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Department Of Information Technology


Course Name and Code :Wireless & Mobile Networks (22622)

Academic Year : 2023-2024
Semester : 6th
5 Generation Mobile Networks

Roll no Name of Students Enrollment no Seat no.

09 Mayur Sanjay Chambhar 2100180155

15 Kiran Dadarao Janjal 2100180164

39 Satish Hirasing Rathod 2100180198

54 Aditya Rambhau Borle 2100180152

Guided by
Mrs.R.D kalambe
(Lecturer in IT)

This is to certify _________________________________________ Roll.no:___ of 6th
Semester of Diploma in Information Technology of Government Polytechnic, Jalgaon
(Code:0018) has completed the Micro Project satisfactorily in the subject Wireless &
Mobile Networks (22622) for the Academic Year 2023- 2024 as prescribed in the

Place: Jalgaon Enrollment no:


Date: Exam Seat No:

Subject Teacher Head of the Department Principal

Seal of

I am _______________________________________________________ as a students
of 6th Semester of the Programme Information Technology humbly submit that we have
completed the Micro-Project work time to time as described in this report by our own
skills and study in the academic year 2023 -2024 as per instructions and guidance of Mrs
R.D kalambe. We have not copied the report or its any appreciable part from any other
literature in contravention of the academic ethics.

Date: Signature of Students


This Micro project would not have been possible without considerable guidance
and support. So, we would like to acknowledge those who have enable us to complete
this project.
Firstly we would like to thank our project guide, Mrs. R.D kalambe (Lecturer in IT
Government Polytechnic Jalgaon) and Head of IT Department Mr. H. K. Nemade for
providing the guideline with continuous advice and feedback throughout theduration
of finishing this project. We also thank to the Dr. P.M. Patil (Principal of Government
Polytechnic Jalgaon) for providing us the opportunity to embark on this project
Secondly, we would also like to thank all other staff members of IT department
that we may called upon for assistance since the genesis of this project their opinion
and suggestion have helped us in a realizing this project.
Also, not to be forgotten, we would like to thank all our friends with the report
valuable opinion and sharing ideas during the process of this project
Finally, we would like to thank our families for their understanding,
encouragement and support towards the completion of project.

Thank you so much.


Sr. No Title Page


1 Introduction

2 5G Technology

3 Challenges And Requirements

4 5G Architecture:

5 Recent Trends And News For 5G

6 Application

7 Conclusion & ,References


In today’s world the mobile broadband industry is expanding which has transferred both
business world and lives. The demand for High-speed internet, higher data rates and quality
of service is increasing day by day. In almost every 10 years a new mobile generation has
been launched. In 1982, the first 1G system i.e. Telephone was introduced to the world.
Then in 1992, 2G system was introduced and 3G system came in the world in 2001. In
2012, 4G systems with International Mobile Telecommunications-Advanced standard
(IMT-Standard) were introduced. All the generations evolved in the world of Mobile
technology have brought their own improvements.

➢ 1G: These were the first mobile phones to be used in the world. The 1G phones had a very

low spectral efficiency and security as well. These were based on analog transmission and
were used to transmit voice signal.
➢ 2G: These were based on digital communication and had better efficiency and security

then 1G.
➢ 3G: The fundamental goal of 3G was to provide high-speed data to the users in the world.

It allowed data up to 14 Mbps.

➢ 4G: It almost provided 10 times the data transfer over 3G.

➢ 5G communications aims to give better capacity, connectivity and coverage than other

generations because with the previous generations the main problems were lack of
coverage, dropped calls and low performance of cell edges. A new term WWWW which
is worldwide wireless web is being associated with 5G where there will be no limitation
of wireless network.


From analog to LTE each mobile technology was brought out to meet the requirements of
people. The combination of broadband networks and smartphones has resulted in better
internet experience which led to development of app-centric interface today. Mobile
broadband has played a key role and brought a lot of benefits from email to social media
through music and high-quality video streaming or controlling your home appliances from
anywhere thus fundamentally changing the lives of people in the world.

