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Aeroflot 2022

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Approach to Environmental Protection 107 About the Report 218
Noise Pollution 112 Structure of Aeroflot Group 221

SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT 36 Waste Management 113 Quantitative Data 222

Sustainability Priorities 39 Reduction in Air Pollutants 118 Matrix of Compliance of the Report
to GRI Standards and UN SDGs 235
Sustainability Management Structure Sustainable Use of Resources 119
and Approach 42 Disclosure under TCFD Recommendations 250

Sustainability Risks Management 48 CONTRIBUTION TO LOCAL COMMUNITIES 120 Sustainability and Corporate
Governance Documents 251
Stakeholder Engagement 52 Enhancing Air Connectivity 124
Building a Responsible Supply Chain 56 Creation of Jobs 138
Operation of Russian-Built Aircraft 142
Sponsorship, Charity, and Volunteering 146
Corporate Governance System 63
Educational Activities 160
Ethical Business Practices, Preventing Corruption
and Conflicts of Interest 66
Information Security 70
Aviation Security and Flight Safety 173
Quality Management System 76
Occupational Health and Safety 181


Customer Engagement 81
Personnel Structure 191
Special Offers and Services for Passengers 87
Creating an Inclusive Workplace 202
Support in Emergencies 89
Human Rights 204

CLIMATE CHANGE AND ENERGY EFFICIENCY 90 System of Incentives and Social Benefits 205

Climate Change 94 Employee Training and Development 212

Fuel Efficiency 96
Greenhouse Gas Emissions 98
Increase in Fuel Efficiency
and Reduction in GHG Emissions 100
Sustainable Use of Energy 103
4 ESG Report 5

GRI 2-22

Dear colleagues, clients, shareholders, footprint of air transport. In order to improve and Entrepreneurs and became a leader
and partners, fuel efficiency and reduce CO2 emissions, in the Transport and Infrastructure category
PJSC Aeroflot has drawn up and is delivering of the industry ESG transparency ranking
As the largest and oldest Russian airline, Aeroflot the Energy Saving and Environmental prepared by the Expert RA rating agency.
Group has, throughout its nearly 100-year history, Performance Programme up to 2030. Since
been running its business responsibly, placing 2008, Aeroflot Group has reduced specific Despite the geopolitical turmoil of 2022,
a strong focus on dealing with environmental, social, CO2 emissions by 41.3% due to the operation Aeroflot Group continues integrating the best
and governance challenges faced by the Russian of the latest generation aircraft and measures sustainability management practices. Safety
society. aimed at optimising aviation fuel consumption. in every process and division, environmentally
friendly operations, transport connectivity,
Aeroflot Group’s core product is reliable and safe Aeroflot Group makes a considerable and contribution to the national and regional
air travel. As Russia’s largest airline having the most contribution to the development of the national economic prosperity remain our top and absolute
extensive route network, Aeroflot Group offers aircraft industry, being the largest operator priorities.
flights in different consumer segments – from low- of Russian-built passenger aircraft. In 2022,
cost to premium, thus providing for the development Aeroflot signed an agreement of intent
of transport accessibility of Russian regions with the United Aircraft Corporation regarding
and improving population mobility. The Group the proposed purchase of 339 Russian-
contributes significantly to addressing the national built aircraft: 210 MC-21, 89 SSJ-NEW,
priority of developing direct regional traffic and 40 Tu-214. Sergey Aleksandrovskiy
and regularly offers passengers new options
Chief Executive Officer
for fast and comfortable flights bypassing Moscow.
The primary contributor PJSC Aeroflot
The Company enthusiastically improves its socially-
oriented programmes, such as flat fare flights, thus to the implementation of Aeroflot
ensuring accessibility of remote regions. projects is a unique team of civil
population mobility, and affordability of air travel based aviation professionals – our
on environmentally friendly operations.
Access to safe and high-quality employees.
air transportation fosters regional In 2022, Aeroflot Group has implemented a number
economic performance and greatly of measures to streamline its activities in this area. We greatly appreciate the work of Aeroflot
boosts business and social The key milestone was the approval by the Board team and offer a variety of options for their
of Directors of PJSC Aeroflot of the Group’s Sustainable professional training and development, decent
development. Development Policy. salaries, and high-quality medical care, including
voluntary medical insurance programmes.
An important pillar of Aeroflot Group’s corporate The policy is based on generally accepted rules Particular emphasis is given to occupational
policy is sustainability values and priorities. and international standards of business operations health management, which covers activities
Aeroflot Group has incorporated the provisions and follows up the Group’s sustainable activities. The key aimed to protect employees’ life and health.
of global ESG initiatives and standards in its strategy goals and objectives of the Sustainable Development
(environmental, social, and corporate governance Policy encourage the identification and use of strategic The incorporation of various ESG initiatives
agenda), and our operations are concentrated capabilities for the Company to enhance its positive at Aeroflot Group has already gained
on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). impact on society and reduce a potential negative impact. public acknowledgement. In 2022, Aeroflot
was named among leaders of the Responsibility
The Group’s core sustainability target is to establish Aeroflot Group’s important social objective is to preserve and Transparency, and Sustainability Vector ESG
air connectivity of Russian regions and locations, the environment and reduce the environmental indices of the Russian Union of Industrialists

the Сompany 1
Runway to
Broad geography
of flights


routes of network

4 Message from our CEO

8 About Aeroflot Group

14 Sustainable Development Key Highlights

18 Aeroflot Group’s Structure

20 Aeroflot Group’s Business Model

22 Route Network

26 Aircraft Fleet

30 Key Sustainability-Related Developments

33 2022 Sustainability Ratings and Awards

34 Century-Long History of Sustainable Development Bermamyt plateau, Karachay-Cherkess Republic, Russia

8 About the Сompany ESG Report 9


Aeroflot Group is the leader of the air transportation market in Russia
and one of the largest global airlines. The Group comprises Aeroflot and Rossiya network Young Reduction Fuel efficiency
airlines, Pobeda low-cost carrier, and specialised service companies. aircraft fleet of СО2 emissions management

average age
YEARS –41.3% –9.4%
emissions intensity over aviation fuel consumption
PREMIUM 15 years1, gСО2 eq/RPK2 intensity in 2022 year-on-year,

Achieving operational Reducing environmental impacts:

MID-MARKET eco-efficiency • reduce СО2 emissions
• increase fuel efficiency
• manage noise pollution
• reduce industrial and commercial waste


The key goal of Aeroflot Group is to ensure transport accessibility across Russia and
its regions, population mobility, comfortable and safe flights. Thanks to an extensive
route network and operations in various fields, Aeroflot Group clients are offered ample
opportunities to select the most appropriate flight.
Aeroflot Group focuses on the best practices and strives to meet the expectations of a wide
range of its stakeholders. In the long term, the Group’s value chain is based on efficiency
enhancement processes and its commitment to improvement. 1 Reduction in intensity of CO2 emissions from flights to passenger turnover from the start of the Energy Saving and Environmental Performance Programme (2008–2022).
2 Revenue Passenger Kilometres (RPK) – a way of calculating the number of kilometres travelled by paying customers, by multiplying the number of paying passengers by the distance
10 About the Сompany ESG Report 11



78 SSJ100
Largest operator of Russian-built aircraft
Broad geography Extensive route Development
of flights network of regional traffic
Centre of competence for aircraft in the Group’s fleet
maintenance in Russia and CIS countries as at 31 December 2022

Russian cities
Krasnoyarsk airport hub
Bases in Sochi
Rossiya Airlines — Best Airline Operator
of Russian-built aircraft2
of network airlines1 and St. Petersburg

Ensure transport connectivity Support and promote Ensure open and transparent Safety in every process and division is our top
and contribute to the economic sports and culture communication with all and absolute priority:
development of Russia and its regions stakeholders • flight safety
• aviation security
Improve customer service • passenger data protection
Create jobs with decent pay and safe
and increase passenger loyalty • information security
working environment
• safe and secure working conditions

1 Scheduled for summer 2022 2 According to the annual international Skyway Service
and winter 2022/2023. Award 2022.
12 About the Сompany ESG Report 13

Social Results Customer Teamwork
responsibility for shareholders trust
We uphold the Russian aircraft industry Our goals are to achieve sustainable and dynamic Each airline of our Group guarantees its We are a close-knit team of professionals who
and closely participate in its development. growth, increase the Company’s value. customers faultless safety and high quality cannot imagine living without the sky.
service at all stages of air travel.
We take care of the environment and constantly We are committed to high standards of corporate We are always open to innovations, initiatives,
improve energy and environmental performance governance and business ethics. We strive to exceed the expectations of our and new knowledge in order to develop and move
through the use of a modern and young aircraft customers and do everything possible forward.
fleet and the most advanced technologies, We are always open to our partners to ensure that our customers come back again
and ensure that our operations comply and shareholders. and again. We abide by employment laws, provide a safe
with Russian environmental laws. working environment for our employees,
We work hard every day to ensure the highest and expect the same from our suppliers
We are fully aware of our responsibility safety level. and contractors.
to the society and take an active part in socially
important and charity projects by robustly We respect our colleagues and are ready
collaborating with local and national non-profit to engage in constructive dialogue in order
organisations. to achieve results.

We are extensively involved in enhancing Russia’s We provide a stable work environment with equal
air transport network and create new jobs opportunities for learning and personal growth.
in Russian regions.
14 About the Сompany ESG Report 15



ENVIRONMENTAL AGENDA (E) СО2 emissions intensity from flights, g₂/RPK Aviation fuel consumption intensity2, g/RPK Environmental protection costs, RUB million

2022 83.3 2022 25.4 2022 111.7

2021 89.7 2021 28.0 2021 89.5

2020 99.4 2020 31.3 2020 76.4

2019 86.2 2019 27.1 2019 104.4

Russian-built aircraft in Aeroflot Group’s fleet (pcs)
SOCIAL AGENDA (S) Flight safety level3, % Female pilots, people as at the year-end

2022 99.976 2022 97 2022 78

2021 99.974 2021 94 2018 50
2020 99.971 2020 88 2014 16
2019 99.238 2019 82 2011 4


CORPORATE GOVERNANCE Employees completed training on anti-corruption policies
AND ECONOMIC PROSPERITY (G) Passenger load factor, % and procedures, people Agreements signed with SMEs, RUB billion

2022 83.6 2022 279 2022 78.7

2021 80.3 2021 204 2021 37.3

2020 73.7 2020 159 2020 21.1

2019 81.9 2019 157 2019 39.8

1 Hereinafter in this Report, unless specified otherwise, the reporting data for Aeroflot
Group include data for PJSC Aeroflot, JSC Rossiya Airlines, LLC Pobeda Airlines,
JSC Aeromar, JSC Aeromar-DV, JSC Sherotel, Aeroflot Aviation School,
and LLC Aeroflot Technics.
2 Specific fuel consumption is determined net of Auxiliary Power Unit fuel
consumption on the ground.
3 Flight safety level (FSL) is an integrated indicator determined as the number of air
accidents and incidents (taking account of their overall flight safety impact) to fleet
flight hours.
Note: in 2022, the Company temporarily suspended publication of its financial statements
pursuant to the degree of the Government of the Russian Federation to mitigate sanctions
risks; the Company maintains information transparency for the key areas of practice,
including notification of Company’s major developments, strategy, and operating
16 About the Сompany ESG Report 17


billion ASK
passenger load factor2
Aeroflot Group brings together companies operating
in various subsectors along the aviation industry value chain,
whose well-coordinated efforts result in high-quality services passengers carried
rendered to customers at reasonable prices. The Group’s
airlines provide air travel services in all key market segments,
from premium to low-cost, both in Russia and abroad. Non-
aviation entities cover the primary industry-specific activities:
aircraft maintenance, in-flight catering services, hotel
operations, employee training, and digital services.

In 2022, after restrictions on aircraft deliveries

and international flights were imposed, Aeroflot Group
focused on bringing its operations back to normal, extensively
recovering passenger traffic on domestic and available
international routes.
fleet flight hours
In 2022, the Group carried 40.7 million passengers, including
35.3 million passengers in domestic segment (86.9%
of the total passenger traffic). Passenger turnover in domestic
segment amounted to 79.9 billion RPK, up 9.8% year-on-
year. Passenger load factor increased by 3.3 p.p. vs 2021
and amounted to 83.6%; in domestic segment passenger load
factor was 85.9%, up 1.9 p.p. year-on-year.

The Group was extensively recovering its operations
in domestic segment by reallocating capacity from closed
destinations to destinations of high demand and available
international destinations from Moscow. The development
of a large-scale programme of flights from Sochi airport has
become one of the key areas of recovering international traffic.
billion RPK
In addition, new routes from St. Petersburg and regional
capitals to the CIS countries, Middle East and Asia
were launched. By the end of 2022, the Group was making
flights to 16 countries of the world.

1 Available Seat Kilometres (ASK) – a measure of an airline’s carrying capacity to generate

revenue, taken from multiplying the available seats on any given aircraft by the number
of kilometres flown on a given flight.
2 Passenger Load Factor (PLF) – a measure for an airline’s capacity, defined as the ratio
between RPK and ASK.
18 About the Сompany ESG Report 19


The Aeroflot Group airlines are based in Moscow Sheremetyevo and Vnukovo airports, Pulkovo airport
in St. Petersburg and airports of Krasnoyarsk and Sochi, and develop flights from a number of airports
in Russian regions.

Aviation assets Non-aviation assets

PJSC Aeroflot
(parent) 75% – 1 share JSC Rossiya Airlines 100% LLC Aeroflot Technics1

One of the largest and oldest Largest operator of Russian-built aircraft Aircraft maintenance and repair
airlines globally, agemate of Russia’s

1.9 17
civil aviation Mid-market product level Hangars and line maintenance stations
THOUSAND in Moscow, Kazan, Nizhniy Novgorod,
Exceptional customer experience Bases in St. Petersburg, Moscow employees places in hangars
(Sheremetyevo), Krasnoyarsk, and Sochi Belgorod, Sochi, Kaliningrad, Saratov,
Based in Moscow (Sheremetyevo) Stavropol, Perm, Ufa, Orenburg,
hangar areas
Krasnoyarsk, Habarovsk, Vladivostok

share in the Group’s
20.8 %

passenger traffic
share in the Group’s employees
passengers carried
passenger traffic
81.5 %
passenger load factor routes
118 51% Aeromar, Aeromar-DV2 100% Aeroflot Aviation School

passenger load factor
In-flight catering, on-board shopping, on-board Personnel training in key majors: pilots, flight
cleaning and equipping services attendants, ground staff, and engineering
20.5 MILLION 119
passengers carried routes
Extensive regional
St. Petersburg,
fields of study
Vladivostok, Sochi, programmes
LLC Pobeda Airlines

Leading low-cost airline in Russia customers

Simferopol, Ufa,
Krasnodar, Anapa,
of training
specialists trained

Bases in Moscow (Sheremetyevo, Vnukovo), experience

regional airports

% 2.3
passengers carried
100% Sherotel 66% LLC AFLT-Systems3

in the Group’s
passenger traffic
passenger load factor
Hotel operator at Sheremetyevo airport Design and implementation of the key
IT-related initiatives and projects
of Aeroflot Group

hotel rooms

% – PJSC Aeroflot share as of 31 December 2022 1 In 2023, LLC A-Technics was renamed into LLC Aeroflot Technics. PJSC Aeroflot participates in LLC Aeroflot Technics via LLC Aeroflot – Finance. PJSC Aeroflot’s share
in LLC Aeroflot – Finance is 99.99%.
Note: The number of routes by airlines is reported with reference to the network transformation per the summer 2022 schedule and destinations of the 2 JSC Aeromar has a 51% stake in JSC Aeromar-DV.
2022/2023 winter programme. 3 PJSC Aeroflot participates in LLC AFLT-Systems via LLC Aeroflot – Finance. PJSC Aeroflot’s share in LLC Aeroflot – Finance is 99.99%.
20 About the Сompany ESG Report 21


Ensure transport connectivity of Russian
Our mission
Aeroflot Group works to ensure that our customers can quickly and comfortably travel
regions and cities, population mobility, great distances, and thus be mobile, meet more often, work successfully, and see
and air travel accessibility. the world in all its diversity. The Group’s companies give their customers a choice
The Group’s business model focuses on covering the key air travel market segments through an extensive route network in different price segments, from low-cost
and the core processes supporting the delivery of passenger services. to premium and business class services.

Russian and global economy Global and local trends shaping Oil market volatility Interest rate and exchange Industry and cross-industry Industry
External factors development the air travel market rate fluctuations competition regulation


enhanced comfort
Financial capital and business class The Group’s operations contribute to:
Wide range of financial assets, including short- and Increasing the accessibility of Russia’s most
long-term borrowings. distant regions

Offering Flight Corporate

Operational capital
diversification operations governance 15.1 MILLION 189 ROUTES
Aviation assets: 346 aircraft, rights, designations, passengers carried under of network
slots at airports mid-market the flat fare programme1 airlines
Non-aviation assets: catering, maintenance,
training facilities, medical centre, airport hotel,
247.3 THOUSAND Routes and flights
Creating additional jobs in adjacent sectors
and digital solution developments domestic flights
and developing local communities

Intellectual capital Aircraft lease

110.9 %
Automation of business processes through the use
of IT systems and patents.
low-cost carrier
40.8 THOUSAND and maintenance
growth in procurement
international flights from SMEs

Human capital Employee training Reducing the impact

on climate change
Attracting and retaining highly qualified personnel.

32.3 THOUSAND 1.3 THOUSAND Operations management
reduction in СО₂ emissions
from flights vs 2021
total headcount completed a regular
performance and career 117.7 BILLION ASK Yield Implementing charity programmes and socially
development review available seat-kilometres management important initiatives
Natural capital
Sustainable use of natural resources
(fuel, power, water, air). 21.3 MILLION
Flight operations investment
in charity
Social and reputational capital
Developing the national economy though
Leading airline in Russia remittance of taxes and aviation industry upgrade
One of the largest Russian employers
Winner of national and international awards Largest operator
in the airline industry of Russian-built aircraft

Airport Oil Ground Banks Maintenance Aircraft Universities and educational Service
Third-party resources services refineries handling and lessors and repair manufacturers institutions providers

1 Since the launch of the flat fare programme until 2022.

22 About the Сompany ESG Report 23

Flight destinations across Russia, Aeroflot Group, 20221 Domestic
destinations, 20222
Aeroflot Group’s route network is based
on its multi-brand model, which maximises
the air travel market coverage and ensures
Belgorod Grozny
presence in different price segments.
Moscow Makhachkala
The Group strives to arrange the most
Voronezh ntr
al ict
Ce l Distr
Fed Ca
era uc
Mineralnye Vody 53 cities
Yaroslavl era l D asi Nalchik
appropriate route network to connect ed F ist an
Russian regions and cities and to cater
ric Nazran
to consumer needs to the maximum extent Arkhangelsk
Stavropol 75 routes
possible. Kaliningrad Vladikavkaz

is rn
16.7 million


l D te

Building a route network takes many

ra es
Khanty-Mansiysk passengers

de w
factors into account, including: scope Petrozavodsk

Fe orth
and structure of demand for travel; direct St. Petersburg Kurgan

and transit passenger traffic; customer Syktyvkar Magnitogorsk


Ura istric
experience and potential for frequency
Novy Urengoy

increase; and territory development Cheboksary

prospects. Izhevsk Surgut

Kazan Tobolsk

In 2022, the Group faced external Tyumen
restrictions imposed on the Russian
Nizhnekamsk Yekaterinburg 51 cities
Federal District

aviation by a number of countries, Nizhny Novgorod

resulting in a transformation of its route Abakan

network to adapt to the current operating Orsk
Barnaul 74 routes
landscape. In terms of the route network
Penza cities Chita

management in 2022, the Group focused Gorno-Altaisk
7.3 million

Fed iberian
on seeking out and taking advantage Irkutsk
of new opportunities to increase
Kemerovo passengers

traffic revenues, gradually recovering Krasnoyarsk

its international flight programme,
and actively pursuing domestic market Ulyanovsk
opportunities. Omsk
In 2022, Aeroflot Group’s network airlines Astrakhan
(Aeroflot and Rossiya) operated flights Gelendzhik
36 cities
So ral

on 189 scheduled routes on the summer Krasnodar

ut Di

he st

schedule and schedule for the next autumn Roston-on-Don Blagoveshchensk


Simferopol ri te r
69 routes

and winter navigation period. The route ct
Eas ist Khabarovsk
network of Pobeda low-cost carrier Sochi a r lD Magadan
F er a
comprised 75 destinations, including Volgograd d Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky
20 ones uncovered by the Group’s other
11.4 million

1 Including destinations suspended in February 2022.

2 On the summer schedule and schedule for the next autumn and winter
navigation period of 2022–2023.
24 About the Сompany ESG Report 25

Development of the Siberian hub in Krasnoyarsk in 20221 Launch of direct routes from Russian regions to Mineralnye Vody

9 6 21
Since December 2022, Aeroflot has commenced
destinations a new programme of direct flights from six Russian MINERALNYE VODY
across Russia countries routes regions to Mineralnye Vody. Passengers have been
granted access to convenient Aeroflot flights from Samara
St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Ufa, Perm, Kazan St. Petersburg
Almaty and Samara. Ufa
Blagoveshchensk Astana Yekaterinburg
Irkutsk Beijing For more details on the route network evolution, see
the Transport Accessibility Development section.
Krasnodar Bishkek
Mineralnye Vody Bukhara
Novy Urengoy Fergana
Sochi Osh
Tyumen Phuket
Yekaterinburg Samarkand
Yerevan Aeroflot Group’s passenger traffic In 2022, Aeroflot Group encountered difficulties
on international routes, 2022, % in the international travel segment. However, the Group
managed to respond to the challenges and preserve
a number of international destinations. As at the end
of 2022, Aeroflot Group airlines operated flights
Development of the Sochi base in 20222 to 16 countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Egypt,
India, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, China, Maldives,

17 destinations
across Russia 8 countries 36 routes 71.8
UAE, Seychelles, Thailand, Turkey, Uzbekistan,
and Sri Lanka.

Sochi airport, where a new international programme

was launched in 2022, was instrumental in arranging
Almaty 5.8 international flights. As part of the programme, Aeroflot
Antalya Group launched its first scheduled international flights
Chelyabinsk Astana from the city, including destinations to the Middle East
Kazan Baku and CIS countries. In addition to demand for direct
Kirov Bodrum flights, passengers also made use of the airport
Krasnoyarsk Bukhara for connections between Russian and international
Makhachkala Cairo flights.
Mineralnye Vody SOCHI Dalaman
Nizhnekamsk Dubai
Nizhny Novgorod Fergana
International flights programme as at 31 December 2022

16 40
Novosibirsk Hurghada
Omsk Istanbul
Perm Samarkand countries cities
Samara Sharjah
Saratov Sharm El Sheikh
Azerbaijan Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan India Maldives Egypt UAE
• Baku • Aktau • Bishkek • Goa • Male • Cairo • Dubai
Tel Aviv
• Aktobe • Osh • Delhi • Hurghada • Sharjah
Armenia • Almaty • Issyk-Kul Thailand • Sharm-El-
• Yerevan • Astana China • Bangkok Sheikh Turkey
• Gyumri • Atyrau Uzbekistan • Guangzhou • Phuket • Antalya
• Karaganda • Bukhara • Beijing Seychelles • Bodrum
Belarus • Kostanay • Samarkand • Shanghai Sri Lanka • Mahe • Dalaman
1 Not including Moscow and St. Petersburg. For the full year 2022, since, as opposed to other airports, changes to the hub network during the year were primarily driven by air routes
• Minsk • Tashkent • Chengdu • Colombo • Istanbul
development and seasonal factors.
Not including Moscow and St. Petersburg. On the summer schedule and schedule for the next autumn and winter navigation period of 2022. • Urgench Iran
• •

Fergana Tehran
26 About the Сompany ESG Report 27

As at the end of 2022, Aeroflot Group’s fleet
had 346 aircraft, with the average age of 7.9 years.

Structure fleet as at 31 December 2022 Types of aircraft

By airlines

толфорэА 50.0% 6 types 5 types 1 type


Wide-body (long-haul)
Airbus A350 Boeing 747
11.8% Airbus A330 Boeing 777
Boeing 777

By aircraft types
Narrow-body (medium-haul)

Airbus A320ceo/neo Airbus A320ceo Boeing 737 NG
60.4% (family) (family)
Boeing 737 NG Boeing 737 NG

Narrow-body (short-haul)

SSJ100 SSJ100
28 About the Сompany ESG Report 29

Aeroflot Group works to reduce its environmental footprint
and strives to decrease its СО2 air emissions and noise pollution. СО₂ EMISSIONS NOISE POLLUTION LEVEL
Wide-body (long-haul) 50 0 50
In 2022, Aeroflot Group faced
restrictions on the operation
Boeing 777
modification: Boeing 777-300 CHAPTER 3 of foreign-built aircraft. As part
and Boeing 777-300ER 32 of its fleet development and search
CHAPTER 4 for new opportunities, the Group
focused on the use of Russian-built
aircraft. For example, PJSC Aeroflot
and PJSC United Aircraft
Airbus A350-900 7 CHAPTER 14 Corporation (UAC, part of Rostec)
entered into an agreement of intent
to purchase 339 Russian-built
Airbus A330-300 12 CHAPTER 4

Boeing 747-400 8 CHAPTER 3

Commissioning of additional Russian-built

Narrow-body (medium-haul) aircraft by 2030, pieces

Boeing 737-800 CHAPTER 3


210 МС-21
Airbus A320ceo CHAPTER 14 89
family, including modifications: SSJ-NEW
Airbus А319ceo, А320ceo,
40 TU-214
А321ceo CHAPTER 4

Airbus A320neo CHAPTER 14

family, including modifications:
Airbus А320neo, А321neo 9
For more details on the use of Russian-built
aircraft, see the Operation of Russian-Built
Aircraft section.

Narrow-body (short-haul)

Sukhoi Superjet 100 CHAPTER 4

30 About the Сompany ESG Report 31


DEVELOPMENTS Rossiya presented a multimedia system

of Russian design and in-flight catering from
domestic suppliers.

Aeroflot was recognised as the Russian Airline

Aeroflot Group incorporates sustainable development principles into its operations and implements of the Year – Passenger Choice at Wings
projects aimed at dealing with social issues, protecting the environment, and achieving economic of Russia, National Airline Award.

Aeroflot was a top three most punctual airline
globally, according to the On-Time Performance
Review1. Aeroflot Group published its first ESG Report.

Aeroflot launched a special programme to retain cockpit

personnel in the aviation industry.

Konstantin Khabensky Charitable Foundation and Aeroflot’s

Mercy Miles project formed a partnership.

Aeroflot became the Official Airline of the 2022 Youth Day.


Rossiya won the annual international Skyway Service Award

in the Best Domestic Airline Operator category. July
Aeroflot made a “golden flight” from Beijing carrying
the Russian Olympic team. Launch of a joint project with the Federal Passenger
Company on combined air and rail transportation.

Aeroflot became the general partner

of the international festival of ethnic music and crafts
March Mir Sibiri (World of Siberia).

Rossiya Airlines launched a large-scale programme

of international flights from Sochi on Russian-built
SSJ100 aircraft.


Aeroflot together with the Amur Tiger Centre transported

a tigress from Primorye to Moscow.

April Introduction of special pensioner fares across Aeroflot Group.

Aeroflot acted as a partner of the Siberian International

Aeroflot Technics introduced an innovative mobile application
project to exercise control over the quality of aircraft
maintenance. Rossiya, in partnership with FC Zenit and FC Dynamo Moscow,
organised a large-scale football tournament called Together
at Altitude!
1 Conducted by UK-based aviation data holding Cirium.
32 About the Сompany ESG Report 33

Aeroflot Group published its Sustainable Development
Aeroflot and UAC signed an agreement of intent
to purchase 339 Russian-built aircraft.
Aeroflot Group’s success in integrating ESG practices is attested to by Russian and international
Aeroflot became the official carrier of the 2nd rankings and indices. Thanks to an extensive involvement in sustainability agenda, implementation
International Tiger Forum.
of new projects, and increased disclosure transparency, the Group managed to strengthen its
Aeroflot organised the At Altitude project together positions in ESG ratings in 2022.
with A. Sysoev. As part of the project, 10 restaurants from
the Far East presented Aeroflot with their sets cooked
from local products.

Group A Category II Ranked First
Rossiya launched the I Love Russian project, which aims Sustainability Vector Index – ESG Index of Russian Best Domestic Airline
to promote goods and services of the leading domestic brands.
2022 Companies – 2022 Operator
Rossiya held career guidance days for students
of the Murmansk Lyceum.

All the Group’s companies migrated to the Russian-developed

Leonardo booking system.

November Ranked First Gold Ranked First

Transport and Infrastructure – ESG Best Employers in Russia – Transport and Logistics – Aviation
Transparency Ranking – 2022 2022 Mobility – 2022
Aeroflot became a leader in the Transport
and Infrastructure category of the industry ESG
transparency ranking of Russian companies1.

Rossiya started using Russian meteorological software

from Roshydromet to calculate flights and plan routes,
which will improve fuel efficiency by 3%.

BB 4.7 7++
December (scale from C to AAA) (scale from 0 to 10) National Corporate Governance

The Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP)

upgraded Aeroflot’s positions in the updated ESG-related
Responsibility and Transparency, and Sustainability Vector indices.

Rossiya Airlines integrated a domestic mobile device management

platform. Group B+ Ranked First Ranked First
The MC-21 received the livery of Rossiya Airlines. Responsibility and Transparency Transport and Machine Transport and Logistics – Best Air Carrier –
Index – 2022 Engineering – Combating 2022
A programme of direct routes from six Russian regions Sanctions and Import Substitution
to Mineralnye Vody was launched.

1 Prepared by Expert RA rating agency.

34 About the Сompany ESG Report 35

1940 1962
1923 1939 The country operated 1959 The first female pilot started flying on Aeroflot’s
On 17 March 1923, the Articles Elza Gorodetskaya, the first female 150 airports, the length Aeroflot’s own aviation scheduled flights. The legendary Iraida Fedorovna
of Association of the Russian flight attendant in the history of the company’s air lines reached and technology centre was set up. Vertiprakhova, an honoured pilot of the USSR,
Society of Voluntary Air Fleet – of Russian aviation, boarded 150 thousand kilometres. began her flying career as a co-pilot of An-2 aircraft.
Dobrolet, a predecessor of Aeroflot, an Aeroflot flight from Moscow
were approved. Using the proceeds to Ashkhabad. Sheremetyevo civil airport, which
from selling its shares, the first 1947 became the main air harbour
Russian-built aircraft were built, Start of operating IL-12 – the first of the Soviet Union, began The TU-114, the world’s largest passenger turboprop
and new routes were developed. Russian-built passenger aircraft operations. and Aeroflot’s first intercontinental airliner with a flying range
for mass transportation. of 10 thousand km, was put into service.

1920s 1930s 1940s 1950s 1960s

1990 1980 1970

Aeroflot carried 139 million passengers Aeroflot acted as the general carrier The Soviet Union joined
and entered the Guinness Book of Records of participants and visitors of the 1980 the International Civil Aviation
as the largest airline. Olympics. Sheremetyevo airport became USSR’s Organisation (ICAO).
main air gateway.

1999 1972
The Aeroflot Bonus programme was launched Sirena-1, the first air ticket booking system,
to reward frequent flyers. Over time, it transformed Aeroflot and Marriott Inflight Services established was launched. Its name derives from a combination
into a platform for the large-scale Mercy Miles Aeromar, a company offering in-flight catering of the Russian words “Airline Reservation System”.
charity project. service pursuant to international standards.

1990s 1980s 1970s

2005 2014 2015 2021

Aeroflot signed the first contract The pioneering Pobeda low-cost carrier After Transaero Airlines had ceased Aeroflot was one of the founders
for the delivery of 30 SSJ100 regional in Russia, the most environmentally its operations on 26 October of the Eurasian SAF alliance.
jets. Aeroflot Group would subsequently friendly airline of Aeroflot Group, 2015, Aeroflot Group assumed
become the largest operator of Russian- was launched. Its high environmental and performed Transaero Airlines
built passenger aircraft. performance is achieved through obligations to carry approximately
the maximum seat capacity of aircraft 2 million passengers. More than 2022
and a high passenger load factor. 6 thousand former employees
Specific GHG emissions of Pobeda of Transaero Airlines were employed Aeroflot Group airlines migrated
2007 in 2022 were 59.7 g/RPK. at Aeroflot Group. to the Russian-developed Leonardo
ticket booking system.
Aeroflot introduced e-tickets for its

2000s 2010s 2020s

ESG Report 2022


counterparties signed
the Responsible Supply
Chain Statement

5.4 thousand
contracts signed with local
suppliers in 2022

39 Sustainability Priorities

42 Sustainability Management Structure and Approach

48 Sustainability Risks Management

52 Stakeholder Engagement

56 Building a Responsible Supply Chain Crimea, Russia

38 Sustainability Management ESG Report 39

" GRI 2-25, 3-3

Aeroflot Group encourages the achievement of sustainability targets and is governed by ESG priorities when setting its strategic
2022 Key Highlights goals. The Group’s core sustainability targets are to establish air connectivity across Russian cities and regions, enhance
population mobility and affordability of air travel while ensuring environmentally friendly operations.

local suppliers1
% 649
counterparties signed
In 2022, the key ESG priorities were covered by high-level targets of Aeroflot Group’s Development Strategy until 2030 (approved
by the Board of Directors of PJSC Aeroflot, Minutes No. 9 dated 28 December 2022).

the Responsible Supply

Chain Statement

Fostering transport accessibility of regions Assisting in the development of innovative aviation

customer queries
thousand 173
new intellectual property
and encouraging national economy development technologies

or requests addressed items registered 2030 STRATEGY TARGETS

Setting up a system of regional bases Commissioning additional

Russian-built aircraft

Material Topics Volga 339 210 MC

Region Krasnoyarsk 210 MC-21 new Russian-built
and Urals aircraft

Procurement practices 89 SSJ
89 SSJ NEW by 2030
40 Tu-
40 Tu-214
regional bases
2022 Major Developments
South Far East
• The Sustainable Development Policy was drawn up and approved for the first time. of Russia Creating a national centre of aircraft maintenance,
• The Climate
Three innovative development projects were launched. repair, and overhaul (MRO), competence based
• The updatedPolicy was drafted. on Aeroflot Technics:
• Aeroflot Group Development Strategy until 2030 was approved.
Full cycle of depot and line maintenance of all the Group’s
aircraft types

4.0 thousand Up to 10
UN Sustainable Development Goals Improving air mobility ≈65 million employees complexes
across the country passengers hosting up

to 27 aircraft
Enhancing partnerships as part of the new
product area based on e-commerce 100% of domestic software

Percentage of contracts entered into with local suppliers in 2022.
40 Sustainability Management ESG Report 41

Aeroflot Group’s roadmap to achieve sustainability targets

Aeroflot Group operates the Long-Term Development Programme (LDP) that
complements and expands the key strategic initiatives. The LDP contains a number
Material issues Steps taken
of sustainability initiatives and key performance indicators (KPIs).
• Reduction of GHG emissions
• Elaboration of a climate change adaptation plan
! Efficient fleet management

• Climate risk monitoring and reporting ! Improvement of air traffic and aircraft
operation management The Group’s Long-Term Development Programme The key LDP amendments are as follows:
• the
• Verification of pollution metrics was updated in 2023 (approved by PJSC Aeroflot’s core provisions of the updated Aeroflot Group Development
• Reduction
in pollutants, determination of the key
! Development and implementation of product
greening projects
Board of Directors, Minutes No. 10 dated 27 February
2023) pursuant to the updated Group Development
Strategy 2022 were included;
• the key performance indicators were updated;
• Waste reduction Strategy until 2030. • the Sustainable
the Development (ESG) section was added;
• Increased use of recyclables in operations • section on digital transformation of PJSC Aeroflot was added.

The key LDP objectives


Material issues Steps taken

• Creation of a safe and comfortable working environment

• Support for maternity and paternity
! Enhancement of volunteering

• Support for active tourism

• Employee training in fundamental ESG issues ! Sustainability training for employees
Ensure the Group’s Strengthen Create and develop Improve performance

• Corporate volunteering programme

• Incorporation of human rights principles
! ESG-linked publications in the My Aeroflot
online magazine for employees
and in the in-flight magazine for passengers
long-term sustainable
the competitive
a competitive edge and financial stability

in the Code of Corporate Ethics

! Better working conditions


Material issues Steps taken

• ofIntegration of a system to assess the key competencies

the Board of Directors
! The Board of Directors is constituted pursuant
to a balance of competencies

• Documenting climate risks ! Standardisation of data collection methods for CO2

• Incorporation of climate risks in the strategy emissions across all Aeroflot Group companies

• Involvement of suppliers in sustainability agenda

(Scope 1, 2, 3)
and their integration of ESG principles
! Implementation of the Aeroflot Group Innovative
Development Programme

! Drafting of measures to prevent damage

to health of employees on the provision
of services by contractors on Aeroflot’s
42 Sustainability Management ESG Report 43

" GRI 2-9, 2-12, 2-13

Aeroflot Group’s sustainable development activities Aeroflot Group’s key

are based on the social responsibility principles set out sustainability areas
in the ISO 26000 Guidance on Social Responsibility.
Compliance with the relevant principles is laid down
by the Group’s Sustainable Development Policy.

Aeroflot Group relies upon the following principles:

• accountability;
Reduction Safety
• transparency; of environmental and customer
• ethical behaviour; impact service
• respect for stakeholder interests;
• respect for the rule of law; and
• respect for human rights.

