Ips M in 250
Ips M in 250
Ips M in 250
1. SCOPE ..................................................................................................................................... 2
2. REFERENCES ......................................................................................................................... 2
3. UNITS ....................................................................................................................................... 3
4. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ..................................................................................................... 4
4.1 General .............................................................................................................................. 4
4.2 System Architecture ........................................................................................................ 4
This Standard specification defines the minimum requirements for functions, hardware, and firmware/software of DCS
employed in Iranian Petroleum Industries projects. The detailed requirements will be specified for each individual pro-
ject as a supplement to this Standard specification.
Throughout this Standard the following standards and codes are referred to. The editions of these standards and codes
that are in effect at the time of publication of this Standard shall, to the extent specified herein, form a part of this Stan-
dard. The applicability of changes in standards and codes that occur after the date of this Standard shall be mutually
agreed upon by the Company and the Vendor.
625-1 "An Interface System for Programmable Measuring Instruments: Part 1 & 2 (Byte Serial,
Bit Parallel)"
68/2 "Basic Environmental Testing Procedures for Electronic Components and Electronic
RS 232C "Interface Between Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) and Data Communication Equipment
Employing Serial Binary Data Interchange (25 Pin Connector)"
RS 423 "General Purpose 37-Position and 9-Position Interface for Data Terminal Equipment and
Data Circuit-Terminating Equipment Employing Serial Binary Data Interchange"
802.3 "Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA) with Collision Detection Access Method and
Physical Layer Specification"
802.5 "Token Passing Network Using a Physical Ring on Twisted Pair Wire or Cable"
S 61.2 "Industrial Computer System FORTRAN Procedure for File Access and Control of File
8802/4 "Token-Passing Bus Access Method and Physical Layer Specifications" (1990)
MIL-STD-HDBK-217 "Reliability Stress and Failure Rate Data for Electronic Equipment"
MIL-STD-1629A "Procedures for Performing a Failure Mode Effects and Criticality Analysis"
This Standard is based on International System of Units (SI), except where otherwise specified.
4.1 General
4.1.1 The DCS shall be totally distributed digital process control and data acquisition system with shared display. The
DCS shall preferably be of "open system type" according to ISO 7498-1.
4.1.2 The DCS shall be furnished with a unified data-base enabling implementation of all types of control strategies.
Basic system shall be made of four building block subsystems naming communication system, general purpose control-
lers, process interface & data acquisition system and operator interface. The system shall be configured in hierarchial
architecture to be capable to be integrated into higher automation levels as illustrated in Appendix A.
The Distributed Control System shall provide both geographical and functional distribution by means of highly opti-
mised modular architecture for simple, cost effective future expansions. The following levels shall be incorporated into
the DCS architecture.
This level shall cover all microprocessor based controller files, input/output connection terminals, A/D and D/A con-
verters, and signal conditioning circuits. Each module in distributed architecture shall include a microprocessor with it’s
own firmware and data-base. Each building block module shall be task partitioned and shall be tailored to perform a
specific dedicated task, such as; process interface, control strategy implementation, data highway interface, etc. Each
task shall be performed in each block independently of other blocks.
Interconnection between controllers and shared display shall be implemented by means of a data highway which shall
be a part of basic system’s communication network.
The next level above the process control level just described is process supervision level. At this level, operator inter-
face to the process and to the higher levels will be performed.
4.3.1 The DCS system shall be comprised of a family of hardware and software to implement all types of process
control systems. The system shall provide a distributed intelligence architecture with shared display, in a manner to
combine; operator interfaces, process controllers and input/output modules into an operating integrated system effective
at the loop, unit and plant control levels.
4.3.2 DCS modules shall be integrated together through a data bus oriented communication link system. Alternatively,
communication link employing IEEE 802.3 and/or IEEE 802.4 standards may be proposed.
4.3.3 The system configuration shall basically comprise of the following building block sub-systems :
- Communication system
- General purpose controllers
- Process interface and data acquisition system
- Man-Machine Interface (MMI)
- Data highway ports for interfacing with PLC’S & Batch sequence control
- Data highway interface to higher level automation computer systems.
4.3.4 The system shall be structured so that a physical separation between the safety oriented functions and process
control related functions can be easily achieved.
4.3.5 The system shall be sized to contain 40% spare I/O capacity, 20% of them installed in the system, unless other-
wise specified. The system shall maintain the same real-time system response, and shall maintain an adequate traffic
load within communication network after full expansion.
4.4.1 General
The security of the instrumentation system shall be confirmed by all precautions necessary to ensure that the control will
continue uninterrupted, in case of equipment breakdown.
These precautions shall include minimally back-up redundant modules, manual mode on controllers that allow manual
operation, should the normal operating modes (i.e. computer, cascade, automatic) be unavailable. The following security
procedures are mentioned, as a minimum, preference will be granted to systems with more reliable security measures. The system design shall be based on highly modular components at all levels using the state of the art technol-
ogy. The following points shall be considered in the system design by hardware and software/firmware configura-
- Function distribution shall be used to minimize the consequences in the event of a failure occurrence in the
system and to simplify maintenance.
- The system display shall be divided in hierarchial pages, with each level of the hierarchy providing more detail
information about a specific item or area in a manner that the following levels to be available for the operation of
the process.
Level 1: Overview display of overall plant status with arriving alarm annunciation.
Level 2: Plant process area overview with arriving alarm indication.
Level 3: Portions of the process area (depending on the size of process area), with arriving alarm indication.
Level 4: Equipment overall display (group display) with alarm indication.
Level 5: Single loop or point detail display showing process value, set-point, tuning parameters and all informa-
tion about the loop. The system shall also provide a dynamic display hierarchy based on alarm priorities to ease quick access to the
highest priority alarm for the process area involved.
4.4.3 Reliability The reliability for DCS shall establish measuring guidelines to determine compliance with requirements set
forward in this standard specification and shall indicate risk as well as need for redundancy, fail-safe design, spare part
stocking, and any other protective measures available. Details of definition and equations are included in Appendix B. Software reliability aspects of the system should be discussed and approved by Company. The equations indicated in Appendix B shall be used by the DCS vendor to perform detail calculations report
of his proposed system Availability and shall be submitted by his bid proposal to the Company. The reliability report, in addition to the Availability result, shall contain the following:
The system shall be fault tolerant to achieve the availability measures mentioned herein and the system shall utilize the
following failure recovery measures to exceed 99.9% availability minimally. Redundancy
-Uninterrupted automatic operation desired in the system, shall be achieved by suitable redundant devices, such
as; power supplies, controllers, displays, communication system, sequence and interlock system. In order to take
full advantage of a redundant system, it must be possible to repair a fault in the redundant parts while the others
are kept on-line.
The operator will be considered as ultimate back-up for the control of the process, but such a measure shall not be con-
sidered in availability estimation stated here-to-fore. Such a capability shall fulfill the following requirements:
- Manual over-ride shall be available through a hierarchy of redundant and supplementary independent paths to
ensure prompt action to be taken as required. Various operator interfaces shall be connectable and removable to
the system without affecting other stations or disturbing other control actions.
- Sufficient quantity of separate portable or local manual control/display stations shall be provided for the system
to be used for various modules of the system. These devices will be used as stand-by devices to program and/or
operate controller modules independently of the communication system, if specified. Maintainability
- The modules of the DCS shall be designed, in a manner to be replaced without hampering regular operations.
- Repair policy shall be based on replacing PC boards from a small quantity of recommended spare boards. The
vendor shall have the capability to provide complete After-Sales-Services for repairing the cards and to provide
enough spare PC cards for ten years, minimally.
