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Fireball Island

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CHOKING HAZARD- This toy contains
small balls. Not for children under 3 years.
Assemble the island as shown. Shuffle the treasure tokens and Each player takes a figure and the
a Place Vul-Kar in his rightful randomly place them face up on matching reference card and
spot atop the island, facing the treasure slabs. places their figure on the
the helipad. If you are playing with expansions, Hello-copter.
there may be leftover tokens. Place
b Put the two bridges and the those face up in the Maw. Set the snapshot cards face up to
ladder in their designated the side of the island.
spots. Place the Maw out. Place the
Shuffle the souvenir cards and
c Put the seven trees into their lucky penny in it.
deal one face down to each
sockets with their roots turned 1 Island 1 Vul-Kar 4 Fireball marbles 6 Ember marbles
Place the cataclysm tracker next player. Set the rest to the side.
toward the mighty Vul-Kar. consisting of 3 separate regions figure + 1 extra + 1 extra
to the Scar. Put the remaining (island trays)
Put six orange ember marbles on Shuffle the action deck and deal
three fireballs into it.
their spaces and one red fireball two face down to each player.
marble in the Scar. The youngest player goes first.
Put the Heart of Vul-Kar in the Everyone’s first move will be from
looming shadow of Vul-Kar. the Hello-copter to the helipad.

4 Player figures 1 Die 1 Heart of Vul-Kar 1 Ladder 2 Bridges 7 Trees

crystal the bridges are the same and can
be placed in either direction

30 Action 12 Snapshot 12 Souvenir 4 Player reference

cards cards cards cards


Ember all 6 go on the fire pits on
36 Treasure tokens 1 Lucky Penny 2 Tokens for the 1 Cataclysm tracker
marbles the center region of the island
token two-player game

Fireball 1 goes in the Scar,

FUN FACT marbles 3 go on the cataclysm tracker
The places on the island
where treasures go are “ Your adventure starts Heart goes on the slab marked
called treasure slabs! and (hopefully) ends
at the Hello-copter.” of Vul-Kar with this symbol

2 scrims 1 Maw 1 Hello-Copter

Treasure 36 go face up on the slabs optional coverings for token holder
tokens marked with this symbol the sides of the island

WARNING! Exposure to excessive heat can cause the plastic island trays to warp or otherwise become damaged.
You should not leave or store the game in areas that might get hot, such as a car or attic.
Have the most points when the Hello-copter returns to the island You must move the exact number of spaces shown on the card (unless you come to an Unstable space, After moving, you may do the action shown on the card.
to take people away! You get points from treasures and snapshots. which stops you).
You may move in either direction, but you may not change direction.
Many cards have the symbol, which allow you to
You can’t be on a space with another player. Instead, hop over (pass by) them into the next available space rotate something on the island.
ON YOUR TURN in the direction you were headed. You ignore any spaces you pass (for example, don’t take a snapshot).
If you rotate Vul-Kar, turn his figure once in either direction—
anything more than that risks incurring his wrath.
Do these in the order: The Hello-copter and Helipad Snapshots If you rotate a tree, set it to any orientation.
If you are knocked over, stand your figure back up on its space. The helipad is connected to the Hello-copter If you start on or enter a
If you are on more than one space, choose one of them. If you at the start and end of the game. Your first move snapshot space, you may take the Ember Marbles
are not on any spaces, see Odd Starting Spaces below. from the Hello-copter is onto the helipad (continue matching snapshot card unless:
When you launch an ember marble, use only one
your movement from there). When everyone is on
Play an action card from your hand. You must move the full You already have a snapshot finger to push it. You cannot flick it with a thumb/finger
the island, set the Hello-copter aside until the end of “ Remember, you
amount shown. You may do its action. of that color. combo. You may push the marble as hard as you like, but if
the game. (See End of the Game.) aren’t just a it leaves the island, you must put one of your treasures into
Draw a new action card. All snapshot cards from that guest, you are
our eyes on the the Maw for your insolence, and anyone you knock over
Navigating the Path space have been taken by stands up without losing a treasure.
Reset the island. Return all marbles to their preset spots. island. You
other players. must get
Ember marbles go onto the summit, and fireballs go into the Spaces where players walk are a light sandy
pictures from
Scar. Reset any bridges or the ladder if they were disrupted. color. These spaces are connected to each other Another player is in the three regions! ” Cataclysm!
with brown muddy sections. Players can pass over snapshot space. Take all the fireballs in the Scar and drop them into
NOTE: Do not stand up any figures (they stand up at the start of but not stop on the brown muddy part of the paths.
their next turn). Any player with a figure that is still standing may Having three different colored snapshots can Vul-Kar one at a time. Do not reset anything on the island until
reposition it on its space. summon the Hello-Copter! (See End of the Game.) all the fireballs have finished rolling.
When you play a Cataclysm card, discard it to the cataclysm
tracker. When there are three Cataclysm cards in the tracker,
Grabbing Treasures reshuffle all played action cards (including the Cataclysms in
If you start on or enter a treasure space as the tracker and the regular discard pile) and add one more
SOUVENIR CARDS you move, you may grab one of the treasure tokens
on the slab connected to that space. Keep your
marble to the Scar. If you add the fourth marble to the Scar,
Souvenir cards tell you when you it’s the end of the game! (See End of the Game.)
treasures face down in front of you. You may grab
can play them. After playing one, Tree Roots treasures from multiple slabs if you pass through
put it on the souvenir discard pile. “ You have our assurance that guests
Tree roots do not stop a player’s movement. more than one treasure space on your turn.
If the souvenir deck runs out, will have a safe and fun day on the
Just hop right over them and keep moving! island. But, just in case, here are a
shuffle the discard pile to make a
few rules to keep in mind.”
new deck. There is no limit to the
number of souvenir
Treasure spaces are ISLAND SAFETY
Caves marked with a line of
cards you can have
“ Various souvenirs are scattered around If you start on or land on a helpful red triangles! Getting Knocked Over
or play at any time. the island, carelessly dropped by previous Your figure is knocked over when any part of your figure
cave, roll the die. Place yourself in
guests who were in an unexpected hurry.” other than the base is touching the island, or if your figure is off
any cave whose number matches the
die roll (do not spend a move) and keep moving. the island. When your figure gets knocked over, you lose a
If all caves with that number are occupied, do treasure of your choice.