The preparation and adoption of Aeroflot Group’s

Sustainable Development Policy by the Board
of Directors were among major developments of 2022.
The Group’s Sustainable Development Policy targets PJSC Aeroflot’s Board of Directors (BoD) is responsible of aviation fuel, energy resources, production
are as follows: Respect Information for the overall management of the Group’s sustainability and consumption waste management for their
• identification of the core sustainability values,
principles, and approaches to Aeroflot Group
for human rights security efforts. Sustainability issues are examined in more
detail by BoD committees. The Audit Committee
achieving the respective targets – KPIs, such as Fuel
Efficiency, Energy Saving, Accident Rate of Facilities
management; and the Personnel and Remuneration Committee deal and Systems, Occupational Health and Environmental
• integration of sustainability aspects
into the management system;
with their reserved matters on the sustainability agenda. Protection Management System Performance,
Level of Environmental Friendliness of Production
• earning stakeholder trust for Aeroflot Group
as a transparent and socially responsible group
PJSC Aeroflot’s CEO and Management Board
are charged with integrating sustainability principles
and Operations.

of companies. into operations. Each of the Company’s business

units manages sustainable development issues within
Responsible HR Social
The Policy is aimed at building a sustainability management initiatives its authority. On top of that, the Company assigned
management system across the Group, increasing responsibility for administering certain sustainability
transparency via the introduction of reporting issues to specific business units. To coordinate their Key sustainability issues addressed by the Board
publication mechanisms, determining the role activities, the Sustainability Group was established of Directors of PJSC Aeroflot in 2022
and those in charge of sustainability management, in 2022 to monitor ESG requirements of various
and establishing interconnections between stakeholders to the Company, initiate and supervise
sustainability aspects and the Group’s business sustainability projects. The sustainability management
operations. system also affects entities controlled by PJSC Aeroflot. 11 Strategy
The organisational sustainability management structure 6 Documents
Sustainability issues are integrated across all of controlled entities is similar to that of the parent 6 HR
Aeroflot Group’s management tiers, and ESG aspects Responsible management of financial Company. 3 Service development
and business operations
are given consideration when taking the key decisions 3 Interaction with
with reference to alternatives available and potential The Company also offers financial and non-financial stakeholders
economic effects. incentives for its personnel. For example, financial 1 Risks
incentives are introduced for the personnel in charge
44 Sustainability Management ESG Report 45

Sustainability management structure at PJSC Aeroflot

of Directors

and Remuneration

Central Office
of the Board CEO
of Directors

Innovative Development
Management Board

Business units
At Aeroflot Group, the relevant ESG aspects are tackled by each business unit, while their updates are directly
integrated into processes of business units.

Corporate Finance Department

Task Force on Sustainability Practices
Integration HR Department
• Examining initiatives to improve sustainable Respect
Sustainability development practices for human rights
Sustainable Development Group
management • Monitoring the progress of sustainability
• Arranging the integration
of sustainability principles in Aeroflot practices integration
Group’s operations
Computational Infrastructure
Application Systems
IT Department and Telecommunications
Information Operation Department
Aircraft and Aviation Department
Occupational Health security
Equipment Spare Parts
Reduction and Environmental Protection
Quality Assurance
of environmental Division

Department for Aviation In-Flight Servicing

Responsible HR HR Department
Personnel Training Department
Aviation Security Flight Safety Quality management
Management Department Management Department Management Division

and customer
service Public Relations Aeroflot Bonus
Product In-Flight
Management Department Servicing Department Social Department Department
46 Sustainability Management ESG Report 47

CONTRIBUTION The implementation of Aeroflot Group’s sustainability projects is based both on

internal strategic benchmarks and on the best global practices. Aeroflot Group strives
to contribute to the attainment of all 17 UN strategic development goals (UN SDGs).

TO THE UN SDGs However, the Group identified top five UN SDGs.

" GRI 2-25

Goal 5 Goal 8 Goal 9 Goal 12 Goal 13

Achieve gender equality Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable Build resilient infrastructure, Ensure sustainable consumption Take urgent action to combat
economic growth, full and productive promote inclusive and sustainable and production patterns climate change and its impacts
employment and decent work for all industrialisation, and foster innovation

National projects
of Russia
Healthcare !
Labour productivity !
Digital economy
Tourism and hospitality industry ! Ecology
! Ecology

! Education
! Transport infractructure

National development
! Population health
and well-being ! Decent, effective work and successful
entrepreneurship ! Digital transformation
! Comfortable and safe environment
goals of the Russian
Federation ! Opportunities for self-realisation
and talent development

! Larger share
of citizens ! Ensure women’s full and effective
participation and equal ! Protection of labour rights and promotion of safe
and secure working environments for all workers ! Support to domestic technology
development, research, and innovation ! Reduction of waste generation through
prevention, reduction, recycling, and reuse ! Integration of climate change measures
into national policies, strategies and planning
working out
opportunities for leadership at all
levels of decision-making ! Maintenance of the rates of sustainable growth
! Achievement of digital maturity
! Creation of a sustainable waste management
! Improvement of education and awareness-

! of household income and pension provision system raising on climate change mitigation, adaptation,
Recognise and value unpaid care
and domestic work ! Development of small and medium-sized
enterprises (SMEs), increase in the number
of employees
! Reduction of emissions of pollutants that
negatively affect the environment and human
impact reduction, and early warning

! Formation of an effective system for identifying,

supporting and developing the development
of abilities and talents of children and youth

Aeroflot’s contribution ! Sponsorship

support for ! Create of equal working
conditions and opportunities ! Creation of jobs and ensuring decent
salaries ! Contribution to the Russian aircraft industry
as the largest SSJ100 operator ! Integration of resource-saving
technologies, waste monitoring, ! Audit and monitoring of fuel efficiency
initiatives and control over emissions
to achievement sport events and
to advance
! Career and professional growth
! Improved transport accessibility across regions,
treatment, reuse, and recycling
! Awareness-raising of employees regarding

! Corporate sport
Control over fair employment
and payment for employee
work, minimising the gender
pay gap
Development of cooperation with SMEs
providing socially important routes
Introduction of new routes and elaboration
of projects to enhance air transport accessibility
for the people
Improved environmental performance,
incorporation of environmental
initiatives locally
ways to combat climate change, compilation
of guidelines and quick reference guides
Section devoted to ESG initiatives
in the Aeroflot magazine

! Development and implementation of Russian

digital products ! ESG-based publications in the My Aeroflot
online magazine

Key figures
335.8 54.5% 32.3 thousand x2 57 regions and 70 Russian 19.3% waste transferred for recycling RUB 111.7 million
RUB million headcount cities and towns – geography Aeroflot Group’s environmental protection
share of women sum of contracts
in the Group’s companies signed with SMEs wastewater and pollutants discharge expenses
of Aeroflot Group’s flights
allocated for sport

15.1 million passengers

into water bodies
81.7% 25 −8.6%
649 counterparties
employees covered
ratio of women’s basic by collective bargaining applicants were enrolled carried under the flat fare programme1 reduction in CO2 emissions from
to Russian aviation
78 Russian-built aircraft
salary to men’s basic agreements signed the Responsible Supply Chain flights
cockpit crew salary universities within the

3.4 thousand
Aeroflot programme in Aeroflot Group’s fleet
corporate pension
recipients 98 32.5% 21 routes from
100% of flight
students had industrial share of costs hub in Krasnoyarsk
attendant uniforms
and pre-graduate directed for recycling
practice in the
spent on Russian
IT-systems and from Sochi
% reduction of emissions
Since the programme launch. from stationary sources
48 Sustainability Management ESG Report 49

SUSTAINABILITY Sustainable Development Risks and Mitigation Measures


Business risks
Risk impact on operations Response

" GRI 2-25, 3-3

Risk of epidemics,
man-made or natural
Risks of losses that have external
causes beyond the Company’s control:
• Flight
• Strengthening
changes to avoid hazardous regions
Aeroflot Group operates in a dynamically changing business The CRMS operations are governed by the Regulations
disasters epidemics, man-made or natural
disasters, emergencies
• controls of sanitary and epidemiological
environment and shall, therefore, manage the risks that occur on Aeroflot Group’s Risk Management approved
in a timely and efficient manner. A unified corporate risk by the Board of Directors. The said regulations set
management system (CRMS) adopted by the Company affects forth the fundamental risk management principles
all business processes. and approaches across the Group.
Likelihood of negative impacts driven
by changes in the environment
• Use of systems to calculate GHG emissions
into the atmosphere
or adverse implications of such changes • Waste management and sustainable reclamation
caused by human intervention • Instrumental control and fine-tuning of fuel systems,
estimation of efficiency of ventilation systems
and office premises
The key CRMS
Risk Management at Aeroflot Group
• Control over the use of water resources, water
protection activities

Operational risks

Focus on achieving Monitoring Risk identification Aviation

security risks
Financial and reputational risks
resulting from unlawful interference
• Safety monitoring and assessment in places
of operations and aircraft locations
strategic goals
Supervising Defining and describing
with the aviation sector • Monitoring and regular audits of safety systems
in base airports and destination airports
the identification,
of risk elements (risk
factors and implications)
• Verification of compliance with regulations
and follow-up of risks

Efficient use of resources

safety risks
Estimated damage caused
by the consequences of one or more
• Follow-up of aircraft condition and aircraft
to deliver the established targets factors related to aircraft operation
or servicing when carrying out activities
• Corporate healthcare unit’s processes of cockpit
crew medical examinations
The Internal Audit Department is charged • Monitoring of operations and operating processes
with exercising control over CRMS
performance. HR risks Risks caused by the personnel
or its absence, where the personnel
• Robust recruitment, training, and supervisions
of staff operations
CRMS reports are reviewed by the Audit
Committee of the Board of Directors
is the source or target of potentially
dangerous or risk-bearing actions
• Arrangement of professional development activities
Accuracy, completeness, on a quarterly basis.
and relevance of financial
and non-financial information
and information
Changes in the internal and external
environment that may lead
• Monitoring, effective and consistent identification,
containment, and prevention of threats
implementation, security risks to information security systems losing and vulnerabilities
and follow-up of risk
management activities
Risk assessment their economic value and safety • Risk management operations and control
over external economic factors, compilation of crisis
Analysing risk and its
plans, and budgeting for specific purposes
elements in terms
Developing, implementing,
of impact on the Group
and following up on risk
Compliance with laws
management activities Occupational
safety risks
Risks of incurring losses from factors
related to the Group’s financial
• Elaboration and incorporation of internal
occupational health and industrial safety
to achieve the Group’s goals
and regulations, discharge and business activities able to cause regulations, integration of policies, and control
of obligations assumed workplace injury or death of employees over their compliance
• Conformity with occupational health and safety laws
50 Sustainability Management ESG Report 51


" GRI 2-25, 3-3, 201-2

Aeroflot Group places a strong focus on risks related Fuel efficiency management The civil aviation industry is indicative of a high level of digital
to climate change. They include both risks of structure platforms deployment. To provide for uninterrupted operations
transformations caused by the transition to a low-carbon Managing fuel efficiency is one of Aeroflot Group’s and security of IT systems, Aeroflot Group airlines migrated
economy and physical risks directly related to climate top priorities. The Group strives to operate modern
to domestic automated systems in several key business
aircraft and available aviation technologies
change impacts. processes in 2022.
enabling it to release minimum GHG emissions
into the atmosphere. The work to increase aircraft
In managing climate risks, Aeroflot Group relies on both capacity and ensure the appropriate load factors
the goals of the Paris Agreement and the Russian for flights is also underway. These measures
legislation governing GHG emissions reduction. encourage a significant fuel efficiency improvement Leonardo booking
and environmental footprint reduction. In order system
The core priority here is about increasing fuel efficiency to increase fuel efficiency and reduce СО2 emissions,
of aircraft operation to mitigate the risks of overlimit Aeroflot Group annually develops a programme In 2022, all Aeroflot Group’s airlines migrated
environmental impacts and reduce the overall GHG to improve fuel efficiency and cut fuel and oil costs. to the Leonardo automated flight booking
emissions. In the context of risk management, Aeroflot For more details on fuel efficiency management, and passenger check-in information system.
Airlines singles out short-, mid-, and long-term see the Fuel Efficiency Increase and GHG Emissions The service enabled the protection of the company
periods of environmental and climate change impacts Reduction section. and passengers from potential incidents
and failures caused by disconnection of foreign
on financial and strategic planning.
booking systems.

The studies into the processing of flight documents

and setting up of a digital library of documents in a secure
Risk factors related Aeroflot Group recognises the importance of reducing its carbon storage facility are also among major innovative areas
to the transition to footprint and seeks to implement green transformations across all of interest to the Group. The Group set about implementing
a low-carbon economy business lines. The transition to a low-carbon economy necessitates a project to develop its own software, including a database,
the introduction of advanced technologies that help reduce CO2 mobile applications, and an administrative module.
emissions. In addition, changes within the Group are expected The availability of this product will enable the automation
due to the enhancement of the environmental legal framework of changes across the entire flight and technical
and standards. documentation catalogue. The project will run until 2024.

As part of digitalisation of operations based on cutting-edge

Russian-developed software, Aeroflot and Rostec State
Factors related Aeroflot Group is exposed to risks related to adverse weather Corporation signed a strategic partnership agreement that
to physical effects conditions, such as storms, extremely low or high temperatures, establishes the intentions of both companies to join their
of climate change increasing global temperatures, and rising global sea levels. In the long efforts and capabilities towards the development of modern
run, all these circumstances may affect the ability to make flights domestic digital services and products in a high-tech civil
to countries and regions with a deteriorating infrastructure, result aviation segment.
in longer flight delays and cancellations, changes to operational
aspects of flights, and in altering the demand structure for route For more details on managing IT system risks, see
network destinations, including a potential slumping and growing the Information Security section.
demand for various destinations.
52 Sustainability Management ESG Report 53

STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT The Group’s airlines maintain interfaces with customers

through a variety of channels. Aeroflot’s in-flight
Circulation of PJSC Aeroflot’s
corporate publications, thousand pieces

" GRI 2-29

publications are among the airline’s traditional
attributes that historically serve as entertainment
for passengers during the flight. The airline’s in-flight




magazines are distributed on board the aircraft, covering


Aeroflot Group maintains active engagement Materiality principle Clear identification of a range the latest news of travel, fashion and technology,
with its stakeholders and seeks to keep efficient of stakeholders and their material as well as interviews and news articles about the company.
communications with them on all aspects of its topics The airline issues several types of in-flight magazines ДАГЕСТАН ДУБАЙ ГУАНЧЖОУ
Ковры, кинжалы, халва Футуристические виды Шары на телебашне

operations. intended for different categories of passengers.

и абрикосовая каша наступившего будущего и суп из скорпиона

Completeness principle Examination of stakeholder

needs, expectation, and concerns, Aeroflot Aeroflot Aeroflot
and gaining an understanding of their in-flight Premium Style
Stakeholder relations across Aeroflot Group
opinions on significant issues magazine in-flight in-flight
are based on the principles of respect of interests, On top of that, Aeroflot’s webpages may be found
openness and transparency, regular interaction, Willingness to respond Response to stakeholder material in various social media and popular messengers. They magazine magazine
principle issues
and compliance with commitments. In its stakeholder
engagement, Aeroflot Group factors in the principles
reflect the latest updates, remarkable dates and events,
as well as announcements of special offers. 1,200 360 240
and recommendations of the AA1000 Stakeholder
Engagement Standard.
Aeroflot Airlines gives consideration
The Group regularly reviews the list of stakeholders to the development of information technologies
and makes changes thereto as and where and responds to requests and offers of cooperation Number of PJSC Aeroflot’s subscribers on social
necessary, identifying and assessing their interests originating from external stakeholders. Innovative media, 2022, thousand people
and expectations in relation to the Group. The Group proposals from SMEs have been handled since
makes use of a wide range of communications 2017 through the one-stop-shop system enabling
channels for continuous interaction with stakeholders, the acceptance of innovations-based proposals
and the choice of any given channels is determined within the scope of its activities for consideration.
by specifics of individual stakeholders In 2022, Aeroflot considered seven proposals from
and the Company’s objectives of engaging with them. innovators.
59.8 591.9 74.3 6.4 5.1 82.5 31.7 30.7

One-stop-shop system
The system is open for communications with SMEs
and other entities in the innovation ecosystem.
As part of the work, entities may propose
an innovative solution that relates to PJSC Aeroflot’s
operations and satisfies its needs. Proposals
are evaluated by the Innovation Development
Committee under the Management Board
of PJSC Aeroflot. Following the assessment,
the Committee decides on the proposal submitted
and issues recommendations on the feasibility of its
implementation by Aeroflot Group companies in their

123 proposals
were handled by the one-stop-shop system
at the year-end 2022, of which 23 were approved
for implementation
54 Sustainability Management ESG Report 55

Approach to Stakeholder Engagement

Customers Business partners Shareholders and investors Employees Public Government

and municipal authorities

• Safety • Cooperation to enhance flights • Long-term capitalisation growth • Comfortable working conditions • Social responsibility to the society • Compliance with laws and regulations
• Customer experience • Discharge of financial covenants • Financial transparency • Fair remuneration • Support for connectivity across Russian
• Personal data security • Growth and development opportunities regions
• Available tickets and affordable prices
• Extensive route network

• Newsletters • Newsletters • Newsletters • Newsletters • Individual and general meetings • Individual and general meetings
• Surveys • Individual and general meetings • Corporate reporting • Individual and general meetings • Surveys • Corporate reporting
• Website • Corporate reporting • Mass media • Surveys • Website
• Mass media • Website • Social media • Hotline • Mass media
• Social media • Mass media • Social media
• Hotline • Hotline

• Loyalty programmes • Digital supplier engagement platform • Meetings of shareholders • Intranet • Press releases • Working groups
• Expanded access of SMEs • IRSocial
website • Corporate media • Speeches at industry-specific events
to procurement • media for retail investors • Collective bargaining agreements and conferences
• Trade unions

Customer satisfaction (С-Sat) at

92% 5 In 2022, channels were launched

on retail investor media of the largest 64.2% In 2022, Aeroflot Group published its first
ESG report
In 2022, Aeroflot Group approved
the updated 2030 strategy. The key goals
regional training workshops brokers (Tinkoff and BCS). Number employees of Aeroflot Group covered of the updated strategy are:
for SMEs arranged of subscribers: by collective bargaining agreements • advancement of transport links;
Over 7.8 million • passenger traffic growth; and
calls handled by the call centre 5.4 thousand 6,430 people PJSC Aeroflot won Gold on Forbes ranking
of Russia’s best employers in 2022
• operation of Russian-built aircraft.

contracts concluded with in Pulse1

Over 430 thousand local suppliers
mails addressed on issues 170 people
of participating in the Aeroflot Bonus
3.4 thousand in Profit (beta version)2
contracts concluded with SMEs

Aeroflot was a top three

most punctual mainline
airline globally, according
to the On-Time Performance
Post-Flight Passenger Survey project
implemented using the NPS method
to receive passenger feedback online
and to expediently adjust the product

The Pulse channel was launched in July 2022, subscriber data are relevant at the year-end 2022.
The Profit network was launched for BCS clients as a beta version in September 2022.
56 Sustainability Management ESG Report 57

" GRI 2-6, 2-26, 204-1

Aeroflot Group places a strong focus on enhancing Principles of Aeroflot Group’s

responsible procurement practices. Aeroflot procurement system
Group’s procurement practices are guided by PJSC
Aeroflot’s Regulations on Procurement of Goods,
Works and Services and similar regulations of its
subsidiaries. The procurement policy is approved
Activities designed to increase a share of local sourcing
by PJSC Aeroflot’s Board of Directors. Procurement
is arranged in strict compliance with applicable
Migration to Russian- A share of expenses on Russian IT solutions rose from 3.7% to 32.6% over the year.
Russian laws and local regulations governing Transparency Targeted and cost-effective developed software
the organisation and performance of purchases. spending
Russian-built fleet In 2022, PJSC Aeroflot and PJSC United Aircraft Corporation signed an agreement of intent to purchase
339 Russian-built passenger airliners. The aircraft will be supplied with pre-installed Russian-
The top priorities of 2022 were to find alternative manufactured in-flight systems and units.
suppliers and to restore supply chains. Aeroflot
Airlines works with suppliers from 74 Russian Domestic products Aeromar makes use of foodstuff largely produced by domestic manufacturers for in-flight meals cooking.
for preparing in-flight meals
regions; over the year, more than one third In 2022, the following groups of goods were purchased entirely from domestic producers:
of regions increased their supply volumes by 30% poultry, meat and gastronomy, portioned snacks, eggs, dried fruit/nuts, cereals, bakery
to 100%. In 2022, Aeroflot Group companies products, oil and fat products, tea/coffee.
signed contracts totalling RUB 432.8 billion, In 2022, Aeromar continued its migration to purchasing products from local producers. Over the year, all
with a share of contracts concluded with local soft drinks were replaced with domestic brands, and a migration to domestic cheese was completed.
suppliers1 increasing by 37.2 p.p. and making up
No restrictions on Equality, fairness, and
access to procurement nondiscrimination
The Company expects to keep extensively Aeroflot aims to cooperate with partners running
In order to increase a share of purchases cooperating with SMEs by adapting to the current transparent businesses, adhering to fair operating
from SMEs in the total annual procurement market conditions and procurement laws procedures, complying with laws and generally accepted
amount, PJSC Aeroflot developed and approved and by building its procurement capacity standards of corporate and business ethics. Aeroflot
its SME Partnership Programme. As part in innovations and import substitution. approved the Responsible Supply Chain Statement
of the programme, suppliers are provided that sets forth expectations and recommendations
with information and organisational support. Value of contracts concluded by Aeroflot For more details on procurement regulations, see for suppliers to ensure socially responsible and ethical
Group companies in 2022, % the Sales and Procurement section on the corporate business practices. In 2022, the Responsible Supply Chain
In 2022, Aeroflot jointly with SC SME Corporation website. Statement was executed by 649 counterparties.
held five regional training workshops for SMEs
dedicated to purchases from major customers
applying Federal Law No. 223. Following 80.6 Local suppliers
the training, over 750 SME participants received Sustainability business practices found in the Responsible Supply Chain Statement
practical advice on how to improve their expertise RUB 19.4 Importers
of participating in procurement procedures. 432.8 Transparency
Fair operating
impacts reduction

! Zero tolerance to corrupt practices

! Compliance with labour laws
! GHG and pollutants reduction

! Compliance with anti-monopoly

! Ensuring safe working conditions
! Reduction in waste generation

! !

! No forced labour Decline in energy and water

Adherence to principles of fair consumption
competition Timely wage and salary

! payments, etc.
Respect and protection
of confidential information

Suppliers registered within the territory of the Russian Federation.
58 Sustainability Management ESG Report 59

Aeroflot Group’s supply chain

" GRI 2-6



Aircraft lease
Goods for sale
on board the aircraft Cargo

Sales of goods
Products for preparing on board OF SUPPLIERS
in-flight meals

Aeroflot Group suppliers produce a significant

impact on the environment through production
and consumption waste generation, emissions
of hazardous pollutants, and a significant consumption
of energy resources. Aeroflot Group recognises its

responsibility for outer effects caused by its suppliers.

WORKS AND SERVICES AEROFLOT GROUP CONSUMERS Regular notification of suppliers is intended to enhance

Passenger servicing SERVICES a culture of responsible consumption and improve

the environmental friendliness of operations.

PJSC Aeroflot operates the Third-Party Staff Induction

Aircraft servicing Programme. The document was drawn up in accordance
with ISO 14001:2015 and sets out the principal
environmental protection requirements that employees
of ground handling and maintenance of aircraft, special
Aircraft maintenance In-flight meals equipment, and vehicles, of repair and construction,
catering, cleaning, integrated maintenance of buildings
Ground handling and facilities and other services need to be aware of.
Insurance and maintenance

Hotel services
and booking services


ESG Report 2022


the wings
Business Process
Maturity Index

National Corporate
Governance Rating

63 Corporate Governance System

66 Ethical Business Practices, Preventing Corruption and Conflicts of Interest

70 Information Security

76 Quality Management System Lake Baikal, Russia

62 Corporate Governance System ESG Report 63

2022 Key Highlights " GRI 2-9, 2-10, 2-11, 2-17, 2-18, 405-1

3 279
The corporate governance system in effect at PJSC Aeroflot PJSC Aeroflot’s corporate governance system is compliant
enables a robust delivery of long-term strategic plans of the Group with the best Russian practices, including those related
and accountability to shareholders and other stakeholders. to sustainability management. Corporate governance
independent employees completed at PJSC Aeroflot is maintained by the General Meeting
directors on the Board training on anti-corruption The corporate governance system is built with reference of Shareholders, Board of Directors, Management Board, and CEO.
of Directors practices
to recommendations appearing in the Corporate Governance Code The functions of corporate secretary at PJSC Aeroflot are carried
of the Bank of Russia and listing rules of the Moscow Exchange. out by the executive secretary to the Board of Directors.
Material Topics
Transparent corporate governance system

Anti-corruption practices PJSC Aeroflot’s corporate governance structure

Competitive behaviour
General Meeting
Personal data protection
of Shareholders

2022 Major Developments

• Competency Matrix was approved for BoD Members. Revision Committee Board of Directors External Auditor

• Business Process Maturity Index increased.

• The plan for migrating Aeroflot Group to Russian-developed software
was developed. Audit Committee

UN Sustainable Development Goals and Remuneration

Strategy Committee

Internal Audit
CEO Management Board

The supreme governing body is the General Meeting PJSC Aeroflot’s Board of Directors is responsible for the overall
of Shareholders whose proceedings are governed management of the Group’s operations. The Board of Directors
by the Articles of Association and Regulations is in charge of determining strategic areas of the Group’s growth,
on the General Meeting of Shareholders. The rights including in the sphere of sustainable development, of monitoring
of minority shareholders to contribute to the Company’s the proceedings of executive bodies, drafting the dividend policy,
activities are guaranteed by their ability to address and maintaining efficient risk management and internal audit systems.
questions to members of the governing bodies pursuant During the reporting period, the new composition of PJSC Aeroflot’s
to the regulations in effect. On top of that, minority Board of Directors was elected, to comprise 11 members, of which
shareholders may take part in any meeting by completing three are independent directors, and seven are non-executive directors.
an e-ballot found on the corporate website. The average age of members of the Board of Directors is 52 years.
64 Corporate Governance System ESG Report 65

Board of Directors, members Committees of the Board of Directors are responsible When constituting the Board of Directors, the Company
for preliminary discussion of issues of the utmost significance takes account of proportionality of its composition
Composition Term of office Members age and for drafting recommendations for the Board of Directors, by criteria of expertise, experience, skills, and ability to take
which provides for a more robust decision-taking. independent decisions. In 2022, the Company approved
Three committees operate under the Board of Directors the Competency Matrix for BoD Members, thus ensuring
of PJSC Aeroflot: its rotation, maintaining efficient proceedings over the long
• Audit Committee term, and the resulting sustainable development
• Personnel and Remuneration Committee of the Group as a whole.
• Strategy Committee
The Chairman of the Board of Directors causes robust
The Audit Committee and the Personnel and Remuneration operations of the Board, comprehensive consideration
Committee are completely composed of independent directors, of issues on the agenda, and control over execution
which ensures their impartiality when exploring their of resolutions passed by the Company’s executive bodies.
reserved matters and is in line with the best global practices The Company considers it necessary to note that the job
7 Non-executive 2 Less than a year 6 Over 50 years and listing rules of the Moscow Exchange and of the Corporate positions of the Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO
3 1–3 years 5 30–50 years
Governance Code of the Bank of Russia. are separated and independent of each other.
3 Independent

1 Executive 2 3–7 years

4 Over 7 years

Expertise of the Board of Directors, members
Aviation and transport 7
" GRI 2-19, 2-20

The Company’s approach to remuneration

of BoD members is laid down by the Regulations
Economics, finance, audit 8 on Remunerations and Compensations
due and payable to members of the Board
of Directors drawn up pursuant to Russian laws.
Aircraft industry 5
The amount of remuneration for members
of the Board of Directors is conditioned upon
Strategic management 11 their contribution to proceedings of the Board
of Directors and bonuses for extra functions
(membership in committees, or chairmanship
in the Board of Directors or committees).
Civil service 9
No long-term incentive programme for members
of the Board of Directors of PJSC Aeroflot
Risk management 5 for 2022 was drafted or approved.

HR management 8

For more details on the corporate

Sustainable development, governance system, see the Annual
corporate governance, law 10
Report 2022.

IT and digitalisation
66 Corporate Governance System ESG Report 67


PREVENTING CORRUPTION • Identifies the key strategic

areas of the corporate anti-
• Coordinates anti-corruption efforts
of business units
corruption policy
• Approves a programme of anti-
AND CONFLICTS OF INTEREST • Monitors the policy
corruption activities
• Exercises control over incorporation
" GRI 2-15, 2-16, 2-23, 2-24, 2-26, 205-1, 205-2, 205-3, 206-1 of anti-corruption procedures

Aeroflot Group seeks to meet the highest international The Company’s core values are laid down by the Code
ethical standards of business conduct and applicable of Corporate Ethics to be abided by all employees
Russian laws. Aeroflot aims to do business with partners and members of the Board of Directors. Compliance
who have an impeccable reputation, comply with laws, with the Code is among the criteria for regular
and adhere to generally accepted corporate and business employee performance reviews.
ethics rules. Aeroflot uses its best endeavours to avoid
establishing or maintaining business relations The Code guarantees that the views of all employees
with individuals and companies that might or and may are aligned with the Company’s targets and decision-
be involved in corrupt activities. Aeroflot is concentrated making based on high ethical standards.
on causing compliance by its suppliers with the principles
of fair competition and antitrust laws, countering bribery,
corruption, and extortion.

Aeroflot Group demonstrates zero tolerance all counterparties shall be subject to due diligence,
for any corrupt practices in any form whatsoever and all contracts shall be supplemented with an anti-
and causes the same on the part of all business corruption clause.
partners. The Company aims to establish business
relations with counterparties running their The anti-corruption policy is a fundamental document
businesses under honesty, integrity, and responsibility in this area, which applies to all Group companies. Anti-
principles. In the event of detecting any breaches corruption practices covered by the policy are aligned
of laws or corporate practices, the Company will with Russian laws and advanced global standards
take the required measures to avoid such instances and are regularly updated to keep them up to date.
in the future, up to termination of business relations
with wrongdoers. Aeroflot Group’s anti-corruption Anti-corruption is implemented at all tiers of Company
standards shall be brought to the attention of all management and is distributed between its individual
potential business partners. Prior to contracting, bodies. Anti-Corruption and Conflict of Business units
Interests Settlement Commission
• Perform anti-corruption
• Reviews the programme of
anti-corruption activities and
procedures within their authority

pre-examines reports on its • Cause employee awareness

and training in corporate anti-
implementation corruption procedures
• Considers the outcomes of
internal investigations into
• Identify and assess corruption
Participating companies commit themselves to combat corruption, including through robust financial controls, risks and elaborate mitigation
timely and adequate training of employees, and transparency enforcement. corruption-related offences measures

Anti-Corruption Charter of the Russian Business.
68 Corporate Governance System ESG Report 69

The Company conducts regular corruption risk assessments is integrated into the corporate risk management Number of employees notified of anti-corruption Number of employees who completed
across all business units. The responsible business unit sets system. On top of that, the responsible business unit approaches over the reporting year1, thousand people anti-corruption training, people
up and maintains consolidated registers of Aeroflot Group’s draws up regular reports on risks that occurred, which
corruption risks. The Company identifies corruption risks
as the core risks of its operations, and their management
are recurrently reviewed by the Audit Committee
of the Board of Directors.
" GRI 205-2
" GRI 205-2

2022 28.4 2022 279

Corruption Risks Assessment 2021 31.1 2021 204

2020 31.0 2020 159

2019 33.1 2019 157

Identification Mapping Elaboration

of business processes of corruption risks of measures
and job positions to mitigate HOTLINE
exposed to corruption corruption risks
risks Aeroflot operates a confidential reporting hotline The Company provides the opportunity to raise
for the Board of Directors designed to foster a culture concerns anonymously and guarantees
of openness and transparency, detect unethical confidentiality of the applicant. In addition,
behaviours, and ensure anti-fraud/anti-corruption employees who report known corrupt practices
The occurrence of a conflict of interest poses a significant The Company established the Anti-Corruption and prevention of wrongful acts. in good faith are guaranteed non-retaliation for such
threat for achievement of the Company’s targets. Conflicts and Conflict of Interests Settlement Commission charged reporting, even if corrupt practices are not verified
of interest are administered pursuant to the Regulations with preliminary discussion of corruption and conflict All stakeholders may report any corrupt practices, by an internal investigation.
on the Settlement of Conflicts of Interest setting out the general of interest matters before they are elevated to CEO conflicts of interest, and breaches of laws and the Code
approaches and procedure to be performed if a conflict for approval. In addition, the commission considers of Corporate Ethics to the Company. All submissions
of interest occurs. Certain groups of employees shall submit the findings of internal corruption-related investigations are handled by the Internal Audit Department, which
For more details on anti-corruption practices
annual declarations of conflict of interest and, where a conflict and decides on measures to bring the guilty persons is separate from business units and may interact directly and conflicts of interest management, visit the
of interest arises, notify the Company thereof in due course. to liability. with the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors. corporate website.

Aeroflot Group establishes relationships with its
The Group has a system of regular notification Number of members of the governing bodies who business partners based on fair competition
and training for employees in anti-corruption completed anti-corruption training, people and compliance with statutory requirements.
practices in place. The induction training for new hires The Company constantly monitors the current
covers an information course in corruption, which
is mandatory for all. Extra information is also provided " GRI 205-2 legislation to mitigate the risks of non-competitive
through newsletters that include, among others,
information on special aspects of anti-corruption laws 2022 13 The Company’s fare policy is reliant upon
in effect in the countries where the Company operates. market factors and approved by the Federal
Specialised training is held separately for business 2021 11 Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation.
units exposed to corruption risks. Employees may It aims to ensure both the financial performance
obtain additional information regarding the Company’s of its route network and maximum ticket
2020 12
approach to anti-corruption on the Group’s intranet affordability for passengers.
resources and by contacting the responsible business
unit for advice. 2019 37
Data presented for PJSC Aeroflot, JSC Rossiya Airlines, LLC Pobeda Airlines, JSC Sherotel, LLC Aeroflot Technics, JSC Aeromar, and Aeroflot Aviation School.
70 Corporate Governance System ESG Report 71

" GRI 418-1

Aeroflot Group takes a responsible approach to information PJSC Aeroflot makes use of the Information Aeroflot Group gives great care to the protection of customer Privacy Policy. The personal data processing system
security (IS) management by constantly improving, testing, Security Management System (ISMS), which and employee personal data (PD), internal confidential is based on the European Union General Data Protection
and applying advanced and best technologies to mitigate implements a set of organisational and technical information, and trade secrets. The Group adopts Regulation and adheres to international standards
the risk of leaks. Aeroflot Group management recognises measures to protect information and information a comprehensive approach to data protection and applies and requirements of the SkyTeam alliance. In 2022, Aeroflot
the importance and promotes IS support to abide by laws, systems. ISMS operations are targeted at meeting regulatory, technical, and organisational tools for this Group recorded four instances of personal data leaks.
ensure business continuity, competitiveness, profitability, statutory requirements on information protection, purpose. All measures are implemented in accordance Following the investigation, the causes for such incidents
discharge of contractual and other obligations, and generation countering the current threats of IS violations, with regulations of the Russian Federation and the internal were discovered and eliminated.
of a positive reputation and image of the Company. ongoing improvement, and performance
Aeroflot Group’s goals of ensuring information security
are to eliminate or mitigate IS risks, maintain uninterrupted
functioning of business processes, and satisfy statutory, Measures to protect confidential data
partner and customer requirements to information

Tracking threats and responding to attempted information

Preventive control
security breaches

Consistency Integrity
Controlling users gaining access to information
Access protection systems
Legitimacy Strict
of authority
Monitoring compliance with information security
measures and confidentiality preservation when using
preservation information and personal data

Security Continuity
system and ongoing Adhering to Russian laws on personal data protection, following
flexibility optimisation Compliance up compliance with personal data processing and protection
with laws requirements by the internal commission, conducting checks
Core principles
of information security

Updating Elaborating and updating information regarding personal data

Mandatory Personal
responsibility regulations protection and monitoring changes in law

Engagement Competency
and cooperation and expertise
Data privacy breaches are prevented by exercising control over carries out regular activities to identify potential threats and
access to information systems for customers and employees develops systems to respond to, and investigate, security
and assessing the risks of leaks. In addition, the Company incidents.
Scientific validation
and feasibility
72 Corporate Governance System ESG Report 73

Approach to information security enforcement

Organisational measures Technical measures TO DOMESTIC SOFTWARE
Elaboration and updating of manuals to comply with Supervision of access channels provided (recording Aeroflot Group operates the 2024 Digital Transformation Strategy approved by PJSC Aeroflot’s Board of Directors in late 2021.
IS requirements and registration of access sessions, rights of The strategy defines digitalisation areas of interest to Aeroflot Group.
use management, cryptographic protection, and
comprehensive integrity control)
Control over granting access to information
resources for operating personnel
Digital Transformation Strategy
Antivirus protection
Digitalisation targets:
Integration of security systems in line with IS
requirements Post-incident analysis and elimination of weaknesses
• enforcing consumer satisfaction with digital services;
Identification and classification of potential security • providing for technology independence of critical information infrastructure;
Secure interworking
• ensuring independence of IT systems and services from imports;
• reducing dependence from foreign radio electronic products, software, and hardware;
Protection of sites hosting information systems • supporting company’s performance; and
Detection and investigation of intrusions, attacks, etc. • enhancing digital personnel, expertise, and culture.
Regular evaluation of data protection efficiency Key IT partners
Granting access to users via personal accounts
The Groups aims for a long-standing collaboration with solution providers. To do so, Group
companies enter into strategic agreements for developing and integrating domestic digital products
and services with the key partners.

The enforcement of personal data confidentiality and security Company’s general information security strategy. Counterparties LLC AFLT-Systems
at PJSC Aeroflot is governed by internal documents and perform personal data processing strictly pursuant to their
regulations. Personal data protection is carried out as part of the contracts and in the context of information security systems.
The IT subsidiary’s core areas of business are:

• designing and implementing the core IT-related initiatives and projects of Aeroflot Group;
• office, expert review);
administering the implementation of Aeroflot Group’s digital transformation strategy (project

Documents regulating personal • optimising the value of owning IT services; and

data protection at PJSC Aeroflot

• centralising and procuring Aeroflot Group’s support and maintenance IT functions.