- The distributed control system shall continuously monitor itself for failure of it’s components (modules, proces-
sors, buses, etc.) and shall provide prompt advice to the operator when a failure is detected, by means of, auto-
matic self-diagnostics program. All devices operating within the DCS shall be under continuous surveillance by
self-diagnostic programs.
- Upon any malfunctioning, a designated back-up device shall be switched into operation automatically.
- System overloads such as memory capacity, scan rate etc., shall be alarmed at the operator console. The status
of failed module(s) shall be made available as a hard copy print-out.
- The system shall be equipped with suitable diagnostic software and hardware to locate and identify faults and
malfunctions with details such as; time of failure occurrence, identities of faulty devices, major components mal-
functioning and the back-up system which are activated automatically.
System shall be provided with off-line diagnostic programs to perform a through detailed check of the equipment. The
Vendor shall submit detailed description of his off-line diagnostic programs with his proposal to be evaluated by the
Company. Diagnostic program shall be capable to perform integrity checks to determine if a hardware or software error
has occurred in the system.
The system shall have continuity of design and updating, that is; the system shall be capable to accept all new develop-
ments and updating of the system without any need to obsolete the existing system in favor of the new one.
4.6.1* Alarm annunciation shall not cease without acknowledgment when points return to normal.
4.6.3* The Alarm Silence Key shall immediately silence the audible annunciation of any alarm.
4.6.4 Acknowledgment of any alarm shall be inhibited until sufficient detail is presented on the display to identify the
nature of the problem to the Operator (e.g. Detail Display or Group Display including the annunciating alarm points).
4.6.5 A means of quickly and easily guiding the Operator to displays of annunciating points must be provided. This
could be a list of displays with unacknowledged alarms or a key for directly accessing the appropriate displays.
4.6.6 A quick and easy mean for inhibiting and restoring all configured annunciation capabilities of any Operator Sta-
tion at a time must be provided. Access must be restricted to authorized Engineering Personnel only. This requirement
will allow same configuration to be used for all Operator Stations while permitting authorized Engineering personnel to
randomly select the Operator console to be used for alarm annunciation.
- Communication system
- Controllers
- Process interface units and data acquisition
- Man-Machine-Inerface (MMI)
The hardware units shall be manufacturer standard as "Off the Shelf" items.
5.1.1 General
Communication links of the DCS shall basically conform to Manufacturer Automation Protocol (MAP). Preference will
be given to International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Open System Interface (OSI) data communication
concept as outlined in Section 2 here-to-fore.
The communication media shall consist of fully redundant cable trunk running plant-wide to transfer data between dif-
ferent process controllers and shared display operator stations. Connection between components shall be made by means
of flexible drop cables branched off the main cable. The trunk cable may be made of semi-rigid, coaxial or fiber optic cables, as required. The shields of all trunk and drop cables shall provide an effective shielding factor of 100%. Redundant trunk bus media shall be provided for the DCS. These redundant media shall function correctly for
all DCS data communication demands independent of the main trunk. Separate connectors shall be provided for jabber-inhibit monitoring for each communication medium. Received
signal source selection circuit shall be capable of selecting any one of the redundant media automatically and it shall be
possible to enable or disable each single transmitter independently of the other redundant transmitter when the source of
received signal is one of the redundant media. The physical layer design entity shall be, such that; the probability of a communication error, causing malfunc-
tion of other controllers connected to the medium to be less than 10-6 (bit error rate). The link media shall provide total electrical isolation between plant areas, to minimize the ground loop prob-
lems. The media shall not be prone to problems arising due to moisture and corrosion. Provision shall be made for the redundant link medium to operate normally without upsetting overall operation
or requiring any modifications in the link, in case that; any number of connected modules fail or for removing and re-
placing any connected device. The communication link shall be capable to service in hazardous area classified environment. The communication interface cards in each sub-system shall be galvanically isolated from the Bus. The communication interface card shall also be provided with a hardware timer which disables communica-
tion, if transmission time exceeds abnormal values. Bus control shall preferably be performed by token passing or CSMA/CD method in accordance with one of
the following standards:
IEEE 802.3
IEEE 802.4
IEEE 802.5
ISA/S 72.01 The access cycle time to the Bus will be dependent on communication load and the number of system equip-
ment connected to the Bus, but anyhow in all circumstances, this access time shall not be greater than 500 m Sec.
IPS-M-IN-250 All communication failure shall be reported suitably to the operator station. Such failures shall be logged in
the system’s diagnostics list. Continuous communication routine shall detect the communication system failure for
alarming and switching to the redundant medium automatically. Request for internal DCS information exchanges shall be generated from one of the following sources: In periods with high communication load, the system shall consider priority for alarm transmissions over sys-
tem information request. The data protocol used shall safeguard against false data transmission and shall detect transmitted data errors. Necessary interfaces shall be provided in the system to link 16 data highways in Bus, Ring or Star architecture
or any combination of them, as a minimum. Routing of data among multiple highways shall be handled, in a manner that; error detection on one communi-
cation path results an intelligent re-routing along other possible communication paths. Multiple highways shall preferably work on the basis of IEEE 802.4 or IEEE 802.5 (ISO 8802.4 and ISO
8802.5 respectively) standard.
5.2 Controllers
The system shall perform the conventional control strategies by dedicated microprocessor based digital controllers capa-
ble of being installed in control building or field auxiliary rooms. The following points shall be fully met as a minimum:
5.2.1 The controller shall be micro-processor based digital type using at least 16 bit industrial type microprocessor to
provide multifunction process control.
5.2.2 Scaling, filtering, conversion to engineering units and alarm checking of analog measurement values shall also be
included through standard predefined functional blocks.
5.2.3 Special function blocks shall be made available for floating point calculations. All control calculations and re-
porting shall preferably be performed by floating point arithmetic to avoid scaling problems. Measured values, as well
as, calculated variables shall be accessible to these calculation function blocks.
5.2.4 Executive routines and control logic shall be stored, by suitable Read Only Memory (ROM), in a manner that;
setting values and tuning constants are not lost or altered if the module fails or when a power surge or power interrup-
tion occurs.
5.2.5 Control routines shall permit on-line changes to be made in any parameter of the controller, including reassign-
ment of input or output signals. This task shall not affect the operation of other loops implemented in the same micro-
processor and shall not create any plant control upsets.
5.2.6 Output and set-point tracking shall be automatic and shall be available for all types of controllers for bumpless
transfer of mode changes.
5.2.7 Each controller module shall have a dedicated data-base, containing information on the performance of the de-
vice and the status and history of the process variable in non-volatile memory for protection against power outages.
5.2.8 Control modules shall function autonomously, in a manner that, failure of one of them does not take others out of
5.2.9 Controller set-points and output ramping speeds shall be adjustable through operator console or portable mainte-
nance terminal.
5.2.10 Controllers shall be equipped with the following modes of operation minimally, selectable from the operator
a) Manual
b) Automatic
- The set-point will be the output from another controller or the same controller loaded with another control algo-
rithm. Bumpless transfer between different modes shall be provided in the controllers.
5.2.11 Autodiagnostics shall be run in the controllers to detect sensor faults (bad PV) or operations out of tolerances,
as well as, failure of component blocks, such as:
5.2.12 When the above mentioned problems identified by the autodiagnostic routines, the system shall place the af-
fected loops in a safe state to prevent any incorrect final element positioning. The detected error shall trigger appropriate
alarms, diagnostics codes, and status displays at control centre, and pertinent PC card(s).
5.2.13 In the event of entire controller failure, the system shall reassign the contained loops to the back up controllers
or to the operator station, automatically. The latest valid command shall be held during switch-over to avoid process
5.2.14 Controller parameters shall be checked to prevent entering of unreasonable values by the operator and to detect
erratic signals obtained from other loops. The checked parameters, in addition to, the set-points, shall include:
5.2.15 During the program modifications, all process outputs shall be placed on hold and parameters shall be checked
with unreasonable entries alarmed.
