KST SafeOperation 36 en
KST SafeOperation 36 en
KST SafeOperation 36 en
KUKA.SafeOperation 3.6
For KUKA System Software 8.7
Assembly and Operating Instructions
Issued: 10.10.2022
KST SafeOperation 3.6 V3
KUKA Deutschland GmbH
KUKA.SafeOperation 3.6
© Copyright 2022
KUKA Deutschland GmbH
Zugspitzstraße 140
D-86165 Augsburg
This documentation or excerpts therefrom may not be reproduced or disclosed to third parties
without the express permission of KUKA Deutschland GmbH.
Other functions not described in this documentation may be operable in the controller. The user
has no claims to these functions, however, in the case of a replacement or service work.
We have checked the content of this documentation for conformity with the hardware and soft-
ware described. Nevertheless, discrepancies cannot be precluded, for which reason we are not
able to guarantee total conformity. The information in this documentation is checked on a regu-
lar basis, however, and necessary corrections will be incorporated in the subsequent edition.
Subject to technical alterations without an effect on the function.
Translation of the original documentation
1 Introduction.............................................................................................. 9
1.1 Target group.......................................................................................................... 9
1.2 Industrial robot documentation.............................................................................. 9
1.3 Representation of warnings and notes................................................................. 9
1.4 Trademarks............................................................................................................ 10
1.5 Terms used............................................................................................................ 10
1.6 Licenses................................................................................................................. 12
2 Product description................................................................................. 13
2.1 Product description................................................................................................ 13
2.2 Functional description............................................................................................ 13
2.3 Safety interfaces.................................................................................................... 15
2.4 Hardware components.......................................................................................... 16
2.4.1 Reference switch module (optional)..................................................................... 16
2.4.2 Connecting cables................................................................................................. 17
2.5 Monitoring spaces................................................................................................. 18
2.5.1 Stop reactions without “Braking before restricted areas”..................................... 19
2.5.2 Stop reactions with “Braking before restricted areas”.......................................... 20
2.5.3 Cell area................................................................................................................ 20
2.5.4 Cartesian workspaces........................................................................................... 22
2.5.5 Cartesian protected spaces.................................................................................. 23
2.5.6 Axis-specific workspaces....................................................................................... 25
2.5.7 Axis-specific protected spaces.............................................................................. 26
2.5.8 Braking before restricted areas............................................................................. 28
2.5.9 Space-specific velocity.......................................................................................... 30
2.5.10 Reference stop...................................................................................................... 30
2.6 Safety-oriented tools.............................................................................................. 31
2.7 Velocity monitoring functions................................................................................. 32
2.8 Safe operational stop for axis groups.................................................................. 33
3 Safety......................................................................................................... 35
3.1 General.................................................................................................................. 35
3.1.1 Disclaimer.............................................................................................................. 35
3.1.2 EC declaration of conformity and declaration of incorporation............................ 35
3.1.3 Terms in the “Safety” chapter............................................................................... 36
3.2 Personnel............................................................................................................... 39
3.3 Workspace, safety zone and danger zone........................................................... 40
3.3.1 Determining stopping distances............................................................................ 40
3.4 Triggers for stop reactions: KSS........................................................................... 41
3.5 Triggers for stop reactions: VSS........................................................................... 41
3.6 Safety functions..................................................................................................... 42
3.6.1 Overview of the safety functions.......................................................................... 42
3.6.2 Safety controller..................................................................................................... 43
3.6.3 “Operator safety” signal: KSS............................................................................... 43
3.6.4 “Operator safety” signal: VSS............................................................................... 44
3.6.5 EMERGENCY STOP device................................................................................. 44
3.6.6 Logging off from the higher-level safety controller............................................... 45
4 Technical data.......................................................................................... 69
4.1 Service life............................................................................................................. 69
4.2 Reference switch................................................................................................... 69
4.3 Reference cable XG42 - XS Ref.......................................................................... 71
4.4 Circuit diagram of reference switch XS Ref......................................................... 72
4.5 Hole pattern for actuating plate............................................................................ 73
5 Installation................................................................................................ 75
5.1 System requirements............................................................................................. 75
5.2 Installing via WorkVisual....................................................................................... 75
5.2.1 Installing or updating KUKA.SafeOperation 3.6................................................... 75
5.2.2 Uninstalling KUKA.SafeOperation 3.6................................................................... 76
5.3 Installing via smartHMI.......................................................................................... 77
5.3.1 Installing or updating KUKA.SafeOperation 3.6................................................... 77
5.3.2 Uninstalling KUKA.SafeOperation 3.6................................................................... 78
6 Operation.................................................................................................. 81
6.1 User groups........................................................................................................... 81
6.2 Displaying user rights............................................................................................ 82
9 Diagnosis.................................................................................................. 209
9.1 Displaying the diagnostic data with the diagnostic monitor................................. 209
9.2 Displaying the diagnostic data for the safety interface........................................ 209
9.3 System variables for diagnosis of the safety monitoring functions..................... 209
9.3.1 $SR_ACTIVETOOL............................................................................................... 209
9.3.2 $SR_AXISSPEED_OK.......................................................................................... 210
9.3.3 $SR_CARTSPEED_OK......................................................................................... 210
9.3.4 $SR_DRIVES_ENABLE........................................................................................ 211
9.3.5 $SR_MOVE_ENABLE........................................................................................... 211
9.3.6 $SR_RANGE_ACTIVE.......................................................................................... 211
9.3.7 $SR_RANGE_OK.................................................................................................. 212
9.3.8 $SR_SAFEMON_ACTIVE..................................................................................... 213
9.3.9 $SR_SAFEOPSTOP_ACTIVE............................................................................... 213
9.3.10 $SR_SAFEOPSTOP_OK...................................................................................... 214
9.3.11 $SR_SAFEREDSPEED_ACTIVE.......................................................................... 214
9.4 Outputs for space monitoring................................................................................ 214
10 Messages.................................................................................................. 217
10.1 Information about the messages.......................................................................... 217
10.2 System messages from module: CrossMeld (KSS)............................................. 217
10.2.1 KSS15016.............................................................................................................. 217
10.2.2 KSS15017.............................................................................................................. 217
10.2.3 KSS15018.............................................................................................................. 218
10.2.4 KSS15019.............................................................................................................. 221
10.2.5 KSS15033.............................................................................................................. 225
10.2.6 KSS15034.............................................................................................................. 225
10.2.7 KSS15035.............................................................................................................. 226
10.2.8 KSS15036.............................................................................................................. 227
10.2.9 KSS15037.............................................................................................................. 227
10.2.10 KSS15039.............................................................................................................. 228
10.2.11 KSS15040.............................................................................................................. 230
10.2.12 KSS15041.............................................................................................................. 231
10.2.13 KSS15042.............................................................................................................. 233
10.2.14 KSS15043.............................................................................................................. 234
10.2.15 KSS15044.............................................................................................................. 236
10.2.16 KSS15045.............................................................................................................. 237
10.2.17 KSS15046.............................................................................................................. 241
10.2.18 KSS15047.............................................................................................................. 241
10.2.19 KSS15048.............................................................................................................. 242
10.2.20 KSS15049.............................................................................................................. 242
10.2.21 KSS15050.............................................................................................................. 243
10.2.22 KSS15051.............................................................................................................. 244
10.2.23 KSS15052.............................................................................................................. 245
10.2.24 KSS15053.............................................................................................................. 247
10.2.25 KSS15054.............................................................................................................. 248
10.2.26 KSS15065.............................................................................................................. 249
11 Appendix................................................................................................... 269
11.1 Checklists for safety acceptance.......................................................................... 269
11.1.1 Precondition for safety acceptance based on the checklists............................... 269
11.1.2 Checklist: Robot and system................................................................................ 269
11.1.3 Checklist: Safety functions.................................................................................... 270
11.1.4 Checklist: Safety-oriented tools............................................................................. 275
11.1.5 Checklist: Cell area............................................................................................... 280
11.1.6 Checklist: Cartesian monitoring spaces................................................................ 282
11.1.7 Checklist: Axis-specific monitoring spaces........................................................... 284
11.1.8 Checklist: Cartesian velocity monitoring functions............................................... 288
11.1.9 Checklist: axis-specific velocity monitoring functions........................................... 290
11.1.10 Checklist: Safe operational stop for axis groups................................................. 293
11.1.11 Checklist: Braking before restricted areas............................................................ 295
11.2 Applied standards and regulations....................................................................... 297
Index 301
1 Introduction
These warnings are provided for safety purposes and must be observed.
These warnings mean that it is certain or highly probable that death or
severe injuries will occur, if no precautions are taken.
These warnings mean that death or severe injuries may occur, if no
precautions are taken.
These warnings mean that minor injuries may occur, if no precautions
are taken.
These warnings mean that damage to property may occur, if no precau-
tions are taken.
1.4 Trademarks
Term Description
Workspace Monitoring space that the defined axes or the safety-oriented tool
are not allowed to leave. The axes or the safety-oriented tool must
always move within the limits of the workspace.
CK Customer-built Kinematics
EtherNet/IP Ethernet Industrial Protocol
EtherNet/IP is an Ethernet-based field bus (Ethernet interface).
Fictitious STOP 1 - End position of a drive ramp stop calculated from the current robot
DRS end position state.
Monitoring time Time interval beginning with the request for a mastering test or
brake test
The monitoring time is 2 hours. The mastering test or brake test is
to be carried out within this time. The robot then stops and can no
longer be moved without a mastering test or brake test.
Polygon, convex Polygon consisting of at least 3 different corners, e.g. triangle, rec-
tangle, etc.
Reference group A reference group contains the axes of a kinematic system that are
required for moving to a reference position and are to be subjected
to safety-oriented monitoring.
Reference position Cartesian position to which the robot moves during the mastering
Reference switch Sensor that is used for the mastering test and detects when an ax-
is has reached the saved reference position
Reference stop Safety stop that is triggered if the mastering test is missing. The
reference stop can be activated for monitoring spaces.
Protected space Monitoring space into which the defined axes or the safety-oriented
tool are not allowed to intrude. The axes or the safety-oriented tool
must always move outside the limits of the protected space.
Cell area Cartesian workspace that forms a convex polygon with 3 … 10 ver-
tices (corners) and is limited in ±Z direction. The cell area is the
maximum permitted working range of the robot.
1.6 Licenses
The KUKA license conditions and the license conditions of the open-
source software used can be found in the following folders:
• Under .\LICENSE on the data storage medium with the installation
files of the KUKA software
• On the KUKA smartHMI, in the main menu under Help > Info, tab Li-
• Under D:\KUKA_OPT\Option package name\LICENSE on the robot
• In the license folder under the name of the option package in the Op-
tions catalog in WorkVisual
Product description
2 Product description
The industrial robot moves within the limits that have been configured and
activated. The actual positions are continuously calculated and monitored
against the safety parameters that have been set.
If the “Braking before restricted areas” function is active, the fictitious
STOP 1 - DRS end position based on the actual position is monitored in
addition to the actual position.
The safety controller monitors the industrial robot by means of the safety
parameters that have been set. If a monitoring limit is violated, the robot
and external axes stop.
Areas of application
• Human-robot cooperation
• Direct loading of workpieces without an intermediate support
• Replacement of conventional axis range monitoring systems
Product description
Kinematic type Description
Robots on ROBROOT kine- Robots mounted on a ROBROOT kinematic system
matic system
ROBROOT kinematic systems can consist of any combination
of up to 3 serial axes (linear or rotational).
3-axis linear gantry without Robots with up to 3 serial linear main axes
wrist axes
3-axis linear gantry with wrist Robots with up to 3 serial linear main axes and up to 3 serial
axes rotational wrist axes
The safety configuration can be created and edited either on the robot
controller or in WorkVisual.
(>>> 7.6 "Editing the local safety configuration in WorkVisual" Page 131)
Brake test
The brake test serves as a diagnostic measure for the robot axis and ex-
ternal axis brakes. The brakes are activated for the stop reactions safety
stop 0 and safety stop 1.
If a safety option is installed and the safe monitoring is active, the brake
test is automatically active.
A reference switch module is optionally available for the mastering test via
KUKA reference switch.
The reference switch module consists of the following components:
• Inductive reference switch
• Straight or angled actuating plate
• Reference cable XG42 - XS Ref
Cable lengths
Product description
2.4.2 Connecting cables
The diagram (>>> Fig. 2-3) shows an example of the connecting cables of
the industrial robot with connected KUKA reference switch. The reference
switch is connected to the robot controller via the reference cable. The
maximum cable length is 40 m.
Only the reference cable supplied by KUKA may be used.
1 Robot controller
2 Robot
3 Reference switch
4 Reference cable XG42 - XS Ref
5 Data cable XF21
Bending radius
The following bending radii must be observed when installing the refer-
ence cable:
Cell area
Product description
Stopping distance
Further information about the stopping distances and stopping times can
be found in the assembly instructions of the relevant robot.
Stop reactions
The cell area is a Cartesian monitoring space that is limited in the ±Z di-
rection. The cell area is permanently monitored and always active.
The safety-oriented tool on the mounting flange of the robot is modeled
using up to 12 configurable spheres; when the robot moves, these
spheres move with it. These spheres are monitored against the cell area
and must only move within this cell area.
If a sphere violates the limits of the cell area, the robot stops with a safety
stop 0 as long as the “Braking before restricted areas” function is not acti-
vated. Otherwise, a safety stop 1 is triggered before the space limit.
(>>> 2.5.8 "Braking before restricted areas" Page 28)
Product description
Risk of fatal injury due to unmonitored robot components
Cartesian monitoring spaces are only monitored against the spheres
used to model the active safety-oriented tool. Robot components situ-
ated outside the tool spheres are not monitored and a space violation
by these components is not detected.
Death, injuries or damage to property may result.
• Design and configure Cartesian monitoring spaces and tool spheres
in such a manner that the unmonitored robot components do not
pose any threat.
1 Cell area
2 Spheres on safety-oriented tool
3 Robot
Product description
• The robot is stopped (precondition: parameter Stop at boundaries is
activated for the space).
Risk of fatal injury due to unmonitored robot components
Cartesian monitoring spaces are only monitored against the spheres
used to model the active safety-oriented tool. Robot components situ-
ated outside the tool spheres are not monitored and a space violation
by these components is not detected.
Death, injuries or damage to property may result.
• Design and configure Cartesian monitoring spaces and tool spheres
in such a manner that the unmonitored robot components do not
pose any threat.
1 Workspace
2 Spheres on safety-oriented tool
3 Robot
If the “Braking before restricted areas” function is active, the spheres are
Product description
Risk of fatal injury due to unmonitored robot components
Cartesian monitoring spaces are only monitored against the spheres
used to model the active safety-oriented tool. Robot components situ-
ated outside the tool spheres are not monitored and a space violation
by these components is not detected.
Death, injuries or damage to property may result.
• Design and configure Cartesian monitoring spaces and tool spheres
in such a manner that the unmonitored robot components do not
pose any threat.
Product description
Fig. 2-7: Example of a Cartesian protected space
1 Protected space
2 Spheres on safety-oriented tool
3 Robot
The axis limits can be set and monitored individually for each axis via the
software. The resulting axis range is the permissible range of an axis with-
in which the robot may move. The individual axis ranges together make
up the overall workspace, which may consist of up to 8 axis ranges.
A maximum of 8 axes or, in the case of kinematic systems with master/
slave axes, a maximum of 8 drives can be configured for each monitor-
ing space.
The axis limits can be set and monitored individually for each axis via the
software. The resulting axis range is the protected range of an axis within
which the robot may not move. The individual axis ranges together make
up the overall protected space, which may consist of up to 8 axis ranges.
A maximum of 8 axes or, in the case of kinematic systems with master/
slave axes, a maximum of 8 drives can be configured for each monitor-
ing space.
Product description
• A safety-oriented output is reset (state: “logic 0”).
The safety-oriented outputs are set if a monitoring space is not viola-
ted (state: “logic 1”).
If interface XG13 is used, safety-oriented outputs are only available for
monitoring spaces 1 … 6.
• The robot is stopped (precondition: parameter Stop at boundaries is
activated for the space).
• Monitoring of the space-specific velocity is activated (precondition:
Space violated is set for the space at parameter Vmax valid if).
If the robot violates an axis limit with the fictitious STOP 1 - DRS end po-
sition, the following reactions are triggered:
• The robot is stopped (precondition: parameter Stop at boundaries is
activated for the space).
Risk of fatal injury due to axes that can rotate more than 360°
In the case of axes that can rotate more than 360°, the configured axis
ranges refer to the position of the axis (including sign) and not to the
sector of a circle. This means that they can pass through the protected
space. Death, severe injuries or damage to property may result.
• Do not configure protected spaces for axes that can rotate more
than 360°. Instead, configure a suitable workspace.
If, for example, a protected space of +90° to +270° is configured for
axis A1, the robot can move through the protected space in the oth-
er direction from -90° to -185°. In this case, it is advisable to config-
ure a workspace from -90° to +90°.
Fig. 2-9: Example of a protected space through which the robot can
The “Braking before restricted areas” function changes the way the robot
behaves at the limits of the monitoring spaces and of the cell area.
With the “Braking before restricted areas” function, the fictitious STOP 1 -
DRS end position based on the actual position is monitored in addition to
the actual position. If this end point violates a monitoring space, this indi-
cates an impending violation of this monitoring space by the robot.
In this case, a safety stop 1 DRS is triggered, bringing the robot to a
standstill at the precalculated end point. Due to the small safety margin in
the precalculation, the robot can generally be stopped before the monitor-
ing space.
Product description
A safety stop 1 DRS is a safely monitored drive ramp stop. This usually
deviates from the programmed path.
If the safety controller detects a violation of the monitored braking ramp,
a safety stop 0 is triggered. As the stopping distance of the robot devi-
ates significantly from the stopping distance of the drive ramp stop in
this instance, this case must be taken into consideration in the risk as-
sessment of the cell.
Possible reasons for an escalation of this nature are, for example:
• Power failure
• Controller fault
• Operation outside of the specification limits
• Hardware fault at the time the drive ramp stop is executed
The figures show the behavior of the robot at the limits of a Cartesian and
axis-specific monitoring space when “Braking before restricted areas” is
1 Workspace
2 Spheres on safety-oriented tool
3 Robot
Product description
• Mastering test requested internally.
• Operating mode T2, AUT or AUT EXT
To be able to move the robot again in the stop-triggering operating
modes, the following possibilities are available:
• Perform mastering test in T1 mode.
• Deactivate monitoring spaces.
• Deactivate reference stop.
