Final Demo Natural Resources
Final Demo Natural Resources
Final Demo Natural Resources
Anyone from the class? Last meeting, we have discussed about the
latitude and longitude in locating places
on Earth.
Thank you.
1. Pre-Activity
Groupings To further understand our lesson for
today, let us do an activity.
2. Activity Proper
Group Activity
Use electronic timer Okay, your time starts now! (The learners perform their activity.)
inserted in the
PowerPoint Group 1
Renewable or Non-Renewable!
Silver and gold coins
Group 2
Good Deeds!
1. _______________
2. _______________
3. ______________
4. ______________
5. ______________
Group 3
Renewable or Non-Renewable!
(Students possible answer.)
Direction: Classify the following
materials as (RNR) renewable Group 1
natural resource and (NRNR) non-
renewable natural resource. Write Renewable or Non-Renewable!
your answer before the number.
______ 1. RNR 1.
Sun Sun
______ 2. NRNR 2.
Silver and gold coins Silver and gold coins
______ 3. RNR 3.
Water Water
______ 4. RNR 4.
Plants Plants
______ 5. NRNR 5.
Coal Coal
3. _____________.
3. Proper segregation of
4. _____________.
5. Energy Conservation.
And Land and Soil Resources Different industry. New and improved
where use in? technologies are being developed and
used to sustain the agricultural land for
humanity. Non-agricultural lands are
being converted into residential and
commercial areas.
Very good!
And lastly, why is it important to
know the proper ways on how to
sustain Earth’s resources?
We need to conserve natural resources
because these natural resources are the
sources of our daily needs and if these
resources are abused and harmed, we will
have short quantity of sources for food
and living.
You did a great job!
G. ABSTRACTION As a whole, is it necessary to (Students possible answer.)
sustain Earth’s resources? Why? Yes, all resources used by humans,
including fuels, metals, and building
materials, come from Earth. Many of
these resources are not in endless supply.
It has taken many thousands and millions
of years to develop and accumulate these
To conserve natural resources is to protect
or use them wisely without wasting them
or using them up completely.
Conserving natural resources can make
them last and be available for future
generations. This is what sustainability of
natural resources means. Each one of us
should think about how to make things
Good job!
H. APPLICATION Now, what learning area you can
apply to our lesson for today? In Araling Panlipunan because it tackles
“likas na yaman”.
Very good!
So, do you have any questions or
clarifications? None, Ma’am.
V. EVALUATION Okay, since there are no questions
lets have a short quiz. Get ¼ sheet
of paper and answer the following.
Test 1
1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Yes
4. Yes
5. No
1. A
2. A
3. D
4. A
5. A
Objectives: Explain ways on how to sustain Earth’s resources.
Group 1
Renewable or Non-Renewable!
Direction: Classify the following materials as (RNR) renewable natural resource and (NRNR) non-renewable
natural resource. Write your answer before the number.
______ 1. ______ 4.
Sun Plants
______ 2. ______ 5.
Silver and gold coins Coal
______ 3.
Group 2
Good Deeds!
Direction: Write a short sentence explaining the pictures on the proper ways of sustaining Earth’s resources.
1. _______________________.
2. _______________________.
3. ______________________.
4. ______________________.
5. ______________________.
Objective: Make a poster on your own ways of using Earth’s resources sustainably.
Group 3
Conserve Earth’s Resources!
Direction: Make a poster on your own ways of using Earth’s resources sustainably.