5.2.16 Each controller block within a controller card shall be capable to accept customer selected equations or algo-
rithms, without affecting other loops via operator console.
5.2.17 The controller including the back-up shall have a real-time database to perform actual control and monitoring
functions. The data stored in this database shall be, minimally, as follows:
- Operating parameters, such as; the current process value, set-point, valve output, and mode (automatic or man-
- Tuning parameters including values, such as gain, reset, derivative, and alarm trip-points.
5.2.18 The variety of controller card to perform all control functions shall be limited types to ease the maintenance and
spare parts stocking of the system. The vendor shall furnish detail technical document for his proposed controllers to be
evaluated by purchaser.
5.2.20 Special indicators shall be incorporated in the design of printed circuit boards to ensure rapid detection of mal-
functions and current status by maintenance personnel to be used for isolation of failures and performing the repairs.
These indicators may be Light-Emitting-Diodes (LED) on the circuit cards to reduce the need for test equipment.
5.2.21 Controllers shall be capable of being replaced while the system is powered up without requiring any other con-
troller in the system to be shut-down.
5.2.22 On-Line control configuring capability shall be considered for the controllers,with no need to take them off-lin.
5.2.23 The controllers shall be capable to be operated durably in wide ranges of; temperature, humidity, dust, atmos-
pheric corrosion, and contamination, if requested.
5.3.1 General
The DCS shall provide a comprehensive set of I/O conversions to interface with all types of standard analog and digital
input/output signals encountered in the process. The requirements for this kind of interface will be specified under
"process interface modules".
In addition to process interface modules, a "data acquisition system" shall be furnished with serial data communication
to DCS-BUS, to achieve a truly integrated process control system with all packaged unit instrumentations in the plant, if
specified. The process interface modules shall be capable of interfacing with the following types of input signals from
field sensors and transmitters.
e) Pulse inputs from turbine-meters, rotational speed measurements, etc. in the range of 0-1 or 0-10 Volts at fre-
quency range of 1-2000 Hz.
f) Floating dry contacts, with 120 V ac, 110 V dc or 24 V dc power supply by a source external to the process
interface. The input cards shall be solid state electronics employing the state of the art technology. Digital input/output cards shall have LED On/Off status indication for all inputs/outputs.
IPS-M-IN-250 Any input or output card shall be replaceable without turning-off the power to the system or disturbing the
operation of the rest of the system, in any way. Light Emitting Diodes (LED) shall be provided in process interface cards for indication of errors occurring
within the unit and for confirmation of correct operation of the system. The input/output cards shall perform all necessary conversions, such as; A/D, D/A, code conversion, filtering,
etc. required to perform interfacing to the process. The process interface card electronics shall convert all low level input signals to standard 1 to 5 volts and apply
any necessary conditioning, such as: The vendor shall quote conversion repeatability and accuracy of A/D and D/A in his proposal to be evaluated
for each specific application. The sampling rate shall be suitable for scaning time of 100 msec. for each individual con-
trol loop. The input/output circuitry shall be provided with suitable over-voltage protection. The I/O system shall supply the operating power to the field instruments connected to DCS via power supply
units installed in the same cabinet. The I/O system shall provide required electrical isolation, noise rejection, transient suppression, to ensure
clean, accurate information to the controllers for monitoring and control. Signal conditioning, isolation, and surge pro-
tection for analog and discrete I/O shall be preferably performed by signal conditioning modules mounted on the termi-
nation panels. The I/O system cabinets shall contain high quality terminals to allow easy installation of field wiring and
labeling of terminations. The I/O system shall be capable to be operated durably in wide ranges of temperature, humidity, dust, atmos-
pheric corrosion, and contaminants which are present in typical oil industry installation. The specific environmental
condition will be specified for each project. In hazardous locations where isolation or energy limitation to field devices are essential, the I/O system shall
be capable to be equipped with safety barriers inside the termination cabinet. The I/O system termination panels shall be separated from the I/O electronics to provide enough space for
ease of wiring installation. The termination panel shall be located at the sides of the cabinets. Redundant I/O system shall be provided for critical loops using the back-up I/O to keep the process running,
if the primary one is damaged or malfunctioning, unless otherwise specified. Fuses and relays of the I/O card shall be readily accessible and can be changed without disrupting service of
any other channels. All non-intrinsically safe circurits shall be provided with suitable fuse protection in the termination block. The I/O system shall be equipped with multiple channel signal conditioning cards to perform scanning, filter-
ing, and alarm implementation on all field instrument analog measurements for each group of I/O cards.
The card shall provide the following features on per channel basis:
IPS-M-IN-250 The overall accuracy of I/O system shall be 0.2% F.S. minimally subject to the following conditions:
- The stated accuracy shall apply individually to each input/output pair with the system operating at a data rate up
to the maximum rate for all I/O channels. Any electronic components located on the I/O system modules shall be capable of operation with the speci-
fied performance during repeated shock loading of 1.0 g trapezoidal pulse of 30 m Sec. duration. The data cable and cable attached connectors shall be capable of surviving at a repeated shock loading of 7.0
g trapezoidal pulse of 30 m Sec. duration. I/O system component modules located on test sled shall be capable of operation within the specified per-
formance during exposure to sinusoidal vibration of 2.5 mm. peak-to-peak at frequencies from 10 to 60 Hz., with 0.5 g
maximum acceleration. All calibration parameters of the I/O cards shall be handled using software without any need for any potenti-
ometers on the I/O card. As a result, replacement of an I/O card shall not require any recalibration. Connection of I/O system to controllers shall be made by 16-bit Industry Standard Architecture (ISA) Bus,
Extended Industry Standard Architecture (EISA) 32-bit Bus preferably or manufacturer’s proprietary Bus link.
In order to achieve a complete integrated process control system, the DCS shall be equipped with suitable data acquisi-
tion sub-system to provide gateways expanding the control system data-base, by linking other devices to the data high-
way. The data acquisition shall employ an independent interface card to provide translation of acquired signals to
DCS data link format and allows RS-232C or current loop connection to foreign devices, such as: The data acquisition system electronics shall employ fully modular design using state of the art technology. The data acquisition system shall enable the operator to use the DCS console to monitor a programmable con-
troller and control its specified functions through the pertinent PLC interface card. The data acquisition system device shall check all input variables for over-range and under-range limits and
transmit relevant alarm signal to the DCS. The data acquisition system shall be equipped with auto-diagnostics routine for checking correct operation of
the electronics and producing pertinent alarm signals to the operator console via the data highway.
IPS-M-IN-250 Digital inputs and outputs shall be electrically isolated from internal electronic circuits by dedicated devices,
such as optocouplers. Fuses shall be provided for protection of the cards, if specified.
5.4.1 General Each MMI station shall consist of two independent consoles, two printers, one hard copy device, two redundant
hard disc drives, and two dual diskette drives minimally. The exact number of consoles and accessories will be indicated
in architectural configuration sheet for each project. The MMI stations shall permit access in different levels, such as:
- Operator: The station shall provide possibility to have rapid access to all video pages defined for the
engaged operator and shall provide access to all MMI functions necessary to perform the
control of the process.
- Supervisor: The station shall provide access to all consoles of the system connected, with possibility to
monitor and define the responsibilities of each operator station by the supervisor.