The safety-oriented TCP for the velocity monitoring can be freely config-
ured in the safety configuration. It is independent of the current TCP
that is set in the KUKA System Software with the variable $TOOL.
Risk of fatal injury due to unmonitored robot components
Cartesian monitoring spaces are only monitored against the spheres
used to model the active safety-oriented tool. Robot components situ-
ated outside the tool spheres are not monitored and a space violation
by these components is not detected.
Death, injuries or damage to property may result.
• Design and configure Cartesian monitoring spaces and tool spheres
in such a manner that the unmonitored robot components do not
pose any threat.
Axis velocity
• Limit value for maximum axis velocity (valid globally for every axis)
Cartesian velocity
Product description
Stop reactions
The global safe operational stop is one of the standard safety functions. If
this function is activated via the safety interface, the standstill of all axes
of the kinematic system is monitored. The axes may still move within the
configured axis angle or distance tolerances. The tolerances can be con-
figured individually for each axis.
With KUKA.SafeOperation 3.6, the safe operational stop can additionally
be configured for up to 6 axis groups. An axis group comprises the axes
that are to be monitored when the safe operational stop is activated for
this axis group. Before monitoring is activated, the corresponding axes
must be stopped under program control.
The safe operational stop for axis groups is activated via safety-oriented
inputs. If none of the safety interfaces specified in (>>> 2.3 "Safety inter-
faces" Page 15) is used, the safe operational stop for axis groups is not
A maximum of 8 axes or, in the case of kinematic systems with master/
slave axes, a maximum of 8 drives can be configured for each axis
If the safe operational stop is activated for an axis group, the standstill of
the axes for which it has been configured is monitored using safe technol-
ogy. The axes may still move within the configured axis angle or distance
If the safe operational stop is violated, i.e. if the position tolerance for an
axis is exceeded or the velocity of an axis exceeds the maximum permit-
ted level, a safety stop 0 is triggered in response. The safety stop 0 af-
fects all axes, not just those for which the operational stop is configured.
This means that an unintended motion of an axis which is relevant for the
safe operational stop causes the machine to stop.
3 Safety
3.1 General
3.1.1 Disclaimer
• Manipulator
• Robot controller
• Teach pendant
• Connecting cables
• External axes (optional)
e.g. linear unit, turn-tilt table, positioner
• Software
• Options, accessories
The industrial robot is built using state-of-the-art technology and in accord-
ance with the recognized safety rules. Nevertheless, misuse of the indus-
trial robot may constitute a risk to life and limb or cause damage to the
industrial robot and to other material property.
The industrial robot may only be used in perfect technical condition in ac-
cordance with its intended use and only by safety-conscious persons who
are fully aware of the risks involved in its operation. Use of the industrial
robot is subject to compliance with this document and with the declaration
of incorporation supplied together with the industrial robot. Any functional
disorders, especially those affecting safety, must be rectified immediately.
Safety information
EC declaration of conformity
Declaration of incorporation
Axis range Range within which the axis may move The axis range must be de-
fined for each axis.
Workspace Area within which the robot may move. The workspace is derived
from the individual axis ranges.
User The user of the industrial robot can be the management, employer
or delegated person responsible for use of the industrial robot.
Service life The service life of a safety-relevant component begins at the time
of delivery of the component to the customer.
The service life is not affected by whether the component is used
or not, as safety-relevant components are also subject to aging dur-
ing storage.
Danger zone The danger zone consists of the workspace and the stopping dis-
tances of the manipulator and external axes (optional).
Safety zone The safety zone is situated outside the danger zone.
Safe operational stop The safe operational stop is a standstill monitoring function. It does
not execute a stop, but rather monitors whether the axes are at a
standstill. If these are moved during the safe operational stop, a
safety STOP 0 is triggered.
The safe operational stop can also be triggered externally.
When a safe operational stop is triggered, the robot controller sets
an output to the field bus. The output is set even if not all the axes
were stationary at the time of triggering, thereby causing a safety
STOP 0 to be triggered.
Safety STOP 0 A stop that is triggered and executed by the safety controller. The
safety controller immediately switches off the drives and the power
supply to the brakes.
Note: This stop is called “safety stop 0” in this document.
Safety STOP 1 A stop that is triggered and monitored by the safety controller. The
braking operation is carried out by the non-safety-oriented section
of the robot controller and monitored by the safety controller.
Safety STOP 1 Only relevant for safety options with BBRA (braking before restric-
– Drive Ramp Stop ted areas):
A stop that is triggered and monitored by the safety controller. The
braking operation is carried out by the non-safety-oriented section
of the robot controller and monitored by the safety controller.
Safety STOP 2 A stop that is triggered and monitored by the safety controller. The
braking operation is carried out by the non-safety-oriented section
of the robot controller and monitored by the safety controller.
Safety options Generic term for options which make it possible to configure addi-
tional safe monitoring functions in addition to the standard safety
Example: SafeOperation
Stop category 0 The drives are deactivated immediately and the brakes are applied.
The manipulator and any external axes (optional) perform path-ori-
ented braking.
Note: This stop category is called “STOP 0” in this document.
Stop category 1 The manipulator and any external axes (optional) perform path-
maintaining braking. The drives are only disconnected once the ma-
chine has come to a standstill.
Note: This stop category is called “STOP 1” in this document.
Stop category 1 – The manipulator and any external axes (optional) perform path-ori-
Drive Ramp Stop ented braking. The drives are only disconnected once the machine
has come to a standstill.
Note: This stop category is called “STOP 1 - DRS” in this docu-
Stop category 2 The drives are not deactivated and the brakes are not applied. The
manipulator and any external axes (optional) are braked with a
path-maintaining braking ramp.
Note: This stop category is called “STOP 2” in this document.
System integrator The system integrator is responsible for safely integrating the indus-
(plant integrator) trial robot into a complete system and commissioning it.
External axis Motion axis which is not part of the manipulator but is controlled by
the robot controller, e.g. KUKA linear unit, turn-tilt table, positioner.
3.2 Personnel
The following persons or groups of persons are defined for the industrial
• User
• Personnel
Qualification of personnel
Work on the system must only be performed by personnel that is able
to assess the tasks to be carried out and detect potential hazards.
Death, severe injuries or damage to property may otherwise result. The
following qualifications are required:
• Adequate specialist training, knowledge and experience
• Knowledge of the relevant operating or assembly instructions, knowl-
edge of the relevant standards
• All persons working with the industrial robot must have read and un-
derstood the industrial robot documentation, including the safety
The user must observe the labor laws and regulations. This includes e.g.:
• System integrator
• Operators, subdivided into:
‒ Start-up, maintenance and service personnel
‒ Operating personnel
‒ Cleaning personnel
System integrator
The industrial robot is safely integrated into a complete system by the sys-
tem integrator.
The system integrator is responsible for the following tasks:
The system integrator’s risk assessment may indicate that the stopping
distances must be determined for an application. In order to determine the
stopping distances, the system integrator must identify the safety-relevant
points on the programmed path.
When determining the stopping distances, the robot must be moved with
the tool and loads which are also used in the application. The robot must
be at operating temperature. This is the case after approx. 1 h in normal
During execution of the application, the robot must be stopped at the point
from which the stopping distance is to be calculated. This process must
be repeated several times with a safety stop 0 and a safety stop 1. The
least favorable stopping distance is decisive.
A safety stop 0 can be triggered by a safe operational stop via the safety
interface, for example. If a safety option is installed, it can be triggered,
for instance, by a space violation (e.g. the robot exceeds the limit of an
activated workspace in Automatic mode).
A safety stop 1 can be triggered by pressing the EMERGENCY STOP de-
vice on the smartPAD, for example.
The following safety functions are always present on the industrial robot:
• Operator safety (= connection for the monitoring of physical safe-
• EMERGENCY STOP device on the smartPAD
• External EMERGENCY STOP device
• Enabling device on the smartPAD
• External enabling device
• Velocity monitoring in T1
Depending on the hardware configuration, the following safety functions
are present on the industrial robot:
• External safety stop, STOP 1
• External safety stop, STOP 2
• External safe operational stop
• EMERGENCY STOP device (additional local device)
• Peripheral contactor US2
The safety functions of the industrial robot meet the following require-
• Category 3 and Performance Level d in accordance with EN ISO
The requirements are only met on the following conditions, however:
• The EMERGENCY STOP device is pressed at least once every
12 months.
• The enabling device is checked at least once every 12 months.
(>>> "Function test" Page 47)
• Peripheral contactor US2 is checked at least once every 12 months (if
• The testing of the safety functions is carried out in accordance with
the maintenance table. For maintenance table, see chapter “Mainte-
nance” in the documentation of the hardware components used.
Risk of fatal injury due to non-operational safety functions or exter-
nal safeguards
In the absence of operational safety functions or safeguards, the indus-
trial robot can cause death, severe injuries or damage to property.
• If safety functions or safeguards are dismantled or deactivated, do
not operate the industrial robot.
The safety controller is a unit inside the control PC. It links safety-relevant
signals and safety-relevant monitoring functions.
Safety controller tasks:
• Switching off the drives; applying the brakes
• Monitoring the braking ramp
• Standstill monitoring (after the stop)
• Velocity monitoring in T1
• Evaluation of safety-relevant signals
• Setting of safety-oriented outputs
Danger to life and limb due to resumption of automatic operation
without adequate checking
Following loss of the “Operator safety” signal, it must not be possible to
restart automatic operation by merely closing the safeguard. Otherwise,
for example, the safety gate could close unintentionally, thereby causing
automatic operation to resume while there are persons in the danger
zone. Death, severe injuries or damage to property may result.
• Automatic operation must not be resumed until the safeguard has
been closed and the closing has been acknowledged.
• The acknowledgement must be designed in such a way that an ac-
tual check of the danger zone can be carried out first. Acknowledge-
ment that is automatically and directly triggered by closure of the
safeguard is not permitted.
• If closure is acknowledged by a device (e.g. by the PLC), the sys-
tem integrator must ensure that the acknowledgement is preceded
by an actual check of the danger zone.
The EMERGENCY STOP device for the industrial robot is the EMERGEN-
CY STOP device on the smartPAD. The device must be pressed in the
event of a hazardous situation or emergency.
Reactions of the industrial robot if the EMERGENCY STOP device is
• The manipulator and any external axes (optional) are stopped with a
safety stop 1.
Before operation can be resumed, the EMERGENCY STOP device must
be turned to release it.
Danger to life and limb due to tools and equipment without EMER-
If tools and other equipment connected to the robot are not integrated
into the EMERGENCY STOP circuit, this can result in death, severe in-
juries or damage to property.
• Integrate tools and other equipment into the EMERGENCY STOP
circuit if they could constitute a potential hazard.
Danger to life and limb due to smartPAD on controller that has
been switched off
If a robot controller is switched off, the EMERGENCY STOP device on
the smartPAD is not operational. There is a risk of operational and non-
operational EMERGENCY STOP devices becoming interchanged.
Death, severe injuries or damage to property may result.
• Cover smartPADs on controllers that have been switched off or re-
move them from the system.
Every operator station that can initiate a robot motion or other potentially
hazardous situation must be equipped with an EMERGENCY STOP de-
vice. The system integrator is responsible for ensuring this.
There must always be at least one external EMERGENCY STOP device
installed. This ensures that there is an EMERGENCY STOP device avail-
able, even if the smartPAD has been disconnected.
External EMERGENCY STOP devices are connected via the customer in-
The enabling devices of the industrial robot are the enabling switches on
the smartPAD.
For robot controllers of the KR C5 series, the model smartPAD-2 is used.
It has 4 enabling switches.
The enabling switches have 3 positions:
• Not pressed
• Center position
• Fully pressed (panic position)
In the test modes, the manipulator can only be moved if at least one of
the enabling switches is held in the center position.
It is possible to hold several enabling switches in the center position si-
multaneously. This makes it possible to adjust grip from one enabling
switch to another one.
In the test modes, the manipulator can be stopped in the following ways:
• Press at least one enabling switch down fully.
Pressing an enabling switch down fully triggers a safety stop 1.
• Or release all enabling switches.
Releasing all (!) enabling switches held in the center position triggers
a safety stop 2.
Danger to life and limb due to lack of reaction when an enabling
switch is released
Releasing one of multiple enabling switches held in the center position
does not trigger a stop reaction.
If multiple switches are held in the center position, the robot controller
cannot distinguish whether one of them was intentionally released or if it
was unintentionally released as the result of an accident.
• Create awareness for the hazard.
industrial robot can be stopped using one of the following methods:
Danger to life and limb due to manipulation of enabling switches
The enabling switches must not be held down by adhesive tape or other
means or tampered with in any other way. Death, severe injuries or
damage to property may result.
• Carry out a visual inspection of the enabling switches.
• Rectify tampering or remove any foreign bodies.
Function test
The function of the enabling switches must be tested in the following ca-
• Following initial start-up or recommissioning of the industrial robot
• After a software update
• After disconnecting and reconnecting a smartPAD (the same smart-
PAD or another one)
• The test must be carried out at least once every 12 months.
To test, perform the following steps separately for each enabling switch:
1. Move the manipulator in a test mode.
2. While the manipulator is moving, press the enabling switch down fully
and hold it down for 3 seconds.
The test is passed in the following case:
• The manipulator stops.
• And: No error message for the enabling device is displayed (Enabling
switch error or similar).
If the test has not been passed for one or more enabling switches, the
smartPAD must be exchanged and the test must be performed again.
External enabling devices are required if it is necessary for more than one
person to be in the danger zone of the industrial robot.
The function of the external enabling switches must be tested at least
once every 12 months.
Which interface can be used for connecting external enabling devices is
described in the “Planning” chapter of the robot controller operating in-
structions and assembly instructions.
Axis-specific monitoring
Cartesian monitoring
The Cartesian monitoring refers to the velocity at the flange. If a limit val-
ue is exceeded, a safety stop 0 is triggered.
• Default limit value: 250 mm/s
If an additional safety option (e.g. SafeOperation) is used, the limit value
can be configured. It can be reduced, but not increased.
The axis ranges of all manipulator and positioner axes are limited by
means of adjustable software limit switches. These software limit switches
only serve as machine protection and must be adjusted in such a way
that the manipulator/positioner cannot hit the mechanical end stops.
The software limit switches are set during commissioning of an industrial
Further information is contained in the operating and programming in-
Depending on the robot variant, the axis ranges of the main and wrist ax-
es of the manipulator are partially limited by mechanical end stops.
Additional mechanical end stops can be installed on the external axes.
Danger to life and limb following collision with obstacle
If the manipulator or an external axis hits an obstruction or a mechani-
cal end stop or mechanical axis limitation, the manipulator can no
longer be operated safely. Death, injuries or damage to property may re-
• Put manipulator out of operation.
• KUKA must be consulted before it is put back into operation.
The following options may be available for moving the manipulator without
drive energy after an accident or malfunction:
• Release device (optional)
The release device can be used for the main axis drive motors and,
depending on the robot variant, also for the wrist axis drive motors.
• Brake release device (option)
The brake release device is designed for robot variants whose motors
are not freely accessible.
• Moving the wrist axes directly by hand
There is no release device available for the wrist axes of variants in
the low payload category. This is not necessary because the wrist ax-
es can be moved directly by hand.
Information about the options available for the various robot models and
about how to use them can be found in the assembly and operating in-
structions for the robot or can be requested from the manufacturer.
Damage to property due to moving the manipulator without drive
Moving the manipulator without drive energy can damage the motor
brakes of the axes concerned.
• Only move the manipulator without drive energy in emergencies,
e.g. for rescuing persons.
• Perform brake test.
• The motor must be replaced if the brake has been damaged.
The access of persons to the danger zone of the industrial robot must be
prevented by means of safeguards. It is the responsibility of the system
integrator to ensure this.
If there are no physical safeguards present, the requirements for collabo-
rative operation in accordance with EN ISO 10218 must be met.
Physical safeguards must meet the following requirements:
• Depending on the hazard situation: the safety gate is additionally safe-
guarded by means of a locking mechanism that only allows the gate
to be opened if the manipulator is safely at a standstill.
• The button for acknowledging the safety gate is located outside the
space limited by the safeguards.
If the system is to comply with ANSI/UL 1740, the system integrator must
integrate a “Drives ready” lamp into the system. An interface is available
for the lamp connection.
The “Drives ready” lamp must always be functionally tested before enter-
ing the danger zone. If the test is not passed, the danger zone must not
be entered except to work on the lamp.
More information about the “Drives ready” lamp, the associated interface
and testing can be found in the assembly instructions for the robot con-
Operating modes
Use Velocities
• Program verification:
Programmed velocity, maxi-
For test operation,
mum 250 mm/s
T1 programming and
teaching • Jog mode:
Jog velocity, maximum
250 mm/s
• Program verification:
T2 For test operation Programmed velocity
• Jog mode: Not possible
Use Velocities
The user can change the operating mode via the connection manager.
The connection manager is a view that is called by means of the mode
selector switch on the smartPAD.
The mode selector switch may be one of the following variants:
• With key
It is only possible to change operating mode if the key is inserted.
• Without key
Danger to life and limb due to mode selector switch without
access restriction
If the smartPAD is equipped with a mode selector switch without a key,
all persons can operate the mode selector switch, irrespective of their
field of activity or qualifications. Death, severe injuries or damage to
property may result.
• An additional device must be installed to ensure that the mode se-
lector switch can only be operated by a restricted group of people.
• The device itself must not trigger motions of the industrial robot or
other hazards.
The following table indicates the operating modes in which the safety
functions are active.
Safety functions T1 T2 AUT AUT EXT
Operator safety - - active active
EMERGENCY STOP device active active active active
Enabling device active active - -
Reduced velocity during
active - - -
program verification
Jog mode active active - -
Software limit switches active active active active
Interface for “Drives ready”
active active active active
Operating modes
• Manual Reduced Velocity (T1)
• Manual High Velocity (T2)
• Automatic External (EXT)
Use Velocities
• Program verification:
Programmed velocity, maxi-
For test operation,
mum 250 mm/s
T1 programming and
teaching • Jog mode:
Jog velocity, maximum
250 mm/s
• Program verification:
T2 For test operation Programmed velocity
• Jog mode: Not possible
The user can change the operating mode via the connection manager.
The connection manager is a view that is called by means of the mode
selector switch on the smartPAD.
Danger to life and limb of persons in danger zone in T2
In T2, the robot moves at the programmed velocity. Death, severe inju-
ries or damage to property may result.
• There must be no persons in the danger area.
Program execution
Jogging possible?
Active key Safety gate possible?
