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Position Paper

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John Christoper D.

EAPP 11 – Performance Task
2nd Quarter

A Wealth of Health Comes from the Equality of Mental Health and Physical Health

Physical health is the ability of the body to operate and function normally. It is what determines
if our body is able to properly resist and defend against different kinds of diseases, ranging from simple
diseases like a cold and a fever to serious one like diabetes, obesity, arthritis, and even heart diseases.
While mental health is our social, psychological, and emotional well-being as humans. It is something
that largely affects how we think, feel, and act. It is what controls how we make our choices and handle
different types of stress. It is clear that our physical and mental health are very important things for us
human beings to be able to live and function properly. But there are people who say that the physical
health is actually more important than mental health. In my opinion, that statement is simply untrue and
false because I believe that the mental health of humans is just as important as their physical health.

I believe that mental health is important because our mental health is what keeps us from
having dangerous mental illnesses like depression, anxiety, and personality disorders. Our mental health
is what protects us from those harmful diseases, it is what helps us be able to live a proper and good life
without any negative thoughts. Now, people could argue that physical illnesses like diabetes or heart
diseases are more dangerous because they could actually cause someone to die and therefore physical
health should require more attention and should be treated with more importance than our mental
health. But in the end, that statement is not that strong because mental illnesses like depression and
anxiety are also dangerous enough to cause someone to commit suicide which would result in them
dying. Another reason why I believe our mental health to be as important as our physical health is
because our mental health is what affects how we act and behave in our life. When our mental health is
not doing good then it can definitely have a negative impact on our lives, we may not be able to function
properly at work or at school and our relationships with other people can suffer to a great degree. But
when our mental health is great then it will definitely have a positive impact on our lives, we will develop
and prosper in work and school and our relationship with others can improve significantly. And another
reason on why I believe that mental health is as important as physical health is that according to
research, mental health is very closely linked to physical health. Mental illnesses like anxiety and
depression have been linked to an increased risk of getting diseases like diabetes and heart disease, that
is why mental health should have just as much importance as physical health because if you put much
more importance in your physical health and neglect your mental health, then you will still likely end up
with a physical health disease since a bad mental health will lead you to have a mental illness which in
turn will lead you to have a physical illness. And my last reason on why I believe that mental health
should have the same importance as our physical health is that in the end, these two types of health are
both essential for us to have a good overall well-being. These two may serve different purposes for our
well-being but they are both necessary and important for us to be able to live a happy and fulfilling life
as humans. They do different things and serve different purposes but they are important. Those are the
reasons why I think mental health is as important as physical health. Now, there are people who would
say that mental health is not important since they see people with mental illnesses as people who are
weak, they think that a mental illness is something that you just need to snap out of. But that is not true,
a mental illness is a real sickness that requires as much attention as a physical illness. It is something that
you cannot just simply snap out from. If a mental illness is left neglected, then just like a physical illness it
will become worse and worse until it cannot be treated anymore. One more thing that people like to say
about mental health not being as important as physical health is that mental health conditions are easy
to avoid, but that is not true since mental illnesses are things that can happen very suddenly, for
example a mental illness can start from something very simple like one bad thought which can
eventually grow to become something big like depression. That is why you should take mental health
seriously and not think of it as something easily avoidable. In our current age not many people take care
of their mental health seriously, they do not put as much importance into it as they do with their
physical health. So, to solve this problem we should properly educate the children on school the
importance of their mental health. Mental health awareness campaigns should be done for all so we can
know the importance of our mental health. And mental illnesses should be taken as seriously as physical
illnesses so people with mental illnesses are treated properly and are able to become happy.

In conclusion, mental health should and must always be treated on the same level of importance
as physical health. Since the two are what completes our overall well-being, we humans equally need
both for us to have a fulfilling and extraordinary life. That is why when you see someone who is not
doing well mentally, please reach out to them. Be it a family member, a friend, or even a stranger please
try to reach out to them and help them. Ask them if they are alright or even just talk to them. Since in
the end, even something as simple as doing something like that can help someone who is going through
something bad and not on the right place mentally.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2023, April 25). About Mental Health. Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention.

Retrieved from: https://www.cdc.gov/mentalhealth/learn/index.htm

Jonas Hill Hospital & Clinic. (2023, November 8). If Health is Wealth, Why Do So Many Ignore Mental
Health. Jonas Hill Hospital & Clinic.

Retrieved from: https://jonashill.org/why-do-so-many-ignore-mental-health/#:~:text=Part%20of


University of Utah Health. (2022, April 28). Mental Health Is Just As Important As Your Physical Health.
University of Utah Health.

Retrieved from: https://healthcare.utah.edu/healthfeed/2022/04/mental-health-just-important-


EUPATI. (n.d.). Physical Health. EUPATI.

Retrieved from: https://toolbox.eupati.eu/glossary/physical-health/

Borenstein, J. (2020, August). Stigma, Prejudice, and Discrimination Against People with Mental Illness.
American Psychiatric Association.

Retrieved from: https://www.psychiatry.org/patients-families/stigma-and-discrimination

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