! Privacy Policy of PJSC Aeroflot

! Instruction for users working on a personal
computer within and beyond the corporate network

! Guidelines on Protecting Personal Data During Their of PJSC Aeroflot

Rostec State Corporation

Processing at PJSC Aeroflot
General Personal Data Protection Policy for

! Company’s Standard on Information Security and

Ensuring the Security of Information Systems
Strategic partnership agreement to jointly develop and integrate domestic digital products
and services for the Russian air travel sector

! Regulations on Providing User Access to Information

PJSC Sberbank

Strategic partnership agreement primarily designed to achieve import substitution targets

The existing personal data confidentiality and security regulations cover all to enforce technology independence of the Company’s business
controlled entities of PJSC Aeroflot.
74 Corporate Governance System ESG Report 75

In 2022, as part of the strategy, the Group accelerated of domestic software, focusing on import substitution In 2022, the Group migrated to a number of domestic the Aerolocation.Pro flight planning system, the Cargoline
the delivery of the plan to migrate PJSC Aeroflot and its of critical IT infrastructure facilities to migrate to Russian- IT systems, such as the Leonardo online booking automated air cargo booking system, etc. A timely migration
subsidiaries to Russian-developed software for 2022–2024. made solutions during the integration period, in the first and check-in system, the OpenSky Sched automated made it possible to ensure uninterrupted operations
In addition, the Group expects to increase a share place. planning and schedule management system, and improve personal data safety.

Share of Aeroflot Group’s expenses on domestic IT systems, %

Migration to Russian-developed booking system Leonardo

32.6 Domestic IT systems 100 Domestic IT systems

2022 2030 In 2022, Aeroflot Group’s airlines migrated
67.4 Foreign IT systems (Strategy) 0 Foreign IT systems to Leonardo, a domestic automated air traffic
information system developed by Sirena Travel
in partnership with the Rostec State Corporation.

Leonardo offers sufficient functional features The system covers a set of solutions based
and is suitable for different types of airlines – on IATA standards and enables automation
international, regional, charter, and low-cost carriers. of most processes.

Core IT systems of PJSC Aeroflot

Timetable of migrating to Leonardo
Website, including the online check-in system Corporate loyalty programme

Mobile app Loyalty programmes for agents

1 January 2022 1 June 2022 1 November 2022 31 December 2022
Customer loyalty management system Electronic customs declaration of aircraft

E-commerce platform Tax monitoring

Pobeda Airlines Rossiya Airlines
Single payment solution Cargo agent’s personal account
Aeroflot Airlines
In-flight internet and entertainment systems Website for shareholders and investors

MRO management system

Flight attendant tablet

Voice platform for the call centre


Revenue accounting system

Electronic document flow and electronic digital signature system

Executive dashboard

Electronic Flight Bag (EFB)

Airport resource management system at Sheremetyevo airport

76 Corporate Governance System ESG Report 77

QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Aeroflot Group’s compliance and management systems contour

PJSC Aeroflot has an integrated management system Aeroflot Group’s management system is based Aeroflot Group’s efforts
in place that provides for robust operational activities on the Russian and international standards, including to enhance the QMS are aligned
and exceptional customer experience. Process-based the following ones in 2022: with the development
management is at the heart of increased performance
and improved operations. To impact the risks arising out
• International Standard for Quality Management
Systems (ISO 9001);
of a performance evaluation
framework based on KPIs

of the implementation of internal procedures, business
processes are updated, key risks and measurable
performance metrics are documented, personnel training

IATA Operational Safety Audit (IOSA);
International Standard for Environmental
Management Systems (ISO 14001);
! ISO 9001, IOSA, ISO 14001,
IATA pools, Federal Law No. 7
! ISO 9001, IOSA, EU ETS,
CORSIA, Federal Law No. 7
and verification of compliance
with internal and external
management system standards.
and a number of other activities are held. Conformance
of the management system to high standards is regularly
• International Standard for GHG Emissions
Inventories and Verification (ISO 14064);
In 2022, the Company carried out
the following activities:
validated by third-party external auditors. • International Standard for Food Management Safety
Systems (ISO 22000);
• advice and expertise in having
airlines ready for certification
PJSC Aeroflot possesses international certificates • EU СО2 Emissions Trading System (EU ETS); audits for conformance to ISO
confirming compliance of its integrated management • Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme and IOSA standards;
system, including the quality management system for International Aviation (ICAO) (CORSIA); • ongoing verification of compliance
(QMS) and environmental management system (EMS),
with ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 standards. In order
• Internationally recognised tool for continuous
supervision and assessment of quality level
with Aeroflot Group’s standards
by subsidiary airlines; and
to support an adequate level of flight safety and mitigate
the risk of non-compliance with operational standards
and operational safety of outsourced ground
operations providers (IATA pools). It includes
• coordination and control
over satisfying international
and practices, Aeroflot abstained from suspending its
activities to maintain compliance with IOSA requirements
and fully meets all the requirements of the IOSA standard
the following audit programmes:
– ISAGO – IATA Safety Audit for Ground Operations;
– IFQP – IATA Fuel Quality Pool;
Federal Law No. 7 ! Federal Law No. 7 requirements and standards
of the national GHG emissions
accounting system.
and audit programme manual as scheduled. Preservation – DAQCP – De-icing/Anti-icing Quality Control Pool;
of IOSA compliance in Aeroflot’s operational activities and The Company conducts annual
increases the confidence of partners and affects the issue
of approvals for overseas flights by foreign aviation
• Federal Law No. 7-FZ dated 10 January 2002
on Environmental Protection.
internal maturity assessments
of management systems across Group
authorities. companies. A rise in PJSC Aeroflot’s
Business Process Maturity Index
year-on-year attests to a steady
improvement of its management
system and reflects a high level
of manageability, certainty,

! ISO 9001
! ISO 9001, ISO 14001,
Federal Law No. 7, ISO 22000
controllability, and efficiency of its

Business Process Maturity Index1

2022 3.26

2021 3.17

Domestic IT systems

Foreign IT systems

! ISO 22000, Federal Law No. 7

! Federal Law No. 7

Assessment of the quality of an organisation’s business processes against a standard set of best practices.
ESG Report 2022


for Customers

our wing
animals carried

reduction of clients
waiting time on the contact
centre line

81 Customer Engagement

87 Special Offers and Services for Passengers

89 Support in Emergencies Kyzyl-Chin Tract, Altai, Russia

80 Care for Customers ESG Report 81

GRI 3-3

Aeroflot Group operates in key market segments, from premium Aeroflot Airlines historically adheres to the highest standards
2022 Key Highlights to low-cost, providing passengers with a vast range of flight of passenger service. The Company regularly analyses market trends,
options. Pobeda low-cost carrier offers direct flights at affordable customer feedback, and continuously enhances its product. In 2022,
prices, Rossiya Airlines renders services in the medium price Aeroflot implemented measures to improve its service.

7.8 million
calls processed
112.2 thousand
customer queries or requests
segment, while Aeroflot provides high-level and premium service.
Aeroflot Group’s extensive route network and flight geography
make travel fast and affordable, thus enabling passengers
to be mobile, see more often their family and friends, travel
by Aeroflot Airlines’ handled
for work, and discover the world.
call centre

The 2022 service improvement programme:

11.2 million people

Aeroflot Bonus loyalty
on-board service quality
Updating the website
and online services
Special offers under the Aeroflot
Bonus loyalty programme
programme members

Material Topics ON-BOARD SERVICE

Customer centricity
In 2022, Aeroflot Airlines enforced the operability of supplies from abroad. The Company upgraded
Transport accessibility of its wireless on-board entertainment system. On Airbus its range of alcoholic beverages, and all soft drinks
A320/321 aircraft, the Company introduced the new Russian- were replaced with domestic brands.
developed software, updated entertainment media content,
and enlarged the list of destinations with tablet offerings Aeroflot Airlines is enthusiastically enhancing
2022 Major Developments in business class. Aeroflot substituted many imported food cooperation with Russian producers in various
products with Russian ones due to restrictions or cessation regions to continue maintaining high quality service
• Implementation of measures to improve PJSC Aeroflot’s services. on board.
• software and foodRussian
Migration to the information security system, import substitution of on-board

UN Sustainable Development Goals

82 Care for Customers ESG Report 83

UPDATING THE WEBSITE AND ONLINE SERVICES Aeroflot Bonus loyalty programme activities

The Company successfully migrated to a new Russian In 2023, Aeroflot will also work on improving its ticket
Earning double Double miles for early booking Double miles for travelling with pets
information security platform to make sure the website booking system.
miles Double miles were earned on the condition Double miles were earned for travelling with pets
and mobile app are operable. Aeroflot continues optimising
of booking a ticket during the period from during the period from 1 July to 31 August 2022.
the adaptive website version in order to retain users 1 August to 15 October 2022 at least 30 days
of the iOS operating system. prior to the flight.

Options added to the website 33.8 132.5 17.9 9.3

TICKETS sold MILES earned TICKETS sold MILES earned
Changes Transforming Discounted
to the content orders and support PCR testing
of fare for charter flights for COVID-19
groups Campaigns Light Award Smart Award
In June 2022, the Light Award campaign was held, In 2022, the Smart Award programme
Displaying Launch of a new VIP servicing Comfort class whose members were able to book an award ticket was extended to cover the entire route network.
discounts line of health and business class for SSJ100 at Rossiya for a lower number of miles to 70 destinations It became possible to issue an award ticket
on the website coverages: Optimal, lounges in airports Airlines flights at very favourable conditions. for a lower number of miles on any Aeroflot flight,
Basic, Sports globally as well as on comfort or business fares.

4.9 76.5 Writing-off miles

Elite level Special conditions of attaining elite levels in 2022 Extra privileges for members of elite levels
Aeroflot Airlines enhances its Aeroflot Bonus Number of Aeroflot Bonus programme
In 2022, special conditions of attaining elite levels For members who attained or verified the elite
programme to incentivise frequent flyers and boost flight partners as at the year-end 2022
continued to be in effect: members would need 20% level in 2021, 50% of qualifying miles obtained
activity. The Company launched a number of special fewer qualifying miles and flight segments. in 2021 were qualified for 2022. Therefore,
campaigns and offers setting forth preferential flight Hotels, travel agents Beneficial conditions for holders of joint banking cards it became easier for members to verify their
conditions. On top of that, the beneficial conditions will now be permanently effective: for qualification existing level or attain a new one in 2022.
Sports, home 20
of attaining elite levels under partner programmes reasons, miles are earned both for flights The Gold level gift card is also available
and discounted qualifications for elite levels
Fashion, gastronomy 18 and for purchases using cards issued to members of the Platinum level.
of the programme itself were extended for 2022. Restaurants 14 by partner banks.
Airlines 14
Driven by changes in the external landscape in 2022, Beauty and health 12
cooperation with a number of foreign partners Tourism and travel 10
to the Aeroflot Bonus programme came to an end. Technology and
electronics 10 9.7 THOUSAND MEMBERS The effective 115.6 THOUSAND MEMBERS
The number of partnering companies totalled 154, attained the elite level term of elite earned
Finance, real estate 8
of which 22 are new partners. Car rental and on special conditions, and levels 50% of qualifying miles
833 – was extended for attained in 2021
Banks 8
on beneficial conditions 216
Aeroflot Bonus members by level, 2022, % Number of Aeroflot Bonus members, million people MEMBERS

Special offers Award tickets without fuel surcharge Miles to inactive members
2022 11.2 A special offer on economy class award tickets Aeroflot conducted a special campaign of accruing
on Moscow – St. Petersburg / Nizhny Novgorod miles to inactive Aeroflot Bonus members who
97.0 Basic level
routes without collecting the fuel surcharge failed to indicate their membership number
3.0 Elite levels 2021 10.0 was valid from 7 June to 31 August 2022. while booking a ticket and making a flight during
the period from 1 January 2021 to 30 September
2022. The campaign is targeted at increasing
2020 8.8 customer involvement.

2019 9.8 14.1 201.6 24 38.1

TICKETS sold written off MEMBERS earned
84 Care for Customers ESG Report 85


Aeroflot Airlines continues providing round-the-clock load caused by migration to a new booking system, measures Addressing customer queries or requests is distributed among In 2023, Aeroflot will continue improving the Siebel
support to its passengers on a wide range of issues. In 2022, implemented by the airline to maintain the customer experience business units by topics. The Product Management Department CRM system. Since cooperation with foreign contractors
the Company recorded a 21% year-on-year increase enabled a fast restoration of passenger service standards. consolidates information on customer complaints arriving was brought to an end, previously available automated services
in the number of calls. At the same time, against the backdrop via official feedback mechanisms. Official communication of processing queries and requests on board the aircraft
of an increased number of queries and requests, and an extra Aeroflot rendered maximum support to its customers channels include: and of notifying customers will be restored in 2023 based
by providing information about flight cancellations caused • feedback form on the website; on Russian-developed software.
by the current geopolitical environment on foreign destinations
and restrictions in force due to airport closures in the south
• passenger submissions in contact points (offices,
representative offices);
of Russia via the communication channels indicated in bookings • paper correspondence sent by regular mail;
Number of customer complaints received
and via the voice menu of the call centre. It enabled passengers • feedback book on board of aircraft;
and addressed, Aeroflot Group1, thousand complaints
to factor in all aspects when planning their travel. • contacting the concierge service (for loyalty programme
members of the Platinum level). 2022 123.4 91.0%
In February–March 2023, a hotline was set up to arrange
the repatriation of passengers to Russia from abroad, including A significant number of submissions were related to restricted 2021 90.5 89.3%
round-the-clock support to work individually with each passenger air traffic in 2022, in particular, ticket refunds for cancelled
2020 121.2 86.3%
to organise transportation, issue, reissue, and refund of their flights and organisation of special flights to repatriate
tickets. passengers from abroad. Despite a high intensity of customer 2019 182.0 67.2%
queries or requests after migrating to domestic information
Aeroflot demonstrates its responsibility and care for passengers systems, all queries or requests were handled in a timely Total complaints received via official submission
by maintaining an exceptional customer experience manner, and their causes were analysed for further channels
in a constantly changing external landscape, thus preserving adjustments, identification of areas for improvement, Settled over the reporting period
customer loyalty and confidence, being among the key success and adaptation of engineering capabilities of systems. To lower
factors for the aviation industry. an increased burden on service business units, every effort
was taken to bring the situation back to normal and restore
the targeted customer experience.

Call centre statistics for 2022

7.8 1,000 70% 20% CALLS

MILLION CALLS OPERATORS for a general advice
waiting time
+21% year-on-year on avarage work
reduction on flight-related issues
on clients queries

430 92% 24/7 13% REQUESTS

THOUSAND customer satisfaction SUPPORT
FOR PASSENGERS to introduce changes
mails regarding participation index (С-Sat)
due to forced cancellations to previously scheduled flights
in the Aeroflot Bonus
Standard: ≥ 85% of international flights (1 million calls)
programme processed

+16% year-on-year

Data presented for PJSC Aeroflot, JSC Rossiya Airlines, LLC Pobeda Airlines, JSC Sherotel, and JSC Aeromar.
86 Care for Customers ESG Report 87

Procedure for addressing customer complaints

1 2 3 4 5
A complaint is received by the Product Management Department
Aeroflot Group evolves a system of special offers and services in several
categories to make sure the best conditions are created for all passengers.
1 2 3 A complaint
4 is registered
5 in the Siebel CRM system automatically
or manually
Special services are available for passengers with visual request. The in-flight entertainment system offers a selection
1 2 3 4 A responsible
5 person is appointed to initiate an investigation and hearing impairments, passengers with limited mobility, of films with subtitles and an audit description for passengers
and other categories. Wheelchair assistance to/from with visual and hearing impairments.
and send requests to specialised business units
the boarding gate or apron, aircraft entrance, passenger cabin
seat, equipment transportation services (wheelchair, portable For more details and a consultation, visit the Passengers
oxygen concentrator, etc.) or a guide dog are rendered upon with Disabilities section of the website.

Following the investigation, elements that need improvement

2 3 4 5
in the product or employee errors may be identified, corrective
measures are implemented
Aeroflot Group devotes much attention to supporting
and promoting sports and contributes to increasing
the availability of leisure activities. On flights operated
by the Group’s network companies, an extra luggage
3 4 5 The responsible person compiles a response to the complaintant
allowance is provided for skis and snowboards during
on the official letterhead of PJSC Aeroflot or electronically the winter season, as well as surfing and diving equipment
(depending on the communication channel) weighing up to 23 kg.

Support for winter sports

From November to April, one set of ski/
snowboarding equipment is added to your
luggage allowance1
Support for summer sports
Aeroflot Airlines continued implementing the Post-Flight service elements, and for other purposes. Aeroflot makes
Passenger Survey project using the NPS methodology. use of survey and benchmarking data from competitors Carriage of various types of surfing (or kite
The project allows receiving continuous feedback from and innovations in the global airline market to improve surfing, wakeboarding, windsurfing) or diving
equipment and accessories during the season
passengers online. In 2022, the survey was completed the quality of its products.
by 202 thousand passengers.

Based on daily passenger feedback, the Company develops

measures each week to improve the quality of service
provided. The efficiency of measures is reflected in passenger

satisfaction going upwards.

In addition to the post-flight survey, the Company conducts thousand

consumer surveys throughout the year to examine passenger
passengers completed the post-flight survey
response to changes in the Company’s product on board
of aircraft, to assess the level of satisfaction with the existing 1
Applies only to fares that provide for a luggage allowance and not to luggage-free fares.
88 Care for Customers ESG Report 89

TRAVELLING WITH PETS International carriage rules

applied by PJSC Aeroflot
Aeroflot Airlines improved its animal transportation system involving animals during their carriage thoroughly and takes
in 2020–2021 to make sure passengers with pets have the necessary steps to prevent any such occurrences
a comfortable environment, and their pets are carried safely. in the future.
The key changes are as follows:
• A passenger is allowed to carry up to three pets. Aeroflot Group observes international rules for carriage
• A list of dog breeds allowed for carriage was expanded
to include brachycephalic dogs, among others.
of wild flora and fauna. Wild plants and animals may only
be transported on the condition of producing special
• The time to submit a request to transport a pet is reduced
to 6 hours.
certificates of the Convention on International Trade
in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES)
Convention on International
Trade in Endangered Species
IATA Live Animals Regulations
• A checklist for overseeing the container condition
was compiled.
confirming that the carriage is legal and does not threaten
the species of animals or plants being transported.
of Wild Fauna and Flora
Transportation of all kinds of animals is regulated by the IATA
The Russian Federation is a signatory Live Animals Regulations (LAR), which cover the procedures
• Pictures of the container and pet are taken at pick-up.
The Department of Freight Customer Service notifies cargo
to the Convention on International Trade
in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
for preparing the animals for transportation, requirements
to accompanying documents (veterinary certificates, CITES,
In 2022, Aeroflot launched the monitoring of customer traffic sales agents about the requirements for transporting (CITES). The Convention aims to protect plant shipper’s certificates, checklists, etc.), and for transportation
satisfaction with changes to animal companion carriage animals or plants. and animal species at risk of extinction as a result on board. The availability of all required documents
rules. A passenger travelling with a pet receives an e-mail of overexploitation in international trade. is checked by veterinary, customs, and other competent
questionnaire the day after the flight. Monitoring results For reference information for passengers, see the website services at departure, destination, and transfer airports.
are discussed at management meetings on a quarterly basis, of PJSC Aeroflot.
and passenger comments are promptly submitted for weekly
management meetings. The Company investigates incidents

Types of animals carried by Aeroflot Airlines in 2022, %

56.0 Dogs
91.9 Aeroflot implements a large-scale set of measures
32.9 Cats
aimed at ensuring the affordability of air
11.1 Other animals travel in Russia. To help passengers in difficult
circumstances, Aeroflot Group elaborated a special
programme of minimum fare transportation
on high-demand routes, even on the day of ticket
purchase. The Group provides special fares
Number of pets carried by Aeroflot for passengers travelling due to the death of a close
Airlines1, thousand specimens relative or for high-tech medical care in the form
of a transplant surgery. The programme is designed
for all Russian nationals, regardless of their age
2022 70.3% 29.7% 108.1
or region of residence. It covers all Aeroflot Group
2021 61.2% 38.8% 145.2 domestic flights under the SU code.

2020 55.1% 44.9% 91.9

For more details on the programme, see
2019 73.1% 26.9% 128.0 the For Passengers Requiring an Emergency
Flight section on the website.
In the passenger cabin In the baggage hold

Data on animal carriage in the cargo hold cover transportation in the baggage hold (the container weight shall not exceed 50 kg, to hold not more than 1 animal) and cargo shipment
(no limits on quantity or weight).
ESG Report 2022

Climate Change
and Energy Efficiency

Breath –8.6%
direct CO2 emissions from air
traffic year-on-year

of fresh –41.3%

gCO2eq/RPK emissions
intensity over the past
15 years

94 Climate Change

96 Fuel Efficiency

98 Greenhouse Gas Emissions

100 Increase in Fuel Efficiency and Reduction in GHG Emissions

103 Sustainable Use of Energy Morzhovaya Bay, Kamchatka Krai, Russia

92 Climate Change and Energy Efficiency ESG Report 93

Aeroflot Group’s core product is air carriage of passengers, Due to the steps taken, more environmentally friendly
baggage, cargo, and mail, for which reason 99.4% of energy flights are available to passengers now: energy
consumption is attributed to aviation fuel combustion. intensity per passenger per kilometre fell by 9.4% year-
Therefore, the Groups places a strong focus on managing on-year, amounting to 1.1 TJ/RPK.
2022 Key Highlights energy efficiency of aircraft operation.
Energy intensity of flights is calculated with reference

8,201.7 2,533.5
Aeroflot Group’s energy consumption in 2022 totalled to the Group’s total consumption of fuel and energy
112,374.5 TJ, a year-on-year 11.0% decrease. A decline resources, including electricity, heat, and all types
in energy consumption is driven by reduced aviation fuel of fuel.
housand tonnes thousand tonnes consumption by 11.0%, down to 2,533.5 thousand tonnes
of CO2eq aviation fuel consumption in 2022.
CO2 emissions from flights ↓ –11.0% year-on-year
↓ –8.6% year-on-year

Energy consumption, Aeroflot Group, TJ Energy intensity1, Aeroflot Group

g CO2eq/RPK " GRI 302-1

" GRI 302-3, 302-5

carbon footprint per passenger per kilometre of flight 13.2

12.3 12.3
↓ –7.0% year-on-year 2022 112,374.5 11.6

2021 126,239.6
Material Topics
2020 93,711.5 1.2 1.4 1.3 1.1
Energy consumption
Greenhouse gas emissions
2019 186,222.6 2019 2020 2021 2022

Energy intensity, TJ/RPK

2022 Major Developments
Energy intensity, TJ/TKM

• Aeroflot approved the Climate Policy.

• Rossiya Airlines started using Russian meteorological software from Roshydromet

to calculate flights and schedule routes, enabling a 3% fuel efficiency increase. Aeroflot Group’s energy consumption by source, 2022, %

UN Sustainable Development Goals


Key Documents 99.4 0.6

• Climate Policy of PJSC Aeroflot 0.2
• 2030 Energy Saving and Efficiency Improvement Programme
of PJSC Aeroflot

• Corporate Greenhouse Gas Emission Management System Guidelines

• Fuel Policy of PJSC Aeroflot 0.1
• Fuel Efficiency and Cost-Cutting Programme Other types
of fuel

Aviation fuel Other sources

Energy consumption by Aeroflot Group companies per passenger turnover (TJ/RPK) and revenue tonne kilometres (TJ/TKM).
94 Climate Change and Energy Efficiency ESG Report 95

" GRI 3-3

Aeroflot Group strives to ensure a sustainable for the Socio-Economic Development of the Russian Federation Aeroflot contributes to the proceedings of climate
environmental balance across all areas of its business. with Low Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Russian President’s and CO2 emissions committees and commissions
Sharing climate change concerns of the global community, declaration that Russia will achieve carbon neutrality not later in terms of drawing up green finance regulations
the Group recognises the need for the Company to make than 2060. and guidelines, elaborating and updating national
its contribution to achieving the goals of the Paris standards for climate project performance
Agreement and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The targets of the Climate Policy to reduce fuel consumption verification, setting up a national register of carbon
are delivered with the help of internal documents units, meeting international requirements
The Company’s approach to combating climate and programmes, one of which is the 2030 Energy Saving for systems of offsetting and reducing CO2
change is outlined in PJSC Aeroflot’s Climate Policy and Efficiency Improvement Programme. The programme emissions produced by airlines, enhancing SAF¹
adopted in accordance with the 2050 Strategy sets forth the approaches and initiatives to improve energy production and use in Russia, etc.
efficiency of aircraft fleet, with a focus on fuel efficiency
management, since the aircraft fleet is the primary user of fuel
and energy resources at PJSC Aeroflot.

Aeroflot Airlines’ contribution to the proceedings of climate

The main areas of practices change committees and commissions
stipulated by the Climate Policy
" GRI 2-28

Russian Association Committee on Climate Committee on Aviation

GHG emissions of Air Transport Policy and Carbon Environmental Protection
monitoring SAF (AEVT) SAF
Operators SAF of the Russian
Regulation of the Union of Aviation
fuel efficiency and accounting, Union of Industrialists Industrialists of Russia
increase carbon footprint and Entrepreneurs (RSPP)

Eurasian SAF ICAO’s CAEP2 CORSIA’s3 Working Group


climate risk of Aeroflot Group’s
identification environmental
and assessment impacts

Sustainable aviation fuel means an aviation biofuel produced from renewable sources.
The Committee on Aviation Environmental Protection.
The Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation.
96 Climate Change and Energy Efficiency ESG Report 97

FUEL EFFICIENCY Aviation fuel consumption

by Aeroflot Group, thousand tonnes Fuel consumption intensity, Aeroflot Group1

" GRI 302-1

" GRI 302-3
Aeroflot Airlines has its Fuel Policy in place, which performance of flights. The focal area of the policy 2022 2,533.5 275.5
is aimed at improving energy and environmental is to significantly enhance fuel efficiency of aircraft fleet. 257.5

2021 2,848.2
27.1 31.3
28.0 25.4
2020 2,112.9
The core lines of fuel efficiency improvement
2019 2020 2021 2022
activities covered by the Fuel Policy
2019 4,208.0 Per tonne kilometres, g/TKM
Per revenue passenger kilometres, g/RPK

minimising a difference between efficient use of the auxiliary power unit, dominant
the projected and actual commercial use of ground systems for pre-flight air conditioning
Consumption of other fuels, 
load and heating of aircraft cockpit and cabins Aviation fuel consumption, thousand tonnes Aeroflot Group, thousand litres

" GRI 302-1

" GRI 302-1

route network optimisation, selection reduced energy intensity of operations through 1,503.9 1,467.9
of the most beneficial routes the introduction of resource-saving processes 2022 605.2 2022 1,065.2
between the airfields of departure, and technologies in flight planning and operations 424.4 298.4
destination, and alternate airfields, use 1,655.7 1,939.5
of straightened route sections 2021 725.4 2021 1,326.0
467.1 290.5

monitoring and analysis of operations 1,335.0 1,649.1

and operating procedures to identify new 2020 475.1 2020 1,271.8
2019 2020 2021 2022 302.8 226.0
shortened delays on departure opportunities to improve energy metrics
and arrival of aircraft with engines 2,989.0 3,526.7
running on the apron 2019 869.6 2019 1,728.6
349.4 404.5

Aeroflot Rossiya Airlines Pobeda Airlines Diesel fuel Petrol Aviation lubricants

A methodology for assessing the fuel efficiency In 2022, aviation fuel consumption amounted
of PJSC Aeroflot’s aircraft fleet and ground facilities to 2,533.5 thousand tonnes, a 11.0% year-on-year
was developed to quantify energy efficiency. The tool enables decrease. Fuel consumption intensity per revenue
displaying impacts of the appropriate choice of aircraft passenger kilometres was 25.4 g/RPK. The value fell
type, route, loaded weight, fuel refills, number and duration by 9.4% year-on-year. It is accounted for by a 3.3 p.p.
of flight delays, technical availability, and aircraft degradation year-on-year increase in passenger load factor
on fuel consumption. up to 83.6%, which indicates an enhanced fuel
efficiency of transporting each individual passenger.
Fuel consumption intensity per tonne kilometres
also reduced, amounting to 257.5 g/TKM, explained
by an improved commercial load by 3.7 p.p. up
to 69.2%.

Fuel consumption intensity is calculated net of APU fuel consumption on the ground.
98 Climate Change and Energy Efficiency ESG Report 99


PJSC Aeroflot has its corporate GHG emission management Aeroflot keeps accounts and discloses data on GHG Aeroflot Group seeks to improve its GHG emission disclosures. the EU ETS. Aeroflot undergoes CO2 emission verification
system in place, including СО2 emission monitoring emissions (CO2, CH4, N2O, PFCs, HFCs) in accordance PJSC Aeroflot’s CO2 emissions are reported in accordance audits every year.
and accounting across the entire route network. with national and international requirements with national standards and the methodology adopted under
(CORSIA EU ETS, UK ETS, ISO 14064-1:2018, etc.)
for the purposes of furnishing complete and unbiased
information to its stakeholders. PJSC Aeroflot’s reporting covers:

• direct emissions – emissions from mobile fuel combustion in air and ground operations, from stationary fuel
combustion for heat and electricity generation, and during maintenance and repair;

Direct GHG emissions from air transportation, Direct GHG emissions from air transportation • indirect
energy emissions – emissions associated with electricity and heat consumption from third-party suppliers;
Aeroflot Group, thousand tonnes of CO2eq by airline, Aeroflot Group, 2022, %

• other indirect emissions – emissions associated with waste and wastewater management activities, and production

" GRI 305-1

of purchased fuel and energy resources and materials.

GHG emissions of PJSC Aeroflot, thousand tonnes of CO2eq

2022 8,201.7
Accounting metric 2019 2020 2021 2022
60.4 Aeroflot
2021 8,976.3 Direct (GHG) emissions (Scope 1)

9,508.8 4,242.5 5,270.6 5,004.4
23.3 Rossiya GRI 305-1
2020 6,655.6 Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions

16.3 Pobeda 24.4 18.7 21.6 23.0
Airlines GRI 305-2
2019 13,262.3
Other indirect (Scope 3) emissions

1,973.0 883.8 1,096.2 1,040.2
GRI 305-3
Total emissions (Scope 1 + Scope 2 + Scope 3) 11,506.2 5,145.0 6,388.4 6,067.6

Specific GHG emissions from air The GHG management system enables the Group
transportation, Aeroflot Group to satisfy national and international carbon footprint
management requirements. In 2022, the carbon

" GRI 305-4

footprint for air transportation was 83.3 g CO2eq/RPK
(–7.0% year-on-year) per passenger turnover
and 844.6 g CO2eq/TKM (–3.0% year-on-year) per
revenue tonne kilometres. The indicator is determined
940.4 by the sum of direct emissions from air transportation
871.1 for all Group companies. A reduction in specific carbon
footprint was largely achieved due to record-setting
passenger load values of Aeroflot Group and means that
each individual passenger was transported in the most
86.2 99.4
89.7 83.3 environmentally friendly way.

2019 2020 2021 2022

Per revenue tonne kilometres, g/TKM

Per passenger turnover, g/RPK
100 Climate Change and Energy Efficiency ESG Report 101

INCREASE IN FUEL 2030 Energy Saving and Efficiency Improvement

Programme of PJSC Aeroflot

EFFICIENCY AND REDUCTION It is the key tool for implementing measures designed to increase energy conservation and performance when
operating aircraft and ground facilities and to reduce GHG emissions of PJSC Aeroflot.

Target Programme activities
Since about 99% of Aeroflot Group’s direct GHG The aircraft fleet is the key user of fuel and energy
of the programme
Enhanced admission of aircraft to operation
emissions accrue to air transportation, fuel efficiency resources at PJSC Aeroflot. Therefore, To increase fuel efficiency
improvements directly affect a reduction in Aeroflot the programme sets forth the rules for improving of aircraft fleet and energy
Group’s emissions. the fleet energy efficiency, with an emphasis on fuel performance of ground Reduced time of ground operations at Sheremetyevo airport
efficiency. facilities
Aeroflot launched the 2030 Energy Saving and Efficiency Lesser deviation between the actual and projected times of landing
Improvement Programme. The airline has been at Sheremetyevo airport
implementing the programme since 2008, and an updated
2030 programme was approved in 2021.
Reduced aircraft weight:
Increase in Aeroflot Group’s fuel efficiency
reduced cabin interior weight;
reduced amount of fuel and water filled.

2020 Energy Saving and 2030 Energy Saving and

Environmental Performance Efficiency Improvement
Programme Programme


243.5 Fuel
Thanks to the measures taken, including a large- As at the year-end 2022, the fuel consumption growth
scale aircraft fleet upgrade programme, specific fuel since 2008 was 112.3%, while the revenue tonne
112.3% consumption from air transportation per revenue kilometres growth was 241.5%. Therefore, the fuel use
tonne kilometres has decreased by 38.0% since 2008. efficiency has more than doubled over 14 years.

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Revenue tonne kilometres Fuel consumption


Passenger load Aircraft models upgrade Incorporation of energy Timely repair and replacement of aircraft parts Route network
improvement In 2022, Aeroflot Group signed an agreement efficient technologies Aeroflot Technics – centre for aircraft maintenance and repair excellence. optimisation and route
Aeroflot Group’s passenger load:
to supply 339 new Russian-built aircraft, including
210 МС-21 aircraft.
and engineering solutions straightening
83.6% (+3.3 p.p. vs 2021). AUTOMATION TO THE BENEFIT OF ECOLOGY
128 Aeroflot aircraft are equipped with sharklets In 2022, LLC Aeroflot Technics, a member of Aeroflot Group, launched an innovative mobile In 2022, Rossiya Airlines started using Russian
The appropriate number МС-21 – A MEDIUM-HAUL NEW GENERATION (a special wing modification that reduces fuel application for aircraft maintenance quality control to create a unified system for automated meteorological software from Roshydromet
of passengers enables reducing AIRCRAFT consumption). collection and processing of data resulting from quality checks of the work performed. to calculate flights and schedule routes.
specific СО2 emissions per
Advanced aerodynamics due to a composite higher As pre-estimated, the use of such software will
passenger. Such system makes it possible to not only automate and simplify the operations performed
aspect wing. enable the airline to increase fuel efficiency
by the technical control department but also improve maintenance quality. by 3%.
Reduced specific fuel consumption due to the new
generation PD-14 engine.
102 Climate Change and Energy Efficiency ESG Report 103


In order to reduce fuel consumption intensity, the Company annually develops its Fuel Efficiency and Cost-Cutting Programme.
Under the programme, fuel conservation is achieved through reducing aircraft weight, optimising pre-flight procedures,
and improving aircraft aerodynamic properties. Aeroflot Group strives to make sure that resources are used
sustainably across all areas of its business. The Company pays
close attention to energy conservation activities to reduce
electricity and heat consumption.
Aircraft weight Streamlining Improving aircraft
reduction pre-flight aerodynamic In 2022, electricity consumption amounted to 63,377.3 MWh,
(–2.0% year-on-year), gas consumption amounted
procedures properties to 247.0 thousand m3 (–6.3% year-on-year). The heat

• introducing standard volumes for aircraft refuelling • streamlining the procedure for obtaining an engine start • improving aircraft aerodynamics through surface
consumption was 76,032.1 Gcal, an increase of 15.8%
in 2022, due to the building up aircraft maintenance capacity
• minimising the difference between projected
and takeoff clearance from taxiways washing
and the commissioning of new hangars.
and actual revenue loads in airports of departure • appropriate APU use • increasing engine efficiency through ramjet duct

• aircraft centre-of-gravity control • use of ground systems for pre-flight air conditioning

• lower fuel consumption through reducing water

supplies on board
and heating of aircraft cockpit and cabins

Heat consumption, Aeroflot Group, Gcal

СО2 emissions reduction in 2022 СО2 emissions reduction in 2022 СО2 emissions reduction in 2022
" GRI 302-1

2022 76,032.1

−5.8 thousand
tonnes aviation fuel
thousand tonnes
−2.3 thousand
tonnes aviation fuel
thousand tonnes
−0.4 thousand
tonnes aviation fuel
thousand tonnes


2019 51,755.4
СО2eq СО2eq СО2eq
Electricity consumption, Aeroflot Group, MWh
Fuel saving by implementing the fuel efficiency increase
programme of PJSC Aeroflot, thousand tonnes
" GRI 302-1

GRI 302-4

2021 11.7 9.3 2020 52,802.9
2020 9.3 22.1 2019 64,120.0
2019 22.1

Gas consumption, Aeroflot Group, thousand m3

GRI 302-1

2021 263.7
2020 244.0
2019 269.7
ESG Report 2022


Green future
starts with
clean present +25%
environmental protection
costs growth

of flight attendant uniforms
directed to recycling

107 Approach to Environmental Protection

112 Noise pollution

113 Waste Management

118 Reduction in Air Pollutants

119 Sustainable Use of Resources Cypress Lake, Sukko Village, Krasnodar Krai, Russia
106 Environmental Protection ESG Report 107

" GRI 3-3

2022 Key Highlights

In the reporting year, Aeroflot Group continued pursuing its previous course on environmental friendliness. The Group’s
approaches to environmental protection and air traffic greening are laid down by the Group’s Sustainable Development Policy

fleet compliant
% 0
incidents of oil
0 %
and PJSC Aeroflot’s Quality and Environmental Policy.

The core areas of activity are conditioned upon the annual environmental targets and PJSC Aeroflot’s Environmental Responsibility
and Energy Performance Programme.
with ICAO noise product leaks and pollutants
standards or spills discharged

Priorities of the Quality

Material Topics and Environmental Policy
Quality, safety,
and environmental protection
Noise impact Guarantee of flight safety, aviation security, and exceptional
customer experience, improved energy and environmental
Pollutant emissions, discharges, and waste

Water consumption
Innovative technologies and solutions enabling supervision over all
aspects of activities and quality of services rendered
2022 Major Developments
• Aeromar started using cardboard snack boxes instead of plastic ones.
• Aeromar signed a contract to supply soft drinks in plastic bottles made of recyclables. Process-based approach and risk management
• Rossiya Airlines took an inventory of stationary sources of air pollutant emissions at its production
units and performed environmental impact assessment measurements.
Management based on a system of interrelated
and constantly optimised processes

• Aeroflot Airlines discontinued discharging storm water into a water body from the territory
of its Melkisarovo office complex.

