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B-33 Astha Singh Report

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Department of Lifelong Learning and Extension KES’ Shri. Jayantilal H.

Patel Law College, Mumbai





ROLL NO – 33

CONTACT NUMBER – 7235070187


I would like to express my gratitude towards Mumbai University’s Department

of Lifelong Learning and Extension (DLLE) to have given us students an
opportunity to partake in the morally and practically enriching activities the help
us develop our persona to become valuable assets of the Society, and uplifting
our social and professional credibility by their valuable accreditation.

I also extend my gratitude towards the field coordinator for our institution Dr.
Rekha Khateeth for her precious guidance and her support, and our institution’s
teachers in-charge of DLLE namely, Nilima Ma’am, Anushree Ma’am and
Shivani Ma’am for their unfettering support and dedication towards the students
in all the preparations and performance of activities conducted in pursuance of
achieving 120 hours of extension work for DLLE.

Finally, I would also like to thank my dear family that has supported me, co-
operated with me, and provided me with all that I needed throughout the whole
process and my life.

Date and time: 26th of October, 2023.

Venue: Children’s Correctional Home, Dongri.

Objectives: In order to help them understand the good opportunities for a decent
life as law-abiding citizens that are waiting for them outside and how to achieve
the same, as well as the dangers of drug abuse, we must first educate them about
the plight of children in conflict with the law and children in care and
protection, as well as the reasons behind their prohibited acts. We also need to
learn about the initiatives taken to reform and mold these children into ideal and
respected citizens.

About the event: The facility was visited by 4 different batches with different
teacher in-charge. I was a part of the second batch to visit the facility with Prof.
Shivani Negi as our teacher in-charge. We had planned and practiced upon the
different activities to be conducted on our part at the correctional home.

The event was facilitated by Global Care Foundation and Adv. Hafza, instructed
in guided us throughout the event and upon entering into the facility we were
briefed of all the rules to be followed, some of which were, to not take
photographs of the children under the facility and not to interact with them outside
of what is planned and permitted, etc.

1. Motivational speech: We started the session with a few motivational

speeches delivered by DLLE member following which mainly focused on
on the topic of getting the possible Carrer opportunities, important skills and
advises for a good and honest employment and earning potential.

2. Music And Dance: Following the motivational speech the other DLLE
members encouraged the Boys at the correction home to showcased their
talents by singing songs rapping and dancing. By doing this we really created
a very positive atmosphere for those children.
3. Guide Tour: Later we conduct ed a screening of a short film for the boys in
the section regarding the ills of drug abuse which sensitized the audience
children and asked them about their experiences and how has the
correctional home helped them improve and be freed from social ills. Further
the manager of the NGO gave us the educational tour of the correctional
home and showed us how they handle the minor offenders and help them to
improve their life.

4. Engaged with residents: While taking the guide tour we also had words with
the other residents and heard there side of stories and struggle and challenges
they faced.

5. Tour to girls section: We also explored the girls section of Correction home
which situated separately from boys section. In that section only female
workers and staff was allowed. There we noticed that several skilled
program were conducted for the minor girls which helped the girls to
improve there skill.

We ended up your Dongri visit by an interaction by the teaching Staff of the

Facility and Adv. Hafza of global care foundation of the legal and social
activities that surround the correctional facility.

Elocution on Distance learning:

Date and time: 13th January 2024 at 11:20 a.m.

Venue: Classroom No. 703, KES’ Shri. Jayantilal H. Patel Law College.

Objectives: To providing the students a chance to share their opinions on the traditional
idea of distant learning, which the most of them have encountered in some way, and to
clarify how they view it and discuss its benefits and drawbacks

About the event: The students were given the task of giving an elocution on the topic of
distant learning and sharing their opinions on it. One by one, the students shared their
opinions with the others while they listened. During this time, they raised a number of
issues, including how it affects learning quality, increases study opportunities, is flexible
and variable, is available, and has network problems.

1. Defining Ethics and Values: Participants developed a common understanding by

discussing the basic ideas behind ethics and values. Ethics included the moral precepts
dictating action, whereas values were recognized as fundamental beliefs influencing

2. Intersection with Law: Examined the innate relationship that exists between moral
principles, the law, and ethics discussed how ethical and personal values frequently
influence legal judgments, influencing how laws are interpreted and applied.
3. Professional Responsibility: This section focused on the ethical duties of legal
practitioners and emphasized how crucial it is to maintain honesty, fairness, and
integrity in the practice of law examined actual cases where moral issues were crucial
to the outcome of the legal process.

3. Legal Conundrums and Principles Conflict: Examined fictitious situations and case
studies in which attorneys may run into problems reconciling their moral principles,
professional ethics, and legal requirements discussed methods for overcoming these
4. Cultural and society Influences: Examined how society and cultural values affect how
laws are formulated and how legal systems are developed. took into account how
values change over time and how they affect legal frameworks.