ODD STARTING SPACES not leave your cave and stop moving.
Grabbing the Heart of Vul-Kar
If another player knocked you over, they steal the treasure.
Draw a souvenir card!
If you start your turn knocked over in any of these places, here’s The Heart of Vul-Kar is grabbed
where you stand up: Unstable Spaces: like any other treasure. When you grab If you knocked yourself over, put the treasure into the Maw.
In a river or a lava chute: Move your figure down the island to Bridges & the Ladder the Heart of Vul-Kar from its location, Draw a souvenir card.
the space at the end of the river/chute and stand up. If there’s Bridges and the ladder are unstable spaces so you immediately add a fireball to the Scar! Some spaces are safer than others. If you fall over from
a choice of spaces, pick one. must stop moving when you enter one. If there is vibrations on the island, that counts as getting knocked over.
a player already there, pass by them to the first
Off the island: Start in any cave. Do not roll the die and do not available space and keep moving. Stealing the Heart of Vul-Kar
use the cave. If you pass the player carrying the Heart
Table Bumps
of Vul-Kar, you may steal it from them. If you (or your cat) bump the island, ignore the
Some other weird spot: The closest space to where you are “ As you know, we are still working to
make the island fully accessible. In the effects and put everything back where it was.
(your choice).
meantime, you’ll have to navigate the
rickety structures built years ago.”
If a player enters the helipad space while carrying at least three different colored snapshots OR the Scar
has four marbles in it at the end of the turn, the Hello-copter returns and players may climb aboard!
Place the Hello-copter near the helipad. Players may enter the Hello-copter from the helipad
(even if they don’t have three snapshots) and do not need to arrive by exact count. A player
“ Your day will fly by,
may enter the Hello-copter on the turn it appears if they have moves left. and you will find
yourself screaming
When entering the Hello-copter, choose a token in the Maw and put it in front of you. more than once!
This can be the lucky penny token or a treasure put there during the game. It’s that fun!”
Once a player is in the Hello-copter, they do not leave it for the rest of the game. They cannot
be knocked over and no one can move them or pass by them to steal anything. Other cards
may still affect them. Players still play a card on their turn but only follow the action.
The game ends when all players are in the Hello-copter or all players have had two turns.

Each color scores 1/3/6/10/15 points for 1/2/3/4/5+ treasures.
Max 15 points per color.
Heart of Vul-Kar 7 points
Snapshots 5 points each, only if you are in the Hello-copter
Lucky Penny 6 points

Add up the points from the treasures and snapshots you are carrying. The player with the highest score wins!
If there is a tie, the player who made it to the helipad first wins. If neither tied player made it to the helipad,
the player nearest to the helipad wins!

TWO PLAYER RULES Restored from: Fireball Island, published by Milton Bradley,
designed by Bruce Lund and Chuck Kennedy
Game Restoration: Rob Daviau, J.R. Honeycutt, and
Set Up Justin D. Jacobson
Graphic Design: Jason Taylor and Lindsay Daviau
Each player controls two characters. Take a turn marker
Illustration: Jason Taylor, George Doutsiopoulos, Victor
token and place it on one of your two character cards. Perez Corbella, John Ariosa, Jean-Louis Sirois, David Kegg,
Matijos Gebreselassie, and Kevin Hill
Turn Order 3D Island Design: Noah Adelman of Game Trayz,
LLC, and Design Innovation, Inc.
You and your opponent alternate turns playing one of your characters. 3D Component Design: Chad Hoverter
Activate the character that has the turn marker on their card. At the Production Artist: Lindsay Daviau
end of your turn, put your turn marker on your other character’s card. Editing: Meeple Lady, Jennifer Skahen, and Ariel Jaffee
Thank you to everyone who playtested and participated
Your action and souvenir cards are shared between your characters. in the Fireball Island road trip. You helped us make this
game the best it could be.
Treasure is not shared between your characters but is placed on ©2018 Restoration Games, LLC. The following are
their card (until scoring). trademarks of Restoration Games, LLC:
Restoration Games, the Restoration Games logo,
and all associated trade dress. Fireball Island is a
Your snapshots are shared between your characters. You must have registered trademark of Longshore, Ltd. and is
six snapshots before you can summon the Hello-copter from the used with permission. Other logos are
trademarks of their respective owners and are
helipad. You may have two snapshots of the same color. used with permission. Restoration Games, LLC
is located at 12717 W SUNRISE BLVD, #244,
If you knock over either of your characters, it counts as knocking SUNRISE, FL 33323. Actual components may
vary from those shown. Made in China.
yourself over.
Your characters may steal from each other. OR YOUNGER.

When scoring, combine your characters’ treasures.

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