Customer orientation
Catering to the needs and expectations of customers,
partners, and stakeholders

UN Sustainable Development Goals

Interaction with suppliers and partners

Only reliable and thoroughly sourced suppliers
and partners

Key Documents Personnel engagement

• Quality and Environmental Policy of PJSC Aeroflot Operational excellence and personal

• Environmental Management System responsibility of each employee

• Quality Management System

• Environmental Responsibility and Energy Performance Programme of PJSC Aeroflot
• Environmental targets of PJSC Aeroflot Responsibility
PJSC Aeroflot management is responsible for the quality
of services rendered, environmental protection, performance
and constant improvement of the integrated management system
108 Environmental Protection ESG Report 109

In 2022, Aeroflot attained all of its targets.

Reducing energy consumption Reducing environmental pollution

caused by waste generation
and disposal


0.0018 0.07 g/RPK
Waste generation intensity
share of industrial waste
Gcal/passenger directed to recycling
Electricity consumption Heat consumption intensity

1.5 0.0018 0.07 g/RPK

Waste generation intensity
share of industrial waste
kWh/passenger Gcal/passenger directed to recycling
Electricity consumption Heat consumption intensity

Reducing emissions of air pollutants from Mitigating the risk of causing harm
ground aircraft servicing to the environment resulting from
accidents and emergencies


0.004 0
g/RPK emergencies


0.003 No accidents/emergencies
occurred in 2022


Zero discharges Discharges of storm water

to surface water into a water body from
bodies the territory of its Melkisarovo
office was discontinued
110 Environmental Protection ESG Report 111

Over the reporting year, the Company held trainings in EMS For more details on Aeroflot Group’s compliance
and other environmental protection aspects for 13 employees. and management systems contour, see the 
The following local regulations governing the Company’s EMS Quality Management System section.
activities were drawn up and updated:
• awareness-raising among employees on environmental
protection issues;
" GRI 2-27

• instruction for the environmental protection officer

in PJSC Aeroflot’s business units;
In 2022, Aeroflot Group’s environmental protection costs
amounted to RUB 111.7 million, a 25% year-on-year increase.
• register of environmental requirements and commitments
(updated on a quarterly basis);
Such increase is caused by EMS improvements. At the same
time, the environmental fees decreased by 58.1% and amounted
• register of environmental permits; to RUB 329.7 thousand. The decrease was due to measures
• register of environmental aspects for contractors
and suppliers;
aimed to expand a share of waste directed to recycling.

• register of environmental aspects of potential accidents

and emergencies.

Aeroflot Group airlines undergo an annual independent audit

to verify compliance of their integrated management system
with ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 international
standards. In 2022, PJSC Aeroflot passed such audit
The 2022 objectives of the Environmental The targets of PJSC Aeroflot’s 2025 Innovative Development
Responsibility and Energy Performance Programme (IDP) also entail improving energy efficiency Environmental protection costs,
Programme: and environmental performance of operations. Through Aeroflot Group, RUB thousand Environmental fees, Aeroflot Group, RUB thousand
enhancing technologies of environmental monitoring

environmental protection reporting;
climate change reporting and disclosures;
and forecasting, prevention and elimination of environmental
pollution, Aeroflot’s IDP contributes to delivering the national
2022 111,708.8 2022 329.7

! energy conservation and improved energy

scientific, technology, and innovation policy of the Russian
Federation in the priority area of sustainable use of natural





! monitoring of air emissions from stationary

sources of pollution;
2019 104,353.5 2019 2,402.1

To achieve the targets of PJSC Aeroflot’s Quality
reduction of emissions of air pollutants from and Environmental Policy, the Company sets the following
ground aircraft servicing and flight operations; objectives:

! prevention of environmental pollution caused

by waste generation and disposal;
• to maintain the functioning of the environmental
management system;
Aeroflot Group environmental
impacts major categories

! incorporation of robust control systems in line

with international standards;
• to reduce energy intensity of operations through
the introduction of resource-saving processes

! enhanced environmental awareness

and personnel expertise; •

and technologies;
to ensure waste management focused on recycling;

! mitigation of risks related to accidents

and emergencies;

to monitor and analyse operations and operating
procedures; pollutant

! compliance with environmental requirements

on the part of suppliers and contractors;

to raise awareness among employees on environmental
protection issues;
emissions from

to promote careful use of resources and waste management
satisfaction of environmental requirements sources including fresh
to temporary waste disposal sites. water
When delivering the above and other objectives, Aeroflot relies waste generation
upon an integrated management system combining noise of various hazard
an ISO 14001:2015 EMS and an ISO 9001:2015 QMS. classes

A variety of activities and initiatives were launched

in each of these areas of top priority in 2022.
112 Environmental Protection ESG Report 113


" GRI 3-3
" GRI 3-3, 306-1, 306-2

As part of Aeroflot Group’s environmental agenda,

Aeroflot Group focuses on noise impacts. Ecosystems
100 %
One of the priority targets of Aeroflot’s Quality
and Environmental Policy is to reduce environmental
In 2022, the amount of waste generated
by Aeroflot Group was

in areas adjacent to airports are adversely affected pollution caused by waste generation and disposal.
by noise. of the Group’s aircraft
comply with ICAO noise standards The Group monitors industrial and commercial waste tonnes
When managing noise pollution, the Group is guided and Russian sanitary rules and regulations generation and management.
by the ICAO standards and sanitary rules and regulations
adopted in the Russian Federation.
The Group applies the following
noise reduction methods: Waste management procedure at Aeroflot Group

" GRI 306-1

using noise preferential runways;
using PBN enabling the selection of noise Aeroflot Group
preferential routes, so that departing
Collection and direction to
and arriving aircraft may, as and where recycling
possible, avoid flying over noise-sensitive
areas in the vicinity of airports;

! minimising the overall impact of noise

on the ground:
– taxiing at the lowest possible engine power;
Maintenance of aviation
Hazard class
1-4 waste
Direction to treatment

Direction to landfilling
– minimising the use of auxiliary power units
on the ground.

In-flight meals preparation

and materials Direction to regional

Hazard class Direction to recycling

Aircraft cleaning
4-5 waste

Direction to landfilling
Compliance of Aeroflot Group’s aircraft with ICAO noise standards as at December 2022, %

Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 14

Office operations

100 % 95 % 10 % Provision of medical

Medical waste
Direction to recycling
114 Environmental Protection ESG Report 115

Most of the Group’s waste is generated by in-flight meals Aeroflot Group’s waste, tonnes The Group increased the amount of waste transferred to the regional
preparation and cabin cleaning activities, as well as by aviation operator for further sorting and handing over for recycling and landfilling
equipment maintenance (oils, lubricants, chemical materials, 2022 13,327.5 by 79.9%; the amount of waste transferred directly for recycling rose
metal and non-metal structural elements, tires, and other by 98.0%; waste handed over for treatment got higher by 3.9%, and 78.9%
spare parts) and office operations (plastic, paper, cardboard, 2021 13,140.8 less waste was transferred by the Group for landfilling.
and other waste from cleaning).

At the same time, 98.4% of the Group’s waste is attributed



" GRI 306-4

to hazard classes 4 and 5, i.e., they are low-hazard Most of the Group’s waste is generated by its in-flight meals preparation,
or non-hazardous. Hazard class 1–3 waste generation in 2022 aircraft cleaning and outfitting. Therefore, Aeromar places a strong
amounted to 206.8 tonnes, 1.6% of the total waste. Aeroflot Group’s waste by source, %, 2022 focus on environmental protection issues. In 2022, Aeromar carried out
the following activities:
Over the reporting year, Group companies continued arranging
separate waste collection by business units, safe waste collection ! replacement of polyethylene packaging for headphones
with biodegradable packaging;
and direction to disposal, treatment, and reuse. 44.7 In-flight meals preparation
replacement of plastic snack boxes with cardboard ones;
use of cardboard A-350 crush compactors;
During 2022, three agreements for the removal and disposal
of industrial and commercial waste were executed, including
an agreement with the Federal Environmental Operator

Aircraft cleaning waste

Other waste
! purchase of soft drinks in containers made of recycled plastic

for removal and treatment of hazard class 1 and 2 waste

(fluorescent lamps, accumulators, batteries).

In the reporting period, two new waste collection sites

were set up. A battery storage area was added to the flying
complex, and a hazard class 4–5 waste storage area appeared Aeroflot Group’s waste by hazard class, %, 2022
67.9 %
Share of the Group’s waste transferred to regional
Rise in waste transferred
−78.9 %
Reduction of waste transferred
in the Procurement Management Department. operators for further sorting and handing directly for recycling for landfilling
over for recycling and landfilling
Aeroflot Technics collects most used or expired aircraft
maintenance materials in a separate dry storage within 1.6 Hazard classes 1–3
the aerodrome’s controlled area for further handing Recycling of comfort items used on Aeroflot Airlines routes
48.6 Hazard class 4
over for recycling.
49.8 Hazard class 5
" GRI 306-4

Glass bottles

In 2022, Group companies implemented a number

67 tonnes

of initiatives to increase a share of waste directed

to recycling.
Newspapers and magazines
Waste management at Aeroflot Group by disposal method, %

" GRI 306-5

for recycling
in 2022
256 tonnes

9.9 Recycling 19.3 Recycling

Rugs, pillows, blankets, headrests, mattresses

2.5 Treatment 2.6 Treatment
2021 2022
49.3 Landfilling 10.3 Landfilling
thousand pieces
38.3 Transfer to regional 67.9 Transfer to regional
operators operators
116 Environmental Protection ESG Report 117

Number of uniforms transferred

for recycling, thousand pieces Reuse
! Rubber granulate

2022 50.0 100 % Waste oils

! Base oils


of PJSC Aeroflot’s flight attendant
and ground handling and maintenance staff
uniforms are transferred for recycling
! Components for mineral
fertilisers and cooling

2019 86.4

Upon the expiry or useful life, flight attendant uniforms are collected and
Cardboard and paper
Corrugated boxes
transferred to counterparties for recycling
! Paper

Sorting Moisture-absorbing fabrics Other fabrics to be recycled

Scrap metal
Vehicle bodies

" GRI 306-4 ! Parts

and spare parts
for manufacturing

Processing Slicing Fibre separation
of PJSC Aeroflot’s industrial waste

Reuse Wiping rags New products

was directed to recycling in 2022
Plumbing products
Interior items

In addition to passenger servicing, Aeroflot carries out Aeroflot’s medical centre waste, tonnes
operational activities that include aircraft and vehicle
maintenance, warehousing activities, and sniffer dog
training monitoring. In 2022, Aeroflot increased a share 0.3
of industrial waste directed to recycling, up to 45.4%1. Class D
Industrial waste transferred for recycling included such 0.1
materials, as waste oils, tires, cardboard, paper, and scrap
metal. 10.5
Class B
The total waste also includes waste from the Aeroflot Group 6.5
medical centre. In 2022, the medical centre’s operations 9.6
generated 271.2 tonnes of class A, B and D waste.
Over the reporting year, class B waste increased 246.8
Class А
1.5 times, while the total medical centre’s waste rose 216.0
by 6.8%. It was primarily due to an increased number
of its patients. 2022 2021 2020 2019

100 %
of medical waste is directed
to recycling
Industrial waste does not cover municipal solid waste (MSW).
118 Environmental Protection ESG Report 119


" GRI 3-3, 305-6


The key negative impact of the Group’s operations
on atmospheric air is emissions of pollutants during aircraft " GRI 3-3, 303-1, 303-2
Aeroflot Group takes good care of forest resources
takeoff and landing and emissions from stationary sources and strives to reduce paper consumption and purchase
from aircraft servicing activities. Aeroflot Group takes care of the global issue of fresh water paper from responsible suppliers. Paper to be purchased
scarcity and seeks to use water resources efficiently and minimise shall comply with environmental requirements laid down
For more details on greenhouse gas emissions from air potential negative impacts on water bodies and fresh water by the GOST 57641-2017 and GOST 58106-2018 standards.
traffic, see the Climate Change and Energy Efficiency sources worldwide. Water is used by Group companies in their
section. offices, as well as for supplies to aircraft and their maintenance. Paper purchase, tonnes
Aeroflot Group does not withdraw water in regions with high water
Stationary sources include emissions from diesel generator stress, nor does it withdraw water from, or discharge wastewater
sets supplying heat and uninterrupted electricity and from into, surface water bodies or groundwater. 2022 268.9
the spray paint booth used for aircraft maintenance.
2021 273.1
Emissions from stationary sources are determined
by the calculation method based on the hours of equipment
Discontinued wastewater discharges 2020 352.1

operation. 2019 415.4

In early 2022, Aeroflot discontinued discharging storm water
pollutants into the Klyazma river from the Melkisarovo office
To reduce environmental impacts in adverse weather area. Storm water treatment facilities were mothballed. Pending
conditions, Aeroflot Airlines elaborated action plans to limit connection to the sewage network, storm water is collected
the operation of stationary sources in windless conditions and transferred for disposal. Paperless flight deck
and at elevated temperatures, when the risk of increased
pollutant concentrations gets higher.
" GRI 303-3, 303-4, 303-5 The year 2022 saw an enhanced use
of electronic devices to reduce the amount
In 2022, pollutant emissions from stationary sources In 2022, the Group’s water consumption was 353.7 thousand m3, of paper on board the aircraft. The Group
amounted to 17.8 tonnes, down by 5.1% year-on-year. During a 4.2% year-on-year increase. The increase in water consumption is implementing two projects:
the reporting year, the Group did not exceed the established is due to a gradual return of personnel from remote work to offices
permissible values. In addition, no ozone-depleting substances
were emitted into the atmosphere.
following the COVID-19 pandemic. Municipal and public water
supply systems are the only source of water withdrawal for Group
• Electronic Flight Bag –
tablets for crews containing operational
companies. 100% of wastewater is categorised as partially clean information (including navigation charts)
Emissions from stationary sources, tonnes or partially treated. Wastewater is discharged into sewage systems and special software required by pilots
or transferred for disposal. to prepare for and perform flight operations.

2022 17.8
Water consumption1, thousand m3 EFBs save up to 30 kg of paper
2021 18.7 per aircraft.
2022 353.7
2020 13.0

2019 28.9
2021 339.4
• Crew Tablet is a service for on-board
servicing. It is designed to automate the work
2020 297.2
of flight attendants, ensure communications,
2019 418.5 provide information, access documentation,
keep records, and take photos of incidents.

Data on the chart are given only for stationary sources, net of aircraft water
ESG Report 2022

to Local
RUB 499
minimum fare
of Pobeda Airlines

Cutting 189
routes of network

the distance

124 Enhancing Air Connectivity

138 Creation of Jobs

142 Operation of Russian-Built Aircraft

146 Sponsorship, Charity, and Volunteering

160 Educational Activities Ergaki National Park, Kamchatka Krai, Russia

122 Contribution to Local Communities ESG Report 123

" GRI 3-3

2022 Key Highlights Following the materiality assessment, ensuring transport In 2022, the Group managed to preserve its route network
accessibility and implementing socially important programmes and continue administering support for local communities.
in the regions of operations are among the core impacts It is thanks to extensive efforts and dedication of the team

RUB of Aeroflot Group. The Group’s activities produce a positive that Aeroflot Group made a significant progress in social

Russian cities
and towns in the route
effect of maintaining a convenient and accessible route
network to different parts of the world’s largest country by area
and beyond its boundaries.
and economic development and engagement with local

network sponsor support


million passengers carried

under the flat fare programme
Structure of administering engagement with local communities

over 8 years allocated to charity

Board of Directors

thousand tickets
issued under the Mercy
Miles project

Material Topics CEO Management Board

Indirect economic impacts

Air connectivity

Local communities

Public Relations Marketing Department Network and Revenue

UN Sustainable Development Goals Department Managment Department

Charity Sponsorship Route network

managment managment development
124 Contribution to Local Communities ESG Report 125

2022 Major Developments


Launch of the international Launching direct routes from Launching direct routes from Aeroflot increases discounts
programme of routes from Sochi Moscow and St. Petersburg Moscow to Anadyr, capital of the for kids up to 75%
The programme boosts social mobility and transport
to Kirovsk (Apatity) Chukotka autonomous district During the period of vacation and summer holidays,
infrastructure of constituent entities of the Russian These routes increase air connectivity with the north Enhancing air links with Chukotka contributes Aeroflot reduced airfares for children down to 25%
of the country and provide links between capital cities to air connectivity with the European part of Russia of the adult fare, with a discount reaching 75%.
Federation, creates a higher demand for domestic
flights, strengthens international liaison, and opens up and the ski capital of the Russian Arctic Circle that for the locals, increases tourist traffic in the region,
hosts BigWood, the highest ski resort in north-west and advances the economy and business ties. Launching direct routes
new horizons for Russian businesses.
from Krasnoyarsk to Yakutsk
and Chita

1 million people
passenger traffic of the Sochi
The launch of direct flights from Krasnoyarsk
enforces transport links across Siberia, uncovers new
opportunities for connections with other flights from
the hub, and fosters social mobility.
base in 20221


Launching direct routes from Special fares for pensioners Programme of international flights Launch of direct routes
St. Petersburg to Vladivostok and youth on domestic flights from Yekaterinburg, Krasnoyarsk, from six Russian regions
Improving transport accessibility of the Russian Far Special fares for pensioners and youth Novosibirsk, and Vladivostok to Mineralnye Vody
East and national air connectivity. on Aeroflot Group’s core domestic routes allow Due to Aeroflot’s new international programme, The new programme based on one
these categories to make trips across the country, residents of the Urals, Siberia, and Russian Far of the largest resorts of North Caucasus
Joint pilot project even to the most distant regions, at affordable East regions will be able to travel along the most reveals a variety of new options
of combined passenger carriage prices. popular winter tourist routes, bypassing Moscow. for advancing year-round domestic
via Sochi to Krasnodar, Anapa, It will make flights from Russian regions abroad tourism, encourages social mobility,
and Rostov-on-Don by air and rail more comfortable, reduce the travel time, accessibility and affordability of fast
and enable significant savings on airfares. and convenient flights from different
Thanks to cooperation between Aeroflot regions to places of recreation.
and the Federal Passenger Company, air connectivity
of destinations in southern Russia is significantly
enhanced. Joint transportation contributes
to the development of domestic tourism, partially
compensates for the existing transport restrictions,
and guarantees passenger reliability, comfort,
and safety.

Passenger traffic of Aeroflot Airlines and Rossiya Airlines in 2022, net
of routes from/to Moscow and St. Petersburg.
126 Contribution to Local Communities ESG Report 127



Arkhangelsk Samara
Astrakhan Saratov
Cheboksary Sochi Arkhangelsk Almaty
Chelyabinsk Stavropol Chelyabinsk Antalya
Grozny Surgut Kazan Astana
Irkutsk Syktyvkar Makhachkala Baku
Kaliningrad Tobolsk Mineralnye Vody Bukhara
Kazan ST. Tyumen Murmansk Bodrum
Kirov PETERSBURG Ufa Nizhny Novgorod Cairo
Kirovsk Ulyanovsk Novosibirsk Dalaman
Krasnoyarsk Vladikavkaz Omsk Dubai
Makhachkala Vladivostok Orenburg Fergana
Mineralnye Vody Volgograd Perm Hurghada
Murmansk Yekaterinburg Samara Istanbul
Nalchik Simferopol Samarkand
Nizhnekamsk Surgut Sharjah
Nizhnevartovsk Antalya Syktyvkar Sharm El Sheikh
Nizhny Novgorod Dubai Tyumen Tashkent
Novosibirsk Istanbul Ufa Tel Aviv
Omsk Minsk Urgench Yerevan
Orenburg Samarkand Yekaterinburg
Orsk Tashkent
Perm Yerevan

Flights from Russian Regions to the points in Turkey, India and Thailand
Blagoveshchensk Astana
Chita Bangkok
Irkutsk Bishkek
Krasnodar Bukhara
Mineralnye Vody Fergana
Novy Urengoy Osh
Sochi Phuket
Tyumen Samarkand
Yekaterinburg Tashkent
Bangkok Phuket Goa Istanbul
128 Contribution to Local Communities ESG Report 129

2030 Strategy Development of Regions.

Best for Russia award

Enhancing air connectivity through setting up four Rossiya Airlines won the Best Airline category Regional leaders appreciated Rossiya Airlines’ import
regional bases of the Development of Regions. Best for Russia award. substitution programme. The airline is the largest
The airline’s contribution to fostering regional traffic, operator of Russian-built aircraft. The company’s fleet
which reveals new opportunities for domestic tourism is composed of 76 SSJ100 passenger aircraft.
Clusters for setting up
new regional bases and enforces social mobility, received high accolades.
In 2022, the geography of Rossiya Airlines’ flights covered
47 regions of the country.

South Volga Region Krasnoyarsk Russian Far

of Russia and Urals opened in 2021 East

Initial results of the Krasnoyarsk hub operations

The Aeroflot Group hub in Krasnoyarsk

makes an important contribution
to the development of direct interregional
Existing hub
flights, bypassing Moscow.

" GRI 203-1, 203-2

Over the first year of the hub’s
operation, the Group launched flights 457.1
The aviation sector has a strategic importance to the programmes implemented, social mobility is on the rise,
from Krasnoyarsk to cities
for the country, encourages the high-tech segment domestic tourism is evolving, and passengers are afforded in Siberia and the Russian Far East, thousand people
development, and creates jobs across all related the opportunity to see their friends and families in various as well as a number of locations overall passenger traffic on regional routes
industries. A particular demand for aviation is accounted Russian cities and neighbouring countries. in the European part of Russia. of the Group in the hub1
for by a vast territory of Russia and the need to provide

transport links to distant regions. Aeroflot Group makes In 2022, Aeroflot Group’s share in the domestic air transport
a considerable contribution to dealing with these challenges market in Russia was 45.5%. Aeroflot and Rossiya airlines Blagoveshchensk, Irkutsk, Sochi,
and, therefore, to the socio-economic development ensure the improvement of air connectivity through and Mineralnye Vody became
of the nation and its regions. Improving air connectivity a distributed route network, while Pobeda Airlines offers the most popular destinations million people
of constituent entities of the Russian Federation helps affordable air tickets at attractive prices, with 26.7% for passengers of Aeroflot Group Group’s passenger traffic in the hub, including
deepen interregional ties, handle socially important tasks, of Pobeda’s routes not overlapping with the routes of other companies flying from Krasnoyarsk.
routes to Moscow and St. Petersburg
strengthen partnerships, and discover new opportunities Aeroflot Group airlines.
for tourism.
In addition to improving air connectivity of Russian
In 2022, Aeroflot Group had a geographical reach regions, the Group launched flights from Sochi,
of 57 regions and 70 cities and towns of Russia. Krasnoyarsk, and St. Petersburg to a number
An extensive route network based on a multi-brand of international destinations in 2022. The number
model guarantees a high frequency and connectivity of international flights from St. Petersburg
of destinations via the hubs in Moscow and Krasnoyarsk, increased, including flights to Baku, Yerevan, and Istanbul.
as well as bases in St. Petersburg and Sochi. Direct flights to Thailand from Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk,
and Novosibirsk were launched to make tourist travel more
Aeroflot Group’s core sustainability target is to establish accessible for local residents.
air connectivity of Russian regions and locations,
social mobility, and affordability of air travel. Thanks

2022 data, net of routes from Moscow and St. Petersburg.
130 Contribution to Local Communities ESG Report 131

AEROFLOT GROUP’S Support for domestic tourism


Increased tourist flow
in the region 43.0 thousand
Aeroflot Group works to enhance air connectivity support internal tourism, contribute to active tourism
of the Russian regions. In 2022, the Group managed in Russia and to establish connection of the Far East MINERALNYE
to estrablish the direct connection between regions, with European part of Russia. VODY

Establishing the previously absent direct link between regions, PERM

connection of the Far East with European part of Russia


7 hours 55 min OUTCOME
Transport link of the region
Straight line distance:
with Moscow and the European
6.2 thousand km
MOSCOW part of Russian


39.4 thousand 4 hours 00 min OUTCOME
Tourism enhancement
passengers Straight line distance:
SOCHI 2.7 thousand km


By road:
3.5 thousand km
35.9 thousand OMSK

2 hours 15 min OUTCOME

Enhancing transport
Straight line distance:
KRASNOYARSK 1.4 thousand km CHITA


By road: 15.1 thousand

2.1 thousand km passengers ANADYR
Support for tourism and sports,
ski resort enhancement

11 hours 00 min OUTCOME

Increase of tourist flow in the region, 2 hours 00 min OUTCOME
Straight line distance:
advancement of economy Development of domestic tourism,
6.5 thousand km Straight line distance:
and business ties, improved transport support for sports

~ 7 days 36.1 thousand

By road:
By road:
9.6 thousand km
35.2 thousand 1.2 thousand km
132 Contribution to Local Communities ESG Report 133


Low-cost transportation contributes to enhancing social mobility traffic through an attractive pricing policy of Pobeda low-cost
by reducing the cost of air travel due to a special business model carrier, as well as through extra price reductions via regular
entailing the lowest costs per passenger kilometre. campaigns, sales, and special offers across the Group’s route Aeroflot Group continues implementing its flat fare and subsidised services
programmes aimed to improve air connectivity of remote Russian regions.
network. In 2022, Aeroflot held more than 10 campaigns
Given Russia’s geography and scale, air transport is virtually and sales, offering discounts of up to 75% for air tickets.
the only possible and efficient mode of transport making certain Flat fares Subsidised services
territories accessible for residents of some regions. For example,
a flight from Moscow to Murmansk takes 2.5 hours, while the same
journey by rail takes up to two days.
In 2022, Russian nationals travelled on average less than
once a year (air mobility in Russia was 0.651), which is partly
due to a high cost of air carriage. Therefore, the enhancement
Eligible groups
! All economy class passengers
on flat fare flights ! Privileged categories of Russian
nationals pursuant to resolutions
of the Russian government

In 2022, in view of inflation and rising fuel prices, keeping airfares

of low-cost flights and a flexible fare policy by Pobeda Airlines
has a positive social and economic effect and improves living Operator
! Aeroflot Group
! Aeroflot Group
affordable for the public became quite a challenge for airlines.
Aeroflot Group contributes to improving the affordability of air
standards for the public by providing ample opportunities
for citizens to travel and see their families and friends. Funding
! Aeroflot Group
! With the financial support
of the government

Pobeda low-cost carrier2

46.7 %
routes performed bypassing
Flat fares
Flat rates differ from the Group’s core network fares, where
dynamic pricing is used. Dynamic pricing is a common practice
Pricing for air travel

Moscow for the sectors where the provision of services is linked

to a specific date, such as rail, air, taxi, hotel services, etc.

RUB 499
minimum fare
passenger load factor
% 36
Russian cities
In aviation, dynamic pricing is used to enforce availability
of seats and profitability of carriage. The price for a particular
route is determined by the following factors: pric

and towns • number of seats available on board the aircraft;


comparison of the current passenger load factor with that
of prior periods;

Flat fares
season, day of the week, time of departure/arrival;
• number of days preceding the flight; and
• number of days of stay at the destination point.

Flat fares imply flying in economy class at a fixed price that

covers all taxes and charges, is independent of the date 0
of ticket purchase, and remains unchanged within a certain 90 Days before the flight 0
period. Flat fare tickets may be purchased by any passenger
regardless of their social status and place of residence.
Tickets are available on a number of routes to remote regions:
from Moscow to Kaliningrad, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky,
Khabarovsk, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Vladivostok, Magadan,
and Simferopol. socio-economic space. By developing the programme, Aeroflot
Group contributes to improving air connectivity, which
The flat fare programme aimed to improve transport is a crucial building block of living standards. The ability
links between Russian regions and the national centre to travel fast and at affordable prices makes living in an area
and to increase the mobility of Russians is a key tool more comfortable. In addition, the availability of direct flights
for integrating hard-to-reach regions into a single and the general accessibility of transport services produce
an impact on the development of tourism, small businesses,
trade, etc.
Ratio of the number of passengers departed from all Russian airports to the entire population. Source: Unified Interdepartamental Statistical Information System (UISIS).
Scheduled for summer 2022 and winter 2022/2023.
134 Contribution to Local Communities ESG Report 135

The flat fare programme is an investment of Aeroflot Group Since the launch of the flat fare programme, 15.1 million Subsidised services
in enhancing air connectivity and regional economies. passengers have been carried. Flights on Russian Far Eastern
In 2022, flat fares were on average 26.0% cheaper than fares destinations remain the most popular. In 2022, Russian Far Aeroflot Group has subsidised services programmes
on the entire Group network1. Eastern destinations accounted for 70.5% of all flat fare flights. available for residents of the Far Eastern Federal District
and for privileged categories of citizens under the national air
traffic affordability programme.

Flat fare destinations in 2022

Aeroflot Group launched
regular flights to Anadyr
Kaliningrad Vladivostok
Anadyr is the easternmost town in Russia and capital
of the Chukotka autonomous district located in the permafrost
zone on the right bank of the Anadyr bay in the Bering Sea.
MOSCOW This region is famous for its severe climate and unique nature.
Simferopol Magadan The town may only be reached by air, as there are no rail or bus
connections to the rest of the Russian Federation.
The start of regular flights to Anadyr is quite a milestone
for Aeroflot Group, as Aeroflot made its first non-stop flight from
Khabarovsk Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk Moscow to Anadyr in January 1984 on the Il-62 turbojet long-haul


Subsidised services programmes

Structure of passenger traffic under Cost of air travel per kilometre flown in 2022:
the flat fare programme in 2022, % flat fares vs the entire network, RUB/RPK Programme for residents Programme
9 from Moscow
of the Far Eastern Federal for privileged categories
4.00 District of citizens from St.
Citizens of the Russian Federation: 18 Petersburg

70.5 Far Eastern Federal

Citizens of the Russian Federation
• under 23 and over 60 (over 55 for women); routes
3 from Vladivostok
District Aeroflot’s contribution with permanent residence
• persons with disabilities (degree I) of any age;
to enhancing air registration in the Far Eastern
• persons with lifelong disabilities (degree II and III);
29.5 Other
connectivity Federal District
• person accompanying a disabled person (degree I)
or a disabled child; and
7 from Khabarovsk

• persons who have a large family certificate or other

documents attesting to the status of a large
family pursuant to the procedure established
7 From Moscow to: by laws and regulations of the constituent entities
Vladivostok of the Russian Federation.
2.00 Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky
Flat fare traffic structure by Group airlines in 2022, % 8
Anadyr New! Programme
40 from Moscow
for the youth
77.4 Aeroflot 1 From St. Petersburg to: and pensioners from St.
22.6 Rossiya Airlines
Vladivostok New!
Citizens of the Russian 70

Federation under 23
5 from Krasnoyarsk
and over 60 (over 55
for women)
0.00 5 from Mineralnye Vody
Entire network Flat fares

For more details on the programme, see the Subsidised Services section on the website.
A price difference was calculated with reference to the specific rate of yield on transportation per passenger kilometre.
136 Contribution to Local Communities ESG Report 137

Directions of combined carriage via Sochi to locations

COMBINED CARRIAGE in the south of Russia based on Aeroflot Group flights

St. Petersburg
Nizhny Novgorod
By rail By air Makhachkala SOCHI SOCHI TO
Murmansk Rostov-on-Don
Mineralnye Vody
Omsk Simferopol
Novosibirsk SOCHI Gelendzhik
In 2022, Aeroflot and the Federal Passenger Company Orenburg
(FPC) launched a pilot project on combined air-rail Syktyvkar
passenger carriage. Surgut
Combined carriage is a unique service for passengers
that enables designing integrated routes using different
modes of transport. The service makes it possible Tyumen For more details on combined travel services,
Ufa visit the website.
to build routes even between points where there
are no airports or railway stations, which considerably
simplifies logistics and makes many locations much
more accessible to travellers.

The system itself designs routes based on statistics

and algorithms factoring in the distance from one
transport hub to another and the time required
for passenger and baggage transfer. Passengers only
need to specify their origin and destination, whereupon
the system will automatically suggest route options
by various transport means (by air, bus, Aeroexpress Aeroflot acts as an operator under the national
train, rail, water). If any travel segment is cancelled social insurance programme to provide citizens
or delayed, a travel insurance cover is provided. with free travel to the place of treatment.
In 2022, Aeroflot transported about 30 thousand
Cooperation between Aeroflot and FPC significantly passengers to places of health resort treatment
enhances air connectivity of Russian towns and cities and to major cities for specialised treatment.
and contributes to domestic tourism advancement. The main directions for specialised flights in 2022
On top of that, combined carriage has partially were from Khabarovsk, Vladivostok, Novokuznetsk,
compensated for transport restrictions in 2022. Novosibirsk, Astrakhan, Magadan, Yuzhno-
Sakhalinsk, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Anadyr,
and Kaliningrad to Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sochi,
and Mineralnye Vody.
138 Contribution to Local Communities ESG Report 139

" GRI 201-1

A sustainable value of Aeroflot Group’s performance cover passenger and cargo carriage, and all processes
employees ~22
engaged in providing of other business
for stakeholders is generated by distribution of resources. related to preparation and post-flight procedures,
maintenance units
The Group supports the society by remitting tax payments including passenger check-in, baggage handling, airport
and creating jobs. retail, cargo processing, in-flight meals, etc. In addition,
the aviation industry contributes directly to creating
Aeroflot Group contributes significantly to the national jobs in the manufacturing sector (for enterprises that
economy development and creation of jobs both manufacture aircraft, engines, and other necessary
in the aviation industry and in related sectors, such equipment or supply various components) and in the high-
as tourism. tech services sector, since the aviation industry makes use
of high-tech software to manage operational processes, from
Economic activities of the Group’s airlines are associated ticket booking to aircraft maintenance control.

with airport operations, air navigation, and other

specialised route and passenger services. These activities


involved in servicing one Aeroflot’s

narrow-body SSJ100 aircraft

employees ~33
operate in ground on board the aircraft
handling (flight attendants and pilots)

A lot of people work in airports, air traffic control services, operations or are employed by suppliers,
and transport companies
140 Contribution to Local Communities ESG Report 141


The air transport industry annually supports a total of 1.6 million jobs in Russia1: In addition, these effects are of particular significance Accordingly, one of distinctive features of the aviation sector

• 301 thousand jobs (direct impacts) are created at airlines,

airports, air navigation service providers and aircraft
• 388 thousand jobs (induced impacts) are additionally
created owing to the spendings of those directly or indirectly
for regions: airlines carrying passengers to different localities
give rise to economic activities to occur in such places.
is that many other industries that are of importance for regional
economies rely on robust air connectivity. As a result of aviation
manufacturing sector; employed in the air transport sector; Holidaymakers, business tourists, relatives, people seeing their sector’s influence, a lot of economic activities, such as tourism,
friends – they all generate a range of business opportunities perform better or, in some cases, simply become possible. Air
• 666 thousand jobs (indirect impacts) include employment
activities of suppliers to the air transport industry;
• 268 thousand jobs (tourism catalytic) are additionally
created in the tourism sphere.
for local tour operators, small businesses, hotels, retail,
restaurants, and cultural institutions. Such contribution cannot
transport connectivity underlies the development of tourism
and provides significant economic benefits for all those involved
be overestimated and, although it is particularly clearly seen in the tourism value chain.
in resorts, is also present in any town or city where Aeroflot
Group flights are available.

Suppliers of aviation fuel Construction companies

Tourism industry 1.6 million jobs created
involved in building airport
structures in Russia owing
to the air transport
industry activity
Suppliers of components Retail outlets Hotels Restaurants
used in aircraft
Impact of airline
industry on other
sectors of the economy

Air navigation

Airports Airport services

Manufacturers of goods sold Manufacturers of consumer Leisure Tour operators Accessibility Cultural
in retail outlets at airports goods of remote regions cooperation

Aircraft equipment

Providers of specialised Business services (call centres, Certain service industries Taxi Local production Enhancement
services information technologies, (such as banks, telecom of international trade
accounting) companies, restaurants) and relations

Airlines Direct Indirect Induced Tourism catalytic

thousand 666
thousand 388
thousand 268

Source: Aviation: Benefits Beyond
Borders ATAG, 2020.
142 Contribution to Local Communities ESG Report 143

OPERATION OF RUSSIAN- Strategy 2030 – enhancement of the aircraft fleet

BUILT AIRCRAFT Commissioning of additional Russian-built aircraft

(number as at the year-end, pieces)
Aircraft fleet of Aeroflot Group
(number as at the year-end, pieces)

" GRI 203-1

Aeroflot Group contributes to the development of the aircraft In September 2022, during the Eastern Economic Forum,

industry and operates modern aviation equipment manufactured PJSC Aeroflot and PJSC United Aircraft Corporation (UAC,

210 МС-21
in Russia. The Group’s fleet consists of 78 SSJ100 aircraft, part of Rostec) entered into an agreement of intent to purchase ~70% Russian-built aircraft
which constitutes 22.5% of the total fleet. Pursuant 339 Russian-built aircraft. The agreement provides for making 89 SSJ New
to the approved Aeroflot Group Development Strategy, a share 210 МС-21, 89 Superjet-NEW, and 40 Тu-214 aircraft available new aircraft ~30% Foreign aircraft
40 Tu-214
of Russian-built aircraft in the Aeroflot Group’s fleet is expected to Aeroflot Group by lease. Russian-built
to grow to about 70% by 2030, with new types of Russian-made
aircraft to appear.


