Chaintop MT
Chaintop MT
Chaintop MT
Description Benefits
Chaintop MT is a range of synthetic fluids Enhanced penetrating properties
developed for the lubrication of chain Chemically and thermally stable
systems, bolts and roller chains, sliding Burns clean leaving minimum
tracks and plain tracks. Operating at residues
medium and high temperatures. Chaintop Excellent wear inhibitors and good
MT are chemically stable fluids, thermally lubricants
stable and reduce the evaporation residue. Neutral behaviour towards
They can withstand high temperatures negative influence of by-products
during a long period of time and are in f.i. textile industry
excellent anti wear agents and excellent No staining
lubricants with enhanced penetrating Keeps slides and chains clean
Long relubrication intervals
Very good cold starting properties
Use Applications
Manual Dripping Mist Central Bearings Open Chains Slides
lubrication lubrication gears
MT 50 X X X X X X X
MT 100 X X X X X X X
MT 150 X X X X X X X
MT 220 X X X X X X X
MT 320 X X X X X
MT 4200 X X X X
All performance data on this Technical Data Sheet are indicative only and can vary during production
Matrix Specialty Lubricants BV - –
In order to get the best possible result, cleaning of the chains is recommended, especially
when applied on a dirty chain. Lubricating will improve once the residues are cleaned. Shorter
relubrication intervals are needed during the change-over period.
All performance data on this Technical Data Sheet are indicative only and can vary during production
Matrix Specialty Lubricants BV - –