- Engineer: The station shall provide possibility of start-up and control of particular diagnostic programs,
modifying the configuration data, creating new video pages and new control loops by means
of a password, if employed. The operator station shall acknowledge all operator actions and indicate acceptance or rejection, in order to,
circumvent problems arising by incorrectly pushed buttons, improper entry of point tags or data. For each continuous
control loop, the operator interface must allow the operator to perform all of the normal control functions and monitor-
ing the results of these actions. All variables shall be referred by their pertinent tag number through a data base entry interactively. The follow-
ing man-machine functions shall be provided in all operator stations;
- The frequently used operator functions such as; start/stop, controller mode selection, set-point adjustment, out-
put adjustment, etc., shall be provided with dedicated functional keys.
- It shall be possible to have access to the various DCS sub-systems by any operator console. The following human engineering factors shall be minimally foreseen in the consoles design:
- CRT color saturation and light intensity shall be continuously variable and adjustable, and shall be made acces-
sible to the operator by suitable means.
- The scan frequency and power supply filtering design shall be, in a manner that, stroboscopic effects arising
between room fluorescent lighting and screen up-dating be negligible.
- Operator keyboards and CRT positions shall be adjustable to different working positions physically, if speci-
- New CRT display pages invocation shall be completed in one second maximally, static data acquired from disk
shall be invoked in three seconds maximally.
- Each station shall be equipped with electronic bleeper for audible alarm annunciation. The bleepers shall prefer-
ably be of variable intensity type for identification of selective alarms. The CRT electronics shall support user selectable colors for defining colors of process variables, set-points,
outputs, messages, etc. A minimum of 16 colors shall be available. Graphic generation shall be handled by configuring
vector graphics on a pixel basis preferably.
IPS-M-IN-250 Selectable strip chart recorders shall be provided for all loops shown on P & ID or indicated in the function list.
The operator shall be provided with the possibility to select each of the specified variables and address them to the perti-
nent recorder by the keyboard at his own discretion. Automatic time synchronisation shall be provided among CRT consoles by real-time clock. The real-time clock
shall be crystal type independent of line frequency. Devices operating within the DCS shall be under continuous surveillance by diagnostic routines. In the event of
malfunction detection, the operator shall be alerted at the console and the malfunctioning device. System over-loads,
such as memory capacity, scan rate, etc., shall be alarmed at the operator station. The MMI stations shall be microprocessor based using 32-bit microprocessor to operate in the multiprocessor
environment. The microprocessors shall employ standard EISA Bus preferably for communication between processors,.
The processors shall employ an efficient real-time operating system as an environment for application software. Each console in an operator station shall be fully independent of others and shall be stand alone type, with it’s
own electronic circuits and dedicated peripherals, CPU and memory. The operator console shall minimally contain the
following devices:
- Dual 3½" high-density, 1.44 Mbyte diskette drive (diskette drives for all consoles may be located in a unified
The consoles shall be fully interchangeable, in a manner that, a failure in any single console does not affect the perform-
ance of the operator station. The operator consoles design shall be according to the best human engineering factors, to reduce the instances
and effects of human errors, and shall be easy to operate. The operator console shall perform basically the following functions:
menu display, overview display for at least 64 loops per display page, unit display for at least 32 loops,
group display for not more than 8 variables, detail displays, trend group displays for 8 variables,
single trend displays, interactive, color dynamic control configuration graphic displays,
alarm summary display with list of displays, alarm processing and display,
controller tuning trend displays (protected by password), system self-diagnostic displays,
system hardware status displays, real and historical trends, guide message display, help message display.
IPS-M-IN-250 The overview display variables shall be represented by bar-graphs having a length proportional to their devia-
tion value from the standard setting on a simplified graphic representation of the process. Alarm signals shall also b e
presented for each variable at bottom side of the screen. Each alarm point shall have the tag number and status, shown
in conjunction with the deviation indication. Group display shall be displayed by pertinent information, such as; tag number, engineering unit, set-point,
process variable, etc., as well as, pre-alarm, alarm status, and information on the setting values of the alarms, in a man-
ner, to allow the operator to modify the alarm settings. This information shall also be displayed by bar-graph indications
and color coding for visual recognition. Other informations pertinent to each loop, such as; loop status (i.e.
AUTO/MANUAL), and loop description (i.e. GAS FLOW) shall be made available on this type of displays. Detail display shall show a bar-graph and tabular representation of the actual value of manipulated variable,
control variable, set-point and relevant engineering information pertinent to a specific loop for each operating loop con-
nected to the control system.
- At this level of display hierarchy, the engineering units and configuration values shall be allowed to be
changed, by means of, password or hardware keylock to restrict unauthorized access to the loop tuning constants,
process variable zero and span, alarm limits and any other configuration details,such as; algorithms, signal types,
or input sources.
- The following detail status condition displays shall be accessed by the operator for all discrete signals:
a) Type of device,
b) Tag-number,
c) On/Off or Open/Closed status,
d) Failure to operate,
e) Manual or automatic control mode,
f) Indication of shut-down command issue,
g) Device readiness for failure reset,
h) Instrument faulty condition,
i) Alarm setting,
j) Configuration data,
k) I/O device locations,
l) Indication of any input signal manual over-ride.
- The following commands shall be available to the operator through functional keyboard for analog variables
pertaining to each loop;
set-point and output shall be changeable in automatic and manual mode respectively with the following com-
1) Up (open):
2) Down (close) Trend display shall support trends for one, two or three variables simultaneously on the CRT screen with the
loop tag-number enabling the operator to monitor the inter-relation between variables (measured variables, calculated
values, setpoints,and discrete inputs or states). The display time base shall be selectable within 20 minute period up to
24 hours and trends shall be automatically saved on the operator station magnetic disc media. The process variables
specified in the function lists shall be sampled and the instantaneous values shall be stored at intervals of maximally ten
second periods. The stored data shall be reproducible on the printer automatically once per eight hour shift and at any
time according to the operator request.
IPS-M-IN-250 Trending displays shall be made available for all specified loops in P&ID drawings and the DCS function lists.
The display shall have range expansion and compression, zero suppression and elevation, timebase compression and
- Data shall be updated on point-by-point basis to ensure availability of a stored data at any time.
- Trend data points shall be connected with a continuous trace provided in accordance with pixel resolution of the
CRT tubes.
- Continuous scale expansion in 1% increments shall be provided for the operator enabling him to change the
display scaling (i.e. going from 0-100% to 25-50%). Dynamic graphic configured displays shall be considered for the system. These displays shall be fully interac-
- The displays shall be organized in partitioned overlapped pages, in a manner that, each display page contains
process information and related instrumentation for up to 64 unique tags, each having multiple dynamic variables
- The organization of different graphic display pages shall be hierarchial according to the following levels:
a) Overall process,
b) Individual process units,
c) Process unit sections.
- The following interactive operations shall be made available to the operator by display pages;
a) Commands for turning On or Off the pumps, On-Off valves, packaged equipment etc.
b) Setting controller set-points and manipulation of process variables in Manual mode.
- The graphics shall be programmed by vendor based on ISA S5.3 for instrument symbols and ANSI Y32.11 for
process symbols. Vendor shall prepare the graphics, on the basis of the simplified graphic display schematics
supplied to him for the project after contract award. Multiple color coding (8 colors) shall be provided to indicate
alarm points and operating status of motors, fans, valves, etc.
- The ISA S5.3 and ANSI Y32.11 in addition to any other symbols which are used in the graphics shall be made
available as insertable block symbols in "system graphical library" for system modifications and future expan-
sions. Alarm summary displays shall present the latest plant alarms and their respective operator reset activation to
the operator chronologically.
- Each line of the alarm list display page shall show one specific alarm. This alarm line shall minimally contain
the following informations:
a) Alarm occurrence and the time when the acknowledge command has been issued by the operator showing
hours, minutes, and seconds.
c) Alarm description showing the alarm group page number and the group display and control configuration
page numbers which the alarm is associated with.