❖ Evolution of technology generation



The objective of 5G networks is to introduce new services which are cost-effective and
efficient thus creating an ecosystem for technical and business innovation. 5G networks
will provide support in vertical markets such as automation, agriculture, food, healthcare
etc. As compared to previous mobile technology networks 5G requires improved network
solutions and combination of massive computing and storage infrastructures.

5G Ecosystem
For achieving such a diverse ecosystem the telecom operators need to deploy Orchestrator
functions that will distribute the required computing and network resources.
The implementation of 5G is inclined to meet the following 3 requirements: -

• Massive Broadband (xMBB) that is inclined to deliver gigabytes of bandwidth

• Massive Machine Type Communication (mMTC) inclined to connect billions of servers
and machines
• Critical Machine Type Communication (uMTC) providing high reliability and remote
In the coming years the demand for mobile technology and communication will increase
manifold and 5G will be a great platform that will meet high demand requirements in
various industries ranging from IT to automotive, manufacturing industries etc.

• In 5G networks, when there is high mobile traffic demand the biggest challenge is the
availability of the spectrum. In the densely deployed areas the current spectrum is very
crowded therefore for proper working we will require higher frequency and usage of large
spectrum bands. That means high spectrum range with diverse range of characteristics will
be required for 5G mobile technology.
• The spectrum characteristics will require the ability to support different concurrent
network functions. The parameters of these functions will depend on the hardware that is
available, different communication links and the topology.
• To achieve high Quality of Service, the 5G technology should also support traffic
differentiation. Keeping QoS in consideration 5G will require slicing framework.
• The overall objective is to create a system that is well adaptive to changing conditions of
network and the external environment where the network operates.

The 5G architecture will emerge to meet a lot of business requirements by implementing

cost- efficient network slicing, combining fixed and wireless technologies, communication
and computation, supporting various software, by working on end user and operational
These qualities have number of advantages where one is the high degree of flexibility.

❖ Fig : 5G Architecture

Annual Brooklyn 5G summit, April 2017:

• 4th annual Brooklyn summit provides an inside view of contemporary trends and
developments in 5G. the agendas discussed were focusing on 5G bringing new
technologies such as millimeter waves, massive MIMO, small cells and Beamforming.

• AT&T had updated that last year in their lab in Austin, Texas they tested 5G technology
at 4 GHz, 15 GHz, and 28 GHz. They are focusing on achieving fixed wireless services
which works between 2 stationary points with air broadband internet service.
• According to Dave Wolter, Assistant vice president of AT&T said that their plan is on
expanding fixed wireless services which can serve 10 pilot customers in Austin which will
be a combination of residential and small business properties.
• For trial purpose, the company placed a transmitter on top of its building with receiver
installed at 250 m away with clear line of sight on client side. The main challenge which
came in their way was the windows on client side were double coated which prevented
millimeter waves to enter because the windows were energy efficient. Therefore, in order
to achieve success AT&T had to switch to windows which were single coated

Department of Information Technology

3GPP With 5G

The seven organizational partners as defined above makes the policy and execute tasks
like approving and maintaining 3GPP scope, Creation or terminating specification groups,
allocating human and financial resources etc.
In Release 15 of 3GPP the first specifications of 5G will be published that will involve
system architecture and Radio Access Network. In the present time the specifications and
architecture of 5G that have been there are all based on assumptions that have been around
the mobile systems. 3GPP is working on to combine different views and projects that can
be brought together in for 5G specifications.
As mentioned previously in the current trends, AT&T began their testing regarding 5G in
Austin, Texas in 2016 with proper licensing from US government. They did outdoor
testing and field trials so that they can provide wireless connectivity in fixed locations in
Austin. The trials that AT&T were having they made sure that they had put up international
5G standards development and accommodate with the standards set by 3GPP.

Fig : Two phases of 3GPP

Department of Information Technology


5G is a key aspect in the future of digital world. The shift from 4G to 5G will bring in new
emerging technologies and different approaches to internet that will bring a change in the
markets and lives of people. 5G will bring new innovations in various vertical markets
such as automation, healthcare, energy sector, food and agriculture, city management,
government transportation etc.