T1 T2 T1 T2
No key active Open No No No No
Closed Yes No Yes Yes
E2/E22 Open Yes No Yes No
Closed No No No No
E2/E22 and E7 Open Yes No No Yes
Closed No No No No
The following table indicates the operating modes in which the safety
functions are active.
Safety measures T1 T2 EXT
Operator safety Active * Active ** Active
EMERGENCY STOP device Active Active Active
Enabling device Active Active -
Reduced velocity during pro-
Active - -
gram verification
Jog mode Active Active -
Software limit switches Active Active Active
* In T1 mode, operator safety can be bypassed with the E2/E22 key.
** In T2 mode, operator safety can be bypassed with the E2/E22+E7 key.
The industrial robot may only be used in perfect technical condition in ac-
cordance with its intended use and only by safety-conscious persons. Op-
erator errors can result in personal injury and damage to property.
It is important to be prepared for possible movements of the industrial ro-
bot even after the robot controller has been switched off and locked out.
Incorrect installation (e.g. overload) or mechanical defects (e.g. brake de-
fect) can cause the manipulator or external axes to sag. If work is to be
carried out on a switched-off industrial robot, the manipulator and external
axes must first be moved into a position in which they are unable to move
on their own, whether the payload is mounted or not. If this is not possi-
ble, the manipulator and external axes must be secured by appropriate
Risk of fatal injury due to non-operational safety functions or exter-
nal safeguards
In the absence of operational safety functions or safeguards, the indus-
trial robot can cause death, severe injuries or damage to property.
• If safety functions or safeguards are dismantled or deactivated, do
not operate the industrial robot.
Danger to life and limb of persons under the robot arm
Sagging or falling parts can cause death or serious injuries. This applies
at all times, e.g. also for assembly tasks or with the controller switched
• Never loiter under the robot arm.
Danger to life and limb due to incorrect loads
Operating a robot with incorrect loads may result in death, severe inju-
ries or damage to property.
• Use correct load data.
• Use only loads for which the robot is suitable.
Risk of burns from hot motors
The motors reach temperatures during operation which can cause
• Avoid contact.
• Take appropriate safety precautions, e.g. wear protective gloves.
Danger to life due to malfunction of implants caused by motors
and brakes
Electric motors and brakes generate electric and magnetic fields. The
fields can cause malfunctions in active implants, e.g. pacemakers.
• Affected persons must maintain a minimum distance of 300 mm
from motors and brakes. This applies to both energized and deener-
gized motors and brakes.
The user must ensure that the industrial robot is only operated with the
smartPAD by authorized persons.
If more than one smartPAD is used in the overall system, it must be en-
sured that it is clearly recognizable which smartPAD is connected to which
industrial robot. They must not be interchanged.
Danger to life and limb due to disconnected smartPAD
If a smartPAD is disconnected, its EMERGENCY STOP device is not
operational. There is a risk of connected and disconnected smartPADs
being interchanged. Death, injuries or damage to property may result.
• Remove the disconnected smartPAD from the system immediately.
• Store the disconnected smartPAD out of sight and reach of person-
nel working on the industrial robot.
In the case of faults on the industrial robot, the following safety measures
must be implemented immediately:
• Switch off the robot controller and secure it (e.g. with a padlock) to
prevent unauthorized persons from switching it on again.
• Indicate the fault by means of a label with a corresponding warning
• Keep a record of the faults.
Carry out a functional test after the fault has been rectified.
3.12.2 IT security
3.12.3 Transportation
damage to the manipulator.
Robot controller
The prescribed transport position of the external axis (e.g. KUKA linear
unit, turn-tilt table, positioner) must be observed. Transportation must be
carried out in accordance with the operating instructions or assembly in-
structions of the external axis.
KSS only:
Changing default passwords
The KUKA System Software is supplied with default passwords for the
user groups. If the passwords are not changed, this enables unauthor-
ized persons to log on.
• Before start-up, change the passwords for the user groups.
• Only communicate the passwords to authorized personnel.
Risk of fatal injury due to non-configured external axes
The robot controller cannot detect an external axis that is physically
connected, but not configured correctly in the software. It cannot exert
any torque nor any holding torque on this external axis. If the brakes re-
lease, uncontrolled motion can occur at this external axis as a result.
Death, severe injuries or damage to property may result.
• Ensure that external axes are correctly configured before an ena-
bling switch is pressed and the brakes are thus released.
Damage to property due to condensation
If the internal cabinet temperature of the robot controller differs greatly
from the ambient temperature, condensation can form. This may result
in damage to property.
• Wait until the internal cabinet temperature has adapted to the ambi-
ent temperature in order to avoid condensation.
Function test
The following tests must be carried out before start-up and recommission-
General test:
It must be ensured that:
A function test must be carried out for the following safety functions to en-
sure that they are functioning correctly:
Danger to life and limb due to incorrect data
The industrial robot must not be moved if incorrect machine data or an
incorrect controller configuration are loaded. Unforeseeable reactions
may occur. Death, severe injuries or damage to property may result.
• Only operate industrial robots with correct data.
• Following the start-up procedure, the practical tests for the machine
data must be carried out. The tool must be calibrated (either via an
actual calibration or through numerical entry of the data).
• Following modifications to the machine data, the safety configuration
must be checked.
• After activation of a WorkVisual project on the robot controller, the
safety configuration must be checked.
• If machine data are adopted when checking the safety configuration
(regardless of the reason for the safety configuration check), the prac-
tical tests for the machine data must be carried out.
• If the activation code of the safety configuration has changed, the safe
axis monitoring functions must be checked.
Information about checking the safety configuration and the safe axis
monitoring functions is contained in the Operating and Programming In-
structions for System Integrators.
If the practical tests are not successfully completed in the initial start-up,
KUKA Deutschland GmbH must be contacted.
If the practical tests are not successfully completed during a different pro-
cedure, the machine data and the safety-relevant controller configuration
must be checked and corrected.
If practical tests are required for the machine data, this test must always
be carried out.
The following methods are available for performing the practical test:
• TCP calibration with the XYZ 4-point method
The practical test is passed if the TCP has been successfully calibra-
1. Align the TCP with a freely selected point. The point serves as a ref-
erence point.
• The point must be located so that reorientation is possible.
• The point must not be located on the Z axis of the FLANGE coor-
dinate system.
2. Move the TCP manually at least 45° once in each of the A, B and C
The movements do not have to be accumulative, i.e. after motion in
one direction it is possible to return to the original position before mov-
ing in the next direction.
The practical test is passed if the TCP does not deviate from the ref-
erence point by more than 2 cm in total.
Palletizing robots, in this case, are either robots that can be used only as
palletizers from the start or robots operated in palletizing mode. The latter
must also be in palletizing mode during the practical test.
If practical tests are required for the machine data, this test must always
be carried out.
First part:
1. Align the TCP with a freely selected point. The point serves as a ref-
erence point.
• The point must be located so that reorientation is possible.
• The point must not be located on the Z axis of the FLANGE coor-
dinate system.
2. Mark the starting position of the TCP.
Also read and note the starting position from the Actual position –
Cartesian display on the smartHMI.
3. Jog the TCP in the X direction. The distance must be at least 20% of
the robot’s maximum reach. Determine the exact length via the Actual
position display.
4. Measure the distance covered and compare it with the distance value
displayed on the smartHMI. The deviation must be < 5%.
5. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for the Y direction and Z direction.
The first part of the practical test is passed if the deviation is < 5% in ev-
ery direction.
Second part:
• Rotate the tool manually about A by 45°: once in the plus direction,
once in the minus direction. At the same time, observe the TCP.
The second part of the practical test is passed if the position of the TCP
in space is not altered during the rotations.
If practical tests are required for the machine data, this test must always
be carried out.
First part:
1. Align the TCP with a freely selected point. The point serves as a ref-
erence point.
• The point must be located so that reorientation is possible.
• The point must not be on A4.
2. Mark the starting position of the TCP.
Also read and note the starting position from the Actual position –
Cartesian display on the smartHMI.
3. Jog the TCP in the Z direction. The distance must be at least 20% of
the maximum travel. Determine the exact length via the Actual posi-
tion display.
4. Measure the distance covered and compare it with the distance value
displayed on the smartHMI. The deviation must be < 5%.
The first part of the practical test is passed if the deviation is < 5%.
Second part:
• Rotate the tool manually by 45°: once in the plus direction, once in
the minus direction. At the same time, observe the TCP.
The second part of the practical test is passed if the position of the TCP
in space is not altered during the rotations.
If practical tests are required for the machine data, this test must be car-
ried out when axes are present that are not mathematically coupled.
1. Mark the starting position of the axis that is not mathematically cou-
Also read and note the start position from the Actual position display
on the smartHMI.
2. Move the axis manually by a freely selected path length. Determine
the path length from the Actual position display.
• Move linear axes a specific distance.
• Move rotational axes through a specific angle.
3. Measure the length of the path covered and compare it with the value
displayed on the smartHMI.
The practical test is passed if the values differ by no more than 5%.
4. Repeat the test for each axis that is not mathematically coupled.
If practical tests are required for the machine data, this test must be car-
ried out if the robot is mounted on a mathematically coupled ROBROOT
kinematic system, e.g. on a KL.
• Move the axes of the ROBROOT kinematic system manually in Carte-
sian mode, individually and one after the other.
The practical test is passed if the TCP does not move at the same
If practical tests are required for the machine data, this test must be car-
ried out when axes are present that can be physically coupled and uncou-
pled, e.g. a servo gun.
1. Physically uncouple the couplable axis.
2. Move all the remaining axes individually.
The practical test is passed if it has been possible to move all the re-
maining axes.
The industrial robot can be set to Start-up mode via the smartHMI user in-
terface. In this mode, the manipulator can be moved in T1 without the ex-
ternal safeguards being put into operation.
The safety interface used affects “Start-up” mode:
• Discrete safety interface
Start-up mode is always possible.
• Ethernet safety interface
The robot controller prevents or terminates Start-up mode if a connec-
tion to a higher-level safety system exists or is established.
When the Start-up mode is activated, all outputs are automatically set to
the state “logic zero”.
If the robot controller has a peripheral contactor (US2), and if the safety
configuration specifies for this to switch in accordance with the motion en-
able, then the same also applies in Start-up mode. This means that if mo-
tion enable is present, the US2 voltage is switched on – even in Start-up
The maximum number of switching cycles of the peripheral contactors is
175 per day.
Risk of fatal injury due to non-operational external safeguards
Use of Start-up mode disables all external safeguards. Death, severe in-
juries or damage to property may result.
• There must be no persons in the danger zone of the manipulator
while it is in Start-up mode.
Manual mode is the mode for setup work. Setup work is all the tasks that
have to be carried out on the industrial robot to enable automatic opera-
tion. Setup work includes:
• Jog mode
• Teaching
• Programming
• Program verification
The following must be taken into consideration in manual mode:
• New or modified programs must always be tested first in Manual Re-
duced Velocity mode (T1).
• The manipulator, tooling or external axes (optional) must never touch
or project beyond the safety fence.
• Workpieces, tooling and other objects must not become jammed as a
result of the industrial robot motion, nor must they lead to
short-circuits or be liable to fall off.
• All setup work must be carried out, where possible, from outside the
safeguarded area.
Setup work in T1
Setup work in T2
3.12.6 Simulation
After maintenance and repair work, checks must be carried out to ensure
the required safety level. The valid national or regional work safety regula-
tions must be observed for this check. The correct functioning of all safety
functions must also be tested.
The purpose of maintenance and repair work is to ensure that the system
is kept operational or, in the event of a fault, to return the system to an
operational state. Repair work includes troubleshooting in addition to the
actual repair itself.
The following safety measures must be carried out when working on the
industrial robot:
• Carry out work outside the danger zone. If work inside the danger
zone is necessary, the user must define additional safety measures to
ensure the safe protection of personnel.
• Switch off the industrial robot and secure it (e.g. with a padlock) to
prevent it from being switched on again. If it is necessary to carry out
work with the robot controller switched on, the user must define addi-
tional safety measures to ensure the safe protection of personnel.
• If it is necessary to carry out work with the robot controller switched
on, this may only be done in operating mode T1.
• Label the system with a sign indicating that work is in progress. This
sign must remain in place, even during temporary interruptions to the
• The EMERGENCY STOP devices must remain active. If safety func-
tions or safeguards are deactivated during maintenance or repair work,
they must be reactivated immediately after the work is completed.
Danger to life and limb due to live parts
The robot system must be disconnected from the mains power supply
prior to work on live parts. It is not sufficient to trigger an EMERGENCY
STOP or safety stop, because parts remain live. Death or severe inju-
ries may result.
• Before commencing work on live parts, turn off the main switch and
secure it against being switched on again.
If the controller variant in question does not have a main switch
(e.g. KR C5 micro), turn off the device switch then disconnect the
power cable and secure it so it cannot be reconnected.
• Then check to ensure that the system is deenergized.
• Inform the individuals involved that the robot controller is switched
off. (e.g. by affixing a warning sign)
Robot controller
Even when the robot controller is switched off, parts connected to periph-
eral devices may still carry voltage. The external power sources must
therefore be switched off if work is to be carried out on the robot control-
The ESD regulations must be adhered to when working on components in
the robot controller.
Voltages in excess of 50 V (up to 780 V) can be present in various com-
ponents for several minutes after the robot controller has been switched
off! To prevent life-threatening injuries, no work may be carried out on the
industrial robot in this time.
On robot controllers with transformers, the transformers must be discon-
nected before working on components in the robot controller.
Water and dust must be prevented from entering the robot controller.
Counterbalancing system
Hazardous substances
The following safety measures must be carried out when handling hazard-
ous substances:
• Avoid prolonged and repeated intensive contact with the skin.
• Avoid breathing in oil spray or vapors.
• Clean skin and apply skin cream.
• Submit interpreter
• OPC server
• Remote control tools
• Tools for configuration of bus systems with online functionality
• KUKA.RobotSensorInterface
• KUKA.DeviceConnector
(not KUKA.DeviceConnector pre-installed)
Since only the system integrator knows the safe states of actuators in the
periphery of the robot controller, it is his task to set these actuators to a
safe state, e.g. in the event of an EMERGENCY STOP.
Further safety measures for Single Point of Control
Depending on the specific application, further safety measures may be
required to ensure complete implementation of the principle of “single
point of control”. Failure to take this precaution into consideration may
result in death, injuries or damage to property.
• Check whether further safety measures are required; if so, imple-
ment them.
T1, T2
In modes T1 and T2, the components referred to above may only access
the industrial robot if the following signals have the following states:
Signal State required for SPOC
If motions, (e.g. drives or grippers) are controlled with the submit interpret-
er or the PLC via the I/O system, and if they are not safeguarded by oth-
er means, then this control will take effect even in T1 and T2 modes or
while an EMERGENCY STOP is active.
If variables that affect the robot motion (e.g. override) are modified with
the submit interpreter or the PLC, this takes effect even in T1 and T2
modes or while an EMERGENCY STOP is active.
• In T1 and T2, the system variable $OV_PRO must not be written to
by the submit interpreter or the PLC.
Technical data
4 Technical data
Basic data
Designation Values
Ambient temperature -25 °C … +70 °C
Switching function Break contact
DC operating voltage or HIGH level in the case 24 V
of pulsed operating voltage of the reference
Permissible range for the DC operating voltage 20 … 33 V
or HIGH level UB(HIGH) for pulsed voltage
LOW level UB(LOW) for pulsed voltage 0 … 5 V
Required pulse duty factor T(HIGH):T(LOW) for Min. 4:1
pulsed voltage
Supported pulse duration T(LOW) for pulsed 0.1 … 20 ms
Protection rating IP67
Operating current (power consumption) without 5 mA
Permissible load current max. 250 mA
Permissible switching frequency max. 500 Hz
Permissible switching distance at the proximity 0 … 4 mm
switch surfaces
Short circuit and overload protection, pulsed Yes
Outputs • PNP
• LOW-active
• Dual-channel
LED function indicator Yes
Hysteresis when installed 0.2 … 1 mm
EMC conformity IEC 60947-5-2
Hole pattern
Technical data
4.3 Reference cable XG42 - XS Ref
Fig. 4-3: Connector pin allocation for reference cable XG42 - XS Ref
Technical data
4.5 Hole pattern for actuating plate
5 Installation
The option package can either be installed on the robot controller via the
smartHMI or via WorkVisual.
• KR C5 robot controller
Robot controller:
• KUKA System Software 8.7
• If the Ethernet safety interface EtherNet IP/CIP Safety is used:
‒ KUKA.EtherNet/IP M/S 5.1
• If the Ethernet safety interface PROFINET/PROFIsafe is used:
• WorkVisual 6.0
LOG file
2. Remove the KUKA.SafeOperation 3.6 option package from the project.
A window with modifications is displayed.
3. Deploy the project from WorkVisual to the robot controller and activate
4. The request for confirmation Do you want to activate the project […]?
is displayed on the smartHMI. The active project is overwritten during
activation. If no relevant project will be overwritten: Answer the query
with Yes.
5. An overview with the changes and a request for confirmation are dis-
played on the smartHMI. Answer this with Yes.
The option package is uninstalled and the message Reconfiguration in
progress ... is displayed. When the message disappears, reconfigura-
tion is completed.
LOG file
Data loss due to USB sticks from third-party manufacturers
Data may be lost if USB sticks from manufacturers other than KUKA
are used for activities on the robot controller.
• For activities on the robot controller requiring a USB stick, use a
KUKA stick.
The KUKA sticks are validated for use with the robot controller.
LOG file
2. Activate the check mark at KUKA.SafeOperation 3.6 and press Unin-
stall. Answer the request for confirmation with Yes.
3. The request for confirmation Do you want to activate the project […]?
is displayed on the smartHMI. The active project is overwritten during
activation. If no relevant project will be overwritten: Answer the query
with Yes.
4. An overview with the changes and a request for confirmation are dis-
played on the smartHMI. Answer this with Yes.
The option package is installed and the message Reconfiguration in
progress ... is displayed. When the message disappears, reconfigura-
tion is completed.
LOG file
6 Operation
The configuration of the safety functions of the System Software and the
installed safety option is assigned to defined user groups. Access cannot
be influenced via function groups.
The user rights of the safety recovery technician are restricted by the in-
stallation of a safety option.
• Safety recovery technician
The safety recovery technician can activate an existing safety configu-
ration of the robot using the corresponding activation code. He cannot
edit or modify the safety configuration.
• Safety maintenance technician
Like the administrator, the safety maintenance technician can perform
all functions including those of the safety systems. He can edit and
modify the safety configuration.