- The following separate lists with time stamp shall be provided for the system: Alarm display pages shall be provided for alarm handling by the operator. The alarms shall be grouped into
the pages according to alarm groupings provided to the vendor in DCS alarm lists. The system shall manage the alarms
and provide the following performance:
- The system shall provide at least four measurement and two deviation alarm levels for each control variable.
The level of these alarms shall be definable by the process supervisor.
- The possibility of displaying the alarm status for discrete variables with their pertinent status or value.
- The alarm message shall show the point tag identification and description of the alarm.
- Alarms shall be prioritised by color. They shall preferably be prioritised by position as well. The occurrence of any alarm within the control system and shutdown system shall result the following re-
1) A change in color of the alarm point status indication in all displays in which it is present;
2) Flashing of the alarm point status indicator until it is acknowledged;
3) Audible annunciation;
4) Print out of the alarms in order of occurrence with details such as; tag number, alarm state indicator, alarm
description, trip point value (if applicable), time and date of; occurrence, reset and return to normal.
The MMI shall provide suitable means to document the reports and alarm listings with presentation of the time of occur-
rence of each item and pertinent designation of sequential events and operator entries. The following process record
keeping features shall be provided in the system, as a minimum:
A list of all entries actions initiated by the operator affecting control of the process, including; changes in control
mode set-point, manual output or logic commands, with the identification of the console which the changes have
been made from, with time stamp.
- Event List
A documentary list which presents all discrete events within the system, indicating the time and description of
the events. The time stamp resolution of the events shall be better than 100 m Sec. The alarm messages shall be
user definable and the length of them shall be minimally 80 characters. The system shall support 10 separate lists
All custom reports shall be stored on the console hard discs, to be recalled at any suitable time. All reports shall be made
available by the system printer on operator request and/or on eight hour cyclic shift basis. The following type of reports
shall be made available on the system:
These reports shall be user configurable with ability to include any selected information from any log, event or
alarm list. This type of report shall be printable on-demand or periodically.
These reports shall be user configurable with ability to include any system data, such as; data stored in historical
trend files or controller inputs/outputs. It is required that manipulation and calculation to be allowed to generate
time-based averages, totalization, minimum values, minimum times, maximum values and maximum times. All engineering parameters pertinent to the loop configuration, control strategies, and control algorithms shall
be accessible by engineering console for engineering modifications interactively. The console shall be either a dedicated engineering console or a multitask MMI console as specified in at-
tached project data sheets, and shall be capable to perform the following tasks:
a) Customising the system to meet any specific control objectives at start-up or at any time during operation and
initial configuration generation,
b) Assigning tag-numbers to I/O channel to make them addressable by the control system,
j) Modifying configuration during system operation without interference to other devices or loops, The engineering display shall provide the following types of displays, in fill-in-the-blank forms preferably or
by a menu page selection; to be configured on-line:
- Configuring inputs to the system by filling the tag number, tag descriptor, system terminal number, type of sig-
nal characterizer, input alarm limits, alarm deadband and engineering units. Multiplexed inputs shall use a single
configuration display format.
- Configuring output functions by filling the tag number, function description, system terminal number,output
valve (including manual over-ride capability), reverse or direct acting selection and output fail-safe action selec-
- Configuring discrete output functions by filling the tag-number, function description, output status, contact
type, output hold option, fail-safe action selection and system terminal number. The console shall provide on-screen forms to configure points and devices in the system by filling-in-the-blank
the spaces provided in front of data description headers generated by the system for all variety of control algorithms and
strategies. The engineering console shall provide an on-line Help facility to provide enough information to facilitate the
programming and auditing tasks at any level encountered in the control system. The auditing software shall be provided in the engineering console to perform checking of all configuration
data entered and alert any missing information or any other potential errors made by Engineer. The console shall preferably provide a special auditing software for specialized complex control strategies to
recognize the type of instructions entered and prompts for information needed. This program shall also check the data
entered for their correctness. Such an auditor shall provide on-line Help messages pertinent to all types of instructions
on Engineer demand. Graphic display elements shall be drawn by using library of symbols provided in the system-data base. The
graphic software shall provide facilities for symbol rotation, and size selection. The engineering console software library shall include a global data-base software to handle all points data,
configurations, and adjustment parameters on hard disc. All information entered shall be saved by engineering console in a global data-base. The system shall be equipped with a relational data-base to store each type of data in a designated area, in a
manner that, data retrieval and manipulation can be performed efficiently. The data-base shall permit incorporation of
new types of data after original database is set-up at system operation time. The system shall be capable to im-
port/export ASCII formatted data from commercially available data base and spread-sheet programs. The system shall be equipped with necessary softwares to transfer configuration data to control system after
completion of all configuration data in system data base or after auditing of the configuration data is completed and
saved. A menu selection shall be provided letting the Engineer to choose whether to download specific configuration
data to several devices or only to a specific one. In addition, the system shall provide the Engineer with facilities to
down-load the entire configuration data for a device or just the configuration changes since the last down-load at his
own discretion. In performing the down-loading operation, the system shall preferably extract pertinent information for the
device concerned from relational data base and generate a separate file to be down-loaded to the device with all re-
quested options. A language editor software shall be provided in the engineering console to facilitate data base generation by
cutting, joining, and copying the existing information for use in other parts of the database. The editor shall also provide
the Search and Search-and-Replace functions to find and update data. When modified configuration data is saved by the Engineer, the system shall store it as the current version.
The previously downloaded version shall be still stored and made available on hard disk by the system. At downloading
time of the new version, the system shall preferably be capable to compare the old and new configurations and to send
only the changes along the Highway to the devices, in order to decrease the data highway occupation time for on-line
engineering applications. The engineering console system shall be provided with an automatic tuning program residing on the hard disc
unit. The program shall be capable to be run on-line by the Engineer request to tune individual control loops optimally. The controller tuning parameter changes that have been made by automatic tuning program shall be uploaded
to be visioned on the CRT by the Engineer and used to keep the data base up-to-date. In addition to the automatic tuning software, a Trace-and-Tune software shall be provided in the system to
allow off-line tuning of individual control loops and testing the performance of the pertinent control strategy without
affecting the process control operations. Such a task shall be performed by entering simulated analog or discrete inputs
for an on-line controller to the Trace-and-Tune routine and observe the controller output. All the key points within a
complex strategy shall also be capable to be observed by this Trace-and-Tune program. The system shall also be provided with a diagnostic software to perform the system diagnostics, identifying
specific device errors and helping trace the source of intermittent faults. Diagnostic display pages provided by this diag-
nostic software shall provide extensive coverage of system conditions. The following features shall be provided by this
software, minimally:
- A Communication overview display page to show the communication status of all data highway devices. (pri-
mary and back-up communication links).
- Detailed integrity displays to examine suspected devices in detail, with sufficient information to identify faults
down to the circuit board level.
- Indication of malfunctions that occurs, on the; primary and backup control devices, primary and backup power
supplies, peripherals, and continuous indication of throughput traffic on the communication link. To prevent unauthorized access to the console, it shall be equipped with passwords to protect the process
from unauthorized configuration changes. The security functions shall preferably provide the following features:
- A general administration password shall be considered for Engineer supervisor. The owner of this password
shall be the only person to create or delete data-bases or grant other levels of access right to other maintenance
- Approved user passwords shall be provided for maintenance personnels. Such level of users can use only the
functions specified by the Engineer supervisor using administration password. The extent of the approved user
functions shall cover all available functions which some are listed bellow; Each console shall be equipped with an alphanumeric keyboard plus necessary functional keyboards. The fol-
lowing requirements shall be foreseen in the keyboards minimally:
- The keyboard shall have a retractable cable to provide the user the capability to position the keyboard wherever
he wishes for maximum comfort.
