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Steam Tip Sheet #12

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Energy Tips – Steam

Steam Tip Sheet #12 • January 2006 Industrial Technologies Program

Suggested Actions Flash High-Pressure Condensate to Regenerate

Determine the potential for high-
pressure condensate flashing by Low-Pressure Steam
completing a plant survey that:
Low-pressure process steam requirements are usually met by throttling high-
• Identifies all sources of high- pressure steam, but a portion of the process requirements can be achieved at low cost
pressure condensate. by flashing high-pressure condensate. Flashing is particularly attractive when it is
• Determines condensate flow not economically feasible to return the high-pressure condensate to the boiler. In the
and duration, as well as the table below, the quantity of steam obtained per pound of condensate flashed is given
heat recovery potential due to as a function of both condensate and steam pressures.
flashed steam production.
• Identifies compatible uses for High-Pressure Condensate Flashing
low-pressure steam. Percent of Condensate Flashed, lb steam/lb condensate
• Estimates the cost effectiveness Condensate, Low-Pressure Steam, psig
of installing appropriate heat- psig 50 30 15 5
recovery devices and 200 10.4 12.8 15.2 17.3
interconnecting piping. 150 7.8 10.3 12.7 14.9
100 4.6 7.1 9.6 11.8
75 2.5 5.1 7.6 9.9

In a plant where the cost of steam is $10.00 per million Btu ($10.00/MMBtu),
saturated steam at 150 pounds per square inch gauge (psig) is generated, and a
portion of it throttled to supply 30-psig steam. Assuming continuous operation,
determine the annual energy savings of producing low-pressure steam by flashing
5,000 pounds per hour (lb/hr) of 150-psig condensate. The average temperature of
the boiler makeup water is 70°F.
From the table above, when 150-psig condensate is flashed at 30 psig, 10.3% of the
U.S. Department of Energy— condensate vaporizes.
DOE’s software, the Steam
System Assessment Tool and Low-Pressure Steam Produced = 5,000 lb/hr x 0.103
Steam System Scoping Tool, can = 515 lb/hr
help you evaluate and identify
steam system improvements. In From the ASME Steam Tables, the enthalpy values are:
addition, refer to Improving
Steam System Performance: A For 30-psig saturated steam = 1,171.9 Btu/lb
Sourcebook for Industry for For 70°F makeup water = 38.0 Btu/lb
more information on steam
system efficiency opportunities. Annual savings are obtained as follows:

Visit the BestPractices Web site Annual Savings = [515 lb/hr x (1,171.9–38.0) Btu/lb x 8,760 hr/yr x
at www.eere.energy.gov/industry/ $10.00/MMBtu]/106 Btu/MMBtu
bestpractices to access these and = $51,155
many other industrial efficiency
resources and information on
Proximity Is a Plus BestPractices is part of the Industrial
Technologies Program Industries of the
The source of high-pressure condensate should be relatively close to the low- Future strategy, which helps the country’s
pressure steam header to minimize piping and insulation costs. most energy-intensive industries improve
their competitiveness. BestPractices brings
together emerging technologies and best
Match Availability and Use energy-management practices to help
companies begin improving energy efficiency,
The economics of heat recovery projects are most favorable when the waste steam environmental performance, and productivity
heat content is high and the flow is continuous. Seasonal space heating is not the right now.

most desirable end use. BestPractices emphasizes plant systems,

where significant efficiency improvements
and savings can be achieved. Industry gains
Adapted from an Energy TIPS fact sheet that was originally published by the easy access to near-term and long-term
Industrial Energy Extension Service of Georgia Tech. solutions for improving the performance of
motor, steam, compressed air, and process
heating systems. In addition, the Industrial
Assessment Centers provide comprehensive
industrial energy evaluations to small- and
medium-size manufacturers.



EERE Information Center


Industrial Technologies Program

Energy Efficiency
and Renewable Energy
U.S. Department of Energy
Washington, DC 20585-0121



Energy efficiency and clean, renewable

energy will mean a stronger economy, a
cleaner environment, and greater energy
independence for America. Working
with a wide array of state, community,
industry, and university partners, the U.S.
Department of Energy’s Office of Energy
Efficiency and Renewable Energy invests in
a diverse portfolio of energy technologies.

January 2006
Steam Tip Sheet #12
Revised from DOE/GO-102001-1275 • May 2001

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