Colorfastness To Water
Colorfastness To Water
Colorfastness To Water
Colorfastness to water can be define as resistance of color to immersion in water . Development Of Method : AATCC Method 107 1997 was developed in 1962 by AATCC committee RA23 it was revised ; 1967, 1968, 1972, 1981 ; reaffirmed 1975, 1978, 1989; editorially revised 1983, 1985, 1994, 2001; editorially revised & reaffirmed 1986, 1991, 1997, 2002 . Technically it is equivalent to ISO 105-E01. Purpose and scope : This test method is designed to measure resistance to water of a dyed, printed, or otherwise colored textile yarns & fabrics. Distilled water or deionized water is used in this test method because natural (tap) water is variable in composition . Principle : The specimen , backed by multifiber test fabric , is immersed in water under specified conditions of temperature & time , and then placed between glass or plastic plates under specified conditions of pressure , temperature & time . The change in color of the specimen and the staining of the attached multifiber test fabric are observed . Apparatus & Materials Required : AATCC Perspiration tester , perspirometer or equivalent device (plastic or glass plates which are available with the equipment ) . Drying oven convection , multifiber test fabric No.1 or No.10 , AATCC Chromatic Transference scale , AATCC Gray Scale for Color Change & Gray Scale for Staining , Wringer , freshly boiled distilled water or deionized water from an ion-exchange device , test specimens Colored specimens of 60*60 mm 2mm (2.25*2.25in.) backed with multifiber test fabric . Procedure : The standard procedure to be follow in this experiment is as follows . Immerse the test specimen in the test solution at room temperature with occasional agitation to ensure thorough wetting out (approximately 15 min generally required for average fabrics . Remove the test specimen from the test solution and only pass between squeeze rolls (wringer) to remove excess liquor when the wet weight of the test specimen is more than 3 times its dry weight .whenever possible , the wet weight should be 2.5-3.5times the dry weight . Place the test specimen between glass or plastic plates and insert in the specimen unit of the perspiration tester. Adjust the perspiration tester to produce a pressure of 4.5KG(10 lb) on the test specimen . Heat the loaded specimen unit in an oven at 381C(1002F) for 18h. remove specimen from unit and complete drying by hanging in air at room temperature. Do not press dry.
Evaluation Method For Color Change : Rate the effect on the color of the test specimens by the gray scale for color change . Grade 5__negligible or no change as shown in gray scale step 5. Grade 4.5__change in color equivalent to gray scale step 4-5. Grade 4__change in color equivalent to gray scale step 4. Grade 3.5__change in color equivalent to gray scale step 3-4. Grade 3__change in color equivalent to gray scale step 3. Grade 2.5__change in color equivalent to gray scale step 2-3.
Grade 2__change in color equivalent to gray scale step 2. Grade 1.5__change in color equivalent to gray scale step 1-2. Grade 1__change in color equivalent to gray scale step 1.
Evaluation Method For Staining : Rate the staining of the multifiber test fabric by the AATCC chromatic transference scale or the gray scale for staining . Report which classification scale is used . Grade 5__negligible or no color transfer. Grade 4.5__color transfer equivalent to step 4-5 on the gray scale for staining or row 4.5 on the 9-step AATCC chromatic transference scale. Grade 4__color transfer equivalent to step 4 on the gray scale for staining or row 4 on the 9-step AATCC chromatic transference scale. Grade 3.5__color transfer equivalent to step 3-4 on the gray scale for staining or row 3.5 on the 9-step AATCC chromatic transference scale. Grade 3__color transfer equivalent to step 3 on the gray scale for staining or row 3 on the 9-step AATCC chromatic transference scale. Grade 2.5__color transfer equivalent to step 2-3 on the gray scale for staining or row 2.5 on the 9-step AATCC chromatic transference scale. Grade 2__color transfer equivalent to step 2 on the gray scale for staining or row 2 on the 9-step AATCC chromatic transference scale. Grade 1.5__color transfer equivalent to step 1-2 on the gray scale for staining or row 1.5 on the 9-step AATCC chromatic transference scale. Grade 1__color transfer equivalent to step 1 on the gray scale for staining or row 1 on the 9-step AATCC chromatic transference scale.
Human perspiration is acidis/alkaline in nature which sometime causes color change in coloured textile materials and staining to other adjacent textile material.
A specimen of colored textile in contact with fibre materials is wet out in simulated perspiration solution and then subjected to affixed mechanical pressure and temp. for defined time. The specimen is then dried and evaluated for change in color and staining. As human body temperature is around 38 deg C, the test is performed at same temperature.
ISO 105 E04 Preparation of alkaline solution(per litre): 0.5 g L-histidine monohydrochloride monohydrate. 5 g of Sodium Chloride 5 g of disodium hydrogen orthophosphate dodecahydrate(pH=8.0)
Preparation of Acid Solution(per litre): 0.5 g L-histidine monohydrochloride monohydrate. 5 g of Sodium Chloride 2.2 g sodium dihydrogen orthophosphate dehydrate (pH = 5.5)
Attach a specimen 40x100 mm to a piece of multifibre adjacent fabric or single-fibre adjacent fabric.
Thoroughly wet one composite specimen in the alkaline solution at pH at a liquor ratio of 50:1 at room temperature for 30 min. Remove the specimen and place between two glass or acrylic resin plates, under a pressure of 12.5 kPa and place in test device. Repeat the procedure for other specimen in acid solution at pH 5.5. Place the test device in oven at 37 +/- 2C for 4 hrs. Open out each specimen and dry it in air. Assess the change in color and staining by Gray Scale.