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Psychology Introduction - Tamil

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fy;tpapd; cstpay;

S. Yogaranee
Department of Educational
ghlj;jpd; Nehf;fq;fs;
• tiutpyf;fzk; - cstpay; kw;Wk; fy;tp cstpay;
• cstpaypd; gphpTfSk; mtw;wpd; cs;slf;fKk;
• cstpay; mZFKiwfs;
• cstpay; Ma;T Kiwfs;
cstpay; - tiutpyf;fzk;
The scientific study of the behavior of individuals
and their mental processes.
(American Psychological Association)
Md;kh gw;wpa tpQ;Qhdk;

kdpj elj;ij kw;Wk; csr;nrad;Kiw gw;wp

tpQ;QhdhPjpahd fw;if
• cstpayhdJ fpNuf;f nrhy;yhd “Psyche” ,ypUe;J tUtpf;fg;gl;;lJ. Psyche” vd;gjd; fUj;J
Rthrk;> caph;; my;yJ Md;kh vd;gjhFk;. “ology” vd;gJ fw;if vd;gjhFk;.

• tpQ;QhdhPjpahd etPd cstpay; 1879 ,y; N[h;kd; cstpayhsuhd Wilhelm Wundt vd;gtuhy;
Kjd;Kjypy; Leipzig ,y; cUthf;fg;gl;;l cstpay; Ma;T$lj;jpy; Nkw;nfhs;sg;gl;;l
ghpNrhjidhPjpahd cstpaypy; ,Ue;J Njhd;wpaJ.

• 1883 ,y; mnkhpf;fhtpy; Johns Hopkins University ,y;; Kjd;Kjypy; ghpNrhjid cstpay;
Ma;T$lk; epWtg;gl;lJ.

• Muk;g fhyj;jpy; cstpaypy; csk; (including thoughts, feelings, sensations, all things inside) vd;w
fUj;Nj NkNyhq;fp ,Ue;jJ. vdNt tiutpyf;fzKk; csk; my;yJ mwpif mikg;G kw;Wk;
nrad;Kiwfs; gw;wpajhf ,Ue;jJ.

• Tz;l;> tpy;ypak; N[k;]; kw;Wk; hpr;dh; Nghd;Nwhh; csk; vt;thW nraw;gLfpwJ vd;gJ gw;wp
ftdk; nrYj;jpdh;.

• 1920 fspy; gt;Nyh> tl;rd; kw;Wk; ];fpd;dh; Nghd;Nwhhpd; elj;ijthjg; Gul;rpapdhy; cstpay;
vd;gjd; tiutpyf;fz;k; kdpj elj;ij gw;wpa fw;if vd;gjhf tpghpf;fg;gl;lJ.

• jw;NghJ ,t;tpU $WfSk; xd;wpizf;fg;gl;L

• Psychology is the study of mind (cognitive processes) and behavior vdf; Fwpg;gplg;gLfpwJ
cstpaypd; gphpTfs;
• Abnormal Psychology is the study of abnormal behavior and
psychopathology. This specialty area is focused on research
and treatment of a variety of mental disorders and is linked
to psychotherapy, and clinical psychology.

Biological Psychology, also known as biopsychology, studies
how biological processes influence the mind and behavior.
This area is closely linked to neuroscience and utilizes tools
such as MRI and PET scans to look at brain injury or brain

Clinical Psychology is focused on the assessment, diagnosis,
and treatment of mental disorders. It is also considered the
largest employment area within psychology.
Cognitive Psychology is the study of human thought processes and
cognitions. Cognitive psychologists study topics such as attention,
memory, perception, decision-making, problem-solving, and language

Comparative Psychology is the branch of psychology concerned with the

study of animal behavior. This type of research can lead to a deeper and
broader understanding of human psychology.

Developmental Psychology is an area that looks at human growth and

development over the lifespan. Theories often focus on the development
of cognitive abilities, morality, social functioning, identity, and other life

Forensic Psychology is an applied field focused on using psychological

research and principles in the legal and criminal justice system.
• Industrial-Organizational Psychology is a field that uses
psychological research to enhance work performance, select
employee, improve product design, and enhance usability.

Personality Psychology looks at the various elements that

make up individual personalities. Well-known personality
theories include Freud's structural model of personality and
the "Big Five" theory of personality.

School Psychology is the branch of psychology that works

within the educational system to help children with
emotional, social, and academic issues.

Social Psychology is a discipline that uses scientific methods

to study social influence, social perception and social
interaction. Social psychology studies diverse subjects
including group behavior, social perception, leadership,
nonverbal behavior, conformity, aggression, and prejudice.
Schools of Thought
approaches of psychology
• mikg;Gthjk;
• njhopw;ghl;Lthjk;
• csg;gFg;Gthjk;
• elj;ijthjk;
• kdpjj;Jtthjk;
• mwpifthjk;
• caphpay;cstpay;thjk;
Wilhelm Wundt & Edward B. Titchener
• csr;nrad;Kiwia gy
mbg;gilf; $Wfshfg;
• mfNehf;F Kiwiag;
gad;gLj;jp edTkdjpd;
mbg;gilf; $Wfis
tpsq;fpf; nfhs;s Kaw;rp.
njhopw;ghl;Lthjk; William James
• edTepiy kw;Wk;
njhopw;ghL my;yJ
Nehf;fq;fisg; gw;wp
ftdk; nrYj;JfpwJ
cstpay; fw;if Kiwfs;
• ghpNrhjid Kiw
• ghpNrhjidrhuh Kiw
❖ mfNehf;F Kiw
❖ mtjhdpg;G
❖ FWf;Fntl;L Kiw
❖ neLq;Nfhl;L Kiw
❖ ,izG Kiw correlational study r
❖ tplaf; fw;if
❖ mstPlL; Ma;T
fy;tp cstpay;
fw;wy; fw;gpj;jy; njhlh;ghd cstpaypd; gphpT
Branch of Psychology which deals with teaching and
learning - Skinner
cstpaypd; gpuNahf gphpthd fy;tp cstpayhdJ
fy;tp eltbf;iffspd;NghJ Vw;gLk; gpur;rpidfSf;F
jPh;thf cstpay; Nfhl;ghLfisg; gpuNahfpg;gijf;
(application of psychology and psychological methods to
the study of development, learning, motivation,
instruction, assessment, and related issues that influence
the interaction of teaching and learning)
fy;tp cstpay;
• A study of a learner and learning process.
fw;Nghd; kw;Wk; fw;wy; nrad;Kiw gw;wpa
tpQ;QhdhPjpahd fw;if

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