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Steam Motors Compressed Air

Improve Your Boiler’s Combustion Efficiency

Flue Gas Analyzers Combustion Efficiency
The percentage of oxygen in the Operating your boiler with an optimum amount of excess air will minimize heat loss up
flue gas can be measured by the stack and improve combustion efficiency. Combustion efficiency is a measure of how
inexpensive gas-absorbing test effectively the heat content of a fuel is transferred into usable heat. The stack temperature
kits. More expensive ($500- and flue gas oxygen (or carbon dioxide) concentrations are primary indicators of
combustion efficiency.
$1,000) hand-held, computer-
based analyzers display percent Given complete mixing, a precise or stoichiometric amount of air is required to completely
oxygen, stack gas temperature, react with a given quantity of fuel. In practice, combustion conditions are never ideal,
and boiler efficiency. They are a and additional or “excess” air must be supplied to completely burn the fuel.
recommended investment for The correct amount of excess air is determined from analyzing flue gas oxygen or carbon
any boiler system with annual dioxide concentrations. Inadequate excess air results in unburned combustibles (fuel,
fuel costs exceeding $50,000. soot, smoke, and carbon monoxide) while too much results in heat lost due to the
increased flue gas flow—thus lowering the overall boiler fuel-to-steam efficiency. The
Oxygen Trim Systems table relates stack readings to boiler performance.
When fuel composition is Combustion Efficiency for Natural Gas
highly variable (such as refinery
Combustion Efficiency
gas, hog fuel, or multi-fuel
boilers), or where steam flows Excess % Flue gas temperature less combustion air temp, °F
are highly variable, an on-line Air Oxygen 200 300 400 500 600
oxygen analyzer should be 9.5 2.0 85.4 83.1 80.8 78.4 76.0
considered. The oxygen “trim”
system provides feedback to the 15.0 3.0 85.2 82.8 80.4 77.9 75.4
burner controls to automatically 28.1 5.0 84.7 82.1 79.5 76.7 74.0
minimize excess combustion air 44.9 7.0 84.1 81.2 78.2 75.2 72.1
and optimize the air-to-fuel
ratio. 81.6 10.0 82.8 79.3 75.6 71.9 68.2
Assumes complete combustion with no water vapor in the combustion air.

On well-designed natural gas-fired systems, an excess air level of 10% is attainable. An

often stated rule of thumb is that boiler efficiency can be increased by 1% for each 15%
reduction in excess air or 40°F reduction in stack gas temperature.
A boiler operates for 8,000 hours per year and consumes 500,000 MMBtu of natural gas
while producing 45,000 lb/hr of 150 psig steam. Stack gas measurements indicate an
excess air level of 44.9% with a flue gas less combustion air temperature of 400°F. From
Adapted from an Energy TIPS the table, the boiler combustion efficiency is 78.2% (E1). Tuning the boiler reduces the
fact sheet that was originally excess air to 9.5% with a flue gas less combustion air temperature of 300°F. The boiler
published by the Industrial combustion efficiency increases to 83.1% (E2). Assuming a steam value of $4.50/MMBtu,
Energy Extension Service of the annual cost savings are:
Georgia Tech. For additional
information on industrial energy Cost Savings = Fuel Consumption x (1 - E1/E2) x steam cost
efficiency measures, contact the = 29,482 MMBtu/yr x $4.50/MMBtu = $132,671 annually
Information Clearinghouse at
(800) 862-2086. Suggested Actions
Boilers often operate at excess air levels higher than the optimum. Periodically monitor
flue gas composition and tune your boilers to maintain excess air at optimum levels.


About DOE’s Office of Industrial Technologies
The Office of Industrial Technologies (OIT), through partnerships with industry,
government, and non-governmental organizations, develops and delivers advanced
energy efficiency, renewable energy, and pollution prevention technologies for
industrial applications. OIT is part of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy.
OIT encourages industry-wide efforts to boost resource productivity through a
strategy called Industries of the Future (IOF). IOF focuses on the following nine
energy- and resource-intensive industries: BestPractices is part of the Office of
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• Agriculture • Forest Products • Mining of the Future strategy, which helps the
• Aluminum • Glass • Petroleum country’s most energy-intensive
industries improve their competitiveness.
• Chemicals • Metal Casting • Steel BestPractices brings together the best-
available and emerging technologies
OIT and its BestPractices program offer a wide variety of resources to industrial and practices to help companies begin
partners that cover motor, steam, compressed air, and process heating systems. improving energy efficiency, environmental
For example, BestPractices software can help you decide whether to replace or performance, and productivity right now.
rewind motors (MotorMaster+), assess the efficiency of pumping systems (PSAT),
BestPractices emphasizes plant systems,
compressed air systems (AirMaster+), steam systems (Steam Scoping Tool), or where significant efficiency improvements
determine optimal insulation thickness for pipes and pressure vessels (3E Plus). and savings can be achieved. Industry
Training is available to help you or your staff learn how to use these software gains easy access to near-term and
long-term solutions for improving the
programs and learn more about industrial systems. Workshops are held around the performance of motor, steam, compressed
country on topics such as “Capturing the Value of Steam Efficiency,” “Fundamentals air, and process heating systems. In
and Advanced Management of Compressed Air Systems,” and “Motor System addition, the Industrial Assessment Centers
Management.” Available technical publications range from case studies and tip provide comprehensive industrial energy
evaluations to small and medium-size
sheets to sourcebooks and market assessments. The Energy Matters newsletter, for manufacturers.
example, provides timely articles and information on comprehensive energy systems
for industry. You can access these resources and more by visiting the BestPractices
Web site at www.oit.doe.gov/bestpractices or by contacting the OIT Clearinghouse at
800-862-2086 or via email at clearinghouse@ee.doe.gov. F OR A DDITIONAL I NFORMATION ,

Peter Salmon-Cox
Office of Industrial Technologies
Phone: (202) 586-2380
Fax: (202) 586-6507

OIT Clearinghouse
Phone: (800) 862-2086
Fax: (360) 586-8303

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Office of Industrial Technologies

Energy Efficiency
and Renewable Energy
U.S. Department of Energy
Washington, DC 20585-0121

March 2002
Steam Tip Sheet #4

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