Rally on Maharashtra Policies for Women:

Date and time: 31st of January, 2024.

Venue: From College to Mathuradas Road and back to the College.

Objectives: To teach the general population about the welfare programs available to
women by means of a powerful demonstration of a rally that prominently displays the
names of several government programs and loudly proclaims pro-women's empowerment

About the event: Under the guidance of the in-charge teachers, the students were
instructed to prepare banners and different posters for a Rally to bring into light
various government policies implemented by the Government. Other member of
DLLE including myself prepared some posters to be used for the rally.


1. Making Posters: The members of the DLLE program including myself

prepared different campaign posters and hand-made drawings to educated
the womens about the scehmes. We all worked as a team participated in the

2. Rally and March: We participated in the rally and marched in it which

started from our college to Mathuradas road. The rally aimed to spread
awareness about the schemes provided to the women in Maharashtra.

3. Slogan and Empowerment: slogans like “Naari ka maan hi, desh ka samman
hai” and “Mulgi shikli, pragati zhali” to attract the attention of the bystanders
and passer byes in order to showcase the aforesaid various posters displaying
various schemes for women.

4. Public engagement: Through the rally we tried to actively engaged with the
public, initiated conversation to educate them about the existing women
related policies.
We ended our rally by coming back to college campus between all this we received a
positive response from the general public which shown an increase in Women awareness.
This program served a powerful platform to convey the importance of legal right and
policies protecting the.

Debate on need for laws for sexual harassment against women at
workplace and colleges:

Date and time: 10th February 2024, at 9.am

Venue: Classroom No. 703, KES’ Shri. Jayantilal H. Patel Law College.

Objectives: To promote discussion on the delicate topic of sexual harassment that women
may experience at work and in educational settings, as well as offer various solutions and
guidelines that could protect them from such crimes and the degree to which they should be
put into action.

About the event: Our teacher in charge, Prof. Anushree Bhatt, led the event. She informed
the students of the debate's topic and divided the class into two sides. On one side, the
students argued that stricter rules and new laws were necessary to protect women from
sexual abuse, while the other side emphasized that there are already many regulations for
the same thing and that overly protective rules might be abused by some women for evil

Debate Structure:

1. Opening Statement: Both the team has positively presented their opening statement
on the topic to the debate emphasizing the prevalence of workplace harassment and
the necessity for legal framework.

2. Key point of the arguments:

Protection for all genders: The teams presented their point on gender equality when
it’s come to the protection against harassment. We discussed the experience of both
male and female facing harassment.

Companies responsibility: We further debated on how the corporates are responsible

for any such activities which are taking place in there companies. We discussed
what should all the majors be opted by the companies to reduce the fear of
harassment at work place.
3. Counter Argument: Potential Misuse: Discussed possible legal misuse, emphasizing
the need for transparent policies, due process, and objective inquiries to avoid
unfounded allegations.

Educational Initiatives: It was suggested that in order to increase knowledge and

foster a culture of respect for others, organizations should prioritize educational
programs in addition to passing laws.

4. Closing Statements: Summarized the key points, reinforcing the idea that robust
legal frameworks are essential to create safe, inclusive workplaces that protect all
employees from sexual harassment.

Discussion on Importance of Ethics and values:

Date and time: 5th march 2024, at 9:00 a.m.

Venue: Classroom No. 703, KES’ Shri. Jayantilal H. Patel Law College.

Objectives: In order to make students more self-aware and engage them in a much-needed
thought process away from the purely material pursuits to realize the need to harbor and
inculcate ethics and values in oneself by forcing them to consider the significance of ethics
and values in their daily lives as well as professions.

About the event: After learning about the topic of the debate, the students expressed their
opinions and beliefs about the worth of ethics and values, particularly in relation to the
legal profession and how one might use them to further their own interests and build
goodwill among others.

1. Defining Ethics and Values: Participants developed a common understanding by

exploring the basic ideas behind ethics and values. Ethics included the moral
precepts guiding behaviour, whereas values were defined as fundamental beliefs
guiding behaviour.

2. Intersection with Law: Examined the innate relationship that exists between moral
principles, the law, and ethics discussed how ethical and personal values frequently
influence legal judgments, influencing how laws are interpreted and applied.

3. Professional Responsibility: This study looked at the moral duties that lawyers

have, highlighting how crucial it is to maintain honesty, justice, and integrity in

thelegal profession examined actual cases where moral issues were crucial to the
outcome of the legal process.

4. Legal Conundrums and Principles Conflict: Examined fictitious situations and case
studies in which attorneys may run into problems reconciling their moral principles,
professional ethics, and legal requirements discussed methods for overcoming these

5. Cultural and Societal Influences: examined the ways in which societal and cultural
values impact the creation of legal frameworks and legislative initiatives took into
account how values change over time and how they affect legal frameworks.


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