1ST Sgtu Ranka National Trial Advocacy Competition - 240102 - 170526
1ST Sgtu Ranka National Trial Advocacy Competition - 240102 - 170526
1ST Sgtu Ranka National Trial Advocacy Competition - 240102 - 170526
SGT University is na onally renowned for its leadership in Medical and Health Sciences. It established the
Faculty of Law in 2014 to promote profound scholarship and enlighten research in law, to provide the
highest quality professional legal educa on to face the new challenges and dimensions of the
interna onaliza on of the legal profession. The vision of the SGT University is to be “recognized na onally
and globally for excellence in clinical legal educa on, community-based outreach programs, socially
relevant research and for honing up Lawyering, Arbitra on, Media on and Client Counseling Skills". An
abode for con nual ac vity and unrelen ng vitality, SGT University offers a wide array of academic and
extracurricular opportuni es, making every day a poten al adventure for the students. The SGT University
is Accreditated with Grade A+ by NAAC.
The Faculty of Law was established in 2014 at SGT University. It has statutory recogni on from The Bar
Council of India and the Government of Haryana. The Faculty was established to aid the students with
educa on on Legisla ve Law and provide an academically rich environment. The Faculty of Law prepares
the students to be broad-minded and hardworking legal prac oners and compete with the best on
na onal and interna onal pla orms.
The Faculty of Law at SGT University is one of the best colleges in Delhi NCR for Law courses. They provide
nearly five courses, including UG, PG, and PhD in Law Courses. The Faculty of Law at SGT University is based
on the core values of Dedica on, Honesty, Integrity, Respect, Selflessness and Sincerity. They provide the
highest quality professional legal educa on to equip Indian students for transna onal prac ce and to face
globalisa on challenges.
Glimpse of Past Event
The Trust was set up by Late Dr. N. M. Ranka, Senior Advocate in the year 1960 Major ac vi es undertaken
by the Trust are as follows:
To promote the GANDHIAN PHILOSOPHY and to mo vate the ci zens, students, teachers, judicial officers,
lawyers and li gants, the Trust has Installed 4 statues of Mahatma Gandhi all over India at various premises
including at High Courts of Rajasthan, Orissa, Kerala, Karnataka & Gauha , District Courts, Central Jails,
Universites and Colleges.
The Trust has adopted the Government Upper Primary School, Ramnagariya, Jaipur wherein
approximately around 200 students from the lowest strata of society are ge ng free educa on with
boarding facili es. The Trust in order to promote tax educa on and awareness, gives RANKA BEST TAX
CONFERENCE AWARD under the banner of All India Federa on of Tax Prac oners, Mumbai to deserving
Tax Bar Associa ons.
The Trust is publishing books. Such books are freely distributed all over India. Till now more than 25,000
copies have been distributed. The Trust has pioneered the Moot Court Compe ons in Jaipur and more
than 20 compe ons have been organized in collabora on with University Five Year Law College,
University Law College and many other recognised ins tu ons.
The trust also provides scholarship to needy students and provides free medicines and food to poor
pa ents from me to me. The Trust also grants dona on to like minded Trusts carrying out works of
philanthropy, educa on, old age homes, etc.
The upcoming 1st SGTU Ranka Interna onal Trial Advocacy Compe on in 2024 promises to be a
groundbreaking event that will bring together legal minds from across the globe to showcase their advocacy
skills and legal acumen. Scheduled to take place at the esteemed SGTU Ranka University, this compe on
will provide a pla orm for law students and young legal professionals to engage in a simulated courtroom
environment, honing their trial advocacy skills and gaining valuable prac cal experience. The compe on is
set to feature teams from renowned law schools and ins tu ons, both na onally and interna onally,
reflec ng the truly global nature of the event. Par cipants will have the opportunity to argue cases in front
of experienced judges, emula ng a real courtroom se ng and allowing them to demonstrate their
proficiency in various aspects of trial advocacy, including legal research, case analysis, and oral
argumenta on.
The compe on is designed to encompass mul ple rounds, each presen ng a new set of challenges and
legal scenarios. Teams will be tasked with preparing and presen ng their cases, examining and cross-
examining witnesses, and responding to unexpected developments in the courtroom. The cases are
expected to be complex and mul faceted, requiring par cipants to navigate intricate legal issues and
present compelling arguments. Dis nguished legal professionals and academics are expected to serve as
judges, evalua ng par cipants based on their legal knowledge, presenta on skills, and overall courtroom
demeanour. The feedback provided by the judges is an cipated to contribute not only to the compe ve
aspect of the event but also to serve as a valuable learning experience for the par cipants, helping them
refine their advocacy skills and deepen their understanding of legal prac ce. Apart from the rigorous
compe on, the event is expected to include various networking opportuni es and panel discussions
featuring prominent legal experts. Par cipants will have the chance to engage with experienced
prac oners, gaining insights into the reali es of legal prac ce and expanding their professional networks.
The 1st SGTU Ranka Na onal Trial Advocacy Compe on in 2024 is poised to be a pivotal event in the legal
calendar, offering a unique and enriching experience for par cipants and spectators alike. It is an cipated
to showcase the talent and dedica on of emerging legal professionals while reinforcing the importance of
prac cal skills.
Trial advocacy refers to the skills and techniques employed by a orneys during a trial to present their case
effec vely and persuasively. The goal of trial advocacy is to advocate for the client's posi on and persuade
the judge and/or jury to rule in favour of that posi on. Here are some key aspects of trial advocacy:
• Thoroughly understanding the facts of the case, legal issues, and evidence is crucial.
• Developing a strong case strategy and iden fying key arguments to support the client's posi on.