The safety maintenance technician must be specially trained in the
safety configuration.
• Administrator
Like the safety maintenance technician, the administrator can perform
all functions including those of the safety systems. He can edit and
modify the safety configuration.
The administrator must be specially trained in the safety configuration
if he wishes to edit and modify the safety configuration.
Additionally, in the rights management, the administrator can modify
which rights a user group has.
If tasks belonging to the standard functions of the system software are as-
signed to a function group, this is specified. In the case of tasks that are
not assigned to any function group, the permanently assigned, minimum
required user group is specified.
In the rights management, the user can view what user group is currently
assigned to what function group, i.e. the minimum user group required to
execute a function from a function group.
On opening, the safety configuration checks whether there are any rele-
vant deviations between the data in the robot controller and those in the
safety controller.
• If there are no deviations, the safety configuration opens directly.
• If there are deviations, the troubleshooting wizard is opened. A de-
scription of the problem and a list of possible causes is displayed. The
user can select the applicable cause. The wizard then suggests a sol-
Button Description
Import Parts of the safety configuration can be imported as an XML
file (XML export).
Communication parameters The safety ID of the PROFINET device can be changed.
Note: Further information is contained in the Operating and
Programming Instructions for System Integrators.
Global parameters The global parameters of the safety configuration can be de-
Hardware options The hardware settings can be defined.
Note: Further information is contained in the Operating and
Programming Instructions for System Integrators.
Check machine data It is possible to check whether the machine data of the safety
configuration are up to date.
Safe operational stop The safe operational stop can be defined.
Save Saves and activates the safety configuration for the robot.
Touch-up Saves the current robot position as a corner of a cell area.
Saves the current axis angle as the lower limit or upper limit
of the axis-specific monitoring space.
Touch-up reference position Saves the current robot flange position or the position of the
for group axes of a reference group as a reference position.
Cell configuration The cell area can be defined.
Back Back to the tab
Parameter Description
Current configuration • Name of the safety interface
• State of Cartesian monitoring (= velocity monitoring in T1)
‒ Activated, Deactivated
• State of safe monitoring
‒ Activated, Deactivated
• Number of velocity-monitored axes
• Number of monitoring spaces
• Number of protected spaces
• Number of safety-oriented tools
Parts of the safety configuration can be imported as an XML file. The im-
portable parameters depend on the installed safety option:
SafeRange SafeVelocity SafeSingle
Monitoring Monitoring Brake
Cell configuration
Cartesian monitoring
Axis-specific monitoring
Global parameters
SafeRange SafeVelocity SafeSingle
Monitoring Monitoring Brake
* If KUKA.SafeVelocityMonitoring is installed, only tool 1 is available.
The safety-oriented TCP of the tool can be configured.
In order to generate an XML file for importing, the user has the following
• Export the current safety configuration of the robot controller to an
XML file and edit it. In this way it is possible to ensure that the format
of the XML file is correct for a subsequent import.
(>>> 6.9 "Exporting the safety configuration (XML export)" Page 87)
• Generate the XML file on the basis of the XML schema C:\KRC
\SmartHMI\Schemes\SafetyConfigImport.xsd, e.g. using a script pro-
grammed by the user.
The following points must be observed when editing the XML files:
• The XML schema defines the structure of the XML file for the import.
For individual parameters, the XML schema allows higher values than
the installed version of the safety option.
• The XML file to be imported should only contain parameters and val-
ues which are supported by the current safety option. If this is not the
case, it can prevent the XML import from occurring.
The SCG format can be used for the complete import of the safety con-
figuration. Further information about the SCG import can be found in the
WorkVisual documentation.
Parameter display
The display with the overview of the parameters to be imported has the
following columns:
Column Description
Parameter name Name of the parameter in the Safety configu-
ration window
Result Value of the parameter following import of the
safety configuration
Current Value of the parameter in the current safety
Imported Value of the parameter in the XML file to be
The column is hidden when the display opens.
The following buttons are available for changing the display:
Button Description
Display import col- Displays or hides the Imported column.
Check box active: Column is displayed.
Check box not active: Column is hidden.
Collapse all All nodes in the tree view are collapsed.
Expand all All nodes in the tree view are expanded.
Expand changes Only those nodes which contain changes to the
current safety configuration are expanded in
the tree view.
6.9 Exporting the safety configuration (XML export)
The SCG format can be used for the complete export of the safety con-
figuration. Further information about the SCG export can be found in the
WorkVisual documentation.
• Operating mode T1
Further information about the stopping distances and stopping times can
be found in the assembly instructions of the relevant robot.
Serious system errors, severe damage to the robot and injury or death
can result from not carrying out the risk analysis. Risk analysis must be
carried out before start-up and after any safety-relevant modification.
• Define axes that must be tested in the brake test.
• Determine brake test cycle time.
• Determine axis-specific and Cartesian limit values for the reduced
• Define axis-specific and Cartesian monitoring spaces.
• Define axes that must be configured for a safe operational stop.
Incorrect configuration of the safe monitoring functions may result in
death or severe injuries and major damage to property. Consequently,
safety options may not be operated until after safety acceptance has
been carried out in accordance with the checklists.
The checklists must be completed fully and confirmed in writing.
(>>> 11.1 "Checklists for safety acceptance" Page 269)
If safe monitoring is deactivated, the configured safety monitoring func-
tions are inactive.
Serious injury and severe damage to the robot can be caused by
changing the machine data. Modifying the machine data may deactivate
monitoring functions. Machine data may only be modified by authorized
• In the main menu, select Start-up > Service > Start-up mode.
Menu Description
Start-up mode is active. Touching
the menu item deactivates the
Start-up mode is not active. Touch-
ing the menu item activates the
Step Description
1 Set up brake test.
(>>> 7.8 "Brake test" Page 149)
2 If a reference switch is being used for the mastering test:
• Mastering type
• Mastering test input
• Cartesian velocity monitoring functions
(>>> 7.5.2 "Configuring global parameters" Page 97)
7 Configure monitoring spaces.
(>>> 7.5.4 "Configuring a cell area" Page 105)
(>>> 7.5.5 "Configuring a Cartesian monitoring space"
Page 107)
(>>> 7.5.6 "Configuring an axis-specific monitoring space"
Page 111)
8 Configure axis monitoring.
(>>> 7.5.7 "Configuring axis-specific velocity monitoring
functions and braking time" Page 115)
(>>> 7.5.8 "Configuring safe operational stop for axis
groups" Page 122)
9 Configure safety-oriented tools.
(>>> 7.5.3 "Configuring a safety-oriented tool" Page 101)
Step Description
10 If a reference switch is being used for the mastering test:
Risk of fatal injury due to unmonitored robot components
Cartesian monitoring spaces are only monitored against the spheres
used to model the active safety-oriented tool. Robot components situ-
ated outside the tool spheres are not monitored and a space violation
by these components is not detected.
Death, injuries or damage to property may result.
• Design and configure Cartesian monitoring spaces and tool spheres
in such a manner that the unmonitored robot components do not
pose any threat.
The sphere radius must not fall below the predefined minimum value. This
radius is dependent on the global maximum Cartesian velocity.
The minimum sphere radius is calculated as follows:
• rmin [mm] >= 0.5 * (maximum Cartesian velocity [mm/s] * 0.012 s)
The smallest possible radius is 10 mm. A radius smaller than 10 mm can-
not be configured, even if the calculation gives a smaller value.
If values that are too small are configured, a message is displayed when
saving and the configuration is prevented from being saved.
The length, width and height of a protected space must not fall below the
predefined minimum value. This value depends on the global maximum
Cartesian velocity and the radius of the smallest sphere of the safety-ori-
ented tool.
The minimum space dimensions (= minimum length, width and height) are
calculated as follows:
• amin [mm] ≥ 0.018 s * maximum Cartesian velocity [mm/s] − 2 *
rsphere [mm]
A precondition for a correct result is that the sphere radius has been con-
figured correctly. (>>> "Minimum sphere radius" Page 93)
The smallest permissible length, width and height is 10 mm. Values small-
er than 10 mm cannot be configured, even if the calculation gives a small-
er value.
If values that are too small are configured, a message is displayed when
saving and the configuration is prevented from being saved.
With narrow protected spaces, there is a risk that the robot may be able
to move through the protected space without the space violation being de-
tected. The risk is partially reduced by the specified minimum value for
the sphere radius and space dimensions.
To further reduce the risk, the following rules must be observed in the
configuration of protected spaces:
• An area to be protected must always lie completely within a protected
space, i.e. be enclosed by the protected space.
• Shielding an area to be protected using a narrow protected space
(e.g. by replicating a light curtain) is not permitted.
• The stopping distances of the robot must also be taken into account
when defining a protected space. The protected space must overlap
with the area to be protected on all sides so that the robot can under
no circumstances enter the area to be protected.
1 Area to be protected
2 Protected space shields the area to be protected (not allowed)
3 Protected space encloses the entire area to be protected
1 Target area
2 Sphere moves across corner of protected space (signal not trig-
3 Protected space is passed through completely (signal reliably trig-
When the “Braking before restricted areas” function is used, it must addi-
tionally be taken into account that it is only the start and end points of the
fictitious braking path that are checked and not the entire fictitious braking
path. In the event of an unfavorable combination of protected space con-
figuration and path, this can cause the protected space to be violated by
the actual position without prior detection of an impending violation via the
fictitious STOP 1 - DRS end position.
In this example, the fictitious STOP 1 - DRS end position is situated out-
side the protected space. For this reason, the impending space violation
cannot be detected. The robot is stopped at the space limit due to the
monitoring of the actual position and executes a drive ramp stop in ac-
cordance with the precalculated path. The braking path passes through
the protected space and the robot comes to a standstill again outside the
protected space.
1 Protected space
2 Tool sphere path at actual position (orange)
3 Tool sphere path at fictitious STOP 1 - DRS end position (blue)
4 Drive ramp stop at space limit; braking path passes through protec-
ted space (green line)
1 Protected space
2 Protected space expanded by the radius of the tool sphere
3 Space violation in the X direction
4 Space violation in the Y direction
As a rule, the settings for safe Cartesian monitoring must not be changed
Start-up and configuration
Danger to life and limb due to missing risk assessment
To operate a kinematic system for which safe Cartesian monitoring is
not possible, this monitoring can be deactivated. Failure to identify risks
that may result from the deactivation may result in death or severe inju-
• Before deactivating the safe Cartesian monitoring, perform a risk as-
1. Select the Tools tab and select a tool from the list.
The parameters of the safety-oriented tool are displayed.
2. Activate safety-oriented tool. To do so, set the check mark at Activa-
3. Enter a name for the tool (max. 24 characters).
4. Define the safety-oriented TCP of the tool.
5. Press Properties.
The Properties of {0} window opens.
6. Press the “plus” key of the external axis to configure a tool sphere.
The parameters of the sphere are displayed.
7. Monitoring of the first sphere of the first tool to be configured is activa-
ted as standard. Activate monitoring for all other spheres and tools. To
do so, set the check mark at Monitoring.
8. Enter the coordinates of the center of the sphere and the radius of the
9. Repeat steps 6 to 8 to define additional spheres for the
safety-oriented tool.
Parameter Description
Monitoring Check box active: Sphere is monitored.
Check box not active: Sphere is not monitored.
X, Y, Z X, Y and Z coordinates of the sphere center
point relative to the FLANGE coordinate system
• -10,000 mm … +10,000 mm
Default: 0 mm
• 0 … 10,000 mm
Default: 250 mm
The sphere radius must not fall below the pre-
defined minimum value. This radius is depend-
ent on the global maximum Cartesian velocity.
(>>> "Minimum sphere radius" Page 93)
Parameter Description
Reference system Reference coordinate system
Z min Lower limit of the cell area
• -100,000 mm … +100,000 mm
Default: -30,000 mm
Z max Upper limit of the cell area
• -100,000 mm … +100,000 mm
Default: 30,000 mm
1. Select the Monitoring spaces tab and select the monitoring space
from the list.
The parameters of the monitoring space are displayed.
2. Enter the name of the monitoring space (max. 24 characters).
3. Select the space type Cartesian space and set the parameters of the
monitoring space.
4. Press Properties.
The Cartesian properties of {0} window is opened.
5. Select the reference coordinate system and enter Cartesian positions.
Parameter Description
Type Type of monitoring space
Workspace = The safety-oriented tool must
move within the configured limits of the moni-
toring space. (Space violation if the safety-ori-
ented tool leaves the monitoring space.)
Protected space = The safety-oriented tool
must move outside the configured limits of the
monitoring space. (Space violation if the safety-
oriented tool enters the monitoring space.)
Default: Workspace
Activation Activating the monitoring space
always off = monitoring space is not active.
always active = monitoring space is always
by input = monitoring space is activated by a
safety-oriented input.
Note: If safety interface XG13 is used, safety-
oriented inputs are only available for monitoring
spaces 12 … 16.
(>>> 8.2 "KUKA.SafeOperation via inter-
face XG13" Page 205)
Note: If none of the safety interfaces specified
in the product description is used, the monitor-
ing spaces cannot be activated via an input
(only static spaces possible).
(>>> 2.3 "Safety interfaces" Page 15)
Default: always off
Space type Type of monitoring space
Cartesian space = Cartesian monitoring space
Axis space = axis-specific monitoring space
Default: Cartesian space
Stop at boundaries A stop is triggered if the space is violated.
Check box active: Robot stops if the monitoring
space limits are exceeded.
Check box not active: Robot does not stop if
the monitoring space limits are exceeded.
Default: Robot stops at boundaries.
V max Limit value of the space-specific velocity
Parameter Description
Reference system Reference coordinate system
Default: $WORLD
Space dimensions Length, width and height of the monitoring space (display on-
The length, width and height of a protected space must not
fall below the predefined minimum value. This value depends
on the global maximum Cartesian velocity and the radius of
the smallest sphere of the safety-oriented tool.
(>>> "Minimum protected space dimensions" Page 93)
Origin X, Y, Z Offset of the origin of the Cartesian monitoring space in X, Y
and Z relative to the selected reference coordinate system.
• -100,000 mm … +100,000 mm
Default: 0 mm
Origin A, B, C Orientation in A, B and C at the origin of the Cartesian moni-
toring space relative to the selected reference coordinate sys-
Origin A, C:
• -180° … +180°
Origin B:
• -90° … +90°
Default: 0°
Distance to origin Minimum X, Y and Z coordinates of the Cartesian monitoring
space relative to the origin
XMin, YMin, ZMin
• -100,000 mm … +100,000 mm
Default: 0 mm
Distance to origin Maximum X, Y and Z coordinates of the Cartesian monitoring
space relative to the origin
XMax, YMax, ZMax
• -100,000 mm … +100,000 mm
Default: 0 mm
1. Select the Monitoring spaces tab and select the monitoring space
from the list.
The parameters of the monitoring space are displayed.
2. Enter the name of the monitoring space (max. 24 characters).
3. Select the space type Axis space and set the parameters of the mon-
itoring space.
4. Press Properties.
The Axis-specific properties of {0} window opens.
5. Select axis from the list.
The axis-specific properties are displayed.
6. Activate the monitoring of axis limits by setting the check mark at
7. Move the axis to the upper axis limit in axis-specific mode.
8. Press Touch-up to save the current axis position.
9. Move the axis to the lower axis limit in axis-specific mode.
10. Press Touch-up to save the current axis position.
11. Repeat steps 5 to 10 to define the axis limits for additional axis rang-
Parameter Description
Type Type of monitoring space
Workspace = The axes must move within the
configured limits of the monitoring space.
(Space violation if the axes leave the monitor-
ing space.)
Protected space = The axes must move out-
side the configured limits of the monitoring
space. (Space violation if the axes enter the
monitoring space.)
Default: Workspace
Activation Activating the monitoring space
inactive = monitoring space is not active.
always active = monitoring space is always
by input = monitoring space is activated by a
safety-oriented input.
Note: If safety interface XG13 is used, safety-
oriented inputs are only available for monitoring
spaces 12 … 16.
(>>> 8.2 "KUKA.SafeOperation via inter-
face XG13" Page 205)
Note: If none of the safety interfaces specified
in the product description is used, the monitor-
ing spaces cannot be activated via an input
(only static spaces possible).
(>>> 2.3 "Safety interfaces" Page 15)
Default: always off
Space type Type of monitoring space
Cartesian space = Cartesian monitoring space
Axis space = axis-specific monitoring space
Default: Cartesian space
Parameter Description
Monitoring Activation of monitoring
Check box active: Monitoring is activated.
Check box not active: Monitoring is not activated.
Default: Monitoring is not activated.
Lower limit Lower limit of the axis-specific monitoring space
(lower axis limit) • Rotational axes: -360° … +360°
Default: -360°
• Linear axes: -30,000 mm … +30,000 mm
Default: -30,000 mm
The lower limit of an axis-specific workspace must be at least
0.5° or 1.5 mm less than the upper limit.
(>>> "Minimum size of a protected space" Page 115)
An axis-specific protected space must not fall below the predefined mini-
mum size. This is dependent on the maximum axis velocity.
The minimum size for the axis-specific protected space is equal to the dis-
tance that the relevant axis can travel at maximum axis velocity in an in-
terval of 18 ms.
If the minimum size of the configured axis limits is not reached, a mes-
sage is displayed when saving and the configuration is prevented from be-
ing saved.
Icon Description
Icon for rotational and infinitely rotating axes
The axis velocity can be monitored against various different limit values:
• Limit value for the reduced axis velocity (activated by means of the
safety-oriented input VRED)
If none of the safety interfaces specified in the product description is
used, this monitoring function is dispensed with, as the input VRED is
not available.
(>>> 2.3 "Safety interfaces" Page 15)
• Limit value for maximum axis velocity in T1
• Limit value for maximum axis velocity (valid globally for every axis)
Furthermore, the braking ramp of an axis can be changed using the brak-
ing time parameter.
part of the standard safety configuration and always active. The parame-
ters can also be modified if safe monitoring is deactivated.
Parameter Description
Monitoring Activation of monitoring
Check box active: axis is monitored.
Check box not active: axis is not monitored.
Default: axis is not monitored.
Braking time Duration of the axis-specific braking ramp monitoring for safe-
ty stop 1 and safety stop 2
• 500 … 15,000 ms
Default: 1,500 ms
(>>> "Parameter: Braking time" Page 119)
Parameter Description
Maximum velocity T1 Maximum axis velocity in T1
Icon Description
Icon for rotational and infinitely rotating axes
The safety controller also monitors the braking ramp for axes which are
configured as couplable or grouped together in coupling groups. To be
able to alter the configured braking time for this monitoring function, the
coupling must be temporarily canceled.
