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For- C. Sump wall
Geometry of Tank: Seismic Zone II

Water Depth with Dead Storage (M)


Free Board Flat Slab Type Roof

4.5 M 0.5

Y 36.80 M 0.400

Since, the Total Capacity is devided into Two equal Compartments with A common partition wall. Hence the rigidity of partition
wall will be accounted for against the effect of hydrodynamic pressure due to seismic. Therefore the calculations for hydro-
dynamic forces have done considering the weight of water and concrete for one compartment.

Weight Calculations:

Avg Thickness of wall = 0.400 M Weight of wall = 6315 KN

Height of water in Tank (h) = 7 M Mass of wall = 643730.8869 KG
Projection of base slab = 0.75 M Weight of base slab = 1661.75 KN
Avg Thk of Base slab = 0.2 M Mass of base slab = 169393.476 KG
Avg Thk of Roof Slab = 0.212 M Mass of Roof Slab = 112623.9302 KG
Dia of Column HEAD = 1.2 M Mass of columns = 0 KG
Dia of Column = 0.4 M Mass of Column Heads = 10707.98343 KG
Volume of Water = 1159.2 Cum Mass of water (m) = 1159200 KG

For Rectangular Tank, The seismic analysis is to be performed for Loading in X and Y Direction
Analysis along X Direction
This implies that earthquake force applied in X direction. For this case L= 36.80 M and B=4.50 M
Parameters of Spring Model h/L = 0.190
Impulsive Mode Convective Mode
mi/m mi hi/h hi hi*/h hi* mc/m mc hc/h hc hc*/h hc*
0.220 2.55E+05 0.38 2.63 2.00 14.00 0.746 8.65E+05 0.51 3.60 2.00 14.00

Calculations for Design Horizontal Seismic Coefficient I = 1.5 R = 3.50

mwall (kg) ĥ q (Kn/m2) E (Kn/m2) Iwall (m4) d (m) Ti (Sec) Tc (Sec) Sa/gi Sa/gc αi αc
32110.092 2.80 6.07 2.96E+07 5.33E-03 0.0020 0.09 3.26 2.5 0.7291022 0.054 0.016

Note:- 'd' is the deflection of tank wall on the vertical center line at a height ĥ, when loaded by a uniformly distributed pressure 'q'.

Calculations for Base Shear at the bottom of wall

Base Shear for Impulsive mode = 531.27309 KN Base Shear for Convective mode = 132.62 KN
Total Base Shear at Base = 547.57518 KN
Weight from the structure ( i.e. Wall, Roof slab,Base slab, Water, Columns etc.) = 20558.38807 KN
Friction Coefficient b/w Soil and cocrete assumed = 0.4
Total resisting frictional force = 8223.36 KN
Factor of safety against shear required = 1.5
factor of safety available against shear = 15.02
Check for shear = Safe

Calculations for Bending Moment at the bottom of wall

Bending Moment for impulsive = 1955.839 KN-M Bending Moment for Convective = 477.65 Kn-M
Total Bending Moment = 2013.3197 KN-M

Calculations for Overturning Moment at the bottom of wall

Over. Moment for Impulsive = 2353.3 Kn-M Over. Moment for Convective = 1883.17 Kn-M
Total Overturning Moment = 3014.0411 Kn-M
Weight from the structure ( i.e. Wall, Roof slab,Base slab, Columns etc.) = 20558.4 Kn-M
Lever arm for resisting moment about toe = 0.75 M
Moment due to water in hydrodynamic condition = 2013.32 Kn-M
Total Resisting moment = 17432.11 Kn-M
Factor of safety required against overturning = 2
Factor of safety availaable = 5.78
Check for Overturning Moment = Safe

Calculations for Hydrodynamic Presure

Impulsive Mode Convective Mode

Height Thk of Pressure due Pressure due Resultant Hydrodyna- Hydrostatic
Above wall Avil. to wall to vertical Pressure mic Pressure Presure
S.No. Base (M) (M) Qiw Piw Qcw Pcw inertia Pww excitation Pv (Kn/m2) (Kn/m2) (Kn/m2)
1 7.5 0.400 0.751 2.96 0.417 0.32 0.536 0.00 3.51 3.51 0.0
2 6.75 0.400 0.762 3.00 0.246 0.19 0.536 0.37 3.56 10.56 7.5
3 6 0.400 0.774 3.05 0.145 0.11 0.536 0.74 3.66 17.66 15.0
4 5.25 0.400 0.785 3.09 0.086 0.07 0.536 1.10 3.80 24.80 22.5
5 4.5 0.400 0.797 3.14 0.051 0.04 0.536 1.47 3.96 31.96 30.0
6 3.75 0.400 0.808 3.19 0.030 0.02 0.536 1.84 4.15 39.15 37.5
7 3 0.400 0.820 3.23 0.018 0.01 0.536 2.21 4.37 46.37 45.0
8 2.25 0.400 0.831 3.28 0.011 0.01 0.536 2.58 4.60 53.60 52.5
9 1.5 0.400 0.843 3.32 0.007 0.01 0.536 2.94 4.85 60.85 60.0
10 0.75 0.400 0.854 3.37 0.005 0.00 0.536 3.31 5.12 68.12 67.5
11 0 0.400 0.866 3.41 0.004 0.00 0.536 3.68 5.40 75.40 75.0