IPS-M-IN-250 The keyboard shall be partitioned in the following distinct functional zones: Color video-copier shall minimally fulfill the following technical requirements:
- The copier shall have acceptable quality and reliability and shall be accessible from any operator console.
- The copier shall provide addressability of 154 dots per inch both horizontally and vertically with enough color
- The copier shall use the A4 non-sensitized papers for picture production.
- The copier shall perform the copying in a time interval not more than 5 seconds. A color printer shall be provided to log events and alarms. The printer shall meet the following requirements
- The printer shall be microprocessor type, high speed and with excellent letter quality.
- The device shall preferably use parallel, nine wire array, matrix print heads to provide bi-directional printing.
- Connection of the printer to the system shall be by an integral serial interface port conforming to RS-232C
- The printer shall support printing of block, character, and line graphics, by means of four color ribbon.
- The device shall accept all types of ribbons such as four color, red/black and black only type. The Bid documents shall identify any capability of generating customised format printouts, if included. The hard disc unit shall be winchester drive type. The hard disc shall be permanently sealed into the drive and
shall not be removable, to be unaffected by environmental dust and smoke. The spindle driving of the disc shall be preferably of direct drive motor type to reduce the number of bearings
and provide the drive with more reliable mechanism. An automatic seek truncation shall be provided at inner/outer tracks of the hard disc.
IPS-M-IN-250 The Storage device magnetic medium shall be preferably 3½" aluminum platter, coated with a smooth, pol-
ished metallic oxide and shall provide 120 Mbyte minimally formatted storage capacity. A full shock protection counter-arm mounting shall be provided for the device to eliminate head/carriage dam-
age during transportation. The following data must be provided for the Bulk Storage System: Removable diskette drives shall be used primarily to store and down-load the programs that: The magnetic media employed shall be 3½" double high density diskette type preferably. The diskette drives employed, shall be capable to support 1.44 Mega-bytes of formatted storage.
5.5.1 General The DCS consoles and cabinets shall be manufacturer’s standard type and shall be equipped with all necessary
equipment. The cabinets and consoles shall be complete with all instruments, terminals, equipment, etc., ready for site in-
stallation. The Vendor shall provide all parts, components, and modules, necessary to provide tidy, complete work-
stations and cabinetry.
The consoles shall be complete with all modules, systems, and sub-systems in full accordance with the intent of this
specification. The height of the console shall be around 1500 mm, at the front and around 1300 mm, at the back side. The console shall be equipped with a cabinet to accommodate the electronics with a nominal height of 800
mm, measured from the floor. The cabinet shall have two access doors, one from the front of the console and the other
from the back, to accommodate the following modules;
- An EIA 19 inch card file rack to accommodate all electronic circuits of the console, such as; keyboard interface
card, recorders interface card or printer interface card, display generator card, Direct Memory Access (CPU)
card, memory cards, Highway logic cards, Highway driver/ receiver cards, microprocessor (CPU) card, diskette
interface card, etc. The station shall have a writing surface to accommodate the keyboard and function keys with nominal depth of
300 mm at height of 800 mm measured from the floor. By the side or under the CRT the dual floppy diskette drives shall be installed. The steel-work shall be painted by stove enameled method with texture finish in sea green according to BS-
381C, shade 217. The power and control cables shall enter from the bottom of the consoles. The vendor shall provide standard filler plates to make the consoles uniform and integrated as a complete op-
erator station. The cabinets shall house remote mounting auxiliary equipment, controller cards, plus any kind of rear panel
mounted equipment, as well as, interconnecting wiring and instrument power supplies. Marshaling racks shall be housed
in the cabinets, when requested in purchase order. The components inside the cabinets shall be located in an optimum position for operation and servicing. The Cabinets housing the electronic circuits and controller cards shall be provided with a suitable capacity,
circulation fan. The Cabinets shall be equipped with EIA 19" racks for housing electronic circuit cards. The Cabinets shall have standard arrangement and the following nominal dimensions:
Height 2000 mm
Width 600 mm
Depth 600 mm
- The height and width of the enclosure doors shall be at least fifteen millimeters (15 mm) greater than corre-
sponding height and width of the enclosure opening.
- A permanent metal drawing pocket shall be welded to the inside surface of the door. The drawing pocket shall
be 300 mm wide with 70 mm depth.
- Doors of the enclosure shall be designed to have sufficient rigidity to conserve alignment between mating
- Opposite access doors (if required), shall be provided for cabinets, for ease of maintenance.
- Doors swing shall be minimally 165° and shall be attached to the enclosure body with a continuous hinge.
- Neoprene door gaskets shall be attached to the doors with oil resistant adhesive materials and held in place by
means of steel restraining strips to increase enclosure protection against dust and water. Cable entrance shall be incorporated at the bottom of the panel by means of gland plate, made of steel plate
minimally 5 mm thick and shall be removable with suitable screws.
IPS-M-IN-250 All cabinets shall be provided with suitable temperature sensor with DCS alarm for detecting abnormal tem-
perature inside the cabinets. Terminals shall be mounted on sides of the enclosure to be connected to field instruments. Minimum distance
of terminals from floor shall be suitable for ease of maintenance. Terminals on the terminal block shall be plainly and permanently marked with the identification tags shown
on electrical diagrams correspondingly. Only two terminations per side of a terminal is permissible. Conductors shall be identified at each termination by the same tag as the terminal by means of wire sleeves,
made of oil resistant material. Conductors and cables shall be run from terminal to terminal without splices. Terminal blocks shall be mounted and wired so that the internal and external wirings do not cross over the
terminals. The conductors used shall be all of extra-flexible, stranded copper, PVC insulated, 75°C type. At least 40% of terminals and 20% of card files shall be considered as spare for future expansion in each
enclosure. The cabinets shall be provided with louvers and removable anti-dust filters, and shall have a sealed bottom in
order to avoid dust infiltration in final arrangement. The cabinets shall be painted by stove enameled method with texture finish in Sea Green Color according to
BS 381C shade 217.
5.6.1 The DCS shall be capable to be interconnected in higher level automation network by data highway interface.
The interface shall be capable to perform the following functions minimally:
- The communication between computer and DCS shall be based on DCS master/computer slave principle.
- The DCS shall allow for the full transfer of the data bases resident in the system to the computer system with-
out any limitations.
- DCS shall be capable to accept the computer system messages and commands in a separate dedicated data-base
to be further evaluated and transferred to the control system by specialized softwares; (reference shall be made to
pertinent project requirements) The DCS data highway computer interface shall use either Eternet TCP/IP, Decnet, synchronous X.25 or asyn-
chronous ASCII, to interface to any type of computer supporting an ASCII terminal driver at information rate of 300
baud up to 58 K baud. The system shall support interface to any commercially available automation computers. This
general computer interface shall be configured from the DCS console, so there is no need for two separate operator con-
soles. In order to simplify the establishing of communication links between the computer and the DCS, the DCS ven-
dor shall provide an extensive list of instructions, easily implemented in standard FORTRAN statements, C Language
statements, or BASIC program statements. A sample program and a list of instructions shall be included in the vendor’s
proposal to be evaluated by Company.
5.7.1 General
The purpose of the PLC interface is to provide operator with the required data from the PLC. This feature shall be ac-
complished by displaying the data, primarily in the form of custom-built graphics, at any DCS console. The DCS shall
also be capable of displaying the PLC data in the form of trends or custom reports.