The coupling of the axes can be canceled and set again in WorkVisual.
Information about this can be found in the WorkVisual documentation.
Only increase the default time if it is necessary to do so. This might be
required, for example, in the case of very heavy machines and/or very
heavy loads, as these cannot stop within the default time.
The safety maintenance technician must check whether and to what ex-
tent the Braking time value needs to be modified in each specific appli-
cation. He must also check whether the modification makes additional
safety measures necessary, e.g. installation of a gate lock.
The monitoring ramp (for all modes apart from T1) is determined as fol-
• The ramp starts at 106% of the rated speed of the axis. This value re-
mains constant for the first 300 ms.
• Similarly, a constant value of 10.6% of the rated speed of the axis ap-
plies for the last 300 ms of the configured braking time.
• Over the intervening time, the permissible velocity is reduced linearly
from 106% to 10.6% of the rated speed of the axis.
• Allowance for the brake closing time for safety stop 1:
200 ms before the configured braking time elapses, the brake is com-
manded to close (SBC) and the drives enable signal (AF) is canceled.
• In the event of a safety stop 2, the standstill monitoring is activated af-
ter completion of the braking process, but no later than after the con-
figured braking time.
FF Motion enable
AF Drives enable
SBC Safe Brake Control
STO Safe Torque Off
Braking time can be configured separately for each axis. At the moment
of braking, however, the value used for all axes is always the highest val-
ue entered.
Recommendation: for greater transparency, enter the same value for all
If the value Braking time is increased, this has the following conse-
The monitoring ramp becomes longer and flatter, i.e. monitoring is now
less strict. It is now less likely that the braking process will violate the
Value reduced
If the value “Braking time” is reduced, this has the following effect:
The monitoring ramp becomes shorter and steeper, i.e. monitoring is now
stricter. There is now a higher probability that a braking process will vio-
late the ramp.
Only alter the default value of Maximum velocity T1 if it is necessary
to do so. This can be the case, for example, when positioning welding
guns if these are to be moved at process velocity in T1 mode.
The safety maintenance technician must check whether and to what ex-
tent the value needs to be modified in each specific application. He
must also check whether the modification makes additional safety meas-
ures necessary, e.g. installation of a gate lock.
Following modifications to the Maximum velocity T1 parameter, the
new value must be checked. The new value must also be checked if it
is smaller than the previous value.
(>>> 7.11.7 "Checking axis-specific velocity limits" Page 184)
The coupling of the axes can be canceled and set again in WorkVisual.
Information about this can be found in the WorkVisual documentation.
1. Select the Axis monitoring tab and press Safe operational stop.
The Safe operational stop window opens.
2. Select axis from the list.
3. Enter the position tolerance for this axis.
The position tolerance configured here also applies to the global
safe operational stop, with which all axes are monitored.
The global safe operational stop is one of the standard safety func-
tions. The position tolerances can also be modified if safe
monitoring is deactivated.
Parameter Description
Monitoring in axis groups 1-6 Safe operational stop for axis group 1 … 6
Check box active: Axis is monitored in axis group.
Check box not active: Axis is not monitored in axis group.
Default: No monitoring
Position tolerance Tolerance for standstill monitoring in the case of safe opera-
tional stop. The axis may still move within this tolerance when
a safe operational stop is active.
Icon Description
Icon for rotational and infinitely rotating axes
The “Braking before restricted areas” function changes the way the robot
behaves at the limits of the monitoring spaces and of the cell area.
With the “Braking before restricted areas” function, the fictitious STOP 1 -
DRS end position based on the actual position is monitored in addition to
the actual position. If this end point violates a monitoring space, this indi-
cates an impending violation of this monitoring space by the robot.
In this case, a safety stop 1 DRS is triggered, bringing the robot to a
standstill at the precalculated end point. Due to the small safety margin in
the precalculation, the robot can generally be stopped before the monitor-
ing space.
A safety stop 1 DRS is a safely monitored drive ramp stop. This usually
deviates from the programmed path.
If the safety controller detects a violation of the monitored braking ramp,
a safety stop 0 is triggered. As the stopping distance of the robot devi-
ates significantly from the stopping distance of the drive ramp stop in
this instance, this case must be taken into consideration in the risk as-
sessment of the cell.
Possible reasons for an escalation of this nature are, for example:
• Power failure
• Controller fault
• Operation outside of the specification limits
• Hardware fault at the time the drive ramp stop is executed
The figures show the behavior of the robot at the limits of a Cartesian and
axis-specific monitoring space when “Braking before restricted areas” is
Whether a KUKA kinematic system supports BBRA is stored in the ma-
chine data. If this is the case, the set braking ramps of this kinematic
system have been checked by KUKA and verified as suitable for BBRA.
• For kinematic systems with a variable mounting position, the verifica-
tion applies exclusively to the “Floor” mounting position. The braking
ramps must be verified separately for the use of BBRA in other
mounting positions.
• For kinematic systems with a fixed mounting position, the verification
applies exclusively to the defined mounting position.
The verification refers to motions of the kinematic system without the in-
fluence of a ROBROOT kinematic system, e.g. a linear axis. If the robot
is expanded with a ROBROOT kinematic system, the values are only
valid if no simultaneous motions (robot kinematic system plus ROB-
ROOT kinematic system) are executed. Simultaneous motions may
cause the BBRA braking ramp monitoring to be violated.
Before KUKA kinematic systems are used with BBRA in normal opera-
tion, they should be verified by KUKA.
KUKA cannot verify the braking ramps of third-party kinematic systems,
e.g. linear axes. In order to enable these for BBRA nevertheless, the
user/safety maintenance technician can mark such a kinematic system
as verified in the machine data.
For verification purposes, it is necessary to check whether the axis is
able to execute the ramp indicated in the safety configuration in all an-
ticipated situations. This can also include superposed motions of KUKA
kinematic systems and third-party kinematic systems, for example.
(>>> 7.11.9 "Checking the values for the maximum braking ramp"
Page 187)
Parameter Description
Drive ramp stop group Synchronously braking axes belong to a drive ramp stop
group (display only)
Braking ramp of drive unit Maximum possible braking ramp for an axis (display only)
Activate braking before re- Activating the “Braking before restricted areas” function
stricted areas
Check box active: Function is activated.
Check box not active: Function is not activated.
Default: Function is not activated.
Icon Description
Icon for rotational and infinitely rotating axes
Icon Description
Icon for decouplable axes
Parameter Description
Reference group Each axis that is to be subjected to safe monitoring must be
assigned to a reference group. There are 3 reference groups:
• Reference group 1
Robot axes and external axes on which a robot is instal-
led are always assigned to reference group 1.
Such external axes include KLs, for example, that serve
as a carrier kinematic system for the robot.
• Reference group 2, 3
Only external axes can be assigned to reference groups 2
and 3. There must be no robot installed on them.
Default: 1
Reference position Axis-specific coordinates of the reference position
To monitor the mastering, the axis angles of the robot axes
are defined for a specific Cartesian reference position. During
the mastering test, the robot moves to the Cartesian refer-
ence position and the actual position of the axes is compared
with the setpoint position.
• -30,000 mm … +30,000 mm
Default: 0 mm
Icon Description
Icon for rotational and infinitely rotating axes
Serious injury and severe damage to the robot can be caused by an er-
ror during saving or a failed reinitialization. If an error message is dis-
played after saving, the safety configuration must be checked and
saved again.
1. Click on Save and answer the request for confirmation with Yes.
The safety configuration is saved on the hard drive and the activation
code of the safety configuration is saved to the RDC.
The robot controller is automatically reinitialized.
2. The activation code of the safety configuration is displayed on the
Common tab.
Note the activation code in the checklist for safety functions.
(>>> 11.1.3 "Checklist: Safety functions" Page 270)
Safety risk due to mastering test that has not been performed/
The safety integrity of safety functions based on safe axis positions is
limited if the mastering test is missing. The safety functions may behave
differently from how they were configured, creating additional hazards in
the system.
• It is advisable to perform the mastering test as quickly as possible
once this is requested by the robot controller.
• The system integrator must determine, by means of a risk assess-
ment, whether additional system-specific safety measures must be
taken if the mastering test is missing, e.g. a reference stop.
Monitoring time
The robot controller generates the following message for an internal mas-
tering test request: Mastering test required (internal). The robot can be
moved for another 2 hours (monitoring time) without a mastering test and
mastering confirmation.
Once the monitoring time has elapsed, the robot stops with a safety stop
1 and the robot controller displays the following acknowledgement mes-
sage: Ackn.: Mastering test time interval expired. Once the message has
been acknowledged, the robot can be moved for another 2 hours.
If the deviation between the current position and the reference position is
too great, the mastering test has failed. The robot stops with a safety stop
1 and can only be moved in T1 mode.
Axes checked
Damage to property due to incorrect mastering of non-referenced
external axes
The incorrect mastering of external axes which are not checked by the
mastering test can result in damage to property.
• Correct mastering of the external axes which have not been
checked must be ensured by means other than the mastering test.
Reference group
• Automatic
Integrate “masref_main.src” into the application program in such a way
that it is cyclically called as a subprogram. If a mastering test is re-
quested, the robot detects this and starts the mastering test.
• Manual
For this, start the program “masref_main.src” manually.
Step Description
1 Select reference position.
(>>> "Selecting a reference position" Page 135)
2 Install reference switch and actuating plate.
(>>> "Installing the reference switch and actuating
plate" Page 137)
3 Connect reference switch.
(>>> "Connecting the reference switch" Page 138)
4 Configure the input signal $MASTERINGT-
EST_REQ_EXT for the external mastering test request.
This signal is declared in the file $machine.dat in the di-
rectory KRC:\ROBOTER\KRC\STEU\MADA and must be
assigned to a suitable input. As standard, the signal is
routed to $IN[1026].
5 In the file “masref_user.dat” and in the safety configura-
tion, configure the reference groups to be checked.
(>>> "Configuring the reference groups to be
checked in file" Page 139)
(>>> 7.5.10 "Configuring the reference position and refer-
ence group" Page 128)
6 Teach positions for the mastering test in the program
The reference position must be taught in the program
“masref_user.src” and in the safety configuration.
(>>> "Teaching positions for the mastering test"
Page 140)
(>>> 7.5.10 "Configuring the reference position and refer-
ence group" Page 128)
7 Only if the reference switch is actuated by a ferromagnet-
ic part of the tool or following a tool change or replace-
Check the correctness of the reference position.
(>>> "Checking the reference position (actuation
with tool)" Page 142)
The reference position can be approached with the actuating plate or with
a ferromagnetic part of the tool as follows:
1 Tool
2 Actuating plate
3 Reference switch
4 Mechanical mounting fixture for the reference switch
5 Actuated reference switch
Selection criteria
The reference run must be selected in accordance with the following crite-
• The position of the reference switch and actuating plate does not inter-
fere with the work sequence of the robot.
• The reference position is not a position in which the axes are in a sin-
• In the reference position, both proximity switch surfaces of the refer-
ence switch are actuated by the switching surface (actuating plate or
• In the case of actuation with a tool, it must be ensured that the actua-
tion is only carried out at the intended reference position. For this, the
reference position must be checked using the procedure described
(>>> "Checking the reference position (actuation with tool)"
Page 142)
‒ Reason: In the event of a false positive mastering test, it is possi-
ble to exceed the configured safety-oriented space limits.
‒ The risk of a false positive mastering test is particularly high if the
reference switch is actuated by a large ferromagnetic part of a
To ensure that the reference position remains stable, the reference
switch and actuating plate must be securely installed.
1 Robot
2 Actuating plate on tool
3 Tool
4 Reference switch on mounting fixture
Danger to life and limb due to incorrectly assigned cables
The robot controller is preconfigured for the specific industrial robot. The
manipulator and other components can receive incorrect data if they are
connected to a different robot controller. Death, severe injuries or dam-
age to property may result.
• Only connect the manipulator to the corresponding robot controller.
The reference switch is connected to the robot controller with the refer-
ence cable XG42 - XS Ref.
• XG42: Interface to robot controller
• XS Ref: Interface to reference switch
Bending radius
The following bending radii must be observed when installing the refer-
ence cable:
• Fixed installation: At least 5 x cable diameter
• Cable carrier installation: At least 10 x cable diameter
Configuration file
Directory C:\KRC\R1\Program
File masref_user.dat
Fold reference groups
Array MASREFg_GroupSequence[3]
Reference groups 1 and 2 are called and checked in sequence during the
mastering test. Reference group 3 is not required:
reference groups
DECL GLOBAL CONST INT MASREFg_GroupSequence[3] ; contains
reference groups to test
The order in which the reference groups are called is irrelevant for the
mastering test. It is equally permissible to call and check reference group
2 first and then reference group 1.
reference groups
DECL GLOBAL CONST INT MASREFg_GroupSequence[3] ; contains
reference groups to test
19 END
22 Teach path back for group 2
24 END
27 Teach path back for group 3
29 END
Line Description
2 Program the motion to the reference position of reference
group 1 and teach the reference position.
7 Program the motion to the reference position of reference
group 2 and teach the reference position.
12 Program the motion to the reference position of reference
group 3 and teach the reference position.
17 Teach the motion away from the reference position of refer-
ence group 1.
22 Teach the motion away from the reference position of refer-
ence group 2.
27 Teach the motion away from the reference position of refer-
ence group 3.
Danger to life and limb due to false positive mastering test
In the case of improper actuation with a tool, e.g. if the reference switch
is actuated by a large ferromagnetic part of a tool, it is possible that the
actuation may occur at a position other than the intended reference po-
A false positive mastering test such as this makes it possible to exceed
the configured safety-oriented space limits. Death, severe injuries or
damage to property may result.
• It must be ensured that actuation is only carried out at the intended
reference position. The reference position must be checked in the
following cases:
‒ For start-up and recommissioning after the reference position
has been (re-)taught
‒ For recommissioning following a tool change or replacement
If the check with the new tool reveals that actuation no longer
occurs at the taught reference position, the following possible
solutions are available:
‒ Adapt the reference position to the new tool and reteach it.
‒ Remount the tool in such a way that actuation is carried out
at the taught reference position.
(>>> "Procedure" Page 143)
The robot moves in T2 mode at the programmed velocity and can
cause personal injury or material damage. Make sure that the robot can-
not collide and that no persons are in the motion range of the robot.
Element Description
Element Description
Element Description
The input signal for the external request is declared in the file …\STEU
Start-up and configuration
Element Description
Element Description
state Type: BOOL
The following steps are required in order to carry out external mastering
Step Description
1 Define the reference position and save it in the higher-level
2 When the mastering test is requested, address the refer-
ence position via the robot controller (via a user-created
KRL program).
3 Compare the setpoint position of the robot and external ax-
es with the reference position saved in the higher-level con-
troller to check whether the positions match.
4 If the position comparison is successful, confirm the master-
ing test via the higher-level controller. Send the confirmation
pulse at safe input EJB to the robot controller.
5 If the position comparison fails, the robot must no longer be
moved. Take appropriate measures on the robot controller
via the higher-level controller, e.g. cancel the motion ena-
All steps of the function sequence implemented on the external system for
the mastering test must be checked by the safety maintenance technician
during safety acceptance as part of a positive test.
In addition to the positive test, the potential errors to be assumed for the
external system must be analyzed at the system level, and corresponding
error control tests must be carried out. In the event of an error, no correct
mastering may be confirmed, i.e. the EJB signal must not be set.
Each robot axis has at least one holding brake integrated into the motor.
The brake test checks to see if the braking torque is sufficiently high, i.e.
whether it exceeds a certain minimum value. The minimum value for the
individual motor types is stored in the machine data and cannot be config-
ured. (The brake test does not calculate the absolute value of the braking
It is advisable to carry out the brake test when the robot is at operating
temperature. This is the case after approx. 1 h in normal operation.
Operating modes
Activation + configuration
If the brake test is not automatically active, the operator must carry out
a hazard assessment to determine whether it is necessary to activate
the brake test for the specific application.
If the brake test is active, the operator must perform a hazard assess-
ment to determine the following:
• Which axes need to be tested
• What cycle time needs to be defined
It is irrelevant whether the brake test is automatically active or it is acti-
vated manually. The hazard assessment is required in both cases.
Once the message has been acknowledged, the robot can be moved
At the time of the brake test, a simulation can be switched on, for ex-
$SERVO_SIM. The simulated axes are not included in the brake test.
Simulated axes must be removed from the simulation and tested before
the end of the cycle time. Otherwise, the robot stops and the robot con-
troller generates the following acknowledgement message: Cyclical
check for brake test request not made. Once the message has been ac-
knowledged, the robot can be moved for another 2 hours.
“Active axes” are those axes selected in the Active Configuration column
in the Brake test configuration window.
“Requested axes” are the active axes for which there is currently a brake
test request.
The brake test checks the brakes to be tested one after the other.
1. From the start position of the brake test, the axis to be tested moves
in the direction in which the software limit switch is situated further
away, and then moves back. The gravitation and friction of the axis to
be tested are determined during this motion.
Rotational axes move a maximum of 5° in the direction of the software
limit switch; linear axes a maximum of 10 cm.
2. When the axis has returned to its start position, the brake closes and
the motor torque exerted against the closed brake is increased.
The results of the brake test are shown in the message window.
3. If a brake has been identified as being defective, the robot moves to
the parking position following confirmation.
If a brake has reached the wear limit, the robot controller indicates
this by means of a message. A worn brake will soon be identified as
defective. Until then, the robot can be moved without restrictions.
If an axis is equipped with additional brakes, the main brake is tested first.
Program Description
BrakeTestReq.src Performing the brake test cyclically (via program):
• All requested axes can be tested in one cycle using the program.
For this purpose, the program is called without parameters.
• A selection of the requested axes can also be tested using the
program. The desired axes are transferred as parameters when
calling the program. This enables the brake test to be divided into
multiple shorter cycles.
Note: This allows, for example, small breaks in the application to
be utilized for testing individual axes.
(>>> "Performing a brake test for requested axes (cyclically
via program)" Page 161)
BrakeTestReq.src can also be selected manually. All active axes are
(>>> "Performing a brake test for active axes (manually)"
Page 163)
BrakeTestAxes.src With the program, axes for which there is no brake test request can
be tested. In particular, it also enables the testing of axes which can-
not be activated for the brake test and thus cannot be tested via
BrakeTestReq.src. Couplable axes fall into this category, for example.
(>>> "Performing a brake test for further axes (e.g. couplable
axes)" Page 165)
BrakeTestPark.src The parking position of the robot must be taught in this program.
