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Integrated smart meters

Sx402 S series

Three-phase and single-phase smart meters

with integrated cellular modem and switching device

Single phase meter with integrated cellular communication
Three phase direct connected meter with integrated
cellular communication modem
Three phase CT connected meter with integrated
cellular communication modem

Sx402 S are three-phase and single-phase integrated smart meters ibility provides fast transmission of large volume of data to HES.
designed for measurement of active and reactive electrical energy Version with CAT M1 and NB IoT modem is also available. Variety of
of residential, commercial and industrial consumers / prosum- additional interfaces available as option makes this meter suitable
ers with communication and switching modules. Wide range of for smart home system implementations at residential consumers
measurement values including power quality data in combination as well as data collection hub in MV/LV substations (ST402C). Op-
with large capacity of load profiles makes this meter a key tool for tional support for prepaid over cellular network makes this meter
utilities for getting insights in overall condition of power supply applicable in diverse DSO environments.
network. Integrated LTE modem with 3G/2G backwards compat-

Key features

— Measurement of electrical values — Load profiles

— Integrated modem and switching device — Power limit
— Internal real-time clock with DST — Code red
— Flexible tariff policy with up to 8 tariffs — Event logs
— Maximum demand — Measurement of energy quality
— Optical port — Prepaid as option
— MID certificate — Firmware update
— DLMS/COSEM — Variety of optional inputs/outputs
— IDIS compliant — M-Bus port for G, W, H meters reading
— Fraud detection (Wireless M-Bus on demand)
— No-power reading and parameterization — Support for in-home customer display
— Billing profile — High-level data security
— Fraud profile
Technical data Sx402 S series

Measurements available according to customer Load profiles • Programmable Tolerance time and
• Measurement of power and energy in specification • 4 load profiles for measured values Penalty time
both directions and absolute values • Exact configuration is defined with • 4 M-Bus profiles for registration of
(A+, A-, |A|, R+, R-, R1, R2, R3, R4, S+, customer according to specific order measured data from other types of Code Red
S- and by quadrants) prior to manufacturing process measuring devices (multi-utility) • Enables synchronous power limiting of
• Measurement of energies, powers, volt- • Programmable and independent groups (large number) of users in case
ages and currents per phase, network Communication options registration periods (5, 10, 15, 30, 60 of irregular situation on distribution
frequency and power factor Integrated cellular modem minutes and 24 hours) network (e.g. lack of power)
• Cellular connection supported
Maximum demand • Operating with static IP addresses Log books Data security
• Programmable maximum demand • Frequency range: • Standard log book • High level data security including au-
integration period (typically 5, 10, 15, 800/900/1800/2100/2600 MHz • Fraud detection log book thentication and data encryption
30 or 60 minutes) • Replaceable SIM card • Disconnector control log book
• Antenna connector: SMA • Long power interruption log Firmware update
Multi-rate registration and TOU • Option of modem supporting • 4 M-Bus event logs which records • Firmware is separated to Metrology
• Programmable tariff structure NB IoT and CAT M1 operates on events from other measuring devices and Applicative parts according to
• (up to 8 tariffs) 700/800/900/18000 MHz. which are connected to M-Bus port Welmec 7.2, which allows safe update
• Up to 8 seasons, up to 8 weekly Optional RS485 ports of applicative part of the firmware
programs • Allows local communication with meter, Energy quality measurement without need for additional meter
• Up to 24 day types, up to 31 holidays data reading and meter parameteriza- • In accordance with EN 50160 verification after firmware update
• Up to 48 tariff changes per day tion. Suitable for connection of up to • Voltage variation registration • Firmware update can be done locally
31 meters into single communication • Outage registration (short outage – and remotely with no impact on
Internal real-time clock with DST loop Event counter, long outage – Long accuracy, parameter configuration or
• In accordance with IEC 62054-21 • Half-duplex RS485 bus power interruption log) billing data
• Automatic DST (Daylight Saving Time) • 9 600 bit/sec communication speed • Under-voltage and over-voltage meas-
switching • Second RS485 port can be used for urement and registration in Quality No-power reading (optional)
• Backup battery supply sending information towards in-home Event log book • Local reading via display or via optical
• (optionally super-capacitor) display • Voltage and current THD registration port in no power condition
• Integrated battery supply
Visual communication with meter Integrated switching module Fraud detection
• Configurable LED constant (optional) • Detection of meter cover opening/ Current terminal block
• Default (1000/10000) imp/kWh (kvarh) • Bi-stable switching module placed closing • For current up to 100 А
for direct/CT connected meters under meter cover for remote or local • Detection of terminal block cover • For all types of conductors up to
connection/disconnection opening/closing • 35 mm2
Optical port • Phase current break up to 100 A, whilst • Detection of wrong authorization for
• Physical layer in accordance with neutral stays closed meter parameterization Compact meter case
• IEC 62056-21 • In accordance with IEC 62055-31, UC3 • Detection of strong magnetic field • Dimensions and fixing points in accord-
• Communication protocol - DLMS/ • Minimum 10 000 mechanical dis- • Detection of strong EMF ance with DIN 43857
COSEM mode C or mode E connections/reconnections under • Detection of neutral conductor inter- • High quality, transparent, reinforced,
maximum load ruption self-extinguishing polycarbonate case
M-Bus micro master port • Recording of events in the Fraud event • IP54 protection against water and dust
• Suitable for connection of gas, water or Billing profiles log book (in accordance with IEC 60529)
heat meters and in-home display • Billing profile 1: recording billing data • Optional switching module diconnec-
• Physical layer in accordance with EN at the end of the programmable billing tion on fraud detection
13757-2 (wired M-Bus), communication period with automatic reset of maxi-
protocol EN 13757-2/3 mum demand. Programmable with up Power limiting
to 32 channels • Power or current limiting of electrical
Inputs and outputs • Billing profile 2: recording billing data in consumers by defining the limit value
• Multiple configurations of 230 V, 5 A case of fraud detection without reset of of power or current in dedicated meter
relays, low voltage and high voltage maximum demand registers
inputs/outputs for different functions,

Accuracy Class
Active energy 0,5S, 1 or 2 (C, B or A)
Reactive energy 2 or 3
Nominal and maximum current 5 (100) A, 5 (6) A (for CT)

Nominal voltage, Un 110-230 V (single-phase)

3x(110-230)/(190-400) V (three-phase)


Voltage range 0.8 Un – 1.15 Un

Frequency 50/60 Hz
Optical port IEC 62056-21 (physical layer)

IEC 62056-46 (DLMS) communication protocol

Self-consumption IEC 62053-21/22/23/61

Operational temperature range -40 °C - +70 °C

Storage temperature range -40 °C - +80 °C
Insulation AC strength 4 kV, 50 Hz, 1 min 104,5
Insulation impulse strength 6 kV; 1.2/50 µs

IP protection level IP54, in accordance with IEC 60529

Dimensions 302 x 178 x 81 mm (three-phase)
216 x 131 x 81 mm (single-phase)
Weight Approx. 1.80 kg (three-phase) 150
Approx. 0.83 kg (single-phase) 178,2

Meter&Control d.o.o. | Science Technology Park Belgrade

Veljka Dugoševića 54 | 11050 Belgrade | Serbia
office@meterandcontrol.com | www.meterandcontrol.com Solutions for smart energy management
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