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Steam Tip Sheet #3

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Energy Tips – Steam

Steam Tip Sheet #3 • January 2006 Industrial Technologies Program

Suggested Actions Use Feedwater Economizers for Waste Heat Recovery

• Determine the stack temperature
after the boiler has been tuned A feedwater economizer reduces steam boiler fuel requirements by transferring heat
to manufacturer’s specifications. from the flue gas to incoming feedwater. Boiler flue gases are often rejected to the
The boiler should be operating stack at temperatures more than 100°F to 150°F higher than the temperature of the
at close-to-optimum excess generated steam. Generally, boiler efficiency can be increased by 1% for every 40°F
air levels with all heat transfer reduction in flue gas temperature. By recovering waste heat, an economizer can often
surfaces clean. reduce fuel requirements by 5% to 10% and pay for itself in less than 2 years. The
• Determine the minimum table provides examples of the potential for heat recovery.
temperature to which stack gases
can be cooled subject to criteria Recoverable Heat from Boiler Flue Gases
such as dew point, cold-end Recoverable Heat, MMBtu/hr
corrosion, and economic heat Initial Stack Gas
Boiler Thermal Output, MMBtu/hr
transfer surface. (See Exhaust Temperature, °F
25 50 100 200
Gas Temperature Limits below)
400 1.3 2.6 5.3 10.6
• Study the cost-effectiveness
500 2.3 4.6 9.2 18.4
of installing a feedwater
600 3.3 6.5 13.0 26.1
economizer or air preheater in
your boiler. Based on natural gas fuel, 15% excess air, and a final stack temperature of 250°F.

An 80% efficient boiler generates 45,000 pounds per hour (lb/hr) of 150-pounds-per-
square-inch-gauge (psig) steam by burning natural gas. Condensate is returned to the
boiler and mixed with makeup water to yield 117°F feedwater. The stack temperature
is measured at 500°F. Determine the annual energy savings that will be achieved by
installing an economizer given 8,400 hours per year (hr/yr) of boiler operation at a
fuel cost of $8.00 per million Btu ($8.00/MMBtu).

From the steam tables, the following enthalpy values are available:
For 150-psig saturated steam: 1,195.5 Btu/lb
U.S. Department of Energy— For 117 °F feedwater: 84.97 Btu/lb
DOE’s software, the Steam
System Assessment Tool and Boiler heat output = 45,000 lb/hr x (1,195.5 – 84.97) Btu/lb
Steam System Scoping Tool, can = 50 million Btu/hr
help you evaluate and identify
steam system improvements. The recoverable heat corresponding to a stack temperature of 500°F and a natural gas-
In addition, refer to Improving fired boiler load of 50 MMBtu/hr is read from the table (above) as 4.6 MMBtu/hr.
Steam System Performance:
A Sourcebook for Industry for Annual Savings = (4.6 MMBtu/hr x $8.00/MMBtu x 8,400 hr/yr)/0.80
more information on steam = $386,400
system efficiency opportunities.
Exhaust Gas Temperature Limits
Visit the BestPractices Web site The lowest temperature to which flue gases can be cooled depends on the type of
at www.eere.energy.gov/industry/ fuel used: 250°F for natural gas, 300°F for coal and low sulphur content fuel oils,
bestpractices to access these and and 350°F for high sulphur fuel oils. These limits are set to prevent condensation and
many other industrial efficiency possible corrosion of the stack.
resources and information on
BestPractices is part of the Industrial
Technologies Program Industries of the
Potential Economizer Applications Future strategy, which helps the country’s
most energy-intensive industries improve
A feedwater economizer is appropriate when insufficient heat transfer surface their competitiveness. BestPractices brings
exists within the boiler to remove combustion heat. Boilers that exceed 100 together emerging technologies and best
boiler horsepower, operating at pressures exceeding 75 psig or above, and that energy-management practices to help
companies begin improving energy efficiency,
are significantly loaded all year long are excellent candidates for an economizer environmental performance, and productivity
retrofit. right now.

BestPractices emphasizes plant systems,

Adapted from an Energy TIPS fact sheet that was originally published by the where significant efficiency improvements
Industrial Energy Extension Service of Georgia Tech. and savings can be achieved. Industry gains
easy access to near-term and long-term
solutions for improving the performance of
motor, steam, compressed air, and process
heating systems. In addition, the Industrial
Assessment Centers provide comprehensive
industrial energy evaluations to small- and
medium-size manufacturers.



EERE Information Center


Industrial Technologies Program

Energy Efficiency
and Renewable Energy
U.S. Department of Energy
Washington, DC 20585-0121



Energy efficiency and clean, renewable

energy will mean a stronger economy, a
cleaner environment, and greater energy
independence for America. Working
with a wide array of state, community,
industry, and university partners, the U.S.
Department of Energy’s Office of Energy
Efficiency and Renewable Energy invests in
a diverse portfolio of energy technologies.

January 2006
Steam Tip Sheet #3
Revised from DOE/GO-102002-1505 • March 2002

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