If, during the brake test, a brake has been identified as being defec-
tive, the robot is moved to the parking position following confirmation.
BrakeTestStart.src The start position of the brake test can be taught in this program. The
robot starts the brake test from this position.
If the start position is not taught, the robot performs the brake test at
the actual position.
BrakeTestBack.src The end position of the brake test can be taught in this program. The
robot moves to this position after the brake test.
If the end position is not taught, the robot remains at the actual posi-
tion after the brake test.
Step Description
In WorkVisual or on the robot controller:
1 Activate the brake test; define the cycle time and axes Activating the brake test, defining the cycle time and axes
Element Description
Configurations are • LED lights up green: The settings in the Active Configuration
identical and Current configuration columns are identical.
• LED lights up red: The settings are not identical.
Checksum Checksum of the brake test configuration in the corresponding column
• 1 … 1000
Default: 46. Unit: hours
[Axis no.]:[Robot type] The robot axes and external axes for which the brake test is to be
executed can be selected here. By default, all axes are selected.
The following external axes cannot be selected: Configuring input and output signals for the brake test
All signals for the brake test are declared in the file $machine.dat in the
directory KRC:\STEU\MADA.
Danger to life and limb due to incorrectly used signals
These signals are not redundant in design and can supply incorrect in-
formation. If they are used for safety-relevant applications, this may re-
sult in death, severe injuries or considerable damage to property.
• Do not use these signals for safety-relevant applications.
Extract from the file $machine.dat (with default settings, without com-
No. Message
27000 Test of brakes {Axis bit mask} not executed because axes
are simulated
27001 Brake {Brake no.}{Axis no.} has reached the wear limit
27002 Cyclical check for brake test request not made
27003 Brake test for axes {Axis bit mask} required
27004 Brake test required
27007 Insufficient holding torque of brake {Brake no.}{Axis no.}
27009 Brake {Brake no.}{Axis no.} OK
27010 Unable to verify performance of brake {Brake}{Axis}
27012 Brake test successful
Example 1
The signal diagram for the brake test applies in the following case:
• No brake has reached the wear limit.
• No brake is defective.
Item Description
1 The brake test is requested.
2 Automatic call of the program BrakeTestReq.src
Start of the brake test
3 The brake test is completed.
Example 2
The signal diagram for the brake test applies in the following case:
• Brake A2 is worn.
• Brake A4 is defective.
Start position:
1. Open the program BrakeTestStart.src in the directory R1\TP\BrakeTest.
2. Teach the motions to the start position of the brake test.
• The motions must be taught in such a way that the robot cannot
cause a collision on the way to the start position.
• In the start position, each robot axis to be tested must have a suf-
ficient motion range.
During the brake test, rotational axes move a maximum of 5° in
the direction in which the software limit switch is situated further
away; linear axes a maximum of 10 cm.
3. Save and close the program.
End position:
1. Open the program BrakeTestBack.src in the directory R1\TP\BrakeT-
2. Teach the motions from the start position to the end position of the
brake test.
The start and end position may be identical.
3. Save and close the program.
Parking position:
1. Open the program BrakeTestPark.src in the directory R1\TP\BrakeTest.
2. Teach the motions from the end position to the parking position of the
3. Save and close the program.
Alternatively, the parking position can also be taught later when testing
the sequence.
(>>> "Testing the sequence in the case of defective brakes"
Page 160)
Danger to life and limb due to unfavorable parking position
A defective brake may cause the robot to sag, even if it is already in
the parking position.
• Select the parking position where no persons are endangered if the
robot sags.
The transport position, for example, can be selected as the parking
position. Further information about the transport position is contained
in the robot operating or assembly instructions.
Precondition Performing a brake test for requested axes (cyclically via program)
Danger to life and limb due to entering the danger zone premature-
A defective brake may cause the robot to sag.
• Do not enter the danger zone until the robot has reached its parking
Damage to property during motion to the parking position
If a brake is defective, the robot may sag when it is stopped.
• Avoid stops during the motion to the parking position, as sagging
could result in damage to property.
In particular, it must be taken into consideration that certain actions
trigger stops (e.g. E-STOP, opening safety gate, changing operating
mode), as do certain monitoring functions (e.g. monitoring spaces).
A defective brake can result in longer stopping distances.
• Approach the parking position at low velocity.
With BrakeTestReq.src, the axes for which there is a brake test request
can be tested. The axes can either be tested in a single cycle or the test
can be divided into several shorter cycles.
This allows, for example, small breaks in the application to be utilized
for testing individual axes.
Further information:
The axes are tested in a single cycle, from the lowest axis number to the
Alternative procedure
In this example, the lowest numbered axis from amongst the axes with a
currently requested brake test is tested. Such an example can be integra-
ted into the application cycle at a suitable point in order to test one axis
per cycle.
Line Description
1 Query for which axes the brake test is currently requested.
2 By way of preparation, set the lowest possible axis (in this
case, A1) as the axis to be tested.
3 to 12 If there is a request for at least one axis, the IF block is
executed. It contains a counting loop.
4 to 10 The counting loop is designed in such a way that, upon ex-
iting it, test_bit_mask always corresponds to the lowest
axis of all those to be tested.
6 Exit the counting loop.
11 Call the brake test for the axis to be tested
Danger to life and limb due to entering the danger zone premature-
A defective brake may cause the robot to sag.
• Do not enter the danger zone until the robot has reached its parking
Damage to property during motion to the parking position
If a brake is defective, the robot may sag when it is stopped.
• Avoid stops during the motion to the parking position, as sagging
could result in damage to property.
In particular, it must be taken into consideration that certain actions
trigger stops (e.g. E-STOP, opening safety gate, changing operating
mode), as do certain monitoring functions (e.g. monitoring spaces).
A defective brake can result in longer stopping distances.
• Approach the parking position at low velocity.
This procedure can be used to test the active axes. The axes are tested
in a single cycle, from the lowest axis number to the highest.
This procedure can be used to process an existing brake test request.
Procedure Performing a brake test for further axes (e.g. couplable axes)
Danger to life and limb due to entering the danger zone premature-
A defective brake may cause the robot to sag.
• Do not enter the danger zone until the robot has reached its parking
Damage to property during motion to the parking position
If a brake is defective, the robot may sag when it is stopped.
• Avoid stops during the motion to the parking position, as sagging
could result in damage to property.
In particular, it must be taken into consideration that certain actions
trigger stops (e.g. E-STOP, opening safety gate, changing operating
mode), as do certain monitoring functions (e.g. monitoring spaces).
A defective brake can result in longer stopping distances.
• Approach the parking position at low velocity.
With BrakeTestAxes.src, axes for which there is no brake test request can
be tested. In particular, it also enables the testing of axes which cannot
be activated for the brake test and thus cannot be tested via BrakeTest-
Req(). Couplable axes fall into this category, for example.
Additional info
The default cycle time of the brake test is 46 hours. In order to detect de-
fective brakes as early as possible, however, even before the end of the
cycle time, the robot controller performs an additional, automatic brake
If the brake check indicates that a brake might be defective, a brake test
must be performed for verification.
Decoupled axes and force-controlled axes are excluded from the brake
2. If the tolerance range is exceeded, this indicates that the brake is de-
fective. In this case, the robot controller switches the axis back to ser-
vo control to prevent it from sagging. The axis is now in the “BrakeDe-
fect” state.
Furthermore, the status message Brake defective, {Axis} permanently
under servo control is displayed.
3. The further procedure depends on whether or not the brake test is ac-
tive for the corresponding axis:
• Brake test is active:
The robot controller sets $BRAKETEST_REQ_INT to TRUE and
generates the following message: Brake test required. A brake test
must be performed within the next 2 hours, otherwise the robot will
• Brake test is not active:
BrakeDefect GET_AXESMASK: requesting information about the axes for the brake
Various queries concerning the axes involved in the brake test can be car-
ried out.
result = GET_AXESMASK(axes)
Element Description
result Variable for the return value, type: INT
Bit mask, i.e. specification of which axes are involved
Axes configured for the brake test
Corresponds to the axes in the Active Configuration
column in the Brake test configuration window.
‒ If the brake test is active, the return value is as
‒ If the brake test is not active, the return value is
Axes for which the brake test is currently requested
Axes for which the state of the brake is BT_UNTES-
TED. Axes not configured for the brake test are also
Axes found to be OK in the most recent brake test
int axes_bit_mask
axes_bit_mask = get_axesmask(#braketest_required)
result = GET_BRAKETEST_TIME(time_type)
Element Description
result Variable for the return value, type: REAL
Time (unit: h)
time_type Times that can be polled
Cycle time for the brake test
Corresponds to the Cycle time [h] box in the Brake
test configuration window.
Remaining cycle time
Remaining monitoring time
Total monitoring time: following the message Brake test required, the robot
can be moved for another 2 hours.
• If the motion is carried out without spline, then override reduction only
affects Cartesian velocity limits.
• If motion is carried out with spline, override reduction affects Cartesian
and axis-specific velocity limits.
7.9.1 $SR_VEL_RED
The variable can also be modified via the variable display or in the pro-
$SR_VEL_RED = state
Element Description
state Type: BOOL
7.9.2 $SR_OV_RED
Element Description
reduction Type: INT; unit: %
• 10 … 95
Default: 75
Element Description
state Type: BOOL
When the robot approaches the space limit with override reduction activa-
ted, the velocity is continuously reduced. When the robot moves over the
space limit and is stopped, the velocity has already been greatly reduced.
A Cartesian protected space is configured into which the robot may not
move. If the robot approaches the protected space, override reduction is
triggered and reduces the velocity. If the robot attempts to enter the pro-
tected space, a safety stop 0 is triggered at the space limit.
The following preconditions are met:
System variables:
Safety configuration:
When the robot approaches the space limit with override reduction activa-
ted, the velocity is continuously reduced to prevent the safety function
from being triggered. If necessary, the override is reduced to 0% if, for ex-
ample, the path being executed leads into a protected space.
If the robot is positioned before a temporarily activated space with 0%
override in T2 or AUT mode, it will resume its motion without any
further intervention as soon as the space is deactivated.
A Cartesian protected space is configured into which the robot may not
move. In the example, the path leads into the protected space.
The following preconditions are met:
System variables:
Safety configuration:
Example 2
A Cartesian protected space is configured into which the robot may not
move. In the example, the path runs very closely past the protected
The following preconditions are met:
System variables:
Safety configuration:
• $SR_OV_RED = 80
Due to override reduction with $SR_OV_RED = 80, a maximum of 80
percent of the configured space-specific velocity vmax is reached in the
Safety configuration:
With spline (red line), override reduction reduces the Cartesian velocity at
The system must not be put into operation until the safety acceptance
procedure has been completed successfully. Using checklists, check and
document that all safety functions are configured correctly and work cor-
Safety acceptance must be carried out in the following cases:
• Following initial start-up and recommissioning of the industrial robot
• After a change to the industrial robot
• After a change to the safety configuration
‒ The change log must be checked after every modification of the
safety configuration.
(>>> 6.6 "Displaying the revision log" Page 84)
‒ It is also advisable to print out the data set containing the safety
parameters using WorkVisual.
• After a software update, e.g. of the System Software
Safety acceptance after a software update is only necessary if the ac-
tivation code of the safety configuration changes as a result of the up-
The safety acceptance procedure can be carried out and documented us-
ing the checklists in the appendix or using your own checklists.
The following steps must be carried out for each sphere of a safety-orien-
ted tool.
1. Move the sphere that is to be checked up to the boundaries of a
monitoring space using the jog keys or the 6D mouse.
2. If the outer shell of a sphere makes contact with the boundary, ei-
ther the robot must stop or the corresponding safety-oriented output
must be set via an alarm space.
3. If the robot does not stop, or if no safety-oriented output is set,
check the configuration, correct if necessary, and check the sphere
4. Check the active messages.
With the space violation, the following messages must be displayed:
• Monitoring space no. {Number of monitoring space} exceeded
• Ackn.: Stop because workspace exceeded
5. If no message or different messages are displayed, check the con-
figuration, correct if necessary, and check the sphere again.
The cell area is a Cartesian monitoring space and, depending on the con-
figuration, consists of 5, 6 or more space surfaces. The space surfaces
can have any orientation.
To check the correct configuration of the cell area, at least 2 different
points on each space surface must be addressed by means of a test pro-
• If the check is successful, the safety controller stops the robot every
time there is contact with one of the space surfaces.
• Space surfaces that cannot be addressed due to circumstances in the
system are excluded from the check.
1. Create a test program in which all points to be addressed for check-
ing the space surfaces are taught.
2. Execute the test program in T1 mode.
3. Every time there is contact with the space surface, the robot must
stop and the following message must be displayed:
• Cell area exceeded
4. If the robot does not stop, or if either no message or a different
message is displayed, check the configuration and the test program
and correct if necessary. Then execute the test program again.
Checking the monitoring space also includes checking the following func-
1. Create a test program in which all points to be addressed for check-
ing the space surfaces are taught.
2. Execute the test program in T1 mode.
3. Every time there is contact with the space surface, either the robot
must stop or the corresponding safety-oriented output must be set
via an alarm space.
4. If the robot does not stop, or if no safety-oriented output is set,
check the configuration and the test program and correct if necessa-
ry. Then execute the test program again.
5. Check the active messages.
With the space violation, the following messages must be displayed:
• Monitoring space no. {Number of monitoring space} exceeded
• Ackn.: Stop because workspace exceeded
6. If no message or different messages are displayed, check the con-
figuration and the test program and correct if necessary. Then exe-
cute the test program again.
1. Jog each of the axes of the monitoring space that is to be moni-
tored to the upper and lower axis limit once using the jog keys or
6D mouse.
2. Every time there is contact with an axis limit, either the robot must
stop or the corresponding safety-oriented output must be set via an
alarm space.
3. If the robot does not stop, or if no safety-oriented output is set,
check the configuration, correct if necessary, and check the axis lim-
its again.
4. Check the active messages.
With the space violation, the following messages must be displayed:
• Monitoring space no. {Number of monitoring space} exceeded
• Ackn.: Stop because workspace exceeded
5. If no message or different messages are displayed, check the con-
figuration, correct if necessary, and check the axis limits again.
For checking, the space-specific velocity limit configured for the monitoring
space is deliberately exceeded by means of a test program. The safety
controller then stops the robot.
Work safety
Failure to observe the safety measures for setup work in T2 can re-
sult in fatal injury.
Additional safety requirements apply for setup work in operating mode
T2. Non-compliance can result in death, serious injury or damage to
• Before executing the test program, ensure that the enabling devices
are operational.
• Before executing the test program, ensure that there are no persons
inside the safeguarded area.
• To execute the program, position yourself outside the danger zone
of the manipulator.
1. Create a test program in which the space-specific velocity of the
monitoring space is deliberately exceeded, e.g. configured with
180 mm/s, moved at 200 mm/s.
2. Execute the test program in T2 mode.
The safety controller must stop the robot and the following message
must be displayed:
• Ackn.: Cartesian velocity in monitoring space no. {Number of
monitoring space} exceeded
3. If the robot does not stop, or if either no message or a different
message is displayed, check the configuration and the test program
and correct if necessary. Then check the velocity limit again.
Work safety
Failure to observe the safety measures for setup work in T2 can re-
sult in fatal injury.
Additional safety requirements apply for setup work in operating mode
T2. Non-compliance can result in death, serious injury or damage to
• Before executing the test program, ensure that the enabling devices
are operational.
• Before executing the test program, ensure that there are no persons
inside the safeguarded area.
• To execute the program, position yourself outside the danger zone
of the manipulator.
1. Create a test program in which the velocity limits are deliberately ex-
ceeded with the safety-oriented TCP, e.g. configured with
1000 mm/s, moved at 1100 mm/s.
When creating the test program, ensure that the TCP used in the
program is identical to the safety-oriented TCP.
2. To check the reduced Cartesian velocity in T1, execute the test pro-
gram in operating mode T1.
The safety controller must stop the robot and the following message
must be displayed:
• Ackn.: Maximum Cartesian velocity in T1 mode exceeded
3. To check the reduced Cartesian velocity and the maximum
Cartesian velocity, execute the test program in operating mode T2.
The safety controller must stop the robot and the following message
must be displayed:
• If reduced Cartesian velocity exceeded: Ackn.: Safe reduced
Cartesian velocity exceeded
• If maximum Cartesian velocity exceeded: Ackn.: Maximum global
Cartesian velocity exceeded
4. If the robot does not stop, or if either no message or a different
message is displayed, check the configuration and the test program
and correct if necessary. Then check the velocity limits again.
Work safety
Failure to observe the safety measures for setup work in T2 can re-
sult in fatal injury.
Additional safety requirements apply for setup work in operating mode
T2. Non-compliance can result in death, serious injury or damage to
• Before executing the test program, ensure that the enabling devices
are operational.
• Before executing the test program, ensure that there are no persons
inside the safeguarded area.
• To execute the program, position yourself outside the danger zone
of the manipulator.
1. Create a test program in which the axis velocities are deliberately
exceeded, e.g. linear axis configured with 1,000 mm/s, moved at
1,100 mm/s.
2. To check the maximum axis velocity in T1, execute the test program
in operating mode T1.
The safety controller must stop the robot and the following message
must be displayed:
• Ackn.: Maximum axis-specific velocity in T1 mode exceeded
3. To check the reduced axis velocity and the global maximum axis ve-
locity, execute the test program in operating mode T2.
The safety controller must stop the robot and the following message
must be displayed:
• If reduced axis acceleration exceeded: Ackn.: Safe reduced axis
velocity exceeded
• If maximum axis acceleration exceeded: Ackn.: Maximum global
axis velocity exceeded
4. If the robot does not stop, or if either no message or a different
message is displayed, check the configuration and the test program
and correct if necessary. Then check the velocity limits again.
PTP {A1 -30}
$VEL_AXIS[1] = 56
PTP {A1 30}
To check that the safe operational stop is functioning correctly, each axis
of an axis group must be moved once in order to violate the safe opera-
tional stop deliberately. The safety controller then stops the robot.
• T1 mode
• Checklist:
1. Activate safe operational stop for the axis group.
2. Jog the first axis in the axis group in the positive or negative direc-
tion using the jog keys or 6D mouse and with a jog override of 1%.
The safety controller must stop the robot and the following messag-
es must be displayed:
• External safe operational stop violated (axis group {Number of
axis group})
• Ackn.: Stop due to standstill monitoring violation
3. Deactivate safe operational stop for the axis group and reactivate it.
4. Repeat steps 2 to 3 to check further axes of the axis group.
If the value that is stored as the maximum braking ramp is too low, i.e.
the assumed braking ramp is too flat and the robot could, in theory, brake
more quickly, the robot will still execute the drive ramp stop as configured.
