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Biology M

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Biology M.C.

Unit: 1

1. Which one of the following structure is not present in all the bacteria?
a. Capsule b. Chromatin bodies
c. Cell membrane d. ribosomes

2. The cell wall of prokaryotic cells have a specialized material with them
known as:
a. Peptidogylcan ( murein) b. Peptidoaminose
c. Pectin d. Peptidoglucose

3. Cell membrane is chemically composed of 20-40 % of _______.

a. Cytosol b. Lipids
c. Fats d. All of these
4. Steward et al to the 2mg. slices of _______ and grown in a liquid nutrient
medium in tissue culture technique.
a. Phloem tissue of carrot b. Xylem tissue of turnip
c.Phloem tissue of turnip d. Xylem tissue of carrot
5. Molecules of _______ are synthesized in a specialized region of the cell
nucleus called the nucleolus, which appears as a dense area within the
a. rRna b. mRNA
c. tRNA d. None of these
6. Which one of the following is not the type of tissue culture?
a. Protoplast culture b. Embryo culture
c. Callus culture d.Rhizome culture
7. The outer boundary of plant cell is made up of which one of the
a. Lipids b. Glycogen
b. c. Cellulose d. None of these
8. Longitudinal fibrils found in axoneme are known as _______.
a. Microfilament b. Microtubule
c. Intermediate filaments d. All of these
9. Plant tissue culture technique is a redefined method of ________.
a. Hybridization b. Selection
c. Vegetative propagation d. Asexual reproduction
10.The lipid bilayer is a thin polar membrane made of two layers of lipid
molecules. Lipid Bilayer is _______ in nature.
Hydrophilic and hydrophobic
Dependent on surrounding medium
11.The outer boundary of plant cell is made up of which one of the
None of these
12.Conjugated molecules of carbohydrates and lipids called glycolipids are
found in which one of the following part of cell?
Cell membrane
Cell wall
All of these
13.Pancreatic cells producing digestive enzymes contain well developed
Rough endoplasmic reticulum
Golgi bodies
Smooth endoplasmic reticulum

14.Neutrophils found in our blood are also called _______.

Red blood cells
White blood cells
Both of these
None of these

15.The inner membrane of mitochondria is folded and highly convoluted

known as:


16.The cytoplasm is the material within a living cell, excluding the cell
nucleus. Cytoplasm consists of _______.
Cell organelles
All of these

17.Through the process of osmosis water enters into the vacuole and cells
become _______.

a. Loose their shape b. Flaccid c. Turgid d. None of these

18.40S subunit in ribosomes combine to form ______ particle.

a. 80 S b. 90S c. 70S d. 100S
19.A membrane bounded organelle known as ______, contains powerful
a. Mitochondrion b. centrioles c. lysosomes d. microtubule
20.Unlike plant cells, animal cells have _______.
a. Many vacuoles b. 2 vacuole c. no vacuoles d. 1 vacuole

21.The sarcoplasmic reticulum is a specialized type of ------------ that is

involved in the regulation of calcium ion in the cytoplasm of striated
muscle cells.
a. Nucleus b. smooth ER c. Rough ER d. golgi bodies

22.Enzymes named -------------- involved in the germinating seeds to obtain

food from sugar in glyoxylate cycles.
a. Catalase b. glycolic acid oxidase and catalase
C, glycolic acid oxidase d. hydrolase
Chapter : 5
1. Which of the following statement(s) is/are not true for retroviruses?
a. Retroviruses carry gene for RNA-dependent DNA polymerase
b. The genetic material in mature retroviruses in RNA
c. DNA is not present at any stage in the life cycle of retroviruses.
d. Retroviruses are causative agents for certain kinds of cancer in man.
e. All of these.

2. Each HIV particle possesses a glycoprotein called __________ on its

a. CD4 b. gp120 c. CXCR4 d. nef e. gp8

3. Which of the following viruses is an example of a retrovirus?

a. Tobacco mosaic virus b. HIV c. Hepatitis d. Herpesvirus e. Influenza

4. A ________is a submicroscopic infectious particle composed of a protein

coat and a nucleic acid core.
a. Bacterium b. water mold c. slime mold
d.virus e. all of these

5. Which of the following is NOT true about viruses?

a. Obligate intracellular parasite b. uses host machinery
c.are cellular d. contain DNA and RNA
e. None of these

6. Base plate of a bacteriophage is attached to tail fibers which are

________ in number.
a. 8 b. 9 c. 7 d. 4 e. 6

7. In the lytic cycle of bacteriophage the host DNA is:

a. Turned on by the removal of the protein coat.
b. Replicated
c. Digested into its necleotides
d. Turn off by the protein coat

8. Bacterium which is able to synthesize human growth hormone is

known as :
a. E.coli bacterium b. H.coli bacterium
c… I.coli bacterium d. X.coli bacterium e. all of

9. In the Lysogenic cycle the DNA of the bacteriophage:

a. Attaches to the inner surface of the host membrane.
b. Is immediately degraded when enters the host.
c. Joins the bacterial chromosomes.
d. Goes directly to host ribosomes for translation

10.Genome of Influenza Virus is associated with how many viral proteins?

a. Six b. two c. three d. five e.

