There's Always Another Man in Her Life
There's Always Another Man in Her Life
There's Always Another Man in Her Life
Her Life
By Chase Amante
Not just boyfriend, though; but what about that guy sheʼs talking to?
Or, yeah, I see her by herself right now – but what if thereʼs
someone else nearby? What if she has a lover and I donʼt know it?
The fact is, EVERY woman you meet is going to have SOME guy in
her life, in SOME capacity. There is some man who is important to
her who is “limiting” her choices in men in some way.
The thing about approaching though is this: youʼve got to learn to
disregard these men as abstractions and approach away,
Just because you donʼt see him, doesnʼt mean he isnʼt there.
Instead, what I learned was that there are always men of moderate
to significant importance in the life of every woman you meet.
Sometimes, women will tell you directly about these men, if you help
them to feel comfortable enough.
Every woman you meet has a man influencing her, guiding her
choices, and making her more inclined or less inclined to date and
sleep with other men:
Her boyfriend
Her husband
Her lover
Her crush
Her father
Her brother
Her god
This can be an alien thing to
realize when youʼre a man
starting out. It may be the case
that you have no woman in your
life at all who is affecting your
mating choices and activities.
And, especially when weʼre
inexperienced in a thing, we tend
to fill in all the blank holes of our
(lack of) understanding of that
thing by projection of our own
selves... in this case, sexually
and romantically inexperienced
men usually assume that women
are just like them.
When you are as I was starting out, and you have no women
influencing your day-to-day life, and you donʼt otherwise have a
highly developed mental model of the opposite sex, you will find
yourself assuming that girls are like you: totally single, uninfluenced
by anyone else, every decision they make completely of their own
volition without having to take into consideration any complicating
It might be that she talks to her brother almost every day, or that
she has lunch with her father every week and talks about life with
It might be that sheʼs a religious girl, and her relationship with her
god is one of the most important relationships in her life.
You might find such things out, either on a date or after you first
sleep with a girl, if you both make her comfortable and have a girl
who likes to talk about herself openly and dislikes secrets.
With a great many women, however, you may well never know.
One of the things youʼll run into among girls who have boyfriends or
husbands but who are still open to sleeping with you (as opposed to
girls who have these but are uninterested in taking a lover on the
side on) is that theyʼre very often much easier to sleep with than
single women. Why? Because they donʼt have to worry about
whether sleeping with you impacts their chance to get relationship
security from you... theyʼre already getting that from their current
partner. That makes the whole “should I sleep with him or not?” call
an easier one to make.
When youʼre looking for a quick fling, on the other hand, her
needing emotional reassurance can only help your cause, but youʼll
have an easier time of things if she isnʼt looking from relationship
security from you – either because sheʼs already got it with
someone else, or because youʼve taken yourself out of the
running for the boyfriend role.
The result of this is, if you remind girls a lot of men they have
good relationships, memories, or experiences with, youʼll often
get a sort of “free pass” with them – theyʼre warmer to you, more
receptive to you right away, will test you less and comply with you
In this case, you benefit most from reminding a woman of the men
closest to her, and she will be more inclined to get to know you if
you remind her of the men she cares for.
The opposite scenario is that a woman doesnʼt like the men closest
to her; she has love-hate relationships with them, or even just all
“hate” ones. She ends up seeking a man who is the polar opposite
of her father / brother / friend / partner. Most women who cheat on
their boyfriends and husbands are seeking a man who is unlike their
partner, because they are unhappy with him (though in the case of
high sex drive / highly experienced women who are straying, it can
be the case that the girl is perfectly happy with her man, but just
needs a dash of novelty – in which case, she may cheat on her guy
with a guy who reminds her a lot of her guy, because thatʼs her
Where this is the case, a woman will look for men who look nothing
like the men close to her she has bad relationships with; sheʼll look
for different personality types, although she can have love-hate
relationships with them, too... for instance, the girl whoʼs father was
negligent and rogue-ish will seek out safe relationships with stable
men, only to lose respect for these men and break up or cheat to
find negligent, rogue-ish men, whom she dislikes but sleeps with
anyway, only to leave in order to find a more secure man to pair up
with once more.
When you meet women with troubled pasts with men, youʼre usually
best served by emulating the men these women have the most
emotion with in your actions, while seeming like their opposites in
your words. This normally means being an aloof asshole body-
language and voice tone-wise, while saying lots of nice things.
You want to remind her subconscious of the man she has a deep
and painful, but familiar, relationship with, while consciously striking
her as someone totally and refreshingly different (obviously, women
with troubled pasts you want to cross off the list as potential
girlfriends – donʼt go sacrificing yourself to save some damsel in
You have no control over who the other men in the lives of women
you havenʼt even met yet are, or what sorts of relationships they
You have no way to know that that woman walking down the street
has a father sheʼs close to, or a good male friend, or a supportive
brother, or a boyfriend, or a husband, or some fellow sheʼs crushing
on hard.
The only thing you can know is that every woman you meet has
another man in her life.
Period. End of story. You wonʼt meet a blank slate... they arenʼt out
If youʼve been using the “Yeah, but what if she has X male figure in
her life?” as an excuse to not approach, youʼve got to drop it,
because every woman around you has some kind of important male
figure in her life.
Every girlfriend Iʼve had had a close male friend, men she was going
on dates with, or a family member she was close with when I first
met her. Plenty of other girls Iʼve slept with and didnʼt get to know
nearly as well as those Iʼve had relationships I never the less heard
about from them or found out about later having lovers, boyfriends,
or husbands at the time we got together, as well as men who were
chasing after them, guys they had crushes on, and the like.
Every woman has men in her life in some close capacity at all
times. There just arenʼt women that go live reclusive lives without
important male figures in them just because. Even the strongest,
most independent women youʼll meet have men in their lives.
So set this one aside, quit worrying about it, and go approach
some girls.
Yes, theyʼre all going to have men in their lives; and those men will
influence their reactions to you in some way itʼs impossible to
predict before you meet them.
And thatʼs why youʼve got to go meet them: to find out if theyʼre one
of the girls being influenced to find you more attractive, or if theyʼre
one of the girls being influenced to find you not so attractive. You
donʼt meet the former without wading through some of the latter...
thatʼs just how it goes.
Thereʼs always another man in her life. Donʼt stress it – just put soles
to pavement and go say “Hi” regardless.
You may just be exactly the kind of man sheʼs inclined to enjoy
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