Failure to observe the safety measures for setup work in T2 can re-
sult in fatal injury.
Additional safety requirements apply for setup work in operating mode
T2. Non-compliance can result in death, serious injury or damage to
• Before executing the test program, ensure that the enabling devices
are operational.
• Before executing the test program, ensure that there are no persons
inside the safeguarded area.
• To execute the program, position yourself outside the danger zone
of the manipulator.
The braking ramp must be checked for at least one axis per ramp stop
group at a monitoring space. It may be necessary to check further axes
(>>> 7.5.9 "Activating “Braking before restricted areas”" Page 124). For
this purpose, the monitoring space is deliberately exceeded using a test
program. The safety controller then stops the robot.
The following monitoring spaces can be used for checking purposes:
• An axis-specific monitoring space in which a limit is defined and active
for each axis to be checked
• A Cartesian monitoring space that is violated deliberately by the re-
spective single-axis motion
• The cell area that is violated deliberately by the respective single-axis
1. Create a test program in which the monitoring space of the axis to
be tested is exceeded.
2. Execute the test program in T2 mode.
The safety controller stops the robot.
3. Check the active messages.
If a drive ramp stop is triggered by the safety controller due to an
impending space violation, the following message is displayed de-
pending on the type of space:
• Ackn: Safety stop before violation of monitoring space no. {Num-
ber of monitoring space}
• Ackn.: Safety stop before leaving cell area.
4. If it was not possible to maintain the braking ramp, the following
message is displayed:
• Ackn.: The braking ramp of the robot has been violated.
This message suggests that the stored braking ramp is too steep.
This may be because the machine data stored in the safety control-
ler are not up to date.
7.12 Checking the values for the safe axis monitoring functions
When the safety configuration is saved, random errors can occur in the
system, resulting in the safety configuration ultimately containing values
that differ from those programmed by the user. This is an exceptional oc-
currence, but cannot be ruled out entirely.
To rule out the possibility of such an error occurring for the parameters
Braking time and Position tolerance, the values of these parameters
must be verified in the diagnostic monitor. No other type of verification is
possible for these parameters.
Danger to life and limb due to failure to check “Braking time” and
“Position tolerance”
If this check is not carried out, the safety configuration may contain in-
correct data. Death to persons, severe injuries or considerable damage
to property may result.
• Always check the values if the activation code on the Common tab
in the Safety configuration window has changed.
In other words, not only if the values themselves have been
changed, but if any changes have been made that affect the safety
• The values most recently saved for the parameters Braking time and
Position tolerance are known.
The most recently saved values can generally be found in a checklist,
sign-off sheet, or similar.
The following procedure must be followed exactly!
If the safety configuration on the robot controller has been updated (for
example, via a newly deployed WorkVisual project or the restoration of an
archive), the safety controller signals that the activation code of the safety
configuration is incorrect.
The safety maintenance technician must check the new safety configura-
tion and is responsible for ensuring that the correct safety configuration is
activated. The displayed activation code must match the expected activa-
tion code from the checklist for safety functions.
(>>> 11.1.3 "Checklist: Safety functions" Page 270)
The administrator is also authorized to activate the safety configuration
following a prior check. They may only do so, however, if they have
been specially trained for the safety configuration.
The safety recovery technician requires the 8-digit activation code of the
safety configuration in order to activate it. The correct activation code
must be communicated by the safety maintenance technician or adminis-
If safe monitoring is deactivated, the configured safety monitoring func-
tions are inactive.
The following monitoring functions are part of the standard safety configu-
ration and always active. This means that these monitoring functions re-
main active when safe monitoring is deactivated:
• Monitoring of the braking time
• Monitoring of the maximum axis velocity in T1
• Monitoring of the axis positions during a global safe operational stop
(all axes)
If interface XG13 via IFBSafeExt is used, the relay outputs of the IFB-
Safe and IFBSafeExt must be checked cyclically. The checking instruc-
tions and further information about the interface can be found in the as-
sembly instructions of the robot controller.
Reserved bits
Input byte 0
Input byte 1
Output byte 0
The components of the industrial robot move within the limits that have
been configured and activated. The actual positions are continuously cal-
culated and monitored against the safety parameters that have been set.
The safety controller monitors the industrial robot by means of the safety
parameters that have been set. If a component of the industrial robot vio-
lates a monitoring limit or a safety parameter, the manipulator and
external axes (optional) are stopped. The Ethernet safety interface can be
used, for example, to signal a violation of safety monitoring functions.
Reserved bits
Input byte 2
Input byte 3
Input byte 5
Input byte 6
Input byte 7
Output byte 2
Output byte 3
Output byte 4
Output byte 6
Output byte 7
Some signal states are extended to ensure that they can be detected reli-
ably. In the case of extended signal states, the minimum duration of the
extension is specified in square brackets. Values are specified in millisec-
onds, e.g. [200].
The diagnostic signals available via the Ethernet interface are not safe-
ty-oriented signals and may only be used for diagnostic purposes.
Output byte 0
Output byte 1
Output byte 3
Output byte 4
Output byte 5
Output byte 6
Output byte 8
The signal for the safe operational stop does not trigger a stop, it only
activates the safe standstill monitoring. Cancelation of this function does
not require acknowledgement.
9 Diagnosis
Element Description
Number Type: INT
Number of the active safety-oriented tool
Element Description
state Type: BOOL
TRUE = axis velocity is below the configured limit.
FALSE = axis velocity limit has been exceeded.
Element Description
state Type: BOOL
TRUE = Cartesian velocity is below the configured limit.
FALSE = Cartesian velocity limit has been exceeded.
Element Description
state Type: BOOL
Element Description
state Type: BOOL
state = $SR_RANGE_ACTIVE[number]
Element Description
state Type: BOOL
Activation status of the monitoring space
• 1 … 16
9.3.7 $SR_RANGE_OK
state = $SR_RANGE_OK[number]
Element Description
state Type: BOOL
Violation state of the monitoring space
• 1 … 16
Element Description
state Type: BOOL
state = $SR_SAFEOPSTOP_ACTIVE[number]
Element Description
state Type: BOOL
State of the safe operational stop
Element Description
state Type: BOOL
Element Description
state Type: BOOL
TRUE = monitoring of the reduced velocity is activated.
FALSE = monitoring of the reduced velocity is not activa-
In the following error situations, outputs that signal a space violation like-
wise switch to the “violated” state (precondition: monitoring space is ac-
• In the case of a Cartesian monitoring space, the Cartesian position is
invalid. The Cartesian position is invalid if one of the robot axes has
an invalid position. This applies in the following cases:
‒ An axis is unmastered.
‒ An encoder error has occurred.
‒ A communication error has occurred.
• In the case of an axis-specific monitoring space, the position of one of
the monitored axes is invalid. This applies in the following cases:
‒ An axis is unmastered.
‒ An encoder error has occurred.
‒ A communication error has occurred.
• In the case of a Cartesian monitoring space, no tool is selected or
several tools are selected simultaneously.
Signal states in error situations:
Output / variable Logic state
MRx (safety-oriented outputs) 0
10 Messages
The “Messages” chapter contains selected messages. It does not cover all
the messages displayed in the message window.
10.2.1 KSS15016
Possible cause(s) Cause: Safe operational stop violated (>>> Page 217)
Solution: Acknowledge message (>>> Page 217)
At least one of the axes monitored for standstill has moved outside the
configured position tolerance.
The program can be resumed once the message has been acknowledged.
10.2.2 KSS15017
Possible cause(s) Cause: Braking ramp for STOP 1 or safe operational stop not main-
tained (>>> Page 218)
Solution: Acknowledge message (>>> Page 218)
Cause: Braking ramp for STOP 1 or safe operational stop not maintained
The robot controller has not triggered strong enough braking in the case
of a STOP 1 or a safe operational stop.
The program can be resumed once the message has been acknowledged.
10.2.3 KSS15018
Checking instructions
Change the value of the variable using the variable display function.
User rights:
Checking instructions
Change the value of the variable using the variable display function.
User rights:
rect is as follows:
Checking instructions
1. Check whether the motor connectors are correctly connected at the in-
terface panel.
2. Check whether the plug-in connectors on the KPP, KSP, etc., are cor-
rectly connected.
3. Check whether the drive bus configuration in WorkVisual matches the
hardware actually installed.
10.2.4 KSS15019
Possible cause(s) Cause: Jog override too high (>>> Page 222)
Solution: Reduce the jog override (>>> Page 222)
Jog override was set to an overly high value while jogging in T1 mode.
For this reason, at least one axis was moving more quickly than is permit-
ted for T1 mode.
2. Set the desired jog override. It can be set using either the plus/minus
keys or by means of the slider.
• Plus/minus keys: The value can be set to 100%, 75%, 50%, 30%,
10%, 5%, 3%, 1%.
• Slider: The override can be adjusted in 1 % steps.
3. Touch the status indicator Overrides again. (Or touch the area outside
the window.)
The window closes and the selected override value is applied.
Alternative procedure
Alternatively, the override can be set using the plus/minus key on the low-
er right-hand side of the smartPAD.
Program override was set to an overly high value during program control
in T1 mode. For this reason, at least one axis was moving more quickly
than is permitted for T1 mode.
2. Set the desired program override. It can be set using either the plus/
minus keys or by means of the slider.
• Plus/minus keys: The override can be adjusted in predefined
• Slider: The override can be adjusted in 1% steps.
3. Touch the status indicator Overrides again. (Or touch the area outside
the window.)
The window closes and the selected override value is applied.
Alternative procedure
Alternatively, the override can be set using the plus/minus key on the low-
er right-hand side of the smartPAD.
At least one axis moved more quickly than the highest permissible velocity
in T1 mode.
In the safety configuration, an incorrect value for the maximum axis veloc-
ity in T1 has been entered for at least one axis, for example, a value that
is different to the one specified by the system integrator.
The procedure for checking what values are configured is as follows:
Checking instructions
Cause: Kernel system commands excessively high velocity during force test
Checking instructions
10.2.5 KSS15033
Possible cause(s) Cause: More then one tool activated in the safety controller
(>>> Page 225)
Solution: Only activate the required safety-oriented tool
(>>> Page 225)
More than one tool is activated in the safety controller. Only 1 safety-ori-
ented tool may be active at any time
Only activate the required tool via the associated safety-oriented input on
the Ethernet safety interface.
10.2.6 KSS15034
Possible cause(s) Cause: Error cause of the original message has been eliminated.
(>>> Page 226)
Solution: Acknowledge message (>>> Page 226)
This follow-up message is displayed if the error cause of the original mes-
sage has been eliminated.
The program can be resumed once the message has been acknowledged.
10.2.7 KSS15035
Possible cause(s) Cause: No tool activated in safety controller (>>> Page 226)
Solution: Activate safety-oriented tool (>>> Page 226)
Activate the required tool via the associated safety-oriented input on the
Ethernet safety interface.
10.2.8 KSS15036
Possible cause(s) Cause: Error cause of the original message has been eliminated.
(>>> Page 227)
Solution: Acknowledge message (>>> Page 227)
This follow-up message is displayed if the error cause of the original mes-
sage has been eliminated.
The program can be resumed once the message has been acknowledged.
10.2.9 KSS15037
The active safety-oriented tool has left the cell area. There is a space vio-
If the space is violated in T1 mode, the acknowledgement message Ackn.:
Stop because workspace exceeded is additionally displayed.
The robot must be moved out of the violated space in T1 mode. No other
operating mode can be set until the robot has left the violated space.
• Operating mode T1
10.2.10 KSS15039
In the safety configuration, an incorrect value for the global maximum Car-
tesian velocity has been entered, for example, a value that is different to
the one specified by the system integrator.
The procedure for checking which value is configured for the parameter
Cartesian maximum velocity is as follows:
Checking instructions
Checking instructions
• Check programming.
• Correct programming
Further information is contained in the documentation for the rele-
vant software.
10.2.11 KSS15040
At least one axis has exceeded the maximum permissible value for global
axis velocity.
In the safety configuration, an incorrect value for the maximum velocity for
rotational axes or linear axes has been entered, for example, a value that
is different to the one specified by the system integrator.
The procedure for checking what values are configured is as follows:
Checking instructions
Following a change to the safety configuration, safety acceptance must
be carried out and documented by means of checklists.
Checking instructions
• Check programming.
• Correct programming
Further information is contained in the documentation for the rele-
vant software.
10.2.12 KSS15041
The maximum permissible safe reduced Cartesian velocity has been ex-
In the safety configuration, an incorrect value for the safe reduced Carte-
sian velocity has been entered, e.g. a value that is different to the one
specified by the system integrator.
The procedure for checking which value is configured for the parameter
Reduced Cartesian velocity is as follows:
Checking instructions
Checking instructions
• Check programming.
• Correct programming
Further information is contained in the documentation for the rele-
vant software.
10.2.13 KSS15042
At least one axis has exceeded the maximum permissible value for the
safe reduced axis velocity.
In the safety configuration, an incorrect value for the reduced axis velocity
has been entered for at least one axis, for example, a value that is differ-
ent to the one specified by the system integrator.
The procedure for checking what values are configured is as follows:
Checking instructions
Cause: Maximum value for safe reduced axis velocity exceeded by programming
• Correct programming
Further information is contained in the documentation for the rele-
vant software.
10.2.14 KSS15043
Message type Status message
Possible cause(s) Cause: Value configured for position tolerance too low
(>>> Page 235)
Solution: Change the safety configuration (>>> Page 235)
The value configured in the safety configuration for the position tolerance
of at least one axis in the axis group is too low. The values specified by
the system builder must be configured.
The procedure for checking what values are configured is as follows:
Checking instructions
The axis group is incorrectly configured in the safety configuration, i.e. the
group contains axes which are not to be monitored here. The axes speci-
fied by the system builder must be monitored.
The procedure for checking whether an axis is monitored in the cor-
rect axis group is as follows:
Checking instructions
10.2.15 KSS15044
Possible cause(s) Cause: Error cause of the original message has been eliminated.
(>>> Page 237)
Solution: Acknowledge message (>>> Page 237)
This follow-up message is displayed if the error cause of the original mes-
sage has been eliminated.
The program can be resumed once the message has been acknowledged.
10.2.16 KSS15045
Possible cause(s) Cause: Reference cable incorrectly connected (>>> Page 237)
Solution: Connect cable correctly (>>> Page 238)
The reference cable connecting the reference switch to the robot controller
is not correctly connected.
Checking instructions
The reference position to which the robot moves in the mastering test has
been taught incorrectly. This results in single-channel referencing.
Checking instructions
The reference position must be taught and checked in accordance with
the procedure described in the operating and assembly instructions.
Checking instructions
The reference switch must installed or aligned in such a way that both
proximity switch surfaces of the reference switch are actuated simultane-
ously when the robot is in the reference position.
The reference cable connecting the reference switch to the robot controller
is defective.
The cabling is carried out as follows:
• XS Ref (interface to the reference switch)
• X42 (KR C4) or XG42 (KR C5) (interface to the robot controller)
The procedure for checking whether the cable is defective is as fol-
Checking instructions
Only the reference cable supplied by KUKA may be used.
Bending radius
The following bending radii must be observed when installing the refer-
ence cable:
• Fixed installation: At least 5 x cable diameter
• Cable carrier installation: At least 10 x cable diameter
10.2.17 KSS15046
This notification message is displayed once the state of error has been
eliminated and the associated status message has been revoked.
10.2.18 KSS15047
10.2.19 KSS15048
Following an internal mastering test request, the robot can be moved for
another 2 hours. This time has elapsed.
It is possible to acknowledge the message without performing a mastering
test beforehand. The robot can then be moved for another 2 hours without
referenced axes (not recommended).
The safety integrity of the safety functions based upon safe axis posi-
tions is limited until the mastering test has been performed and con-
firmed. The safety functions may behave differently from how they were
configured, creating additional hazards in the system.
10.2.20 KSS15049
Possible cause(s) Cause: Mastering test failed (>>> Page 243)
Solution: Perform mastering test and acknowledge message
(>>> Page 243)
The mastering test has failed. The cause of the error is indicated in an
additional message.
The mastering test has failed. The cause of the error is indicated in an
additional message.
10.2.21 KSS15050
The mastering test has not yet been performed successfully. The refer-
ence stop is triggered by an activated monitoring space for which the op-
tion Stop if mastering test not yet done is configured.
10.2.22 KSS15051
The mastering test was interrupted before the reference position was
• Operating mode T1 or T2: The operator released the Start key.
• AUT EXT mode: The Start signal from the higher-level controller was
The program can be resumed once the message has been acknowledged.
2. Operating mode T1 or T2: Press and hold down the Start key to re-
sume the program.
AUT EXT mode: Send the Start signal from the higher-level controller
to resume the program.
10.2.23 KSS15052
The reference switch was not actuated at the reference position because
the proximity switch surfaces of the reference switch are fouled.
Do not use aggressive cleaning agents.
The taught reference position has been addressed correctly, but the refer-
ence switch not actuated. The reference switch or the device on which the
reference switch is installed has been moved.
Checking instructions
The reference switch must aligned in such a way that both proximity
switch surfaces of the reference switch are actuated simultaneously when
the robot is in the reference position.
The taught reference position has been addressed correctly, but the refer-
ence switch not actuated. The actuating plate fastened to the robot flange
or robot tool was bent.
Checking instructions
The actuating plate must be aligned so that both proximity switch surfaces
of the reference switch are actuated simultaneously when the robot is in
the reference position.
The reference switch was not actuated in the reference position. The ref-
erence position was not reached because the current mastering deviates
from the one used to teach the reference run.
Restore the mastering with which the reference run was taught or remas-
ter the robot.
The taught reference position has been addressed correctly, but the refer-
ence switch is defective.
10.2.24 KSS15053
Possible cause(s) Cause: Reference group not taught (>>> Page 247)
Solution: Teach reference group (>>> Page 248)
Directory C:\KRC\Roboter\KRC\R1\Program
File masref_user.src
The file contains 2 subprograms each for reference
groups 1 … 3.
The motion to the reference switch and the reference
position are taught here.
The motion away from the reference switch is taught
Checking instructions
1. Select the file in the Navigator and press Open. The file is displayed
in the editor.
2. Check whether the points required for addressing a reference group
have been taught.
The points required for addressing the reference group must be taught.
This activity must be carried out in accordance with the procedure de-
scribed in the assembly and operating instructions.