2022 Major Developments

SSJ100 in the Group’s fleet

Aeroflot and UAC signed an agreement

of intent to purchase 339 Russian-built
aircraft until 2030.
The MC-21 aircraft received the livery
of Rossiya Airlines
The first МС-21 aircraft owned by the Irkut
modified Superjet New
aircraft are scheduled
Corporation (State Corporation Rostec) 0 to be received under the 2030
received the livery of Rossiya Airlines 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 in the fleet Strategy
(Aeroflot Group), the largest operator
of Russian-built aircraft.
SSJ100 is a new generation short-haul
narrow-body passenger aircraft combining
the most advanced technologies in aircraft
engineering. The aircraft offers passenger
Rossiya Airlines was awarded for reliable New SSJ100 aircraft in Rossiya Airlines’ fleet
comfort comparable to that of long-haul
operation or Russian-built equipment in 2022
• SSJ100 Tobolsk airliners.
• Conquering the Russian North – SSJ100 Totma
• SSJ100 Kalyazin Russian-built aircraft are used for both
• City of Labour Valour – SSJ100 Dzerzhinsk domestic and international flights.
• City of Labour Valour – SSJ100 Bologoye For example, the year 2022 saw the launch
• SSJ100 Tver of a large-scale programme of SSJ100
Rossiya Airlines performed its first
• SSJ100 Arzamas flights from Sochi, while domestic routes
С-check of SSJ100
• City of Tourist Attraction – SSJ100 Kislovodsk were supplemented with flights to the UAE, 29.9 m – length
The airline’s technical crew
conducted heavy-duty maintenance
• Silver Necklace in Rossiya Airlines’ fleet –
SSJ100 Priozersk
Armenia, Egypt, and Turkey. The SSJ100
programme was also extensively enhanced
of the Russian aircraft on their own. • SSJ100 Velsk in Troika’s livery
with flights from Moscow: in addition
45.9 tonnes – maximum takeoff weight

to domestic flights, this aircraft type

2.4 thousand km – flight range
was the main airplane to perform flights
between Moscow and destinations
in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan in 2022. 87–100 passenger seats
144 Contribution to Local Communities ESG Report 145

December June August MC-21 is a Russian new generation medium-haul narrow-body for its high aerodynamic quality and flight performance
2005 2011 2017 passenger aircraft with a capacity of 163 to 211 passengers. metrics. In the course of production, the aircraft is being
It uses innovative engineering solutions. MC-21 differs from continuously improved, thus increasing passenger
Aeroflot signed the first contract Aeroflot received the first Aeroflot entered into the lease
its peers by the use of a composite wing and advanced metal comfort and ease of operation.
for the delivery of 30 SSJ100 SSJ100 aircraft named contract in respect of 20 SSJ100
regional jets. alloys in combination with new generation flight systems,
after the outstanding Soviet aircraft.
pilot Mikhail Vodopyanov. as well as by enhanced aerodynamics and a new generation Most investment in aircraft engineering originates
The first flight was performed high-performance engine (PD-14). In 2022, Aeroflot continued directly from aviation equipment manufacturers.
on the Moscow – St. Petersburg preparing for the operation of MC-21. Aeroflot Group contributes to the development of Russia’s
route. aircraft engineering by aircraft operation, while aircraft
In July 2021, Rossiya Airlines and the Irkut Corporation set up lease, maintaining airworthiness, and aircraft repair costs
a working group to implement a set of measures for launching are the Group’s investment in boosting aviation industry
commercial flights on MC-21. At the initial stage, the airline’s technologies.
brand grey-red-white livery will be applied to three pre-production
Irkut Corporation aircraft not included in the air carrier’s fleet. Aeroflot Group’s performance in the development
Thereafter, the livery will be applied to the aircraft already included of Russia’s aircraft engineering is recognised
in the fleet. by the professional community. Due to its achievements
in the operation of Russian-built aircraft, Rossiya Airlines
Tu-214 is a medium-haul aircraft with a capacity of up to 210 won the annual international Skyway Service Award
passengers. The aircraft is equipped with domestic systems in the Best Domestic Airline Operator category.
June that satisfy safety and quality standards. Tu-214 stands out
September December
2018 2018 2020
Aeroflot Group’ Annual General Aeroflot Group and Sukhoi The transfer of SSJ100 from
Meeting of Shareholders Civil Aircraft Company signed Aeroflot Airlines to Rossiya
approved the transaction an agreement for the delivery Airlines’ fleet commenced.
of MC-21 aircraft lease. of 100 SSJ100 aircraft. Pursuant to the pre-approved
Aeroflot Group Development
MC-21 received the livery Rossiya, Irkut and Promsvyazbank
Strategy, Rossiya Airlines of Rossiya Airlines introduced schoolchildren and students
is the centre of excellence to the MC-21 and SSJ100 aircraft
for operating Russian-built The first МС-21 aircraft owned by the Irkut Corporation
equipment. All new SSJ100 (State Corporation Rostec) received the livery of Rossiya Pilots and flight attendants of Rossiya Airlines, test
aircraft are delivered to Rossiya Airlines (Aeroflot Group), the largest operator of Russian- pilots and design engineers of the Irkut Corporation
Airlines. built aircraft. The airliner was painted in the airline livery introduced schoolchildren and students to the latest
in Ulyanovsk using Russian-manufactured paints. civilian aircraft and unveiled the secrets of their
The MC-21 prototype aircraft will be operated manufacture and operation. Two prototype MC-21
by the Irkut Corporation for training of instructor aircraft and the SSJ100 aircraft were exhibited
pilots of Rossiya Airlines. In addition, Aeroflot Group, in the hangar of the Flight Test and Development
together with the manufacturer, will work on elaborating Complex at the Yakovlev Design Bureau in Zhukovsky.
a maintenance roadmap for airports within a potential More than 250 people attended the event,
route network of new airliners. including students of the Moscow Aviation Institute
and the Bauman Moscow State Technical University,
July September September as well as schoolchildren and their parents – employees
2021 2021 2022 and partners of the Irkut Corporation.

Rossiya Airlines signed lease Rossiya Airlines started Aeroflot and UAC signed
contracts for 15 SSJ100 operating SSJ100 of single-class an agreement of intent
aircraft of single-class cabin cabin configuration. to purchase 339 Russian-
configuration – 100 economy built aircraft. Rossiya Airlines possesses a unique and valuable
class seats. experience and expertise in commissioning and operating
The first МС-21 aircraft
owned by the Irkut Russian aircraft. The airline has a strong presence
Corporation received in the market for regional SSJ100 operations.
the livery of Rossiya Airlines. As at the year-end 2022, the Rossiya Airlines fleet included
76 SSJ100 aircraft that have been transporting passengers
to more than a hundred destinations in high demand
for almost two years already.
146 Contribution to Local Communities ESG Report 147

" GRI 203-2

Aeroflot Group takes a responsible approach to engagement

with governmental authorities, the population, and public
associations in the regions where it operates. The Group
implements various social programmes, including support
for charity organisations and sponsorship of sports and cultural

2022 Major Developments

• carrying
Aeroflot performed a “golden flight” from Beijing
the Russian Olympic team.

• InMoscow,
partnership with FC Zenit and FC Dynamo
Rossiya Airlines organised a large-scale
Flying High Together football tournament.

• Aeroflot acted as a partner of the Siberian

International Marathon.

• Aeroflot became the Official Airline of the 2022

Youth Day.

• Konstantin Khabenskiy’s Charity Foundation

and Aeroflot’s Mercy Miles project entered
into a partnership.

• Aeroflot became the official carrier of the 2

International Tiger Forum.

• Together with the Amur Tiger Centre, Aeroflot

transported a tigress from Primorye to Moscow.

• Aeroflot became the general partner

of the international festival of ethnic music
and crafts Mir Sibiri (World of Siberia).

• with
Aeroflot organised the High Flyers project together
A. Sysoev. As part of the project, 10 restaurants
from the Russian Far East designed special dishes
for PJSC Aeroflot.
148 Contribution to Local Communities ESG Report 149

Amount of sponsor support, RUB billion Structure of sponsor support, 2022, %

" GRI 203-1

2022 0.3 49.6 Football

2021 1.1 50.4 Other sports

2020 1.4

2019 2.3

Support for Sports

Aeroflot Group places great importance on supporting sports In addition, Aeroflot is the general partner of the Russian
and promoting a healthy lifestyle. Aeroflot is an enthusiastic Olympic Committee, the official carrier of the CSKA basketball
and regular sponsor of sports events and organisations. In 2022, club and the Russian national cycling team, sponsor
Aeroflot Group allocated RUB 335.8 million for sponsorship of the Russian Rugby Federation, the All Russian Federation
purposes, of which 49.6% went to support football clubs, of DanceSport and Acrobatic Rock’n’Roll, the Russian Golf
as Aeroflot Airlines is the official sponsor and official air carrier Association, the Russian Table Tennis Federation, and cooperates
of the CSKA football club, and Rossiya Airlines is the official with the Russian Chess Federation.
carrier of Zenit and Dynamo Moscow football clubs.

Support for the Russian sports institutions

Russian Olympic Professional Football Professional Motorcycle Russian Table

Committee Club CSKA Basketball Club Federation Tennis Federation
CSKA of Russia

Russian Chess Golf Association All Russian Russian Rugby Russian Cycling
Federation of Russia Federation Federation Federation
of DanceSport
and Acrobatic
150 Contribution to Local Communities ESG Report 151

“Golden flight” carrying the Russian Unique sports Flying High Together
Olympic team from Beijing to Moscow project of Rossiya Airlines

In February 2022, Aeroflot Airlines performed The Flying High Together project commenced in mid-August
the SU201 “golden flight” from Beijing to Moscow 2022. First, the football clubs held a competitive selection
(Sheremetyevo) carrying the winners, awardees, in two stages – consideration of video applications and face-
and participants of the ХХIV Olympic Winter Games. to-face castings. Over two thousand football fans from all
over Russia showed interest. The most talented fans were afforded
As resolved by the airline, all awardees of the Olympic the opportunity to represent their favourite club on the football
Games received Aeroflot Bonus Gold level cards. field. For a fortnight, fans included in the national teams
received training at the FC Zenit and FC Dynamo Moscow bases
As part of the Winter Olympics, the airline made under the guidance of legendary players – Dmitry Radchenko
19 special routes to Beijing from Moscow, and Erik Korchagin. The teams were captained by popular sports
Krasnoyarsk, and Khabarovsk in total to carry bloggers Mikhail “Prokop” Prokopyev and German El Classico.
75.4 tonnes of sports equipment and other cargo, The participants were then able to demonstrate their ball skills
and almost 80 tonnes of baggage. on the football field. St. Petersburg and Moscow were the cities that
hosted matches between Zenit and Dynamo Moscow fans’ teams.


Aeroflot is not just the official sponsor of CSKA but also makes
OF AEROFLOT a special aircraft available to the team for the players to fly
to the places of their away matches. The CSKA livery bears

the club logo and a horse image being the official symbol
and mascot of CSKA.

Sportolet Zenitolet
Stylised images and merchandise representing football, hockey, rhythmic The airliner represents Zenit across the entire route network
gymnastics, and figure skating – winter and summer, team and individual of Rossiya Airlines, bringing the club closer to its fans from all
sports admired by Russian fans – were chosen as the key sports livery Russian regions.
components. Together with Rossiya Airlines, the blue-white-sky blues visited
62 cities and towns and making a total of 373 flights covering
a distance of 958 thousand kilometres.
152 Contribution to Local Communities ESG Report 153

RAISING AWARENESS Rossiya Airlines implements a project to raise public

awareness regarding the preservation of the population
aircraft perform flights on the most popular and socially
important routes to cities and towns in the Russian Far
of rare wildlife species. Jointly with its partners, the Company East and popular resort destinations both in Russia
ON THE PROTECTION developed special liveries for aircraft with images of rare
animal species. Today, the airline’s fleet includes such
and beyond, making passengers and nationals familiar
with unique animals of the Russian Far East.

OF ENDANGERED WILDLIFE SPECIES aircraft, as Tigrolet and Leolet. The originally designed

In September 2022, Aeroflot became the official carrier the Tiger Forum, Aeroflot’s livery of aircraft carrying
of the II International Tiger Forum, thus contributing to raising participants of the event was decorated with the forum
public awareness to the protection of endangered and rare emblem, while a special brand was displayed on headrests
animal species, including the Amur tiger. As part of upholding of aircraft cabin seats.

Aeroflot together with the Amur Tiger Centre transported

a tigress from Primorye to Moscow

In August 2022, the Amur Tiger Centre contacted the airline diet and constant veterinary control. The animal will be moved
with a request to carry a wild cat. Aeroflot decided to provide to the Centre for Rare Animal Species Reproduction at the Moscow
transportation at no cost. To transport the animal, the Moscow Zoo and will thereafter become a participant of the International Aircraft in the special Tigrolet tiger livery
Zoo specialists manufactured a perforated box of 2.25x1.05x1.42 Captive Amur Tiger Conservation Programme.
metres, which was delivered to Vladivostok in advance. The box It is a project implemented jointly with the Amur Tiger Centre. Far East – in the Primorsky Krai and southern part
carrying the tigress had the weight of 450 kg. Aeroflot provided maximum comfort for the unusual passenger The Amur tiger, the northernmost tiger subspecies, belongs of the Khabarovsk Krai. The most significant factor threatening
throughout the journey. Following specialist recommendations, to the largest subspecies of the feline family, with 95% the existence of the Amur tiger in Russia is its extinction
In December 2021, a local fisherman found the 4–5 month old the tigress had constant access to drinking water during of the Amur tiger’s population concentrated in the Russian through poaching.
wounded predator in the Anuchinsky district of Primorsky Krai. the flight. The animal withstood the nine-hour flight in cargo hold
The Hunting Supervision Service inspectors called to the scene of the Boeing 777-300ER aircraft on the Vladivostok – Moscow
took the animal to a rehabilitation centre. Nicknamed Amura scheduled flight normally.
following an Internet poll, the tigress is safe now. However, she will
no longer be able to live in the wilderness, as she needs a special

Aircraft in the special Leolet Far Eastern leopard livery

It is a project implemented jointly with Autonomous Far Eastern Leopards, creating the Land of the Leopard
Non-Profit Organisation Far Eastern Leopards. National Park in Primorye, and introducing amendments
to Russian laws criminalising the illegal keeping,
In the early 2000s, a situation with the Far Eastern leopard transportation, and sale of especially valuable wildlife
population was rather threatening. As at 2007–2008, species, including the Far Eastern leopard. Over five
there were only about 35–40 species of this red-listed and a half years, those and other measures more than
predator in Russia. The population recovery began in 2011 doubled the number of Far Eastern leopards, to come very
by establishing Autonomous Non-Profit Organisation close to 100 species.
154 Contribution to Local Communities ESG Report 155


High Flyers gastronomy festival
In 2022, Aeroflot acted as the general partner Aeroflot Group and JSC Russian Far East and Arctic
of the International World of Siberia (Mir Sibiri) Festival Development Corporation launched a joint project targeted
of World Music and Crafts. Aeroflot’s participation at proper positioning and raising awareness of the Russian
in the ethnocultural festival attests to its strongest Far East. As part of the project, such products, as birch juice,
commitment to sustainability principles that wild white fish, and chicken produced by Russian Far Eastern
it successfully applies in its operations. Aeroflot strives enterprises based on the territory of advanced socio-economic
to show regard for and promote a cultural diversity. development in the Russian Federation, are used and offered
on board Aeroflot’s aircraft.

World of Siberia
The World of Siberia is the region’s premier Support for cultural initiatives is one of top priorities
open-air music event. The festival for musicians of Aeroflot’s social policy. Partnership with the World
and craftsmen preserving cultural traditions of Siberia ethno-festival is another efficient way
of various ethnic groups has been held since 2003 for Aeroflot to introduce as many people as possible
and traditionally arouses interest of thousands to the artistic ethnic heritage of our multinational
of visitors. The festival was founded by the Ministry homeland and contribute to preserving the identity
of Culture of the Krasnoyarsk Krai and regional of the peoples of Russia.
As the general partner of the event, Aeroflot set
up special gifts for guests and participants – two
certificates 25 thousand Aeroflot Bonus programme
miles each.
Guests and participants of the festival were able I Love Russian – special
to reach the venue by a direct Moscow – Abakan Rossiya Airlines’ project
flight and via an extensive Siberian hub network
of Krasnoyarsk. Rossiya Airlines launched the I Love Russian programme
to promote domestically manufactured products and services
among passengers. Passengers will be able to discover
high-quality domestic goods manufactured through the use
of natural raw materials of Russian origin. Such products may
appear on board the aircraft in the form of goods, souvenirs,
services or certificates. Participation for manufacturers
is free of charge, except for a compensation of direct costs
for arranging events under the project. The first brand
presented to passengers on 26 October 2022 was the Levrana
natural cosmetics.
156 Contribution to Local Communities ESG Report 157

CHARITY Area of activity

" GRI 203-2

Cooperation with charitable organisations under the Mercy
Miles project
The Company’s approach to charity is governed At Aeroflot Group, PJSC Aeroflot and JSC Aeromar
by the Regulations on the Procedure for Charity Fund
Creation and Use. The Regulations define PJSC Aeroflot’s
unified charity policy and the procedure for addressing
are responsible for carrying out charitable activities
on a regular basis. PJSC Aeroflot’s Public Relations
Department is charged with coordinating the Company’s
! Expanding collaboration under the Mercy Miles project (conclusion of the agreement
with Konstantin Khabenskiy’s Charity Foundation)

requests for charity originating from individuals and legal charitable efforts and conducting annual monitoring 2022 highlights

69.3 3.1
entities. of charitable aid performance, including the analysis
of letters of thanks received from beneficiaries. At the end
Based on the Regulations, Group companies draw up their of each calendar year, the department reports performance
own internal charity management documents. monitoring results to the Management Board million miles donated tickets issued
of PJSC Aeroflot.
Aeroflot’s Regulations set forth the core areas of charitable
activities, which cover rendering assistance to socially The Board of Directors reviews and approves the charity
Support for orphanages
vulnerable groups, educational institutions, research, fund budget. Reviewing the results of charitable activities
cultural, sports, and environmental projects. The Company’s
charitable activities are built on the principles
of transparency, targeting, and performance
is included in the agenda of the Board of Directors at least
once every six months. ! Assistance to the St. Sergius Orthodox Educational Centre and the Pokrov orphanage
in the Vladimir Region

and are consistent with the Aeroflot Group Development In 2022, Aeroflot’s charitable support amounted 2022 highlights

Strategy 2030 and priorities laid down by the Group’s to RUB 21.3 million. Traditionally, Aeroflot Group renders
Sustainable Development Policy. social support in the following areas.
RUB million
In order to prevent fraud, the Company conducts background
checks of beneficiaries. Each potential beneficiary shall
provide a list of documents outlined in the Regulations.
Helping veterans
The Economic Security Department then issues an opinion
on reliability of any particular counterparty.
Delivery of food packages to veterans
One-off monetary payment for the 77th Victory anniversary
Expenses on charity projects, RUB million Structure of charity expenses in 2022, RUB million 2022 highlights

" GRI 203-1

RUB 3.7 million



49.8 Support for socially
! Tour of Places of Military Glory campaign to transport veterans of the Great Patriotic War
during the period of celebrating the Victory Day
2022 highlights

2020 31.4
50.2 Support
for orphanges 96 thousand people carried as part of the campaign since 2001

2019 37.1

Targeted aid

Support for the All-Russian Public Organisation Russian Geographical Society
Assistance to Autonomous Non-Profit Organisation FotoCh involved in supporting kids with special

! Participation in the All-Russian Fir Tree of Wishes campaign

2022 highlights

RUB 10.2 million


158 Contribution to Local Communities ESG Report 159


Number of tickets issued under
Mercy Miles Support for orphanages
the Mercy Miles project, pieces
Aeroflot launched the Mercy Miles charity project in 2008. Aeroflot is a traditional guardian of two orphanages: upholds them financially on a regular basis. In 2022,
Over 14 years, more than 1.6 billion miles have been collected, the St. Sergius Orthodox Educational Centre boarding school the expenses of providing charitable support to orphanages
and over 51.9 thousand tickets issued. The Mercy Miles project 2022 3,119 and the Pokrov orphanage in the Vladimir Region. The Company amounted to RUB 6.9 million.
enables Aeroflot Bonus members to donate miles gained from
their flights to various charitable foundations. Such funds make 2021 2,853
use of the miles to buy tickets to assist in transporting seriously ill
or emergency-affected children to places of their treatment.
Aeroflot arranges career guidance excursions for children
2020 1,960
With the help of the project, Aeroflot Group provides a simple
and convenient tool of involving passengers in charity activities of the International Children’s Day was attended
2019 3,068
and renders multi-faceted assistance to partner charity funds. by children of the St. Sergius Orthodox Educational
In 2022, Aeroflot customers donated 69.3 million miles to charitable Centre.
foundations. It enabled the latter to purchase 3.1 thousand tickets. During the event, young visitors attended the Water–
Ground training complex, where they learnt about
special aspects of preparing flight and cabin crews,
watched the training of flight attendant groups, viewed
the equipment and simulators for practising rescue
Partners of the Mercy Miles project procedures, and the largest training pool in Europe
with a tropical rain simulation system.
Aeroflot attaches great importance to social initiatives
and is extensively engaged in public life. Career
guidance excursions for children are one of the ways
Konstantin Khabenskiy’s Charity Podari Zhizn (Grant Life) charity Vladimir Spivakov International Charity of demonstrating social responsibility targeted, among
Foundation foundation Foundation
During the summer school holidays, Aeroflot arranges others, at supporting children in difficult circumstances.
a series of career guidance excursions to its flight An introduction to flying professions will widen a focus
simulator complex. The first excursion held on the eve of interests of the younger generation and encourage
them to choose their own path and professional vocation.
Kommersant Publishing House’s Life Line charity foundation Step Together charitable
Russian Assistance Fund foundation

Partnering with Konstantin Khabenskiy’s Charity Foundation Helping veterans

In 2022, Konstantin Khabenskiy’s Charity Foundation Another conventional trend of Aeroflot’s charities
joined the Mercy Miles project. The foundation helps is to support veterans of the Great Patriotic War. Every year
children and young adults suffering from brain and spinal since 2001, veterans and disabled veterans of the Great
cord tumours receive the necessary medical care on time Patriotic War are afforded the opportunity to make a free
and return to a full-quality life. flight in economy class to any city or town in Russia
As part of the Mercy Miles project, Aeroflot supports or neighbouring countries. Heroes of the Soviet Union
the foundation in organising transportation of patients and Full Cavaliers of the Order of Glory may take their seats
for examination and treatment, delivering medications in comfort and business classes. They may start their journey
and rehabilitation equipment, and assisting doctors during the period from 3 May to 12 May and come back
in travelling for surgeries and advice. within a month.

On top of that, Aeroflot implements a programme to help

181 tickets
issued as part of the partnership
its retired employees who are veterans of the Great
Patriotic War. Food packages are delivered to them every
month, and cash payments are made in May. In 2022,
the total expenses of assisting retired Aeroflot employees

28.4 million miles

credited to the foundation’s account over 2022
who are veterans of the Great Patriotic War amounted
to RUB 3.7 million.
160 Contribution to Local Communities ESG Report 161

EDUCATIONAL Names of Aeroflot Airlines’ aircraft

as at 31 December 2022, %

Writers, poets,
Dobrolet 0.6 22.2 and philosophers
Aeroflot Group implements a number of cultural and educational initiatives for passengers
and projects to raise their awareness of domestic tourism and natural attractions of Russia.
SKYTEAM 2.2 21.1 Scientists

GREAT NAMES AT AEROFLOT Film and theatre directors

Athletes 4.4 14.4 and personalities
Aeroflot Airlines pursues a tradition of naming its aircraft after compatriots who contributed to the development of science, literature,
sports, and arts in Russia and worldwide.
Back in the USSR, aircraft had their own names, but the tradition then ceased to exist. In 2003, Aeroflot revived it. In these days, Astraunats, aviators, Composers, musicians,
and discoverers 6.7 12.2 performers
almost all Aeroflot’s aircraft are named after remarkable historical personalities. Each flight starts with a flight attendant telling
passengers about the person in whose honour the Aeroflot aircraft is named.
Historical and public
Artists 6.1 10.0 figures

Aeroflot regularly posts information

about memorable events associated Airbus A321 Airbus A321
with prominent people after whom A. A. Tarkovsky I. I. Shishkin
the aircraft are named on social media. Theatre and film director, screenwriter Painter
In 2022, Aeroflot released publications
Tarkovsky’s films make up a cycle about human An outstanding landscape painter who devoted
dedicated to the centenary of the birth sufferings and hopes. His conceptual and artistic his life to the glorification of Russian nature
of the People’s Artist of the USSR solutions stand out for their distinctiveness by conveying its majestic spirit with an extraordinary
and depth. realism. Yet while alive, he was called a “singer
Vladimir Etush and commemorative of the Russian forest” for his highest artistry.
dates related to Nikolay Karamzin, His films Andrei Rublev, Solaris, Mirror, Stalker
repeatedly hit the lists of the greatest ever films. Shishkin’s landscapes that are rightfully named
Khariton Tskhovrebov, Maris Liepa, Nikolay masterpieces adorn the walls of museums and art
Alexander Pushkin, Pavel Popovich, Karamzin
galleries both in Russia and abroad.

Mikhail Bulgakov, Sergey Yesenin, Muslim

Magomaev, and many others.
Nikolay Mikhaylovich Karamzin, a historian,
poet and writer, reformer of literary language,
was born on 12 December 1766. He authored Airbus A320 Airbus A350
the sentimental Poor Liza story and the History
of the Russian State (an outstanding work K. G. Paustovsky G. B. Volchek
on the history of our country), enriched Writer, screenwriter, teacher, journalist, Theatre and film actress, theatre director,
and translator and teacher
the Russian language with new words,
and introduced the letter “yo” (ё) into use.
Travel was instrumental in Paustovsky’s life An outstanding contemporary theatre worker who
One of Aeroflot’s aircraft is named after Nikolay and work. According to the writer, an aspiration contributed to the development of theatrical art
Karamzin. for exploring new places originated as early as in his in Russia. For 40 years, Galina Volchek served
childhood, when he dreamt of sea voyages to distant as artistic director of the Sovremennik theatre
“A journey nourishes our spirit and heart. Travel, lands and was absorbed in reading guidebooks in Moscow and staged about 30 performances,
and ship’s manuals. including Steep Route, Two for the Seesaw, Three
hypochondriac, to heal from your hypochondria!
Sisters, Gin Game, Three Comrades, and others.
Travel, misanthrope, to fall in love with the human His best-known pieces of writing include Tale of Life,
race! Travel everyone who can!” Kara-Bugaz, Warm Bread, and many others.

162 Contribution to Local Communities ESG Report 163


Rossiya Airlines assigns names of towns and cities of the Russian Moscow region locations Cities of Labour Valour
Federation to its aircraft (the tradition came into being in 2016).
The airline’s fleet operates aircraft named after major cities, In 2021, Rossiya Airlines and the Moscow Region Tourism The City of Labour Valour is an honorary title of the Russian As at the year-end 2022, Rossiya Airlines’ fleet had
localities, and towns of political or historical importance Committee signed an agreement to promote the tourism Federation established to commemorate the deeds of homefront 32 aircraft named after the Cities of Labour Valour: Barnaul,
to the country. The first airliner under the initiative was named potential of the Moscow Region among airline’s passengers. workers during the Great Patriotic War. The title is awarded Yekaterinburg, Ivanovo, Izhevsk, Irkutsk, Kazan, Kirov, Kolomna,
after St. Petersburg. The name and emblem of the city Pursuant to the agreement, Rossiya Airlines launched a special to cities and towns whose residents made a significant Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Kostroma, Krasnoyarsk, Magadan,
appear on the fuselage nose, under the cockpit. On the left project to assign Moscow Region locations to its aircraft. contribution to the victory by ensuring the uninterrupted Magnitogorsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Tagil, Novokuznetsk,
side of the aircraft, one may see the city’s name in Russian, manufacture of military and civil products at industrial Novosibirsk, Omsk, Perm, Penza, Rybinsk, Samara, Saratov,
and on the right – in English. Thanks to the joint project, passengers may gain access enterprises located on the city or town territory, thus Severodvinsk, Syzran, Tomsk, Tyumen, Ulyanovsk, Ufa,
to information about architectural gems, monuments of wooden demonstrating mass labour heroism and total dedication. Cheboksary, Chelyabinsk, Yaroslavl.
Russia is one of the largest multinational states in the world. architecture, old estates, museums, folk arts and crafts,
The country is home to over 190 peoples, each rich in their and the beauties of Russian nature, for which the Moscow In 2020, Rossiya Airlines and Federal State Budgetary
unique cultural heritage and traditions. The initiative to name Region is renowned, in the entertainment system on board Institution Rospatriotcentr signed an agreement, pursuant
aircraft after Russian cities and towns is aimed at paying tribute Rossiya Airlines’ aircraft. to which the airline’s aircraft were named after the Cities
to history and heighten traveller interest in Russian locations of Labour Valour. Magnitogorsk became the first airliner
and domestic tourism. provided for by the said agreement.
164 Contribution to Local Communities ESG Report 165


Tobolsk is one of the oldest cities in Siberia,
a true open-air museum, and home to the only
Kremlin in Siberia made of stone and a plenty
of museums and sites inseparably associated A large industrial and transport hub of Western
with the Russian history. Tobolsk was the starting point Siberia.
of the development of Siberia by Russia and the place The capital of Kuzbass is famous for its legends
of the last exile of Emperor Nicholas II. and monuments. On top of that, it hosts one
of the largest ski resorts – Sheregesh – situated
By air from St. Petersburg 150 km from the city.

By air from Moscow (3,115 km)

One of the largest Russian spa and mountain Novokuznetsk
climate resorts of national significance. The core
natural curative resources are mineral waters, muds, A place of permafrost, fascinating polar lights,
and climate. and summer white nights.
Kislovodsk In spring, the region widely celebrates
the Reindeer Herder’s Day, which is a colourful
Novy and distinctive event worthy of a visit
By air to Mineralnye Vody from Moscow, St. Petersburg, by the most sophisticated tourists.
Yekaterinburg, Ufa, Perm, Kazan, and Samara. Then Urengoy
by ground transport (60 km)
Priozersk By air from Moscow to Novy
Urengoy (2,347 km)

This ancient town in the Leningrad Region is included
in the Silver Necklace of Russia. Kazan Gorno-Altaisk and its surroundings
The key tourist attraction here is the Korela fortress are known for their natural attractions.
being an integral part of the frontier defence system It is the starting point for tourism in the Altai
of the Russian state. Mountains and home to the Chuisky Tract,
one of the country’s most picturesque
roads, the snow-white Belukha Mountain,
By air to St. Petersburg, by ground transport from
St. Petersburg (150 km) and the crystal-clear Multinskiye Lakes.

By air from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sochi,

and Mineralnye Vody

Kazan is referred to as the third capital of Russia.

It is an extremely beautiful and authentic city
combining the Eastern and Western cultures. In Kazan,
mosques and Orthodox churches coexist, and a high Health and wellness Event tourism
rate of development keeps apace with respect tourism
for tradition and history.
Cultural and historical Adventure travel
By air from Moscow (745 km), St. Petersburg (1,201 km), tourism
Sochi (1,509 km) or Mineralnye Vody (1,342 km)

Sports tourism
166 Contribution to Local Communities ESG Report 167

Rossiya Airlines aircraft wearing the Troika livery

In April 2022, Rossiya Airlines presented DESIGNED TO PROMOTE TRAVEL
SSJ100 in a special Troika livery.
The introduction of the original aircraft WITHIN RUSSIA ARE BEING
livery was timed to coincide with the Year DEVELOPED ACROSS ALL In 2022, Aeroflot and HiFi Streaming
of Cultural Heritage of the Peoples of Russia. Sound recorded a series of audio guides
The Troika was an important mode of Russian AEROFLOT GROUP AIRLINES for tourists of Russia’s largest cities.
transport for centuries. A team of horses Tourists may, in a convenient audio
historically stood out for the ability to travel format, learn about the sights of Moscow,
and get to the most hard-to-reach regions. St. Petersburg, Vladivostok, Krasnoyarsk,
and Sochi.
The Troika livery is symbolically named after
the town of Velsk in the Arkhangelsk Region.  o access the audio guides, go to:
The Velsk district hosts the Khoroshevsky https://open.zvuk.com/
Horse Breeding Complex, where the revival cLQ0/1o084ott
of the Velskaya troika of horses began
in 2014. Every year, Velsk is home to the Pride
of Pomorye horse races, one of the best horse
competitions in Northwest Russia.

In addition, the Aeroflot website

posts the Travel Guide section
for passengers to get information
about cities, towns, and their places
of interest. For additional comfort,
one may also choose and book air In 2022, Pobeda Airlines together
tickets to the selected destination with Tripster launched a new
and back.
Aeroflot Airlines’ aircraft in the Dobrolet retrolivery service – Excursions online booking.
 ou may access the service here:
Y Passengers may now book tours in all
https://www.aeroflot. cities and towns of the airline’s route
Some Aeroflot aircraft receive names network.
in honour of certain milestones
travelguide?_  o access the service, go to:
in the Company’s history. In 2013,
in honour of the 90th anniversary, https://pobeda.tripster.pro/
Aeroflot’s fleet was supplemented
with an aircraft in historical painting.
The retro jet was named Dobrolet
in honour of the joint-stock society
of voluntary air fleet of the same
name established on 17 March 1923
and later transformed into Aeroflot.
The retro aircraft in the fleet is intended
to emphasise historical continuity
and heighten public interest in the airline’s In 2022, Rossiya Airlines launched
great history. a new project in its on-board
entertainment system – With Rossiya
Around Russia. In a special section,
passengers may find articles dedicated
to various regions of Russia. So far,
travellers may learn about the sights
of the Tyumen and Saratov Regions,
as well as of St. Petersburg.
168 Contribution to Local Communities ESG Report 169

Aeroflot project to promote travel on its Telegram channel



When the steppes come to life with bright colours,

mountains are covered with maral flowers, a light MAKHACHKALA
wind bringing a thousand scents turns your head,
and forests are filled with birdsong – it’s high time
to fly to Altai! By the way, thanks to a convenient
timetable, residents of the region will also find
it convenient to travel across Aeroflot’s route network
with connections in Moscow. During the summer season, we will continue If you are out for a big party, outdoor activities,
implementing the programme of direct flights and a fairy tale in reality, go to the Snow Village.
to Mineralnye Vody from Russian regions! We will We promise this winter festival will melt your heart
perform flights from Samara, Ufa, Kazan, Perm, even when the frost is hard.
and Yekaterinburg.
The Snow Village is a unique project of snow builders.
Did you know that a warm season in the Stavropol Construction starts as soon as the first snow falls
Krai is pretty lengthy and lasts for about five months? in the Khibiny: craftsmen from all over Russia
So, you will surely have time to capture the best and neighbouring countries come here and start
season, devote some time to your health, and enjoy creating! The theme of the Snow Village changes every
TOBOLSK unique views of the Caucasian Spas. Admire Elbrus The rhythm of lezginka and the roar of rushing streams
or leisurely strolls and meeting sunrise
year, as do the structures, compositions, and sculptures
from the 1,743-metre-long cableway in Kislovodsk. made of snow and ice.
Wander around the Peter and Paul church complex in the mountains, the ancient Naryn-Kala or mysterious
Gamsutl, dunes of Sarykum or green Chokh, Darghin The village also hosts the annual Snegolet festival,
in Essentuki. The place is also referred to as the Rio
chudu or Avar khinkal, the best lamb meat or... without where professional sculptors create three-metre-high
de Caucasus. In Zheleznovodsk, go to the Palace
or, definitely, the best. snow figures right in front of the visitors. Moreover,
of Bukhara Emir. The building was built under
the festival is home to the Snow Saw competition,
Alexander III for his former cadet corps classmate. We are not aware exactly what jumps to your mind where artists carve original sculptures with their
The palace is decorated with an Arabic ligature at the mentioning of Dagestan , and whether chainsaws in just 90 minutes.
More opportunities to travel around Russia! fence, ceramic blue mosaics, and carved woodwork. it is possible to express all the diversity of this region
In Pyatigorsk, lovers of nature and of Russian Still in doubt? We have an airtight argument: you may
Tobolsk is a cosy city with a great history that used in a couple of words? But we do know that once you
literature may visit the picturesque Tsvetnik park enjoy all this beauty under the polar lights observed
to be the capital of the Siberian province in the 18th have been there, you would always want to come back.
and Diana’s Grotto, one of Lermontov’s favourite places in the Khibiny all year round, except for the polar day
century. It is also the place where the only Kremlin If you have never heard the noise of the Tobot or seen and short night periods.
to be.
and unique wooden architecture monuments the turquoise waters of the Sulak Canyon, it is perfect
of Siberia are located, where Dmitry Mendeleev Flights will be operated on comfortable Airbus A320 timing for getting it right, and if you already miss it,
was born, and where the second Robinson Crusoe aircraft. For a detailed timetable and tickets, go here. it is about time to repeat the adventure. But firstly,
book was set! test your knowledge of the Country of the Mountains
and then visit the website to buy a ticket.
ESG Report 2022


Keeping safety 99.976%

Aeroflot Group flight safety

on top 5-STAR
Skytrax COVID-19 Airline
Safety Rating

173 Aviation Security and Flight Safety

181 Occupational Health and Safety North Chuya Range, Altai Krai, Russia
172 Safety Management ESG Report 173

of different business processes and managed
by teams with varying expertise with a high
2022 Key Highlights Enforcement of the safety of passengers degree of synergy.
and employees on the ground and in the air
is an absolute priority for Aeroflot Group Flight safety risks and aviation security

99.976 99.988
companies. risks are administered in accordance
with the effective regulations drawn up
% % subject to the requirements of Russian
Aeroflot Group flight safety index Pobeda Airlines flight safety index Aeroflot Group’s safety management is based laws, standards and recommendations
on two building blocks – aviation security and flight of international organisations in the area
safety. These are closely related aspects composed of civil aviation.

100 %
Aeroflot employees completed occupational AVIATION SECURITY
health and safety (OHS) training
" GRI 3-3, 416-1

Aeroflot has its Aviation Security Policy1 aimed

Material Topics at achieving a high level of security through
the implementation of measures to ensure the safety
Workplace health and safety
of life and health of passengers, crew members,
Flight safety and personnel, preventing unlawful interference
with civil aviation activities and attempted infliction
of economic damage, as well as at continuously
2022 Major Developments improving aviation security management.

• Aeroflot was certified with the highest 5-Star Skytrax COVID-19 Airline Safety Rating. Aeroflot is responsible to passengers and its
• pursuant to applicable
The procedure for arranging a special assessment of working conditions was updated
Russian laws.
employees for enforcing air transportation safety.
One of the airline’s fundamental operational priorities
is the commitment of each Company employee
to a culture of aviation security.
UN Sustainable Development Goals
To ensure aviation and transportation security,
Group companies work in close cooperation with law
enforcement agencies and airport security services.
PJSC Aeroflot’ and JSC Rossiya Airlines’ automated
aviation security management system helps enforce
conformance of the Group’s level of aviation security
to local regulations, ICAO and IATA standards. It consists
of several modules and enables real-time collection
and analysis of essential operational information.
LLC Pobeda Airlines has a separate aviation security
management system.

