Rust Inhibitor Paint
Rust Inhibitor Paint
Rust Inhibitor Paint
Weight per gallon: 9.9 – 10.36 lbs Temperature Resistance: 314°F continuous, Application Temp: 35°F-110°F
Pigment type: Aluminum 625°F up to 72 hours Compatibility: With most other coatings;
Color/Finish: Metallic Gray Application Methods: Brush, Roll, or Spray Always refer to the coating manufacturers
Flash Point: 123°F Cure Times: Varies with relative humidity, guidelines for application and compatibility
temperature and thickness of film Testing:
Volatile Organic Content (VOC): 97 g/liter
Viscosity: 280 – 320 cP Dry-to-Recoat: 2 to 6 hours ASTM B117- Salt/Fog Spray 1000 hours
Dry-to- Handle: 2 to 6 hours - No effect
Theoretical coverage: Approx. 300-350 ft²/ Full Cure: 72 hours ASTM D4060 - Abrasion Resistance
Gallon @ 3 mil/coat Shelf Life: Approx. 2 years un-opened; - 14,000 Cycles
Solids by weight: 58% +/- 2% 1 month for opened containers; Up to ASTM D4541 - Pull off Adhesion Test
Recommended DFT: Min. 6 mil; 12 mil for 6 months if sealed with Bloxygen - 7.58 Pa (1100 psi)
commercial, industrial or marine applications
Avoid ingestion, inhalation, and contact with skin or eyes. The use of safety glasses and nitrile gloves is recommended. When brushing,
rolling or spraying, appropriate NIOSH approved respiratory protection is recommended. See Safety Data Sheet for complete safety
data before use, available at It is the applicator’s responsibility to understand these safety precautions and the
work environment, to protect themselves and/or others.
Surface must be free of loose paint and rust, oil, grease, wax, moisture, chlorides and any other contaminates that may affect adhesion
or performance. Methods include chemical cleaning (SSPC-SP1), tool cleaning (SSPC-SP 2 &3), pressure washing (SSPC-SP 12) and/or
abrasive blast cleaning (SSPC-SP5). Do not use other products with Rust Bullet without consulting Rust Bullet Technical Support. For more
information contact us at:
Rust Bullet, LLC ~ 300 Brinkby Avenue, Suite 200, Reno, NV 89509 USA 1(800) 245-1600, 1(775) 829-5606
All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the product, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific
enquiry, or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge is reliable. The product and information is designed for users
having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills, and the end-user has the responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its
intended use. Conditions of use are beyond our control, Rust Bullet, LLC (the Company), disclaims any liability incurred in connection with the
use of our products and information contained herein. No person is authorized or empowered to make any statement or recommendation not
contained herein, any such statement or recommendation so made shall not bind The Company. Furthermore, nothing contained herein shall
be construed as a recommendation to use any product in conflict with existing patents. Rust Bullet, LLC has no control over either the quality of
condition of the substrate, or the many factors affecting the use and application of the product. Therefore, Rust Bullet, LLC does not accept
any liability arising from loss, injury, or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet. The information contained in this data
sheet is subject to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous product development. This data sheet replaces and annuls
all previous issues. The user has the responsibility to ensure that this sheet is current prior to using the product. 05/17mrm