10.2.25 KSS15054
10.2.26 KSS15065
This notification message is displayed once the state of error has been
eliminated and the associated status message has been revoked.
10.2.27 KSS15066
The reference switch was actuated for at least 5 minutes outside the mas-
tering test because the proximity switch surfaces of the reference switch
are fouled, e.g. with metal dust or weld spatter.
Do not use aggressive cleaning agents.
The reference switch for the mastering test can be connected either di-
rectly to the robot controller or to a higher-level safety PLC that is linked
to the robot controller via an Ethernet safety interface.
The mastering test input must be configured accordingly in the safety con-
The procedure for checking how the mastering test input is config-
ured is as follows:
Checking instructions
1. Open the safety configuration: For this, select Configuration > Safety
configuration in the main menu.
2. On the Common tab, press Global parameters.
3. Check the parameter Mastering test input:
• at cabinet = reference switch is connected to the robot controller.
• via bus interface = reference switch is connected via Ethernet
safety interface.
Directory C:\KRC\Roboter\KRC\R1\Program
File masref_user.src
The file contains 2 subprograms each for reference
groups 1 … 3.
The motion to the reference switch and the reference
position are taught here.
The motion away from the reference switch is taught
Checking instructions
1. Select the file in the Navigator and press Open. The file is displayed
in the editor.
2. Check whether the points required for addressing a reference group
have been taught.
The points required for addressing the reference group must be taught.
This activity must be carried out in accordance with the procedure de-
scribed in the assembly and operating instructions.
The reference switch was actuated outside of the mastering test for at
least 5 minutes. The reference switch is installed in the wrong position or
has been moved.
Checking instructions
The reference switch must installed or aligned in such a way that both
proximity switch surfaces of the reference switch are actuated simultane-
ously when the robot is in the reference position.
Fig. 10-6: Installation position of reference switch on external axis
The reference switch was actuated outside of the mastering test for at
least 5 minutes. The reference switch is defective.
10.2.28 KSS15079
The robot must be moved out of the violated space in T1 mode. No other
operating mode can be set until the robot has left the violated space.
• Operating mode T1
3. Move the robot out of the violated space:
• Using the jog keys (manual mode)
• Using the Start and Start backwards keys (program mode)
10.2.29 KSS15081
The robot must be moved out of the violated space in T1 mode. No other
operating mode can be set until the robot has left the violated space.
• Operating mode T1
10.2.30 KSS15083
10.2.31 KSS15107
Possible cause(s) Cause: Reference cable incorrectly connected (>>> Page 256)
Solution: Connect cable correctly (>>> Page 257)
• The higher-level controller and the connected referencing system are
switched off and secured against being switched on again.
• The power cable is de-energized.
• Observe the ESD guidelines.
Checking instructions
Checking instructions
Only the reference cable supplied by KUKA may be used.
Bending radius
The following bending radii must be observed when installing the refer-
ence cable:
• Fixed installation: At least 5 x cable diameter
• Cable carrier installation: At least 10 x cable diameter
10.2.32 KSS15108
Possible cause(s) Cause: Notification message following elimination of state of error
(>>> Page 259)
Solution: System information: no operator action required
(>>> Page 259)
This notification message is displayed once the state of error has been
eliminated and the associated status message has been revoked.
10.2.33 KSS15109
Possible cause(s) Cause: Input EJB is set to the wrong state (>>> Page 259)
Solution: Eliminate the error in the program of the higher-level con-
troller (>>> Page 260)
If a mastering test is requested, for example after rebooting the robot con-
troller, and input EJB goes into the state “logic 1”, no external mastering
confirmation is possible.
Input EJB is set to the wrong state. The error lies in the higher-level con-
troller program that is used to address input EJB. Input EJB must be in
the state “logic 0” in order to confirm mastering via a positive pulse signal.
The procedure for checking the level at input EJB is as follows:
Checking instructions
2. In the Module box, select the device, i.e. the interface via which the
pulse signal for external mastering confirmation is provided. To do so,
select the entry Device (Device name). The diagnostic data for the de-
vice are displayed.
The device name displayed in the entry depends on the configura-
tion in WorkVisual. The default name of the device can be changed
in WorkVisual.
Checking instructions
• Wire the reference cable to X42 (KR C4) or XG42 (KR C5) in accord-
ance with the circuit diagram.
10.2.34 KSS15110
This notification message is displayed once the state of error has been
eliminated and the associated status message has been revoked.
10.2.35 KSS15111
Possible cause(s) Cause: Pulse signal at input EJB too long (>>> Page 262)
Solution: Eliminate the error in the program of the higher-level con-
troller (>>> Page 262)
10.2.36 KSS15112
This notification message is displayed once the state of error has been
eliminated and the associated status message has been revoked.
10.2.37 KSS15113
Checking instructions
Checking instructions
10.2.38 KSS15114
This notification message is displayed once the state of error has been
eliminated and the associated status message has been revoked.
10.2.39 KSS15127
Solution: Acknowledge the message and move the robot out of the violated
The robot must be moved out of the violated space in T1 mode. This is
only possible once the message has been acknowledged.
• Operating mode T1
Solution: Acknowledge message and move robot away from workspace limit
The robot must be moved away from the workspace limit in T1 mode.
This is only possible once the message has been acknowledged.
• Operating mode T1
10.2.40 KSS15134
Solution: Acknowledge message and move robot away from workspace limit
The robot must be moved away from the workspace limit in T1 mode.
This is only possible once the message has been acknowledged.
• Operating mode T1
10.2.41 KSS15135
Possible cause(s) Cause: Impending violation of cell area limits (>>> Page 268)
Solution: Acknowledge message and move robot away from area
limit (>>> Page 268)
The active safety-oriented tool threatened to exceed the cell area limits.
The robot was stopped for this reason.
Solution: Acknowledge message and move robot away from area limit
The robot must be moved away from the area limit in T1 mode. This is
only possible once the message has been acknowledged.
• Operating mode T1
11 Appendix
Remarks / deviations
By signing, the signatory confirms the correct and complete performance of the safety accept-
ance test.
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
No. Inspection item OK Not relevant
6 The machine data of the external axes have been correctly
entered and checked.
Checking instructions:
No. Inspection item OK Not relevant
20 Has the correct configuration of the monitoring spaces used
been checked by moving to all reachable limits with a safe-
ty-oriented tool?
Each space surface of a Cartesian monitoring space must
be addressed at 3 different points.
The axis of an axis-specific monitoring space must be
moved to the upper and lower limits of the space.
The corresponding checklist must be completed and con-
firmed in writing for each monitoring space used.
(>>> 11.1.6 "Checklist: Cartesian monitoring spaces"
Page 282)
(>>> 11.1.7 "Checklist: Axis-specific monitoring spaces"
Page 284)
Monitoring space 1
Monitoring space 2
Monitoring space 3
Monitoring space 4
Monitoring space 5
Monitoring space 6
Monitoring space 7
Monitoring space 8
Monitoring space 9
Monitoring space 10
Monitoring space 11
Monitoring space 12
Monitoring space 13
Monitoring space 14
Monitoring space 15
Monitoring space 16
21 Have the values stored for the maximum braking ramp for
the “Braking before restricted areas” function been checked?
(>>> 11.1.11 "Checklist: Braking before restricted areas"
Page 295)
Remarks / deviations
By signing, the signatory confirms the correct and complete performance of the safety accept-
ance test.
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
11.1.4 Checklist: Safety-oriented tools
No. Inspection item OK Not relevant
5 4. sphere on tool
The X, Y and Z coordinates of the sphere center point and
the sphere radius are correctly configured and checked.
X (specified value): __________ mm
X (configured value): __________ mm
Y (specified value): __________ mm
Y (configured value): __________ mm
Z (specified value): __________ mm
Z (configured value): __________ mm
Radius (specified value): __________ mm
Radius (configured value): __________ mm
6 5. sphere on tool
The X, Y and Z coordinates of the sphere center point and
the sphere radius are correctly configured and checked.
X (specified value): __________ mm
X (configured value): __________ mm
Y (specified value): __________ mm
Y (configured value): __________ mm
Z (specified value): __________ mm
Z (configured value): __________ mm
Radius (specified value): __________ mm
Radius (configured value): __________ mm
7 6. sphere on tool
The X, Y and Z coordinates of the sphere center point and
the sphere radius are correctly configured and checked.
X (specified value): __________ mm
X (configured value): __________ mm
Y (specified value): __________ mm
Y (configured value): __________ mm
Z (specified value): __________ mm
Z (configured value): __________ mm
Radius (specified value): __________ mm
Radius (configured value): __________ mm
No. Inspection item OK Not relevant
11 10. sphere on tool
The X, Y and Z coordinates of the sphere center point and
the sphere radius are correctly configured and checked.
X (specified value): __________ mm
X (configured value): __________ mm
Y (specified value): __________ mm
Y (configured value): __________ mm
Z (specified value): __________ mm
Z (configured value): __________ mm
Radius (specified value): __________ mm
Radius (configured value): __________ mm
12 11. sphere on tool
The X, Y and Z coordinates of the sphere center point and
the sphere radius are correctly configured and checked.
X (specified value): __________ mm
X (configured value): __________ mm
Y (specified value): __________ mm
Y (configured value): __________ mm
Z (specified value): __________ mm
Z (configured value): __________ mm
Radius (specified value): __________ mm
Radius (configured value): __________ mm
13 12. sphere on tool
The X, Y and Z coordinates of the sphere center point and
the sphere radius are correctly configured and checked.
X (specified value): __________ mm
X (configured value): __________ mm
Y (specified value): __________ mm
Y (configured value): __________ mm
Z (specified value): __________ mm
Z (configured value): __________ mm
Radius (specified value): __________ mm
Radius (configured value): __________ mm
Remarks / deviations
By signing, the signatory confirms the correct and complete performance of the safety accept-
ance test.
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
No. Inspection item OK Not relevant
3 Corner 2 has been correctly configured and checked.
X coordinate: __________ mm
Y coordinate: __________ mm
4 Corner 3 has been correctly configured and checked.
X coordinate: __________ mm
Y coordinate: __________ mm
5 Corner 4 has been correctly configured and checked.
X coordinate: __________ mm
Y coordinate: __________ mm
6 Corner 5 has been correctly configured.
X coordinate: __________ mm
Y coordinate: __________ mm
7 Corner 6 has been correctly configured and checked.
X coordinate: __________ mm
Y coordinate: __________ mm
8 Corner 7 has been correctly configured and checked.
X coordinate: __________ mm
Y coordinate: __________ mm
9 Corner 8 has been correctly configured and checked.
X coordinate: __________ mm
Y coordinate: __________ mm
10 Corner 9 has been correctly configured and checked.
X coordinate: __________ mm
Y coordinate: __________ mm
11 Corner 10 has been correctly configured and checked.
X coordinate: __________ mm
Y coordinate: __________ mm
Remarks / deviations
By signing, the signatory confirms the correct and complete performance of the safety accept-
ance test.
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
No. Inspection item OK Not relevant
1 The coordinates of the monitoring space have been cor-
rectly configured and checked.
Origin X: __________ mm
Origin Y: __________ mm
Origin Z: __________ mm
Origin A: __________ °
Origin B: __________ °
Origin C: __________ °
Distance to origin XMin: __________ mm
Distance to origin YMin: __________ mm
Distance to origin ZMin: __________ mm
Distance to origin XMax: __________ mm
Distance to origin YMax: __________ mm
Distance to origin ZMax: __________ mm
The following preconditions must be met to demonstrate the correct func-
tioning of the reference stop:
• Reference stop is active.
• Mastering test requested.
• Checked monitoring space is activated.
Remarks / deviations
By signing, the signatory confirms the correct and complete performance of the safety accept-
ance test.
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
• Space-specific velocity valid in: _________________
• Safe tool used in test: _________________
• Always active (TRUE|FALSE): _________________
• Name of safety maintenance technician: ____________________
Specified value:
No. Axis name Inspection item OK Not relevant
6 6th axis of the monitoring space has been
correctly configured and checked.
Lower limit (specified value):
__________ ° or mm
Lower limit (configured value):
__________ ° or mm
Lower limit (determined value):
__________ ° or mm
Upper limit (specified value):
__________ ° or mm
Upper limit (configured value):
__________ ° or mm
Upper limit (determined value):
__________ ° or mm
7 7th axis of the monitoring space has been
correctly configured and checked.
Lower limit (specified value):
__________ ° or mm
Lower limit (configured value):
__________ ° or mm
Lower limit (determined value):
__________ ° or mm
Upper limit (specified value):
__________ ° or mm
Upper limit (configured value):
__________ ° or mm
Upper limit (determined value):
__________ ° or mm
8 8th axis of the monitoring space has been
correctly configured and checked.
Lower limit (specified value):
__________ ° or mm
Lower limit (configured value):
__________ ° or mm
Lower limit (determined value):
__________ ° or mm
Upper limit (specified value):
__________ ° or mm
Upper limit (configured value):
__________ ° or mm
Upper limit (determined value):
__________ ° or mm
The following preconditions must be met to demonstrate the correct func-
tioning of the reference stop:
• Reference stop is active.
• Mastering test requested.
• Checked monitoring space is activated.
Remarks / deviations
By signing, the signatory confirms the correct and complete performance of the safety accept-
ance test.
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
Remarks / deviations
By signing, the signatory confirms the correct and complete performance of the safety accept-
ance test.
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
The trace function (oscilloscope) can be used to determine the axis ve-
No. Axis name Inspection item OK Not relevant
2.2 Specified value: ________ °/s or mm/s
Configured value: ________ °/s or mm/s
Test value: __________ °/s or mm/s
2.3 Specified value: ________ °/s or mm/s
Configured value: ________ °/s or mm/s
Test value: __________ °/s or mm/s
2.4 Specified value: ________ °/s or mm/s
Configured value: ________ °/s or mm/s
Test value: __________ °/s or mm/s
2.5 Specified value: ________ °/s or mm/s
Configured value: ________ °/s or mm/s
Test value: __________ °/s or mm/s
2.6 Specified value: ________ °/s or mm/s
Configured value: ________ °/s or mm/s
Test value: _________ °/s or mm/s
2.7 Specified value: ________ °/s or mm/s
Configured value: ________ °/s or mm/s
Test value: __________ °/s or mm/s
2.8 Specified value: ________ °/s or mm/s
Configured value: ________ °/s or mm/s
Test value: ________ °/s or mm/s
2.9 Specified value: ________ °/s or mm/s
Configured value: ________ °/s or mm/s
Test value: __________ °/s or mm/s
2.10 Specified value: ________ °/s or mm/s
Configured value: ________ °/s or mm/s
Test value: __________ °/s or mm/s
2.11 Specified value: ________ °/s or mm/s
Configured value: ________ °/s or mm/s
Test value: __________ °/s or mm/s
2.12 Specified value: ________ °/s or mm/s
Configured value: ________ °/s or mm/s
Test value: __________ °/s or mm/s
2.13 Specified value: ________ °/s or mm/s
Configured value: ________ °/s or mm/s
Test value: ________ °/s or mm/s
2.14 Specified value: ________ °/s or mm/s
Configured value: ________ °/s or mm/s
Test value: __________ °/s or mm/s
No. Axis name Inspection item OK Not relevant
3.11 Specified value: ________ °/s or mm/s
Configured value: ________ °/s or mm/s
Test value: __________ °/s or mm/s
3.12 Specified value: ________ °/s or mm/s
Configured value: ________ °/s or mm/s
Test value: __________ °/s or mm/s
3.13 Specified value: ________ °/s or mm/s
Configured value: ________ °/s or mm/s
Test value: ________ °/s or mm/s
3.14 Specified value: ________ °/s or mm/s
Configured value: ________ °/s or mm/s
Test value: __________ °/s or mm/s
3.15 Specified value: ________ °/s or mm/s
Configured value: ________ °/s or mm/s
Test value: __________ °/s or mm/s
3.16 Specified value: ________ °/s or mm/s
Configured value: ________ °/s or mm/s
Test value: __________ °/s or mm/s
Remarks / deviations
By signing, the signatory confirms the correct and complete performance of the safety accept-
ance test.
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
• Operating mode T1
No. Axis name Inspection item OK Not relevant
6 6th axis of the axis group has been correct-
ly configured and checked.
Position tolerance (specified value):
__________ ° or mm
Position tolerance (configured value):
__________ ° or mm
7 7th axis of the axis group has been correct-
ly configured and checked.
Position tolerance (specified value):
__________ ° or mm
Position tolerance (configured value):
__________ ° or mm
8 8th axis of the axis group has been correct-
ly configured and checked.
Position tolerance (specified value):
__________ ° or mm
Position tolerance (configured value):
__________ ° or mm
Remarks / deviations
By signing, the signatory confirms the correct and complete performance of the safety accept-
ance test.
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
The braking ramp must be checked for at least one axis per ramp stop
group at a monitoring space. It may be necessary to check further axes
(>>> 7.5.9 "Activating “Braking before restricted areas”" Page 124).
Remarks / deviations
By signing, the signatory confirms the correct and complete performance of the safety accept-
ance test.
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
KUKA Service
12 KUKA Service
Jog mode...........................................48, 52, 54
EC declaration of conformity......................... 35
EMC conformity, reference switch................. 69
EMC Directive.................................................36
EMERGENCY STOP device...... 44, 46, 52, 54 K
EMERGENCY STOP, external................ 46, 59 KL....................................................................11
EMERGENCY STOP, local............................ 59 Knowledge, required.........................................9
EN ISO 13849-1...........................................297 KR C............................................................... 11
Enabling device................................. 46, 52, 54 KSS.................................................................37
Enabling device, external............................... 47 KUKA Customer Support............................. 299
Enabling switches...........................................46 KUKA Service...............................................299
EtherCAT..........................................10, 15, 193 KUKA smartPAD.............................................37
Ethernet interface..................................... 10, 11 KUKA smartPAD-2......................................... 37
Diagnostic signals................................... 201
Ethernet safety interfaces......................15, 193
EtherNet/IP................................ 11, 15, 75, 193 L
EXT (operating mode)....................................53 Labeling.......................................................... 50
External axes..................................................35 Licenses..........................................................12
External axis................................................... 39 Limit value for safely reduced Cartesian
velocity in T1 mode........................................99
Linear unit.......................................................35
F Low Voltage Directive.....................................36
Faults.............................................................. 56
Fictitious STOP 1 - DRS end position.......... 11
FSoE................................................ 11, 15, 193 M
Function test................................................... 58 Machine data............................................59, 83
Functional description.....................................13