Aviation security is a component of transport security and a system of measures designed to enforce protection against unlawful interferences in aviation-related activities, mitigate
risks and threats to the transport infrastructure, life and health of the Group’s employees and passengers during their stay at the airport.
174 Safety Management ESG Report 175

Monitoring the epidemiological Along with people, four-legged specialists – dogs

situation and combating of the rare Shalaika breed, a hybrid of jackal and laika, –
COVID-19 spread work to enforce safety at Aeroflot. These amazing smart
animals with their sharp instinct and non-aggressiveness
In 2022, Aeroflot continued observing anti-viral do an excellent job of sniffing out and detecting explosive
measures, despite the lifting of restrictions. devices and explosives, as well as traces of coronavirus
in human samples.
The Aeroflot website has the COVID-19 – Read
about the Latest Travel Updates section that posts
There are 63 Shalaikas on the staff of the Company’s sniffer
information for passengers to learn about available
dogs service. Dogs of this breed are highly trainable and,
compensations for tickets and restrictions
for passengers on domestic and international thanks to efforts of specialists from Aeroflot’s sniffer dogs
flights. service, easily learn to cope with the most unusual tasks.

In connection with measures taken to prevent Over the reporting year, Aeroflot’s dog trainers together
the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, most foreign
with their dogs won prizes in a competition for sniffer dog
countries have imposed restrictions on entry
units of the Russian Federation.
and transit through their territories for various
categories of individuals, as well as a number
of medical and quarantine requirements.
Aeroflot exercises control over passenger travel
documents, including proper documentation
(COVID-19 test results, completed questionnaires,
health declarations, various forms and sheets,
and other necessary documents) in line
with the requirements of the destination country
Prizes for Aeroflot’s sniffer dog trainers
related to the COVID-19 coronavirus infection.
In 2022, Aeroflot prevented 559 passengers from On 30 July 2022, an open championship arranged
entering foreign countries for reasons related by Kynology – XXI Century, a regional public organisation
to coronavirus restrictions. of assistance in the development of canine sports, took
place in the Sokolniki dog training centre. The competition
for sniffing out and detecting explosives was attended
by around 40 dog handlers representing the Ministry
of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations,
the Federal Customs Service of Russia, PJSC Aeroflot,
and JSC Vnukovo International Airport.
Aeroflot employees showed excellent performance. Daria
SKYTRAX five stars Makarova, a leading expert of the sniffer dogs service,
and her Shalaika named Site won two prizes, running third
in the exercise of sniffing out in a row of cars and running
In 2022, Aeroflot was certified
first in the exercise of sniffing out in a stand-alone item,
with the highest (5-star) rating
which Site did for the first time at all.
for COVID-19 on-board safety
introduced by Skytrax (COVID-19
Airline Safety Rating).
Aeroflot’s five-star rating confirms
that the Company’s passenger
servicing procedures and package
" GRI 416-2

of anti-epidemic measures meet

the highest international standard. As part of preventing flight disruptions
An independent audit took place by passengers with invalid travel documents,
on flights and at Sheremetyevo airport
the Travel and Transportation Documents Control
in January 2022.
Department managed to avoid fines totalling
USD 2.7 million in 2022.
176 Safety Management ESG Report 177


" GRI 3-3, 416-1 Flight safety is a top priority for PJSC Aeroflot. All
Company employees recognise the importance
for achieving the highest safety performance targets.
Such a flight safety management strategy enables
of robust flight safety management in all aspects PJSC Aeroflot to maintain a dominant position
Aeroflot Group places a strong focus on risk analysis PJSC Aeroflot has a flight safety management system of PJSC Aeroflot’s operations and are responsible in the global aviation industry.
and management, elaboration of measures to improve (FSMS) in place that complies with the Russian civil
flight safety performance and prevention of air accidents aviation regulations, international organisations’
and incidents. Aeroflot adheres to a system-based approach standards, and best flight safety management
to identify and implement long-term targets for flight safety practices.
PJSC Aeroflot assumes the following commitments:

Flight safety management system at PJSC Aeroflot

! enhancing and improving of the flight safety
management system to make sure it conforms
to the requirements of applicable Russian laws,
! ensuring a sufficient number of qualified
and trained personnel and allocation of all
the necessary resources for the implementation
standards and best practices of international of the Policy;
organisations in the area of civil aviation;
• safety
Includes processes for identifying actual and potential flight
hazards (threats) and assessing inherent risks;
• values
Enforces an ongoing improvement of mandatory
of the flight safety management system.
• for safety performance metrics are taken;

• Ensures
sure that corrective and preventive actions required

continuous monitoring and regular evaluation

PJSC Aeroflot’s Flight Safety Policy is the core ! complying with flight safety standards
and achievement of high flight safety performance
! making sure that all personnel receive
the required flight safety information and training
in flight safety management;
of safety performance indicators; and component of the flight safety management system.
in all aviation activities;

! ensuring conformance of operational unit

activities to the required flight safety standards;
! introducing and developing a positive safety
culture in operations that reflects the highest
priority of flight safety;

safety risk Flight safety
! adopting managerial decisions designed
to enhance flight safety performance; ! advancing the flight safety reporting
system in operational units that guarantees
non-retaliation of employees who made
management support a report with any disciplinary measures, except
for the established facts of unacceptable

! advancing the flight safety risk management

system targeted at identifying and eliminating
hazards able to adversely affect flight safety
behaviour in the form of deliberate violations,
wrongful acts, or negligence; and


FSMS ! complying with applicable Russian laws

and the legislation of the countries in which
components ! maintaining the flight safety risk index associated
with operations at an acceptable level;
Aeroflot operates.

Flight safety
policy Promotion of flight
! attaining the flight safety index not below 99.9%
(acceptable level) and the SAFA safety ratio not
above two points (acceptable level);
and targets safety aspects
178 Safety Management ESG Report 179

PJSC Aeroflot has the Flight Safety Management Committee

whose primary objective is to oversee the FSMS functioning.
areas of Aeroflot Airlines’ operations: flight
and technical aircraft operation, ground
In 2022, six meetings of the Flight Safety Management
handling and maintenance, passenger
safety on board the aircraft, air navigation
" GRI 416-1, 416-2

Committee were held. As part of the Committee’s support, cargo transportation, and aviation
proceedings, a risk study was conducted in the core security. Aeroflot Group’s flight safety index1 (FSI) has been steadily conducted 27 inspections of Aeroflot Group airlines’
increasing over the last four years. In 2022, it reached aircraft in the context of the Safety Assessment of Foreign
99.976%, which exceeds the target value for 2022 (99.957%) Aircraft (SAFA) programme. The most recent SAFA
and corresponds to a high FSI. The improvement of Aeroflot inspection of Aeroflot Airlines’ aircraft was performed
Group’s FSI metric is accounted for by a reduction in the total in February 2022.
In the year under review, the Committee focused on:
number of air accidents and incidents. In 2022, the largest
number of air accidents and incidents was associated with In 2022, Aeroflot Group’s SAFA ratio increased slightly
analysing the risks of technical operation analysing the risks of unlawful interference
external active impacts, with a decreased share of events year-on-year. The indicator across all companies is below
of aircraft; with the airline’s route network operations;
related to technical failures. the blacklist threshold (Ratio value ≤ 2) established
reviewing the functioning of the voluntary analysing the risks of aircraft unintentionally by the European Civil Aviation Conference. The Group’s
reporting system in the operational units; starting to move after applying the parking Another indicator relied upon by Group companies in assessing airlines benefit from the outcomes of prior inspections
brake; the flight safety index is the SAFA 2 ratio. During the reporting to analyse their safety management system and elaborate
mitigating risks associated with adverse period, inspectors of the European Civil Aviation Conference measures designed to improve flight safety.
epidemiological conditions (COVID-19); analysing flight safety risks for new flight
analysing flight safety with regard to aircraft
ground handling and servicing; proposing improvements to the procedure Flight safety index of Aeroflot Group3, % SAFA ratio of Aeroflot Group’s airlines
for clearing the parking ramp when an aircraft
ensuring flight safety in carrying passengers is parked; 2022 99.976 2022 0.32
with children;
modifying the algorithm for estimating flight
addressing flight and cabin crew fatigue issues; 2021 99.974 2021 0.28
overspeeding with a released wing device.
examining the results of supplier audits 2020 99.971 2020 0.32
for compliance with international standards;

2019 99.238 2019 0.17

The Company operates the Flight Safety Risk Manager information system that automates
the risk management process. The system enables generating analytical materials
on the condition of flight safety and monitoring distribution of metrics:

! statistics of air accidents and incidents;

! details regarding inspections of flight operations;

! information on inspections of operational units;

! inspector’s precepts;

! information on inspections of technical

and ground handling and maintenance ! flight safety measures delivery;

at airports across the route network;

! voluntary reports.

In addition, Pobeda Airlines and Rossiya Airlines have their for achieving the highest safety performance
own units charged with aviation security and flight safety. targets. Training programmes in the area
At the same time, PJSC Aeroflot coordinates and supports of safety management system are aimed
its subsidiaries in ensuring safety and security. at fostering a positive flight safety culture
and the readiness of employees to extensively
All Company employees recognise the importance contribute to the application of a modern air
of robust flight safety management in all aspects accidents and incidents prevention concept 1
Correlation of the number of air accidents and incidents (taking account of their overall flight safety impact) to flight hours.
SAFA is a voluntary safety assessment of foreign aircraft (ramp inspection) programme for member states of the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC).
of Aeroflot Group’s operations and are responsible in practice. 3
The ESG Report covers the details of Aeroflot, Rossiya, and Pobeda airlines.
180 Safety Management ESG Report 181


One of PJSC Aeroflot’s objectives is to improve the flight
safety management system functioning on a continuous basis.
investigations of air accidents and incidents.
For each internal investigation completed, the causes
In order to identify causes and develop preventive measures are identified and a set of measures to prevent similar
aimed at optimising flight safety, Aeroflot conducts internal accidents and incidents in the future is proposed.
Aeroflot Group’s people have always been and continue Major occupational safety changes in 2022 dealt with occupational
to be the Company’s most valuable asset. Ensuring health and safety training, investigation of occupational accidents
During 2022, activities were carried out to influence the risks associated with cases of aircraft employee health and safety is one of the Group’s core areas and minor injuries, and measures to prevent injuries in performing
collision with birds. In the context of such work, the following actions were taken:
of sustainability activity and is covered by its Sustainable the work (rendering the services) on the territory controlled
Development Policy. by another owner.

! participation in the standing working group on aviation ornithology and wildlife regulation
at Sheremetyevo airport;

! daily follow-up of the airfield condition at Sheremetyevo airport in terms of ornithological support APPROACH TO OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH
jointly with JSC MASh;
! regular inspections of equipment on wildlife regulation and use of advanced technical facilities
at Sheremetyevo airport; " GRI 3-3, 403-1, 403-3

Aeroflot Group’s Occupational Health and Safety

! cooperation with the Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution of the Russian Academy
of Sciences as part of studying incidents of aircraft collision with birds;
Management System (OHSMS) is built and being enhanced
in accordance with applicable Russian laws and the best
industry practices. In 2022, OHSMS building blocks

! recording and analysing all cases of aircraft collision with birds, regardless of their implications
for the aircraft.
were updated in line with the renewed national legislation.
The OHSMS covers a range of measures to mitigate
injury hazards: OHS introductory briefings and training,
recording and analysis of the causes of occupational injuries
and diseases, comprehensive OHS inspections, and regular
medical checkups. Aeroflot Group takes measures to prevent
dangerous situations and seeks to minimise occupational
As part of managing electricity hazard risks, the following injuries. In 2022, 31.8 thousand Aeroflot Group employees,
activities were performed in 2022:
which constitutes 100% of the average headcount,
were covered by OHSMS.
detailed analysis and bringing identified incidents related to aircraft damage by atmospheric (static)
electricity to the cockpit crew’s notice;
Number of employees covered by the occupational health and safety
management system of Aeroflot Group, thousand people

ongoing monitoring of cockpit crew expertise on taking actions to prevent static electricity impacts
on the aircraft;
" GRI 403-8

all the necessary meteorological information, which is continuously monitored by the forecasting 36.8
officer on duty, is factored in when scheduling flight routes. 2020
Number of persons covered by the occupational
health and safety system
Number of people covered by the occupational health
management system in respect of which an internal
audit was conducted
182 Safety Management ESG Report 183

PJSC Aeroflot’s CEO approved the Occupational Health

and Safety Policy, which places emphasis on each employee’s
and initiatives originating from employees and other
stakeholders that are intended to enforce and improve
responsibility for their own and their colleagues’ safety.
Occupational safety at every workplace, in every business unit
a safe working environment. Moreover, Aeroflot
guarantees the allocation of resources and creation
and across the Company in general is everyone’s business.
In turn, the Company makes sure it is open to proposals
of the necessary conditions for discharging
the obligations set out in the policy. " GRI 403-2, 403-3, 403-4, 403-5, 403-6, 403-7

Aeroflot Group continuously improves its reporting system, incorporates new procedure standards, and improves
the quality of OHS risk assessment methods.

Employees of the Group receive the following occupational health and safety training:

! occupational health and safety training, including training in safe work practices and procedures; Investigating accidents and minor injuries

! training in rendering first aid to the injured;

All employee accidents, minor injuries (microdamages), deaths on Aeroflot’s
! training in the use of personal protective equipment; premises not related to operations are subject to investigation.

! occupational health and safety briefing;

! on-the-job training.

Occurrence of accidents
Training is arranged in accordance with the Regulations on Organising OHS Training and Awareness Assessment or minor injuries
of Employees.

The Company has its local regulations in place that govern

the processes related to accidents and occupational diseases:
A commission to investigate accidents or minor injuries is established.
Regulations on the Investigation, Registration, Procedure for Notification of Work-Related Incident investigation deadlines differ depending on severity:
and Recording of Occupational Diseases Accidents Involving PJSC Aeroflot Employees; minor accidents and injuries are investigated within 3 days, while
of PJSC Aeroflot Employees; the investigation of severe accidents may take up to 15 days

Action plan of business units in crisis conditions.

Regulations on Procedure for Investigating
Work-Related Accidents and Minor Injuries
of PJSC Aeroflot;
Accidents and minor injuries are investigated


" GRI 403-3 Elimination of causes for accidents and minor injuries
• Implementation of measures to prevent accidents and minor injuries
Occupational risks are administered pursuant to a unified
methodology outlined in the internal Risk Management. Risk
the Company’s primary goal of enforcing the safety
of employee life and health in the course of their work
• the investigation of accidents and
Elaboration of organisational administrative documents following
and minor injuries
Management System. General Provisions corporate standard by identifying hazards, assessing risk levels, and elaborating
that sets forth Aeroflot’s fundamental risk management targeted measures aimed at reducing the unacceptable level
principles. Occupational risk management enables achieving of occupational risk.
184 Safety Management ESG Report 185

Employees in charge of occupational health Minor injuries at PJSC Aeroflot, injuries Injury frequency rates at Aeroflot Group
and environmental protection conduct a quarterly analysis
of occupational injuries based on accident investigation
3 Deterioration of well-being
reports. The circumstances and causes of accidents
are reported to Company employees and management. 3 Carelessness, lack 0.97
of attention, hurriedness 0.88
of the injured
Given the recent developments of the Russian legislation,
2 Damage caused by wrongful
in order to improve performance and consistency acts of other persons 0.66 0.63
of occupational risk management measures related
1 Failure of an office chair 0.48 0.66
to identifying hazards, assessing and mitigating
occupational risks, and optimising working conditions 1 Wet floor
and occupational safety, Aeroflot started recording
and keeping accounts of microdamages suffered

by employees in 2022, in addition to investigating 0.07 0.05 0.04 0.05
0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00
minor injuries
2019 2020 2021 2022
The primary accidents that occurred in 2022 included recorded 2022
falls under various conditions caused by carelessness, Lost time injury frequency rate (LTIFR)1
Severe injury frequency rate (excluding fatalities)2
lack of attention, hurriedness of the injured (accounting
Fatal injury frequency rate3
for almost half of all accidents), and sudden breakdown Injury frequency rate per thousand employees4
0.32 Number of accidents among
of their normal condition and health.
Aeroflot Group employees
In 2022, there occurred 28 accidents, up 33.3%
year-on-year. An increased number of accidents
is accounted for by the recovery of airline’s business,0.32
" GRI 403-9

7.1% " GRI 403-5, 403-6, 403-7

a rise in the number of operations, and enhancement 2022 92.9% 28 To prevent and lower the number of occupational injuries,
of the employee accident reporting system. Carelessness Aeroflot carries out the following activities:
0.17 9.5%
and lack of attention on the part of the injured 2021 90.5% 21
were the primary causes of accidents.
2020 88.2%
• are
induction and repeated occupational safety briefings
held in the workplace;
Aeroflot Group calculates the Lost Time Injury Frequency
Rate (LTIFR), which demonstrates a number of injuries 2019 86.1%
11.1% 2.8%
• by employees;theemployees
monitoring use of personal protective equipment
are not admitted to work without
per 1 million hours worked. In 2022, LTIFR was 0.66, its personal protective equipment on;
low value confirming the Group’s consistent approach
to occupational risk management.
Minor injury
Severe injury • the circumstances are investigated, and a detailed analysis
of incidents is performed; and
• information regarding labour conditions at the workplace,
presence of harmful and/or hazardous production
factors, and the existing occupational hazards is brought
to the attention of Company employees against signature
upon their employment and further as documents
Causes of accidents at Aeroflot Group in 2022, % Accidents at Aeroflot Group by type in 2022, % are updated.

Employee training plays an important role in enforcing

47.1 Carelessness, lack 29.4 Falling over a height occupational health and safety. In 2022, 100% of employees
of attention, hurriedness difference
of the injured completed training at Aeroflot Aviation School in occupational
29.4 Falling on a level
23.5 Sudden breakdown surface health and industrial safety aspects in connection with the new
of the injured's normal
condition/health 11.8 Pinching between legislation of the Russian Federation.
fixed and moving parts,
5.9 Failure to comply with OHS machines
11.8 Damage caused
5.9 Breach of traffic by other people
5.9 Contact injuries (bruises)
5.9 Incoherence among from collision
workers with items 1
The Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) means the number of lost time injury victims divided by the total number of hours worked by all personnel and multiplied by 1 million.
LTIFR shows the number of lost time injuries that occur per million hours worked.
5.9 Damage caused 5.9 Impact of other
by wrongful acts non-specified 2
The Severe Injury Frequency Rate (excluding fatalities) means the number of those injured in a severe accident divided by the total number of hours worked by all personnel and
of other persons factors multiplied by 1 million.
The Fatal Injury Frequency Rate means the number of fatal accidents divided by the total number of hours worked by all personnel and multiplied by 1 million.
5.9 Adverse weather conditions 5.9 Physical exertion 4
The injury frequency rate per thousand employees is the number of accidents that occur during the year, per thousand employees (according to the GOST R 12.0.010-2009.
and strain
Occupational Safety and Health Management Systems. Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment standard).
186 Safety Management ESG Report 187

HEALTH PROMOTION recruitment) and recurrent health screenings,

compulsory psychiatric examinations,
The frequency of recurrent medical checkups
depends on the types of harmful and/or

" GRI 403-6, 403-7 pre-trip, post-trip, pre-flight, and post-flight

examinations, and toxicological tests of flight
hazardous occupational factors or types
of work performed.
Employees working in hazardous conditions Aeroflot Group regularly carries out a special assessment personnel.
and performing certain types of work undergo of working conditions (SAWC). Following SAWC, the following
pre-employment and recurrent medical checkups aspects are treated as the main harmful and hazardous factors A mandatory pre-employment medical
and psychiatric examinations. of operations that account for the existence of harmful working checkup upon recruitment is performed Total number of patients of Aeroflot’s
conditions: to determine whether candidates’ health status medical centre, thousand people
In 2022, Aeroflot Group recorded 31 cases • work process intensity; corresponds to their job functions. Mandatory
of occupational diseases among employees. No • workload; recurrent medical checkups are performed
occupational fatalities were recorded. Occupational • noise; for dynamic monitoring of employee 7.2 2022 31.1
diseases in Aeroflot Group are largely caused
by sensorineural hearing loss with varying degrees
• chemical factors. health status, timely detection of diseases,
initial stages of occupational diseases, 11.8 2021 27.2
of severity. In 2022, SAWC covered 7.2 thousand workplaces. Following early symptoms of harmful and hazardous 10.2 2020 25.6
such assessment, 83.9% workplaces were attributed to hazard occupational impacts on employee health,
Occupational diseases are caused by the impact class 2, and 16.1% to hazard class 3. generation of occupational disease risk 9.9 2019 27.7
of a harmful industrial factor – excessive noise – groups, identification of diseases, health-
on employees as they perform their job functions. related contraindications for further
The average age of professionals exposed to such Occupational diseases among Aeroflot employment associated with harmful or
diseases is 60–65 years. Group’s employees, people hazardous working conditions, as well as jobs
Patients of Aeroflot’s medical centre in 2022, %
Employees with a diagnosed disease are not allowed
to exceed their flying hours. Pilots are directed to health
GRI 403-10

that require pre-employment and recurrent
medical checkups (examinations) of employees
in order to protect public health, prevent
and resort treatment and are monitored by medical the occurrence and spread of diseases,
centre specialists. Aircraft are equipped with aviation 2021 28 timely preventive and rehabilitative measures
71.3 Aeroflot
headphones with enhanced noise suppression. aimed at protecting health and vocational Group
2020 29 employees
rehabilitation of employees, avoidance
Aeroflot works on arranging the following preventive 2019 25 of occupational accidents, early detection
28.7 Other
measures to reduce occupational diseases among its of non-medical use of narcotic drugs patients
employees: and psychotropic substances by airline
• organising health and resort treatment
for employees; Number of workplaces for which a special
personnel and transport security personnel.

• purchasing special clothing, footwear, and other

personal protective equipment for employees
assessment of working conditions was
performed, Aeroflot Group, thousand pieces
working in harmful or hazardous conditions;
• conducting the certification of workplaces; 2022 7.2
• implementing measures to reduce harmful factors
associated with dust and gas pollution, noise,
2021 11.8
vibration, and radiation levels. 2020


PJSC Aeroflot’s Health, Safety and Environment Department
developed an action plan to improve occupational health
• production
bringing the levels of exposure to harmful and hazardous
factors at workplaces to compliance with national
AEROFLOT’S MEDICAL CENTRE and safety conditions for 2023. It covers the following activities: regulations;
• conducting a special assessment of working conditions, including • providing sanitary and domestic services for employees;
the establishment of extra payments to employees working • offering medical and preventive treatment of employees;
The medical centre is a special unit within Aeroflot Group, medical examinations, pre-trip and post-trip in harmful conditions based on SAWC results; • arranging occupational safety trainings for employees;
which is instrumental in maintaining employee health
and keeping occupational health and safety to a high
examinations of drivers. In 2022, 3.8 thousand pilots
and flight attendants underwent a medical flight
• exercising operational control under the Programme
for Organising and Exercising Operational Control
• providing employees engaged in operations with harmful and/
or hazardous production factors with personal protective
standard. expert examination at the Aeroflot medical centre. over Compliance with Sanitary Regulations, Sanitary and Anti- equipment; and

Employees of the medical centre, among other things, Aeroflot organised health monitoring for its
Epidemic (Preventive) and Environmental Protection Measures; • implemeting measures to investigate accidents.
perform a medical flight expert examination (MFEE) employees. Employee health monitoring is carried
for cockpit crews of Aeroflot Group airlines, pre-flight out through mandatory pre-employment (upon
ESG Report 2022


to our future RUB 2.1 BILLION
the Group’s investments
on social benefits
to employees

share of women
at Aeroflot Group

191 Personnel Structure

202 Creating an Inclusive Workplace

204 Human Rights

205 System of Incentives and Social Benefits

212 Employee Training and Development Nalychevskaya Valley, Kamchatka Krai, Russia
190 Aeroflot Team ESG Report 191

2022 Key Highlights
thousand 64.2
employees covered
" GRI 3-3

Expertise, responsibility, and professional experience

by collective bargaining of Aeroflot Group employees are crucial factors for business Aeroflot Group focuses
agreements development and achievement of long-term targets. on the following core HR

The Group seeks to create a comfortable and decent management activities:
workplace environment, acquire and retain highly
% skilled specialists, and encourage employee engagement
recruiting employees, including for staffing cockpit
and cabin crews;
share of women in Aeroflot Group by offering various training and upskilling options.
providing employee training, including cockpit and cabin crews;
The Group’s approach to HR management rests
Material Topics on applicable Russian laws and internal regulations.
providing social benefits to employees;
Diversity and equal opportunities Several departments and divisions that also interact
with subsidiaries’ business units within the scope retaining high performers;
Employment and operating practices of their functions are charged with HR management
at PJSC Aeroflot. The HR Department is responsible managing talent pool;
Training and development for addressing the core HR management aspects,
personnel matters, elaboration and implementation
enhancing incentive systems;
of social programmes, employee training and corporate
2022 Major Developments culture enhancement, development of senior executive
and manager expertise, and headcount planning. certifying employees;
• An electronic flight attendant’s logbook was introduced. The Product Management Department handles complaints

• Electronic document flow is being enhanced. related to labour practices. Some other departments
are in charge of tackling selected HR matters within
keeping employee loyalty high;

• Activities intended to create a favourable workplace atmosphere were carried out. the scope of their authority.
increasing the employer brand appeal.

UN Sustainable Development Goals

HR management structure at PJSC Aeroflot

General Meeting of Shareholders

Board of Directors
Key documents
• HR Policy of PJSC Aeroflot
• Regulations on Certification of Managers and Specialists of PJSC Aeroflot CEO
• Regulations onon Building
Regulations up the Talent Pool for Senior Management Positions
• Code of CorporateRecruiting Candidates for Senior Management Positions
• Regulations on KeyEthics of PJSC Aeroflot
• Mentoring RegulationsPerformance Indicators of PJSC Aeroflot
• Regulations on the Hotline
of PJSC Aeroflot
• Regulations on Headhunting,of PJSC Aeroflot
• Regulation on Personnel Adaptation
Recruitment, and Selection of PJSC Aeroflot Product Department
• PJSC Aeroflot HR Department Management
for Aviation
Personnel Training
and Environmental Centre
Protection Division
192 Aeroflot Team ESG Report 193

EMPLOYMENT Headcount of Aeroflot Group

(as at 31 December 2022), thousand people

" GRI 2-7, 2-8

" GRI 2-7
As at the year-end 2022, Aeroflot Group’s 2022 32.3
headcount was 32.3 thousand people, down
10.4% year-on-year. 2021 36.1

2020 37.4
Most employees – 30.1 thousand people
(93.2%) – were employed under open-end 2019 39.6
employment contracts. On top of that, almost
all employees – 99.5% (32.2 thousand
people) – were full-time employees. The number Headcount of Aeroflot Group
of non-staff personnel in 2022 was  (as at 31 December 2022) by category, %
504 persons.

The personnel structure by category, gender, " GRI 2-7

and age remained flat in 2019–2022. 32.3

The largest and core category of employees ‒ 39.9 Ground
36.1 personnel
ground staff1 – amounts to 55.4% of all of aviation companies
Aeroflot Group employees. Flight attendants 32.4
37.4 Flight attendants
account for 32.4% of the total headcount,
15.6 Personnel
and cockpit crew – 12.1%. The largest of non-aviation
group – 53.1% is represented by employees companies
aged 30 to 50 years, 23.3% – over 50 years, 12.1 Cockpit crew
and 23.6% –up to 30 years.

The Company has its HR Policy in place that is designed Keeping the flight Aeroflot Group’s personnel structure by category and age in 2022, %
to strengthen the airline’s position in the air carriage market, attendant’s logbook is easier now
build passenger trust, foster professional growth, and provide
social benefits to employees. The top HR management areas In terms of enhancing employee relations,
" GRI 405-1

are listed below: the procedure for maintaining and issuing Total Ground staff Flight attendants Cockpit crew
monitoring the need to recruit and hire employees the flight attendant’s logbook changed in 2022. and personnel
in a timely manner; The logbook is now kept electronically, so that of non-aviation companies
flight instructors of the In-Flight Servicing
staffing business units with employees of the relevant Department no longer need to enter the results
professions, disciplines, skills, and expertise; of air experience flights on the system.
Flight logbooks are now issued to cabin 23.6 Up to 30 years 13.6 до 30до
30 лет 40.8 до 30 лет 23.2 до
crew members against signature, which
organising the talent pool training in view of strategic 53.1 30–50 years 52.1 30–50 лет лет
30–50 54.3 30–50 лет 54.4 30
enabled reducing improper use of premises
objectives, forecasting the status and prospects of people
and lowering labour costs on employees’ 23.3 Over 50 years 34.2 старше 50 лет
старше 50 лет 4.9 старше 50 лет 22.5 ст
development; completing their flight logbooks.

acquiring highly skilled specialists to PJSC Aeroflot

with the potential for career enhancement;

conducting employee certification in order to improve As part of its digital transformation strategy adopted in 2021,
labour performance of specialists and responsibility Aeroflot implements measures targeted at improving its 23.6 Up to 30 years 23.6 Up to 30 years 13.6 до 30до
30 лет 40.8 до 30 лет 23.2 до 30 лет
of managers and to enforce the most efficient use HR management performance. Digitalisation enables simplifying
53.1 30–50 years 53.1 30–50 years 52.1 30–50 лет лет
30–50 54.3 30–50 лет 54.4 30–50 лет
of human resources; and speeding up the preparation of regular reports by employees,
thus releasing them from routine operations. 23.3 Over 50 years 23.3 Over 50 years 34.2 старше 50 лет
старше 50 лет 4.9 старше 50 лет 22.5 старше 50 лет
developing and keeping employee loyalty at a high level.

Including the ground staff of aviation companies and personnel of non-aviation companies.
194 Aeroflot Team ESG Report 195

PERSONNEL ACQUISITION AND RETENTION UNIVERSITY Since 2013, Aeroflot has been successfully participating
in the company scholarship programme. Since 2013,

" GRI 401-1 RECRUITING 595 people have entered into apprenticeship agreements
for targeted training. Over the year 2022, 25 enrollees
joined the following Russian universities under
To attain high performance, Aeroflot Group
strives to recruit talent. During the reporting
• InRussian
2022, Aeroflot Group resolved to set up the largest
aircraft maintenance and repair service
One of Aeroflot Group’s top priorities is youth outreach.
As part of its personnel recruitment and selection system,
the programme: the St. Petersburg State University of Civil
Aviation, the Chief Marshal of Aviation Bugaev Ulyanovsk
period, 2.8 thousand people joined the Group1. provider based on its specialised subsidiary the Group engages with educational institutions of higher Civil Aviation Institute, the Eromasov Flight Buguruslan
Aeroflot Technics. To this effect, Aeroflot Airlines’ and secondary vocational education and encourages Civil Aviation School (college), and the Moscow State
On recruitment, Aeroflot Group abides operating capacity and HR resources are transferred the advancement of aviation training in the regions where it Technical University of Civil Aviation.
by the principle of equal opportunities. to Aeroflot Technics. In 2022, 273 employees operates.
Professional experience, expertise, and business were transferred. In 2022, Aeroflot Airlines’ team employed a total
acumen are of essence in employment. Engagement with specialised educational institutions covers: of six graduates with flight degrees.
To maintain a strong corporate culture, brand,
and healthy workplace atmosphere, Aeroflot Group
• carrying out career guidance activities for school
and college students; Moreover, Aeroflot’s business units engage

Over the period under review, Aeroflot

regularly arranges events targeted at boosting personnel
engagement and retaining employees. For example,
• attracting students from the relevant universities
for on-the-job training and pre-graduation internship; and
senior students of industry-specific educational
institutions in on-the-job training and pre-graduation
Group hired 46 former employees regular face-to-face meetings and technical sessions
are held for cabin crew members on such topics,
• conducting information and advertising campaigns
to attract students and graduates.
internships. In 2022, practical training was organised
for 98 students, including 36 pilots.
of Boeing’s Moscow office to its
Engineering Department. as Empathy, Emotional Intelligence, and Service
and Communications, while the ground staff receives
training in Positive Communications. On top of that,
activities and initiatives are launched to promote
the profession of Aeroflot’s flight attendant, attract Cooperation with educational institutions
In 2022, the employee turnover rate reduced candidates to the position of flight attendant, in 2022, Aeroflot Group
by 1.0 p.p., down to 20.6%. The employee turnover and enhance the image of cabin crew members.
is accounted for by special aspects of certain
occupational groups of employees, specifically,
flight attendants, while the turnover rate among Share of hired employees2, %
other occupational groups is normally lower.
At the same time, a natural level of turnover
with limited employment to the Group resulted
" GRI 401-1

8.8 St. Petersburg State University Chief Marshal of Aviation Bugaev Eromasov Flight Buguruslan Civil
in a reduced number of employees. of Civil Aviation Ulyanovsk Civil Aviation Institute Aviation School
2021 17.7
Aeroflot Group maintains its leading positions
2020 9.9
in the Russian civil aviation sector, seeks
to reduce the employee turnover, and implements 2019 19.0
personnel retention measures. In particular, it
is common for the Group to transfer employees
between companies: Employee turnover2, % Moscow State Technical University St. Petersburg State University Irkutsk National Research
• In 2022, 199 flight attendants from Rossiya of Civil Aviation of Aerospace Instrumentation Technical University
Airlines were employed by Aeroflot Airlines
as part of intra-group transfers, with induction,
" GRI 401-1

onboarding, and training arranged for such 2022 20.6

• In 2020, the transfer of SSJ100 aircraft from
Aeroflot Airlines to Rossiya Airlines’ fleet
2021 21.6

2020 16.5
commenced. Over three years, 289 pilots
and 57 SSJ100 aircraft were transferred. 2019 21.8
Saint Petersburg State Russian Academy of National State University of Management
University of Economics Economy and Public Administration
under the President of the Russian
The value was adjusted for intra-group employee transfers.
The value is based on the average headcount. The value was adjusted for intra-group employee transfers.
196 Aeroflot Team ESG Report 197

Aeroflot Group places a strong focus on career
enhancement and promotion of employees within
the Company. To ensure the continuity of management
personnel for the key levels of the Group’s personnel,
the Group sets up and evolves a talent pool. To this
end, the Regulations on Building up the Talent Pool
for Senior Management Positions at PJSC Aeroflot
and the Regulations on Building up the Talent Pool
for Mid-Level Management Positions at PJSC Aeroflot
were drawn up.

Career enhancement plans and training programmes

designed to improve skills and expertise were drafted
for all employees included in the talent pool.

Heads of business units select specialists to be included

in the talent pool based on their work experience,
professional growth potential, personal qualities, etc.
The talent pool is one of the key sources to promptly
select candidates for the relevant vacancies.

In order to improve the talent pool performance and

relevance, the Group makes annual adjustments
to the talent pool lists. In 2022, the talent pool included
162 managers of PJSC Aeroflot. Aeroflot Technics also
operates the talent pool programme: in 2022,
283 employees were selected to the talent pool.

To increase the talent pool size, diagnose professional

competencies, and enhance expertise of cabin crew
Sources of supplementing the talent pool
members, the In-Flight Servicing Department launched
a personal account for cabin crew members. Using In 2022, Aeroflot Group continued enhancing Mentors included in the mentor register, people
the personal account, each employee may monitor its mentoring system to help new hires adapt
their individual success rate in the real-time mode to the work. The programme is designed
2022 1,215
and announce their readiness to have their professional candidate candidate employee to assist new joiners in acquiring information
competencies diagnosed to apply for a higher position. nomination by their nomination self-nomination about corporate rules and regulations 2021 1,074
supervisor following the results and getting familiar with the established
2020 1,290
During 2022, 2,014 cabin crew competency of personnel work procedures. Mentoring procedures
questionnaires were handled for compliance certification are regulated by the Mentoring Regulations 2019 1,080
with the competency profile, of which 809 were of PJSC Aeroflot and similar documents
positive questionnaires without comments, Number of employees in the talent at its subsidiaries. Heads of business units
545 – positive questionnaires with comments, pool, Aeroflot Group1, people are in charge of managing the mentoring system. Number of mentees, people
and 326 – questionnaires with qualifying indicators At the end of the mentoring period that normally
specifying potential areas for improvement. In respect 2022 448 lasts 1–6 months, the programme is subject 2022 1,999
of 30 questionnaires, messages of recommendation to performance review.
2021 457 2021 2,623
to improve professional competencies were compiled
pursuant to the qualifying indicators appearing 198 By the end of 2022, the Group had 1.2 thousand 2020 1,752
in the security column. mentors of record. Due to mentors’ efforts,
2019 190 2.0 thousand employees received support. 2019 2,739

Data for PJSC Aeroflot (2019–2021) and LLC Aeroflot Technics.
198 Aeroflot Team ESG Report 199


Aeroflot Group places special emphasis on employees’
active living outside of work, encourages and promotes Aeroflot’s corporate team took part
in the finals and grand finale of the Striking
a healthy lifestyle, and arranges festive and sports
activities. Employees enthusiastically attend sports Aeroflot Chess Club Ten championship. The only female
representative on the Company’s team won
classes and clubs and play amateur hockey, thus gold in the boxing competition for a second
Chess is a universal simulator
upholding the enhancement of the corporate sports year running. Competing in the weight
that has no equivalents in terms
culture. category of up to 65 kg, Elena Rodionova
of performance. Chess is a perfect way
of training human memory. During defeated a four-time Striking Ten champion
The enhancement of corporate sports covers a set the play, the brain simultaneously and received a well-deserved medal.
of measures to cause the functioning of sports engages both the long- and short- Aeroflot’s corporate team participates
classes and clubs, hold sports events on a corporate term memory. Players have to plan in competitions every year. Company
level, and have airline teams participate in various- their next moves, calculate a number employees repeatedly became awardees
level championships. The Company operates of opponent’s potential moves, and winners of the men’s and women’s
football, volleyball, lawn tennis, and hockey clubs, and memorise standard positions. sporting events.
as well as the Run Club and the Chess Club. Employees Aeroflot Group operates a chess club
and their families are afforded the opportunity to engage for its employees. Club members
in sporting activities in partner fitness clubs. are given the opportunity to receive
free training for different levels
In addition, Aeroflot Airlines established the Sports of chess players, train together,
Committee designed to improve corporate sports and participate in corporate mini-
and hold competitions for Aeroflot employees. The key tournaments. In 2022, corporate
objectives of the Sports Committee are: online tournaments were for the first

• elaboration of corporate Spartakiads, approval

of the rules and programme for sports competitions;
time held on the lichess.org platform.
Aeroflot’s chess players have already Mini-Football
played over 100 games and made
• approval of sports teams to attend Spartakiads;
8 thousand chess moves!
• dealing with organisational and technical issues
of holding corporate sports activities (medical
Mini-football is a competitive sport.
Competitive sports encourage a person’s
all-round development. They help people
clearances for competitors, logistics, meals
to only be physically fit but also learn
for participants); to think and take decisions. In a team
• resolution of disputable judging issues; and play, a person communicates with their
• decisions regarding the corporate sports development
friends and learns to make use of their
skills to the benefit of the team.
On 30 April, a mini-football tournament
Aeroflot’s trade union is essential to promoting
was held at the CSKA Athletics
sports among employees, as it boosts a healthy and Football Complex for amateur teams
lifestyle, arranges and holds various physical training from embassies and diasporas of the CIS,
and sporting events. It enables lovers of hockey SCO, and BRICS countries. The Aeroflot
and football to work out and represent Aeroflot at various team took part in the tournament
industry-specific Moscow, Russian, and international as the 2021 winner and, having
competitions. Fans of winter sports, such as alpine skis, traditionally demonstrated a fine
snowboarding, and cross-country skiing, are allowed combinational football, won the gold
to make use of the Sorochany ski resort. The Aeroflot medal again. On their way to the finals,
trade union is extensively involved in searching for extra Aeroflot’s athletes defeated the teams
opportunities of offering discounted gym, sports club, of the Russian Ministry of Foreign
Affairs, the Afghan Diasporas Centre,
and swimming pool memberships to its employees,
and the Veterans of Sports. In the highly
available not only to young and middle-aged personnel
contested finals, Aeroflot athletes
but also to veterans.
defeated the Sportmaster Russia’s
football players.
200 Aeroflot Team ESG Report 201

Aeroflot Run Club
The Aeroflot volleyball team
Running is one of the most accessible sports. The Aeroflot Run Club arranges tournaments
unites runners among over 100 employees from different locations – on an annual basis. In April
Novokuznetsk, Krasnoyarsk, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Orenburg, 2022, a volleyball tournament
St. Petersburg, Moscow, Lobnya, Kubinka, Klin, Zelenograd, Odintsovo, was held at the Yunost
Istra, and Solnechnogorsk. Many of them are regular participants sports and fitness complex
of municipal races. in Lobnya with the support
of the municipal administration
and Aeroflot’s trade union.
Twelve volleyball teams
were involved. The women’s
and men’s corporate teams
of Aeroflot won the tournament.

