Clean Boiler Water-Side Heat Transfer Surfaces: Monitor Flue Gas Temperature
Clean Boiler Water-Side Heat Transfer Surfaces: Monitor Flue Gas Temperature
Clean Boiler Water-Side Heat Transfer Surfaces: Monitor Flue Gas Temperature
A boiler annually uses 450,000 million Btus (MBtu) of fuel while operating for 8000 hours
at its rated capacity of 45,000 pounds-per-hour (lbs/hr) of 150-psig steam. If scale 1/32nd
of an inch thick is allowed to form on the boiler tubes, and the scale is of normal
composition, the table indicates a fuel loss of 2%. The increase in operating costs, assuming
energy is priced at $3.00/MBtu, is:
Annual Operating Cost Increase = 450,000 MBtu/year x $3.00/MBtu x 0.02
= $27,000
Adapted from an Energy TIPS
fact sheet that was originally
published by the Industrial Suggested Actions
Energy Extension Service of
Georgia Tech. For additional Any scale in a boiler is undesirable. The best way to deal with scale is not to let it form
information on industrial energy in the first place. Scale formation is prevented by:
efficiency measures, contact the pretreatment of boiler makeup water (using water softeners, demineralizers, and
OIT Clearinghouse at reverse osmosis to remove scale-forming minerals),
(800) 862-2086.
chemical injection into the boiler feedwater, and
adopting proper boiler blowdown practices.
Motor Systems helps industry increase productivity and reliability through energy-efficient electric motor-driven systems.
Documents - Software
o Buying an Energy-Efficient Electric Motor o MotorMaster+ 3.0 and training CD
o Optimizing Your Motor-Driven System o ASDMaster
o Frequently Asked Questions on: The Impacts of the o Pumping System Assessment Tool
Energy Policy Act of 1992 on Industrial End Users of Training
Electric Motor-Driven Systems o MotorMaster+ 3.0 Software
o Energy Management for Motor Driven Systems o Adjustable Speed Drive Application
o Improving Pumping System Performance: A Sourcebook o Pumping System Optimization
for Industry o Pumping System Assessment Tool
Access the Web site at
Steam Systems helps industry enhance productivity, increase profits, and reduce emissions through better steam system management.
Documents Case Studies
o Energy Efficiency Handbook o Georgia Pacific Achieves 6-Month Payback
o Plant Services Article - The Steam Challenge o Bethlehem Steel Showcase Demonstration
o Energy Manager Article - Steaming Ahead Software
o Oak Ridge National Laboratorys Insulation Guidelines o 3EPlus Software for Determining Optimal Insulation Thickness
o 1998 IETC Steam Session Papers
Access the Web site at
Compressed Air Systems dedicated to improving the efficiency and performance of industrial compressed air systems.
Documents Training
o Improving Compressed Air System Performance: o Fundamentals of Compressed Air Systems
A Sourcebook for Industry (For schedule and location, call (800) 862-2086)
Access the Web site at
Industrial Assessment Centers enable small and medium-sized manufacturers to have comprehensive industrial assessments
performed at no cost to the manufacturer.
Documents Access the Web site at
o IAC Database
For more information, simply check the box next to the product, fill out the form below and fax back to (360) 586-8303:
Name: __________________________________________________________ Title: ________________________________________________________
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For more information on Motor, Steam, Compressed Air Systems, and IACs, call the OIT Clearinghouse at (800) 862-2086,
or access the Web site at
Steam Tip Sheet #7 December 1999 DOE/GO-10099-952