5.7.2 The PLC interface design and variety of the sub-system shall enable interfacing of the DCS to the most major
manufacturers of the PLC, as listed in Company’s approved vendor list. The interface shall preferably support MAP/
OSI standard as outlined under ISO codes in section 2 or Ethernet TCP/IP protocol.
5.7.3 The DCS communication with the PLC shall be implemented by means of RS-232C connectors. Communication
between the interface card and the operator console shall be established via DCS data highway.
5.7.4 Diagnostic routine alarms of the PLC shall also be transmitted to the DCS and operator console by the same PLC
interface card.
5.7.5 The PLC interface shall have continuous Read and Write capability to maximize throughput and shall support
simple mapping of any PLC registers into the DCS.
5.7.6 A single PLC interface shall be capable of supporting multiple PLC’s on multi-drop basis. The DC power supply system shall be designed to meet the power requirement of the DCS and all two-wire
field instruments. Each power supply shall be sized, such that, not carry more than 75% load of it’s capacity under nor-
mal condition. Separate AC circuit breakers shall be provided for each power supply. The control system will be sup-
plied with 110 Vac power from an Inverter/UPS system, unless otherwise specified. DC power sub-system, including inputs to the controller and DCS sub-systems shall be dual redundant. Failed
power supplies must be removable without disconnecting power from any part of the system or affecting control opera-
tions. All DC power required to excite external transmitters and drive external transducers shall be drived from power
supplies within the DCS I/O system. Integral battery back-up shall be considered to maintain power for the controllers, I/O signal conditioning de-
vices and two-wire field instruments for a minimum period of 60 sec., upon loss of all DCS power. The DCS system shall be capable of monitoring and reporting the status of AC power supplies and battery
back-up conditions to the operator. Output current of the power supplies shall be indicated, in order, to confirm that
supply capacity has exceeded. Blown fuse indication shall be provided on the face of all system cards if they are
equipped with such a feature.
All DCS electronic circuits shall be internally protected against system errors and hardware damages resulting from the
following causes. Connecting and disconnecting devices, removing and inserting printed circuit boards or cables including re-
moval of data highway connections while the system is operational shall be limited to the loss of disconnected equip-
ment only.
The Vendor shall quote and specify the following information in his bid proposal, regarding sensitivity to electromag-
netic radiation;
- frequency range,
- transmitter power level,
- distance or proximity of the source to transmitter,
- effect on the control system operation,
- methods used to determine the above results. The control system shall not radiate any interference to any other equipment or system present in the plant. All interconnections between components of the system (including the Data Highway) shall be via prefabri-
cated (to length) and predetermined cables supplied with the system. All plugs, receptacles and cables must be clearly, uniquely and permanently lablelled. All plugs, in cables and devices (including circuit boards) must be keyed to prevent incorrect connection. A
suitable locking device must also be provided to prevent accidental disconnection. Circuit boards shall be guided for
insertion and include permanently attached extraction device to assist in removing the cards.
The following software subroutines shall be made available in the system, as a minimum:
A. Control algorithms
- PID (linear)
- PID (non-linear)
- PID (ratio)
- PID (floating)
- Adaptive tuning
- Differential gap control
- Proportional time control
- Motor control
- Supervisory control
- Auto-Manual mode control
B. Computational algorithms
- Summer
- Multiplier
- Function generator
- Dead time
- Median
- Lead/lag
- High select/Low select
- Mass flow
- Square root
- Log function
- Exponential function
- Accumulator
- Characterizer
C. PID functions
- Output limiting
- Output tracking
- Feed forward
- Anti reset wind-up
- Set-Point clamping
- Set-Point ramping
- Auto-scaling
- Cascade
D. Input/Output algorithm
- Analog input
- Analog output
- Digital input
- Digital output
- Multiple analog input
- On/Off output (MOV)
- Timer
- Counter
- Flip-Flop
- Sequencer
- OR
- Mathematical library
- Physical properties library
- Histogram software
- Report sheet producing software
- Process modeling softwares
- Batch plant management softwares
- Real time data-base manager
- Steady-State optimizer program
- Real-Time self-diagnostics softwares
6.3.1 The operating system of the DCS shall be preferably of "Open" type such as UNIX.
6.3.2 Operating system with X-Windows is a privilege in evaluating the vendor proposal since this OS allows applica-
tion software and users to interact on "as need" basis.
The Vendor shall supply documents and drawings at different phases of the project engineering execution with quantity
and quality requested in this specification and the particular conditions of the Contract.
7.1.1 Tender documents shall be carefully studied by the supplier and the requested data marked as "by Vendor" in
data sheets, shall be filled-in and submitted by bid documents. The following documents and drawings shall be signed
and submitted by the tender documents;
The above documents shall be completed with the requested data by vendor and submitted as technical part of the bid
7.1.2 The supplier shall read this Standard specification and attached documents/drawings carefully and submit his
deviations to these documents under the item, "supplier points and deviations to technical specification". The following
documents shall be submitted by the bid proposal for evaluation;
a) Description of the system proposed, including a system configuration drawing indicating all components,
c) List of components proposed with specification, i.e. type, manufacturer, quantities, etc.,
d) Electrical requirements such as; feeding voltages, absorbed power at start-up and at steady conditions (sub-
divided per each component), maximum time of electrical failure to conserve the system operations without shut-
down or malfunction,
g) Maximum constructional load per square meter for cabinets and consoles,
- Engineered;
- Manufactured;
- Staged and tested;
m)Deviation lists.
The following documents shall be submitted after contract award, according to the agreed time-schedule to be approved
by the Company:
The Vendor/Supplier shall prepare the hereunder mentioned documentation in quantity of copies as requested in con-
tract document/drawing schedule and contractual purchase order. All these documents shall be numbered according to
the project documents numbering criteria.
7.3.1 Documents
Minimally five copies and one reproducible of the following Vendor documents shall be provided:
- Final loop diagrams developed on the basis of the tender documents incorporating all Company’s comments,
indicating all elements and information pertinent to field instruments and system’s equipment.
- Recommended spare parts list with their pertinent manufacturer’s stock number for commissioning period and
two years of operation.
7.3.2 Softwares Minimally 6 (six) copies of the following information shall be provided on floppy diskettes:
7.3.3 Manuals Minimally five copies and one reproducible of the following Manuals shall be provided;
a) Operator’s manual, including operating guide for the system’s softwares (both standard and application soft-
b) Engineering and user’s manual describing how the work may be modified in the future, and how the work is
presently configured. This manual shall include all system components technical specifications,
c) Maintenance manual describing how Company’s electronics maintenance personnel can perform; preventive
maintenance, troubleshooting, repairs, additions, deletions, and modifications of system configuration. This man-
ual shall include spare parts list with their pertinent manufacturer’s stock number. All error codes shall be
comprehensively listed and explained in maintenance manual. The above manuals shall be provided for each component of the DCS, including operator’s consoles, process
control units, communication devices, peripheral devices, etc.:
IPS-M-IN-250 All Manuals shall be well-organized and easily understood, and shall contain comprehensive tables of contents
and alphabetical indices. Topics for each of the hardware components shall include, but not limited to the following:
- Operation procedures,
- Commissioning and start-up procedures.
7.3.4 Drawings Minimally five copies and one reproducible of the following drawings shall be provided:
This shall illustrate the central control configuration, the communications configuration, and the controller con-
figurations, on one drawing, if possible;
This shall be scale drawing of the operator’s console, showing front, side, and top perspectively. Locations of the
various components (i.e. video displays, keyboards, communication panels etc.), shall also be shown with dimen-
sions. Electrical connections and wiring shall be illustrated and described on separate drawings.