❖ Fig : 5G Application

Department of Information Technology


According to World Health Organization e-health is the practice which involves

healthcare and health resources by electronic means. It focuses on 3 fundamental

• Providing health professionals and consumers complete health information


• Improving health services through power of IT

• Use of e-commerce and e-business principles in health management systems.

PWC in 2013 generated in their report related to socio-economic impact of m-
health which highlighted the benefits of mobile health development in Europe.
The report stated that with m- health a total of 99 billion EUR healthcare costs
can be saved if it is properly adopted.

1. Increase in efficiency that will focus towards better healthcare decision making

2. The pharmaceuticals wastage can be reduced

3. The art of Tele-surgery can be enabled safely and in a secure manner

4. Healthcare services can be accessed anytime and anywhere

5. The hospital assets can be tracked easily

6. It will give assorted options to people to choose where and how they can access

health care services.

Department of Information Technology

The urbanization is rapidly increasing globally today. According to the report
presented by United Nations, by 2030 world’s 60% of total population is going
to live in megacities which are mostly in Asia, Africa and Latin America. With
increase in urbanization in cities the need for energy, water, sanitation along
with other services like education, healthcare, infrastructure is also increasing.
To fulfill the needs of people it is very important to use these resources in a
smart way and develop cities in Smart Cities.

Many countries are trying their best to fulfill these specific resources needs and
deliver them to the people. Few examples of countries having smart city projects
are Barcelona, Amsterdam, San Francisco, Shanghai, Beijing etc. and recently a
100 smart cities initiative was also launched in India as well. In 2015, the 18th
annual session of United Nations Commission on Science and Technology for
Development was held in Geneva and its prime focus was towards Smart cities
and Infrastructure. In future time cities and infrastructure are believed to
dominate the human development.

Department of Information Technology

5G isn't just about faster downloads; it's a complete overhaul of mobile network
technology, offering a range of features that will reshape how we connect. Here's a
closer look at some of the key features that define 5G:

1. Enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB): This is the workhorse of 5G, delivering the
much-anticipated speed boost. We're talking multi-gigabit per second (Gbps) speeds,
translating to near-instantaneous downloads, flawless high-definition streaming, and
the ability to support bandwidth-intensive applications like virtual reality (VR) and
augmented reality (AR) experiences.

2. Ultra-Reliable Low-Latency Communication (uRLLC): Latency refers to the

time it takes for data to travel between two points. 5G's uRLLC feature promises ultra-
low latency, measured in milliseconds or even microseconds Imagine remote surgeries
where a surgeon's precise movements need to be instantaneously relayed to a robotic
arm, or self-driving cars that require real-time communication to navigate complex
environments safely.

3. Massive Machine Type Communication (mMTC): 5G opens the door for the
Internet of Things (IoT) to truly flourish. mMTC allows for a massive number of
devices to connect to the network simultaneously. Think of millions of sensors in smart
cities collecting data on everything from traffic flow to environmental conditions, or
billions of connected devices in industrial settings communicating with each other to
optimize production processes.
4. Network Slicing: Imagine a network carved into virtual slices, each catering to
specific needs. This is network slicing, a key feature of 5G that allows network
operators to customize network resources for different applications.

5 New Radio (NR): This is the underlying technology that powers 5G. NR utilizes new
radio frequencies, including higher-frequency millimeter waves (mmWave) that offer
exceptional speeds but have a shorter range. NR also employs advanced techniques like
Massive MIMO (Multiple-Input and Multiple-Output) to improve network capacity and

Department of Information Technology


In conclusion, 5G is more than just a speed upgrade. It's a comprehensive set of features
designed to usher in a new era of mobile connectivity. From enabling real-time
applications to connecting a vast network of devices, 5G has the potential to
revolutionize the way we live, work, and interact with the world around us.

Department of Information Technology




Department of Information Technology

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