Hockey Kart Racing

In the spring of 2022, the finals Aeroflot supports employees who are fond of kart
of the 2021–2022 season racing. The Aeroflot Union Formula competitions
championship were held, in which for employees and the Aeroflot Young Racer kart
the Aeroflot team won the Amateur racing competitions for employee children that
Hockey League LHL-77 Cup traditionally take place in June and September
The 2022 milestones are: among the Moscow amateur are becoming increasingly popular from year to year.
• The Aeroflot Run team won
the Luzhniki relay.
teams for the third time, defeating
the Alpha team with the score
• Aeroflot took part
in the Tushinsky Podyom race.
of 11–7 in the finals.
According to the rules,
• The Aeroflot team participated
in the Siberian International
the championship begins
in the autumn and ends
Marathon in Omsk, thus opening the following spring. Ten
the City Day celebration almost evenly matched teams
programme. competed for the cup that season.
• Aeroflot took part
in the Zelenograd
The tournament was tight, but
the Aeroflot team managed
Semi-Marathon. to show its excellence, experience,
• Aeroflot’s team took part
in the 21.1 km and 10 km races
and dedication during the decisive
matches and deservedly won
of the My Capital City Semi- the Amateur Hockey League
Marathon for the first time. LHL-77 Cup.
• The Aeroflot Run took part
in the Moscow Semi-Marathon. Due to the support of Aeroflot’s
• The Aeroflot Run participated
in the Running League
trade union, the team
was provided with everything
of the Moscow Region sports necessary for training and playing
project and the In the Footsteps that season.
of History Semi-Marathon.
202 Aeroflot Team ESG Report 203

CREATING AN INCLUSIVE WORKPLACE Share of women by category in 2022, % Women 2.5

" GRI 2-23, 2-30, 405-1

" GRI 2-7 Men 97.5

Aeroflot Group runs its business pursuant to high ethical The uniqueness of each individual on the team is a value
standards. Aeroflot Airlines adopted the key document
setting forth the fundamental ethical principles – the Code
for Aeroflot Group. The Group creates a comfortable
environment for people with disabilities (PWDs). Pursuant
97 8,827 8,698
Women Cockpit crew Flight attendants Ground
of Corporate Ethics. Aeroflot is committed to respecting to the Federal Law on Social Protection of Disabled Persons personnel
human rights and maintaining a comfortable and inclusive in the Russian Federation, Aeroflot Group set quotas
environment. The Code of Corporate Ethics also entails the right for employing PWDs. In 2022, there were 115 people 54.5% 2.5% 84.2% 48.5%
of any employee to report violations without fear of retaliation. with disabilities employed by the Group.
All Aeroflot’s new hires are required to review the provisions 97.5 Men
of the Code upon employment.
97.5 Men 2.5 Women 15.8 Men 51.5 Men

2.5 Women 84.2 Women 48.5 Women

Company employees who reviewed or received Number of people with disabilities, Aeroflot Group adheres to the principle of equal
training in the provisions of the Code of Corporate people opportunities. Appointments to various job titles are based
Ethics against signature, thousand people on professional merits, experience, expertise, and skills.
A share of female mid-level managers (positions from

" GRI 2-23

" GRI 2-30 team leader to deputy director of department) is 39.9%
(378 persons), up 2.8 p.p. year-on-year, and of female
senior managers (positions from head of a separate
2022 1.1 2022 115 business unit and higher) – 18.9%.

2021 3.2 2021 148

Mid-level managers1 Senior managers2
at Aeroflot Airlines at Aeroflot Airlines
2020 1.4 2020 156 in 2022 by gender, % in 2022 by gender, %

2019 9.5 2019 141

39.9 Women 18.9 Women

60.1 Men 81.1 Men

39.9 18.9
Personnel structure by region, 2022, % Aeroflot Group strives to ensure a social and cultural diversity
among its employees. Women in the Group are employed in all

" GRI 2-7 business segments and hold a variety of positions. In 2022,
a share of female employees was 54.5% (17.6 thousand 97.5 Men
people). 97.5 Men 2.5 Women
80.2 Moscow 2.5 Women
12.7 St. Petersburg

6.6 Regions
Aeroflot Group’s recruitment priority, including in respect
0.4 Foreign branches of senior management, is talent acquisition from the local
population. All executives on the Board of Directors
Most women are employed and the Management Board were hired from among the locals.
by the Accounting Department

Job titles from team leader to deputy director of department.
Managers from head of a separate business unit and higher.
204 Aeroflot Team ESG Report 205


" GRI 2-23, 406-1
Aeroflot Group’s fundamental principles include
the responsible business conduct, respect for human
" GRI 201-3, 401-2

rights, and observance of ethical standards

at work. The Group does not tolerate any form Aeroflot Group takes care of keeping its employees In 2022, Aeroflot’s health resort treatment programme
of discrimination, whether based on gender, race, incentivised and provides opportunities for career was implemented on the basis of health resort facilities
religion or disability, and is committed to having enhancement and personal development. The Group in the Russian Federation, including the following
regard for and protecting human rights in carrying pays wages and salaries to employees in a timely marine climate regions: the Krasnodar Krai, the Crimea,
out its activities. Aeroflot Group complies manner and renders social and healthcare support. Due the Caucasian Spas region, and the Altai Krai. A total
with generally accepted principles and provisions to the provision of transparent and clear labour conditions, of 11 health resort facilities were included in the 2022
of international law and the labour legislation Aeroflot Group is one of the largest employers in the regions health resort treatment programme. Based on health
of the Russian Federation. of its operations and receives a lot of employment requests resorts of the Krasnodar Krai, Crimea and Caucasian Spas,
from individuals. a special health resort treatment programme providing
To make sure that labour rights are enforced, fair for an extended list of therapeutic and recreational
and favourable working conditions are maintained, The Company treats employee benefits as a crucial activities for employees of pre-retirement and retirement
Aeroflot Group conducts regular reviews of employee element of the employee incentive system and one age was implemented at the cost and expense of the Fund
morale. The emotional state of cabin crew members of the factors in maintaining Aeroflot’s image as a socially of Social Insurance of the Russian Federation.
at the close of business, after visiting the office responsible member of the business community. A wide
and communicating with employees of business range of social programmes is among Aeroflot Group’s In 2022, 4.4 thousand employees and their families benefited
units of the In-Flight Servicing Department, remains competitive advantages, which contributes to acquiring from rehabilitation treatment at health resorts, including
stable. 75–81% accrue to the Excellent and Good qualified specialists, improving operational performance, 917 children accompanied by their parents under children’s
options, with the remainder accruing to the Neutral and creating a favourable social and psychological recreation programmes of Aeroflot Group.
state. Feedback on uncomfortable interactions environment in the Company. Notwithstanding the cost-
is promptly forwarded to the relevant business units cutting policy resulting from reduced operations,
for corrective actions to be taken. the Company maintained a vast spectrum of benefits
and guarantees provided for by collective bargaining Aeroflot Group’s expenses on social
Employee suggestions on various issues, including agreements and regulations of Aeroflot Group companies benefits to employees in 2022, %
the respect for labour rights, are accepted in 2022. The implementation of social programmes within
via the following channels: email, mailboxes the period of restrictive measures facilitated maintaining 34.0 Financial support
for paper correspondence, management a sense of social security and a high level of loyalty among
24.9 Voluntary health insurance
memos, and reports from the internal systems. employees.
In Aeroflot Airlines, the procedure for submitting RUB 16.9 Compensation
and addressing employee suggestions is governed
by the Regulations on the Employee-Suggestion
Scheme. In 2022, 1,712 employee suggestions
for travel to work

Health resort
were received.  ealth resort treatment
Employee suggestions at Aeroflot Airlines in 2022, % for employees and their families 9.4 Other expenses

On top of that, employees may lodge their complaints

regarding labour practices with their immediate As part of implementing the health resort treatment
supervisor or with the PJSC Aeroflot Labour Dispute programme for 2022, employees and their families went Structure of financing the health resort
82.2 Suggestions
Committee (for PJSC Aeroflot employees). for improvement to health resort facilities in Russian regions for medical treatment programme in 2022, %
Aeroflot Group guarantees the confidentiality of such of operational reasons.
submissions. Over the reporting year, the Group has processes
recorded no cases of discrimination or any other 8.2 Working conditions The health resort treatment programme was financed
human rights abuses. at the expense of voluntary medical insurance funds, 69.5 Funds
6.3 Flight safety of Aeroflot Group
funds from the budget of the Fund of Social Insurance
3.3 Workplace atmosphere of the Russian Federation made of the airline’s 30.5 Funds of the Fund
insurance contributions for mandatory social insurance of Social Insurance
against accidents at work and occupational diseases.
206 Aeroflot Team ESG Report 207

In 2022, seven parking areas were leased in the zones
pension scheme
Aeroflot Airlines has a corporate system " GRI 405-2

adjacent to Sheremetyevo airport to make sure of occupational pension scheme (OPS) built
that parking spaces are available to employees on the principle of mutual participation Aeroflot Group maintains competitive wages and salaries Ratio of basic salary and remuneration
of the Company’s operational units. Over the year, of the employee and employer. The occupational and offers a decent remuneration. The Group’s of women to men, %
Aeroflot Group’s employees occupied an average pension comprises three components: remuneration system is reliant upon the position held,
of 10.9 thousand parking spaces daily. •

monthly pension contributions of employees;
quarterly additional payments by the Company
complexity, quantity, and quality of the work done,
performance, and regional labour market particularities. " GRI 405-2

credited to the employee’s individual retirement 94.9

savings account; and The performance review system is based on the key 81.7
• annual investment income accrued
by the occupational pension fund
performance indicators (KPIs). The amount of a variable
salary component for meeting KPIs is fully conditional upon 2021
Aeroflot Group employees were transported on the amount of the employee’s contributions the achievement of the approved targets for the reporting
to the Company’s offices and back by corporate vehicles. and the employer’s additional payments. period, which is governed by employment contracts 2020
In 2022, an average of 2.2 thousand employees and the existing Regulations on Variable Salary Component 82.5
of Aeroflot Group companies were transported daily In 2022, 3.8 thousand employees participated for KPI Delivery of Managers and Specialists 96.0
by company cars. Rossiya Airlines also provides its in the corporate OPS programme. Participants at PJSC Aeroflot. 80.6
employees with a compensation for travel to work. receive a surcharge of 20% from the airline upon
their personal contributions. Aeroflot Group strives to provide for equal pay conditions Flight attendants
for men and women. A difference in the basic salary Cockpit crew
A special pension scheme is available for aircraft and remuneration of women and men engaged in the same

Corporate accommodation captains. Subject to the terms and conditions line of business is accounted for by distinctions in positions
for the key specialists of the programme, the Company credits annual they hold. For example, in view of the fact that the piloting Ratio of the minimum wage at Aeroflot Group
at the Company’s expense bonuses to the participants’ individual retirement profession is only gaining momentum among women, most to the minimum wage in the Russian Federation, %
In 2022, out-of-town employees were provided accounts opened with the corporate occupational female pilots are still co-pilots.
with comfortable corporate accommodation fund. The amount of bonus increases for each
2022 173.0
in hotel complexes near Sheremetyevo airport. subsequent year of employment with the airline. At the start of career, the standard entry level
On average, around 900 people (90% – cockpit crew) salary of an Aeroflot Group employee is several
were accommodated in corporate housing on a daily basis. Upon retirement of employees, the airline assigns times higher than the established minimum wage 2021 191.0
a corporate pension to the programme participants in the regions of the Group’s presence. A declining
on top of the funded pension. As at 31 December ratio of the minimum wage at Aeroflot Group
2020 161.5
2022, the number of corporate pension to the minimum wage in the Russian Federation

Financial beneficiaries was 3.4 thousand people. is contingent on a 19.4% increase in the minimum wage
support in Russia in 2022 to RUB 15,279. 2019 162.3
In 2022, as part of the proceedings of PJSC Aeroflot’s The Company runs its occupational pension
Social Policy Commission, 46 Company employees/ scheme in parallel with an incentive scheme
ex-employees received financial support in connection that provides mandatory pensions through
with difficult circumstances (illness, social and living co-financed contributions to the cumulative
conditions, etc.). part of the state pension. The employer makes
an additional insurance contribution of 20–50%
of the employees’ contribution to their individual
retirement savings accounts (SNILS).

Compensation of costs
for child care at pre-school In 2022, PJSC Aeroflot’s total spending
educational institutions on contributions to the occupational pension
Aeroflot compensates its employees against the effective scheme amounted to RUB 49.6 million.
costs of up to RUB 3,000 for child care at a municipal
pre-school educational institution. In 2022, the Company
compensated 1,811 employees against fees due
and payable to pre-school educational institutions.
208 Aeroflot Team ESG Report 209


To retain highly skilled personnel, Aeroflot Group Share of Aeroflot Group employees covered
operates a comprehensive incentive system that by collective bargaining agreements, % PJSC Aeroflot annually awards its employees with corporate 67 employees – with the Operational Excellence in Aeroflot
entails non-monetary incentives, among others. incentives for their high operational performance, lapel badge, 327 employees – with the Certificate
Various incentives are available for successful work
and high performance. In 2022, efforts related to forms " GRI 405-2 professional excellence, benchmark discharge of labour
duties, great personal contribution to flight safety, mastering
of Honour of PJSC Aeroflot, and 440 employees –
with letters of acknowledgement.
of non-monetary employee incentives were directed of new aviation equipment, increased labour productivity
at providing awards and rewards to Aeroflot employees 2022 64.2 and efficiency, initiatives and innovations, training In 2022, Aeroflot employees also received national awards:
in accordance with the collective bargaining agreement
for high performance on professional holidays,
2021 68.0 of highly performers, dedicated work, and significant
personal contribution to Aeroflot’s development. In 2022,
• three employees received government awards
of the Russian Federation; and
remarkable and commemorative dates in the history
of the country and the airline.
2020 73.7 842 employees were awarded, including eight employees who
were awarded with the Aeroflot Excellence badge of honour,
• 190 employees received industry awards of the Ministry
of Transport of the Russian Federation.
2019 74.0

Aeroflot Group’s non-monetary incentives include:

• corporate discounts and benefits;
• occupational pension scheme; PJSC Aeroflot, JSC Aeromar, JSC AeroMar-DV,
• co-financing the cumulative part of the state pension; and JSC Sherotel have collective bargaining agreements
• additional days off on the occasion of such events,
as the wedding, birth of children, and Knowledge
in effect. As at 31 December 2022, 20.9 thousand
employees were covered by collective bargaining
Day (for one of the parents of a child going to school agreements, which constitutes 64.2% of the Group’s Corporate awards National awards
for the first time); total headcount. In 2022, a share of Aeroflot Group at PJSC Aeroflot
• voluntary health insurance; employees covered by collective bargaining agreements
• medical centre services; and reduced due to the intra-group employee transfer
• provision of corporate vehicles and corporate
within the companies having no collective bargaining
Certificate of honour
of PJSC Aeroflot

327 Government awards

employees of the Russian Federation

Operational Excellence
in Aeroflot lapel


Letter of acknowledgement Industry awards

of the Ministry
of Transport
employees of the Russian Federation

Aeroflot Excellence
badge of honour

8 employees
210 Aeroflot Team ESG Report 211

Guaranteed employment subject

to compliance with labour discipline

Decent pay Employee benefits

It is established that employee wage and salaries are contingent upon their The Company has an extensive benefits package for employees
qualifications and complexity of their jobs and are uncapped. Any discrimination in place.
when setting or changing salaries or working conditions is forbidden. The Company’s
minimum wage may not be lower than the minimum subsistence level, and the monthly
• Special ticket fares. Employees and their families are offered discounted
corporate fares for Aeroflot Group flights.
salary of an employee who has completed the standard working hours may not
be lower than the minimum wage. Where there are harmful or dangerous working
• Retirement bonus. Employees are paid an additional one-off bonus
on retirement.
conditions, overtime, work on weekends and public holidays, and night work, premiums
are set (up to twice the average daily wage for work on weekends). In the event that
• Subsidised transport. Significant discounts at airport parking lots
are offered, with access to company shuttle buses.
employees are rendered temporarily unfit to work for medical reasons, their salary
is retained. Major life events that warrant extra days off are paid.
• Additional holidays. On top of additional annual paid leaves,
the Company offers employees up to three working days of paid
Improving working conditions beyond the requirements of labour laws leave for major life events (including the wedding, birth of children),
as well as for a parent to attend their child’s first day at school.
• Support for education and upskilling. Employees are offered sabbatical
leaves in accordance with applicable Russian laws, which are counted
High-quality, comfortable, and safe working conditions, separately from annual paid leaves.
including for women and young people
The Company has introduced a system of mandatory preliminary and periodical medical
• Child care support. The Company compensates employees against up
to 100% of costs for child care at a municipal pre-school educational
examinations of employees, with a special focus on cockpit crews (a medical flight institution, or standard fees for non-state general educational
examination). Employees are only allowed to work after completing briefings and tests institutions.
on occupational safety, and passing medical examinations. Employees exposed to harmful
or hazardous working conditions are entitled to additional pay. Rest periods and breaks
• Health improvement and recreation for employees and their families.
The Company assumes the obligations to arrange health resort
are established. Aeroflot assumes increased obligations of financing activities to enhance treatment and recreation for employees and their families during holiday
working conditions and occupational health at PJSC Aeroflot. periods. In addition, the Company undertakes to hold cultural and sports
Improving working conditions beyond the requirements of labour laws events for employees and their families.

COLLECTIVE Improving working conditions beyond the requirements

of labour laws
Requirements for working hours and rest periods
The contractual provisions are based on applicable Russian laws; notably, normal
hours of work are set at 40 hours per week, with recording of annual cumulative AGREEMENT
hours of work. For employees involved in flight operations support and aircraft
maintenance, an accounting period of one year is established for recording working OF PJSC AEROFLOT Compensation for harm to health
hours; for cockpit crews this period is one month. The Company provides employees with mandatory insurance covering their life
and health, as well as occupational diseases. If an employee is rendered incapable
Working hours for cockpit crews. The total flight duration for all aircraft types of work as a result of an accident or occupational disease, the employer will pay
shall not exceed 80 hours per calendar month, 240 hours per calendar quarter, a one-off compensation, depending on the length of service with the Company, up
and 800 hours per calendar year. With the cockpit crew member’s written consent, to 100% of the average annual salary, in addition to its statutory obligations.
the total flight duration may be increased to 90 hours per calendar month, 270 hours Improving working conditions beyond the requirements of labour laws
per calendar quarter, and 900 hours per calendar year. Cockpit crew members
are granted a daily rest between flights, a weekly continuous rest or weekends,
and the main and additional annual paid leave. An additional leave duration varies
between 7 to 40 day.

For certain categories of employees subject to a special assessment of working Provision of medical care and insurance to employees
conditions, a reduced working week of no more than 36 hours is set. Due Employees are fully provided with all types of medical care through the Company’s
to the special aspects of flight operations, some employees have irregular working medical centre. In addition to the current employees, Aeroflot’s retired employees
hours; these employees are entitled to additional payments and an additional leave and employees’ families are covered by the Company medical programme.
(from 8 to 14 calendar days). Improving working conditions beyond the requirements of labour laws
Improving working conditions beyond the requirements of labour laws
212 Aeroflot Team ESG Report 213

EMPLOYEE TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT Over the period under review, materials for theme-
based trainings in Personal Performance were also
In 2022, much attention was given to maintaining
the required level of expertise among flight

" GRI 404-1, 404-2, 404-3 elaborated, and activities aimed at diagnosing
professional competencies of cabin crew members
were carried out.
specialists; in particular, extra theoretical
and simulator training, joint sessions of cockpit crew
members and cabin crew members in emergency
response training and CRM were held.
Aeroflot Group offers ample opportunities Hours of training employees in occupational and Professional training of cockpit crew members,
for training and career enhancement. Aeroflot soft skills at Aeroflot Group, 2022, thousand hours including initial training, conversion training In 2022, the Company continued optimising its
Group places a strong focus on training cabin for another aircraft type, training to fulfil the aircraft training programmes for cockpit crew members;
and cockpit crew crews, flight attendants, and front- captain functions (instructor pilot, instructor the Cockpit Crew Member Training Programme
line personnel of service companies. In 2022, Cockpit crew 129.3 examiner), and regular proficiency maintenance (3rd edition) and the Aircraft Captain Training
over 29.6 thousand employees and candidates training in accordance with the requirements Programme (2nd edition) were developed
both from the company and third-party entities Flight attendants 493.1 of the Federal Aviation Rules, is carried out and approved by the Federal Agency for Air Transport,
attended activities and received training under by the flight units of the Group’s airlines and put into operation.
instruction, refresher training, career enhancement, and at the Aeroflot Aviation School in the following
Ground personnel 95.4
and certification programmes. Over the last five fields of study: Moreover, training for attendees was arranged
years, around 158 thousand attendees have been
• theoretical training and flight simulator training
to perform standard flight procedures and act
at external educational institutions and training
centres under the following programmes:

In the context of strategic development objectives The Group managed to set up a competency
in emergencies, knowledge of aircraft systems,
and ability to determine its flight performance;
• compulsory training for operating personnel
(training of drivers and supervisors in airside
of the In-Flight Servicing Department associated
with trainings and technical sessions involving
map, draft the following materials for self-study
by instructors and post them on the In-Flight
• training in operating aircraft emergency
equipment and perform emergency evacuation
vehicle access at Sheremetyevo airfield,
a training course for state civil aviation
employees, making appointments for the coming Servicing Department website: procedures on land and on water; inspectors and civil aviation inspection teams,
week was organised during the reporting period. • Reading Hut; • pilot training in human factors and cockpit crew training for electric vehicles and electric loader
It enables cabin crew members to better schedule • Rhetoric; resource management; drivers, training in industrial safety, medical staff
the time of attending theme-based developmental • Checklist for Training Preparation; • training in aviation and transport security; training, etc.); and
trainings, with account taken of their work • Competencies; • training in dangerous goods carriage; • general training (civil defence classes,
and rest periods. Guidance materials were drawn • Goal Setting; and • verification of aviation English proficiency environmental protection, environmental safety,
up, and training sessions were held to organise
the work with the instructor group and to provide
• Training Levels. for compliance with at least Level 4 according
to ICAO requirements; and
basics of fire safety, etc.).

constructive feedback. • training for flights associated with seasonal

meteorological patterns.
In 2022, the Company did not take any employee
satisfaction and engagement surveys.
214 Aeroflot Team ESG Report 215


Aeroflot Group also conducts training at its subsidiary In 2022, 45.5 thousand employees were trained at the Aeroflot Number of Aeroflot Aviation School’s Aeroflot Group’s employees trained
Private Professional Educational Organisation Aviation School. The core refresher training and career trainees, thousand people at the Aeroflot Aviation School by gender, 2022, %
Aeroflot Aviation School that trains aviation industry enhancement fields of study are: aircraft ground handling
specialists. The school makes use of advanced and maintenance on the apron, advanced training for flight 45.5
technologies and cutting-edge simulator complexes attendants on board the aircraft, aviation security, rules of 27.5
45.8 Men
for training. dangerous goods carriage, occupational health, etc.
54.2 Women

Core areas of employee training at the Aeroflot Aviation School 9.6


Aeroflot Group employees

Third-party attendees
Pilots Flight Ground Engineering Foreign Customer
attendants personnel personnel languages service Hours of training Aeroflot Group’s
Hours of training Aeroflot Group’s employees employees at the Aeroflot Aviation School
at the Aeroflot Aviation School, thousand hours by gender, 2022, %

2022 133.3

2021 167.7 48.6 Men

2020 102.6 51.4 Women

2019 225.4

Simulators first
In spring 2022, Pobeda Airlines’ new
B737 full-flight simulator was presented
at the Aeroflot aviation training centre. Hours of training Aeroflot Group’s employees
Pobeda Airlines completed certification
at the Aeroflot Aviation School
and commissioned the newest Full Flight
by type of training, 2022, %
Simulator Boeing 737 Next Generation
simulator installed at the Aeroflot aviation
training centre.
Aeroflot’s unique own simulator complex
for cockpit and cabin crew training operates 18.7 Distant training
not only as a unified aviation training 81.3 Face-to-face training
centre of Aeroflot Group but also as a talent
factory for the national aviation industry
professionals. The complex provides
simulator training for the personnel of about
20 Russian airlines and offers training
at more than 20 flight simulators of different
aircraft types, specifically, six full-flight
simulators, including the Russian-built
SSJ100 aircraft type.
ESG Report 2022


218 About the Report

221 Structure of Aeroflot Group

222 Quantitative Data

235 Matrix of Compliance of the Report to GRI Standards and UN SDGs

250 Disclosure under TCFD Recommendations

251 Sustainability and Corporate Governance Documents

252 Glossary

255 Contacts Republic of Karelia, Russia

218 Appendices ESG Report 219


" GRI 2-2, 2-3
" GRI 3-1, 3-2, 3-3

Aeroflot considers that material topics are those that is adapting its internal procedures to the new
reflect significant economic, environmental, and social requirements. In the next reporting year, a focus
impacts of the Group or may strongly influence stakeholder is expected to be changed to identifying and ranking
PERIOD AND SCOPE OF REPORTING assessments and decisions. the Group’s impacts, rather than directly assessing
material topics.
Over the reporting period, Aeroflot introduced amendments
Aeroflot Group’s ESG Report1 (hereinafter referred The Report’s scope of disclosure matches the list of legal to its approach to the identification of material topics
to as the “Report”) sets forth the key sustainability deliverables entities covered by the IFRS financial statements2. Where with account taken of the GRI Standards. Aeroflot Group
of the Group, its general approach to managing ESG matters, the scope of disclosure for any given metric differs from
commitments, internal policies and procedures. It is the second the general ones, the Report contains the relevant clarification.
non-financial report of Aeroflot, with the previous one published
in 2022. The reporting period coincides with the period For more details on Aeroflot Group’s structure, see Identification of material topics at Aeroflot
of the IFRS financial statements: from 1 January 2022 through
31 December 2022.
the Structure of Aeroflot Group section.
" GRI 3-1

Context review Ranking of topics Approval of topics

The publication date of the Report: 19 July 2023.

review of non-financial stakeholder surveys expert evaluation

reporting of peers of whether the identified
interviews with topics are complete
APPROACH TO PREPARATION review of the Company’s Company employees and balanced
internal regulations
OF NON-FINANCIAL REPORTING evaluation-based ranking approval of short-
of material topics listed material topics

" GRI 2-4, 2-5, 2-14 by the Board of Directors

The Report was drawn up pursuant to the GRI international In the reporting period, the methodology for calculating
standards as updated in 2021. Aeroflot Group is also committed the employee turnover and a share of hired employees
to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) changed, intra-group employee transfers were omitted from
and describes its contribution to achieving the same throughout the calculation, and the values for 2019–2022 were adjusted.
the text of the Report. No external assurance of the Report was performed. Aeroflot Group conducted a survey to rank material topics Laws) and Innovative Development of the Airline topics
in order of their significance for stakeholders. Both Group were removed. The Group consistently complies with statutory
For more details on the GRI index and compliance with the UN All forward-looking statements are based on the information employees and third-party stakeholders were surveyed in order requirements and provides specific information to this effect
SDGs, see section the Contribution to the UN SDGs. available to Aeroflot Group at the date of the Report to factor in the views of a wide range of interested parties, in a number of material topics. Selected innovations are also
and are subject to change for reasons beyond the Group’s including a survey in the Pulse system for investors. A total found in the relevant topics of the Report. Aeroflot grouped
When drawing up the Report, Aeroflot Group also relied control. of 69 people took part in the survey. As a result, a list of 20 closely related issues together. For example, the Charity
upon the Recommendations of the Task Force on Climate- material topics ranked by significance was compiled. and Sponsorship, Volunteering, and University Recruiting
Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) (partial disclosure) The Board of Directors of PJSC Aeroflot shall review and adopt (Practical Training, Cooperation with Universities) matters
of the Financial Stability Board. the Aeroflot Group ESG Report. The Report was approved Compared to the previous reporting period, the list of material are covered by the wider Local Communities topic.
on 14 July 2023 (Minutes No. 1) topics decreased from 28 to 20 items. Following the analysis,
For more details on the TCFD index, see the Disclosure under the Compliance with Laws (Including Environmental and Social
TCFD Recommendations section.

The following names appear in the Report: Aeroflot Group, the Group, and Group companies – in respect of Aeroflot Group; and PJSC Aeroflot, Aeroflot, Aeroflot Airlines,
and the Company – in respect of PJSC Aeroflot.
Except for LLC Aeroflot – Finance, as this subsidiary renders only financial services.
220 Appendices ESG Report 221

List of material topics in 2022 by order of priority

" GRI 3-2
Below please find the list of Aeroflot Group’s companies falling within the scope of disclosure in this Report.
Material Topics

Company name Type of activity Stake

as at 31 December 2022, %
Priority 1
PJSC Aeroflot Domestic and international air carriage of passengers, baggage, 100
cargo, and mail, and provision of aviation services, including services
Training and development Procurement practices for passengers and baggage.

JSC Rossiya Airlines Domestic and international air carriage of passengers, baggage, 74.9
cargo, and mail, and provision of aviation services, including services
Local communities Personal data protection for passengers and baggage.

JSC Pobeda Airlines Domestic and international commercial air carriage of passengers, 100
baggage, cargo, and mail in line with the Aviation Code of the Russian
Federation and other civil aviation laws and regulations of the Russian
Diversity and equal opportunities Economic performance
Federation, the Company’s internal regulations, and duly issued airline

LLC Aeroflot Technics Maintenance and repair of Russian-built and foreign-made aircraft. LLC Aeroflot – Finance
Flight safety – founder 1

JSC Aeromar Production and supply of food for in-flight catering, in-flight shopping 51
Priority 2 service, aircraft cleaning and outfitting.

JSC AeroMar-DV Production and supply of food and drinks for in-flight catering. JSC Aeromar has a 51%
Energy consumption Air connectivity Transparent corporate governance system stake in the authorised
capital of JSC AeroMar-DV

Aeroflot Aviation School Training services, including those for flight attendants. 100
Noise impact Workplace health and safety Anti-corruption
JSC Sherotel Hotel accommodation services and services in luxury lounges 100
at airports.