Cabinet layout and construction drawings shall be provided for all cabinets supplied by the Vendor. This shall
include each controller cabinet, computer, disk, communications, and terminations cabinet. The drawings shall
be to scale, and shall illustrate all components in each cabinet and their electrical interconnections, and cabinet
mechanical mounting specifications;
d) Termination Schedule
This drawing shall list and illustrate all terminations, indicating; terminal/connector numbers, tag names, volt-
ages, currents, polarities, and grounding/shielding requirements. This drawing shall be provided for terminal
strips and for any cable supplied by the Vendor. System Vendor shall provide reproducible CAD generated "as-built" mechanical and system interconnection
drawings. These drawings shall identify I/O assignments by tag number in a tabular format.
7.3.5 The above Vendor documentation and drawings shall be provided after completion of Factory Acceptance Test
before shipment.
8.1 The system supplier shall provide Company’s personnel with adequate training for equipment maintenance and
operation,in order to get them familiar with the system. The Vendor shall provide a description of the training courses
available for his system with the duration and cost of each course by his bid quotation for evaluation. The training
courses shall minimally provide the following courses:
8.2 The training shall be provided before DCS installation on site. The courses shall be scheduled so as not to be con-
current; so that one person may attend all courses.
- Location,
- Duration,
- Schedule,
- Prerequisites,
- Training facilities provided.
8.4 The cost for training shall be included in the contract price but itemized separately.
9.1 The system Vendor/Supplier shall have spare parts stock in Iran or guarantee to provide the required parts not later
than 4 days from the date of request, by Telex or Fax.
The Vendor shall have qualified service personnel which can promptly assign them to the job site for repairs, adjust-
ments, assistance in problem determination and trouble-shooting at a reasonable cost. The price of such a service shall
be quoted in Bid proposal for evaluation and economical considerations by the Company, on the manday basis.
9.2 The Vendor shall be technically responsible for all installation, commissioning, and start-up work.
9.3 The Vendor shall provide such on-site services as may be required during installation. Qualified Vendor personnel
shall be on call and available immediately for telephone consultation 12 hours per day, 7 days per week, and shall arrive
on site within one working day after having been so requested by the Company.
The DCS Vendor shall submit his own test procedures for all hardware and software supplied based on the requirements
specified herein. No material or equipment shall be shipped, unless all required tests successfully conducted and so cer-
tified by the Company’s assigned inspector. Vendor shall include heat soak test in his test procedure, as well.
10.1.1 General
The tests shall demonstrate the functional integrity of all hardwares and softwares. Company assigned inspectors shall
inspect the performance of all tests and they shall have access right to all facilities involved in the manufacturing of the
equipment purchased under this specification. The Vendor shall maintain and/or replace any hardware or modify the
softwares, if the specified functions are not satisfactorily performed in (FAT) on the Company’s inspector judgment. A
detailed, scheduled factory test (FAT) procedure shall be submitted in the bid proposal by vendor. Vendor shall provide
all necessary personnels and test equipment to perform the tests as, and when required with the costs included in the bid
prices and separately indicated. Quality control shall be as per manufacturer’s quality control standards to assure good performance of com-
ponents/modules used in the system. The sampling procedure for the tests will be defined by Company’s assigned inspectors.
The Vendor shall check the workmanship and shall perform all his routine tests on the system prior to power-up of the
system . Vendor shall check all the functions of the DCS hardware and software including diagnostic software, at sys-
tem and sub-system level by simulating the inputs and outputs.
The second check will be the calibration check of all signal conditioners, alarm setters, and other components which
affect the accuracy of the loops for their correct calibration according to the requirements. All of these calibrations shall
be performed and logged in the record book of power test to be reviewed by the Company.
The Company’s assigned inspectors will supervise this phase of the tests to be performed on all hardware and software
of the system. The necessary manpower and co-operation shall be provided by the Vendor, as well as, all measuring
instruments. All sub-systems shall be interconnected as "per actual" interconnecting configuration in the field. DCS ven-
dor shall use simulators to simulate the various inputs and measure the outputs through proper approved measuring in-
Followings are details of testings to be performed by the vendor and witnessed by the Company’s assigned inspectors.
The Company’s inspectors shall have the right to perform any of these tests; themselves, ask for re-performing any test,
or ask for additional test as included in the Vendor’s test procedure proposal.
Company’s inspectors will carry out visual and mechanical testing in principle to assure correct, proper and good work-
manship of the equipment.
Functional test shall include simulation of each type of input/output to testify the proper function and response of the
equipment. The following tests shall be included, as a minimum:
- Checking of data-bases configuration, range, alarm limits, engineering units, etc., to be in accordance with the
- Checking of all CRT displays for their conformity to the drawings and proper quality.
- Checking the function keys to include all functions required and specified.
- Checking CRT refresh time, data-base update rate, and display changing time to be adequate. The Vendor shall
trim the configuration to meet the requirements, in case that, the above mentioned times are inadequate to meet
the requirements.
- Checking of diagnostic routines for all sub-systems with the faults simulated by Company’s inspectors request,
and reviewing the diagnostic alarms at console level and alarm log level.
- Checking of interfacing software for foreign devices,such as; tank gaging, packaged units, automation computer
system, etc., by means of simulation of these instruments.
- Checking of spare capacity in terms of hardware, memory, and software to meet the requirements stated in the
contract final specification.
- Checking of special control strategies and advanced control by connecting the DCS to the process automation
computer (if applicable).
After completion of checkings mentioned here-above, the entire system shall be remained energized for 72 hours con-
tinuously, with hands-off from the system. The system performance for given simulated I/O’s shall be only observed
during this 72 hour period.
Any malfunction of any kind shall be noted as "Observations" in the final acceptance test report to the Company. If any
fault is observed in performance test, the test shall be reconducted after maintaining of the fault.
All the latest configurations and data-base, as performed during acceptance test shall be transferred on floppy diskettes
(two copies) and shipped with the DCS.
Each test carried out shall be formally recorded. Any deficiency or problem found in equipment shall be corrected by
the Vendor with replacing brand-new tested parts. Any change in configuration or data shall be clearly recorded in Test
log books.
10.4 Conclusion
All FAT reports shall be presented to the Company’s assigned inspectors for his signature and issuance of certificate of
shipment on satisfactory completion of witnessing the tests. Vendor shall properly pack the system according to ship-
ping instructions and packaging specifications IPS-G-GN-210 and forward the equipment to the Company’s site.
The measurement for reliability estimation shall be expressed in terms of Availability, Failure rate, Mean Time Between
Failure and repair duration time (Mean Time To Repair). The data used to calculate the above mentioned terms shall be
universally accepted predictions (i.e. Mil-STD-Handbook 217 predictions), which quantifies expected useful life of
components, utilized under real service conditions.
R1 + R2 + ... + Rn
R1 through Rn are the failure rates of components used in the equipment or system.
The MTBF calculation for each equipment used and the whole components shall be submitted for evaluation in
each bid proposal.
The cumulative probability of failure shall be expressed as an exponential decay function, in the form of:
R = e-rt
Where R is the probability that the system operates without failure in a duration indicated by time t, and r is the
failure rate for the class of device as extracted from generally accepted predictions (i.e. Mil-STD. HDBK 217).
The DCS vendor shall provide his certified (MTTR) which will be the measure of repair duration time. Such a
document shall indicate the skills, test instruments and repair spare stocks required to achieve the stated MTTR.
d) availability
Steady state availability shall be calculated as a fraction of time which the system is operational and shall be
expressed as:
For serial subsystems the overall availability shall be calculated by the equation:
A = A1.A2 ................An
and for parallel subsystems the net availability will be estimated by the equation:
A = 1 - [(1-A1) (1-A2).....(1-An)]