thus, it is imperative to gradually increase and enhance your presentation skills through a
continuous training that will help you to become more competent, confident and competitive.
• to develop your skills to communicate clearly, effectively and confidently with a range of
audiences in a
range of different contexts;
• to improve your research and design skills, and strengthen your delivery techniques;
• to enhance your use of different support electronic and other visual tools;
• to reinforce your performance skills (verbal and non-verbal);
• to increase your confidence level in interacting with audience and control your nervousness;
• to promote critical and reflective thinking by dealing with feedback on your presentation skills.
Three types of presentation might be identified:
1. Information-giving. This is predominantly descriptive, giving or summarizing information.
You may be asked to do this as part of a mini-teaching session, sharing theoretical or factual
information. Here the point is to see what you have understood and how you have extracted the
main facts from your reading and to relay these to the group. You will need to make decisions
about what information to include.
2. Discursive. Here you will need to debate the strengths and limitations of an approach or
develop an argument, exploring and weighing up different perspectives, challenging your
audience to accept a different viewpoint.
For this, you will need to decide your ‘angle’ – are you for or against it, weight pro and cons?
Pull your audience in, challenge and confidently debate.
3. Demonstrative. This type of presentation tends to be used in the context of training: for
example, when demonstrating your ability to illustrate your understanding of a technique or
teaching a practical skill to others.
Thus, before you start working on the presentation, answer the following questions:
• What is the main aim of the presentation and what message you want to deliver to the
audience in the time limit set?
• What is the current knowledge level of the audience and what new knowledge or
awareness do you want the audience to have gained from your presentation?
• What is the most effective way to communicate this knowledge?
You should remember that planning a presentation can be even more demanding than working
on a written assignment. The main challenge is to try to fit all gathered information that you
usually consider relevant into the time that is allocated.
The advantage of this approach is that you will be well prepared with very detailed information
which you can freely use during the presentation particularly if questions are asked. Otherwise,
some people compile a set of headings, and based on these headings prepare a short paragraph
for each point of their presentation.
You might plan the body of the presentation;
• prepare the first draft of the presentation;
• prepare the first set of prompts;
• put the presentation aside for a while
• review, revise and edit first draft – decide on a ‘good enough’ draft of the presentation;
• decide on the audio-visual aids that will be useful;
• prepare the ‘good enough’ set of prompts
In most presentations, it is usually better to deliver less content at a reasonable pace, than too
much content at a faster pace that may leave the audience feeling overwhelmed and confused.
You should fit the topic into the allotted time and plan time for breaks, asides, questions. This
means you should think clearly about what to include and exclude from the final version of your
Inexperienced presenters will find difficult to fit into time allocated. On the one hand they have
prepared too much material and then have to jump to their conclusion, rushing over key points
and running the risk of leaving their audience confused. On the other hand, they have under-
prepared and have to face one of the most embarrassing of all public speaking experiences –
running out after ten minutes with your audience expecting the full half hour.
It is important to recognize and respond to the difference between formal written language and
spoken language. When giving a presentation it is not obligatory to use complicated language
constructions, to use long words, or to speak in nested and convoluted sentences.
• Use images to save time. If there is only a short amount of time you could include images
as a quick way to cover some of the content. You have probably heard of the phrase, ‘a picture
paints a thousand words’ and this is very relevant to a student presentation.
• Use images for interest. Images use the visual sense whereas sound and speech use the
auditory sense. Providing content in a variety of formats means that the audience has to use of a
range of senses. This keeps them active in the process of receiving the presentation. We all have
preferences and using a variety of communication approaches ensures a wider appeal to different
members of the audience.
• Use images for impact. Images are more relevant for some topics than others but even if
only a few can be included, they can be useful to create pauses and breaks in the delivery,
generate discussion themes or make a lasting impression.
Body language. You will also need to think how you communicate using body language.
Body language can distract people from what you are saying or even irritate. People can bite
their nails, twiddle with things, sniff and so on. If you have distracting habits, find a way of
controlling them. Hold your hands behind your back or hold a sheet of paper so you can’t fiddle.
Body language can encourage people to listen to what you are saying. This thing can engage
other people: smiling (it is appropriate to smile but not like a Cheshire cat); leaning towards
them; standing up to do a presentation (it gives your authorities and helps project your voice);
moving in a natural way (standing totally still is distracting).
Gestures. Using your hands can help in the same way that whole body movements can: to relax,
stimulate and illustrate. If you find it hard to use your hands naturally, then the best policy is to
hold them by your sides. Try not to:
• clasp hands behind the back. This looks much too formal.
• fold them in front. This is usually interpreted as a very defensive posture.
• keep them stuck in your pockets throughout the presentation. This can look either casual or
• scratch, poke or stroke yourself. As you have probably observed, this is quite a common
nervous reaction
amongst stressed presenters.
• wring your hands together. This can look dishonest or slightly peculiar.
• fiddle with keys, pens, pencils, coins, lucky charms, worry beads, etc. You will just look