Indirect economic impacts Customer centricity

Competitive behaviour

Priority 3

Water consumption Employment and operating practices

Pollutant emissions, discharges, and waste

Greenhouse gas emissions

PJSC Aeroflot’s share in LLC Aeroflot – Finance is 99.9999%.
222 Appendices ESG Report 223

Intensity of GHG emissions from air transportation, Aeroflot Group

" GRI 305-4

SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT Accounting metric Ед. изм. 2019 2020 2021 2022
Specific СО2 emissions from flights g CO2e / RPK 2 86.2 99.4 89.7 83.3

Aeroflot Group’s procurement performance g CO2e / TKM3 875.4 940.4 871.1 844.6

" GRI 204-1

Accounting metric 2019 2020 2021 2022

In monetary terms Reduction in GHG emissions of PJSC Aeroflot, thousand tonnes of CO2e
Total value of contracts concluded, RUB billion

Share of contracts concluded through competitive,

adversarial procurement, %1




" GRI 305-5
Accounting metric 2019 2020 2021 2022

Share of contracts concluded with SMEs, % 13.6 6.0 6.4 18.2 Reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, including: 70.0 29.4 37.0 26.7

Share of contracts concluded with local suppliers, % 49.6 47.3 43.4 80.6 • Aircraft weight reduction 39.3 19.3 21.8 18.3

In quantitative terms • Streamlining pre-flight procedures 16.0 4.9 7.6 7.2

Number of contracts concluded, pieces 11,445 8,201 9,113 6,395 • Improving aircraft aerodynamic properties 14.7 5.2 7.6 1.2

Share of contracts concluded through competitive, 29.1 22.8 21.6 16.9

adversarial procurement, %

Share of contracts concluded with SMEs, % 29.6 23.3 27.9 52.6 Aeroflot Group’s energy consumption by source, TJ
Share of contracts concluded with local suppliers, % 41.3 30.2 43.4 84.8
" GRI 302-1

Accounting metric 2019 2020 2021 2022

Total energy consumption 186,222.6 93,711.5 126,239.6 112,374.5

CLIMATE CHANGE AND ENERGY EFFICIENCY Fuel 185,775.1 93,291.4 125,731.7 111,827.9

• Aviation fuel 185,573.2 93,180.1 125,605.5 111,727.4

Direct CO2 emissions from air transportation by Aeroflot Group’s airline, thousand tonnes of CO2e • Diesel fuel 128.4 60.0 70.6 53.4

• Petrol 58.1 42.7 44.6 35.8

• Aviation lubricants 15.4 8.6 11.1 11.4

" GRI 305-1

Electricity 230.8 190.1 232.9 228.2

Heat 216.7 229.9 275.0 318.3

Accounting metric 2019 2020 2021 2022
Gas 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01
Aeroflot Group 13,262.3 6,655.6 8,976.3 8,201.7

• Aeroflot Airlines 9,418.6 4,202.7 5,216.2 4,955.3

• Rossiya Airlines 2,742.0 1,498.1 2,287.2 1,908.3

• Pobeda Airlines 1,101.7 954.9 1,472.9 1,338.1

Net of framework contracts concluded on the ground of single source procurement under economic sanctions, actual purchases for which are conducted on a competitive basis.
A reduced share of competitive purchases results from restrictive measures imposed by the Government of the Russian Federation: Resolution No. 301 dated 6 March 2022
“On the grounds for not entering the details of purchasing goods, works and services, and information on suppliers (contractors and service providers) with whom contracts
Passenger turnover (RPK) – a measure of the effectively used passenger capacity, which refers to moving a passenger for a distance of one kilometre and is measured in revenue
were concluded on the unified information system in the area of procurement of goods, work and services for state and municipal needs” (hereinafter referred to as “Government passenger kilometres.
Resolution 301”), according to which PJSC Aeroflot as a sanctioned customer abstained from entering the details of purchases and information on suppliers on the unified information
Revenue tonne kilometres (TKM) – a measure of the effectively used cargo-passenger capacity available to an airline that denotes the actual movement of one tonne of cargo (passengers
system. At the same time, competitive purchases were available only in closed form or by other non-competitive, including adversarial, methods as provided for by the Regulations at the rate of 90 kg per passenger and commercial cargo) over a distance of one kilometre and is measured in tonne kilometres.
on Procurement.
224 Appendices ESG Report 225

Amount of water withdrawn at Aeroflot Group by source, thousand m3 Aeroflot Group’s waste management, tonnes

" GRI 303-3

" GRI 306-4, 306-5

Accounting metric 2019 2020 2021 2022

Accounting metric 2019 2020 2021 2022
Total water withdrawn 402.3 283.8 324.9 340.4 Waste directed to recycling

From natural sources 1.3 1.2 0.0 0.0 Recycling 2,040.8 984.5 1,297.4 2,569.2

From the water utility 401.0 282.6 324.8 340.4 Treatment 3,216.4 446.8 330.3 343.1

Reusable water 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Waste disposal

Landfilling 13,948.4 6,781.6 6,483.6 1,367.8

Other operations
Amount of use water discharged at Aeroflot Group by type of treatment, thousand m3
Transfer to regional operators for recycling 5,880.5 4,988.6 5,029.5 9,047.5

" GRI 303-4

Waste management at Aeroflot’s medical centre, tonnes
Accounting metric 2019 2020 2021 2022
Total amount of use water discharged 407.3 296.6 369.6 382.6
" GRI 306-5

Accounting metric 2019 2020 2021 2022

Aeroflot Group’s waste by hazard class, tonnes Total amount of medical waste 225.8 194.4 253.9 271.2

" GRI 306-3, 306-4, 306-5

Class А

Class B




Accounting metric 2019 2020 2021 2022 Class C 9.6 6.5 6.9 10.5
Total amount of pollutants emissions 25,086.0 13,201.6 13,140.8 13,327.5
Class D 0 0 0 0
Hazardous waste1 2,548.7 106.3 128.4 206.8
Class E 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.4
• Class 1 3.3 2.3 2.7 0.7
Amount of waste directed to recycling 225.8 194.4 253.9 271.2
• Class 2 5.8 30.7 6.7 1.8
Combustion 225.8 194.4 253.9 271.2
• Class 3 2,539.6 73.3 119.0 204.3

Non-hazardous waste2 22,537.3 13,095.2 13,012.4 13,120.7

• Class 4 10,364.7 6,230.9 6,065.1 6,478.8 Air emissions from stationary sources at Aeroflot Group by pollutant, tonnes
• Class 5 12,172.6 6,864.3 6,947.3 6,641.9

" GRI 305-7

Accounting metric 2019 2020 2021 2022

Total amount of pollutants emissions 28.9 13.0 18.7 17.8

SOx 0.6 0.2 0.1 0.1

NOx 1.1 0.6 0.3 0.3

Particulate matter 4.8 0.5 3.6 3.5

Volatile organic compounds (VOC) 8.4 6.8 9.3 9.2

Other emissions 14.1 5.1 5.4 4.5

Hazardous waste includes hazard class 1–3 waste.
Non-hazardous waste includes hazard class 4–5 waste.
226 Appendices ESG Report 227


Expenses of charitable activities, RUB million Occupational injuries at Aeroflot Group

Accounting metric
Expenses of charitable activities, including:
" GRI 403-9

• Support for socially vulnerable groups 1

10.4 14.6 11.1 10.6
Accounting metric Unit
of measurement
2019 2020 2021 2022

• Targeted support 26.7 16.8 11.1 10.7 Accidents of record

Number of accidents by severity pieces 36 17 21 28

Expenses of sponsor activities, RUB million Fatalities pieces 1 0 0 0

Severe injuries (net of fatalities) pieces 4 2 2 2

Accounting metric 2019 2020 2021 2022
Minor injuries pieces 31 15 19 26
Expenses of sponsor activities, including: 2,278.2 1,360.7 1,054.3 335.8
Total amount of hours worked million hours 54.7 41.6 46.0 42.2
Sports, promotion of healthy lifestyle 1,928.4 1,360.7 1,054.3 335.8

• Football 1,305.2 1,086.1 931.5 166.7

Injury rates

• Other types of sports 623.2 274.6 122.8 169.2

Injury frequency rate per thousand
estimate 0.97 0.48 0.63 0.88

TV sponsorship 349.8 0 0 0 Lost time injury frequency rate (LTIFR) estimate 0.66 0.41 0.46 0.66

Severe injury frequency rate (excluding estimate 0.07 0.05 0.04 0.05

Fatal injury frequency rate estimate 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00

SAFETY MANAGEMENT Occupational diseases at Aeroflot Group

Number of persons covered by the occupational health management system " GRI 403-10

" GRI 403-8 Accounting metric Unit

of measurement
2019 2020 2021 2022

Accounting metric Unit 2019 2020 2021 2022 Number of fatalities from occupational pieces 0 0 0 0
of measurement diseases

Employees covered by the occupational people 38.1 36.8 34.9 31.8 Number of occupational diseases pieces 25 29 28 31
health management system
% 100 100 100 100

Employees covered by the occupational people 26.0 25.3 31.0 29.2

health management system
in respect of which an internal audit % 70.5 71.6 93.4 91.9
was conducted

Employees covered by the occupational people 21 21 21 1

health management system in respect
of which an internal audit / third-party % 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.00
certification was conducted

Socially vulnerable groups include orphans, veterans, retired employees, and disabled persons.
228 Appendices ESG Report 229

EMPLOYEES1 Headcount by type of contract

" GRI 2-7

Actual headcount Accounting metric Unit 2019 2020 2021 2022

of measurement
GRI 2-7
Total headcount under open-end thousand people 37.3 35.0 33.0 30.1
Accounting metric Unit 2019 2020 2021 2022 By gender
of measurement
Men thousand people 16.8 16.0 15.4 14.4
Actual headcount thousand people 39.6 37.4 36.1 32.3
Women thousand people 20.4 19.0 17.7 15.8
By gender
By region
Men thousand people 17.7 16.7 16.1 14.7
Moscow thousand people 30.3 28.5 26.7 24.2
% 44.7 44.8 44.5 45.5
St. Petersburg thousand people 4.7 4.3 4.3 3.8
Women thousand people 21.9 20.6 20.0 17.6
Regions thousand people 2.3 2.1 2.1 1.9
% 55.3 55.2 55.5 54.5
Foreign branches people 2 2 2 88
By category

Cockpit crew thousand people 4.4 4.2 4.1 3.9

Total headcount under fixed-term thousand people 2.3 2.4 3.0 2.2
% 11.1 11.4 11.3 12.1 contracts
Flight attendants thousand people 12.5 11.8 11.3 10.5 By gender
% 31.5 31.6 31.3 32.4 Men thousand people 0.9 0.7 0.7 0.3
Ground personnel thousand people 15.2 14.5 14.7 12.9 Women thousand people 1.5 1.7 2.3 1.9
% 38.3 38.9 40.8 39.9 By region
Personnel of non-aviation companies thousand people 7.6 6.8 6.0 5.0 Moscow thousand people 1.7 1.9 2.5 1.7
% 19.2 18.1 16.6 15.6 St. Petersburg people 361 217 315 304
By age Regions people 80 61 64 112
Up to 30 years thousand people 11.4 9.7 9.4 7.6 Foreign branches people 198 191 182 46
% 28.8 26.0 26.0 23.6

30–50 years thousand people 19.3 19.0 18.4 17.2

Headcount by type of employment
% 48.6 50.9 51.1 53.1

Over 50 years thousand people





" GRI 2-7

Accounting metric Unit 2019 2020 2021 2022

of measurement
By region
Total number of full-time employees thousand people 39.4 36.5 35.9 32.2
Moscow thousand people 32.0 30.4 29.2 25.9
By gender
% 80.8 81.5 80.9 80.2
Men thousand people 17.6 16.4 16.0 14.7
St. Petersburg thousand people 5.1 4.5 4.6 4.1
Women thousand people 21.8 20.1 19.9 17.5
% 12.8 12.2 12.7 12.7
By region
Regions thousand people 2.3 2.2 2.1 2.1
Moscow thousand people 31.8 29.7 29.0 25.8
% 5.9 5.8 5.9 6.6
St. Petersburg thousand people 5.0 4.5 4.6 4.1
Foreign branches thousand people 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1
Regions thousand people 2.3 2.1 2.1 2.1
% 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.4

Data relevant as at the end of the reporting period (31 December 2022), unless stated otherwise.
230 Appendices ESG Report 231

Accounting metric Unit 2019 2020 2021 2022 Average headcount, thousand people
of measurement
Foreign branches people 199 192 183 82 " GRI 2-8

Total number of part-time employees people 219 855 223 151 Accounting metric 2019 2020 2021 2022
By gender Average headcount 36.9 35.3 33.1 31.8
Men people 90 345 98 64 By gender
Women people 129 510 125 87 Men 17.9 16.8 16.5 15.7
By region Women 19.1 18.5 16.6 16.1
Moscow people 190 746 196 116 By category
St. Petersburg people 19 67 14 17 Cockpit crew 4.2 4.3 4.1 4.0
Regions people 9 40 12 11 Flight attendants 10.7 10.4 9.4 9.5
Foreign branches people 1 1 1 7 Ground personnel 22.1 20.5 19.6 18.4

Non-staff personnel

Number of non-staff personnel 1.2 0.7 0.6 0.5

Number of PWDs and employees covered by collective bargaining agreements

" GRI 2-30, 405-1

Employee turnover2, %
Accounting metric

Total number of people with disabilities

of measurement




" GRI 401-1

Accounting metric 2019 2020 2021 2022

Number of trade unions pieces 15 15 16 16
Share of new hires 19.0 9.9 17.7 8.8
Employees covered by collective % 74.0 73.7 68.0 64.2
Employee turnover 21.8 16.5 21.6 20.6
bargaining agreements

Ratio of basic salary and remuneration of women to men by employee category, %

Hired employees1, thousand people

" GRI 401-1 " GRI 405-2

Accounting metric 2019 2020 2021 2022

Accounting metric 2019 2020 2021 2022
Cockpit crew 80.6 82.5 79.5 81.7
Number of employees hired 7.0 3.5 6.1 3.3
Flight attendants 96.0 95.8 96.9 94.9
By gender

Men 3.2 1.5 2.6 1.6

Women 3.8 2.0 3.5 1.7

Number of departing employees 8.1 5.9 7.4 7.0

By gender

Men 4.2 2.6 3.5 3.2

Women 3.8 3.3 3.8 3.9

Including intra-group employee transfers. 2
The value was adjusted for intra-group employee transfers.
232 Appendices ESG Report 233

Entry-level (minimum) wage at Aeroflot Group compared to the minimum wage in the Russian Federation Parental leave

" GRI 202-1

" GRI 401-3

Accounting metric Unit 2019 2020 2021 2022 Accounting metric Unit 2019 2020 2021 2022
of measurement of measurement
Minimum wage at Aeroflot Group RUB 18,302.0 19,586.0 24,428.0 26,428.5 Total number of employees 2,455 2,781 2,761 1,228
on parental leave
Ratio of Aeroflot Group’s minimum % 162.3 161.5 191.0 173.0
wage to Russia’s minimum wage
By gender

Employee training • Men people 39 43 40 40

• Women people 2,416 2,738 2,721 1,188

" GRI 404-1, 404-3 Total number of employees who

returned to work at the end of their
551 786 794 734

Accounting metric Unit 2019 2020 2021 2022 parental leave

of measurement
By gender
Number of hours of employee training in hard and soft skills
• Men people 11 9 12 11
By category

Cockpit crew thousand hours 107.1 58.2 184.7 129.3

• Women people 540 777 782 723

Rate of employees who returned % 22.4 28.3 28.8 59.8

Flight attendants thousand hours 174.4 162.7 275.3 493.1 to work

Ground personnel thousand hours 92.9 116.5 102.3 95.4 Rate of male employees who returned % 28.2 20.9 30.0 27.5
to work

Share of employee who completed thousand people 3.6 3.4 3.3 1.3 Rate of female employees who % 22.4 28.4 28.7 60.9
a regular performance and career returned to work
development review
Total number of employees who people 397 509 605 287
By gender returned to work at the end of their
parental leave and continued to work
Men thousand people 2.4 2.3 2.5 0.8 twelve months after their return
to work
Women thousand people 1.2 1.1 0.8 0.4
By gender
By category

Cockpit crew thousand people 0.9 0.9 1.0 0.2 • Men people 2 6 9 3

Flight attendants thousand people 1.0 1.0 0.7 0.8 • Women people 395 503 596 284

Ratio of employee retention % 87.4 92.4 77.0 36.1

Ground personnel thousand people 1.7 1.5 1.6 0.3
Ratio of male employee retention % 15.4 54.5 100.0 25.0

Ratio of female employee retention % 89.6 93.1 76.7 36.3

Amount of financing of programmes for privileged categories, RUB billion

" GRI 401-2

Human rights, thousand people
Accounting metric 2019 2020 2021 2022
Amount of financing of programmes
for privileged categories
2.6 2.4 2.3 2.1 " GRI 404-2

Accounting metric 2019 2020 2021 2022

Number of employees who reviewed 9.4 1.4 3.2 1.9
or received training in the provisions
of the Code of Corporate Ethics against
234 Appendices ESG Report 235

Mentoring, thousand people

" GRI 404-2

Accounting metric 2019 2020 2021 2022 OF THE REPORT

Number of mentors included in the mentor 1.1 1.3 1.1 1.2

Number of mentees 2.7 1.8 2.6 2.0

Talent pool, people

" GRI 404-2 GRI indicator Indicator description
GRI 2. General disclosures
UN SDGs Section of the Report Page Comment Excluded information

Accounting metric 2019 2020 2021 2022

1. Organisation and its reporting practices
Number of employees in the talent pool 190 198 457 448
GRI 2-1 Organisational details Section 1. About 8
Number of employees who participated 24 22 848 1,119 the Сompany
in the selection to the talent pool
GRI 2-2 Entities included About the Report 218
Number of employees selected 24 22 278 445 in the organisation’s
to the talent pool sustainability
Number of employees who were not 0 0 1 32 reporting
selected to / refused from being included GRI 2-3 Reporting period, About the Report 218
in the talent pool frequency
and contact point

GRI 2-4 Restatements About the Report 218

Complaints related to labour practices, pieces of information

" GRI 2-25, 406-1

GRI 2-5 External assurance No assurance
of the Report
was performed
Accounting metric 2019 2020 2021 2022 in the reporting
Total employee suggestions received under 32 44 37 104
the Workplace Atmosphere category 2. Activities and workers

Addressed over the reporting period 32 40 40 104 GRI 2-6 Activities, value chain Section 2. 56
and other business Sustainability
Settled over the reporting period 31 41 37 104 relationships Management
Total cases of discrimination No cases of discrimination were recorded GRI 2-7 Employees 8, 10 Section 9. Employees 193 Aeroflot Group has
over the reporting period no employees hired
Quantitative Data 228 under the contract
with irregular working

GRI 2-8 Workers who are not Section 9. Employees 193

Quantitative Data 231

3. Corporate governance

GRI 2-9 Governance structure Section 3. Corporate 42

and composition Governance System
236 Appendices ESG Report 237

GRI indicator Indicator description UN SDGs Section of the Report Page Comment Excluded information GRI indicator Indicator description UN SDGs Section of the Report Page Comment Excluded information
GRI 2-10 Nomination Section 3. Corporate 63 GRI 2-21 Annual total The information
and selection Governance System compensation ratio is excluded pursuant
of the highest to Resolution of the Russian
governance body Federation dated
12 March 2022 No. 351
GRI 2-11 Chair of the highest Section 3. Corporate 63 “On special aspects
governance body Governance System of disclosing and providing
GRI 2-12 Role of the highest Section 2. 42 information in 2022 that
governance body Sustainability is subject to disclosure
in overseeing Management and provision pursuant
the management to the requirements
of impacts of the Federal Law
on Joint-Stock Companies
GRI 2-13 Delegation Section 2. 42 and the Federal Law
of responsibility Sustainability on the Securities Market,
for managing impacts Management and special aspects
of disclosing insider
GRI 2-14 Role of the highest The sustainability information pursuant
governance body reporting is reviewed to the Federal Law
in sustainability and approved on Countering Improper
reporting by the Board Use of Insider Information
of Directors of Aeroflot and Market Manipulation
Group. and on Amending Certain
Regulations of the Russian
GRI 2-15 Conflicts of interest Section 3. Corporate 66
Governance System
4. Strategy, policies and practices
GRI 2-16 Communication Section 3. Corporate 66
of critical concerns Governance System GRI 2-22 Statement Letter from 4
on sustainable the Management
GRI 2-17 Collective knowledge 63 Over the reporting
development strategy Board of PJSC
of the highest period, no training
governance body in sustainable
development aspects
was held by the Board
of Directors.

GRI 2-18 Evaluation Section 3. Corporate 63 No evaluation

of the performance Governance System of the performance
of the highest was conducted.
governance body

GRI 2-19 Remuneration policies Section 3. Corporate 65

Governance System

GRI 2-20 Process to determine Section 3. Corporate 65 No outside consultants

remuneration Governance System are engaged
in determining
238 Appendices ESG Report 239

GRI indicator Indicator description UN SDGs Section of the Report Page Comment Excluded information GRI indicator Indicator description UN SDGs Section of the Report Page Comment Excluded information
GRI 2-23 Policy commitments 16 Section 3. Corporate 66 GRI 3-3 Management Section 2. 39
Governance System of material topics Sustainability
GRI 2-24 Embedding policy Section 3. Corporate 66
commitments Governance System Section 3. Corporate
Governance System
GRI 2-25 Processes Section 2. 39
to remediate negative Sustainability Section 4. Care 81
impacts Management for Customers

GRI 2-26 Mechanisms Section 2. 56 Section 5. Climate 94

for seeking advice Sustainability Change and Energy
and raising concerns Management Efficiency

Section 3. Corporate 66 Section 6. 107

Governance System Environmental
GRI 2-27 Compliance with laws In reporting period
and regulations there were no major Section 7. 123
fines and financial Contribution to Local
sanctions imposed Communities
for incompliance with Section 8. Safety 173
laws and regulations. Management
GRI 2-28 Membership Section 5. Climate 95
Section 9. Employees 191
in associations Change and Energy
Efficiency Material topics of gri standards
5. Stakeholder engagement GRI 201. Economic performance
GRI 2-29 Approach Section 2. 52
to stakeholder Sustainability
engagement Management

GRI 2-30 Collective bargaining 8 Section 9. Employees 202

Quantitative Data 230

GRI 3. Material topics

GRI 3-1 Process to determine About the Report 219

material topics

GRI 3-2 List of material topics About the Report 219

240 Appendices ESG Report 241

GRI indicator Indicator description UN SDGs Section of the Report Page Comment Excluded information GRI indicator Indicator description UN SDGs Section of the Report Page Comment Excluded information
GRI 201-1 Direct economic Section 7. 138 The information is excluded GRI 204. Procurement practices
value generated Contribution to Local pursuant to Resolution
and distributed Communities of the Government GRI 204-1 Proportion Section 2. 56
of the Russian Federation of spending on local Sustainability
dated 12 March 2022 suppliers Management
No. 351 Quantitative Data 222
GRI 201-2 Financial aspects Section 2. 50 GRI 205. Anti-corruption
and other risks Sustainability
and opportunities Management GRI 205-1 Operations assessed 16 Section 3. Corporate 66
due to climate change for risks related Governance System
to corruption
GRI 201-3 Defined benefit plan Section 9. Employees 205
obligations and other GRI 205-2 Communication 16 Section 1. About 15
retirement plans and training the Сompany
about anti-
GRI 201-4 Financial assistance Aeroflot Group The information is excluded corruption policies Section 3. Corporate 66
received from received no financial pursuant to Resolution and procedures Governance System
government assistance from of the Government
the government of the Russian Federation GRI 205-3 Confirmed incidents 16 Section 3. Corporate 66 No corrupt practices
in the reporting dated 12 March 2022 of corruption Governance System were recorded
period. No. 351 and actions taken in 2022.

GRI 202. Market presence GRI 206. Anti-competitive behaviour

GRI 202-1 Ratio of standard Quantitative Data 232 GRI 206-1 Legal actions Section 3. Corporate 66 No cases of anti-
entry level wage for anti-competitive Governance System competitive behaviour
by gender compared behaviour, anti- were recorded
to local minimum trust, and monopoly in 2022.
wage practices

GRI 202-2 Locally hired 8 All senior executives GRI 207. Tax
executives were hired from
among the locals.

GRI 203. Indirect economic impacts (2016)

GRI 203-1 Infrastructure 5, 9, 11 Section 7. 128

investments Contribution to Local
and services Communities

GRI 203-2 Significant indirect 1, 3, 8 Section 7. 128

economic impacts Contribution to Local
242 Appendices ESG Report 243

GRI indicator Indicator description UN SDGs Section of the Report Page Comment Excluded information GRI indicator Indicator description UN SDGs Section of the Report Page Comment Excluded information
GRI 207-1 Approach to tax The fundamental tax
GRI 207-4 Country reporting The information is excluded
accounting principles
are set out in Aeroflot’s pursuant to Resolution
Tax Policy Regulations of the Government
being the key document of the Russian Federation
governing the procedure dated 12 March 2022
GRI 207-2 Tax governance, for setting up a tax base
No. 351.
control and risk for taxes and levies
management remitted to budgets
of all levels and to non-
GRI 302. Energy
budgetary funds subject
GRI 207-3 Stakeholder to industry-specific
engagement features of civil aviation GRI 302-1 Energy 7, 8, 12, 13 Section 5. Climate 93 Aeroflot Group does
and management consumption within Change and Energy not consume energy
of concerns related The Board of Directors the organisation Efficiency from renewable
to tax and management sources.
acknowledge and
assume full responsibility
for compliance with GRI 302-2 Energy consumption 7, 8, 12, 13 Aeroflot Group
tax laws and tax policy outside does not consume
provisions. The chief
accountant reporting of the organisation energy outside
directly to Aeroflot’s CEO of the organisation.
is charged with keeping
accounting records and
submitting complete GRI 302-3 Energy intensity 7, 8, 12, 13 Section 5. Climate 93
and accurate financial Change and Energy
statements in a timely Efficiency
The Group strives GRI 302-4 Reduction of energy 7, 8, 12, 13 Section 5. Climate 102 The baseline year
to adhere to high
standards of taxation and
consumption Change and Energy for determining
tax policy. Robust tax Efficiency a reduction of energy
management is built upon consumption
the Group’s engagement is the year 2008, when
with tax authorities the Energy Saving
based on mutual respect,
and Environmental
transparency, trust,
and timely provision Performance
of the required Programme
documentation. was approved.
Tax risks are supervised
by an internal system GRI 302-5 Reductions in energy 7, 8, 12, 13 Section 5. Climate 93 The baseline year
of tax risk monitoring,
analysis, and control.
requirements Change and Energy for determining
When administering of products Efficiency a reduction of energy
its tax risks, the Group and services consumption
is primarily guided is the year 2008, when
by the provisions the Energy Saving
of tax legislation
of the Russian Federation.
and Environmental
Tax risks are assessed Performance
and managed as part Programme
of the Group’s risk was approved.
management system.

GRI 303. Water and effluents

GRI 303-1 Interactions Section 6. 119

with water as a shared Environmental
resource Protection
244 Appendices ESG Report 245

GRI indicator Indicator description UN SDGs Section of the Report Page Comment Excluded information GRI indicator Indicator description UN SDGs Section of the Report Page Comment Excluded information

GRI 303-2 Management of water Section 6. 119 GRI 305-6 Emissions of ozone- Section 6. 118
discharge-related Environmental depleting substances Environmental
impacts Protection (ODS) Protection

GRI 303-3 Water withdrawal Section 6. 119 GRI 305-7 Nitrogen oxides (NOx), Quantitative Data 225
Environmental sulphur oxides (SOx),
Protection and other significant
air emissions
Quantitative Data 224

GRI 306. Waste

GRI 303-4 Water discharge Section 6. 119
Protection GRI 306-1 Waste generation Section 6. 113
and significant waste- Environmental
Quantitative Data 224 related impacts Protection

GRI 303-5 Water consumption Section 6. 119 GRI 306-2 Management Section 6. 113
Environmental of significant waste- Environmental
Protection related impacts Protection

GRI 305. Emissions (2016) GRI 306-3 Waste generation Quantitative Data 224

GRI 305-1 Direct (Scope 1) GHG 3, 12, 13, Section 5. Climate 98 Aeroflot Group does
emissions 14, 15 Change and Energy not generate biogenic GRI 306-4 Waste diverted from Quantitative Data 224
Efficiency CO2 emissions. disposal

Quantitative Data 222

GRI 306-5 Waste directed Quantitative Data 224
to disposal
GRI 305-2 Energy indirect 3, 12, 13, Section 5. Climate 99
(Scope 2) GHG 14, 15 Change and Energy
GRI 308. Supplier environmental assessment
emissions Efficiency

308-1 New suppliers that

GRI 305-3 Other indirect (Scope 3, 12, 13, Section 5. Climate 99 Aeroflot Group does
were screened using
3) GHG emissions 14, 15 Change and Energy not generate biogenic Over the reporting
environmental criteria
Efficiency CO2 emissions. year, the Group
performed no
308-2 Negative screening of suppliers
GRI 305-4 GHG emissions Section 1. About 14
environmental using environmental
intensity the Сompany
impacts in the supply criteria.
Section 5. Climate 98 chain and actions
Change and Energy taken
Quantitative Data 223

GRI 305-5 Reduction of GHG Quantitative Data 223

246 Appendices ESG Report 247

GRI indicator Indicator description UN SDGs Section of the Report Page Comment Excluded information GRI indicator Indicator description UN SDGs Section of the Report Page Comment Excluded information

GRI 401. Employment GRI 403-5 Worker training 8 Section 8. Safety 183
on occupational Management
health and safety
GRI 401-1 New employee 5, 8 Section 9. Employees 194
hires and employee GRI 403-6 Promotion of worker 3 Section 8. Safety 183
Quantitative Data 230
turnover health Management

GRI 403-7 Prevention 8 Section 8. Safety 183

GRI 401-2 Benefits provided Section 9. Employees 205
and mitigation Management
to full-time employees
Quantitative Data 232 of occupational
that are not provided
health and safety
to temporary or part-
impacts directly
time employees
linked by business
GRI 401-3 Parental leave 5, 8 Quantitative Data 233
GRI 403-8 Workers covered 8 Section 8. Safety 181
by an occupational Management
GRI 402. Labour/Management Relations health and safety
Quantitative Data 226
management system
GRI 402-1 Minimum notice 8 The minimum
GRI 403-9 Work-related injuries Section 8. Safety 184
periods regarding notice period
operational changes regarding the entity’s
operational changes Quantitative Data
is established 227
in accordance
with the Labour GRI 403-10 Work-related ill health Section 8. Safety 186
Code of the Russian Management
Quantitative Data 227

GRI 403. Workplace health and safety GRI 404. Training and education

GRI 404-1 Average hours Section 9. Employees 212

GRI 403-1 Occupational 8 Section 8. Safety 181 of training per year
health and safety Management Quantitative Data 232
per employee
management system
GRI 404-2 Programmes Section 9. Employees 212
GRI 403-2 Hazard identification, 8 Section 8. Safety 183 for upgrading
risk assessment, Management Quantitative Data 233
employee skills
and incident and transition
investigation assistance
GRI 403-3 Occupational health 8 Section 8. Safety 183
services Management GRI 404-3 Percentage Section 9. Employees 212
of employees
GRI 403-4 Worker participation, 16 Section 8. Safety 183 Quantitative Data 232
receiving regular
consultation, Management
and communication
and career
on occupational
development reviews
health and safety
GRI 405. Diversity and equal opportunity

GRI 405-1 Diversity Section 3. Corporate 63

of governance bodies Governance System
and employees
Section 9. Employees 193
Quantitative Data 230
248 Appendices ESG Report 249

GRI indicator Indicator description UN SDGs Section of the Report Page Comment Excluded information GRI indicator Indicator description UN SDGs Section of the Report Page Comment Excluded information

GRI 405-2 Ratio of basic salary Section 9. Employees 207 GRI 413. Local communities
and remuneration
Quantitative Data 231 GRI 413-1 Operations Aeroflot Group
of women to men
with local community implements
GRI 406. Non-discrimination engagement, impact local community
assessments, engagement
GRI 406-1 Incidents Section 9. Employees 204 No incidents and development programmes
of discrimination of discrimination programmes through charities
Quantitative Data 234
and corrective actions were recorded and sponsorships.
taken in the reporting GRI 413-2 Operations
period. with significant Aeroflot Group
actual and potential does not perform
GRI 407. Freedom of association and collective bargaining negative impacts impact assessments
on local communities of its operations
GRI 407-1 Operations Aeroflot Group on local communities.
and suppliers in which strictly abides Notwithstanding
the right to freedom by the legislation the lack of such
of association of the regions assessment, Aeroflot
and collective where it operates. Group strives
bargaining may The right to freedom to produce positive
be at risk of association impacts on the
and collective development of local
bargaining communities and
is guaranteed minimise negative
by collective effects.
agreements. GRI 414. Supplier social assessment

GRI 410. Security practices GRI 414-1 New suppliers that 5, 8, 16

were screened using
Over the reporting
GRI 410-1 Security personnel The issues social criteria
year, Aeroflot Group
trained in human of respecting human
performed no
rights policies rights are laid GRI 414-2 Negative social
screening of suppliers
or procedures down by Aeroflot impacts in the supply
using social criteria.
Group’s Sustainable chain and actions
Development taken
Policy. All Aeroflot
Group employees GRI 418. Customer privacy
are required
to review the terms GRI 418-1 Substantiated 16 Section 3. Corporate 70
and conditions complaints Governance System
of the Policy. concerning breaches
of customer
privacy and losses
of customer data.
250 Appendices ESG Report 251


Scope of disclosure
and recommended disclosure
Section of the Report GOVERNANCE DOCUMENTS
1. Responsible Supply Chain Statement under RD-GD- 14. Collective Bargaining Agreement of PJSC Aeroflot.
Disclose the organisation’s governance around climate-related risks and opportunities 024. Guidelines on Audit Programme Management
15. RI-GD-195A. Regulations on the Occupational Health
a) Describe the board’s oversight of climate-related risks and opportunities Section 1. Sustainability Management (PJSC Aeroflot Order No. 37 dated 10 March 2022).
and Safety Management System of PJSC Aeroflot
b) Describe management’s role in assessing and managing climate-related risks Section 1. Sustainability Management 2. Occupational Health and Safety Policy under RI-GD- (PJSC Aeroflot Order No. 180 dated 28 June 2021).
and opportunities 195A. Regulations on the Occupational Health and Safety
16. RI-GD-072F. Regulations on the Investigation, Registration
Strategy Management System (PJSC Aeroflot Order No. 180 dated
and Recording of Occupational Diseases of PJSC Aeroflot
28 June 2021).
Disclose the actual and potential impacts of climate-related risks and opportunities on the organisation’s businesses, strategy, Employees (PJSC Aeroflot Order No. 220 dated 13 June
and financial planning 3. RK-GD-001. Guidelines on Integrated Quality Management 2019).
a) Describe the climate-related risks and opportunities the organisation has Section 1. Sustainability Management System of PJSC Aeroflot (PJSC Aeroflot Order No. 70 dated
17. RI-GD-007S. Guidelines on the Work-Related Accidents
identified over the short, medium, and long term 5 March 2022).
Investigation Procedure in PJSC Aeroflot’s Branches
b) Describe the impact of climate-related risks and opportunities Section 1. Sustainability Management 4. RD-GD-024. Guidelines on Audit Programme Management and Representative Offices (PJSC Aeroflot Order No. 210
on the organisation’s businesses, strategy, and financial planning (PJSC Aeroflot Order No. 73 dated 10 March 2022). dated 17 June 2020).
c) Describe the resilience of the organisation’s strategy, taking into consideration Section 1. Sustainability Management
different climate-related scenarios, including a 2°C or lower scenario
5. RI-GD-287A. Code of Corporate Ethics of PJSC Aeroflot 18. RI-GD-015S. Procedure for Notification of Work-Related
(Minutes of the Board of Directors No. 21 dated 31 May Accidents at PJSC Aeroflot (PJSC Aeroflot Order No. 179
Risk Management 2019). dated 14 May 2020).
Disclose how the organisation identifies, assesses, and manages climate-related risks
6. RKp-GD-001. Anti-Corruption Policy of Aeroflot 19. DP-12-010. Procedure for Investigating Work-Related
a) Describe the organisation’s processes for identifying and assessing climate- Section 1. Sustainability Management Group (Minutes of the Board of Directors No. 7 dated Accidents.
related risks 20 December 2021).
20. RD-GD-029. Guidelines on Protecting Personal Data
b) Describe the organisation’s processes for managing climate-related risks Section 1. Sustainability Management 7. RKp-GD-005. Privacy Policy of PJSC Aeroflot During Their Processing at PJSC Aeroflot (PJSC Aeroflot
c) Describe how processes for identifying, assessing, and managing climate- Section 1. Sustainability Management (PJSC Aeroflot Order No. 26 dated 10 February 2021). Order No. 113 date 28 April 2021).
related risks are integrated into the organisation’s overall risk management
8. RKk-GD-001. Concept of Economic Security 21. STO IB 31.0. Company’s Standard on Information Security
Metrics and Targets of PJSC Aeroflot (PJSC Aeroflot Order No. 21 dated and Ensuring the Security of Information Systems
Metrics and targets used to assess and manage relevant climate-related risks and opportunities where such information is material 2 February 2021). (PJSC Aeroflot Order No. 236 dated 16 July 2020).
a) Disclose the metrics and targets used to assess and manage relevant climate- Section 6. Environmental Protection 9. Quality and Environmental Policy of PJSC Aeroflot 22. RI-GD-079. Regulations on Providing User Access
related risks and opportunities where such information is material under RK-GD-001.Guidelines on Integrated Quality to Information Systems (PJSC Aeroflot Order No. 54 dated
b) Disclose Scope 1, Scope 2 and, if appropriate, Scope 3 greenhouse gas (GHG) Section 6. Environmental Protection Management System of PJSC Aeroflot (PJSC Aeroflot 17 February 2022).
emissions and the related risks Order No. 70 dated 5 March 2022).
Appendices. Quantitative Data 23. RI-07-1280. Instruction for users working on a personal
c) Describe the targets used by the organisation to manage climate-related risks Section 6. Environmental Protection
10. Climate Policy of PJSC Aeroflot (PJSC Aeroflot Order computer within and beyond the corporate network
and opportunities and performance against targets No. 78 dated 15 March 2022). of PJSC Aeroflot.
11. RI-04-214. Sustainability Reporting Regulations. 24. RI-GD-148. Regulations on Procurement of Goods,
Works and Services of PJSC Aeroflot.
12. Innovative Development Programme of Aeroflot
Group. 25. RI-GD-274. SME Partnership Programme.
13. RI-805-055A. Mentoring Regulations of PJSC Aeroflot.

Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures: www.fsb-tcfd.org/.
252 Appendices ESG Report 253


ac. hr academic hour cost per available seat kilometre ratio of general operating costs to passenger capacity
CO2 carbon dioxide (carbonic gas)
SH stakeholder
CO2e CO2 equivalent
IATA International Air Transport Association
CH4 methane
ISec information security
g СО2 / RPK gram of carbon dioxide per passenger kilometre
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organisation
g/TKM gram per tonne kilometre
ISys information system
HFC hydrofluorocarbons
IT information technology
N 2O nitrogen oxide
passenger load factor (PLF) measure of an airline’s passenger capacity utilisation determined as the ratio of passenger turnover
PFC perfluorinated compound (RPK) to passenger capacity (ASK)
RUB Russian rouble revenue load factor measure of an airline’s cargo-passenger capacity utilisation determined as the ratio of tonne
tonne one metric tonne (one thousand kilograms) kilometres (TKМ) to available tonne kilometres (ATK)

tonne kilometre measure of used cargo-passenger capacity that denotes the actual movement of one tonne of cargo IFR injury frequency rate – number of accidents per thousand employees
(passengers at the rate of 90 kg per passenger, commercial cargo, and mail) over a distance of one KPI key performance indicators
CRMS Corporate Risk Management System
USD United States Dollars
PWD people with disabilities

OPS occupational pension scheme


United Aircraft Corporation

limited liability company

OHS occupational health and safety

JSC joint-stock company passenger traffic number of passengers carried by an airline
AEVT Association of Air Transport Operators passenger kilometre measure of the effectively used passenger capacity, which refers to moving a passenger seat
FS flight safety for a distance of one kilometre

Budget airline, low-cost carrier airline that generally offers lower prices for air tickets than conventional carriers on account PJSC public joint-stock company
of restricted servicing and collects extra charges on board the aircraft and at the airport PD personal data
MFEE medical flight expert examination passenger capacity, Available passenger capacity available to an airline that is calculated as the sum of products of multiplying
revenue passenger kilometres effectively used passenger capacity calculated as the sum of products of multiplying the number Seat Kilometres (ASK) seats offered for sale in each flight segment by the segment length
(RPK) of passengers carried at each flight segment by the segment length IDP Innovative Development Programme
tonne kilometres (TKМ) effectively used cargo-passenger capacity available to an airline that is calculated as the sum SW software
of passenger, mail, and cargo tonne kilometres
Origin and Destination (O&D) points between which passengers are carried; in the context of passenger traffic, this term is used
POL petroleum, oil, and lubricants to quantify features of various markets determined by the point of arrival and departure, regardless
LDP Long-Term Development Programme of whether carriage is of a direct or transit nature

ASMD Aviation Security Management Department RSPP (RUIE) Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs

PMD Procurement Management Department RAS Russian Academy of Sciences

FSMD Flight Safety Management Department BoD Board of Directors

network (trunk) carrier airline that, as opposed to low-cost carriers, offers a wide spectrum of services in various service
classes, normally via one or more hubs with synchronised connection flights

SAWC special assessment of working conditions

254 Appendices ESG Report 255


company standard

Flight Safety Management System

QMS Quality Management System Aeroflot Group pays great attention to the feedback
SME small and medium-sized enterprises received from all groups of shareholders.
EMS Environmental Management System
To share your opinion or ask a question, use the contact
MRO aircraft maintenance, repair, and overhaul information below:
TCH transport clearing house
PJSC Aeroflot ESG Team
FER fuel and energy resources

specific income / cost per key performance indicators in the aviation sector determined as income or cost per passenger Email: ESG@aeroflot.ru
passenger turnover turnover or passenger capacity

FSI Flight Safety Index

FPC Federal Passenger Company

FCS Federal Customs Service

hub airline’s gateway airport that constitutes a central connection point for different flights: passengers
and goods are transported from their point of origin to the hub, from where they are carried to their
final destination by a second aircraft together with other passengers and goods from various points
of origin

UN SDGs United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

PPEO Private Professional Educational Organisation

AA1000SES AA1000 Stakeholder Engagement Standard

CRM customer relationship management

ESG environmental, social, and governance

IR investor relations

ISO International Organization for Standardization

ISO 26000:2010 international standard (Social responsibility) adopted by the International Organization
for Standardization in order to enhance social responsibility of companies

ISO 14001:2015 international standard (Environmental management systems – Requirements with guidance for use)
adopted by the International Organization for Standardization in order to establish the criteria
for environmental management systems and to serve the basis for certification

ISO 9001:2015 international standard (Quality management systems – Requirements) adopted by the International
Organization for Standardization in order to establish the criteria for quality management systems
and being the only standard for quality management certification

LTIFR Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate calculated by the Group as the sum of fatalities and number
of disabling accidents by 200 thousand person-hours

SAF sustainable aviation fuel

SAFA voluntary safety assessment of foreign aircraft (ramp inspection) programme for member states
of the European Civil Aviation Conference

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