Analysis along Y Direction

This implies that earthquake force applied in X direction. For this case B= 36.80 M and L=4.50 M
Parameters of Spring Model h/L = 1.556
Impulsive Mode Convective Mode
mi/m mi hi/h hi hi*/h hi* mc/m mc hc/h hc hc*/h hc*
0.91 1.05E+06 0.44 3.08 0.45 3.15 0.17 1.97E+05 0.80 5.60 0.80 5.62

Calculations for Design Horizontal Seismic Coefficient I = 1.5 R = 3.50

mwall (kg) ĥ q (Kn/m2) E (Kn/m2) Iwall (m4) d (m) Ti (Sec) Tc (Sec) Sa/gi Sa/gc αi αc
262589.19 2.59 245.69 2.96E+07 5.33E-03 0.0632 0.50 6.85 2.5 0.7291022 0.054 0.016

Note:- 'd' is the deflection of tank wall on the vertical center line at a height ĥ, when loaded by a uniformly distributed pressure 'q'.
Calculations for Base Shear at the bottom of wall
Base Shear for Impulsive mode = 397.51512 KN Base Shear for Convective mode = 30.15 KN
Total Base Shear at Base = 398.65682 KN
Weight from the structure ( i.e. Wall, Roof slab,Base slab, Water, Columns etc.) = 20558.38807 KN
Friction Coefficient b/w Soil and cocrete assumed = 0.4
Total resisting frictional force = 8223.36 KN
Factor of safety against shear required = 1.5
factor of safety available against shear = 20.63
Check for shear = Safe

Calculations for Bending Moment at the bottom of wall

Bending Moment for impulsive = 3307.4721 KN-M Bending Moment for Convective = 168.74 Kn-M
Total Bending Moment = 3311.7735 KN-M

Calculations for Overturning Moment at the bottom of wall

Over. Moment for Impulsive = 3546.3 Kn-M Over. Moment for Convective = 175.40 Kn-M
Total Overturning Moment = 3550.6082 Kn-M
Weight from the structure ( i.e. Wall, Roof slab,Base slab, Columns etc.) = 20558.4 Kn-M
Lever arm for resisting moment about toe = 0.75 M
Moment due to water in hydrodynamic condition = 3311.77 Kn-M
Total Resisting moment = 18730.56 Kn-M
Factor of safety required against overturning = 2
Factor of safety availaable = 5.28
Check for Overturning Moment = Safe

Calculations for Hydrodynamic Presure

Impulsive Mode Convective Mode

Height Thk of Pressure due Pressure due Resultant Hydrodyna-
Above wall Avil. to wall to vertical Pressure mic Pressure Hydrostatic
S.No. Base (M) (M) Qiw Piw Qcw Pcw inertia Pww excitation Pv (Kn/m2) (Kn/m2) Presure (Kn/m2)
1 7.5 0.400 0.000 0.00 0.417 0.32 0.536 0.00 0.62 0.62 0.0
2 6.75 0.400 0.083 0.33 0.402 0.31 0.536 0.37 0.99 7.99 7.5
3 6 0.400 0.158 0.62 0.389 0.30 0.536 0.74 1.40 15.40 15.0
4 5.25 0.400 0.223 0.88 0.378 0.29 0.536 1.10 1.82 22.82 22.5
5 4.5 0.400 0.280 1.10 0.369 0.28 0.536 1.47 2.22 30.22 30.0
6 3.75 0.400 0.328 1.29 0.361 0.28 0.536 1.84 2.61 37.61 37.5
7 3 0.400 0.368 1.45 0.354 0.27 0.536 2.21 2.98 44.98 45.0
8 2.25 0.400 0.398 1.57 0.349 0.27 0.536 2.58 3.34 52.34 52.5
9 1.5 0.400 0.420 1.66 0.346 0.26 0.536 2.94 3.68 59.68 60.0
10 0.75 0.400 0.433 1.71 0.344 0.26 0.536 3.31 4.01 67.01 67.5
11 0 0.400 0.438 1.73 0.343 0.26 0.536 3.68 4.33 74.33 75.0
Note:- hydrodynamic forces are greater than the hydrostatic presure applied, Hence, the Max. hydrodynamic pressure in both direction will be
governing for designing of Vertical wall.

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