Opening Statements:
• Cra ing a compelling opening statement that introduces the case, outlines key points, and sets the
stage for the trial.
Evidence Presentation:
• Knowing the rules of evidence and presen ng relevant and admissible evidence to support the case.
• Objec ng to improper evidence presented by the opposing party.
Legal Arguments:
• Making persuasive legal arguments based on statutes, case law, and precedent.
• Responding to opposing legal arguments and challenges. And other skills as well.
The following terms have the corresponding meanings:
“ADMINISTRATORS” means Administrators that shall be the Organizing Commi ee. “COMPETITION”
means 1st SGT RANKA Na onal Trial Advocacy Compe on, 2024.
“DISQUALIFICATION” means that the team will not be allowed to par cipate in the compe on and,
therefore, shall not be awarded a Cer ficate of Par cipa on or any Prize. “JUDGE” means any person
appointed to evaluate a Par cipant's Memorial or Oral Pleadings.
“MOOT PROPOSITION / COMPROMISE” means the official Compromise, including the annexures as well as
the evidence and tes monies of the Compe on supplemented or corrected by any Compromise
Clarifica ons or Correc ons as published by the Administrators.
“MEMORIAL” means the wri en submission by each par cipa ng Law College / School / University
submi ed pursuant to the Rules of the Court.
“PENALTIES” mean Point(s) deducted for viola on of any Rule by the Par cipants.
“PARTICIPANTS” mean student representa ves from eligible Law colleges / Schools / University, recognized
by the Administrators, par cipa ng in the Compe on.
“RULES OF THE COURT / RULES” mean the Official Rules of the Compe on and any applicable
Supplementary Rules.
Students pursuing a 3-Year L.L.B. Degree Course or a 5-Year Integrated and LL.B. Degree Course from the
colleges recognized by the Bar Council of India are eligible to par cipate in the compe on.
• The maximum number of par cipants per team shall be restricted to 3 members wherein 2 members will
be Speakers and 1 member shall be a Researcher.
• The iden ty of the team [name of the Law College / School / University] must not be disclosed to the
Judges as well as to the other Par cipa ng Teams. Any such disclosure shall lead to disqualifica on.
• The subs tu on of any member is not allowed except with the prior approval of the Administrators.
A par cipant appearing as Advocates before Trial Court shall wear a black coat, white shirt, black pants,
white/black salwar suit and it should be sober and dignified.
Provided that the par cipants are prohibited from disclosing the College Logo Or ID card in the dress.
• The Registra on fee (per team) for the said compe on is Rs. 6000/- (Rupees six thousand only).
• Registra on fee is to be submi ed through the payment gateway provided in the registra on form
(online payment).
• Registra on Link: h ps://forms.gle/4t8HogHXoz433UbH8
• Forms received a er the deadline will not be received.
• The registra on fee is non-refundable.
• The registra on of a team will be considered complete once the registra on fees are paid and the
registra on form, i.e., through Google Form, with all necessary details, is received.
• No change in the names of the par cipants shall be permi ed a er the receipt of the Registra on
Form, except at the sole discre on of the Administrators.
• The last registra on date for the said compe on is 25th January 2024 ll 11:59 pm.
Payment Details-
Ac. No. 4868000100054396
Name of Beneficiary: Shree Guru Gobind Singh Tricentenary University
Name of Bank: PNB Bank
RTGS/ IFS Code No.: PUNB0486800
E Mail: ntac2024@sgtuniversity.org
• Each team must prepare memorials for the Prosecu on and the Defence.
• The Cover Page of each memorial must contain the following informa on:
Name of the Compe on.
Name of the Case [Name of the Par es].
Party for which the Memorial has been prepared. Name of the court where case is brought.
• Typing of the memorial should be as per the specifica ons given below:
Paper size - A4
Font size – 12
Font type - Times New Roman Line spacing - 1.5
Margins - 1 inch on each side
Once submi ed, memorials shall not be returned to the par cipants in any case, nor shall any amendment
be allowed a er submission of the memorials. Memorials shall be submi ed in the following format and in
the given sequence-
• Title page
• Table of contents
• Index of Authori es along with Bibliography
• Statement of Jurisdic on
• Statements of Facts
• Statement of Issues
• Summary of Arguments
• The Arguments Advanced
• Prayer Clause
• List of Witness
• Memorials should be typed and a ached with a so cover, in Blue Colour - Prosecu on and Red colour -
• The so copies of the memorials must be sent to ntac2024@sgtuniversity.org by 26th Jan 2024.
• The memorials should not contain the name of the par cipa ng Law College / School/ University, the
name of the par cipants, the name of the country of the par cipa ng Law College / School / University,
or any iden fica on in any part thereof. Also, no logo or any mark of iden fica on should be made on
the memorials. Non-compliance with this rule will lead to immediate disqualifica on.
• Researcher's test shall be conducted
a) Compe on shall run in four rounds, i.e.,
I) Preliminary Rounds
II) Quarter Finals
III) Semi-Finals &
IV) Final
b) All the rounds except the Preliminary round shall be the Knock-Out rounds.
c) If, in any case, es exist, then the marks of the memorial for the Compe on shall be compared to
determine the ranking inter se.
a) Student Counsel may introduce himself/herself to the court in the usual manner and may also state
their speaker code. However, the team's college name shall not be indicated to the judges at any me.
b) All team members must refrain from disclosing the iden ty of their ins tu on at any me and in any
manner, during the course of their par cipa on in the compe on.
c) However, during the course of their Oral Rounds, the speakers may state their name along with their
team code; however, any reference to Caste, Creed, Religion, or Place must be restricted.
d) Non-Compliance with this rule may result in immediate disqualifica on of the team.
EMAIL: ntac2024@sgtuniversity.org