11.Once bound to the cell surface, the virus must enter its :
a. Genetic material into the cell b. Cytoplasm into the host cell
c… Capid into the host cell d. Envelope into the host
e, All of these

12.Most bacteriophages have what type of genetic material?

a. Double stranded DNA b. Double stranded RNA
c… Single stranded RNA d. Single stranded DNA
e, None of these

13.Single-stranded RNA viruses that have an RNA genome that is identical

in base sequence to that of mRNA produced by the virus are :
a. Positive strand viruses b. Negative strand viruses
c, mRNA viruses d. complimentary viruses
e, Bacteriophages

14.One important characteristic of viruses is that they :

a. Can multiply outside a living cell
b. do not have an independent metabolism
c. can be cultured in a cell-free medium
d. have an independent metabolism
e. None of these

15.Copying the HIV virus' nucleic acid depends on:

a. Reverse replicase b. Reverse transcriptase
c, RNA polymerase d. Replicase e. Transcriptase

16.The word virus is derived from Latin word venom meaning :

a. Poisonous fluid b. sore fluid c. sweet fluid
d, salty fluid e. None of these

17.Reverse transcriptase is capable of which of the following activity?

a. Acting as a DNA dependent DNA polymerase
b. Acting as a ribonuclease
c. Acting as an RNA dependent and DNA polymerase
d. All of these

18.How does enveloped virus enter into the host cells?

a. By fusion with the plasma membrane of host
b. By phagosytosis
c. By endocytosis
d. By injecting its own nucleic acid inside the host cells.
e. By contact with ceil receptor and endocytosis

19.Reverse transcription, carried out by retroviruses is the process by

which :
a. DNA is duplicated
b. DNA information is copied into RNA
c. RNA is duplicated
d. RNA information is copied into DNA
e. None of these

20.On the basis of which type of characters viruses are considered living?
a. Viruses respond to chemicals, heat and radiations
b. They can undergo multiplication and mutation
c. Because of presence of DNA/RNA
d. They have the ability to reproduce
e. All of these

21.Which of the following biomolecule act as a genetic material for most

of the viruses?
a. RNA b. ssDNA c. ssRNA d. DNA e. DNA OR RNA

22.In the lytic cycle of bacteriophage the host DNA is:

a. Replicated b. turned on by the removal of the protein coat
c, Digested into its nucleotides d. turn off by the protein

23.Base plate of a bacteriophage is attached to tail fibers which are

________ in number.
a. 9 b. 6 c. 8 d. 4 e. 7

24.In the Lysogenic cycle the DNA of the bacteriophage:

a. Joins the bacterial chromosomes.
b. Goes directly to host ribosomes for translation
c. Is immediately degraded when enters the host.
d. Attaches to the inner surface of the host membrane

25.Bacterium which is able to synthesize human growth hormone is

known as :
a. X. coli bacterium b. E.coli bacterium c. H.coli bacterium
d, I.coli bacterium e. All of these

26.Which of the following statement about AIDS is incorrect:

a. Can be prevented
b. b. results in enlargement of lymph nodes
c. is a host specific disease
d. an infected mother cannot pass the virus to her baby
e. none of these

27.By which of the following method HIV can be transmitted?

a. Shaking hands with an AIDS patient
b. Sexual intercourse with an AIDS patient
c. Touch inanimate objects handled by an AIDS patient
d. Inhalation of respiratory from AIDS patients
e. Sharing food with an AIDS patient.

28.How many forms of viral hepatitis have been found so far?

a. 5 b. 6 c. 7 d.4 e.9 f.3

29.The disease exists in short-term (acute) and long-term (chronic) forms.

How long does acute hepatitis last?
a. Less than 3 months b. 1 month c. About 6 months
c, less than 6 months d. Less than one month
30.Causative agent of herpes simplex virus II lives in:
a. Spine b. middle of spine c. base of spine
d, top of spine e. neck region

31.The oral polio vaccine multiplies in the :

a. Intestine b. pancreas c. gallbladder d. stomach e. liver

32.Which form of hepatitis can be passed on through contaminated food

or water?
a. Hepatitis A b. Hepatitis A and E c. Hepatitis B
d, Hepatitis C e. all of these

33.Protein particles that cause diseases by converting other protein's

tertiary structure are:
a. Oncogenes b. bacteria c. phage d. viroids e. prions

34.Complex symptoms like severe pneumonia, vascular tumor, sudden

weight loss, swollen lymph nodes and immune deficiency are features
a. Hepatitis b. AIDS c. Polio d. HIV

35.When HIV invades in an individual, it destroys its :

a. Respiratory system b. nervous system c. circulatory system
d, digestive system e. immune system

36.Why is poliovirus able to survive in the gastric environment and other

harsh conditions?
a. Its capsid is composed of flagellin potein
b. It is a dsDNA virus.
c. It is a segmented ssRNA virus
d. It has phospholipids envelope
e. It has a naked capsid

37.What are the targets for herpes simplex viruses?

A. Hepatocytes b. Mucous membrane c. meninges d. epidermis

38.Which statement regarding the herpesvirus family is incorrect?

a. They are enveloped viruses
b. They replicated in the host cell cytoplasm
c. They commonly cause infections in immunocompromised individuals
d. They tend to be latent viruses and cause recurrent infections
e. They often incorporate their nucleic acid into the host genome

39.Which of these things can cause hepatitis?

a. Viruses b. medicine and alcohol c. lack of blood supply to the liver
d, immune system that’s not working as it should e. all of these

40.Chronic infection with hepatitis C virus usually leads to:

a. Inflammation of pancreas b. leukemia c. Liver cirrhosis
c. Kidney failure e. all of these

41.Normal prion proteins are present in which type of cells?

a. Pancreatic cells b. chief cells c. cardiac cells
d, liver cells e. stem cells

42.Naked strands of RNA that infect plants are :

b. Priorin b. poison c. virioid
d, virusoid e. virion

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